Waterwise Homes and Gardens
Find out how you can save water in your home and garden.
Following are tips on how you can be more waterwise in your garden.
Hand watering makes up only 3% of household water use and is a very small figure compared to the amount of water used on irrigation. However, water use in this area can be reduced by switching to drip irrigation where possible, as this is the most efficient form of irrigation. Reducing the number of pot plants you have is another option as pot plants use more water than plants in the ground.
Lawn requires a lot of water compared to other types of low water using plants. Replacing your lawn with waterwise plants will save you time watering, maintaining irrigation, fertilising and mowing. Lawn may be replaced with waterwise plants, groundcovers or mulch.
Visit the Water Corporation website for information on creating a water-efficient verge.
Note: Verge landscaping requires approval from your local Shire.
Local native species are a great option as West Australian plants are adapted to survive the dry conditions of our long summers, and the bountiful biodiversity of our region provides a variety of species to suit the needs of any garden.
Be wary of native plants from the Eastern states. Although they require little water, they often have potential to escape from gardens and become bushland weeds.
Find out more about choosing native plants for your garden and property.
Group plants together in your garden by their water needs.
Plants that need very little water can be grouped together and higher water using plants can be placed in a separate area. This makes for much more efficient watering and reduces water use.
A 5−10cm layer of mulch over the soil will allow water to drain into the soil and prevent evaporation.
Waterwise mulch should be of a chunky consistency rather than fine so it will soak up the water, compact and prevent water filtering through to the plant’s roots.
Mulch also helps suppress weeds, which reduces maintenance.
Top up mulch each year to maintain the appropriate level but do not place mulch so that it contacts the stems of the plant as this can cause the plant to rot. Mulch should be well composted to prevent the spread of disease and weeds.
Be aware that adding mulch can cause nitrogen drawdown. This is when micro-organisms such as fungi and bacteria start to compost the woody materials on the soil surface. To do this they need to draw nutrients out of the soil. Nitrogen drawdown results in the competition for nutrients between the plant roots and the mulch on the surface being broken down.
To combat this, first place a 1−2cm layer of well-rotted cow manure or compost on the soil around your plant, then the woody mulch layer on top of this. The manure will directly provide nutrients for the plants and creates a ‘buffer’ so the mulch sitting on top won’t compete and draw nutrients out of the soil away from the roots.
Irrigation is most efficient when water is applied to the root area of the plants rather than spraying the leaves. For this reason, drip irrigation systems are highly efficient, and are a cheap option for your garden. A drip irrigation system prevents loss of water through surface evaporation, especially if it is installed under a good layer of mulch. Watering early in the morning before 9:00am or in the evening after 6:00pm will help to avoid evaporative loss.
A waterwise irrigation design shop can provide you with the most expert up-to-date advice on waterwise irrigation systems.
Visit the Water Corporation’s website for the current list of Waterwise Specialists. This website also has lots of useful information on improving your soil, creating waterwise gardens and choosing waterwise plants.
Soil improvement makes a big difference, as adding clay and organic matter to your soil will improve its structure to help it retain water and nutrients.
When planting new plants, add organic matter into the planting hole, mixing it in with soil from the hole and water in well. The organic matter feeds the plant and promotes healthy soil life (microbes and worms) that support the plant’s health. It also helps improve soil structure so it will better distribute and hold water. The rule of thumb is to add an amount of organic matter to the planting hole equivalent to the amount of potting mix in the plant pot.
Addition of commercial soil wetting agents can also help soils absorb water and get to the plant roots. Both sandy and clay soils will benefit from the addition of organic matter. This guide to fertilising your lawn and garden provides useful information to get the best out of your outdoor spaces.
Visit the Water Corporation website for information on improving your soil.
Reusing household waste water sourced from the shower, laundry tub and wash basins allow you to use this undervalued resource to keep your garden lush and healthy. The nutrients in the greywater from the laundry wash cycle can reduce the amount of fertiliser you need to add to your garden.
Collected rainwater may also be used to irrigate your garden. However, as garden irrigation requires much more water usage than is required in the house, you may prefer to save your store of rainwater for inside rather than outside use.
A good rainwater tank vendor will work with you to match your tank size to your household needs.
Shower and bath use account for 25%, or one quarter of household water use. Find out how you can reduce water use in the shower.
Toilets attribute 9% of household water use. The Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) Scheme website notes that “an oldstyle single flush toilet can use up to 12 litres of water in one flush, whereas more water efficient dual flush toilets average less than four litres”.
Ways to reduce the amount of water used include the following:
Evaporative air conditioners scroll to top
If using evaporative air conditioning one way to save water is to collect water bled from the air conditioner by putting a container under the dump pipe and emptying it onto your pot plants.
Note that this water is higher in total dissolved salts than tap water due to the evaporative process of the air conditioner. Reusing this water also requires some vigilance so that water is not left standing as this could allow mosquitos to breed.
4% of water consumed in the average Perth residence is the result of leaks. This is a significant figure given that this water is not being used for any useful purpose.
An easy way to check for leaks is to read your water meter before going to bed, avoid using taps or the toilet overnight and read the meter again in the morning. If there is a change in the reading you may have one or more leaks.
Small leaks take longer to show so it is good to wait this length of time in order to pick them up. If you suspect a large leak, you need only wait a couple of hours before checking the meter again. If a leak is detected first check all taps and fittings, and try the toilet food colouring leak test described above.
Change all washers and seals you can manage yourself and if you are still experiencing a leak contact a plumber.
Visit the Water Corporation website for more tips on detecting leaks.
Though pool and spa water use seems small at only 2% of household water use, installing a pool blanket (pool cover) to prevent evaporation can save a staggering 50,000L of water a year, amounting to thirteen buckets a day.
The pool blanket should cover the pool whenever it is not in use. As well as conserving water a pool cover can help reduce your pool’s chemical consumption (as this evaporates along with the water), reduce cleaning time by keeping dirt and falling leaves out of the pool and can also make your pool warmer to swim in.
Dishwasher use makes up 1% of the average household use, and the WELS rating system mentioned also applies to dishwashers.
If you are buying a new dishwasher, choose a highly rated model. Also save water by waiting until your dishwasher is full before turning it on to maximise the benefit from the water used. To save a significant amount of energy, turn off the drying cycle and open the door to let your dishes air dry naturally.
For more information about being waterwise, visit the Water Corporation website or contact the Shire’s Environmental Team on 9290 6651 or email shire@mundaring.wa.gov.au.