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European wasps are dangerous pests and must be reported.
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is the agency responsible for managing European Wasps in Western Australia. DPIRD work closely with local governments and the public to provide surveillance traps, wasp tracking, nest location and destruction, public awareness and community trapping programs.
DPIRD are heavily reliant on reports from the public and the initial detections within the Shire a few short years ago indeed came from vigilant locals. DPIRD act on all suspicious wasp reports and work with land owners to set traps and locate nests.
It is very important that you report sightings of suspicious wasp activity. The European Wasp can be mistaken for the more common paper nest wasp. Find out how to identify European Wasps.
If you believe you have sighted a European Wasp, contact the Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS) on 9368 3080 or email, or via the MyPestGuide app.
To find out more about European Wasps, visit the DPIRD website.