
Public place

This includes

  • Any thoroughfare or place which the public are allowed to use, whether or not the thoroughfare or place is on private property
  • Local government property

It does not include premises on private property from which trading is lawfully conducted under a written law.


A stall is a movable or temporarily fixed structure, stand or table in, on or from which goods or services are sold, hired or offered for sale or hire.


This includes

  • The selling or hiring of, the offering for sale or hire of or the soliciting of orders for goods or services in a public place
  • Displaying goods in any public place for the purpose of offering them for sale or hire, inviting offers for sale or hire or carrying out any other transaction
  • The going from place to place, whether or not the places are public places, and offering goods or services for sale or hire

It does not include:

  • The setting up of a stall or the conducting of a business at a stall under the authority of a stallholder's permit
  • The selling or the offering for sale of goods and services to, or the soliciting of orders for goods and services from a person who sells those goods or services
  • The selling or the offering for sale or hire by a person of goods of her or his own manufacture or services which he or she provides; and
  • The selling or hiring or the offering for sale or hire of:
    1. goods by a person who represents a manufacturer of the goods; or
    2. services by a person who represents a provider of the services.

which are sold directly to consumers and not through a shop.

Non-event trading

Shire land

Trading on Shire owned or managed land can activate spaces by encouraging their use, deliver positive social outcomes and be beneficial for the trading business as well as the wider community.

The Shire invites the opportunity for businesses to trade in Shire public spaces in a manner that ensures these activities do not adversely affect public safety, local business operators or the amenity of the area.

Trading on the Shire owned or managed land must comply with the Shire of Mundaring Activities on Thoroughfares and Trading in Thoroughfares and Public Places Local Law.

This Local Law requires anyone wishing to trade in a public place to obtain a permit from Shire of Mundaring. 

The following vendors currently have permits to trade on Shire owned land

Stall Location Products Approved Days
Boya Library and Community Centre, Boya Thai / Asian Cuisine Wednesday, Friday
Mundaring Community Sculpture Park

Coffee and snacks

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Lot 185 Balfour Road, Swan View Coffee and snacks

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

3275 Jacoby Street, Mundaring Burgers, rolls, chips, salads, curries, nachos, cold desserts Wednesday
3275 Jacoby Street, Mundaring Thai / Asian cuisine Thursday, Saturday
3275 Jacoby Street, Mundaring Burgers, chips and drinks Friday
Alternating Location - Boya Oval, Pine Terrace, Wooroloo Hall, Chidlow Recreation Ground Burgers, chips and drinks Wednesday

Non-Shire land

An annual Trader Application is required and the applicant must demonstrate consent of the landowner. 

The applicant may require planning approval in order to trade on private property. To discuss planning requirements, please contact the Shire’s Planning Services on 9290 6740.  

Event trading

Under the Shire of Mundaring Activities on Thoroughfares and Trading in Thoroughfares and Public Places Local Law, all vendors at events must have a valid stallholder permit for food and amusement rides.

There are many options available for vendors who wish to trade at events within Shire of Mundaring. Regardless of the permit, you are required to contact the event organiser directly in order to obtain their approval to operate at the event.

For more information regarding running events within Shire of Mundaring, please visit the Community Events Guide.


Shire of Mundaring may waive any fee for stallholder or traders permits if the stall is conducted:

  • On a portion of a public place adjoining the normal place of business of the applicant; and
  • By a charitable organisation that does not sublet space to, or involve commercial participants in the conduct of a stall or trading.

To apply for a permit or to discuss your proposal further, please contact the Shire’s Health Service on (08) 9290 6742.