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Heritage Significant Places
The rich history of the Shire is embedded in the fabric of the many heritage buildings and places. The Shire of Mundaring is committed to conserving and promoting its local heritage to ensure that its history is preserved for generations to come.
The Shire:
- Has a Heritage Strategy, a Heritage List, a Local Heritage Survey and a Heritage Requirements for Planning Proposals Local Planning Policy.
- Provides financial support to the Mundaring and Hills Historical Society,
- Staff support a Cultural Advisory Group, which includes Heritage representatives.
In accordance with its Heritage Strategy, the management of heritage within the Shire is based upon the themes Knowing, Protecting, Supporting and Celebrating.
Heritage List
Heritage List (PDF)
Local Heritage Survey
The Local Heritage Survey (Previously known as the Municipal Inventory).
Local Heritage Survey (PDF)
Heritage Local Planning Policy
The purpose of the Shire’s Heritage Local Planning Policy is to guide decisions on proposed development affecting places included on the Shire’s Heritage List and Local Heritage Survey. View the Heritage Local Planning Policy below.
Heritage Local Planning Policy
Heritage Strategy
The Heritage Strategy sets the future direction for heritage management and coordinate interpretation initiatives across the Shire (Understanding, Protecting, Sustaining, Celebrating).
Heritage Strategy 2024 - 2029
Contributing to preserving the Shires Heritage
The Shire welcomes any suggestions you may have about preserving, promoting and/or celebrating heritage within the district. Details on how to provide them, and updates on the latest heritage related Shire projects, can be found on the Engage Mundaring website.
Engage Mundaring
Aboriginal Heritage Sites
Aboriginal heritage holds significant value to Aboriginal people for their social, spiritual, historical, scientific, or aesthetic importance within Aboriginal traditions.
The State Government’s Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Inquiry System (ACHIS) provides locations and information about Aboriginal heritage in Western Australia, this can be found via the WA Government website.
Why have a Local Heritage Survey and a Heritage List?
All local governments are required, under the Heritage Act 2018 to compile and maintain a list of places that are / or may become of local cultural heritage significance.
The Local Heritage Survey is a document that provides an invaluable insight of the role heritage places in the Shire of Mundaring play in telling the story of our history. Whereas the purpose of a Heritage List is to identify places that are of significant cultural heritage value and worthy of conservation.
What does the inclusion of a place in the Local Heritage Survey or the Heritage List mean for property owners?
The inclusion of a place in the LHS does not mean that the place cannot be changed. In fact, practical changes and new compatible uses are often the best way to ensure that places are used and enjoyed into the future.
Entry on the Shire’s Heritage List means that the heritage values of the place are recognised in the statutory planning framework.
The impact of future development proposals on the heritage values of the place is a key consideration in the assessing of a development application, as well as the normal planning considerations such as building height limits, setback distances from boundaries etc.
Can I change the interior of a property on the Shire’s Heritage List and/or Local Heritage Survey?
Internal changes are permissible and do not require approval, unless they are structural in nature or affect interior features identified to have heritage significance.
Modification or additions to a place on the Heritage List will usually require development approval and may require referral to the Heritage Council of Western Australia.
What matters do I need to be mindful of when proposing any works to a property on the Shire’s Heritage List and/or Local Heritage Survey?
When carrying out works to such property owners should be mindful that the scale of the works and the new materials are compatible with any existing development remaining, the existing materials, and that any special features of the building are respected.
Can I demolish a property on the Shire’s Heritage List and/or Local Heritage Survey?
If the property is on the Shire’s LHS it will not require development approval. In most cases a demolition permit will need to be obtained from the Shire.
However, if the property is on the Shire’s Heritage List, development approval will be required to be obtained, as well as a demolition permit, prior to demolishing.
Is any financial support available for works to be undertaken on places of heritage significance?
The Heritage Council of Western Australia has commenced a State heritage grant program to offer funding assistance for the conservation, future planning and promotion of heritage places.
The State Heritage Grants stream subsidises the cost of physical conservation works, documentation and professional advice relating to the conservation of State Registered places.
Who can I contact if I have any queries regarding the Shire’s Local Heritage Survey and/or the Shire’s Heritage List?
Useful Links
The State Register
Other types of Heritage listings
State heritage guidelines, publications, strategies and policies