Protecting Our Environment

Many people choose to live within the shire to enjoy the natural environment and wildlife.  

Shire of Mundaring aims to be a leader in local government sustainability and environmental management.

Environmental Sustainability Policy

Sustainable development integrates social, economic and environmental values to meet the needs of the community, without compromising the ecosystems that support life or the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Environmental sustainability includes responsible use of natural resources, protecting ecosystems and biodiversity, maximising energy and water efficiency and minimising pollution and waste sent to landfill.

The Environmental Sustainability Policy demonstrates our community and corporate commitment to the environment. Decision making throughout the Shire should reflect our responsibility to maintain our natural heritage for future generations, and minimise our footprint on the planet wherever possible.

Environmental Sustainability Policy (PDF)

Environmental Strategies and Plans

Environmental Reports and Studies

Approval for clearing or development

To preserve the landscape and biodiversity for current and future residents to enjoy, there are rules protecting creeklines, native vegetation, and habitat trees under the Shire's Local Planning Scheme No.4.  

Most development affecting the natural environment will require planning approval. However there are specific exemptions for certain types of work (e.g. installing perimeter firebreaks to comply with bushfire requirements) or for smaller lots, where retaining bushland is not practical. 

Find out more about approval for clearing or developing land.

More information and contact

For more information, please contact the Shire’s Environmental Team on 9290 6651 or email