Current burning period (1 June 2024 - 1 October 2024)

The Shire of Mundaring is now in the UNRESTRICTED burning period.

No permits are required, and there will be no burning restrictions during this period. Take care and exercise caution and ensure the following is carried out.

  • Smoke is managed around surrounding properties and over the road
  • Piles are checked for native animals before burning
  • Notify your neighbours where possible
  • You are properly equipped
  • Mineral earth breaks are around the area being burnt

Burning Periods - Indicative Only

Shire of Mundaring has three burning periods for the purposes of fire management.

Prohibited Burning

December, January, February and March

All burning, including garden refuse is prohibited during this period. If you see someone burning during the Prohibited Period, please call 000.

Burning period dates may be varied due to climate or weather conditions. Variations will be advertised here, in local newspapers and the Shire's Facebook page.

Restricted Burning

April, May, October and November 

  • A 1sqm pile of garden refuse may be burnt without a permit between 6pm and 11pm.
  • Must be fully extinguished by midnight. Fully extinguished means no heat, smoke or steam and no white ash present where the fire was situated.
  • No more than one pile is to be burnt at any one time.
  • You must obtain a permit to burn before 6pm and follow permit conditions.
  • Burning cannot be undertaken on a day with a HIGH (or above) Fire Danger Rating.

Unrestricted Burning

June, July, August, September

No permits are required, and there will be no burning restrictions during this period. Take care and exercise caution and ensure the following is carried out.

  • Smoke is managed around surrounding properties and over the road
  • Piles are checked for native animals before burning
  • Notify your neighbours where possible
  • You are properly equipped
  • Mineral earth breaks are around the area being burnt

Fires and emergencies

For ALL fires and emergencies call 000.

Fire Danger Ratings (Swan Inland North)

The Fire Danger Rating tells you how dangerous a fire would be if one started. 

From September 2022, the Fire Danger Rating system changed to a new Australian Fire Danger Rating System Nationally backed up by a new Fire Behaviour Index across Australia.  

Ratings are forecast by the Bureau of Meteorology, based on weather and other environmental conditions such as fuel load.

  • Moderate: Plan and prepare
  • High: Be ready to act 
  • Extreme: Take action now to protect life and property
  • Catastrophic: For your survival, leave bushfire risk areas.

There will be no rating level for days where no action is required. 

Shire of Mundaring’s fire weather district falls under the Swan Inland North. The new weather district starts from the Kalamunda/Mundaring border and extends north finishing between Regans Ford and Red Gully.  

Visit DFES for more information.

DFES - Know your Fire Danger Rating

Total Fire Bans and Lake Leschenaultia

Total Fire Bans will be in place without the need for any formal declaration on days the rating is extreme and above.

Public access to Lake Leschenaultia is assessed on a regular basis during the summer to align with Fire Danger Ratings.

On days when the rating is extreme, the lake will be closed to the public but remain open to campers.

If the rating is catastrophic, the lake will be closed to the public and campers.

View Lake Closures

Harvest and Vehicle Movement Bans

The issuing of Harvest and Vehicle Movement Bans will remain the same until changes to legislation and a new grassland model and Fire Behaviour Index and Fire Danger Rating is determined.

The new ratings will also change how Fire Danger Ratings are referenced within the Bush Fires Act 1954, Bush Fires Regulations 1954 and Bush Fires (Infringements) Regulations 1978.

Other important information

More information

For all Fire Emergencies where life or property is under threat, please call 000

Fire and Burning Information line on (08) 9290 6644

Shire of Mundaring Fire Safety Team can be contact via the below for general enquiries