Animal Complaints

Dog attacks

The Dog Act 1976 states an “attack” as follows:

  • If a dog attacks or chases any person or animal and physical injury is caused to the person or animal that is attacked or chased, every person liable for the control of the dog commits an offence or;
  • If a dog attacks or chases any person or animal without causing physical injury to the person or animal that is attacked or chased, every person liable for the control of the dog commits an offence.

Dog attacks on livestock

Dog attacks on livestock can be reduced if livestock owners take precautions and notify others after an attack.

If you find evidence of a dog attack on your livestock, notify the Shire of Mundaring Community Safety team on 9290 6629.

Take any photos or video footage of the dog/s if they are still attacking.

Refer to Section 34 of the Dog Act 1976 for information on how to protect your livestock and your right to use firearms in the event of an attack or a dog trespassing on your property where livestock are kept. (This includes horse, cattle, sheep, swine, goats or poultry.)

Please note: For information on fox attacks and control please refer to the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website.

Barking dog - making a complaint FAQs

The Shire of Mundaring has rules for the management and control of dogs within its boundaries. These rules are consistent with the Dog Act 1976 and are designed to encourage responsible pet ownership.

The following information is provided to address FAQ’s and common issues.

Barking dog - received a complaint FAQs

Noise from roosters and domestic birds

Noise from roosters and domestic birds must comply with assigned levels set out in the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997, at all times.

The owner of any birds that are found to be causing a nuisance or are emitting unreasonable noise may be required to take whatever actions necessary to prevent the emission of unreasonable noise.

Find out how to make a noise complaint.

More information and contact

Please contact Ranger Services on (08) 9290 6629 or email