Rates and Emergency Services Levy rebates

Pensioners may be eligible to claim rebates up to a maximum 50% off current Rates and ESL (Emergency Services Levy), or defer payment and forgo the rebate, in accordance with the Rates and Charges (Rebates and Deferment) Act 1992.

Rubbish charges cannot be deferred and must be paid each year by the due date.

Seniors may be eligible to claim rebates up to a maximum 25% off current Rates and ESL (Emergency Services Levy), but are not eligible to defer payment.

To qualify for rebates, applicants must own and occupy their residence as of 1 July, and hold either a current Pensioner Concession Card, Seniors Card, Seniors and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, or State Concession Card.

How to register for a rebate

To apply for a rebate/concession visit the Water Corporation website or phone 1300 659 951.

A pro-rata rebate may be available for Pensioners and Seniors who become eligible after 1 July. Rebates are calculated from the date your application is received by the Water Corporation.

Arrears and payment options

Please contact us when you have rate arrears outstanding on the property.

You will be required to enter into a payment arrangement against the arrears or pay in full before you can receive either a rebate or if applicable deferment.

Deferring payment

Pensioners are legally entitled to choose to defer the payment of their General Rates for an indefinite period.

During this time, penalty interest is not charged. This option is available for pensioners only (not for senior cardholders).

More information and contact

If you have any questions about pensioner rebates or deferment, please contact us.