Demolition Health Requirements
This page outlines the health requirements that need to be addressed during the Demolition Permit application process.
Rodent baiting
It is important that all buildings scheduled for demolition are baited for rodents. Baits are to be placed in the roof space, under the floor of the building (if possible), in the corners of each room and in all outbuildings that are to be demolished.
If you choose to undertake the baiting yourself you must provide a statutory declaration to the Shire confirming that the work was done as well as the date, amount and location of baits placed throughout the property.
If you engage a licensed Pest Control Operator, you will need to provide a copy of the written report/receipt of work to the Shire.
Please note that where rodent activity is high or an infestation is evident, additional rodent baits will need to be laid in other areas of the property, such as along boundary fences, in wood heaps, etc.
Septic systems
Any onsite effluent disposal systems must be decommissioned by a licensed Liquid Waste contractor (if they will not be retained for a future dwelling). In order to decommission a system you must do the following:
- Engage a registered liquid waste contractor to pump out/empty all septic tanks, soak wells, and leach drains or other on-site disposal systems on the property
- Once they have been pumped out, the tanks should be removed completely
- Leach drains or similar must be completely removed from site
- Confirmation of this work must be provided to the Shire of Mundaring.
Find out more about decommissioning an effluent disposal system.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring material that was widely used in building materials up to 1987. It is commonly found in materials such as:
- Roofing, shingles, eaves and siding
- Fencing
- Exterior and interior wall cladding
- Backing material on floor tiles and vinyl flooring
- Textured paints and
- Water or flue pipes.
Generally it is not possible to determine whether a material contains asbestos simply by looking at it. Careful visual examination and the use of a microscope is the only way to verify the presence of asbestos. Look in the yellow pages under ‘analysts’ for a NATA accredited laboratory that can confirm the presence of asbestos in a product. Unless it can be confirmed that the material does not contain asbestos, it should be treated as if it does contain asbestos.
If you decide to remove asbestos from your home yourself it is important that you comply with the Health (Asbestos) Regulations 1992.
Find out more about asbestos removal and disposal.