Local government elections play an important role in our democratic system and are an excellent opportunity for people to contribute to, and be involved in, their local community.
Local government elections are held every two years on the third Saturday in October. The next state-wide ordinary elections are scheduled for Saturday 18 October 2025. The Shire President and Councillors are elected for a term of four years.
Voting in a local government election is not compulsory in Western Australia. However, all electors are strongly encouraged to vote.
All residents registered on the state electoral roll for an address within the Shire of Mundaring will be automatically registered for Local Government Elections. You can check your enrolment through the West Australian Electoral Commission. If you are not already on the State Electoral Roll and meet the eligibility criteria, or if you have changed address recently, you must complete an enrolment form as detailed below.
Enrolment as a resident
To enrol to vote for Commonwealth, State and Local Government elections you need to be eligible to enrol and complete an enrolment form and return it to the Commission.
You can enrol online or collect an enrolment form from:
- the Commission’s office
- any AEC office
- post offices
Enrolment forms need to be signed and returned to the Commission, as per the instructions on the form.
Non-Resident Property Owners or Non-Owner Property Resident
You may be eligible to vote in Council elections if you are on the State or Commonwealth electoral roll and own rateable property in the Shire, but do not live there.
Please complete the application form to register as non-resident property owner or non-owner property resident (occupier).
Enrolment Eligibility Claim - Owners and Occupiers
All eligible electors are able to vote once in any ward for which they are enrolled. If there are more than two co-owners or occupiers in rateable property (including a body corporate or business), two eligible electors can be nominated to represent the group of owners or occupiers.
You may be eligible to vote in Council elections if you are on the State or Commonwealth electoral roll and who occupy rateable property in the Shire (by leasing or renting). If there are more than two co-owners or occupiers in rateable property (including a body corporate or business), two eligible electors can be nominated to represent the group of owners or occupiers.
Please review the eligibility criteria for occupiers below:
- Occupiers do not have continuous enrolment and should contact the Shire to confirm their status
- To be eligible to enrol as an occupier, you must have a right of continuous occupation under a lease, tenancy agreement or other legal instrument
- This must be for at least the next three months following the date of the application to enrol
- Occupiers and occupier nominees remain on the roll for a period of two elections after their enrolment is accepted
- They are then taken off the roll six months after the second election
- They must then re-enrol if they wish to continue as electors.
The Shire has previously appointed the Western Australian Electoral Commission (WAEC) to conduct the local government election as a postal vote election and are likely to continue this practice for future elections. This ensures the the election is managed independently and with impartiality. The WAEC appoints a Returning Officer to oversee the election, with this person taking candidate nominations, receiving votes and supervising the count on election night.
The voting method for local government elections is optional preferential voting (OPV), with elections conducted by either in person voting or through postal voting. Votes must be received by the Returning Officer by 6.00pm on polling day in order to be counted.
Postal voting packages are mailed to all eligible electors on the local government electoral roll. Packages include a list of candidates, ballot papers, instructions on how to vote, a declaration and a reply paid envelope. To vote, complete the ballot papers, place them in the declaration envelope and then the pre-paid envelope and post the envelope in the mail. A ballot box is also made available at the Administration Building during the voting period to enable electors to return their ballot papers in person.
Make sure to post in your vote as soon as possible to ensure it will be received by the Returning Officer by 6.00pm on election day. Votes must be received by this time in order to be counted.
If you miss the postal deadline, you can hand-deliver your vote to the Administration Centre by 6.00pm on election day. There is no absent voting in postal elections. You can only hand-deliver your vote during opening hours.
If you lose your postal package, or you didn’t receive it, you can request a replacement package. Visit the Administration Centre during opening hours to complete an Application for Replacement Postal Voting Papers to receive a replacement package and you can pick-up and complete the form on-the-spot.
Results are made available on the WAEC website as soon as possible after the close of polls, and official notice is also given as soon as practicable following the election.
Councillors and Shire Presidents are elected representatives of the community who work together as an elected body to make decisions that shape the future of the Shire. They should represent the interests of their electors, ratepayers and residents.
Becoming a council member is a big decision with many obligations and commitments. To help candidates understand what their role will be if they are elected, the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries provides valuable information on their website.
All candidates are required to complete a compulsory online induction prior to submitting their nomination. Access the module on the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries' website. We also recommend that you attend Candidate Information Sessions (date and host to be advised leading up to the election).
To nominate as a candidate, visit the WAEC website to access the nomination form and complete and submit it to the Returning Officer (TBA) during the nomination period.
All candidates are subject to the electoral gift requirements of the Local Government (Elections) Regulations 1997, including candidates who are current Council members.
Electoral gifts do not include the provision of volunteer labour, gifts by will, or gifts by a relative (as defined by section 5.74(1) of the Act).
Details of gifts received by unsuccessful candidates are removed from the electoral gift register in accordance with regulation 30G(3) of the Local Government (Elections) Regulations 1997.
Electoral Gift Register
2023 Ordinary Election
The results of the 2023 Ordinary Election are available on the Western Australian Electoral Commission website.
2022 Extraordinary Election
The results of the 2022 Extraordinary Election are available on the Western Australian Electoral Commission website.
2021 Ordinary Election
The results of the 2021 Ordinary Election are available on the Western Australian Electoral Commission website.
More information and contact
For more information about the local government elections, visit the WA Electoral Commission website or the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries website.
For council members details and wards, refer to the Council Members and Wards page.