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Local government planning approval
To preserve the landscape and biodiversity for current and future residents to enjoy, there are rules protecting creek lines, native vegetation, and habitat trees under the Shire's Local Planning Scheme No.4.
Most development affecting the natural environment will require planning approval. However there are specific exemptions for certain types of work (e.g. installing perimeter firebreaks to comply with bushfire requirements) or for smaller lots, where retaining bushland is not practical. It is also possible to vary firebreak locations to protect habitat trees or avoid sensitive areas, by requesting permission for 'alternative fire management arrangements' (see Fire Management section for more information or phone 9290 6696).
Clearing native vegetation or modifying watercourses without approval may be an offence under the Planning and Development Act 2005 and other legislation.
If you are unsure whether your plans will require planning approval, contact the Planning Service on 9290 6740 or email
Find out if you also require a Clearing Permit from the WA Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.
Environmental Asset Inspection
Landowners can request a Shire Environmental Asset Inspection (EAI) to identify key environmental features on site, before paying for surveyors or drawing up detailed plans.
If you are building a house in a bushfire prone area, the Environmental Officer can usually arrange to be on site at the same time as you and your Bushfire Consultant to ensure clear communication and avoid potential costs and delays from revising plans.
Find out more about Environmental Asset Inspections.
Development in bushfire prone areas
Residential developments, such as a house or granny flat or a home business with employees, will usually require a Bushfire Management Statement to be submitted with the application for planning approval. This is in addition to the bushfire attack level (BAL) rating and needs to be prepared by an appropriately qualified bushfire consultant.
Applications for large or high risk developments would require a more comprehensive Bushfire Management Plan.
Find out more about development in bushfire prone areas.
Keeping of stock
Keeping livestock can be a rewarding hobby or occupation for many landowners and occupiers in the Shire.
However, livestock also has the potential to cause environmental damage and can present a noise, dust, odour nuisance to adjoining neighbours. For this reason, planning approval is required to keep livestock in the Shire.
The intention of planning controls is to manage and promote sustainable keeping of livestock on land within the Shire, in a way that preserves and enhances the rural lifestyle and amenity of the area and protect environmental assets.
For more information, please contact the Shire’s Environmental Team on 9290 6651 or email
See also:
State Government permits and approvals
Some works or land uses may require State Government approvals, separate to local government planning approvals. Clearing of native vegetation may require a clearing permit from the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.
Works in or near a watercourse (creekline or wetland area) may require a beds and banks permit from Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.
Clearing or development that affects protected native species, or the Helena River floodplain, may require separate approvals from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.
Federal Government approvals
Clearing of federally protected habitats (including banksia woodlands and black-cockatoo habitat trees) may require referral to the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water - DCCEEW