Executive Team


Jason Whiteaker - Chief Executive Officer

Jason has 29 years’ experience in local government. He has a strong background in finance and corporate services.  He has previously held CEO positions in two other WA local governments.  



Garry Bird - Director Corporate Services

Garry is a local government professional with 30 years' experience in the sector and joined the Shire of Mundaring in 2019.

Garry has a Bachelor of Business from Curtin University, a diploma of Management (Local Government) from TAFE and is an active member of the Local Government Professionals network.

He has held senior management positions at a number of local governments and has specialised in the corporate services functions.

Business teams within the Directorate include Finance, Customer Service, Governance, Human Resources, Information Technology and Records Management.


Megan Griffiths - Director Strategic and Community Services

Megan has extensive experience and skills in the human services and community engagement field in the not-for-profit, local and state government sectors.

Megan has a Bachelor of Art Degree from Deakin University and a post graduate Certificate of Business from Queensland University of Technology. Megan is a graduate and member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

A function of the Strategic and Community Services Directorate is to provide opportunities for community members to participate in and access activities, services and facilities that meet the diverse needs of the community and enhance community wellbeing. 

Service teams within the Directorate include Recreation and Tourism Services, Family and Children's Services, Community Engagement, Communications and Library Services.



Mark Luzi - Director Statutory Services

Mark has 42 years' experience working within the local government sector. During the past 16 years at Shire of Mundaring, Mark's achievements have included contributing to the development of new Local Planning Strategies and Schemes, project management and leadership development.

Mark is a registered Planner, registered Building Surveying practitioner, gazetted Environmental Health Officer and has qualifications in Business Management and Public Safety (Emergency Management).

The teams within the Directorate include Enviornmental Health, Building Approvals and Compliance, Town Planning, Emergency Management, Environmental Services and Community Safety. 

Shane Purdy - Director Infrastructure Services

Shane is a civil engineer with a Bachelor's degree from University of WA and two post graduate management diplomas from Curtin University and Deakin University.

With extensive experience and skills in municipal engineering developed from 30 years of local government employment, this experience commenced from hands-on design and construction experience through to executive level management. Shane has been the Shire's Director Infrastructure Services for 19 years. 

Shane participates in various committees of the Institute of Public Works and is Chair of the Metropolitan Regional Road Group's technical committee. 

Business teams within the Directorate include Building Assets, Waste, Operations and Design.