Please note: The information provided below is intended to be a guide only and may change without notice. Additional information or approvals may be required from other agencies and it shall be the sole responsibility of the Event Organiser, not Shire of Mundaring, to ensure all relevant approvals and information are obtained in relation to each particular event.
Shire of Mundaring is not liable for any costs arising from or associated with decisions based on information provided below and users should obtain expert advice to satisfy all requirements of the relevant legislation applicable.
Organisers of public events are responsible for protecting the health, safety and welfare of those who may be affected by the event and may also be held liable for any incidents.
It does not matter if you are a professional event organiser or it is your first event, all events need to meet the same requirements and regulations.
To maximise event safety, all statutory requirements, relevant permits, approvals and bookings need to be completed before the event. It is good practice to have all these in place before the event is publicly advertised.
If you have any queries about the event application process or the information provided below, please let us know. Shire staff are available and can be contacted by phone on (08) 9290 6748 or by email on
Public and private events have different types and levels of approvals required. Please use the following definitions as a guide for your event so you are clear which type of event you are organising.
A public event is any organised one-off or regular (i.e. weekly, monthly, annually) activity or function on public or private land where people are brought together at a given time and place for entertainment, recreation, cultural or community purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, festivals, markets, concerts, arts and cultural events, street parties or parades, sporting events and commercial activities.
Private events are not open to members of the public, such as private parties, weddings, funerals, school sports carnivals, seasonal use of sporting facilities by schools for sports carnivals and incorporated sporting clubs for ordinary club related activities (excluding events not forming the regular functions of the club).
Private events on Shire property may still require health and building approvals if there are activities such as bouncy castles, alcohol consumption, loud music and the selling of food.
Event organisers need to be realistic with their time frames. The checklist below provides a general guide to acceptable time frames for an event. Large complex events may require longer time frames and small simple events may require shorter time frames.
Access and inclusion
Access refers to physical access to the built, natural and virtual environment, including buildings, recreational facilities, parks, reserves, events, and media and communication.
Inclusion occurs when a diversity of people (e.g. of different age, sexual and/or gender diversity, culture and ability) feel welcome and respected, have access to opportunities, and can contribute and participate in activities and events.
Planning an accessible and inclusive event improves the experience for all attendees and the event performers and organisers. To enable event organisers to create an accessible and inclusive event the Shire requires completion of an Event Access and Inclusion Checklist.
To assist you to plan an accessible and inclusive event, explore the Shire's Accessible and Inclusive Event Toolkit.
Advertising and signage
Shire of Mundaring supports the use of temporary signs to promote community service events and community tourism events.
Signage on public reserves including road verges and parks require Shire approval. Please discuss your plans for public reserve signage with Building Services on (08) 9290 6660 or email
A temporary community/tourism event sign may be installed at no charge at a number of designated Shire controlled sites; subject to the location being available for booking. The sites have been selected to ensure effective exposure without unduly affecting the amenity or road safety in the area.
There are 13 approved sites for placement of community event signs within the Shire. Each site can accommodate either one or two signs (please note a maximum of 10 signs are permitted per event). To book a site, please visit Book Community Event Signs | SpacetoCo. For enquiries, contact Recreation Services on (08) 9290 6731 or email
Event advertising and signage needs to be erected in a safe manner that does not impact amenity or cause damage to the environment.
For more information on the requirements, please refer to Guidelines -Temporary Community Events and Tourism Events Signage.
If alcohol is intended to be allowed to be consumed at your event on Shire property, a ‘Consent to Consume Alcohol’ form needs to be completed and submitted.
If alcohol is to be sold at the event the Liquor Licensing Act 1988 requires that an occasional licence be obtained for any short term service of alcohol from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries using their Occasional Liquor Licence Lodgement Guide.
A liquor license application must be lodged with the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries as per below.
Number of patrons at the event |
Lodge no later than |
Up to 500 patrons |
14 days |
Between 501 and 5000 patrols |
60 days |
Over 5001 patrons |
90 days |
Amusement and mechanical rides
To include amusement rides at an event, the applicant must supply the following for each amusement structure:
- Amusement Ride Stallholder application;
- Current Public Liability Insurance Policy (events on Shire land only);
- Worksafe Plant Registration;
- Current Annual Inspection Certificate; and
- Pictures of amusement ride.
The event organiser needs to collate all stallholder applications and fees and then submit them to the Shire of Mundaring’ Health Services. This is to ensure that all permits issued by the Shire are for vendors that are approved by the event organiser. Please contact Health Services on (08) 9290 6742 to discuss.
Animals and petting zoos
Petting zoos include animal nurseries, mobile farms and animal show/s exhibits. Event organisers considering animals should familiarise themselves with the Department of Health WA Petting Zoo Guidelines and contact the Shire of Mundaring’ Health Services for specific requirements and restrictions.
Booking a venue
Bookings for Shire Facilities including Lake Leschenaultia can be made via the Shire of Mundaring SpacetoCo page. Information on Shire venues can also be found on the Venues and Facilities for Hire page of the Shire’s website.
Terms and Conditions of Hire
Food Preparation Shire of Mundaring Facilities
Linemarking Requirements
Community engagement and consultation
Events may impact neighbours, businesses or other events due to using the same area, restricting access, creating additional traffic or parking requirements or impacting on the amenity of the area.
It may be a requirement to have a consultation process that considers:
- Clash with fixtures for sports in the relevant sporting season;
- Clash with other scheduled events;
- Clash of parking needs with adjoining venue users;
- Damage/wear/litter to the ground for subsequent events/activities;
- Noise from your event and competing noise from nearby industries/activities;
- Whether neighbouring private land may be used for parking.
Evidence of consultation with or confirmation of the support of parties being impacted may be requested by the Shire.
You may also need to notify agencies such as the Police, State Emergency Services, Fire Brigade or St John Ambulance depending on the type of event you are holding.
If photography or filming of events includes the use of an Unmanned Aerial System (Drone/ UAS) approvals will apply from Airservices Australia and/or the Civil Aviation Safety Authority. Evidence of approvals need to be provided to the Shire during the Shire’s approval process.
Electrical power
Electrical power may be required in areas where there is no access to mains power, specifically for additional lighting of the facilities or in case of an emergency.
Electrical outlets should only be supplied for a reticulated power supply. Supplies may originate from a supply authority or onsite generators. If onsite generators are proposed, each generator must be connected to its own earth electrode driven into the ground.
The Health (Public Buildings) Regulations 1992 require that a licensed electrical contractor tests electrical leads and portable outlet devices (power boards) and items every six months. A tag to identify the item, date tested and the electrical contractor should be fixed to the tested equipment. New equipment requires a tag to define when it was brought into the service.
An electrical contractor must certify that permanent and temporary electrical installations comply with the Health (Public Buildings) Regulations 1992, by submitting a Form 5, Certificate of Electrical Compliance. Event organisers will receive a copy of this form with the event approval. It is intended to ensure that an installation from the point of supply to the final distribution outlet is available to the end user and is safe. The protection thereafter relies upon the quality of the equipment provided by the end user and the mandatory testing and tagging of all portable electrical equipment, plugs, sockets and leads every twelve months in accordance with AS3760.
For further information, please contact Health Services on 9290 6742.
Environmental sustainability
There are a broad range of sustainable practices that you can apply to your event to reduce its environmental impact. You can choose sustainable products and suppliers to reduce energy, water and waste.
Event capacity
The maximum number of people allowed to attend an event will depend on one or more of the following factors:
- Floor area – The Health (Public Buildings) Regulations 1992 specify ratios of persons per square metre of available area. If formal seating is provided, the number of seats will have an impact on capacity;
- Toilet facilities – Toilet ratios are dependent upon the event type and duration. Toilet requirements are shown in this guideline under Public Toilets;
- Exits – If the event has specific exits, the number and aggregate width of exits may also limit the capacity. The Building Code of Australia (BCA) is used to determine this capacity;
- Ventilation requirements – For traditional buildings, both the Health (Public Buildings) Regulations 1992 and the BCA require mechanical ventilation to comply with AS 1668.2, Mechanical Ventilation for Buildings. This standard specifies a ratio for supply air quantities and therefore may limit the building capacity if the air quantities are insufficient;
- Health restrictions such as those determined by COVID-19 Health Directions.
Face and body painting
Where face or body painting will be conducted at the event, the painters must be familiar with the Department of Health Guidelines for Face and Body Painting.
Fire safety
Fire safety equipment and fire prevention precautions are necessary to protect the safety of patrons, employees and volunteers at events.
All extinguishers must be kept fully charged and maintained in accordance with AS 1851.1. This standard requires extinguishers to be tested at least every six months and the test dates clearly identified on each extinguisher.
Large-scale events may be subject to additional requirements from the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES).
As a minimal fire safety requirement, at least one 4.5 kg B (E) dry chemical powder extinguisher should be located within 2–4 metres of:
- Any electrical generator or switchboard;
- Any flammable liquid or gas containers; and/or
- Any food preparation/cooking area and backstage area.
Approvals for holding fireworks is done through the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety using their form Applying for a Fireworks Event Permit form.
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority may need to be notified. Information on this can be found on their laser and light show page.
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority may need to be notified. Information on this can be found on their fireworks page.
First aid
A first aid post is an essential safety requirement for any event. First Aid services can be booked through a number of organisations, including St John’s Ambulance. It is also essential to ensure that there are unobstructed emergency ambulance access ways to the area.
The number of first aid personnel and first aid posts required vary with the type of event. As a guide the following can be used:
Number of persons (at any one time) |
Qualified First Aiders |
First Aid Posts |
500 |
2 |
1 |
1000 |
4 |
1 |
2000 |
6 |
1 |
5000 |
8 |
2 |
10,000 |
12 |
2 |
Food and beverages
For all events that will be selling or serving food/beverages, event organisers need to ensure that all food vendors/suppliers provide their Certificate of Registration to the Shire via a stallholder application. It is recommended the event organiser requests a copy of each food vendors/suppliers’ public liability certificate for their records.
If your event location already has food/beverage vendors who currently trade at your chosen venue, it is recommend the event organisers approach these vendors first before approaching outside vendors.
For further information, please contact Health Services on 9290 6742.
The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries provides executive support to the Gaming and Wagering Commission of Australia which is responsible for administering the Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 and the Casino Control Act 1984.
A permit may be issued to an organisation for an event on the proviso that the purpose of raising funds is not for private gain or commercial undertaking.
Full permit details and applications can be obtained from the gaming applications page of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries website.
Gas safety
Energy Safety may carry out onsite gas safety inspection of gas appliances before and during use in public venues to ensure compliance with the Act, Regulations and Australian Standards.
Energy Safety can request immediate correction of any unsafe condition.
It is recommended that the event organiser requests that food van and stall holders have been checked and tested by a licensed gas fitter in the last 12 months. If the cylinders are accessible by the public they are required to be protected to prevent tampering and accidental dislodgement.
Please refer to the Use of gas appliances in public venues guidelines and checklist available available from the Department of Commerce website.
- Community Event Grants;
- Milestone Event Grants; and
- Volunteer Recognition Events.
It is possible that photographs / videos will be taken during an event which may feature close up images of individuals or small groups. The event organiser should be aware that as per the Privacy Act 1988, permission must be obtained from each individual before such images are used for promotional use such as brochures, newsletters, web sites, etc. This can be done via Image Release Forms.
It is important that groups running events have sufficient insurance that will cover them in case something goes wrong. If the event is not organised or ‘auspiced’ by an incorporated body, individual members of the organising group are at risk of being held legally responsible for any accidents.
Public liability insurance to the value of at least $20 million is required for all events in the Shire of Mundaring. Copies of Certificates of Currency from all participants and service providers will be required to illustrate they have adequate Product and Public Liability Insurance. Also ensure that you comply with any additional requirements imposed by your insurer with particular regard to public liability.
Other types of insurance may also be relevant to your event, including but not limited to:
- Workers Compensation Insurance;
- Volunteers’ Insurance;
- Motor Vehicle Insurance;
- Public Liability Insurance of any sub-contractor;
- Public Liability Insurance and contact details of all participants in the event; and
- Event Cancellation Insurance.
More information or advice on insurance can be found on the Local Community Insurance Services website.
Laser light displays
If your event involves laser/s you must comply with the provision of Australian Standards 2211 “Laser Safety” and must be operated by a licensed Laser Safety Officer. For further information email the Radiation Health Branch via
The Shire will require copies of all applicable licenses and laser registrations. Also refer to the Code of Practice for the safe use of lasers in the entertainment industry.
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority also has to be notified. Information on this can be found on their laser and light show page.
Legislative requirements
There may be a range of legislative requirements applicable to your event. An example of some that are relevant to events include:
- Health Act 1911
- Health (Public Buildings) Regulations 1992
- Shire of Mundaring Local Laws
- Food Regulations 2009 or the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (Standard 3.1.1, 3.2.2, and 3.2.3).
- Explosives and Dangerous Goods Act 1961
- National Construction Code
- Local Government Act 1995
- Occupational Health Safety and Welfare Act and Regulations
- Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997
- Liquor Licensing Act 1988
- Security and Related Activities (Control) Act 1996
- State Disability Services Act (1993)
- Disability Discrimination Act (1992)
For more information on any of the above legislation visit the Government of Western Australia, WA Legislation.
Areas available to the public at night should be illuminated for the duration of the event and to facilitate people leaving the event. For general areas, illumination to an average as low as 10 lux at ground level with no area less than 5 lux. Lighting should be energised approximately one hour prior to sunset to allow time for any unserviceable lights to be repaired before sunset.
In the event of an emergency, a system must be in place that provides lighting, particularly for exit paths. For crowded areas, especially for concerts and areas licensed to consume alcohol, there must be a system in place that will allow areas to be flood-lighted instantaneously in the event of an emergency. The supplies and controls for these lights should be independent of any production lights and controlled from a location attended at all times by a designated person.
Please contact Health Services on 9290 6742 for further information.
Event organisers should give consideration to the impact of noise on the local community. The Shire can take action if it considers the noise to be unreasonable.
The Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 determine manageable noise levels for specific areas and times. They also recognise that in some cases sporting, cultural or entertainment events would lose character or usefulness if required to comply with the lower assigned level. Regulation 18 allows an application for non-complying events subject to noise management plans and conditions.
For further information, please contact Health Services on 9290 6742.
Non-compliant events
Events that do not receive all relevant permits and approvals may not proceed. It is the ultimate responsibility of the event organiser to ensure all relevant approvals have been obtained from Shire of Mundaring and other approving agencies.
Should the relevant approvals not be obtained, and the event organiser intends to proceed with the event, Shire of Mundaring is required to act in accordance with its statutory obligations under the Health Act 1911, in order to protect public health and safety.
Should this situation arise, Shire of Mundaring will, in accordance with section 179 of the Health Act 1911, direct the Event Organiser to:
- Not proceed with the event;
- Ensure that the event is not opened to the public; and
- Refuse to allow any person to enter the event.
Planning approval
Your event may require planning approval in the following situations:
- If your event is held on private land;
- If your event changes the use of an area e.g. if a parking facility is turned into a public event space or when a private party is held on public land; or
- If your event runs over a period of time or is part of a series of consecutive events.
Planning approval is not required if your events duration is less than 48 hours (over a 12 month period).
Please note that planning applications may need to be considered by Council. As such, it is necessary to lodge your application at least 90 days prior to the event date.
If you wish to hold a procession through the streets of the Shire you will need to complete an application from for a Permit to hold a Public Meeting and/or Processions from the Western Australian Police website and submit to them.
Public toilets
Public toilets must be provided with sufficient facilities for the number of people who may attend an event and must be checked and serviced throughout the event.
At least one unisex accessible toilet for use by people with a disability and the elderly is required to be provided. Care and consideration should be given to the suitable location of accessible facilities. When portable chemical type units or effluent holding tanks are used for events running for longer than four hours, they must be easily located so that they can be pumped out during the event.
There are many variables that impact the number of toilets required for events including:
- Location of event;
- Number of participants;
- Duration of event;
- Peak vs consistent toilet use;
- Location of toilets within the event;
- Consumption of alcohol at event; and
- If onsite public toilets are connected to deep sewerage or a standalone septic system.
It is best to discuss the number of toilets required with a Health Officer during the development of the event. Health Services can be contacted on
(08) 9290 6742 or email
Risk and emergency management
Risk management plans
Risk management is the effective management of potential factors or hazards that may happen before or during your event that could negatively impact on the event, your organisation and its objectives. At the discretion of the Shire, a risk management plan in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 may be required to be submitted with your event application.
Emergency evacuation plans
It is necessary for you to prepare and submit an emergency evacuation diagram and/or emergency management plan in accordance with the Health (Public Buildings) Regulations 1992. All staff and security personnel must be briefed in evacuation procedures prior to the event and the evacuation plan should be displayed in key staff areas.
Bush fires
Organising events in the Shire of Mundaring, particularly in the fire risk months of November to April can pose the potential of bush fire exposure. The event organiser should ensure that this issue is addressed in an effective Risk Management Plan.
Information on bushfires such as a calendar of burning restrictions, fire danger rating, use of barbecues, firebreaks, permits, volunteer bush fire brigades and contact numbers can be found under Bush Fires and Fire Management on the Shire of Mundaring website.
Police notification
For general police notification of events within the Shire of Mundaring, please email the Mundaring Police Station.
You need to notify the Police and local fire and rescue in writing if the event is expecting more than 5000 people:
Apply for police services or road closures at major events
Local Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades » Shire of Mundaring
There are two types of security: static security guards and crowd controllers. You need to ascertain which you may need, if any, for your event.
Security may be required for an event depending on a number of factors, including the type of event, expected number of patrons, and whether alcohol is provided.
If security or crowd controllers are required, security arrangements are to be made and enforced by the event organiser. It is important that any security or crowd controllers are appropriately licensed under the Securities and Related Activities (Control) Act 1996, as well as ensuring there are both male and female security personnel on duty.
Where alcohol is being served at an event, there should be a minimum of two crowd controllers for the first hundred patrons, and one crowd controller for each additional one hundred patrons or part thereof. The number of crowd controllers to patrons for events where no liquor licence has been obtained shall be as shown in the following table, based on Department of Health recommendations:
Number of Patrons |
Crowd Controllers |
<1000 |
1 to 2 |
<2000 |
2 to 4 |
<3000 |
4 to 6 |
<4000 |
6 to 8 |
<5000 |
8 to 10 |
Traffic management and parking
It is important to consider the following when it comes to traffic management:
- Is sufficient parking available at the venue?
- If not is there additional parking available nearby that will be satisfactory?
- Do patrons know where to park and where not to park?
- Will a road closure be required?
If your event has the potential to affect traffic (vehicle or pedestrian) on a road or within a road reserve, the submission of a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) will be required for review and approval by the Shire.
TMPs must be prepared by persons with current Main Roads WA accreditation and will require review and approval by the Shire before a road closure and event application can be considered.
If a road closure is required, application must be made to the Shire at least six weeks prior to the event to give sufficient time for processing and community/stakeholder notification by the event organiser.
Detailed information on traffic management for events can be found in Main Roads Traffic Management for Events Code of Practice.
Extreme weather
The weather is likely to be the most unpredictable factor of your event. You need to consider whether you will need shade or rain cover on the day. You will also need to consider how the event will proceed in case of severe weather; if the event is to be cancelled, how volunteers, suppliers and attendees will be informed and at what time and who will make the decision to cancel the event.
If you are proposing seating at your event, for the comfort and safety of patrons the following requirements must be given consideration:
- The minimum distance between rows of seats is 300mm;
- There shall be no more than 10 seats in a ‘dead-end’ row and no more than 17 seats in rows between aisles;
- If the distance between rows is increased to more than 500mm, then the length of rows between aisles can be increased;
- Aisles must be no less than one metre wide;
- The sides and rear of raised seating areas must be bounded by guardrails that shall be securely fixed;
- For bench seating, 450mm must be allowed for each person; and
- Seating spacing is required to meet current health directions.
Shire staff access
The event organisers will ensure that authorised Shire staff have access to the event to fulfil their function.
Site plan
A detailed overhead site plan is required for all events which must include any of the below that will be at your event:
- General layout of the event;
- Permanent and temporary structures(e.g. stage, toilets [including accessible toilets]);
- Food/market stalls;
- Entertainment;
- Generators;
- Lighting equipment;
- Seating;
- Marquees/tents;
- First aid posts;
- Security posts
- Bin locations;
- Entry/exit locations;
- Licensed areas;
- Fencing; and
- Emergency assembly area.
It is recommended you use the Shire’s online maps as it has the most recent aerial photos of the area or similar as a base for your site map.
Temporary structures
All temporary structures (marquees, stages, screens, amusements) must be erected, installed and utilised in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, and once erected, the Statement of Construction must be signed by the installer. The Statement of Construction must be completed prior to use of the stage. Please contact Health Services on 9290 6742 for further information.
Temporary structures on Shire ovals and reserves will also need review for suitability to ensure the preservation of grounds and reticulation.
Waste management
It is the responsibility of the Event Organiser to ensure that all waste generated by the event is controlled throughout the event and cleaned up and disposed of correctly at the end of the event.
If you need to engage additional waste services/bins for your event, please contact the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council. For further information, contact a Recreation Officer on 9290 6748.
Potable drinking water supply shall be available and easily accessible to patrons at events, especially events of significant duration or outdoor events. If the nature of the event is such that water is being sold to patrons, then it must be:
- Of plentiful supply;
- Easily accessible; and
- At a reasonable cost
The Shire may make it a condition of the event permit to ensure that free drinking water is readily accessible to patrons if the event is during the day in the warmer months.