
An outbuilding means an enclosed non-habitable building detached from a house, such as a shed, detached garage or studio, but does not include a pergola, patio, carport or stable (where the stable is associated with an approved ‘Rural Pursuit’). Outbuildings are classed a 10a building.

The definition of an outbuilding is as per the R-Codes (2024).  An outbuilding is defined as:

"an enclosed (on more than two sides) non-habitable structure that is detached from any dwelling and may include a detached garage."

What is permitted

Acceptable outbuilding designs will vary depending on the zoning and lot size.

Development approval may be required (before a building permit) where a proposal does not comply with the standards prescribed under Local Planning Scheme No.4 or is specifically identified as requiring approval. 

In all cases planning approval would be required for building an outbuilding:

  • Before a single house has been built on the lot
  • In front of a single house
  • On land with a slope over 20%, or sand pad above 0.5m
  • Within the Flood Prone Special Control Area
  • Within 20m of the banks of a watercourse in a Residential zone
  • Within 30m of the banks of a watercourse in other zones
  • On a lot affected by Local Natural Area (LNA)
  • On a rural lot where native vegetation is required to be removed; or
  • Does not comply with the tables below.

Please note:

  • Shire Officers will not support any outbuilding that exceeds the maximum total floor area permissible for the property.
  • Shire Officers will not support the construction of an outbuilding prior to the practicable completion of a dwelling on the same property as the outbuilding, *unless the Shire Officers are satisfied that this meets strict criteria relating to the storage of materials associated with the construction of the dwelling on the property (refer Clause of LPS4).
  • For Residential properties, outbuildings that are not entirely to the rear of the dwelling are to be constructed in the same external materials as, and have colours matching those of, the existing dwelling on the same property as the outbuilding. 


Where a Residential lot is smaller than the minimum lot size for its zoning, the permitted floor area applying to the lowest density code for which that lot would meet or exceed the minimum site area shall apply.  For example, for an R5 lot with a size from 1000 m2 and less than 200 m2, the R10 floor area provision would apply.

Where a Residential lot is greater the minimum lot size for its zoning, the permitted floor area does not increase. 

Development provision tables

Table: Development provisions for residential properties

Zoning Area Development Provisions for Residential Properties

Residential R12.5 and higher density 

Reference: Clause of LPS4 

  • The total area of all outbuildings on the lot shall not exceed 70 m2 or 10% of the area of the lot, whichever is the lesser;
  • The maximum wall height shall be 3.5 metres and the maximum roof height shall be 4.5 metres;
  • The minimum setbacks to side, rear and secondary street boundaries for outbuildings shall be as follows:
    • Secondary street: 2 metres
    • Side: 1 metre
    • Rear: 1 metre
  • Outbuildings shall be located entirely behind the rear of the dwelling on the lot unless constructed in the same materials as and having colours matching those of the dwelling; and
  • The external surface of outbuildings, other than roof cladding, shall not include metallic silver, except where the total area of all outbuildings on the lot does not exceed 20 m2.

Residential R10 

Reference: Clause of LPS4

  • If:
    1. the property is 1000 m2 or greater, then the total area of all outbuildings on the lot shall not exceed 75 m2;
    2. the property is less than 1000 m2, then apply R12.5 provisions regarding total outbuilding floor area
  • The maximum wall height shall be 3.5 metres and the maximum roof height shall be 4.5 metres
  • The minimum setbacks to side, rear and secondary street boundaries for outbuildings shall be as follows:
    • Secondary street: 3 metres
    • Side: 1 metre
    • Rear: 1 metre
  • Outbuildings shall be located entirely behind the rear of the dwelling on the lot unless constructed in the same materials as and having colours matching those of the dwelling
  • The external surface of outbuildings, other than roof cladding, shall not include metallic silver, except where the total area of all outbuildings on the lot does not exceed 20 m2.

Residential R5 

Reference: Clause of LPS4

  • If:
    1. the property is 2000 m2 or greater, then the total area of all outbuildings on the lot shall not exceed 90 m2;
    2. the property is less than 2000 m2, and greater than 1000 m2, then apply R10 provisions regarding total outbuilding floor area
  • The maximum wall height shall be 3.5 metres and the maximum roof height shall be 4.5 metres
  • The minimum setbacks to side, rear and secondary street boundaries for outbuildings shall be as follows:
    • Secondary street: 5 metres
    • Side: 1.5 metre
    • Rear: 1.5 metre
  • Outbuildings shall be located entirely behind the rear of the dwelling on the lot unless constructed in the same materials as and having colours matching those of the dwelling
  • The external surface of outbuildings, other than roof cladding, shall not include metallic silver, white or off-white except where the total area of all outbuildings on the lot does not exceed 20 m2.

Residential R2.5

Reference: Clause of LPS4

  • If:
    1. the property is 4000 m2 or greater, then the total area of all outbuildings on the lot shall not exceed 120 m2;
    2. the property is less than 4000 m2 but greater than 2000 m2, then apply R5 provisions regarding total outbuilding floor area
  • The maximum wall height shall be 3.5 metres and the maximum roof height shall be 4.5 metres
  • The minimum setbacks to side, rear and secondary street boundaries for outbuildings shall be as follows:
    • Secondary street: 5 metres
    • Side: 1.5 metre
    • Rear: 1.5 metre
  • Outbuildings shall be located entirely behind the front building line of the dwelling on the lot unless constructed in the same materials as and having colours matching those of the dwelling, and in any case no closer than 15 metres from the primary street frontage.
  • The external surface of outbuildings, other than roof cladding, shall not include metallic silver, white or off-white, except where the total area of all outbuildings on the lot does not exceed 20 m2.

Table: Development provisions for rural properties

Zoning Area Development Provisions for Residential Properties

Rural Residential lots under 0.5ha

Reference: Clause of LPS4

  • The floor area and height requirements in sub clauses to applying to the lowest density code for which that lot would meet or exceed the minimum site area per dwelling in the Residential Design Codes shall apply. (i.e. The height and floor area of an outbuilding on a Rural Residential lot that is 4000sqm will be assessed against

Rural Residential lots between 0.5ha and up to (and including) 1ha

Reference: Clause of LPS4

  • The total area of all outbuildings on the lot shall not exceed 160 m2
  • The maximum wall height shall be 4.0 metres and the maximum roof height shall be 5.0 metres
  • The minimum setbacks to side, rear and secondary street boundaries for outbuildings shall be as follows:
    • Secondary street: 20 metres
    • Side: 5 metre
    • Rear: 5 metre
  • Outbuildings shall have colours complimentary to the dwelling and the landscape of the immediate locality; and
  • The external surface of outbuildings, other than roof cladding, shall not include metallic silver, white or off-white, except where the total area of all outbuildings on the lot does not exceed 20 m2.

Rural Residential lots larger than 1ha and up to (and including) 2ha

Reference: Clause of LPS4

  • The total area of all outbuildings on the lot shall not exceed 200 m2
  • The maximum wall height shall be 4.0 metres and the maximum roof height shall be 5.0 metres
  • The minimum setbacks to side, rear and secondary street boundaries for outbuildings shall be as follows:
    • Secondary street: 20 metres
    • Side: 5 metre
    • Rear: 5 metre
  • Outbuildings shall have colours complimentary to the dwelling and the landscape of the immediate locality; and
  • The external surface of outbuildings, other than roof cladding, shall not include metallic silver, white or off-white, except where the total area of all outbuildings on the lot does not exceed 20 m2.

Rural Residential lots larger than 2ha

Reference: Clause of LPS4

  • The total area of all outbuildings on the lot shall not exceed 260 m2 
  • The maximum wall height shall be 4.0 metres and the maximum roof height shall be 5.0 metres
  • The minimum setbacks to side, rear and secondary street boundaries for outbuildings shall be as follows:
    • Secondary street: 20 metres
    • Side: 7.5 metre
    • Rear: 7.5 metre
  • Outbuildings shall have colours complimentary to the dwelling and the landscape of the immediate locality; and
  • The external surface of outbuildings, other than roof cladding, shall not include metallic silver, white or off-white, except where the total area of all outbuildings on the lot does not exceed 20 m2.

Rural Small Holdings

Reference: Clause 5.10.10 of LPS4

  • The total area of all outbuildings on the lot shall not exceed 260 m2 
  • The maximum wall height shall be 4.0 metres and the maximum roof height shall be 5.0 metres
  • The minimum setbacks to side, rear and secondary street boundaries for outbuildings shall be as follows:
    • Secondary street: 20 metres
    • Side: 7.5 metre
    • Rear: 7.5 metre
  • Outbuildings shall have colours complimentary to the dwelling and the landscape of the immediate locality; and
  • The external surface of outbuildings, other than roof cladding, shall not include metallic silver, white or off-white except where the total area of all outbuildings on the lot does not exceed 20 m2.

General Agriculture

Reference: Clause 5.11.8 of LPS4

  • The total area of all outbuildings on the lot shall not exceed 300 m2
  • The maximum wall height shall be 4.5 metres and the maximum roof height shall be 5.5 metres.
  • The minimum setbacks to all boundaries shall be 20 m.

Sheds/outbuildings in a bushfire prone area

Sheds and outbuildings proposed within 6 metres of a residence (Class 1a building) are required to be constructed according to Australian Standards 3959-2018 “Construction of buildings in a bushfire prone area” if:

  • The associated residence was constructed during or after 2014; or
  • The proposed building work exceeds $20,000.

Find out more about Developing in a Bushfire Prone Area.

Registered vs owner-builders

Building works valued under $20,000 do not require a registered builder, allowing owners to nominate themselves as “builder” on the building application form.

For building works over $20,000 a registered builder must be nominated as the builder. Owners who wish to appoint themselves as the builder for building works over $20,000 are required to attain an owner-builder certificate from the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety.

Apply for planning approval and building permit

Step 1. Apply for planning approval

To make an application for planning approval you will need to provide details of the site and the existing and proposed buildings. An application must include:

  • Completed planning application form (see below) signed by all owners and planning application fee (refer to current Shire Schedule of Fees)
  • A copy of the Certificate of Title to show any easements, caveats or other restrictions
  • Site plan (to scale) showing lot boundaries, all existing buildings and effluent disposal systems and the precise location of the proposed outbuilding
  • Floor plans if there are any internal walls
  • Elevations (to scale) of the outbuilding showing colours, materials, wall height and ridge height
  • Details of any earthworks (cut, fill, retaining walls) in relation to the natural ground level (fill will count towards the height of the outbuilding above natural ground level)
  • Environmental Asset Inspection report (if applicable), if lot is affected by a local natural area. Find out more about Environmental Asset Inspections.

Planning Approval Application Form (PDF)

Step 2. Apply for building permit

You will need to complete a Application for building permit – uncertified (BA2).

Ensure you include architectural drawings, including:

  • Site plan
  • Floor plan
  • Elevations
  • Sections
  • Engineering - all structural and construction details certified by a registered Structural Engineer
  • Stormwater Drainage Plan
  • Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Assessment and Certificate if required.

Refer to Building Permit Fee and Calculator

Building permit applications either certified or uncertified are usually assessed and approved within 10 business days.

Building permits are sent to the builder via post.

Step 3: Submit a Notice of Completion

Under the Building Act 2011, the owner or builder must notify the Shire that the work is completed by submitting a BA7 Notice of Completion Form.

More information and contact

For more information about planning approval, contact Planning Services on (08) 9290 6740.

For more information about building permits, contact the Building Services on (08) 9290 6660.

See also: