Latest News


Essential Bushfire Mitigation Support for Shire of Mundaring

Shire of Mundaring has secured vital funding from the WA Government as part of a state-wide initiative aimed at enhancing bushfire mitigation efforts


Bright Future for Brown Park Oval: $40,000 Lighting Upgrade

In a significant boost for local sporting clubs, Brown Park Oval will receive a $40,000 grant towards upgrading existing floodlights.


We’re all set to FOGO: 15,000 new bins arrive

Shire of Mundaring residents will soon receive their new bins in preparation for the launch of Food Organics Garden Organics system (FOGO) rollout starting on Monday 1 July 2024.

What's On

Jigsaw Club - Mundaring

A social jigsaw club meeting at Mundaring Lesser Hall.

Discover Our Shire

Discover Lake Leschenaultia

Lake Leschenaultia is well known for its canoeing, swimming, cycling and barbeque facilities. Find out more about this popular getaway.

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Let's go FOGO

Learn about the FOGO (Food Organics, Garden Organics) system coming to the shire!

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Mundaring Multi-purpose Community Facility (MPCF)

The Shire of Mundaring aims to rejuvenate the Mundaring Town Centre by developing a Cultural Precinct, central to which is a new Multi-Purpose Community Facility (MPCF) that consolidates various civic and community amenities.

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