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Local Native Animals

We are fortunate to live in a part of the world that is a biodiversity hot spot, with many opportunities to see many native animals in our parks and backyards.

Native Wildlife  

There are quenda (bandicoots), kangaroos, echidnas, possums, reptiles including bobtail lizards, and many kinds of frogs.  The printable poster below provides information on some of the native fauna.

Native Fauna Species of the Perth Hills (Poster)

You can also use our reptile and frog spotto as a handy reference to keep track of the species you encounter.

What you can do to help protect our native wildlife

There are many ways to be more aware of wildlife and prevent injury and sickness.

For more information, download our brochure Basic First Aid for Wildlife. Keep this in the glove box of your car.

How to help injured wildlife

Before approaching any injured or sick animal, your first priority is to keep yourself and others safe. Injured wildlife may be frightened and can cause serious injury. Be careful of teeth, claws, beaks and hind legs when approaching or handling injured animals. 


Related pages

Local Native Birds

Wildlife of the Perth Hills Booklet