Shire of Mundaring's Local Planning Strategy supports the development of a range of tourism operations and accommodation to better cater to existing and future tourist accommodation demand.

Holiday accommodation proposals can generally be considered on their merit throughout the Shire.

Short-term rental accommodation planning reforms

The State Government is introducing new legislation around the Short-Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) sector.
Short-term rental planning reforms
As well as the new legislation, certain provisions under the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme No.4 still apply, particularly if the property falls within a Bushfire Prone Area Special Control Area.

Developing in appropriate locations

The Shire encourages the development of various forms of holiday accommodation in appropriate locations, in proximity to major tourist attractions and concentrations of tourism activity. These areas are:

  • Mundaring
  • Mundaring Weir
  • Lake Leschenaultia
  • Railway Reserves Heritage Trail/Kep Track

Areas adjacent to John Forrest National Park and other vegetated areas can still be considered on their merits, provided bushfire risks are carefully considered.

While Mundaring Weir has been included in this list, it should be noted that development near Mundaring Weir will be constrained in scale and location by catchment protection considerations.

Holiday Accommodation (particularly within Residential zones) may not necessarily be compatible with the amenity expected within proximity to permanent residents and must always be considered on a case-by-case basis.

What is considered holiday accommodation

Holiday accommodation means a premise used for accommodation and recreation for holiday purposes.

There are other short stay accommodation options such as a hotel, motel, bed and breakfast or caravan park and these have their own definitions.

Please note, ‘camp grounds’ require patrons to bring a portable tent or other portable structure/s and are a prohibited use in all zones across the Shire.

‘Glamping’ is a new form of tourist accommodation. It is distinct from camping as the glamping structure is not a portable but ‘permanent’ structure for the purposes of accommodating guests during their stay. The nature of the accommodation also means that hosts are typically available on-site. Glamping is therefore similar to Holiday Accommodation as defined within the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme No.4.

The Shire will treat glamping proposals as holiday accommodation and will be guided by the requirements expressed within the Caravan and Camping Regulations – Nature Based Park requirements when contemplating and imposing conditions.

Bush fire risk management

Short stay accommodation proposed in a Bushfire Prone Area will require a Bushfire Management Plan or Statement and an Emergency Evacuation Plan.

Holiday accommodation should, where possible, celebrate the Shire’s natural environment attributes and be positioned to avoid clearing quality vegetation.

In some instances, requiring a proposal to be constructed to bushfire standards and requiring mandatory vegetation clearing may undermine the proposals point-of-difference to celebrate the Hill’s natural environment.

Proposals that involve ‘sacrificial structures’ (i.e. those structures that will not be designed to accord with AS3959) as part of a holiday accommodation proposal may be entertained without an Asset Protection Zone, provided a suitable package of other bushfire risk management measures are employed to protect the safety and welfare of patrons and the community. In these instances, a Bushfire Management Plan should be prepared by a Level 3 accredited bushfire practitioner; and the Shire may determine that a peer review is also required.

For more information refer to:

Development in Bushfire Prone Areas

Applying for approval

Holiday Accommodation is a discretionary use in most zones. This means that the proposal will be assessed on its merits and can only be supported as a proposed use of the land if it is deemed appropriate by the Shire.

The following information should be provided. Applicants are encouraged to engage with the Shire’s Planning Officers before preparing an application.

  • Complete the planning approval form below

Planning Approval Application Form (PDF)

  • Payment of the application fee (refer to Fees and Charges)
  • A Location Plan
  • A Site Plan drawn to‐scale showing:
    • Boundaries of the property (or lease area)
    • Vehicle access
    • Existing and proposed development/structures
    • Services (i.e. water connections, effluent treatment, bin‐storage, dump‐point if applicable)
    • Layout or position and finished floor levels
    • Significant landscape features such as creeks, high water marks, areas of vegetation to be cleared etc.
    • Side elevations
  • Bushfire Management Plan and Emergency Evacuation Plan prepared by a suitably qualified bushfire assessor. The extent of supporting bushfire information should be commensurate with the scale of the proposal.
  • A Cover Letter providing an overview of the proposal including:
    • Number of sites and persons to be accommodated at any one time
    • Length of stay
    • Persons to be employed and/or management arrangements
    • How the sites are services with power, water, effluent disposal and rubbish collection.

More information and contact

Contact a Planning Officer on 9290 6740 or email

Short Term Rental Accommodation Planning Reforms