Every two years the Shire carries out a community survey. In early 2024, the Shire engaged CATALYSE, an independent research company to undertake the survey. 

The survey provides the Shire with an opportunity to measure community satisfaction with resources, facilities and services provided by the Shire and to understand and monitor community well-being.

The results will help Council develop a new Council Plan that will determine our plan for the future that truly reflects our community's priorities and delivers on community expectations. 

Community Scorecard 

Markyt VoiceBank

Participants were asked to provide a response to the following questions:

Question 1: Over the next 10 years, which areas would you like the Shire of Mundaring to focus on improving?    

Question 2: How can Shire of Mundaring address your top three priorities? What major projects, changes or improvements are needed. 

Please note, all responses are presented verbatim. Identifying information and offensive or defamatory language has been removed. Views expressed are solely those of respondents. Responses are categorised as per the survey.

Children and Family

Provide baby sensory sessions. 
Make sure there are things for families all year round. Make families want to be in and move to the hills.
Toilets in parks
Teen events, close to busses, fast food,
Focus on  normal FAMILY affairs and [sensitive remark removed] nonsenses.
Everybody get a job and contribute to normality.
There is no safe place for toddlers. Would love a fenced in park or water park. Similar to what Maylands and Ellenbrook have. Ellenbrook have great family friendly parks for small children, ie. Pirate Park with shade and fencing.
Family services and facilities.
More access to affordable child care and playgroups. Fit for purpose Child Health Centre - It is too small and difficult to access with a pram. A community hub that is walking / pedestrian friendly.
More day centres, so mothers actually have the support to be able to go to work in the shire (Up the hill).
Promotion and fund support for child / family services - direction for new families to options - community picnics.
Provide shade, reticulation and equipment upgrade to Lister St play area. Currently never used due to poor state and uninviting appearance.
More free events for students on school holidays, eg. Arts and crafts, sporting activities, outdoor adventure.
More family friendly facilities for younger children, like play centres. Particularly indoor centres during winter for under 5s activities.
Facilities for parents to take children for activities.
Keep on developing and extending facilities for participation. Would like to see an indoor pool and gym facility similar to one in Swan View, that benefits all age groups.
Festivals etc. Promote all the educational groups within Mundaring.
These are non existent in Helena Valley. Parks are terrible in our area. The skate park is just a few ramps thrown on a concrete slab that are falling apart and have just been repainted to cover the cracks.
Development of a central family service. More services to assist families - checks, support networks, child care facilities, day care facilities, child health services.
Child health nurse.
There is simply not enough for families and children, including youth. Do better.
More shadecloth at kids parks.
Children and family services. Parks and playgrounds are old and outdated. Pools are closed most of the year. No indoor play centre, no family cafes or restaurants. Only pubs with non families drinking.
Better facilities for child minding for parent activities.
Used to live in Ellenbrook, which had many family friendly areas to visit, including fenced playgrounds and play centres. Moved to Swan View for a larger property to host and entertain children but lacks facilities for young families.
Childrens' services. Community hubs that pop up in areas (travelling etc). Culturally safe areas.
More activities for kids - water space (similar to Northam etc).
Increase facilities for children. There is no indoor play centre or similar. Minimal quality playgroups. We desperately need something similar to Maylands Water Park. The lake is often shut and paying for pool access is not possible to do frequently. It needs to be free, gated and manageable for a single adult to take multiple children to. Yes, it would be expensive, but our rates are ridiculous.
More services for families with children under 3. Brain development research / evidence investment in this area is preventative with 1:4 return.
Children and family services. More event options and assistance to families.
Shade cloth over the playground.
Shade sails over the playgrounds - too hot for the children.
Given how many new young families have moved into the shire it is very apparent the lack of family and small children opportunities. Even the playgrounds need upgrading and more shade or cover provided.
Family services are limited. So many families now - create facilities.
More information regarding available services.
Glen Forrest Train Park - Must have full shade over the train structure. Children are playing on hot concrete, steel and plastic slides and getting burns on their skin in summer. This need to be a priority.
Not very caravan friendly. No dump points or caravan parks.
Access to government funding services. Increase in local services to support families as carers of individuals living with a disability.
Better public housing and rentals available to unfortunate families and single parents.
More weekend activities for families with young children who work during the week. 
local parks are very lacking
Making more playgrounds and especially with some shaded areas as to hot to go to playgrounds in the middle of summer
Assistance to access services for families with young children. Not everyone has transportation
The park on Morrison Rd Swanview is absolutely awful, I can't even take my children to the park because the seating area is gross I can't even sit on the ground because there's to much ants and the lawn haven't been mowed for so long I'm just so discussed in the shire for not paying more attention to these places
Addressing the need for more help and support with every day surviving.
Increase community barbecue area. More tables, more barbecues.
Splash park!!!! For kids 1-5!
More kids pak equipment - on Longmore Loop there is an empty park and lots of kids in the area. A slide and some swings would make the space usable.
More activities during school holidays. Maybe Bilgomen pool could become an indoor pool and open all year round. More art galleries and theatres. Provide refreshment facilities at the sculpture park for the children and families.
Community groups
More community facilities (playgrounds, shaded park & bbq areas)
Community programs for children focusing on environment and safety in the community
More shade over playgrounds and public toilets.
More funded activities for children in the community
More affordable childcare and before and after school care services. Health affiliated professionals for first time mothers and PND affected mothers home visits or network provision of their needs beit home care, self care, baby care, transport, shopping etc
Indoor heated swimming pool
See previous.
Provide facilities for older children. Proper pump tracks, play parks with water play areas. More risk and nature based playing areas.
Shade sales at playgrounds.
Dual access to Lake Leschenaultia
Footpaths, especially on bus routes & shade at bus stops
Better pool hours for Mt Helena Aquatic
Our area for families to make memories are so run down and in beeming sun
More childcare facilities.
Improved buildings for services e.g. child health nurse, toy library, Mundaring library building.
A big facility with pool, gym, courts, crèche, cafe, playground, oval for the community
More shade structures over playgrounds in shire
more daycare options that have better hours that cater to people commutting to the city!!
Our community facilities eg recreational centres are not modern at all if you compare with other new suburbs like baldivis they have state of the art sports and recreational facilities . I have not seen any new facility build in the last 5 years in Mundaring .
A place to support young families, mothers etc. Somewhere to take kids that isn't just a playground so parents can actually stop and have a rest too instead of chasing them around a playground and not getting to talk to anyone.
Offer more free events
There seems to be substantially more children coming into the area and not enough highschools/ other services for them (paediatricians, but also entertainment, etc). Would be great to see this increase in population recognised.
Give more support to schools.
Additional parks, shade in mount Helena playground, more footpaths for cycling, free pool access
Community based childrens activities
Family activities
A facility where parents can gain access to free health services including mental health and family planning alongside a library and indoor and outdoor multi use space with a creche. This service should be able to provide financial services and domestic violence services for emergency. Preferably located in Mundaring
I believe that protective behaviours courses need to implemented through the school systems to stop the stigma when it comes to such topics. It is not spoken enough about the things going on behind the scenes in these children's lives and if we implement such courses into the school curriculum we can show children stuck in such situations that it is okay to speak up about what is happening in their lives
The edge of the Mundaring Shire mainly Swan View are in desperate need of modern play grounds, skate parks & a larger Brown Park Rec centre.  The play ground on Churchhill Drive Swan View is old with a swing and slide. A developer subdivided a large area at the top of Kingfield Drive all these new homes have young families that would benefit from an upgrade to the park on Chuchill.
Extended playground facilities to differentiate the hills and attract young families
Playground with shade, community group hall / area
Supporting the establishment of more peer groups for new parents, parents of preschoolers, and parents with older children.
Hubs where mixed family services can attend as a one stop shop for families needing support and education.
Free venues for parenting services to provide parenting education and voluntary groups to operate from e.g.Australian Breastfeeding Association. 
Consider offering the Better Beginnings and/or A Smart Start program proving free books for infants and encouraging reading in families. 
What do you offer for teens out of school hours?
Reduce the cost of hire of sporting facilities to make it more affordable for families to have their kids play sports.
Anything to enhance children and family facilities
Better daycare. Kinderpark is rubbish, the other ones are full.
Marketing/email correspondence of available activities.
Upgrading community centres (Brown Park). Upgrading playgrounds. Mundaring town centre seems to have all the upgrades, parks, buildings, streetscapes with the outer suburbs (Swan View/Greenmount) completely forgotten.
Old community buildings/ sporting clubs need to be maintained and fixed up
Children and youth activities. SoM has none compared to similar CoK.
Recreation centre inc indoor pool needs to be a priority
Consider the number of quality daycare providers in the area, and support the improvement of existing and new service providers.
A water play area at sculpture park
More activities to meet other families in the area
Such a messy play
Play gym
The involvement of Mundaring Shire in enabling the 'Hubs' Child & Parent Centres @ Clayton View, Middle Swan/Stratton & Midvale to do the amazing work they do is to be commended. These places provide excellent support to vulnerable families and the staff are amazingly caring & passionate about helping.  The access to health care & speech services is making a big difference to people that have difficulties with transport.
I'd like to see some new local parks that can be used all year round. With pathways for bikes and scooters. Access to cafe and toilets. Catering for toddler through to tweens.
Indoor play facilities
Maintain that access to child care services meets demand and more community services/groups for parents with young children.
Homeschooling activities
Family friendly activities/shows ect
Make it more for families as there is a lot of them here
As mentioned before need playgrounds for young children a star would be at end of Longmire loop in swan view
Play spaces need upgrading and the sculpture park always has something broken
More daycare services needed
Affordablechild activities
Have more community activities and days
Have a shire run community sports program for children particularly ones who are struggling to pay full fees for larger sporting organisation eg kinder gym preschool gym programs. Shire run football programs both indoor and out
Childcare centre has been currently approved to be built in mt helena. we the locals would like to know where this is being built, traffic management plan, fire evacuation plans, all the planning has been kept quiet from the ratepayers of mt helena.
Playgrounds are great but the desperately need shade for the summer months.
More local family things to do with young kids
More facilities available for children and families to use.
More funding for children and families as prices rise for everything in life.
more parks that have splash pads and play equipment for summer activities.
twilight movies, family free fun day/evenings
Mundaring weir water park
Updated playgrounds and play spaces for families. Would be great to see some new playgrounds or even water parks in the shire of Mundaring.
Advertising of services available and increased childcare facilities.
Focus on families
Keep supporting child health centres and libraries and toy library
- Mundaring shire has a big (and growing) group of homeschoolers, but is not providing any services for them, as opposed to surrounding shires who organise classes etc
- holiday activities at the library are often for up from  7 or 8 year olds or even older kids. There is literally nothing for 5 or 6 year olds (who also are school age kids and have school holidays)
Water playground for children
More kids activities
Increase support and partnerships with family & children information, education and support organisations/groups.
Library upgrade, regeneration of the town centre to encourage access to key facilities by foot, better connecting the businesses and facilities from each side of the highway. Would like to see high density housing in the town centre
Shade sails over play areas
Creating a central space where families can congregate and access a variety of services and businesses to meet their needs.
Playgrounds need updating. Better facilities.
Play grounds need shade
Being there to involve families.
Improved place spaces for children in all suburbs, access to low income services for families. Further support for local playgroups and children’s sporting clubs with reduced annual building rents etc.
Water playground at chidlow oval
More family friendly places and events
More playgrounds and interesting places to explore.
More family events
Would love an upgrade to the Boya playground and a free water park (like Maylands and Madely) somewhere in the shire.
A water play park incorporated in sculpture park
Mundaring should have an aquatic centre like that of Northam. Every big playground should have water play and splash pads.
Younger child swimming lessons - or free entry to pools during term time, to acclimatise children to water.
More support for Carers and their families. We desperately need more facilities for respite and residential care.
Water park
We need shade in kids play grounds, water playgrounds for kids as there is nothing in the shire and the shire to manage the verges of all roads they are in terrible condition
Keeping facilities user friendly. 
I would like to see a service available at an affordable price for before and after school care and holiday programs for working families.
More family friendly areas near sporting facilities, eg. BBQs, lighting, toilets - so families can use any time.
No young kids activities, always have to travel to Ellenbrook or downhill. Would be great to support businesses, like Lollipops or similar, to expand into the hills area.
Mundaring feels like it is catered for the older demographics, despite many young families wanting to make Mundaring their home. I believe there's an opportunity to further enhance our offerings to appeal to a broader demographic, including younger families and tourists.
While the Sculpture Park is a wonderful asset for children, it primarily caters to a specific age group. As children grow older, there's a gap in recreational activities available to them. To address this, I propose investing in innovative and exciting attractions that would appeal to a wider audience.

Services and Facilities for youth

Should be more youth facilities around, there is a big oval on Morrison Rd Swanview, there alot of space to build something for our youths. 
Please provide a dedicated space for teens to use around mental health, sport and something to do 
More youth parks
Work with local youth leaders at churches and schools to create spaces for youth to go and hang out but also have access to mental health help if they need it. Give them somewhere to go so they aren't causing trouble around the town during the day and night.
Youth services, such as a Drop In Centre, Disco or youth events. Something for them to go to with friends.
More pathways for employment for Indigenous youth (rather than locking them up). Council traineeships for example.
Unsure of what is needed, but listless and bored youth will gravitate towards mischief making. Perhaps a pump track or a town square could help.
Designated dirt bike tracks. Positive leadership groups for local youths. Age appropriate and varied movie showings.
Options on additional youth services. Youth hub / centre. IT Zone. Youth training support centre.
Youth - They have nothing to do. Youth groups, training programs, events, music, activities. Anything. They are bored and creating trouble. More sporting facilities they can access day or night.
Pump track for the youth, including aboriginal name a history of area / site. Plus, use sustainable materials, low carbon footprint.
More outdoor facilities in the town / suburb areas.
Do not know any working in my area, need more info.
Consultation on things. Do a door to door poll, like in regards to neon signs or government care group homes, in our area.
More areas for youth to play.
As above (Children and teenagers).
There are not many local extra curricular classes or sports clubs for youths. No local centres, skate parks or youth focused events.
I would like more youth services. Maybe a youth centre with activities for people aged 14 - 18. Somewhere for youth to hang out in a safe environment.
2. The future of the shire lies in the young people having more sporting grounds and activities so that in the future they will decide to live in the area.
As above.
Need a place for older kids to go other than a playground or skate park, where very young children play. I am terrified to take my son to the park in the afternoon because of the 'teenagers' hanging around.
Youth have little to do in the area and without preventative measures I worry crime will go up. More inclusive projects for them, eg., street art / skate lessons, etc.
Children are out future, parents aren't often fortunate enough to take time off work to raise them in this day and age, therefore suitable facilities and resources are needed as our community continues to grow.
Youth services. Support for activities specifically for teenagers through grants. Youth discos, Blue Light, cadets program at the fire brigade, youth centre and clubs. School holiday programs for 11 - 16 year olds, public gym at Sculpture Park.
Youth - Provide services for all youth, especially in outer areas, edge of Shire - Helena Valley. Don't just focus on Swan View. Extend services and reach to benefit. Youth training opportunities like barista, gardening, bike maintenance - employable skills.
Improve facilities for young people, drop in centre, youth support workers.
Youth services across the shire.
Create areas for young people to socialise. Youth programs, youth connection to shire.
There's nothing here for our youth. I'd like to see a youth centre with a gym etc., at Parkerville Oval where [name removed] can expand and for funding to be provided to [name removed] and others to provide programs for our youth.
Youth centre. Promotion of sporting activities and pushing to lower the cost of such activities through grants.
Chidlow skate park was supposed to also have a BMX track built for the kids - let's get on with that again, so we can stop driving to other shires. Let's attract the visitors to our own area, which also benefits businesses.
We need facilities for youth / teenagers ie. decent skate park, youth centre.
More services generally needed.
More youth programs.
Youth Hall - Activities, support services.
More youth services like Midland has. BMX tracks or pump tracks to stop kids making their own in the bush.
Youth services. Better access / transport options for young people to do things in the hills, rather than going to Midland or Perth. More options for teenagers in the hills.
Youth services. I have a teenage son and yet I am not aware of any facilities. The kids need something to do and a way to get there. Public transport is poor in the shire.
Things for teens to do in the area.
Facilities need to be where the youth are, what they want and provide experts in any area that is provided, eg. Safe E-Scooter.
There are plenty of sporting facilities but for those not so sporty - safe spaces to meet, cultural / art.
Provide a safe area for off road bike riding. A place for youth to meet.
Free places for youth to hang out and chat about issues in a safe environment. With games, cards, volley ball, older climbing apparatus.
Bigger budget for youth services and facilities.
Youth group nights, like BBQs. Not serious sports - Pool tables, Dart boards
We need more opportunity for young people.
Our youth are bored. There is nothing to do up here. They need a youth centre.
I would like there to be more for our high school children to do socially in Mundaring.
Youth services. More things for teenagers to do.
Youth. As a parent of children coming up to teenage years it concerns me that there are very few groups / clubs etc. for them.
Youth services and facilities is difficult. I want it as a priority but I can only suggest seeing what other fringe suburbs in other cities do. Being so low density creates a challenge.
Youth services. Teenagers have nothing to do locally. Have to travel to Kalamunda, Midland, Mundaring or Lesmurdie for sports and activities.
Engaging in keeping youth interest in the hills to ensure diversity in the future.
More skate parks and hang out areas for youth. Skate parks that have a design for bikes, scooters and skate boards to share and suited for ages 2 - 18. Potentially multiple sections at each location and with lots of shade options.
Prevent youth issues by creating more things for them to be included in, or activities for them to do. To prevent motor bikes in recreational reserves or on the Heritage Trails maybe provide an area for motor bikes.
Places or things for school children and pre-teens.
Youth clubs to meet the current needs of today's young people. Run and managed by qualified staff.
Youth services and facilities. An area where the youth can ride dirt jumps on mountain bikes and dirt jumpers. Have meetings with youth to get their input into what happens in Shire of Mundaring and act on what they say.
Mt Helena Pool. What can be done to make it happen. It is a great asset. Let's make it happen. We have a pool - So why is it not happening. Lights and heat for the Mt Helena Aquatic Centre.
Our youth are high and dry. Encourage physical activities in the areas with a high youth population.
There doesn't appear to be much for the youth, apart from the excellent Mundaring Arena. But this is mostly for the young and old who are into sport.
Provide youth centres where teens can learn skills / participate in activities. Safe space to hang out in, to prevent crime.
Youth incentives, support, things to do.
Better provision of youth services - places to meet other than skate parks. Actual community engagement - Dept of Communities - Youth Centres etc.
2. Youth need more clubs and social support hubs to help raise good social and community ethics.
Teenagers need to be addressed to keep them in the hills, so it's not an aging population / retirement suburb. More activities to keep them from turning to crime.
Youth club to engage youth, encourage conversation on community projects - involvement.
Youth Services. I have a 16 year old daughter who struggles with poor mental health. More mental health services and facilities (for connecting with others of the same age group) for teenagers please.
Decent skate park, like other communities. Mountain bike trails / hub.
Our youth need more purpose built activities to engage them and ensure less crime is committed in our area due to youth boredom.
Youth services. There needs to be a youth hub or similar, or businesses encouraged for safe, accessible places for youth to 'hang out'.
Free, or cheap, youth programs.
Encouraging STEM.
The registration of all B&Bs, including Airbnb's, plus an annual check to include fire alarms, sanitation and the standard of the actual structure. Charge an annual fee.
Youth services and facilities for youth, especially sport or voluntary work, or paid work. Organised motor bike tracks / bike tracks / abseiling, camping, bush walking, fishing. More advertising info for kids to do. Where to go if you want to play sport, voluntary work, help of some sort.
Engage with youth on what they want and need in their community. A youth service in Helena Valley, outreach services to Helena Valley. Youth engagement opportunities in Helena Valley.
Sustainable practices. Be a leader in introducing sustainable projects inviting the community to be part of the projects.
The Shire needs to listen to community groups. There are few services for teens throughout Mundaring. Teen activities need to be Abel to occur not away from family / picnic areas, but as part of them so there is intergenerational places for families to go.
Give something for the youth to do or a place for them to hang out
youth activities
Youth workers specifically target at risk youth in activities which they express an interest
Get into the schools, find out what the youth want and need to keep them off the streets and out of criminal activities. Offer after school training in various occupations. Get them involved in the community in a hands on manner.
facilities and services for teenagers. Younger children reasonably catered for but the teens aren't
Youth need a place to go .. something to do .. boredom .  Actively seek business interest to the hills targeting /helping youth  10years - 15 years
 Weekend camps ? .. skating .. bmx … music .. gaming
Simply more facilities and programs for youth to prevent those kids aimlessly wandering the streets on weekends
Youth crime, vandalism and drug taking / supplying is on the rise and we need more Youth programs to engage with our Youth to provide alternatives. Boredom and a lack of youth facilities / positive programs are leading our Youth towards a downward spiral.
Places, spaces and support for younger people to engage with each other. THere are few places where young people can gather and be safe. THey also need TRANSPORT options, to get from home to venues and back again safely, and in timely ways. Just try going to the Mundaring shops from any of the satellite villages especially those that are not on the GE Highway, or getting home via public transport after 6pm.
More local facilities for youth to keep them in area. Sports facilities are good in the area but more diversity of interests are needed. A place to gather other than home or school
Needs to be more for young people to engage in
A safe place for them to hang out. Facilitators to run youth groups or such. Homeschooling opportunities, during the day not after school. Your proposed hub should have youth friendly shops, co-ops, hang outs etc
I think more facilities are needed for teenagers to keep them active and occupied, parks for younger children is good, but better/more facilities for teens is needed, eg pump tracks/bike jumps, basketball courts, skateparks
Communication with young people to assess their wants and needs. Involve young people in the designs of facilities etc.
There need to be more safe spaces and youth focused (free) programs in the area specifically around the Brown Park area. I work in the area of Brown Park and the issues involving the youth in the area is caused by a lack of engagement. The youth that are involved are lacking support and guidance. And while there is one program run aimed more at Primary school aged children there is a NEED for programs run for High school aged youths in the area.
Basketball clinics in the outdoor courts, skateboarding, biking, run club, something focused on emotional wellbeing etc... The youth in the area are longing for connection & belonging...
There used to be a fantastic youth focused program aimed at high schoolers years ago that was shut down by the shire much to the communities disappointment. I was at the council meeting where youth and people involved with the youth in the greater community were pleading to keep the program but the shire shut it down in favour of looking into a program that was all about awards essentially... By the way the fancy new program that they shut the original program down for never happened and there has been a massive hole in youth  (High school aged) focused care ever since.
Something similar or better than stick Park redevelopment in Kalamunda Shire.
Absolutely brilliant community space. On any given afternoon there will be 200 people there
There are no youth facilities to keep them off the streets
More Shire run sporting programs like the Shire of Kalamunda has eg. Kindygym, soccer etc.
There are little activities for young people in the area.
Develop youth centre in town
More free facilite for youth to promote a healthy lifestyle with a focus on outdoor fitness and strong mindset training
Perhaps suvey of youth to start with
Youth friendly central advisory office, social welfare, education and training vocational services, job placement and training services.
Run activities  for youth aside from sport
More activities for youth to participate in. Free pool entry, extended opening times/seasons for Mt Helena pool
Skate board park in my area
More access for services
We need a good youth facility to stop the kids running a muck around town, riding on motor bikes etc etc
There needs to be a mandate that all playgrounds are covered with protection from the sun via shade sails. There are many playgrounds within the shire which are in full sun and when hot burn the kids. There also needs to be more focus on nature based playgrounds and not these plastic monstrosities. The other thing that needs to be done is free pool entry for under 18's. This will encourage pool usage and also keep kids busy. Local skate parks need cover and the local sports grounds need the change rooms addressing. It is an embarrassment to the shire the state of the changerooms.
Emphasis has been in the sporting area for all ages. Time to consider those who are not participating in sport. Where is there a hub where drama, music,creative arts are offered to young people?
We have high schools overflowing with creative talent and no place out of school hours where music jam sessions, vocal & art expressions can happen.Cannot a sound proof music room in the new community centre be considered? Even the oldies are interested in music making,choir singing etc.
Facilities and activities for youth and children to access at anytime.
Youth friendly hang outs other than pubs which encourage drinking culture. Training and careers centre in Mundaring.
We have some excellent facilities right on our doorstep, eggs, lake leschenaultia,  Mount Helena swimming pool,  however these are closed more often than open.  I would like to see facilities open for use, encouragement for a Cafe open for youth after hours. Etc
Things for youth to do, ways to contribute to the community, participate in the community, stay healthy.
Various free concerts or fun days.  Perhaps a project area of their choice to enhance as their space.
Opportunity to work with seniors i.e. hub for youth link with elderly at home. Community bus for drop off pick up to seniors homes. May also provide opportunity for youth to meet others.
Courts available out of normal times or basketball/netball rings available at playgrounds & parks
Youth centre
Need access to after school recreation gym or library for young people outside of Mundaring. Maybe partner with local schools.
give kids a proper bus shelters our side bilgomen in both directions and continue them so youth can access facilities
soon we will have kids hit by cars
l am absolutely amazed that over the almost forty years l have resided in Greenmount
bus stops along great eastern highway leading to Mundaring are non existent l watch children on the side of a busy high way waiting by a ploe to catch a bus to college in rain scorching heat
The highway is utised by heavy trucks
reams of cars and l find it an inditement on the coucil
low socio economic families wait with young families ( at times sheltering under bushes to go to Bilgoman pool
Now lets drive to my neighbourhood boya then reach Darlington
My skepticism kicks in
beautiful new burgandy bus stop trimed with stone mason rock
follow through to Glen Forest
Now if l as a resident want to get my car serviced up the Hill
l have to cross Great Eastern wait fully exposed as other or walk up the hill to old York road
to some how find shelter
Ok fot those in Mundaring heading to station etc
but seriously
think of the School children
pool users & the new over 55s wishing to venture up the Hill wear my almost 3000 dollars per year goes
l still have no street lighting
perhaps stop making Darlington GlenForrest a little leederville and think of those half way down the hill or
heaven forbid in the burbs !
Create a larger variety of activities which young people would be interested in.
More bike /skate parks
A indoor swimming experience
Capitalising on mountain biking & hiking in the area - promotion & access to this improved
Better access to Community services, particularly Mt Helena Pool, Lake Leschenaultia, Sporting Facilities, Non Denominational Youth Programmes & Facilities - Examples -A multi functional facility that can be used as a Roller Skating Rink, Trampoline Arena (in the form of “Bounce”). A Water Park. Subsidise Kookaburra Cinema to stop it closing, shuttle buses between towns if public transport is not going to be improved, enclose Mt Helena Pool so it can be utilised year round and give residents better access to what was a mostly community built & funded facility including the donation of the land & adding subsidised entry costs for residents of Mt Helena & neighbouring suburbs which are part of Mundaring Shire. A few specified areas for those with recreational off road motorcycles to be able to ride on. Give our children access to these types of recreational facilities so nobody has to drive an hour or more to access & keep our money in our Shire.
Asking youth centres what young people want, networking with schools to find out what youth want
Possibly a youth centre that’s managed and involves the older kids 12years plus with mentorship.
Activities/ events for teenage children
Perhaps a youth centre
Better public transport to access facilities when youth are most likely to need it.
e.g. buses to Lake Leschenaultia in Christmas holidays from Mundaring.
Designated Motor cross areas.
More places and things for teens to do.
I like to see the Swan View Youth Centre used more and opened more hours to provide a drop in centre for the youth.  If this means getting in a non profit community service group to run like it was once let it be.
Apart from skate parks I believe there is very little for youth especially teenagers to be involved in.
There is nothing for teenagers to do around the area which in turn increases crime.
Provide recreational facilities within the community, events and places where young people can safely hang out and feel part of the community.
Youth services in Mundaring centre, activities run at night for youth,
Youth need opportunities to keep busy. Lack or opportunities leads to mischief.
More access to activities that keep youth engaged
Encourage a Tafe to be built in the area
Free mental health services in Mt Helena or Mundaring for youth and children that they car self refer to. Youth crisis house which filters into mid and long term accommodation. These services would be attached to a youth drop in centre. The current youth program in away excludes youth who have serious issues that require intervention. EHSHS does not have services outside of school. I personally have housed two of my children's friends who were nearest support services Midland nearest emergency housing the CBD these children would have had to leave their school and the small support network. One of these children had BPD diagnosis and had a suicide attempt her aunt Whom she lived with felt she could not cope with physiology appointments in Midland and asked her to find other accommodation while she was an inpatient at Bentley hospital so I brought her home organised her appointment she was 16. I'm not the only one who has taken in a child who was in a crisis situation with no support. A youth crisis service is a need not a want
1. As a student of Eastern Hills I have met many students that have not been able to get housing I believe we need to bring a youth housing facility to the hills as the main 2 are based out of midland and leederville where many of these people I have met can't get to their schooling and commitments. These people need help and come from some pretty horrific backgrounds and there isn't even a youth centre close by that they can easily access, I have had to have two of my school friends move in as there was no other options no support from the shire where you are the people who are meant to help.

2. I believe that we need more public transportation out here as there is no accessibility for us youths who have commitments down the hill such as work, sports and schooling etc
ROAR Inc runs an incredible program and it would be great to see a youth gym or club available for teens to use and have mentors access to support teenagers in the xommunity
Youth engagement encouragement and development is key to supporting the next gen for a stronger community
Youth services such as drop in centres that encompass the town centre and the outlying areas in the Shire - i.e. Wundowie & Wooroloo. I have volunteered in Youth Services provided by the Shire in the Swan View area but I feel this area is adequately covered with other services. A purpose built youth space that incorporated cooking facilities, pool tables, craft activities etc. Transport to outlying areas so the youth can get home. Maybe share bus facilities with The Hub
Somehow develop activities, particularly for teenage children.  There are many of them now in Mundaring but I wonder what they do for entertainment - particularly in the evening.
Provide something other than well populated towns
Something for the young to do rather than become a nuisance
Need more things to do for the youth in the area.
Keeping youth occupied is essential
Free courses for youth
providing place.ie club house/meeting place
High-quality youth facilities (skateparks, jumps, basketballs courts etc.) located close to services and activated areas.

Shift in thinking about the community value of youth facilities versus the impact on individuals (e.g. basketball courts installed in existing recreation spaces). The community benefit of youth facilities should outweigh the impact to the few, who choose to live near public recreation spaces.
There isn't much for the teenagers to do in Mundaring and surrounds.
Recreational activities to engage those over 12 yrs like mountain bike jumps and trails, basketball and netball shooting areas etc ask teenagers what they want then help provide it
If our youth are  engaged in their community they are less likely to be a problem in our community
More things for the youth to do to reduce the growing crime and misdemeanour happening in the area.
Sculpture Park caters for young children but there are no decent amenities for youngsters in their teens in Mundaring. The skate park next to the Mundaring tennis club is not suitable for older children.
More bus services in the area so the youth can connect more with each other.

A dedicated area for them to meet instead of the fast food retailers
activities and drop in services designed to truly meet our youths needs
Further support youth activities
Somewhere is needed for the youth to go and have fun
You want less youth crime. God, give those kids somewhere to go. Not everything has to be an ugly shopping centre or about spending money. They have no breathing spaces. No centres where they can meet mentors or be in a safe space. NOTHING. It's a disgrace.
More things for kids to do
I have no idea what you should be doing to be honest but anything that would get them off the roads, and off trail bikes menacing cars and people …..they’re annoying and dangerous ….and if you killed one while driving you would have to live with that for a very long time and the family would hate you a no win situation
I felt growing up there wasn't really a place for me to go and hang as a kid.I know there are ideas for a youth gym etc, so maybe that would help?
There needs to be a whole programme for youth in the Shire.  Brown Park needs to be fully utilized and we need a youth hub in Mundaring.  Activities and places to be which encourage positive socializing and friendships.
Public transport must be improved or a private service to get teenagers in and out of Mundaring.  The fast food outlets are the only places where kids can hang out.
Need areas to engage youth so there is less likely to be the destruction of property and zooming around bush areas
Hang out space for young people. Festivals that are attractive to youth
Local drop in centre, PCYC etc. further up the hill (Mundaring/Mount Helena)
Better transport for youths and places for them to go/things to do. Places that are safe.
Youth drop in centre with FREE ping-pong, pool tables and basketball staffed by some easily approachable young people with mental health qualifications. Too easy!!
- Fight for an additional public high school
- More activity options for children outside of sports
- more facilities hosting a variety of longer term activities for kids
- more opportunites for youth to be involved in community activites and events
Better pathways for children to bike/escoot to youth events. Due to the distances in our shire youth are unable to attend anything unless driven by a guardian, provide a courtesy bus so they can have more freedom to attend community youth events.
More help for youth that are disadvantage, hoping this would make them commit crimes etc
I wish I had time to respond properly.
Maybe more areas for social connections. Smaller hubs throughout the shire. Lack of transport is a huge problem in hills for youth.
Opportunities for young adults to belong
My opinion is that the youth of an area can make it or break it. Engaging youth in meaningful activities assists in getting them to take ownership of their areas future.
Ovals with better facilities
Junior basketball is booming, there are big increases in player numbers at Hills Raiders association and Hills Raiders have multiple teams competing in the WA basketball league. With further development, particularly in spectator seating, Mundaring Arena could support further WABL matches that will attract more people with a flow on effect to local businesses.
Places for youth to hang out
General maintenance on parks is behind
Activitesfor youth
Widespread engagement with our youth to listen and give them the power to help co create the future... And not suggest to them what is good for their future
More options for young people - improve the skate park for example
To provide a safe, educational and leisure activities for the growing youth population that will have a on going action to prevent problems such as theft and community safelty for all members of the shire
Pump track & BMX track & skate park suitable for all ages in Glen Forrest.
teens need more things to do in the shire. if they are going to be this far away from the city they need more facilities - more skate parks, more courts at mundaring arena for example. Darlington needs more faclities - the shire support for Darlington is terrible. Facilities are literally a hundred years old and the community has to its own facilities - football / cricket change rooms for example. Shire should have less people in administration and more funds going back to the community.
There is nowhere for teens to hang out in Mundaring or surrounding suburbs, a youth drop in centre that is open in the evenings would be fantastic
More rec areas for teenagers/young adults (skate parks, mountain bike tracks/parks). Improvements to existing.
Ongoing continued work to increase access and participation of young people in the shire
More things for teens to prevent boredom and crime
Provide relevant activities and places for Youth to go to.  Computer labs, art,-based community art projects.  Funding for youth resources and commitment to establishing safe social areas.  Eg.  The sculpture park in Mundaring is really for kids under 10.  Older children want adventure park,  good skate park...interactive kids play areas like laser games,  indoor rock climbing.  Music events and gigs for young musicians to showcase their talents.  A proper performing arts facility could host a wide range of activities.  Including drama,  musical theatre and dance.  With the heat up the hill the youth need indoor air-conditioned places to come together to connect,  create and grow.
Quality pump track, skate park, exercise equipment, anything to provide a sense of belonging for the youth
scateboard parks and youth focused activities. Everything seems to be for small children but for youth that do not drive, it is harder for them particularly if both parents work. for instance, Glen forrest has a terrific park for young children but what are the 10+y/o meant to do while younger siblings are playing on the equipment. Can nothing be put next to the community garden?
Create spaces that keep teenagers busy, connected and engaged.
There doesn’t appear to be much in the area for disengaged teenagers. Perhaps some programs that run in the evenings that target these kids, get them off the street and away from destructive behaviours.
More recreational spaces for youth such as skate parks, hubs, etc
More services for mental health and wellbeing.
improve local entertainment and sporting activities for youth as we are a long way from most city activities and only have an average public transport availability in many shire areas.
There is lots to do in Mundaring for youth and families now with the rec centre and sculpture pk however without a car youth cant get their from other areas.
Broz park has had a upgrade but we need Bilgolman pool heated a little better so we don't freeze during kids lessons and then use the pool area more, what about a Biathlon Club  (swim and run on the grass area), beach volleyball summer comp at the pool.

More bus services around the area to get youth out and about.
Bike path ALL THE WAY along Helena Valley Road. At the moment it stops below IGA going east.
Bus stops needs seats and shade for rain and HOT weather.
Need bigger and better skate/ bike parks close to town.
More youth groups if possible
Need more outgoing for the young ones and new info on new people that move into the area
Things like skate board ramps, basketball hoops/ facilities, clubs - activities to keep them occupied after hours
Services to help older kids progress such as licence centre one day a week, barista classes to assist with employment.
Activities for this age group, safe access pathways to connect to city center along main routes it Roland, Stoneville Rd.
Need an active involvement in creating youth spaces and activation - whether it is supplied by Shire or outsourced.  Ensuring that youth are connected with our community and have a strong sense of belonging and inclusion is important for the long term success of our community and our community groups. It is the space where kids and youth are welcomed and involved from a young age in volunteering and see the value of being part of shaping our community that increases the likelihood that they will continue to volunteer as they get older
Supporting youth groups to promote their social and academic activities, by funding and leadership programs
More activities and facilities for teens
Encourage and facilitate bowling or skating or some sort of entertainment for kids to attend. At the moment there is only sporting activities (not all kids are able to play sports!) .
Water park or similar for when the Lake is closed. Like the parks down the hill that are fenced and have water playground.
More consideration of park requirements. Shade, access to water, playground equipment that kids actually use
There are not enough facilities for our youths, maybe a youth club run on the lines of the blue light discos eg alcohol drugs or smoking.  A police and citizens center to encourage youths to lead a law abiding lifestyle
Somewhere for teens to go
Another public high school and youth facilities
Blowed if I know but I feel they need things yi engage them and feel valued in the community
Set up youth centers in outlying parts of the shire
More safe, accessible spaces for youth and programs for youth to participate in.
Youth friendly parks
Review opening hours at Bilgoman pool. Instigate siesta time 1-3 pm in summer when it's too hot to be outdoors.

Keep pool open till 10 pm - an attractive destination for families and young people in the area. it could be done quite easily and would make better use of an existing excellent facility.
Low cost opportunies for sport and cultural activities. (hobbies and creative activities
Youth drop in centre in mundaring (AKA up the hill not in swan view were it’s being used by residents outside of our shire) more community arts focus for young people, large skate, parkour, bmx space for our youth with good lighting etc. splash park, improved playgrounds. We have playgrounds in the shire that consist of a metal slide, swing set and seesaw and this is not good enough. small county towns have better facilities for our youth than we do here in the SOM.
More facilities for summer.  Cooler month are great kids can just bike everywhere. However my kids as they get older are struggling to fill their time during the hot summer days.
Unless we go to the lake which is closed most days you actually need it.
Keeping youth engaged and feeling supported addresses potential future crime and community safety. Disengaged youth tends to lead to mental health issues later - engaged youth is a a great preventive strategy for a thriving community
 I recommend consultation with qualified youth workers, school and other stake holders to move forward
MORE services for youth - there seem to be plenty for young children, but not so many for older ones, and if there are, I am not aware of any.
More opportunity for youth to do around our community
Anything at all for teenagers to do in suburbs like Glen Forrest
More activities ie bowling ice rink etc so our youth can stay local. These facilities should be run by the shire
Yes we have a skate park but honestly how many kids hang out there in comparison to the amount thay live in the Hills. Create an area like the Esperance skate park and pump track. Build a shire run (or get a company in to run it) Ice rink or something/somewhere the kids can hang out on a Friday or Saturday night that doesn't require them to head to Midland/Cannington/Kalamunda/Morley/Malaga to participate in an activity.
Not focus on youth services in 1 location. Don't assume youth only want sporting facility. Mentoring and activities more accessible as there is almost no public transport
Hang out spaces that are safe and suit teens, with help available for various issues or needs.
A place where youth can access different classes/support for afternoon/school holidays.
more advertised activities for families and young teens
Bus route for high school children/students who live in the catchment/local intake areas of Glen Forrest, Darlinton, Boya to attend kalamunda Senior High School, St. Brigids + Mazenod College. Currently our nearest bus stops are bus stop ID27883, 27882 Watsonia Rd, which may become unavailable by end of Feb 2024 due to water corporation pipeline works as with bus stop ID 27250, 27794 which will be unavailable end of Feb 2024 to Nov 2024. 
Have accessible play areas for older children with toilets.
Provide some outlet for youth to reduce the amount of dirt bikes and burnouts everywhere.
More developed youth facilities - Decent skate parks, bike tracks, off road areas. The teens and young people are bored. *Comment: The recycling at shire is great. Kudos to Heidi (Enviro Services) for being a great resource for advice on developments etc. So helpful, knowledgeable and friendly.
There are very few bus shelters provided for school students. Along Helena Valley Rd there are 3 bus shelters. I watch students get drenched every day going to school.
More to do for young adults and teens. Skate and BMX clinics, roller skating at the arena. Movie nights, discos. More community music nights.
  There are no basketball courts open to the public to practice. (Stoneville too run down). Parks - needs a water feature, like at Hyde Park. Mundaring Skate Park - terrible. No wonder why kids hate living in the hills.

Services, facilities and care available for seniors

Have a better access for seniors and disable at Bilgoman pool like being able to get in out of the pool and better walk way as well. 
My suggestion is around a more assertive approach to supporting elderly and “at risk” residents with such things as information sessions/resources around tech’ support (warnings, on line platforms, etc), evacuation plans, networking with neighbours, etc. in both recent storm and fire events, I visited elderly neighbours who were terribly ill prepared and to an extent, oblivious. Of similar concern was that other neighbours hadn’t thought to check on them either. I have another elderly neighbour who doesn’t drink enough water and couldn’t figure out his AC settings during the current heat wave. I feel we could do better as a community- with leadership and resources from our shire, in this regard.
Senior facilities etc. Get rid of the trucks off Gt Eastern Hwy. It is so dangerous for them. It will help keep the footpaths and crossings safer for them (and the truck drivers, it's scary for them if they hit them). Shire services to take them out and about. Speed cameras on lights at Stoneville Rd.
Affordable aged care.
Seniors services and care. As an aging population it would be good to be able to remain in the area, especially if services and care facilities could be readily available, and avoid leaving the area.
Seniors could do with more help to remain in their own homes.
No comment.
Seniors. Gym / exercise facilities to improve / sustain senior contribution to the community.
More opportunities for seniors to learn and keep their minds active.
Replace the bridge over the creek in John Forrest National Park. Also, enhance the park's facilities. Bring back the tearooms.
Seniors' services. People who have lived in the shire for many years want to stay in this area during their older ages. Small pockets of suitable housing for seniors is needed, along with good facilities. We have lived in Sawyers Valley for 43 years.
Seniors' accommodation. Is there sufficient available to meet the needs of our aging population. I've not investigated the situation as yet but have only made causal observation.
Indoor pool with therapy pool and gym with classes and café. Club Sierra needs competition to improve its services. There are duplicate businesses throughout the shire. More choice and a better facility with a larger pool would be a huge asset. Club Sierra cannot be our only option. Thank God for Stone's Throw Yoga.
More opportunities to participate in age appropriate activities.
Access to public transport is urgently needed.
More senior day centres, places for older people to socialise, meet up, play games. Organisations to check in with elder people living on their own in rural areas. Bus services to take seniors to the shops, day out, etc.
Encourage developers for senior housing in the areas below Darlington.
Seniors services - We are an ageing population and if you no longer drive it's very difficult to get out and about. There's only a CWA Hall, we may need a 'Senior Hub' for all groups / people to utilise.
Seniors supplied additional local care facilities and promotion of support to assist with their IT issues / shopping / applications for parking - pensioner subsidies advice.
Assistance to pensioners and seniors to stay in the family home. Assistance with gardening and housing maintenance.
More transport.
Not much in Darlington. Difficult to get to the Hub etc in Darlington without a car.
Elder people will always need services and care.
Local facilities for old people to engage in activities so they don't have to travel.
Encourage more (and sustainable) accommodation for seniors downsizing.
Seniors. Encourage / assist local Yallambie to add facilities to enhance future seniors, eg. Pool / gym / rec area.
With an aging population we need much more aged care housing and down sizing housing that is affordable. Three more Yalambie Aged Care Centres. We also need a year round heated pool and therapy pool.
Ongoing problem. Baby Boomers, not home owner, need more sustainable rental housing. Small but sufficient for their needs.
We are an ageing population and so maybe better improvements on outings, etc., with elderly people. Maybe have kids to visit them, or animals.
Seniors services. As our population ages we need the above.
Senior services. As more people age then more focus needs to be on what is needed for older people who've been in the shire for many years.
I would like to hear about any facilities for seniors in the shire.
More services for seniors.
Improve senior facilities and awareness as we are all getting older.
Advertising what is in the shire for the seniors.
That's your job. Tracks in the State Forest are uneven and a danger to seniors.
The public is getting older, the more they can do for us the better their life.
Transport for seniors who can't get around.
Senior services. Nowhere to retire to. Need over 55s.
3. What does this really mean. What is available at the moment.
Continue to provide and upgrade services, facilities and care.
Housing for the elderly.
My husband is blind so I have to do everything. We are both seniors doing whatever we can but we are ignorant of which services are available. A gardening service for seniors would be very nice.
Seniors - better support for organisations such as Men's Shed.
As above.
3. For many seniors they have to surrender their driving licences and transport is suddenly very restricted. Could the shire arrange credits with Uber and similar, so that seniors can use Uber or similar to go to the shops, doctors, etc. Provide an independent transport facility.
As personnel get older in the area there will be a need for more senior housing, age care etc.
Seniors services are good at present and will need to be expanded to keep pace with the ageing population.
More of.
I know of nothing for seniors in my area. Those in Mundaring are too far away. I do use some in the Swan Shire - hardly fair.
Get more one or two bedroom unit / apartments so the older residents can reside in the hills.
Regular checks on safety of seniors and people living alone.
More facilities available to better provide those working in home care.
Wheelchair or double bays are required for major shopping centres.
Top quality aged care facilities.
Seniors - have no centre to meet without travelling to Swan View or Mundaring.
Access to transport for non driving seniors.
Provide independent villages for the elderly and those with a disability within reasonable costs for those whose only income is the aged pension or disability pension - allowing pets.
Land made available for retirement living close to town centre.
3. Locate more services for seniors throughout the shire, not just located in Mundaring. Many seniors may have difficulty accessing transport or mobility.
Rising cost of living for seniors. Taxes, electricity, water, etc. (Stop the climate change madness).
Senior services. What is available is poorly advertised. Too much reliance on social media. Activities centered on Mundaring and Brown Park.
Listen more to residents' requirements.
As someone in my 50's I would want to know that there are options to stay in my community as I grow older, with relevant resources and facilities available, including aged care.
Plan more residential senior housing or encouraging development of senior or disabled facilities, eg. Rise.
More units across the shire for older people looking to downsize.
Take notice of members of the community who take the trouble to advise the shire of serious dangers. Totally neglected.
Senior services. More mid care facilities perhaps.
Improve parking for seniors at shopping centres.
Residential care facilities. Seniors facilities that encourage remaining active, social and stimulated mentally.
Maybe infill of largish blocks.  (When we had our games room extended it was very helpful to have shire's building and planning people call to actually see and discuss the situation, versus writing and phoning).
3. More facilities for seniors.
Small unit development near shops and services.
Senior services.
Seniors. Being a senior, living where I am, I am often lonely and would enjoy somewhere to catch up with others.
Lots of elderly up in the hills now. Services to ensure their partners and carer can have respite. Having more respite options for the elderly with dementia.
An indoor swimming pool for the entire community.
More services generally needed.
3. Services are run by volunteers who are aging and more shire support is needed to provide activities that focus on health of older people. Also, home help services around preparing gardens / blocks for bushfires, so we can continue to live in the hills.
Local seniors' shopping bus to Midland.
Keep public spaces used for local sport easy to access.
3. The answer to this is obvious I believe. The general population within Mundaring Shire now is aging and a greater population is older now - facilities and infrastructure are important.
3. Especially more aged care housing and also housing for able bodies seniors nearer to the main facilities of Mundaring.
Health. More / better access to CTP and other medical services. Bulk billing all over 70s.
Seniors. Improve golf course - reticulate and improve. Remove sand and have grass or synthetic greens.
More diverse activities and events.
Efforts should be made to make long time residents aware of the facilities available to them in other ways, since many are not comfortable with electronic communication.
Seniors need assistance with technology -  Fire, storm apps, etc. A training session at the start of each fire season would be very helpful - we don't all have kids to help.
Travelling library exchange for seniors.
More facilities for seniors.
Provide a lot more.
Aging population - Consideration when seniors meet in shire venues. Payment for use of venues is causing concern - can no longer do this at the shire office.
This is a safe place for seniors to settle and feel safe. A larger senior population needs appropriate facilities.
I would like information on what services are available by letter. I am 82 years old.
Access for seniors and rate discounts for residential aged hills residents.
Exercise classes eg. Zumba  Gold for seniors. (I go to City of Kalamunda facilities for that).
More activities in Greenmount, Helena Valley areas. More use of Boya Centre for seniors. Driving to Hub at Mundaring is not easy with the increase of trucks on the road.
Facilities to assist the aged, including mechanisms for volunteers to support the aged. Accessibility for the aged and activities for the aged.
Seniors services. I want to stay in this area when I am older. I don't see many attractive options right now to do that.
We are facing an increasing aging population who are needing to work longer. There needs to be training and education and opportunities to facilitate this.
Equal third. 3 and 4. There is much available of a piecemeal nature. However, with an aging population (and this includes people with a disability) a more organised, centralised learning centre with classes for all (including the intellectually disabled) would be a dream. People love learning and it's a pain to have to travel outside the shire to access courses.
With the aging population in the Helena Valley region the availability of age facilities / nursing homes etc., is very limited. People who have lived in the area have to leave friends and family to move into unfamiliar areas, away from friends. The Helena Valley Lifestyle Village is a prime example.
We live in the National Lifestyle Village. Would like to see senior bus services taking elderly to events (if you don't already).
Improve service at front counter of front office.
No public transport where we live. As we get older and possibly unable to drive there appears to be little or no transport.
When I stop driving will I be able to get any help if I need to go out.
Need better and free opportunities for senior people.
The population is getting older and needs more support.
More care facilities so the elderly don't have to move out of the area. Nursing home, retirement village, with central hub for services to bring people together. Each suburb is siloed and Mundaring town is inappropriate for most facilities. Think big. Most areas don't cater for the elderly.
I feel very much on the fringe of Mundaring Shire's priorities and works.
Seniors. I will be a senior one day so I want it top notch by the time I get there.
Need to address the need for more aged care homes and options for housing. We have an aging population.
More free / cheap senior facilities.
Senior services, facilities and care should be made known throughout newsletters in every senior's and elderly's household, since not all elderly are computer literate. All these services should be made affordable for pensioners and feedback from us should be taken in secrecy.
Aged care facilities to cope with an aging population in the Shire of Mundaring.
Communicate what services are available.
Improve their services to resident / home owners and not play lord or master. They need to recognise they are a service provider.
A dedicated over 55s village style complex in addition to current models. Forward planning considering increasing aging population within the shire.
Senior housing. I would like to see plans for more senior housing in Darlington - A retirement village would be ideal.
Communication. How do elderly people get to know about services and facilities in their area.
Encourage development and provision of more affordable accommodation alternatives for seniors.
Additional small blocks / housing for seniors wanting to downsize in Glen Forrest. I've lived in Glen Forrest for 40 years and want to keep living here.
3. Keeping facilities user friendly.
Aged care services and facilities focusing on the disabled.
Public transport (buses) to Midland (train station) on a regular basis. Shuttle buses to outlying areas of the shire to town centre for shopping, medical etc. Car parking space for those who need to drive to the bus pickup area.
More senior activities beyond Mundaring township / hub. eg. Senior bus / taxi for transport.
More aged care. If there are any, where are they.
Seniors services, facilities and care. Provide more of what you are already doing. Build more over 55s villages.
Seniors services, facilities and care and senior housing.
As a senior I am unaware of services available and everything is now becoming reliant on the internet. Rates information is lacking in paper form.
See Swan City active facilities, as this shire has none and Swan City has at least 5 such facilities. They include gym, swim space and other indoor sporting activities.
More benefits for seniors living in the area. Concession or discount rates on seniors over 55 years, especially rates. Mundaring Council rates are rated the most expensive rates in Western Australia.
Seniors centre further down the hill - such as Helena Valley. The population is expanding in this area and the seniors currently have access to 'The Hub' in Mundaring, only accessible by an infrequent bus service.
I have no idea what services, facilities and care are available from the shire. I'm only aware of some which charge you for using them.
More old age development are required, not just in the Mundaring area.
I, as a senior, see very little evidence that the Shire of Mundaring actively promotes seniors' issues in a proactive way. So be more positive and proactive, especially in the transport area.
Senior facilities etc. Meals on Wheels is an important service that could help many people. Seniors meeting / social facilities. Community transport available to all shire residents to book.
More events for seniors.
Providing more retirement homes.
Older people need more help - aging population, especially staying in their own homes.
During the after effects of 16th January storm I was very disappointed in the lack of help. A large tree down - no help. A 'natural occurring' tree, no help in removal from verge. As a senior o aged care, a huge expense.
More aged care facilities that respect the hills environs.
3. Improve services up in the hills for seniors without transport of their own. Make sure of wheelchair access to all facilities - outreach to seniors so we are aware of what is available.
Very sad to see what has been done to the old John Forrest Tavern just for 'tourism'. A waste of $20,000,000 if you ask me.
Support and activities for the elderly.
Senior services. As we are in limited movement mode allow them free entry to the swimming pool, as water allows movement more possible.
Provide / encourage retirement villages so that seniors can stay within the shire.
Encourage the provision of aged care facilities where couples can stay together regardless of their individual level of care needs.
Not sure.
I feel there are not enough facilities for the elderly. Most have to sell up and move from the area. A residential home would be nice (Other than Yallambie).
3. More assistance for people living on their own in respect to eg. block maintenance for fire season etc. Community based visits to people living on their own.
Senior services. Less focus on youth. Look after the elderly.
The shire relies on other groups to provide for seniors. They could utilise the Sports Arena at Mundaring to organise all manner of events and discussions, eg. Health issues - finance  and security. Provide a bus for seniors to travel to events and provide a central health facility.
Senior services are poor and we need more.
Seniors services. Only one aged care facility in town. Can we promote development of more for an aging population.
Facilities for all seniors, not just pensioners, but also mobile. A common building and well advertised events. Very little available.
Bilgoman Pool. As a regular user of this pool I would like to see the season extended through the April school holidays. This year especially the pool is closed very early - during one of the hottest summers we have had.
More choice to allow aging in place for seniors needing different levels of care and increase choice for over 55s developments to allow downsizing of residents of shire.
Aged care places.
Senior services. It is really great to only have a 6 - 7 minute drive to get to the Boya Library. It would be even better if the Library had a few activities available for seniors to attend.
More senior services.
Our population is aging. More housing is needed near town centre of Mundaring. More community transport, activity programs. Keep moving.
Advise on planning of services for seniors.
Affordable aged care.
20. Responsible growth + development. Shire seems not to have developed a clear detailed strategic policy.
Senior citizens meeting rooms
Help for people about to enter retirement.  Lots of questions to ask.
heated indoor pool with hydrotherapy
Very little affordable housing & out of care facilities within the shire
Look at Rockingham.
Nothing available in Swan view all centres in Mundaring
Provide ability to build additional house such as granny flat on existing properties in Darlington.
Provide smaller lot sizes for older generation to be able to stay in the hills whilst downsizing
Look at sub developments in Bellevue, that are neighboring City of Swan. No recreation facilities. Too small blocks.
Clean up neighborhood to give locals pride in their homes/street/community.
There are no services or facilities for seniors in Darlington.
Suggest community bus 3x a week, to transport elderly to Mundaring Village &/or the Hub; & home again.
At present, if you can't drive, you have basically no transportation.
Small units for people to buy or rent so that they can stay in the same area where they have lived all their lives are needed. Yallambee provides some, and there are some private units, but a high-rise (maybe 3 or 4 stories with elevators) development which would provide safe accommodation but no outside garden to look after would be good.
Regular small bus transport for people who live in towns in the area to come into Mundaring for shopping, medical appointments, business appointments, etc.
Places similar to the Hub in Craig Street could be set up in other towns in the area. The Hub provides a number of excellent services for those of us that can drive or walk to it. It is a model that that should be duplicated in other area.
As there is many of eldering living here and do have no contact as unable to drive.
Lonely & scared need our help with health & well being as they made this country.
Need more help
Modern  Community Learning Centre akin to the one in Kalamunda  with modern attractive facilities as in Kalamunda. to be situated on land off Jacoby Street where present Men's Shed is. Mainly for retirees  to replace the outdated Hub and Library and Craig St centre near Little Possums.
thank you
A lot of established Hills families are elderly or due to retire. There is limited care, services, transport , home supports available. Rise needs competition and to improve quality. No hills transport, meal services.
Make life easier for the aged to access in home care and facilities for the elderly to stay in there homes, this is where they feel safe and secure. The problem is finding and retaining aged care workers within the community to stay.
I feel that there is a lack of recognition that retired people are valuable in our community. Maybe there are groups of people who get together to do craft, knitting , clay, painting etc but they are not promoted enough. Also I would like to volunteer but there is no info about this disseminated from the shire. The shire could be a leader in co ordinating , assisting and encouraging older folk to get together. I feel Mundaring shire lacks this overall cohesiveness of community feeling. There are a lot of aging people in my area (chidlow) but very little initiative from the shire to contact us or involve us in things. We tend to make our own connections.
More places for aged care
more life style villages to prevent moving from the area.
Suitable housing for seniors wanting to down size but not in lifestyle villages
Too much focus on families and kids in this shire.  This was evident with the Glen Forrest basketball hoop and a pump track for kids.  What a waste of my money - I don't have kids (like many others in this shire) and yet the shire continues to focus on family needs above others?  Do more for the seniors in the shire - stop making everything about families and kids.  I am not a senior but we have many who need better care/facilities - spend the money more equally instead of bowing down to rate payer associations such as the Glen Forrest Rate Payers Association about a basket ball hoop. Most the time I drive past it isn't even used.
Aged care facilities ,completion of Swanacti e
just need to have services avalable
encourage downsize development to keep older people in the area
We have to travel many miles to see specialists, it would be greatly appreciated if there were more available in the Shire
There are no senior service facilities & care in Bellevue
As the number of old people increases over the next 20 years there needs to be a strategy developed to cope with this. Keeping old people in their own homes will make the housing crisis worse. Forcing them into substandard care homes is not an attractive alternative
More variety in building typologies and aged care housing is needed to enable people to age in place.
We REALLY need viable aged care and retirement homes in the hills. We need the option of smaller properties with shared, managed gardens.  No one old can remain in the hills anymore - the only Darlington aged care homes are full. A community needs aged people as well as young people,and currenlty all the oldies have to leave.
More pavements and sealed roads on all local roads as promised many years ago eg Grigg Rd .Better Tele communications in a fire or storm situation.Rubbish collection for people living in side roads. eg Grigg Rd.More subdivision potential for large properties if owners require it.New public toilets in park.
More safe and suitable housing such as Hilltop Grove, where seniors can still own their house and land and public transport near those areas.
better access and more assistance
Better communication of what is available.
More places for seniors to live independently required
More information to be distrubuted to residents
Dont just concentrate on improving eastern wards. The west ward seems to be forgotten
Need more senior's houses, apartments, units etc. We have the space in the centre of Mundaring between Jacoby & Craig Street
More awareness of information available for seniors
To Notify Seniors what services are available & accessible.
I don't know at the moment I`m still active and don't need anything from shire of Murdering.
I am unsure
Retirement village/accommodation for retirees.
Men’s shed
Reduce noise from airplane
Access to shopping centres due to crossing very busy highway
Build quality retirement facilities to enable seniors to stay within the shire.
Aged care facility for all care levels.
Facilitating the provision  of more down sizer accomodation
Graduated care provision
I have no suggestions - work in aged care so any improvements would be good
Rezone areas of Helena Valley into smaller lots eg min 4000M2 in the valley and all through the closer to perth areas and to a lesser extend to the east of the town.
Approve more housing suitable for seniors,
Provide more Public transport for seniors not in Mundaring townsite.
Provide local Pallitive care facility’s
I would like to see safer access for the elderly to cross Grt Eastern H'way. The existing light controlled crossings still seem to create some dangers for slower moving pedestrians, especially with the large trucks in the area.
With an aging population  we need more over 55s accommodation similar to yallambie. .   I'm aware of one on Jacoby street however it is too far from the shops, dentists, pharmacy etc
Services in the Helena valley area.
More age care housing
Further opportunities for seniors seeking to downsize from larger acreage but remain within the Shire of Mundaring.
More housing, smaller lots or community type land packages close to amenities.
I don't want to leave the hills lifestyle because I can't maintain my land/home.
more retirement facilities and nursing care of seniors
More senior housing available at affordable prices
More exercise classes for the older generation & varied exercise
What services are available for people over fifty to meet specific needs eg health problems.
Updating with pamphlets where services of any kind can be found due to a lot of seniors do not have and a card system of facilities can be found by phone numbers for different places and where and phone numbers.
Encourage building of independent living accommodation

Better access to GP services
Improve communication regarding what support is available for seniors wishing to remain in their own homes. Well known in the Town of Bassendean what support is available, however same doesn't appear to be available in SoM.
More Senior accommodation at affordable prices.
Better access to shopping centres area - quite hazardous at presen
Better traffic control...slow down signage etc in shopping complex
More funding to assist Senior services, etc.
Better use public transport by bus and train into the hospital and midland shopping area
Transport to and from medical, community and shopping facilities
Reduced rates for older residents so they can stay in their homes longer.
I have no idea of how financially viable it would be, but I would like to see a residential facility for the aged in more of the several villages in the Shire.
As an aged care worker, another facility is needed as there is a waitlist meaning residents have to move away from the hills if they require residential care.
More facilities for seniors
Make sure if people sell their property that they can still live in a retirement home in the hills with services.
Not entirely sure of the facilities available for seniors, but there is always room for improvement in this area, and for seniors to be able to feel that they are not "second class citizens"
More seniors related events, accomodation, retirement homes, care facilities as the shire itself is a wonderfull place to retire to in relation to other alternative places to reside in.
Different housing sizes to accommodate more single people and elderly,
Not sure
There are many Seniors in this Shire I have noted. Medical surgeries and healthcare services all require expansion.
Provide proper and consistent signage for seniors and their location ensure adequate road signage to reduce speed around senior premises
Provide appropriate safety measures by way of traffic calming devices around senior developments
More available unit housing for independent seniors who wish to downsize and remain in the hills environment. More retirement homes/villages with high care facilities.
Many seniors living here now, and there will be more.  The seniors facilities being provided are good and that is why so many stay here.  Just make sure that the centre of Mundaring remains as it is now - a good place for seniors to live and move around safely.
Remove the led sign from the Morgan John Morgan park which nobody wanted and looks awful . And put some colourful deciduous street trees that will give us shade and add some colour to our very bland khaki coloured parks instead of littering the ground with nuts that have to be constantly swept off our roads by the shire with ratepayers money or  fall over and have to be taken to the tip. Go to the Mundaring shopping centre and see the lovely trees planted by previous councillors with an eye for beauty and hardy , suitable trees.
Investment to ensure the elderly are included (the most important inclusion group), have company and are supported in quality facilities by quality staff with quality fresh food
be more active about the services you provide to the elderly, take a look at how the city of Bayswater or Belmont advertise there services & what services they do provide, even the city of swan seem to have a better structure to promoting there services & activities to the seniors.

I personally had to study what services my local shire/city provide to elderly & the information was so lacking i gave up & researched another local area
More senior housing is needed ( or allowed by outside developers) within walking distance of shops etc
More senior housing near town centre
Indoor swimming pool or Lesureplex
More transparency on how the council makes decisions and meets the community needs. More recognition of the volunteers in the community.
Same as housing need something that seniors can afford
Need more aged care , smaller blocks.
More aged care
Support centre, aged care, retirement village
Housing and facilities for the seniors. Not ripping up parks for the youth who then don't use the facilities,  and filling parks with concrete. Keep some peaceful and quiet spaces.
I saw that near Coles, parking reserved for seniors is available. It makes shopping so much easier. It would be desirable for similar seniors parking to be made available at Woolworths. Also near the Amcal Pharmacy and Mundaring Medical Centre.
I have noted the large number of elderly people in the Mundaring area, so it should be a high priority especially in light of their needs.
More senior based programs & facilities
Residential aged care including nursing home and small lot villas with support.
THE HUB and RISE do a great job, but the shire area is large and probably more facilities - in other parts of the shire - would be helpful.
Develop and maintain quality affordable housing for seniors. Assist seniors financially in current cost of living crisis eg power bills rates etc
Senior's exercise classes. I rang the Shire offices several times to find out where they were held. No-one seemed to know. I eventually found one that is ran from Brown Park by a private instructor. The numbers are dwindling and may not be able to continue.  Is there any way to advertise this support for seniors? It contributes to better health and enables people to remain active in the community for longer and not become dependent on Services.
More availability
More widespread publication of what is available. I moved to Chidlow 2 years ago and am still in the dark re what sedrvices are available.
A replacement for the Hub of the Hills that is inclusive for all ages. It must include the library and all its facilities in a single centre. It is imperative that ample parking and easy access is provided.
Complete new seniors library
More services and gardening services in Swan View. LARGER blocks to be granted for subdivision due to housing shortage and elderly can live with familt
Enough affordable housing for seniors with associated services easily accessible.
We could use better access to bus services up and down Helena Valley Road..... and make it easier for seniors to be able to safely cross the road.
More residential homes, car services to take those in the older age bracket to appointments either medical or personal
Less loose gravel, more solid paths
Transport services, parking
I think the Wooroloo hospital could've been made into an aged care facility for Aged care patients in outer country suburbs says Wooroloo/Wundowie and others.But I know that's a big costs and job to accomplish.Its just as soon as the residents in the hills etc get old/sick or can't look after themselves that have to come down the hill back to the city virtually to get into a Aged care home.An then sell there homes to cover the costs.Its just people say move to the country to live out ya retirement years but ya end up coming back to the city in the end.Anything ya can do for the elderly that have paid there dues to society is a bonus.
It would be good to have a natural burial are within the shire where people who have lived here all their lives can be buried and assist in reclaiming an unused and uncared for area
The shire needs to consider the ageing demographic of locals and consider their needs equally with others I.e. families and children who seems to be always prioritised.
Keep seniors informed about community development project in townsite and involved
Darlington is a wonderful community to live and it would be great to have some some more suitable housing on smaller blocks to move to as we age that’s close to village centre
Better public transport  for seniors, easy access to shops centre etc
Faffordablefacilities for seniors clubs, etc. Use of lake leschanaultia when its hot. (Including extreme fire rating)
More afforable new Retirement villages  and facilities , so the Seniors in this area do not have to leave the area.
Freestanding tennis practice wall please, in Darlington park (to encourage individual exercise)

More seating in streets and public areas to encourage seniors to remain active and do more walking (some dare not venture far because of risk)
Allocating land and encouraging infrastructure for seniors and disabled and aged care facilities
Providing seniors assistance- see city of Rockingham seniors assistance with falls prevention security and IT
Provide more high quality retirement options for seniors.
Some assistance if people are sick, injured, recuperating etc if without a car as public transport is dreadful.  May  make it hard for older people to stay in the Shire. Have to walk 2 km home up a bank where you can break an ankle.  Taxis in the hills are extremely expensive.  One way from Darlington to Midland Station is over $35.  Volunteer services may be able to assist here.
We have an aging community. We need more aged care facilities in the Shire, including graduated living to nursing care. Some of these options eg over 55’s could be converted in future generations to younger living if population changes. We need to advocate for the Shire as a beautiful place for aged/nursing care providers to develop, with strong volunteer support here and an activities. Partner with government in the town centre to offer services currently located in Midland (rotating basis?).
from what I know, the Shire are  steadily working well on all welfare for Seniors
Spend shire money equally around the shire
Centres for seniors to go to like what happens at brown park on a Wednesday morning.
More housing options for seniors wanting to down size from large properties
More rooms in retirement villages. Improve the standard of existing rooms.
More retirement facilities
More accommodation
Help more with the cost of living and help re home help and disability funding
Community transport from outside township into shopping centre daily rostered from suburbs around
While I agree that they are well done we need to be more active with helping the older community
don"t know what is available.
Improvement required for public access walkways
New building in Mundaring for senior activities
More services and accomodation available for a growing senior population
Increase services and facilities
More information given in what is available.

not expensive opportunities
Encourage development of appropriate housing (downsizing opportunities) and nursing home facilities in the central Mundaring area.
The Shire forces long term residents from the area because there is nothing available to choose as an alternative lifestyle.
communication about seniors services in he area in which you live that are easy accessible
Recognition that the aging population requires more local care agents to assist those trying to remain in their homes in the Shire rather than relocating to Aged Care facilities although tose are also of great imprtance.
Advising seniors what facilities and care is available in their local area an ensuring any new facilites are not a whim by a minority.
Encouraging community support for the elderly and disabled to help with things they can no longer do especially in times of bushfire preparedness and when there are natural disasters. Also to assist with small odd jobs and maybe dropping in for coffee etc. too many lonely elderly people out there
More programs and transport options for those that can't drive, more social opportunities for older people.
More support for aged care centres like the Hub and aged care accommodation
Another Nursing home
Facilitating development of retirement villages and similar suitable units for elderly
Mundaring is an older population with very few taxi options. A local taxi service needs to be encouraged. Over 55s activities need to be advertised more and more health care facilities available.
Getting older shouldn’t mean you have to leave your home and community.
more affordable retirement villages
More social events  and classes for them to join and be apart of
You need to look into more smaller town blocks closer to town centres so that long time hills residents who want to down size can do so without having to leave the hills.
Commence community hub including library meeting space
Times set aside for councilors to meet rate payers
Home care with local support. Free and better transport around the local area
More services
Ensure that we are adequately included in decisions regarding the new civic center that is going to be built to replace The Hub, which was originally built by the seniors at the time. Including provisions for our equipment and bus shed.  It is not viable to play carpet bowls at the Arena long term as it is more difficult to play carpet on carpet and our members cannot walk to the Arena like they do to the Hub
More suitable housing is required for seniors, similar to Yallambie but with a facility for 24/7 care for critically sick seniors.
Possibly accelerating the sourcing and approval of additional aged care facilities in the shire
Housing, better recreational areas, integration of seniors with youth, appreciation of senior volunteers, mixing them to train younger people, women's shed. Places to go that wisdom can be shared that don't cost.
More and varied accomodation for seniors wishing to downsize.
Many elderly people wishing to downsize need smaller blocks but need space for a shed/workshop and small garden. They are not always happy, particularly the men folk to, move into a small unit.
New men’s shed - fantastic. Keep up the great work
Help for elderly living alone
Any age care facility should be located next to a kindergarten, school or public recreation area. The building should be designed with an area where the residents can sit and watch the world go by, not just each other and the staff. And still feel safe
Another facility near the town centre for age to live.

Another cemetery for people who have been in Mundaring all their lives to be buried in Mundaring
I would like to see another retirement village or nursing home built in the town of Mundaring. We have elderly grandparents in the Hills who have lived here their whole lives and the wait to get into Yallambe is so long. You are literally waiting for someone to pass away for the next person on the list to get a spot. Cut some trees down within the shire to build another option for the elderly. Unfortunately for my family and many others, our great grandmother passed away in nursing home not near home where her family all are and where she grew up because we simply couldn't get her in to any nursing home close to the shire.
Allow for more Seniors Housing & facilities to be build within the shire, so as people age they can stay in the area which they like to live
For someone like me who has lived in the hills for 35 years, I’d like to downsize in the same area as I age with smaller more easily manageable properties- but only if done with care to protect the hills community and lifestyle in general.
Seniors. More inclusive - Better access to commercial and new private buildings. Better access to social activities other than at the (??).
Increase senior community areas and volunteering community works
Seniors' services. People who have lived in the shire for many years want to stay in this area during their older ages. Small pockets of suitable housing for seniors is needed, along with good facilities. We have lived in Sawyers Valley for 43 years.
Ensure services for older people are available - with choices and easy access. Also, services / activities for youth.
More services for the elderly in the community.
My main concern in this Shire is that there needs to be some planning/construction to look after aging people. Mundaring is so far behind other Shires in this regard.
More places available for older people who are lonely to get together casually… tea and coffee, available, books, newspapers, light snacks for sale
Senior centre to be redeveloped.
Affordable aged care facilities like Yallambee Mundaring (non-religious) in Glen Forrest, Darlington, Helena Valley. Currently in sufficient availability and very long waiting lists. Our 95 y.o father had to wait 3 yrs to get into Yallambee. 
3. Senior services, facilities + cre. The absence of plentiful aged / retirement group facilities across the Shire must be remedied.
Re-introduce a seniors reference group to consider pensioners and seniors special needs.
Elderly to be helped with tree removal as they were not allowed to remove trees. Now they are elderly and able to remove them they are too weak, or no money.
As the population gets older many local residents want to remain in the hills. Need to develop retirement villages, etc.
Increase retirement home options.
More services for seniors. More clubs, more events, more things to do. More housing for seniors. More plots available in the local cemetery.
Extend sewage works so more seniors houses / developments can be constructed. Mor retirement houses.
Better target seniors and understand how they communicate. Don't assume everyone knows digital tech.
The demographic of the Shire is elderly people.  There is no consideration for these people - only can we tick the boxes on going paperless - doesn't work for everyone.  Consider all generations in your electorate.
Makeing sure when fire is impacting the area that local residence who are eldery, or have medical condition or disabilities, get informed early. and that if they are not able to drive out themselves that there is a van/ bus avalible to pick them up.
More senior activities

*More available seating for the elderly to encourage them to walk and linger about the town. 

Disability access and inclusion

More public toilets in Swan View for seniors and people with disabilities. And someone to take responsibility.
To provide more ACROD parking and closer to the facility. Build ramps for push chairs to enter theatres and all public buildings.
Disability. Create tools for disabled people. Better local NDIS support. Transport options.
Disability access. Make sure there are reps from all disabilities on community committees. Access provided at all shire venues, taken into consideration, for fire warnings, etc.
Wheelchair access in some areas need an overhaul.
Access to Wooroloo Hall is dangerous when walking, as on a slope with pea gravel, and gutters caused by running water across front of hall access.
Ask someone with a disability.
Disability access at Lake Leschenaultia to the water, ie ramp into the water, like at Bilgoman Pool.
Improve access to all facilities for people with a disability and the elderly.
Provide safer and more ways for disabled people to independently get around the shire - both on foot or by transport. Provide more activities for people of 'all abilities' in the shire.
Disability access. Sustain current activities. Work more inclusively with relevant NCOs - Rise and Crosslinks - about what is available, including upcoming community events.
Make services available for inclusion of people with disabilities in terms of jobs and social opportunities.
Disability access. The Shire of Mundaring have zero support for children with disabilities and support for their families. No social groups, no inclusion play areas, no team sport groups.
Disability parking enforced and footpath access strengthened without 'buck' passing to Main Roads or someone else.
More access to general areas for people with disabilities.
As above.
Continue with providing facilities for disabled and elderly.
Wheelchair access at John Forrest National Park. Wheelchair  access around Lake Leschenaultia. Wheelchair access around and on the Mundaring Weir. Open the Weir Museum to all people. Make every business and shire place disabled accessible.
We have a child in a wheelchair and were disappointed to see that the local primary school did not have footpath access to it (Parkerville PS). Also, all disabled toilets are only accessible for those who can sit on a toilet. True accessible facilities would include an adult change table. Also, no accessible playground equipment.
Ease of access for disabled people that includes walkways, paths, business and government buildings.
Disability access. My son, who has Cerebral Palsy, finds little access and inclusion in Darlington. It is even difficult for him to even ride his scooter from our house in Cook St to the village. Lukin Ave has become a dangerous race course for some local drivers.
Do not banish the young disabled from using Brown Park facilities.
Disability services.
Transport from Parkerville leads to nowhere and not into the shire. And appropriate times to return from anywhere.
Facilities for children with disabilities. Soft and safe zones at public parks, health care specifically targeting neurodiverse children / babies.
More parks with playgrounds with close by toilets.
More educational skills program to all disable people
More facilities for youth mentoring, Autism hub, DCP reachable facilities. It’s becoming harder to find places to use NDIS up this way and availability.
I am a recent resident and are unaware of what is available for those of us with a disability.
Darlington has some of the least disability-friendly footpaths I've ever seen.  no one could get around there in a wheelchair.  I think Darlington is so full of white-privileged able-bodied people that they just don't think of this, but in today's world, we all need to be better at supporting people living with disability.
Professional accessiblity audits must be conducted not only with shire buildings but with buildings that serve the public like shops, banks, professional services and schools. The recommendations from these audits must be implemented in a timely manner. There should be nowhere in the shire that is not accessible for people with disability and seniors. Does Bilgoman pool have a choice between ramp entrance into the pool and a hoist?
Residential care opportunities for private companies to not be held back with so many regulations and red tape that is costly and therefore not happening.
Closer disability access to restaurants hotels and concert venues
All-abilities playground for children with mobility issues. More options for flatter pathways. Shaded playground areas.
Provide real part time employment for people with disabilities.

Provide more recreational activities and clubs, discos etc for them to be able to go out and enjoy life.

Provide some free space to collaborate with artists in the area - I have heard many people asking for that.

Promote our able bodied people to mentor our teenage disabled youth in anything, spend TIME together just being together.

Hold some Shire bbqs etc
Wheelchair friendly access to heritage trail and other areas, water points along trail that work and better signage showing access areas and natural beauty areas, currently relying on google which takes them the wrong way e.g. Falls park and Hovea falls.
Easier access to venues and attractions
More disability  parking
Provision of wheelchair access to public restrooms and traffic calming services
Repairing or replacing the brick paving in Mundaring Weir road to enhance safety for people with disabilities
There are extremely limited options for our local disabled residents within the shire. They need to go to Midland and beyond. Costs for people starting options locally could be an issue (I looked into this once myself, I actually waited over 5wks to hear from the shire and took my activities to Midland).
The hills have no, publicly accessible gym or fitness facilities for people with disability classification. Much like my comments regarding Bilgoman pool, in 2024, we need a greater level of support and commitment to the health of people in our community. Build a shire run, universal access gym in Mundaring that gives people in the area with health challenges a chance to live lives of meaning and independence.
The lack of public transport means people with disability who don't drive struggle to participate in education or work, even if they are capable of it
Ensuring all people with disabilities are included in town planning ND HAVE ACCESS TO ALL SERVICES AVAILBLE TO PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN THE SHIRE
A REAL commitment to hiring people with disability.
More ramps to buildings, road crossing etc.
Better access for ALL disabilities at the Shires facilities. Access that is fair and respectful, well thought out and not just "done to code" to rick the box
all wriiten in first box
More activities that specifically target children and young adults with a disability. Eg: social gatherings, yoga, dancing etc. More info events through the library on issues relating to people and families with disabilities
Pathway for disability walker and wheel chair to access the oval. Currently there is no pathway allowing disability access to the Glen Forrest Oval.
Annoys me that there’s no access into the HV IGA for pedestrians that’s not shared with vehicles. Those on senior scooters (can’t remember what they’re called!), anyone with a pram or toddlers/kids on bikes etc can only get into the shopping centre via the driveways - there is no pedestrian only ramp access into the centre.
More facilities, support services and financial services.
ie Changing Places, for better access to places for both disability and senior access
We have all of these bus stops provided by Trans Perth but no way for disabled people to utilise them. Unless there are footpaths connecting to these bus stops they are white elephants.
Access and ability to get around for someone with disabilities is poor
better footpaths more shade areas
Toilets for disabled people with a bench and hoist. So we don't have to change them on the floor. Not everyone in a wheelchair is a paraplegic.
A liberty swing or similar so kids in a wheelchair can swing.
Restaurants or tea houses in a nice setting with ample disability access.
Bus trips to surrounding places of interest
Inclusion in what us happening within our communities
Glen Forrest Oval facility upgrade to be disability accessible change rooms to an acceptable standard
Disability access at Mundaring Sporting Club
Disability and inclusion. The Covid response to us, those who chose not to let Government rule our medical choices, was abysmal. I no longer even use the library I once volunteered at. 'Inclusion' means all, not just the chosen ones.
Services for disabled people ie. Gardening and basic household duties - at discount rates. (Adult gym equipment in Pioneer Park).
Indoor swimming pool with disability access all year round. Like Swan Active.
Disability inclusion parks, events. Not just for physical disabilities. Assistance or check ins in natural disaster, fire, storm affecting my household and were stranded at home.
Better disability access

Recognition and respect for First Nations peoples, cultures and heritage

Carry out central precinct development ASAP.
Youth centre, like a PCYC, with engaging staff and fully equipped with materials / activities.
Better acknowledgement and inclusion of First Nations people in decision making and public education on Indigenous history.
No recognition of Aboriginal Heritage.
Implement a verge garden program and provide local, native seedlings.
Consult and commence a variety of First Nations expertise in areas they excel in, not just lip service but active engagement.
Consult local community, including representatives for First Nations people, elders and young people. Devise collaborative projects.
First Nations People need to be continued to be recognised in activities and events around Mundaring as I think it is fashionable at present to do this. I would like to see it as automatic that they are recognised and consulted into the future.
Festivals, events. Key dates are leveraged as opportunities to demonstrate meaningful and sensitive reconciliation. Help educated and improve understanding of Indigenous history, of our shire - particularly older generation.
Full and proper consultation with the recognised traditional owners / custodians.
Treaty with First Nations people. Engagement with First Nations business and employment. Give back country.
Provide more employment opportunities for First Nations people. Implement dual language on all signage of public places throughout the shire (Noongar and English). Add a truth telling element to shire website and clearly state that sovereignty was never ceded.
A document or plans showing where Aboriginal culture sites of interest and heritage would be important. We have lived in Darlington for 5 years but have seen little.
Cultural events. Increase cultural education.
In a brief encounter with the historical faction in Mundaring I got the impression that the area of knowledge and interest only extended as far back as not even early European settlement. I thought that a lot was being missed out on here.
Our closest cultural centre is in Northam - We have so little representation and acknowledgement of our local tribes and peoples in our everyday lives. Look at NZ and Canada as examples. Yes, we have the Hills Discovery Centre and Kalamunda Zig Zag but I feel that the Discovery Centre is tucked away - out of sight and out of mind - for the majority of our residents. Did you know we have had cultural finds in Parkerville, for instance.
Acknowledgement of First Nations people - Education, Festivals, Youth groups.
Review place names - 'Stirling' Close / Road and other colonial based names could be replaced to better recognise local indigenous culture and to better position the shire to this end.
The Shire began to develop a reconciliation action plan in 2021. That says it all. Backwards. Where else waited this long for a RAP to be a priority?
I attended Balladong first in York on Australia day, a joint inclusive festival regardless of how long you have lived in Australia. Mundaring needs something similar with Noongar elders and not just for Australia day
More recognition please.
Give local first nations people a permanent seat on the council, the rest will follow from there.
Support all their complaints and comments
Get a new history of the shire commissioned that is from the First Nations perspective and from that could follow other more accessible projects-a history centre, plaques etc depending on what the descendants of those pushed out of the area want
Improve awareness of First Nations history (in detail).
Responsible explanation of legislative attempts to improve First Nations people's lives to counter fear-mongering.
I have lived in the Mundaring Shire my whole life and the only history that I have heard or have seen recognised within the shire is that of white settlers and anything to do with the Weir. Granted the Weir is a huge part of the Shire and I loved learning about that when I was younger but there was a whole other culture here long before that. I would like the shire to start investigating and sharing that history. Sharing local place names. Significant places. Educating on the Indigenous seasons for the area. Indigenous fire practices etc.
More information made readily available about First Nation heritage in the Shire.  Who were they and what happened to them in this region.
STOP the welcoming to country and all the false Aboriginal ceremonies associated with the council. Keep Australia for all Australians and stop favouring one group over another
I think more advice and information around the Indigenous history of Darlington and the hills in general.  Do you have an Elder in Residence at the Shire?  Are there any ways to engage directly with Aboriginal people?  Certainly not that i've seen promoted or advertised.
It is not enough to pay token recognition through words. Real action needs to be taken to make the shire a truly inclusive and consultatory place where First Nations people are celebrated and included.
To develop greater awareness through the Shire's employment of Indigenous staff who could increase community knowledge of First Nations culture/heritage.
Educate around reconciliation, truth telling etc
Include local indigenous knowledge in code signed fire management plans
Incorporating local indigenous knowledge into planning significant events to celebrate our shared history
There are incredible opportunities to promote and enhance First Nations knowledge and people. So many tourists want to know more and we have very little available. For example, local indigenous signs or information
Actually recognise First Nations cultures, endorse events, ask the porple
Truth telling of the indigenous history and customs that have been in the shire. Endeavour to fill in the gaps of forgotten and ignore events.
Where are they recognised?
Information signs about history and indigenous names of places, ie: parks, trails, etc
Pre signage including names of areas like Mt Helena should incorporate the indigenous name for the area
There seems to be a lack of First Nations people who reside in the Shire, which is an even better reason to recognise their cultures and heritage throughout the area. The children are learning about in school, so it would be good to see that consolidated throughout the shire. City of Swan do it very well, and it quite lovely to see their connect to the First Nations heritage.
I am not aware what is being done in this area but see this as something significant and hope the shire has this as a priority for 2024.
Dedicated Noongar staff responsible for liaising between the Aboriginal community and the Shire.
A lot more local history on aboriginal settlement and locations in this area.
Zero visibility/ promotion of this seen around the area
Recognition of first nation cultures and heritage would be the correct thing to do. They would be able to help with bush fire management education within schools.
There needs to be a more visible and proactive acknowledgment of First Nations people who lived in the SofM. For example art work - historical murals, signage, Elders events for the community. Forest bush Tucker event. Language acknowledgement and so on.
no really. A survey that forces me to choose is just silly
Improve recognition, education and awareness, through more first nations events/tours in our shire, signage, renaming/duel naming with noongar place names
Truthful education for all citizens re the reality of Aboriginal reconciliation, given the failure of the Referendum.... Aboriginals should be represented on Council. They also could play a major role in forest preservation rather than prescribed burning!
I am 49 and know nothing of the aboriginal heritage, sacred sites or history of my own land here in Parkerville. Where are our aboriginal elders and how can we meet and learn from them? Please invite elders like uncle noel Nannup and others to come a be with us, teach us about our hills animals and flora and how to care for country re fire etc.
Events (ie. arts, cultural,  land management)  and  permanent educational installations recognizing indigenous connection to this area.
Naming places and areas with both aboriginal and English names. Consulting First Nation elders on projects to be undertaken. Respect country by maintaining and growing more native understory and replacing large trees.
Using Whadjuk/Noongar language on as much signage as possible and re-naming the oval and, (yeah why not?) John Forrest National Park.
ACTUALLY recognise First Nations people by ACTUALLY using their language.
Thanks for this opportunity, re-naming John Forrest might not have occurred to me if you hadn’t asked. And please believe that in 10 years time this will be the momentum throughout Australia so why not be ahead of the tide??!
I would like to see the nonngar/ wadjuvk history of the area, would like to see the names of parks, and streets in noongar, and more indigenous artwork and programs. We know the conical history of this area but not the history of the first nations people.
Report and publish progress updates on RAP deliverables.
I haven’t seen any recognition of First Nations people in the Shire. What is First Nations peoples heritage in the area? More education needed
More awareness raising in this very important area
I feel there are places of importance in our shire that need to be protected / preserved and recognised.
Local culture awareness and responsiveness
Aboriginal councillors are needed
anything, anything at all
An awareness and appropriate action to promote Aboriginal heritage
Provide heritage signage of First Nations  cultural spaces in shire parks
Develop an inventory of cultural spaces and preserve same  eg rock art
Development of a Yarning place. Acknowledgement of local Mob, Chippers Leap changed to meet the Elders knowledge of the event.
Increased visibility and use of language
Providing job opportunities for indigenous residents in the shire
Signage at entry points of Shire to embrace Noongar language
promoting history identifying places of cultural importance education people to importance of sites
Proper NAIDOC week
Acknowledgement of first nations in business`s
cultural walks and promotions accessible to all
Work with First nations for burning off
We pay lip service to the First Nation every time we open an event. Apart from that there doesn’t appear to be anything else
Employ an Aborigional Liason Officer who could be consulted on all issues
Everyone should be getting on board with this
Recognition of First Nations culture & practice would automatically increase awareness of the unique environment of the Hills. It would   build a bridge and relationship with settlers history that can be  proudly supported; providing education for current and future generations and help develop future social resilience, respect and responsibility for the area in which we live. Embracing this would underpin all arts, tourism and business practice.
Prioritise the views and needs of First Nations peoples by not siloing them as a separate issue. Their welfare should be included equally in all planning and development matters.
Priority has been given to meeting the wants of landholders and taxpayers. However due to past actions we are indebted to First Nations peoples and this will be an issue and affect all of us negatively if not addressed, irrespective of whether we consider it an important issue.
- give them a voice
- pay their voice respect and action where seen as truthful and beneficial to all
- recognise where dissenting voices do so for self serving reasons, and act accordingly by not granting rights and privileges to people untruthful or dishonest claims.
- work tirelessly against corruption
I think as a shire we could be more inclusive
Ask the aboriginal community in the hills first. Include aboriginal place names, more of the great sessions at Boya library on aboriginal culture.
More opportunities to meet with aboriginal people and communities and to understad their situation
Extensive and respectful consultation with local first nations people is a good way to start.
Proud and authentic recognition creates pride, and a sense of contemporaneous to communities. It' also a great draw card for tourists. I'd like to see dual naming; interpretive signage; cultural events; public artwork that promote and educate about the First nations histories and continuing cultures here.
More information on heritage locations and culture across the Shire, including identification and signage of significant sites. Obviously in consultation with First Nations people
More education from first nation peoples to ‘us’ regarding the history of the area from their viewpoint
Ensure our history doesn't get swallowed up with convoluted indigenous land rights
Built up areas need to be attractive, not just black bitumen roads and footpaths. Include First Nation's history / recognition.
Noongar place names must be used at the town entrance and for talking about the seasons.  Local wildlife names should also be used and represented in nature info plaques.

You may not know this, but the three species of  Black Cockatoos embody the spirit of the Elders. The Hills is their spiritual home. Protecting and enhancing their habitat is essential for the survival of the species which are currently listed as being vulnerable to extinction due to urbanisation and leaking grain trucks along the highway.

Owning and honouring this species presents as a major tourist draw card. This recent heatwave has shown the need for a water source for all of our wildlife.

I recommend placing a big bird bath for them at the sculpture park.This can acknowledge the Noongar Place and name of the species (Ngoolyaks & Karraks) as well as truly honour the Elders as we always say in the Acknowledgement of Country.

If you haven't seen Jane Hammond's Black Cockatoo Crisis please do.

Volunteer support and recognition

Pay volunteers when on duty.
Discount on rates for those in emergency services who volunteer their time to protect their community.
Financial or / and service support for volunteers and family when volunteers have to miss work to fight fires. For example, Shire pays for meals / groceries / petrol and lobbies government for more financial support for vollies.
Our volunteer fire people need way more support and recognition.
Volunteers need more recognition and publicity. They are the people who keep the community going in good times and bad. More advertising for, and  social events for volunteers to keep those involved and encourage new (and younger) folk.
Digging deep to find those primary carers in our community who quietly go about serving and supporting neighbours, mums, dads, brothers or sisters.
Professional counselling and support for volunteers and their families.
More discussions with volunteer groups. What they need. Where they are going. What they are achieving, etc.
Volunteers are a diminishing resource. Shire puts capital into infrastructure. Volunteers need financial support to ensure the operational aspect is maintained or fixed as well.
Our volunteer fire fighters are always in need of more equipment.
Listen to the people in the shire and not just their own agenda.
Vital to assist the shire with undertaking roles in the community. Furthermore, when the public see their efforts are appreciated it will bring on more volunteers to help, which is good.
6. Be more reactive to volunteer organisations' needs and requests. Pay the brigades prescribed burn funds without all the bureaucracy and red tape.
Continue with support.
Keep it up.
Spend more in social recognition of our volunteers. All are not fire fighters. Determine correctly who is a volunteer and what their contribution is.
Volunteer support, ie. Bushfire Brigade - Volunteers should be compensated ie. Lower rates. Employment - youth, incentivise - learn skills. Seniors - Free admission to pool etc. Swap fees vs time - volunteer 10 hours week. Card system.
No point.
Involving the community is challenging. However, reaching out for volunteers for roles that are less of a commitment and less responsibility but still helpful. People are busy and most houses are dual income - down time is scarce. Not many have the time or availability for dedicated committee positions - small inputs or opportunities of input. 'How to give back' letter box drops or advertising campaigns.
Recognise volunteers.
More support for volunteer services.
There is nothing for youth to do. Transperth is terrible. We need unsupervised, safe spaces, like unlocked outdoor basketball courts, or parkour spaces, or engage them through volunteer bushfire brigades.
Have a way to thank volunteers that doesn't rely on someone else nominating them.
more funding for local
More help to local non-profit and volunteer organisations
Dont know
volunteers need to be paid
Increased support of volunteer groups that are landcare based. Support groups that volunteer to recover and manage areas of native vegetation.
Fire and emergency services need more. They are predominantly volunteers, and many of them feel underappreciated, under-resourced, and under-staffed.
Support volunteers by making it easier for them to get access to e.g. tip passes when assisting cleaning up a disabled or seniors property. Have a designated volunteer advisor to assist volunteers to navigate the shire processes to achieve best outcome quickly, efficiently and cheaply for both shire, volunteer and whoever/whatever the volunteer is involved with.
Empower the people who are prepared to give their time and effort
support all volunteer groups to do what they do better than anyone else - serve the community!
Volunteers keep community activities and sports clubs functioning. Reduce rent for not for profits so valuable fundraising money is spent on building clubs resources not paying for facilities.
Ensure the new CO has a good idea of volunteer community activities and how they fit into building the community.
Advertise for opportunities to assist with some of the organisations.
Finding ways or advocating for more State gov't support / recognition for volunteers to fire service.
Unsure but there are a lot of very active volunteers in the Mundaring Shire and they need support and recognition
I would find it helpful if some organization / co-ordination of volunteers were to exist so young people or older schoolkids could help older residents manage their gardens for a reasonable rate. I am 88 and am becoming more dependent on additional help to manage my garden and if I can't do this , my next move is to consider selling up which is something I really wish to avoid doing.
allow more divergent groups to operate in the city with council support. EG Mens sheds>
What volunteer programmes are available to access and be a part of.
More firefighting resources and upgrades to fire brigade buildings
A list of volunteer support services available things like men shed and s e s
I feel volunteer Fire fighters should be offered a discount on there rates, this would possiably encourage new members from with in the communtiy. With out there commitment there would be a greater need for paid firefighters. Many of the community would be affected, also I am  not sure the community/ people are  aware of what they do, as in be on call for 1 week every 4 weeks and be prepared to leave home any time of the day or night to protect there community.
Fire Station improvements that are promised should be Prioritised.
Better funding for fire fighter trainers.
advice on who is eligible for transport
Shire to provide incentives for volunteers. Pay them In Kind, with vouchers to events,or free entry  to fund raisers.
For the aged
organise volunteer groups that improve the natural environment and the public's access to it
More support for volunteers in emergency services,when medical issues arises,such as cancer.
value people that volunteer -
what!!???? a THIRD  forced selection????
No volunteer details on shire website, it automatically takes you to another volunteering website nothing to do with the shire
I think we need to be mindful of an aging population in the volunteer sector. Perhaps engagement with high schools to encourage youth to join volunteer programs like the fire brigade would be beneficial for both parties.
There are many volunteers within the community, especially those who tend many areas that need weed removal, tidying up etc.  Perhaps recognise some of these individuals by way of a photo and notes on where they volunteer, what they exactly do with description and photos of the particular weeds they're removing and what we can look for in our own gardens.  I'm sure the 'Echo' would be happy to publish these.
More funding, equipment to volunteer organisations, ie The SES and the volunteer fire brigades. Also help in recruiting members, especially for the SES.
More volunteers are always needed in so many ways
I am a volunteer secretary at the eastern hills communitypantry located in mt helena. we would like to have a bigger premise to be able to store more food to be able to redistribute for free out to the community. We would also like to have regular access to a licensed kitchen to do a soup kitchen for those in need within the eastern hills community.
Align with volunteers better and understand that they are people that give their time to help/better the community and not employees of the Shire or DFES. These are people who already work normal jobs and then give their time.
information as to what is available
I would love to know volunteer programs in the community and the impact they are having on the community. Feel good Facebook or local newspaper posts and reaching out for more volunteers (there might be people wanting to know how they can get involved).
Cintinued recognition & support to encourage younger volumteers
More awareness of voluntary organisations in community
Support and funding for volunteer bush fire brigades
The shire only seems to recognise volunteers if we let shire know about us. There is no , nor has there been a register of volunteers within the shire.
We are taken for granted in that we will keep doing what we do because nobody else will.
Very important to acknowledge as they are volunteers.
People like to volunteer if information re what’s needed is made available
Maybe a small discount on their rates as a thankyou.
stop treating volunteer groups that use/hire/lease shire facilities as a business income. volunteer fund raising should not be swallowed up in paying unreasonable fees to the shire. groups that provide a service to community and enhance well being and community health should be encouraged and supported. lease agreements are too onerous and complex for volunteer groups.
I was surprised to hear the shire is still applying onerous lease pressures on community groups. Building maintenance is a big job for volunteers.

Access to health and community services

Improve availability of home assistance for seniors.
More Doctors. Difficult for new residents to join a clinic.
Community gym and wellness centre where free, or subsidised, events can be held to support mental and physical health. Pool passes, like tip passes (Bilgoman).
Health centre for everyone to use
Better doctors - as all of the good ones are always booked out and hard to get an appointment with.
Health and community services for all ages and include everyone. If they are available, make them more commonly known to the community.
Need more health services in local villages. You have to wait too long for an appointment.
After hours doctors -  help availability.
There needs to be a doctor appointed for emergency patients who have a high temperature, regardless of appointment availability. At this moment if appointments are not available the patients need to travel to Midland to find help. We need someone constantly on duty in our area.
More availability for affordable medical for families.
There are plenty of doctors and chemists, so what does this mean.
We will require more doctors / hospitals etc., for the aging population.
Health. Unaware of any such services in Midvale.
I would like to see further investment in local programs that suit families and children.
Mundaring is a good 1/2 hour away from me. I would have to walk a mile to GEH, then catch a bus and cross at Mundaring - all the while I walk with a 4 wheel walker.
Impossible to get in to see a doctor.
Health services - Better and more.
Important. Covid and more other health issues are occurring all the time. Need to be proactive and on the front foot about such matters.
More medical practices / doctors. It is getting difficult to make a doctor's appointment without a long wait.
The Mundaring GP Super Clinic could be a lot better with permanent doctors installed. As it is now it is not worth going as every time you get a doctor you like next time you go there they are just not there anymore.
More health services - Doctors, dentist, podiatrist, physio etc., that are bulk billed services. A central community service where people are helped to find the appropriate service for them.
Buses. Shopping.
More access to specialists / doctors, especially for those on low income.
Health / community services.
We need more services to assist the elderly to be more aware of the services already provided. Private / Public and their operations. Management of Government Packages for the elderly - insufficient choices available. Not enough home care assistance or medical assistance. Too much red tape.
With older people comes all the health issues. Would it be possible to facilitate health facilities specifically for aged people, taking pressures off the already stretched emergency system.
Affordable health care needs to be provided. There are now no bulk billing doctor services available in Mundaring, which is terrible.
We have an aging population. More aged care facilities would be nice. Here in Mt Helena we have access to bulk billing. Could the rest of the shire do the same.
Health promotion and support for diabetics.
More difficult to get into as GP. Bulk billing is rare. Shire growing, with a need to attract more GPs without having to go to Midland.
Improve access to health services.
Health and community services. More assistance for poverty level families.
Health / community care - Team up with the City of Swan to develop more assistance for seniors, disability requirements.
Health and community services. Assist the development of a wide range of community services to assist the disadvantaged and 'at risk' people in our community, eg. homeless, low income people, mental health, young people dropping out of education.
Health and community services.
More health professionals.
Keeping appointments for health, being able to access community organisations so as to keep seniors involved - being able to participate.
Better access for transport for the elderly or disabled.
Not sure.
Health and Community Services.
Health and community. Aging population - There's a lot more lonely, older people.
More parking around these facilities.
Making sure there is access and enough assistance for those in need
Perhaps instead of having to choose aged, disabled, kids etc as priorities, ALL people’s needs could be catered for. I’m 62 & unemployed and there’s nothing I know of to do socially & uplifting that is available or affordable or appropriate unless it’s some type of support group for miserable, damaged people.
Health is a big factor in this community as we are distance to midland
Need BULK BILLING or free community medical vans that travel around.
Income is little so no one goes to the doctor anymore.
A coordinated central health hub.
One that will function through natural disasters such as the recent fires and storm.
Mother and baby centres, for example. COmmunity nurses.
More bulk billed services eg: teeth, physio
Ensuring access to services so that people are able stay in this community and not have to move due to health needs
Well not really a shire issue, more training for medical staff at midland ed.
Regarding mental health and drug n alcohol issues.
There appears to be a shortage of GP's, in the area. We have only resided in the area for 3 years and as such don't yet have an overview of all the facilities in the area.
We love living here and hope to remain for the remainder of our lives.
Bulk billing doctors and mental health providers
More of everything
More aged care facilities
More Doctors
Hospital in Mundaring
Schools need dental care
Consider incentives to expand GP services.
Some health services so that a drive down to Midland is not necessary
Continuing social centre & activities as at the Hub at present
Easier transport options to get to venues especially if unable to drive
what health and community services, never see or hear of any
Access to bulk billing drs surgery.
more access to affordable medical care and community based events
Bigger hospitals with parking for staff and public that should remain free
A Drop In centre in the heart of town. Staffed. With facilities for social contacts on site. 5 days a week.
Build and operate a small hospital in Mundaring. Establish a doctors medical center like Kalamunda Medical Center.
Increase in medical facilities required. Incl doctors surgeries, dental & physiotherapists to name a few.
Home help
More active health and safety measures around hoarders property environmental checks on homes storing rubbish in and around homes which invite rodents and insects.
Stricter enforcement of health measures for public in pet litter and faeces stronger protection of dogs off leashes roaming streets
more doctors and access to specialists
More doctors and health facilities
Provide fit-for-purpose community facilities in high-activity areas. Including facilities for community programs run by community-based and not-for-profit organisation that relieve the need for the Shire to run those services.
Clean modern health facilities.  Address access issues and traffic management within shopping, health care precinct. Encourage health food options and food outlets, not fast food to feed the  ongoing health issues
Consider how support of existing health services could be improved to shorten wait times and allow families to access services when they move into the area. Many of the good GPs don't have new patient capacity. Consider initiatives like drive thru checks non appt required for all common colds, certificates etc. Check out what Broome does.
Need more GP  and aged care services
Providing some service and letting the public know how to access them.
see swan shire ---swan active program
We need more of the above
Would like to see reduced cost health and fitness centres and facilities throughout the shire for seniors. eg hydrotherapy pools
Control of noise limits. Or is this a police matter.
I don’t mind necessary noise at any time - I would much rather hear a chainsaw for someone cutting a tree safely to prevent a fire, than having them pose a fire risk. But the loud music at all hours is too much. Also very hard to pinpoint where it’s coming from but people should be reminded - perhaps this can go out as a notice when You send rates.
Increased availability of medical services in area especially after hours services
Access to bulk billing in the local area
Working class pay for everyone therefore they MUST have priority above everyone else crap and sick emotional distorted view of the world.
Spend working class money so they can represent the working class health needs.
Cheap health services no money for [sensitive remark removed].

I am not paying for that [sensitive remark removed].
I think we need a IGA in the suburb
Not enough GPs bulk billing
Seriously need more daycare centres/facilities. And GPs
Improve community services in central Mundaring
Having a doctor in the area most days would be wonderful, not part time some days
Absolute must in any community
Urgent care clinic in Mundaring. Stop relying on city of swan to provide all the services, it’s a long way down the hill for hills folk.
Also, I wonder if you know how frequently Mundaring has no ambulance in town….a peppercorn lease should equate to ensuring one is available right, but I can guarantee you it’s almost never in town
No major projects, just a constant higher level of focus as this is relevant to all walks of life.
There’s not a single bulk billing GP in the area, no specialists either.
More services available so we don't have to drive to Midland/west perth/claremont/the city to be seen
Access to free medical
Perhaps not the right title but although I am a rate payer in Mundaring, I travel to Northam for my health needs simply as the care is more efficient. Community services cannot cope with present needs with the existing population, the toilets in the shopping area is not maintained and often disgraceful. The parking precinct in Mundaring is shocking for the number of vehicles and needs to be reviewed just to name a couple of issues.
Continued good access to GP’s
Support existing health services. Having GP services (especially bulk billed) in these small communities is so valuable.
Continue to grow/expand health services.
We need more GPs and other physical and mental health specialist in our community. It is not acceptable to wait for an doctors appointment for more days, or been sent to private emergency centres down the hill in case of urgent help.
Opening new facilities to account for population growth, eg. Medical centres.
Medical services.
The entry to doctor's surgery, Morrison Rd and Marlboro Rd, needs to be relocated to cul de sac on side road.

Sport and recreation facilities and services

please allow the local basketball courts to be open for use outside of play scheduled games especially the Mundaring rec center and better still build a 3 on 3 court in Sculpture park and a new skate park there too
Sports facilities, playgrounds, skate parks, basketball hoops, tennis hit up practice walls.
Mountain bike tracks - could do so much in this space!!
Make a decision on Mt Helena Pool!!! Have made it so hard with the hours
Keep bilgoman open to 9pm on Fri/Sat and school holidays. Families can really enjoy a good bbq then!!
Bring family events to the area, a bike race, fun run/walk
Lighting for skateparks / basketball areas for teens
Creating a swimming and sports center that assists everbody in the community. Aimed at rebuilding muscle and strength for those who need rehabilitation(All of us a 1 point in our lives) due to, aging, disability, injury.  A second pool for babies and kids learning to swimm. these should have a community Gym  and rooms for The community physios to run classas as well as aqua Hyrotheropy. this will require a ramp into the pool, as well as a hoist in a heated pool. these centre could have spaces for other community groups as well, there walls could be a gallery. there could be a hall attached. what ever is needed
Football pitches (soccer) and facilities to meet community needs into the future. 
Brown park masterplan
The Bilgoman Aquatic Centre is a wonderful facility and is managed very well. I swim there often.
However, the noise pollution from Great Eastern HWY is horrific, with a constant scream from trucks, cars, motorbikes, etc. It really ruins one's enjoyment of the place.
A simple and relatively easy solution would be to plant a double row of hedges along the highway fence. This would also help with the visual pollution of the streaming vehicles and add some garden ambiance.
More family friendly public facilities, not just catering for small children. 
Focus on working class needs because they pay the local government salaries.
Reduce the number of parasites working in there and [sensitive remark removed].
STOP encouraging and driving WEF and stupid elites policies.
Seeing many in the community struggling I'd like to see more assistance given to those members. I'd also like to see a free tennis court in our shire. More free basketball courts. Usable space for people.
Reduce costs for using sporting facilities to make it more affordable to encourage their use.
Community services to increase families connecting with one another.
Sport and Recreation.
As a resident of Swan View, which is a nice place to live, I feel that the tennis courts behind Brown Park need more attention. As Swan View residents we feel we are not heard enough with issues.
Sport and Rec - All related to the youth. They could do with some basketball courts that they can access day or night. A bituminised pump track.
Sport / Rec. 50m indoor swimming pool. Bilgoman is only opened for 5 - 6 months. Nearest 50m pool is Bayswater or Belmont.
Youth centres.
Water fountains at all sports grounds.
Sport and Rec. Creating and improving sports facilities to enhance child participation numbers.
We need an indoor swimming pool so children living here can actually learn how to swim properly all year round, instead of freezing in the terrible below average facilities.
3. All the money seems to be spent up the hill. As I live closer to Midland that is where I do all my shopping etc.
Mundaring Sports Centre needs to have more under cover areas as too much sport gets cancelled due to heat.
A water facility - similar to Swan Active, for children to swim all year round. (An indoor swimming pool facility so parents don't have to drive so far for lessons all year).
Why can't we have an indoor pool for all year round.
Golf course should be reticulated and tidied up - just fairways to encourage golfers to play local. This item is a shire black spot.
Sport and Rec facilities and amenities are essential at this time of family break down and family violence. Need more investment, more volunteers involved. Particularly teach young people to work in a team, communicate, take responsibility. Also, a better start in life than drugs and electronic devices.
Development of an athletics facility. Running  track, long jump, high jump, javelin, discuss. Keep it properly maintained and do not play cricket / baseball there in the summer, or football, rugby, soccer there in winter. A dedicated athletics facility.
Better access to public transport.
BMX track additional to Chidlow Skate Park in the open space. Like at Kelmscott and Bayswater.
Sporting facilities need constant financial upkeep and improvement. Playing surfaces are just as important as infrastructure.
Sports and Rec. Nothing in the area of Midvale.
Keep up with the sports fields, which will encourage people to use them and will keep them fitter.
Build a year round wellness and olympic pool (indoor / heated) facility that can be utilised by everyone in the community. An outdoor water play park for younger children. Open the Arena to kids sports more than the bloody markets.
Sport and Rec facilities might keep teenagers off the streets and stop them being up to no good. We have the space and the weather, and the knock on health and wellbeing for all the community will be seen in other areas, eg. Health.
Brown Park has substandard ovals, clubs are outdated, clubroom tiny.
A pool that is open year round. Facilities for pickleball. Bike tracks suitable for children.
(1) Finish Swan Active. (2) Use pool blanket on Bilgoman Pool. (3) More shade / trees at park and sports venues.
The shire needs to build an indoor pool that is available to residents all year round. We're sick of driving so far to use the great facilities in the City of Swan.
More could be done to sponsor fun runs, cycling events. The natural environment of the shire lends itself to these types of events. It could become a centre for this, with obvious spinoffs.
Provide longer opening hours for Mt Helena Pool. Open to public from end November / early December to March at least (full summer).
Arena is too small for the number of community groups requiring its use.
An under cover, all year round swimming pool centre in Mundaring would be fantastic. A lot of money has been spent on other sports facilities.
Provide a pump track.
Build a recreation complex that includes pools in Mundaring. Needs to meet services, requirements for youth. Water slides, just like regional WA.
The sport and recreation areas are quite good. Keep up the good work. I would suggest shade / shelter over the seating at Mundaring Oval, but I believe that is happening. I enjoy the many areas designated as dog exercise areas.
No indoor swimming centre (Local Government) available for year round swimming, lessons for local children.
Sports and leisure centre or exercise area.
Sport and Rec. Upgrade of basketball court, Brown Park.
Sport and rec facilities. Upgraded tennis court facilities. A nicer club house. Shaded tennis courts.
Community sport is the building block to create community. Great, well supported facilities are essential so I'd encourage the shire to stay focused in this area.
Sports facilities are excellent. Keep up the service / good work.
Swing set at Curvan / Carstairs Park in Darlington.
More basketball courts.
Sport and Recreation. More shire subsidised sporting centres - pool, gym
Burkinshaw Oval to have night sports as playing sport in the day is too unpredictable with temperatures in summer too hot. Night sports is the future.
8. Support for GF sports club - grounds and car park.
You promised a new Glen Forrest Tennis Club building 15 years ago and you still haven't planned anything.
Sport and Recreation. Extend the opening season for Bilgoman Pool. Should include Easter and first term of school holidays as these are times when we can still have quite hot weather.
Need a heated, year round swimming pool.
Use the signs to promote sporting and recreation facilities, include Lake Leschenaultia.
8. Indoor swimming pool with an indoor play centre and sporting for youth, ie. Karate or gymnastics.
Full time recreation centre catering to all ages, such as the 4 centres they have in the Shire of Swan.
The Mt Helena change rooms are deplorable. Please seek grants to help. We have $75,000 for the last 4 years. What is needed and what can be done. 
Recreation facilities are severely lacking and those available are old and under maintained.
Café / bar / restaurant in Darlington - Small venue(s).
Have some Sports and Recreation Centres.
Outdoor gym equipment somewhere in Mundaring. For example, in Pioneer Park. Chidlow has one and yet Mundaring does not. I think it would increase the wellness of all age groups.
Help support and set up clubs and classes for sports and hobbies in community spaces.
The lack of indoor sports facilities. Need two further courts at Mundaring Arena and other indoor facilities built in Mundaring Shire.
The Shire of Mundaring needs sporting facilities that include a swimming pool that would run all year round.
Sport and Recreation. Find a way to keep Lake Leschenaultia open to the public on hot days.
Sports tourism would be worth targeting. Outdoor basketball courts for 3 x 3 comps, or tournaments at the Arena. Invite athletes for meets. Swimming? Spaces for inter area competitions is limited in Perth. There is huge potential to get ahead of.
Improvements to local sporting facilities, not just a central area.
8. Keep upgrading the recreational areas to give the kids something to do. Too many kids riding unregistered trail bikes on the roads. Someone's going to get injured or killed soon.
Bilgoman Pool - Like swimming in a dam. Location - Why is it stuck on the side of Gt Eastern Hwy (noise from traffic - windswept). Pool water is too cold, is it heated. Change room, old fashioned, cold, showers (hot) substandard. It closes too early in winter.
Swimming pool that includes gym + classes and open year round with affordable memberships.
8. Sports and recreation
-Heritage track needs more seats
-Bilgoman swim pool => upgragde change rooms, include outdoor showers etc.
need to look at the needs of certain sporting clubs, and come up with plans to fix the facilties now, rather than in 10 years time
Need another sporting park in the Parkerville area.
Better support of local volunteers groups and upgrade of facilities and services for local community sports
Upgrade sports changerooms
create more parks with basketball rings, no parks in the new subdevelopments.
lawn bowls greens need improvement, they're embarrassing
Provide more variety of services, at affordable prices for families
Access to and from sporting venues is mainly by car and not safe for children do ride there bike it’s either bad lighting bad roads or both  parents are not always able to take there children to training or games so we do a lot of car pooling to help each other out but still a lot of families find it difficult so kids miss out decent roads and more cycleways and lighting would help improve children safety
Maximise our natural assets to promote activities that make best use...eg mountain biking.
Mundaring Shire has a very bad reputation for making things difficult and expensive.
Upgrade to oval lighting, pavilions and changerooms.
Upgrade to Bilgoman Pool to include more activities such as tube slides, possibly a skate park, mini golf make it a real attraction.
Please rethink the changes that have been implemented regarding Lake Leschenaultia. Such a beautiful place, no doubt it would be a much better place if it was open and had more food places available.
Enclosed pool available all year round
More bikes / skateboards in central area like Darlington but in central mundaring
More gyms, fitness centers or fitness groups
Mundaring Arena is amazing! It brings people together. People are looking for places where they can get exercise and can get out in nature like the Heritage Trail.
Greater care and consulting with local sporting groups.  Access to basketball courts for users out side of the association. We should be able to access the outside courts at the rec ground when not in use for competitions.  Shire paid for so residents should have access.
Would like more promotion on what sporting facilities are available and advertised and possibly more around for youth and adults
Upgrade Bilgoman pool. Better diving area. Or add a swimming pool at the Mundaring Arena. Indoor. This would go down very well for many I am sure.
More.money invested in cricket facilities. Nets. Licencing pavilions to become sports clubs, allow catering etc. Darlington has odd hours for the cafes and restaurants it has. After hours, there's no community place to eat and socialise. Poor, really. Half the commercial buildings is taken up by one realestate agent.  It needs something new and enticing.
Improved facilities and access as identified by clubs / stakeholders
Not enough ovals/recreation facilities to cater to all the different sporting groups
Improvement to Brown Park
Water fountains on lower ovals
More shade @ brown park
Aquatic centre, gym, recreation centre
I'm not Shure way are you asking that many questions in this section???? on my behalf no more improvements are needed.
Easy access to recreational areas
The use of the Mundaring arena needs to be prioritised for sport NOT for discos/presentation nights. The area has halls etc that can be used for this.
Access to swimming pools
Year round swimming facilities.
Upgraded heating and pool covers at bilgoman pool.
It would be wonderful to have cheaper or free entry into the pool. Longer times for mount helena pool would be amazing too, 7pm instead of 6pm. Shade over the bilgoman pool would also be beneficial.
I'd also like to suggest a free riding area for horses. For example, the use of Parkerville equestrian center, it would be wonderful to have a space to take horses to school safely, free or with a permit.
Support and assist existing sporting clubs
The mount Helena pool needs to open to public longer. And should have to rely on the school for funding
Keep improving sports facilities
There is only one decent sized sports arena, it is too small, and three sports have priority over all other users. This makes it impossible for new sporting groups to form.
Proper upgrades to drainage on sporting ovals to eliminate waterlogging. Better clubhouse facilities eg Sawyer's Oval.
Access to Mundaring Arena carpark at all times.
Need to put a sport field like afl/soccer in mahogany creek because us kids player footy on the basketball court
As a member of the Mundaring Sporting Club I can only comment on their facilities on Coolgardie Street and the toilets are disgusting and in urgent need of upgrading and the provision of disability access, the carpark sealing was good but it is only partially done, needs to be fully completed, the Club has partially updated the kitchen more help is needed to complete this work. I understand that this is an older facility and that I am unaware of the terms of the club's lease however with 200 members and the Disc Golf World Teams Championship to be held there in November 2024 the facility should be a priority for upgrading.
Have its own indoor swimming pool with courses designed to suit young & older residents
Moving the Mundaring Tennis club away from noisey polluting major road.
Central bike hub more mtb trails, develop hiking & alternate free camping for overnight hikers/walkers. This could be an international attraction!
Lighting upgrades for grounds that need it, eg. Burkinshaw oval, Parkerville oval. Also new clubhouse and pavilion for Burkinshaw oval.
There are a number of facilities being neglected and a majority of funding has gone into facilities located in Mundaring.  More funding is required to Brown Park, Boya Oval and similar locations
Easier access into these venues
Improve sports facilites
New cricket nets at Elsie Austin Oval
Free access to tennis courts
Long term planning to include an all year round aquatic facility that caters for all ages and abilities.
Ensure adequate funding for a range of sport and health activities. Could improve Bilgoman Pool change-rooms. Keep improving parks. More seats along the heritage track for older people.
provide proper seating for chidlow oval and install a bbq
I play sport on Darlington oval, summer and winter. Summer the grass is dead and winter it is a swamp.
A swimming pool that is open in winter - have to drive 45 mins to get to one now.
More outdoor facilities accessible to youth and families ie basketball / netball courts. For example, the outdoor basketball courts at Mundaring Arena are fenced off, shire needs to make courts more accessible.
Bike path / clear trail along Stoneville Road from Toodyay Rd to GE Hwy so residents from Gidge and Stoneville can ride safely along Stoneville Road (80km) to Mundaring facilities.
Why is there no public tennis courts?? Only clubs with locked up courts.
I would like to see a heated indoor swimming pool or failing that improvement to the Bilgoman Pool, Heated more effectively and a digital clock installed (the existing clock is impossible to read from the pool)
Brown Park Rec Centre could do with a revamp and adding extra basketball/netball courts.
Also the tennis courts on Bersford Garden could be left open for public use FREE of charge
Billgoman pool needs improving / updating
There are very few services in the Helena Valley area. Residents tend to access Swan and Kalamunda services.
Renovate all tennis facilities and make it free to access. Why we can play all outdoor sports but not tennis in council managed facilities. Nets are breaking and falling but nobody using. Waste of resources. Sorry, but will be happy to see this change. Thanks
More facilities for diverse sporting
Senior fitness equipment near or in sculpture park
As my last answere
Bilgoman pool is amazing facility, but i have nowhere to swim in the are during winter, especially with the closure of swan active, over the last few years. For health reasons many people for many reasons need to use swimming. Having to go to beachborough is not easy.
build playing fields accessable from Helena Valley road
An all-seasons 25m heated swimming pool
Create a council run gym at the recreation centre.
Mundaring arena needs to be expanded beyond 4 indoor courts
There is a need for more facilities for sport & recreation areas in the hills
Bilgoman Pool needs a complete revamp-grounds & pools
The change rooms and showers are a disgrace-I’ve been swimming at this pool for decades and almost nothing has changed-maybe a coat of paint here and there!
It would be so good for the people of the hills to have the pool to use all year around so that more water based activities can be held there as well as a large gym with crèche facilities and a school holiday care.
Come on Mundaring Shire lift your game and enter the 21st century-all the other shires around are doing so  much better in all areas of services for their rate payers. As a rate payer I’d rather support my shire/ council than go to another one!
Bike paths   apart from the heritage trail. 
Improvements (extensions) to the sporting club Club house
Harry Riseborough Oval- the grass needs to be better cared for and the building is so old and in need of an update.
More open half basketball courts, netball courts, etc.
There are limited open sources for these facilities which limits training availability for clubs, or causes crowding on the available options.
Indoor swimming pool for year round use and children can actually learn how to swim at school.
Better facilities at sporting clubs.
Aquatic centre with 50m pool open all year at Mundaring rec ground. Stop spending my rates on bilgoman as it is inaccessible due to its location.
See previous comments regarding Bilgoman and shire fitness facilities. They just don't meet the needs of an inclusive and diverse community.
Bilgoman pool. Please, please extend the operating period of this facility. It opens after the end of the October school holidays and closes  at the end of March. I don't think this is acceptable.
Swimming is an incredibly important fitness and health activity for people of all ages with all levels of need. In 2024, it seems extraordinary that people might need to travel to Bayswater to swim for 6 months of the year. Upgrade the facility to allow for year-round swimming, then build a co-located hydrotherapy pool to support the health of people in the hills with a disability or who require year-round mobility support. Please, pretty please!
Better management of community facilities, cleaning them more often, making them presentable. More management of the area to make sure they look presentable
Make the pool affordable…. Having to pay hundreds of dollars just the attend swimming lessons is harsh. Developing Brown Park, it’s our apex facility, yet dated.
Stoneville has nothing for the youth except for a broken court that is hidden behind the fire station. Also no skate park for the kids to go and hang out with friends
Field hockey turf at Parkerville or Glen Forrest Oval
Please consider extending your opening months for the billgoman pool.
As our summers get warmer & longer, amongst the many people I know who love the facility would definitely welcome the extended opening period.
There major rec centre is needed.  There is no major sports facility near Helena Valley (ie. rec centre with pool/gym).  The only options we have are 20-30 mins drive in other shires.
Finishing projects and making sure that they’re fit for scope
Improved Toilets at ovals.
Update and make accessible to all, including female change rooms.
Fix & maintain cricket nets
An accessible indoor public pool that is open all year.
More opportunity for learning new hobbies (classes and clubs) for middle aged groups
Bilgoman pool is a beautiful pool but is not sufficient for the needs of the whole community all year round. As a ratepayer I dislike having to travel to Bayswater Waves in order to swim laps safely even in summer when our own pool is overtaken by children's swimming lessons.
No facilities in the foothills, I have to go to another shire to access what I want to do
Upgrade sports facilities into multi use facilities for many groups to use.
Assist with reduction of fees and improving facilities (eg. Chidlow rec centre leaking, needs better storage)
A year round Aquatic Facility
I would like to see a hockey turf in the shire.
I encourage the pool idea in planning stages.
Appropriate facility maintenance and upgrades
There is vacant land at end of Longmire loop in swan view there are a lot of toddlers and young children surrounding this area it would be great if the shire can concentrate in the foot hill areas and put a playground and some facilities for family to take the children to play.As it is there are a lot of family’s disgusted in the shire as we believe the shire only concentrates on areas from Darlington and east of that and have no concern of the lower areas
Better access for schools to recreation facilitiea
Ensure they are available and in good condition
Improved facilitates at Elsie Austin Reserve.
Public basketball ring somewhere! preferable with both under 10 and over 10 height rings.  How is it that none of the primary school or public facilities have age appropriate height basketball rings!
There is ample provision for team sports, but very little to encourage individual outdoor activity (ie exercise facilities) other than walking.
Parks that are open and unshaded encourage team sports once a week, in season and serve a small number of people at limited times BUT parks that are shaded and have multiple provisions (ie Mundaring itself) encourage more people, more activity over a wider time span.
Build sports facilities
Urgent need for an indoor 50 m pool that remains open throughout the year. Bilgoman is great, but limited and swimming in summer during the day is not good for skin cancer. To access a 50 m pool that provides year-round swimming and shelter I have to travel to Belmont or Bayswater. The sports center on Mundaring W Road is great and expansion should include an indoor aquatic center. This need is increasing with increasing growth in the area.  Also - we need better bus service to areas in Mundaring. Perhaps a minibus at times outside current times and locations can be available for booking? Taking people to and from regular and current bus routes.
Major upgrade needed for Glen Forrest club rooms at the tennis courts & oval, as well as parking!
build more facilities - basketball courts are never available, we need more indoor facilities - it is impossible to play sport outdoors in summer. need to at least double the size of the mundaring indoor arena - think about planning from a 2040 perspective not a 2015 perspective. population is obviously growing but council seems stuck in the past
Facilities that are fit for purpose based on the groups and clubs that utilise the facilities. Not expecting groups and clubs to make do. Facilities that actually support the volunteers efforts to foster and develop community connections.
Update existing community halls
Advertise the user groups to encourage more active particpation
24/7 Gym in the town centre of Mundaring with competitive rates - not ripping off the people of Mundaring shire because we have no other options please 😊
(Same reason as prior answer)
Pools open longer
Sporting facility established in helena Valley like the Midland Sports Association.
Indoor centres for swimming and classes.
A pool that is open all year round. It is a disservice to our kids not to let them be safe around water and enjoy the facility all year around.
The infrastructure already exists, please just staff the pool in the autumn and winter.
Ok just could be more
Better access to find out what is happening at sport and recreation areas, such as regularly updated links on the shire website as to how to get involved in different sports etc that are at the sport and recreation areas.
Shire assisted maintenance of facilities - declining volunteer input for this
Bilgoman pool  to have an additional  covered year round pool facility
I would like to see seating at the Darlington Lookout.
A lot of people use it for a walk and you need seating at the end.
Upgrading the Glen Forrest Oval change room facilities
Continue with upgrading facilities for the very young, such as parks, and facilities for youth, there has been enormous improvements in the past 30 years. Please continue to consider all walk of life when it comes to recreation. Thank you.
Having another indoor sporting venue.
Midland swan active to be finished
We are very lucky to have the facilities we have. Maintenance and redevelopment of Bilgoman pool would be amazing.
Make Bilgoman pool more user friendly with more activities to do.
Triathlon club, Biathlon club
Summer Volleyball
POOL BLANKET at least on the toddler pool to keep warmth in so kids don't freeze during lessons in Feb, March and Nov.
More of for all sports and ability
Not enough in Helena. Alley
I would like to see some type of exercise groups for areas close to Wooroloo
Heated swimming facilities
Hearing negative feedback from Brown Park users and visiting teams is disappointing. Looking up from the sporting fields at the spectay hills scenery surrounding the park and then having to used aged and run down facilities is extremely sad.
indoor swimming pool ,gymnasium  upgrade to ovals surfaces
Would dearly love an indoor pool facility up here
Increased basketball stadium to allow further growth
Basketball only stadium 8courts atleast
Increase sport options
Brown Park Facility Upgrade
I don't have small children or young people in my home but walking dogs at Brown Park it's apparent the kids play area could be a lot more impressive.  For a suburb that adds amazing value for money and great lifestyle handy to main hubs its lacking appeal for young families.
New barthrooms at all parks, town centres and sport facilities
Facilities at local ovals and reserves are dated, requiring lighting, carpark, building, playing surface and kitchen upgrades to remain safe for use
Boya oval badly needs a basketball ring for kids to play at...the playground needs an upgrade for sure, perhaps a skate park for kids somewhere too to give them something to do..
Pump track in Mount Helena, basketball courts under lights
Upgrade the shower and toilet facilities at bilgoman pool
Boya oval needs its basketball court reinstated and the playground needs covering from the heat.
The Mount Helena pool needs more attention and more promotion to ensure it becomes a community like Bilgoman.
Cycle lanes, mountain bike and gravel trails, end of trip facilities, bike friendly businesses,  e-bike charging stations
No comments.
Build a larger pump track or a bmx track - similar to the ones in Armadale and Kalamunda.
A facility similar to Swan Active not just basketball courts
Upgraded facilities at the mouth Helena pool. It’s literally a water hole. With improved facilities ie splash pad, shallower swimming area connected to main pool the facility would get more use. Better opening hours so more rate paying residents can utilise the pool. If no upgrades to the pool please Reduced pool fees for ratepayers at Mount Helena pool. Shire of kondinin and kulin have far better pool facilities and charge less to access their pools as well as having a longer season.
Multimillion dollar upgrade of Bilgoman Pool. Indoor pool for learn to swim. Gym added etc.
Brown Park as a major community hub is poor for sports facilities, toilets etc. Needs night lights, tennis courts, good skate park, shade, playground closer to the other facilities that are there. Promotion and information of the sports and dance classes, toy library etc.
An all year round pool to swim in.
Would be great if Mt Helena Pool could be open a couple of mornings a week to swim laps or be open to the public and not just the swim squad. Much more convenient than Bilgoman for many and easier access. A slide or diving board at Mt Helena would attract more swimmers. The slides at Northam are fabulous. Would be great to have some in the Mundaring Shire.
Rec centre is fabulous! Great facilities but need to keep trying to improve it. The new social basketball comp for ladies is great. BBQs and seating is great. Seating on outdoor courts and some shade would be appreciated by many (maybe along the fences). Keep encouraging the centre to be used as much as possible for various sports etc.
Need all the local sports (what's on and where) to be advertised in ONE place. There's so much in our Shire which is fabulous but hard to know what's on unless you hear about it from someone.
More sports for kids ,not just in mundaring oval
Tennis courts need an upgrade, shaved areas around the skate park
Sawyers Oval needs an overhaul and also Mundaring oval clubrooms.  How about a commercial kitchen like other clubs?  Also, the  patio being built at Mundaring should be skillion so as to not block the view from the upper areas
Open the facilities we currently have.
Lake leschenaultia is currently closed again. If there is an. Issue with exit roads then make another exit.  You have the equipment.
Mount helena pool, closed more often than not.
Seriously just allow us to use the facilities we pay for .
Mt Helena Pool access times.
Have the pool open all year as a community hub.
Basket ball court in the Sculpture Park, similar to the net in the Train Park in Glen Forrest.
More assistance to local sporting clubs.
I think we are truly lucky to raise our kids in this wonderful environment. Growing up here myself I've seen how amazing our parks and facilities have evolved. I think continuing to improve these keeps families happy and brings tourism to our area. Additionally, pool hours in Mt Helena need to be addressed. I realise this has been ongoing for a long time. A lot of trial and error. Needs to be open to the end of March minimum.
Glen Forest Oval needs fencing from tennis court to cricket net. Would be about 1/4 of oval. Off leash area and dogs have run up behind tennis court and been killed on McGlew. Dangerous for dogs and drivers who have hit dogs.
Upgrade of Mt Helena oval, drainage.
Sport and Rec. In comparison to other Shire / Councils we have the worst facilities. Two pools that are open 6 months of the year. Not to mention the coldest pool in WA. We desperately need an indoor 25m heated pool. (Club Sierra is too run down). No decent gym with creche / cafe. Oval (Arena) is a joke. Shared with football (turns to a mud pool). It's not level. Dog poo to contend with - same with Harry Riseborough. When doing sprints on either of these ovals often have dogs running in front / across you

Festivals, events, art and cultural activities

Get festive for Christmas!! Decorations around towns, highway, christmas tree famies want to visit.
Improve Anzac memorials,
I think there is huge room for improvement here. Compared to other shires Mundaring seems to have very little free community festivals / events (Just look at the City of Swan, Bassendean, Bayswater, South Perth, Vic Park's Facebook pages to see). 
Celebrate festivals such as NAIDOC, gay pride
Would be great to have a community event like Darlington art festival, free sausage sizzle in the park bring community together
Allow for more festivals, events and things to happen without so much red tape that people don't want to put them on. Or put them on yourselves and make them family and community focused.
Festivals etc., are paramount for community cohesion and development and to foster a sense of pride and belonging, which is necessary for a prosperous community.
Love the events, especially the Community Carols in Swan View and the Folk and Blues Concert. I would love to see more of these type of events. Display the amazing talents of the people of the hills. You do a great job, please give us more.
Communication. Monthly newsletter available to those not 'tech savvy'. Distribution of community newspaper only at library and possibly at shopping centres. Not enough available . Even the shire requiring people to do / go online to get information - we are not all equipped to do this.
Festivals and events. Again, the youth need this, but all members of the community will benefit.
Build a new arts centre designed to arts focused needs, not a planners dream among other services. Fund the Mundaring Arts Centre Inc better. Its 'status' as the 'Best in WA' is slipping. Listen to MAC staff re centre needs.
Festivals. (1) Continue to support Hills Open Studios. (2) Ensure the proposed multi purpose community building has significant performance (music) and display areas for community groups, with appropriate kitchen and seating areas. (3) Advocate and promote.
More under age festivals, outdoor markets and youth focused events.
Markets and events for rate payers in the western area of Mundaring Shire (down the hill).
9. I think we need more promotion of the shire that will bring day trippers to come and have a look.
Festivals and entertainment. More events open to the public. More free open shows of local music and drama and other live showings and showcases of culture.
Festivals and events. Encourage participation in events via signage and ads on radio.
More concerts in Sculpture Park. Events.
The shire provides very little in the way of entertainment - A disgrace. Maybe take a leaf out of Mandurah's book.
9. Bring back the Truffle Festival. Free family events. Commission local artists to beautify our streetscapes and town centre ie. (Fairy Door Trail).
Continue to develop and promote the markets and festivals held in the shire.
Music festivals and arts and crafts and regular places for musicians to play music.
There are not many family friendly events we can go to as a family. We have to travel to different shires to do family activities.
More music - festivals, concerts, visiting bands and solo artists. More live theatre, but continued support of our community theatres (Darlington, Kalamunda, not sure if the Garrick is Mundaring or Swan Shire) so our own performing arts centre would be great. A community radio would be fabulous. 
Festivals and events. Always a lovely time when the community all get together. More of these types of things would be nice.
Annual food and wine fair at Sculpture Park.
More events, more tourists, more business for local businesses.
Festivals - Good at present. Keep the momentum and funding support available. Culturally important for the shire = tourist attraction.
More festivals and events.
Festivals. Maintain sufficient funds to enable the MAC to continue to operate at such a lush level. Encourage music festivals, events.
Festivals. Increase shire events support for - night markets, wine shows / festivals - similar to the Truffle Festival of the past is much needed to attract visitors and make Mundaring a fun place to live. Family Cinema in the Park was great in the past - why was it not held in 2023.
Increase activities in the area to showcase local produce and business.
Look into public inclusive events that celebrate the hills and where we live.
Create more events and festivals - which is good for Mundaring and local businesses.
Art festival at Darlington is excellent - More like it.
The shire could provide venues for the Fringe Festival, expand the Arts Centre, make Carols by Candlelight a regular activity throughout the shire. Provide a regular newsletter / magazine.
Would like to see more cultural, community, arts events, which also could be used to support our local history and heritage at the same time.
Festivals. Free concerts. Food and wine shows. Celebrating national events. (More enthusiasm)
Festivals. Need something unique to draw tourists into the centre. Sunday markets need a boost or better promotions.
More events and activities in the hills for locals to enjoy, instead of travelling down the hill.
Cultural events. Host or partnerships for more festivals and events in the western suburbs, like Greenmount,  that are interesting and exciting to attend.
New local events in this area.
Playgrounds. An artistic hub such as Darlington should be evidenced in parks - street and public art and sculpture should be prominent.
Festivals, events. The Darlington Arts Festival has felt smaller and less interesting in recent years. The solution is not an increase in big corporate games and rides. Increase incentive for small businesses to bring stalls.
9. Choose 1 or 2 events and make them major events. Have people from Fremantle - Joondalup want to travel to the Hills for excitement and entertainment.
Festivals. More festivals and arts in relation to tourism. We have an amazing environment.
Communication. I only see things by chance. This needs to change. Maybe emails or SMS.
9. Highlighting Mundaring's cultural heritage through events.
The Saturday Markets are good, but evening events, entertainment would be fabulous.
I would like to see more art and cultural activities promoted.
Festivals. Events to bring the community together, get to know each other better.
More affordable events and festivals.
More local community cultural events.
Increase events that are shire held and move those stupid signs up onto the highway so passing traffic can see them, not hidden behind trees in parks.
Increase events and festivals.
Festivals and an outdoor cinema that once was, up and running again.
Assist with funding and organising A Day in the Forest, as well as other local festivals.
Festivals / Events. Run events in the evenings, so people who work can attend.
Look online at Cockburn Shire to see the array of amazing events and workshops (often free) to the public. It's fantastic.
9. More events for longer hours.
Organised events in the area to make it a more attractive place to live and entertainment.
Make reverse parking mandatory, like they do in Singapore. Singaporeans are intelligent. 
More events, ie. Outdoor cinema - one off for all ages (same as Northam).
Have some festivals / events for adults.
Festivals and markets should be encouraged.
Promote artists for festivals, events better.
Provide low cost opportunities, eg. Market stalls, for crafts people, artists, festivals. Encourage live music where appropriate, eg. town centre, pubs. Reopen John Forest Tavern.
Local fairs and community activities are paramount.
Support more festivals. 
Festival and Arts. Hills are known to be full of 'arty' type people. Would love to see more things on to embrace this.
9. Music events / festivals. WASO came up here over 20 years ago. 10 Cent Shooters (Margaret River Band) came up here over 20 years ago. What happened?
Festivals, events etc.
More support for local festivals & cultural & arts events. These are such a great opportunity to get the community together & enjoy what this area has to offer and the talented residence.
9. Festivals etc-create designated space for live bands, outdoor movies (fix up kookaburra) thinking like the Swan valley has a big art & cultural building near Jacoby park.
Expansion of the summer music program at the old railway in Mundaring
More Local events in the area , especially family friendly.
it would be great to try and bring some Fringe festival down this way
Attract events and festivals to make the Shire of Mundaring a destination
Sick of having to go down to the Flats to attend fun things.
Have many more.
Festivals and art build community spirit and identity. Increased funding for art and community festivals
Far more arts, cultural and recreational tourism events need to be organised and hosted
there are numerous parks and spaces around Swan View especially
WA is so far behind eastern states for its arts contributions and it is known that this is a contributing reason why Perth isn't in the top 10 best places to live in the world. Too much focus on masculinity and resource sector completely misses the opportunity for arts through festivals and creative celebrations. BORING!
More funding for local music Festivals and events.
Also someone from the shire to help organisers and volunteers work throught the huge amount of legal procedures they have to go through to run these festivals..Such as Darlington Arts, A day in the Forrest, Glenfest..Ect
We never hear about anything in Swan View
Always good to get community together
We need some festivals and cultural activities. Once there was the truffle festival which was fantastic. Look at places like Busselton where my daughter lives and the shire are proactive in encouraging local organisations to organise seminars, conferences, festivals, competitions , exhibitions etc throughout the year. These can be in the Arts, health, education
Draw more people into the area. Partner with Fringe Festival, Comedy Festival, festival of Perth...partner with anyone and everyone who can help draw more people into the area to boost local businesses and showcase how good the area is.
Set up a summer series of outdoor cinemas, more community markets, live music festival and provide more support for the Swan View Show.
Cut the red tape/cost required to host community events etc.
Help with promoting events.
More events to draw in people
Relevent festivals and celebrations
Promote what you are doing and do more free music events
better focus
More of them and better advertising when they are on.
Nothing to do in Boya, Boys oval is a great place to organise events.
The libraries do a wonderful thing with talks, art classes etc at Boya Library. All free to access.
As a new resident it would be so good to have a calendar available giving information of all the events taking place during the year.
Although alot of markets are held I think the potential for this area is significant and has so many talented local people and businesses that could profit from more events
The truffle festival. Bring that back (or something like it). Mundaring Golf Course. Could be a destination Golf Course with access to Mundaring Weir and water, but instead, it is tired and run down. Imagine what it could look like with some water? Imagine the tourism it would bring.
More activites in the west ward please
At the moment we seniors have to go out of the Shire to meet our cultural needs, we used to have concerts and outdoor activities, but now very little
simply provide more community events
good advertising. secondly advance notice.
Create new events to bring more tourist money into the region
What music events that are free to families? Have not had any info of any free events?
More events needed in the area- this will in turn increase community engagement, promote the local area/increase tourism to the hills
The twilight markets are very popular but Rotary is struggling to run them.  Kookaburra cinema is well loved but at danger of closing due to storm damage. Aside from Darlington arts festival and Saturday morning markets there aren’t many other engaging social events that aren’t tied to local pubs and alcohol consumption. Please can the Council step in to help Kookaburra cinema and twilight markets.  Help bring Fringe festival events and Perth Art events to the area.
More music events in the parks.
Weekend markets
Sport is well catered for but cultural activities are limited to Darlington Arts Festival and a couple of other minor events.  We need day/ evening events such as orchestral concerts, film events. More cultural events (not Indigenous as they are well catered for, everywhere) to suit everyone.
The Truffle festival was a great tourist attraction every year. We need to utilise that part of Mundaring better. Make a local craft beer and cider festival, plant based festival, really get behind the billy cart race in Mount Helena etc. There is so much potential for the Perth Hills it isn't funny.
We need to have weekly events - its so boring! There is no variety.  We should have a yearly calendar of exciting events.  There shoukd be LOTS going on both FREE and small change so all have access to attend.
Come on lets do this Mundaring!!!!
Be the change.
Have more festivals and events which will help promote the Mundaring shire
See previous.
Major Arts events to attract tourism, improved arts infrastructure
Promote Mundaring as a destination/location for festivals, events etc
More council driven arts events
Actively support the survival of the monthly Rotary Markets with funding and suitable venue.
More more more different events need to be held.
Continue support of local festivals and markets
Support them, have some, do ANYTHING  would be 100% improvement
Live concert areas, including all ages.
Institute a SCIENCE festival as a landmark event
More free or low cost activities as offered in other shires.
Aim for quality.
Funding support and more resources for community organisations.
Encourage visitors to the Shire by supporting festivals, events
Consider a place for short term caravan, tent stays…
More events
More events, encouraging better businesses to open and helping them thrive, better food options for eating out
Not enough community events in our shire unless privately organised.
More of them well advertised
As an artist in the shire, I would like to see the art centre and gallery shop improved/ developed. There are many artists in the shire, tucked away in their bush studios, trying to develop their practices but, as a side effect, they are also building an arts community that is being noticed and appreciated outside the area. It would be advantageous for them/ us to have more shire support in building this art community and providing a more accessible space to congregate, exhibit work, and help develop it as a tourist destination.
More events would be great for the local community as well as attracting tourism.
We enjoy the festivals that come to Mundaring,  but could be more, and better advertising is needed.
Please bring back summer movie nights
And integrity of Christmas.
Would love to see a regular night market like the ones in Inglewood
More community events that include music and arts. Focusing on both youth and seniors as well as families.
More local festival/music events within the Shire
More events - art and culture.  It would help to connect central Mundaring as the GEHwy is a barrier.
Total lack of big events, only ones we have are Rotary swap meets & markets - support more events like this
How you advertise within the shire. The shire holds so many long standing events and they are not widely communicated to the community. We have been living within the community for almost 6 years and have only just found out about the Darlington Art Festival. We are actively on social media and couldnt find it advertised anywhere.
Opportunities for people to get together as part of a cultural activity
Actually bring in events - such as the Truffle Festival (as was - before being axed), openly support events such as the Mundaring Hills Open Studios.  More active participation by the Shire in these events.  What happened to the banners that used to fly down the centre of the highway when an event was on?  What about sometimes decorating the main street to bring a festive feeling to Mundaring?  Lacks an overt sense of town pride to attract people to attend here for
"arty" events.  Mundaring has only art and environment to advertise itself.
a decent rec centre including gymnasium, spa, pool all indoors and closer to Mundaring Centre than Bilgoman and more use of the market area with cheaper site rentals so that small stall holders might be able to make a profit
events that foster a greater sense of community
Needs an Identity, more festivals.
More support for DAFS. It's unique and one of a kind.
More events to bring something to do within the shire
Ease of finding information to attend and to create and promote
A performing arts centre (publically bookable) for 100-150 patrons
These events bring people into the area and help foster a sense of idenity and belonging (eg the Darlington Arts Festival, Hills Open Studios etc).
Creating and/or supporting of events that draw people such as food, wine, art or sports can help draw people to the area and make then stay
artists events , festivals that will create visitors , ability to use the weir as a destination for water and recreational sports , this will bring in much needed revenue and put Mundaring on the map
There are a lot of local ORIGINAL musicians and artists in the area, You should show case this talent which could in turn promote tourism and boot small businesses in the area. There’s more going on up here that sport and markets.
Regular Craft and Artist Markets
Cultural-food, art & entertainment events
Be part of the Fringe festival
Environment education
Water wise gardens & garden workshops
What happened to the Truffle Festival?
Keep having the farmer’s market, arts festivals, etc
more free  concerts etc    especially in the sculpture park
If there are a good number of well planed and run activities in our community the people who live here will stay here. It also helps the businesses in the area make more money so they are more likely to stay and employ more people
Would be nice to see more activations up here for locals to attend
Supporting local arts and crafts
more support for individual artists and art projects, community artwork sculpture
Encourage more events to the area - like it used to be. There was no Christmas carols in the park, the moveis in the park are no longer showing and very few markets and small events like that are becoming less each year.
More of them
We need more to do and too bring more tourist in to our shire
No clear marketing or variety of events/festivals in area
Build on events
We need more of them
Night markets in summer
Music and food vans
You can go north of the river and attend local food vans and live music almost weekly!
Apart from the farmers market every saturday and the monthly market there isnt really any events that happen in the shire
Places for immediately local stall holders at events, rather than "local" meaning anyone from anywhere in WA.
Look at kalamunda night markets through out summer. Such a great atmosphere and lots of stalls and food trucks.
Support short term events that will bring people in to spend their money in our shire. Events like the Glen Forrest Day in the Forrest bring the community together. Not huge corporate supported events, community ones. Polarise the good characteristics of the hills - garden event, yoga event, art, outdoor pursuits festival, creative things that can inspire the youth and show that our shire isn't an uncultured bunch of hill Billie's...albeit proud to be, but they don't need to know that.
Having markets and events that are affordable or free to involve everyone.
More community events like markets to bring community together
Trek the trail was a great event that combined art projects, publicity for the trail etc
Look at any other shire (kalamunda, swan etc) and the list of events they hold for the community trump what the mundaring shire attempt to offer
Anything to do with families
Continue darlington arts festival.
Actually organize and hold events.
Grants for business to also run nit just NFP groups.
Being able to book sites that do not take three months to sort out.
Council is absolutely terrible at destination marketing - yet has some of the best mountain biking trails in the country - does anyone at the shire actually think about what will bring people to the hills?
Needs to employ a team that get festivals and destination marketing to bring people in - the businesses in the shire need the support of the shire
The annual swanview show more resources to build it up more contact with external groups to
Make it a more community affair
Outdoor entertainment with pop up theatre events
Improve more outdoor market opportunities further down the hill
I loved the music sessions that were held during summer at the Jacoby Street old railway station/amphiteatre. Those little community events were amazing.
You need more free community events that are funded by the shire and bring together the community.  Especially on school holidays.  You literally do nothing.
Kookaburra cinema urgently needs Shire funding and support to repair recent damages not covered by insurance.  Local businesses like this need the Councils help to survive.  This needs to happen now.  This small local outdoor theatre is on the verge of closing down forever.
Support for unique business like Kookaburra cinema that offer fantastic entertainment
We would like to have more community events on a more regular basis, especially make more use of Sculpture Park and also Cultural activities
reinstate the truffle festival or similar, to showcase our amazing local produce and artists
We need to keep this going well
Support the arts and improve the arts centre. Culture supports every other type of development and its influence spreads right across the community. It is the best way to encourage tourism, enterprise and opportunity.
Increasing the number of local events e.g. music festivals
Support our local outdoor cinema to recover from the storm damage.
More workshops and events
It would be nice to either have more, or have better promotion of artistic and cultural events in the area.
Increase the frequency & diversity of markets, local events, food stalls, workshops etc.
Being area that is limited on public interaction opportunities due to the remote setting, once has to travel into the city areas to experience other attractions.
More variety would also attract people into the region increasing local spend potential - particularly outside of the big supermarkets
Bring back truffle festival
Like NAIDOC/ Celebrations of childrens week/Aussie Day (any time)/ International days/ Art /chilli /movie/kids bid day out/ rodeos/ute muster/ gardening and sustainability/car/motorbike/ gaming/ caravaning expo/Halloween festivals but bigger and with variety of stalls
Encourage tourists to come to the hills to see how beautiful it is instead of everyone heading to Perth. Keep the money in the hills.
Food festivals similar to the truffle festival which was so successful in the past
Multicultural and Aboriginal activities. I hope to help organise activities which show how mixed cultures can enjoy and gain benefit from each other
I think the shire of Mundaring does an excellent job in these spaces. I would love to see them given continued priority.
The shire already does a good job on this but this is important and should be grown
There are no events worth while going to.
Bring back the truffle festival
Bringing the community together and showcase to outsiders.
Australia day breakfast bbq in sculpture park together with the local lions club and school bands etc.
 Evening xmas mardi gras with Santa and kid’s activities and food trucks and local choirs in sculpture park. More undercover picnic tables at all shire parks.
Don’t make these events too difficult for people to organise so that we get more of them. Events like market etc create a community vibe and spirit
We need more fun up here as for our parks are boring, there needs to be something like the Busselton foreshore up here in the hills with a skate park and better play equipment for the young as well as some exercise equipment for parents with an outdoor amphitheater for bands to play at night in summer along with a lovely grass area for people to sit and enjoy,  have some night markets and day ones like you use to have and also maybe a cultural food truck night.
More events in other areas not just up the hill
Host more events for kids etc at Brown Park. For example. There’s hardly any events ever. Or you don’t advertise them if there is. Have a look at what city of joondalup is doing currently as an example
More festivals and more varied. Let's have a Rodeo!
Markets & art festival are a great addition
Activities that being the community together whether music, dance or food.
promote and implement multicultural festival and music festival.
There should be an annual calendar of events
More promotion for things like custom car or motorcycle events
Bring back the Truffle Festival or something similar.
We need more of these that make Mundaring a destination. Also, this needs to be an all-Shire venture and not just one or two groups benefiting from grants.
look at continually adding more attractions for locals and visitors alike to bring more money to the area...
More of these promotions in the Hills.
All ages music festivals
This shire is dead boring, nothing to do if you have visitors staying with you
Poor shopping option
More festivals and markets
More community events like good music / bands etc. Not boring old lady markets.
Festivals, markets, events
The Sharing Centre has a gas kiln that is not yet operational. I have told my neighbour, who is a member, that I would volunteer to load, fire and empty the kiln, if it was operational.
The Darlington Arts Festival is worth supporting. Something similar in the east of the Shire might be popular.
More advertising. I never know what's going on.
In the Swan View ward the only cultural event I am aware of is the IGA carols at Brown Park. Other too than the Darlington Arts festival, what happens in Mundaring and it's wards? Why aren't we supporting the Hills Symphony Orchestra, for instance? It has relocated to Ellenbrook. What a loss.
Create a regular key event and promote it especially for Mundaring to raise the profile of the area and increase visitation. (Darlington Arts Fesitival is good). Improve the vibrancy and feel of Mundaring town to make it appealing to visitors.
We have events in smaller towns but Mundaring itself seems to lack something big which used to be the Truffle Festival. We have such beauty that could be leveraged in the town centre, weir and surrounding areas but a lot of Perth do not know we exist - which admittedly I do enjoy the quiet times but balance is good.
Support more live music gigs, food and wine and markets in the hills.  This makes it a great place to live.  Stop putting electric signs on our lovely parks.  We live in the hills to get away from that crap.
Community Hall events - Shows, talks, entertainment.
#1. Halloween has barely touched the shire to date, but has taken Darlington by storm in the past 2 years, rising from a handful of toddlers and parents 3 years ago, to an estimated 1000 cars last year, loaded with teenagers and adults, careering from one town to another to 'Trick or Treat'. Darlington families love the Halloween experience and are open to helping with safety issues, traffic and parking problems, as well as finding ways to calm older residents frightened by the idea of strangers knocking on their doors in the dark of night. Last year small posters were provided to those households announcing that they were NOT participating in Halloween and were asked to draw their curtains and turn their lights off. Most who were participating left all their lights on and dressed their mailboxes or roadsides with Halloween welcomes. Other shires, like Bassendean, have decades of experience and provide advice on their website. Halloween will spread throughout the shire, which must prepare for this inevitability by nominating someone to assist communities on how to safely manage an, at times, chaotic situation.
Festival, events. How does the City of Armadale, City of Rockingham etc., celebrate Australia Day with fireworks and the Shire of Mundaring offers no real celebration during the year. Mandurah has the Crabfest - why isn't our area and what it offers being celebrated and attracting visitors.
Increase development of a community feel and events to bring community members together. Improve maintenance of community parks.
Festivals. Like to see more of them. Love the Wine Show you had a couple of years back. It was great. Maybe a Rodeo / Country Fair - something country feeling. Not in October, as that's the Gidgy Show. April - May time - cool weather. 
Festivals, events, art + culture. Street art murals. Town centre festival or events to activate it.
The cultural activities highlight the wonderful area we live in. Outdoor music events would be something I'd like to see here (family friendly).
Invest in cultural facilities, museums, and community centers to promote social cohesion.

Community safety and crime prevention

I'm quite concerned with speeding vehicles past the Sculpture Park. Mothers reaching for babies while the toddler is outside the car are supposed to have eyes everywhere. Speaking with [name removed] while on his husting suggested 40KPH signage - perhaps painted on the road. He also thought it should apply to the east section, where a lot of elderly reside. The 50 KPH sign near the shire office is ignored or forgotten. Outside the Sculpture Park the area is in need of some traffic slowing devices.
Lighting, patrols, 24 hour police station.  
Crime. Peoples' attitude - too many sirens. More housing at reasonable prices that we can all afford. 
Community safety and crime prevention.  More police patrols. Islands on major roads in Glen Forrest, to reduce speeding. Fix bad corner at intersection of McGlen and Marnie Rd.
Crime prevention. Is it possible for CCTV to become the normal around the town - parks, halls. Even if it saves these placed being trashed.
Better policing of unregistered motor bikes and scooters. These are a nightmare during the dark.
Visible police presence.
Better control of speed limit.
Increase police / security on the streets or install remote surveillance systems on / around hoon hotspots.
Do more for those 3 points. Especially crime in our areas. Everyone needs to be on alert. It's so sad. Very much so for the elderly.
Safety. With the apparent growth in crime in other area of the country, especially youth crime, it would make sense to have plans in place - prevention strategies rather than after the event mitigation.
Increase the CCTV cameras throughout Mundaring township significantly.
No comment.
Police patrols of Chidlow. Mundaring Police Station needs 24 / 7 opening, as per Midland Police Station. Permanent Police Mundaring Station required. Takes up to 1 1/2 hours to get police to attend from Midland Police Station to Chidlow. Extended regular police patrols required - motor cycle / trail bike youth issues. Wrecking Chidlow / Mt Helena community vibes.
People need to be (and not just feel) safe in their community. It's not just a police matter. We are very spread out in our shire. Rangers (do a great job) need to be increased in number to respond and investigate issues.
Night time Neighbourhood Watch patrols and possibly day time patrols. CCTV in public parks.
Be proactive in crime prevention.
Stop the tagging of walls and property, which is done every night.
More visible police presence - too much graffiti, damage to shops now. It looks run down and uncared for. Hooning is an issue. Need to combine sides of townsite split by Gt Eastern Hwy. Dangerous to cross over and dangerous to drive on. Trucks speed through Mundaring townsite. It's dangerous..
Crime and safety is an issue everywhere but it would be nice for the hills to feel as safe and secure as it was in the past. The police need to be more present and people held more accountable for their actions.
Crime prevention - Responsiveness to all callouts for police. Police station open longer. Arson education for youth in schools / youth services. Burglary initiatives and linking into properties. Conviction for crimes, not just let off with a warning. Dirt bike / traffic incident prevention.
More police patrols for night robberies.
More police available and patrolling the shire. Responding to repeat offenders and known drug houses that affect our shire.
More accessible police station that is open more often and a greater police presence. Control and monitoring of illegal trail bikes on walking tracks.
Better street / suburb Neighbourhood Watch. Too much crime. And kids on off road motorbikes breaking the law, riding without regard on the roads.
Get courts to do their job.
Security patrols during the night (similar to Bayswater Shire). More value for our rates - I feel we don't get enough.
Cameras installed around local parks, roads, would be of great use in assisting in community safety and crime prevention.
10. Police need more time and staff up here. Then the justice handed out needs to reflect the crime. The damage done, the costs and the trauma it causes.
Safety is a priority. Crime seems to be rampant in our society. It saddens me, as an elderly person who grew up in safer times.
Community safety. Crime is always an ongoing problem. More CCTV in high risk areas, etc.
Ensure the community is safe and keep lighting and crime prevention activities.
Very unsafe walking on the bridle trail. Unregistered motor bikes tearing around and nearly knocking people over. Cyclists going at very high speeds. Needs to be addressed.
Crime prevention. Full time police station. Allow people to prosecute trespassers - People don't care about other people's property.
Patrol streets and business by a security firm.
This is a safe place to live. I hope it will always stay the same. Keep up the good work.
I would like to hear and see more police in the area and maybe hear some good ideas or tips to keep our community safe.
There are not enough police to police this area. Bring back shire authority to enforce road rules and regulations, including noisy vehicles.
10. Crime is on the rise. Have good lighting and warning signs in the area, so as to deter crime.
Safety and crime prevention is always important.
Crime around here isn't too bad. Just at the start of school holidays petty vandalism happens.
Increased installation of CCTV and alarms at centres vulnerable to crime. Increased numbers of council rangers on duty after hours. Increase the number of places where young people can go and 'chill out', just 'hang'.
Again, as the population gets older we need to look at the youth crime on the aged people.
Children etc. Spend time with mums and teachers. Cover against sunburn.
Until now we've been pretty lucky, little crime in the area, but this is changing. Need better access to police when needed. Police Station usually closed.
Known areas where hoons will gather - cameras. Known hot spots where rubbish is dumped - signs and camera.
Police Station in Mundaring to be updated and manned 24 / 7.
More police.
More assistance with crime prevention.
Echo newspaper - TV news.
Community safety and graffiti removal. Perhaps information on securing your property and a graffiti removal team.
Parents have to be responsible for youth crime. Courts have to get tougher, doesn't matter what age or gender.
Community rangers with police for the constant unlawful use of tracks, horse trails, etc.
The police don't need sirens and lights for every emergency. More foot patrols. Not every one has a computer or smartphone. 
As a senior I am constantly aware that I am vulnerable to verbal and physical abuse from others. I have experienced both theft and bad language from others. It limited my ability within the community.
Keep areas safe from crime and criminals. We need community policing, not Gestapo forces.
People need to feel safe in their neighbourhood. Come down harder on the people who are committing it.
Safety. There is no point investing in infrastructure if a small minority of the community are intent on destroying / vandalising / graffitiing etc., ruining things for all others. This need to be a priority. How? Cameras? More police presence, punishment for those caught vandalising.
Improve street lighting in public places where criminal activities take place. Have more mobile cameras to monitor crime spots.
Community safety and crime.
Permanent police presence.
10. Occasional police talk on such at a local venue, eg. Boya Library.
Lobby for better policing to curb theft.
As many eyes on the street to combat crime, both in the community and suburb areas. Good lighting and effective reporting of cases without sweeping it under the carpet. Easy to access any problems to report and understanding.
10. More police presence. Stolen cars - break ins. Can't walk after dark, feel unsafe. Speeding cars on Amherst Rd.
A ranger department that does not participate in harassment of shire residents.
Crime. Shoplifting is out of control. No-one stops them.
Community safety and crime prevention. More cameras in hot spots on roads to catch hoons. Police (Mundaring) currently 25 mins from us. We need quicker police access. More visible policing on roads and in nearby towns.
Increase security patrols to deter criminals.
Full time police at Mundaring Station.
Community safety - Questionable.
Improvement in fire safety by (1) Providing alternative access ways for streets with only one access. (2) Better maintenance of shire controlled land, controlling fuel load, control of weeds.
Community safety. There needs to be a more visible police presence. We have a police station in Mundaring but are forced to drive to Midland. Basketball half courts in every park. It's huge up here and nowhere to play.
Crime prevention. More police presence. Education / police visits to schools.
The shire is safe compared to 'on the flat'. Continue as is. It appears to be working.
Street lighting / patrols.
Second road exit from estate, in case of emergency.
We have to keep on top of crime as it affects everyone in all walks of life.
There isn't sufficient emphasis on community safety in the Helena Valley area, particularly the newer suburbs and estates, including the area around the Helena Valley Lifestyle Village. Lighting and visual security patrols are some progress to safety.
Work with police to address crime. Take an actual interest in the Midvale area.
More police. More council cars on the road. More police. More police.
Easy access to police.
Upgrade small street lighting (possibly LED) to illuminate back streets adequately. Priority area 1B. We have no solution but we are concerned by the use of motor cycles on the Heritage Trail and Train Park.
There are a lot of reports of crime in Swan View and motor bikes, scooters, push bikes etc., with riders brazenly taunting motorists, eg. riding on the road on the wrong side, 1, 2 and 3 people on the bikes. Nothing seems to be done.
Providing a safe and happy environment for my family is top priority. All areas deserve a safe community. More police presence and perhaps security patrolling the area (ones who actually work and not sit in their vehicles and on their phones).
If not, appoint a designated liaison officer with the local police.
Community safety and crime prevention - More police patrolling.
More lighting in some areas.
Crime prevention is essential. A 24 hour police presence is vital to keeping our community safe.
Youth crime is a nation wide issue and no different here in the Perth Hills. Our Mundaring police station is manned part time. Is there a possibility it could be 24 / 7.
Community safety. Set tasks year by year and track progress. Communicate this.
Make sure community policing have a better response to crimes and following them up to prevent more happening.
More controls to address hoons and anti-social behaviour mainly on the roads.
Instigate measures to slow down heavy vehicle (mostly trucks) movement along Gt Eastern Hwy through the town centre.
We need more police offers presence in our community and in our police station, ready to respond to emergency calls. And more police patrols on the streets.
Often stolen bikes, kids with no helmets, speeding around. More policing in the area needed - or security. Break ins, also I'm reading about other.
We need more police presence in the community.
Community patrols on a regular basis, with panic buttons in vulnerable areas.
Community safety. Some security cameras and street lighting.
10. Police station to be manned more. Seems it's almost never open.
A Neighbourhood Watch for crime prevention.
Be more proactive in crime prevention (eg. graffiti removal). Better street lighting. More proactive with motor bikes in parks and trails and walkways.
Keep it up.
Absolutely incredible how terrible the constant 'burn outs' and hooning is in this shire. Everywhere. It is also extremely obvious at most roundabouts, common corners and roads in front of pubs - yet no obvious action or reduction in occurrence.
Hammer the State Government to (1) Increase police resources (2) Legislate stronger criminal penalties.
We do not see any shire patrol persons or vehicles.
Community safety. Increasing the visibility of policing, to see more police vehicles and officers. Installation of hoon cameras on Talbot St and the intersection of Talbot and Toodyay Roads.
More police in Sloan View area.
Address areas of concern, eg. Drug houses, in our suburbs.
10. Whilst we feel safe in our area, community safety and prevention is always an ongoing concern in all areas.
Have the Mundaring Police Station manned 24 / 7.
More cameras and permanent night security officers.
Community safety. More security patrols, security cameras. Encouraging Neighbourhood Watch and Safety Houses.
Placement of traffic calming (speed humps) on Marriott Rd, to reduce idiots speeding down the road on bikes as well as vehicles.
More police patrols, especially at night.
10. Police station at Mundaring. Better response to complaints.
Monitor shire owned land for fire breaks.
Community safety. Better control of crime and the motor bikes that constantly speed through side streets and put people in danger. Also, there are some regular people intoxicated or under the influence of drugs seen around the same area, which makes me feel unsafe with my children.
Safety patrols - develop a community safety strategy with actions.
Street CCTV in high-risk areas.
Crime seems to be a problem in the area and sometimes don’t feel safe , maybe neighbourhood watch or more police to patrol the areas regularly . More street lighting is definitely needed
Addressing off road motorcycle use on our roads
Not sure how to make this better but between house robberies, poor night lighting, no community security etc its not overly appealing in my area
Get the youth off the streets, get drug rehabilitation centres set up. More, well ANY patrols would be helpful
Increase police station presence and patrols of residential streets.
New Fire Station or an upgrade to fire station in Glen Forrest the current one they have is substandard and not fit for purpose
Safety …Support Lobby the East link to reduce the trucks ! Noise ++Dangerous to get out of your car
Too fast !
 Tree maintenance and inspection. many dangerous heavy hanging branches post storm.
Crime prevention ..police presence
Lobby for permanent police presence and patrols. Hooning is a constant issue in the area. Witness the numerous skid marks on roads throughout the shire
Have more police officers present in the area
Take more notice of illegal and antisocial behaviour in suburbs, like drug dealing from private houses.
Need a full time police force everyone knows you have a 30 minute head start on midland
I don't feel safe in Swan View, it feels neglected compared to other suburbs/towns in the shire
Develop more activities for teenagers, youth, to help keep them off the streets, reducing crime, boredom plays a big role in why teens act up. Put in more activities for teens may help with this. Try and get them more into the community by helping within the community may help.
This department is poorly run and needs to refocus on its primary role of protecting the community. It needs to recognise that Ratepayers are Customers and not just an inconvenience to their daily routine. More needs to be done to ensure that the staff are responsive in a timely manner and meet their obligations to Safety. They also need to be proactive to reports of Crime and not be apathetic, dismissive or accepting of situations.
Walking tracks need to be just that  Motor cycles need to be kept off  these tracks for our safety and the noise factor.
more visible policing
Vandalism and yobbo-ism (burnouts etc) seems to be on the rise.
need to keep on top of it
More investigation in to the drug problems.
Get rid of the riff raff, more police control.  Don't put a liquor outlet at the Swanview shopping centre.  Clean up the verges from rubbish and over grown weeds.
More street lighting, groups/activities for youths more visible policing.
Prosecute criminals instead of letting them off with cautions
Control hoons and off road motorbikes
more monitoring of poor public behaviour
is there a community policing policy
I am unaware what projects are in place
Speed reduction initiatives like one used entering Sawyers Valley from west around schools and some residential access points.
There has been an increase in crimes being committed in the Helena Valley/ Boya areas
Boredom from the youth is often the cause of crime activity so more facilities for youth would " kill two birds with one stone". 
An active Neighborhood Watch would also help.
Monitoring quiet streets for trespassers on private properties.
Better patrols and lighting. Lobby for more police in the area.
Active involvement in illegal motocross activities in the national park and nearby suburbs.
more police patrols in the area and a greater police presence.
Lobby for return of manned Local Police station
We have no local police.
The Mundaring building is Hardly ever manned so our police have to come from Midland.
Better street lighting in some areas.
More policing AND something is done! Too often it’s just a warning…or less.
Have absolutely no ideas at present.
More CCTV around public areas
Any changes would be better than the current practice of doing nothing,
Does the shire have anything in place for this??
More police presence so seniors can feel safer in their homes
the police station in Mundaring should have longer office hours and more police patrolling the roads
School transport taken of highways ( some primary children (eg mahogany creek )have to cross highway to catch a bus
Better lighting and more security cameras around the main town
More street lighting.
More police stationed in the Mundaring township area to cover surrounding areas all hours.
Traffic congestion around the shopping complexes could be improved
Maybe Cameras & Security Patrols
Significant tackling of hoon driving and antisocial behaviour especially at weekends.
Fire preparedness is a must. What is the Shire doing to secure resources such as access to
Water in a climate that is drying up?
Visible security patrols
There is very little police presence
active policing in eastern part of shire. Police response times terrible if at all.
Permanent police based in muddling
I'd like to suggest promoting neighbourhood watch, posters to discourage crimes, street surveillance etc. It's sometimes scary to hear about the number of crimes happening in Swan View.
We need street cameras to help prevent anti-social behavior in and around parks and car parks. Also, permanent street cameras along Helena Valley Road to help prevent and to identify speeding and hooning, which is every day.
A police station open 24hours. More police foot and vehicle patrols in the area
Establish areas of most crime and upgrade security and street lighting.
Install barricades in laneways and giving residents keys to manage these barricades.
The encouragement of local community groups on Facebook or similar.
We would like to see more Police presence or similar in our area at night.
What happened to neighbourhood watch? Police car randomly trawling back streets would be a start. So many light fingered people around nowadays.. jumping fences and walking up drives
Until we have at least one police car patrolling the suburbs at night the hoons will continue their highly dangerous speeding with screeching engines and the awful tragedies that might occur. Just because the Police Are not interested in intercepting and charging them, A couple of ordinary cars with police driving.,  parked off the Highway over Friday and weekend nights and you could stop the few who are doing it.
What are you doing to assist with this
monitoring 'bad' behaviour - trail bikes on roads & in the bush - noisy motorbikes - vehicles being driven much too fast - burnout on our streets -  loud prolonged noise generated by some residents and businesses.
Wooroloo has nothing, zero safety, poor lighting and poor roads and paths
Ranger patrols
Better access after hours to support
Police patrol
Activities for our youth
Open bilgomen pool for all school holidays except june
Better roads and street lighting
As we get older we would like to know we are still safe.
Police that are seen in the area
24 hour Mundaring police station though shire can't do this, so maybe influence
Safety issues
Better street lighting would be a good start (old part of Helena valley), more signs about surveillance. Not too sure how to better improve this as I am not specialised in this area
Reduce speed on Jacoby street
Reduce hooning
Reduce the “racetrack” mentality of drivers on great Eastern Highway particularly during peak travel up the hill
Get the hoons off the roads. Stop people going to the tip with uncovered loads. Have some mental health and rehab facilities for the addicts. More visible rangers or security people in problem areas.
shire to react on bad behaviour /. 
positive actions from shire for deeds of people who help reporting crime/safety.
More cops and cameras in the area
Retain station and improve police presence in shire of Mundaring.
More security around streets at night
Bring a LOT more pressure onto the Police to curb the numbers of Unregistered off-road motorcycles, ridden by (usually ) under-age kids, who have NO road sense or obey the rules ! They appear to be a law unto themselves , PROMOTED by their parents , who provide the machines and money for fuel ! If a licensed driver was to have an accident with one of these kids, they would be the worst person in the world ! YET , have done nothing wrong ! Parents need to be held accountable !
Try and find a way to prevent youth crime.
New to the area, but like to know safety is important
Lighting of streets and public car parks. Security cameras that are monitored. Especially in car parks where walkers / bike riders are leaving cars for long periods of time. Local security patrols and that can support police and keep streets and homes safe. Youth services to keep young people active and out of trouble especially in school holidays when petty crime (breaking into cars) and nuisance behaviour (riding dirt bikes on the bridle trail) increases.
More local security/surveillance.
Control motorbike use and related abuse, lack of respect from same to other community members.
Swan view crime is out of control
Get tough on dirt bikes on the walking tracks and roads. Have wapol do there job instead of picking on 4wds on the power line trail.
Many a time walking along the old railway track to be over taken by a dirt bike screaming past. I'm all for dirt bikes so give them some were to go.  Only a matter of time till someone puts a stop to the bikes
Night patrols; day patrols in the shopping areas; subsidies for alarms, fencing, security screens; better street lighting;
Instant approvals for fencing; allow higher fencing when house is on the main road;
Greater police presence and crackdown on unregistered motorbike riding through the suburb of Swan view and its surrounding parklands.
Police station needs more man power and police presence especially on weekends
Bring back neighbourhood watch systems - and establish a register of neighbours with cameras to facilitate the ability to locate footage if and when required. Essentially being neighbourhood watch up to date with technology..
GEH is a death trap. Constant accidents and noise for all residents from the heavy vehicles using it as the access road into the city has got to ridiculous levels. Absolutely nothing is done to ensure the reduced speed levels are adhered to as they drive down the hill or speed at dangerous levels along the journey out. This needs to be pushed by the council to ensure the planned road development plans go ahead and redirect to a safer route and less densely populated area. The trucks are a safety hazard and it is time something is done to ensure us residents don't have to fear for our lives driving to and from home and can live peacefully without the constant noise generated from the illegal use of exhaust breaks.
Allow improved tip use. People dump in the Shire because of the tip policy.
Manage known streets for hoon activities.
Work with the local
Police and community to uncover known houses used for illicit drug use in suburban streets
Road and street lighting.... Patrols... Youth activities..and education...
There is a growing need to protect people in their own homes from burglary and damage to private property. Local events seem to be increasing greatly and as a senior I am not feeling as safe as I used to feel in my own home in Darlington.
Whilst I acknowledge that the Shire is very large and I live in the most western part; there should be more visibility in the area.
In more recent times the incidences of underage youths riding motorbikes, both licensed and unlicensed in the Shire has increased. Riding on footpaths and in an unsafe manner.
While I appreciate this may be something not necessarily under the control of the Shire, I would like to see the Shire increase it representation to the police on this matter. It is only a matter of time before someone gets seriously hurt.
We need the police station attended
Police patrol often
Speed humps on roads around darlington especially Lionel road. Darlington road and more
More cctv and community safety awareness/crime
Prevention stategies
Well having a one cop police town in Wundowie isn't great considering the crime or undesirables in the towns up the hills Wundowie/Wooroloo and other suburbs.Which might not be on the news all the time or the township try to solve it themselves.Because they know it will be ages for help to get there.Thats why I think updating all the street lighting to brighter lights in the future over time would help in suburbs that need it Wooroloo/Wundowie ?.But I know this is a cost too.
Clamp down on anti social behaviour
Not sure.
Improved Lighting
Improved Signage
Lock facilities at night
Frequent Ranger / Security Patrols
Keeping everything safe
Police presence in the suburbs. The escalation of illegal motorcycles being ridden on main and minor roads continues. The noise pollution from extremely loud motorcycles is often dreadful. Crime prevention through more physical presence needs addressing.
Bushfire fuel load management is poor if not nonexistent. Using the 2019 catastrophe and the exposure to indigenous fire technician practices has all been ignored. This resource should be utilised consistently throughout the year and the 6 seasons of burning they practice traditionally, keeping the community safe and reducing the costs incurred by inefficient and reactive modern day methods.
Increased police presence
clamp down on hoon behaviors, kids on motorcycles on roads and reserves etc
Would be nice to feel safe
More police both general and traffic
Eyes on the street, the ability to observe and report whether that is digitally or verbally, and then have an actual response by rangers, security, or police.
We need a deterrent for the groups of youths going around stealing and creating havoc, as the police cannot be everywhere. More community security patrols.
Better security and less "passing the buck" to the residents.
Keep us up to date with any initiatives
Trail bikes on the roads every night in Mt Helena are dangerous and a nuisance. Hoons using the roads as a race track at all hours
Not one camera installed in the Helena valley estates, should be some to prevent anti social behaviour.
More WAPOL on duty … more night patrols
Harsher consequences for criminals
Motion lighting in darker areas
Electric fences!!
more security and police patrolling the shire
Managing abondoned housing so they are not used to habitat homeless or criminals
Crime stop is more important
More street lighting, level cement foot paths, to prevent the risk of falls. Encourage the police to do more regular street patrols, mainly at night.
Youth aged children causing problems. Block access to where problems are occurring. Talk to families that have these troubled youth and work on a program or ways to help them.
Speeding in 50 zones
Lighting in open spaces
Removal of graffiti
anything you can do
Assistance for people to install home security camera as a deterrent to unwanted actions
Increase police, to monitor what is happening in all areas that have had a major increase in crime.
Mundaring has a police station, but no police. The building is currently a waste of land use. I'd rather see police stationed there, but if the Police are not going to use the facility, the Shire should petition to aquire  the land and building to be re-developed to provide  affordable 1/2 bed housing, or other feature to benefit the community.
more police - Shire to get the police more visible, rangers
Motorbike/car hooning, rubbish dumping
Burglary is on the increase
Maintenance of a safe and open community
Block motor bike riders using bridal paths, the gates placed at driveway intersections are totally useless the bikes just drive around them not even slowing down to cross over driveways
Increased police presence & drive byes
In Swan View we pay the same rates as in Mundaring or darlington etc, yet we never see security cars, Rangers, and we are totally ignored when it comes to speed signs or traffic calming devices. All the money is spent in Mundaring.
Crime is a worry for everyone. Normal life should not be fearful,
especially for the elderly.
More police presence on school holidays in all the hills areas as well as police Education at schools  for youths and there parents need to addressed….as parents of today believe it is ok to take steel and abuse others in front of there children.
Implementing the street light camers will stop vandalising and aggrasive motorist activitis and etc.
More CCTV installations
Try to Stop the Hoons
Lobby for our Police Station to be manned more often especially on weekends. Better lighting in areas NOT in the immediate township.
Better lighting, more security cameras
More police presence
Curb the brazen riding of unlicenced dirt bikes by both adults and children on public roads.
Need to crack down on the cars and motor bikes hooning through streets every night
Goes without saying, police station us never.open trucks run the red light at bottom of hill coming into town nothing done
There seems to be more issues with bikes doing the wrong thing, speeding cars, not enough footpaths to safely not walk on the road, kids lighting fires/knock and run at night/ throwing stones at houses and cars. The area is getting rougher
Improvements with dealing with escalating amounts of graffiti
Harsher on youth nuisance. If families cause issues evict them.
CCTV in shopping centre and streets. More police in area, stop hoons and burn outs at arena
speed cameras on Grt. Eastern H.way 24hr. Police presence.
Possibly CCTV in high crime areas
Probably more of a visible policing matter. Hoons on dirt bikes being the highest and most annoying. Twits who consistently annoy neighbours learn respect others. Mowing, grinding etc at 7am on Sundays, Xmas day etc. Noise heard through several blocks as they constantly drive people insane, ending with high sales turnover from adjacent properties. Visual clutter, car or rubbish hoarding.  Lack of verge maintenance year after year with no consequence to make safe.
Security cameras. More lighting
A police station that is serviced and open every day of the week.
there are drug houses in the area that need to be closed down
Unsure what's already in place
24 hr police
Electricity net security,police station ,public transport,running water, ,sewage ,law help for the elderly ,pedestrians facilities ,shops subdivisions ,culture etc
Very poor after hours service from shire rangers, and weekends.
Community safety and crime prevention.
There is a problem with aggressive motor bike offroad riders on Bunning Rd + into bush area around lake Leschenaultia. Would like to see more action with prevention.
Midland Shopping Centres. More parking bays, more security patrols. Traffic - congestion. Drugs and (begging for money, been accosted many times) and syringes.
Maybe rangers available at weekends when most anti-social activity occurs.
Address the trail bike issue.  These riders have been responsible for setting fires and are also local drug couriers.
The shire certainly has its share of emergencies. Perhaps more cameras on the Heritage Trail to identify motorbike riders. Also, arsonists continue to be a concern.
Feral motor bikes in Mt Helena, Chidlow and surrounds.
Crime and safety. Police in the area or similar. Or whatever can be done for night.
Feeling safe in our home and in and around the community is important. Eyes on the Street is very important to me.
Do not spend all your money on lavish Helena Estate playgrounds. We desperately need sidewalks. Also work with police on speed control. Just with a handheld device from Aliexpress we've measured weekend speeds of up to 120km/h down Katherine St! There are no bike paths. Sidestreets no sidewalks. You don't need massive concrete pads. Just a narrow strip for people to get off the road. There are no chikanes or speed control measures on roads where people drive down hill and too fast!
Crime prevention. Broz Park issues due to public toilet, the private walk bridge at Riverside Park that goes over Helena River is used by stolen motor bikes - install cameras and motor bike blockers.
Improve crime prevention programs
Light up streets to prevent crime and more police ranger presence. None ever at the moment.
Start planning for introduction of CCTV into these areas in stages so that public safety is enhanced and it can be used as a tool for park management etc.
You need to have security cameras around chidlow
Midland skate park has CCTV, this could help the area feel safer.

Lighting of streets and public places

My son have to travel to Stratton to go to a youth centre, and when it's finished he has to walk from Stratton to Swanview at night because the bus service is crap and also the street lights are so dull it makes Swanview look like a ghost town at night just saying
More street lighting on road intersections.
Safety. Better street lighting. Police / security patrols.
Improved environmental powered (solar, battery) lighting in parks and public accessible areas.
The oval needs to be lit up of a night for all the dog walkers to feel safe. 
Mundaring Shire is a safe place to live at the moment. I think that increasing street lighting and pedestrian paths / widening road verges will help to keep it that way. Many people walk, cycle, exercise.
Put lights and footpath in Tee Ave Mundaring. Also clean up footpath in Nickel Road
Lighting and streets. More lighting. 
Lighting at skate parks - having lighting will allow youth to skate longer, especially in winter when it's dark by 530, but I don't believe it will cause misbehavior, that will happen anyway, just in the dark. Light will keep these people away.
More pump tracks, or specialised "bike parks" to keep bike riders off the skate parks (this appears to be a bigger issue in Chidlow).
Dedicated dirt bike space. It's a part of hills living that kids/young adults will ride on their bikes, often illegally on the roads. Have a dedicated space that is free of charge to use.
More activities for kids to participate in. Clinics for skating (board and blades), bikes (pump track or mountain biking), dirt bikes.
Lighting in my area is just about non-existent. Needs achieving.
Free entry for the pool at the high school in Mt helena or $1 entry fee. More street lights around the area of Mt helena.
Public lighting. Sufficient night street lighting is required so that winding, hilly roads and streets are safe for drivers, pedestrians and animals.
Street lighting - Replacing old 50 year old lights. Increased frequency of street lights.
Street lighting.
More street lights.
Lighting of streets and public places. 
Further lighting - Coolgardie St and both sides of Elizabeth Ave.
Ensure street lighting and footpaths are safe and easy to negotiate.
better lighting helps not only road and pedestrian safety but also seeing who is in your area, burglar etc.  maybe CCTV.
potential to upgrade street lighting to something more economical & environmentally friendly.
work in conjunction with local area police & do some street patrolling, again, not required in all of the shire but focus on problematic areas
Lighting at intersections on highway. Old Northam Rd needs overhead lighting to make driving safer.
Rosedale Rd, Chidlow needs street lighting past Lake Leschenaultia entrance, up to Whitlam St. People sleeping in cars / drunks congregating around park precinct.
Very little street lighting in Parkerville.
Street lights on highway intersections. Old Northam Rd x Great Eastern Highway.
Street lighting is in this years budget.
Lighting in Mt Helena is woeful - needs to be more street lights installed.
Not sure.
Most of the local roads have insufficient lighting, eg. Without fully checking, only one light in Glenwood Ave between Boya Oval, and the corner of Glenwood Ave and Orana Way.
Bellevue train station and future train line plans / can't find any information anywhere on the new station at Bellevue.
Street lighting poor in my area.
Lighting. Trees need to be cut back around the street lighting.
Intersections are poorly lit.
Lighting of streets (Greenwood Ave).
Better lighting and surveillance of streets and public places, to ward off juvenile delinquents.
More street lights.
Some areas of Parkerville have no lighting at all but have plenty of above ground, uninsulated high voltage electric cabling.
Consult local community. Undertake risk assessment of unlit areas.
Provide more, especially in Darlington.
More lighting. Convert existing street lighting to LED.
Lighting in streets is very poor. Needs to be updated.
Similar to Priority 2 - Too often young people are seen walking along very poorly lit streets, in particular Helena Valley Rd, Scott St, etc. The lighting wouldn't even rate a 1 - 10 rating, particularly because of: Lack of lighting, poor placement of many lights and inconsistent brightness. Footpaths are unlit.
Some poorly lit streets.
Lighting is important and retards crime.
More lighting to local streets in the area.
Street lighting.
Street lighting. Have no lighting in my road so at night you can murder people in complete darkness and never be caught on mobiles / cameras.
Lighting of streets and public places. Continue to extend the existing program to areas identified.
Secure and well placed lighting in the community.
Street lighting is very poor or non-existent in most streets. At least put a light at intersections and better lighting at roundabouts (eg. Scott St Library).
11. The shire seems to wash its hands of responsibility for acceptable standards of street lighting. The shire simply awards a contract to Western Power then not answer any questions itself.
Street lighting through Helena Valley and Koongamia is terrible. Street lights out for months at a time.
11. Street lighting could be improved in side streets.
11. Crime is not rampant here, yet. It would be good to address and improve lighting as we go along, so in the future we do not have a shortfall.
Been living here 30 years / no street lights here.
Increase the lighting of streets in the area.
Lighting the streets - too dark.
Street lighting - Just more of it.
I would like to walk after dark but no lighting in the area. Plus, dogs are too hard to see in the dark.
Have up to date levels of street lighting in all areas, in particular at road intersections throughout the shire. As population increases so does pedestrian and vehicle traffic, needing better visibility.
Street lighting inadequate
I live on Elliott Road,   We dont have street lights it is dark and no one obeys the 50 speed limit.
more street lighting
more street lights
Walk the streets at night. You’ll soon discover what streets need lighting and roads, footpaths (severe lack of) need fixing
Quite scary at night trying to find a street.
Better street lighting in Bellevue
Investigate where extra lighting is requied.
Many street corners not lit.
ensure adequate lighting of all residential streets and public parks and recreational area
The streets are very dark, the lights that are there don't emit much light and it doesn't feel safe to walk after work in the evenings.
Street lights in all areas
Street lighting is great safety for people living, walking and driving down the streets in this area. Some areas are so dark at night time, this needs to be addressed, also many street lights just do not work globes blown and do not get fixed for months.
Please STOP putting in more lights.  It was part of the charm that was Sawyers and why we chose to move here.  It was AWAY from bustle and city lights.  Please do not take that away.  Places like the shops and schools etc yes, much appreciated.  But long stretches of road leading up to sawyers and with sawyers not needed.
Some areas are not suitably lit up.
Helena Valley Road has become a major bypass route from Gt.Eastern Highway along Scott St since Robinson Rd Midland was closed and Clayton st cannot handle the traffic with no direct access to Gt. Eastern Highway.  There is insufficient lighting on Helena Valley road now and motorists ar using it has a speed run to Stirling Cres and Kalamunda.
A lot of streets and public places are dimly lit or not at all
The street lighting in some areas of Mundaring Shire is virtually
non-existent. This makes driving at night much more dangerous and walking at night difficult.
We need an equivalent amount of street lighting in Darlington, as new subdivisions are receiving.
I would like to see more lighting on cross roads and tee junctions in built up areas. I do realise that more lighting means more money, higher rates etc. but the cost could be spread throughout the shire community with a minimum increase in rates.
more lighting at corners and important points on roads
We have no street lighting or pavements where we live, but we pay though the nose with our rates.
Secondary streets such as Thomas road need more overhead road lights.  At night it is dark and quite dangerous especially as kangaroos frequent the road.  The back roads to Helena Valley through Darlington need more street lighting.
PLEASE dont increase lighting unless / where absolutely necessary.  Many people live in the hills to escape light, noise, and other pollution and to be in a natural environment.  Finding (economical) ways to reduce / limit impact of lighting would enhance amenity.
Glen Forrest is very dark at night. Would be great to have more street lighting, especially around village centre and adjacent to public spaces. Feels unsafe walking dogs at night with no visibility.
Brighter lights on our streets.
More lights and street signs that can be read at night
Need more street lighting to protect housing
More street lights
this is a joke
get some LEDs and putt better lighting at intersections
Better lighting on streets if well lights the place would be more visible
A lot of street lights don't work, and the ones that do stay on 24-7. Not sure why this is.
lighten up all the suburbs with more street lights ie mundaring stoneville parkerville its like the inside of a cow at night
Let's focus on making outdoor places inviting for people to socialise and recreate in, enabling greater community presence and therefore perhaps addressing positively on loneliness,health and crime.
More street lighting
Street lights especially in public areas allows the public to enjoy parks at any time and usually were there is lighting there is not as much crime.
Street lights generally makes for saver driving in the community.
Some streets lightings along Bucknell Place, Luffe Court, have dimmed lights. Having brighter lights help drivers see better at nights and could also prevent crimes. Please check that the lightnings aren't so dimmed that they are useless.
More street lighting within Glen Forrest - will make the area safer and more accessible for walking/exercise early in the morning or in the evenings.
Increase the number of lights.
Street lighting within Darlington to make safer local streets
Street lights at the intersection of Rolland Road and Hidden Valley Road
Every t junction should have a light in the back roads
More lighting along streets. Lights at intersections to GEH and other major railway ads
Lighting is awful in wooroloo
All streets in Glen Forrest need lighting and footpaths.
More appropriate lighting for Jacoby Street.
More street lights
Increased street lighting in residential areas.
lighting on corns and road junctions are poor
Using appropriate street lighting,  sensors to reduce light pollution and reduce impacts to biodiversity
The local streets around Stoneville are very dark at night. A street light at all intersections at a minimum would increase safety and security.
Still no pedestrian walk from GEH to Darlington Road. Lots of kids and adults walk after bus stop on the road. No street lighting!
There is too much inappropriate lighting, wasted light (hence electricity and money) and lighting is often not well designed where it is needed. Better consideration is required on where and how lighting is used rather than unnecessarily floodlighting the area inappropriately, wasting money and polluting our skies.
Better lighting on the highway and streets.
Change the orange globes on Morrison Road street lights to a less obnoxious lighting. Residents are living in full light 24/7. Replace with something lower wattage please
Some streets have poor lighting.
Improved lighting
More lights to reduce the dark streets!
Lighting in parks so we feel safe walking at night would be greatly appreciated.
Unsure, but consulting with nearby residents before any decisions are made would be a start. Keep locals informed
Improvement with all lighting, a deterrent for wannabe crims, keeping people safe.
Lighting in the parks
More lighting on the less populated streets for security reasons
Street lights on Keane St opposite tavern non existent. Always need a torch to walk from tavern to Ealy St in the dark.
Many dark spots even just more lights.
More lighting is required along roadside
better Lighting around schools and parks and roads and streets
Ensure adequate lighting of intersections.
More lit areas could make the community safer
We really need more street lightening on the main town area and also the car parks
No dark streets
We in our area have NO street lighting
Need street lights because night time they are so dark and very scary streets of thieves and some bad people they come out night time where they found dark street .
lighting in darlington poor . More footpaths Improving drains on verges not a dug out bit of ground that never had maintenance
Better street lighting for night time safety and access
Pretty much self explanatory
In places, we have few streetlights, with some of these being very close to the town centre. If you're walking at night, it can be hard to see so it's easy to trip over, and it can feel a bit unsafe to be out.
By installing more lighing
Better lighting particularly at intersections
The street lighting in Chidlow needs to be looked into at night so that the dark unlit areas can be corrected. I presume that most of the town sights around Mundaring would need the same assessments
More street lights on roads. Drains cleaned out on local roads
There is no place to walk after dark in safety
Slug the rural.people huge rates and give us nothing everything is for the town
Am not qualified to make suggestions. uncertain.
Increases lighting if streets
More street lights
What’s a street light?
Review of street and public places' lighting, currently too bright, too much glare and intrusive in residential areas. Light pollution in the shire has increased hugely.
Needs to be appropriate, targeted and safe.
Better street lighting on residential streets. As most streets don’t have any.
Roads are poorly lit. Stoneville Rd is a major road with very poor lighting.
Reduce street lighting. Adopt a model where they are alight for fewer night hours. Better for wildlife.

Animal management (dogs and cats)

We Desperately need strong rules on Cat containment within the house or in a cat run, all cats should be sterilized, unless a registered breed. cats are still breeding secretly increasing the feral cat population.
Plus, we need a fenced off dog exercise area.
Fenced Dog exercise areas
Top priority - Cat containment backed by increased ranger hours;
Control (including lethal) of pest species such as foxes, lorikeets, galahs, bees that escaped their hive, feral cats;
Habitat tree register that public can contribute to, lets actively protect what we have left;
Black cockatoo study that records nest sites to aid their protection from development, include private land holders;
Weeds and weedy acacias along road corridors that contribute hugely to the flammability of the landscape, include public education on the topic;
A program that allows landholders to responsibly manage their road verge to decrease the pressure on the shire to maintain these;
Opt in for the new fogo system, many landholders have systems in place that does not require this additional service/cost;
Love the Owl Friendly Mundaring concept - how can Shire residents further support this?
Cats must be indoor pets
Funding needed for wildlife rescue, rehab and treatment
Local native plants free for verges and gardens
Increase safe habitats for native animals
Education on wildlife protection (eg don't feed bandicoots,  what to do if you find a fledgling, wildlife first aid)
Mundaring recreational center requires fencing to be completed all around the perimeter. To ensure animals can be maintained.
Foot paths to cal de sac's for safety of elderly and disabilities to access without the need to go on the road.
We need a fenced dog park in this shire. Lots of elderly and disabled  - temporarily or otherwise - people own dogs.  There may be more dogs than small children in this area!  Nothing fancy is needed just area where dogs can safely run and people can enjoy some socialising at the same time.  There is lots of open space in Helena Valley.
Also the barbecues on the reserve near the river and bird sanctuary are shaded but not the seating areas!  More shady areas would be great.  We all need less sun our skin.  We never use these facilities because of the lack of shade.
Dog park with fenced as Loe coere tole Lose were getting at end of GoldSbrought EN (2 years ago)
Residents need to be aware of laws etc., on owning dogs, cats and other pets and these need enforcing, ie. If you have multiple pets you need the appropriate procedure to be followed.
Remove the dog park from sport playing fields at Brown Park. Feel completely unsafe letting my children run on the fields playing sport when there are 20+ dogs off leads
Widen Darlington oval
Remove dog shit
Make people responsible for off lead dog behaviour in public spaces
Cats - It needs to be law that all cats must be inside at night. If not, hefty fines should apply. Dogs get a hard time - cats are so destructive.
Enforce the cat laws.
Keep dogs on leads on public roads. Monitor or implement.
Dog exercise area must be fenced. Cats to be kept in enclosures, to stop killing wildlife.
Cats are continuing to kill - birds, quendas etc. Dogs are a problem in some areas - livestock particularly.
Control cats that are out on the streets and destroying our wildlife.
Limit cats and dogs. Make sure cats and dogs are restrained.
Cat and dog licence. Cats need to be contained on the owners property. Not allowed to roam and destroy native animals.
Introduce regulations to force cat owners to keep cats on their property and not allow them to roam - as is already the accepted norm for dogs.
Cats and dogs - There are many dogs and cats wandering about. Cats do more environmental damage than foxes.
A number of rate payers take no responsibility in regards to their dog(s) making a nuisance barking. The rangers are excellent in their response to complaints but it appears they are limited in getting some rate payers to take responsibility in the short term. Some rate payers will take advantage of the 'softly, softly' approach by rangers and let the issue continue for weeks and months until constant complaints to rangers, and the ranger's repeat visits, forces those 'narcissists' to act.
Animal management. Cats need to be registered. Rules need to stop them being out to kill wildlife. Not a cat hater - just annoyed at irresponsible cat owners.
We were involved in a dog attack. He received a spent sentence. The dog went on to attack again. The owner moved to another local suburb and is no longer being watched. He received no repercussions. Something needs to be done with these dog owners.
Control the cats.
Responsible dog owners need to have their animals removed from their care. They are in no way capable of stopping their dogs roaming and this needs to stop.
Actually act on complaints made.
Is there a law as yet for cat management. What rights do I have for neighbours' cats defecating on my property. For too many years shires have mentioned about cat laws, but zero has happened. I'm a responsible dog owner and want equal laws for cats.
Management of cats. The shire needs to introduce rules to make homeowners have to keep their cats within their property. Currently cats are roaming widely, killing native animals and causing a lot of damage.
Barking dogs. When you go outside and neighbours' dogs start barking at you - 8 homes around me - only 1 hasn't a dog. Even dogs across the valley are heard.
12. Eradication programs for feral animals - foxes, rabbits. Local laws to mandate cats be restrained in cages when outside (meaning NOT roaming the neighbourhood).
Dog and cat control.
Too many dogs roaming the streets, and cats not contained.
More emphasis on keeping cats contained, working with Shire of Swan to be on the same page.
Please don't turn the shire into 'suburbia'.
Laws to upgrade more strict rules on dog attacks. Muzzle laws to be implemented for dangerous dogs in public.
Bring in cat laws and more inspection of dog owners fencing to prevent wandering dogs. Cat enclosures for all cats.
More effort to protect our native wildlife by ensuring dogs and cats are not allowed to roam. Advocate to State Government to change cat laws so council can enforce by-laws properly and not just release animals back to their owners who continue to disregard bylaws.
Dogs off leads. Cats wandering. Possums in home roofs.
Please have a policy for cats to be contained on their property via a catio or cat run, in the same way dog owners have to provide a fence for their pet. And police it so it doesn't get ignored.
A big improvement on how many dogs you can have. Plus, feedback on reports of noise. And removal of kangaroos that need some help to get back safely into their environment.
Penalties (substantial for repeat offenders) for people who let their cats wander - killing wildlife.
Animal management. Too many cats. Some have 4. The birds are being eaten. I look after frogs in this area, with ponds, water to breed, otherwise there wouldn't be any water now, all pipes.. 
Stricter laws on the number of animals per household. Cats roaming. Barking dogs.
Catch feral cats, exterminate them. Fine / ban irresponsible owners. Preserve birds, wildlife. Enforce controls that are effective in eliminating problems.
Come down hard on cats and, to a lesser degree, dogs. I'm tired of seeing Bandicoots in cat's mouths. Strong penalties.
Cat registration should be mandatory - same as dogs.
Animal management. Rangers are excellent. Need a couple more. Too many dogs are loose in the area. Need more patrols.
Take better and more timely action on barking dogs, especially at night. We live in the hills for the peace and quiet (serenity), we don't want to be kept awake all night by barking dogs.
Cats have no place in the biodiverse Mundaring Shire.
Better control of dogs and cats on properties. Far too many roaming streets and causing problems to others and wildlife. Checking fences and animals on peoples' properties. Many dangerous dogs go unchecked.
Animal management. Dog control - better manage with noise complaints.
Animal management. Cats. Better management of domestic / feral cats as they are destroying our native wildlife.
My area of concern is with feral / wild / unowned cats. There is no area on your website to report them. It is far more convenient to access information. I report information through online forms rather than present in person.
Stronger penalties and regulations on cats.
Greater policing of cats so that they stay in their own back yards.
Inform owners of cats roaming the streets. Dog walkers fined if not carrying yellow poo bags - and throwing full bags on to verge etc.
Support community efforts to deal with feral / roaming cats, eg., loan traps, fine offenders, assist with enclosure issues.
More people need to be made responsible for their dogs' behaviours.
Remind the community members that they have a right to report noise nuisance created by barking dogs, partying, loud cars, power tools, etc. Also, educate the community of the obligation to conform to noise regulations.
Address the issue of dogs being allowed to roam the street. Address cats killing wildlife with policy and penalty. Address owners of aggressive dogs at parks and their attitude that it's OK to allow their aggressive dogs to approach kids and other dogs.
Animal management. You have changed the cat laws to protect cats so the owners do not have to pay a fine for roaming the streets and ravishing our native animals.
Animal management. No cats roaming around killing wildlife. No dogs on walking paths without a leash. No gates open with dogs attacking people.
Control of cats - Change laws / bylaws so that cats must be contained, just like dogs.
Animal management. Cats wandering the streets at night. They are noisy, dirty and kill native birds and animals. If I wanted a bloody cat in my backyard I would go out and buy one. Register all cats, like dogs are.
Some form of control of domestic cats. Too many people allow their pet cat to wander unrestrained.
Barking and roaming dogs can be a problem at times. Owners of barking dogs would take more notice of a visit (from ranger)  than a neighbour putting a note in their letter box 
Animal management. More effort to protect our native wildlife by ensuring dogs and cats are not allowed to roam. Advocate to State Government to change cat laws so council can enforce by-laws properly, and not just release animals  back to their owners, who continue to disregard by-laws.
Strictly control domestic cats - to be kept / restrained within owner's property 24 hours / day - Wildlife kill currently is appalling.
12. Mandatory licensing for cat owners and trapping / eradication of feral cats. Education of school students about the impact cats have on our wildlife.
Animal management. Cats, dogs and other pets. Cat ownership should be the same as dogs - under control at all times, not allowed to roam, on a lead if outdoors etc. The shire giving up renewing cat laws because of pressure from activist types is not good enough. Humans bought them in. Humans must control them.
Catch stray cats to stop them attacking wildlife.
Cats to be kept inside, and the shire missed the opportunity to lead 'change' in the state. 'Self promotion'.
Wildlife protection.
Ranger services are poorly consistent, take too long and generally just pass the buck. Not interested in community outcomes.
1Dogs are often off lead, sometimes without an owner. Lots of cat fights in the front yard. I would like cats to be kept within properties. Pathways (Talbot Rd) have lots of broken glass and dog poo.
We, in East Stoneville, have no verges. Taking the dog for a walk has to be on the road - very unsafe. All trees should be removed from verges, making sure no new trees are left to grow. This is also very important for all road users, as nowhere to go off road if tyre blows out.
Every second house has a dog, or 2 / 3. The constant barking is horrendous. Owners don’t care. Complaints are ignored or complainant has to do recordings etc. Minority suffer and not in silence. Rangers are intimidated by owners.
Law enforcing cats be contained. What about wildlife, this is very important too.
Cats at night time. Run around in gardens killing birds and animals.
People move in with many cats - kill doves, etc., wee in garage. Cats should be kept inside day and night.
Control cats in our community - promote native wildlife.
Eradicate feral / domestic roaming cats. Protect our wildlife.
More control of cats, kept on properties in enclosures.
Reduce cats roaming from properties.
I would like a fenced dog park so my dog can safely socialise with other dogs. One for large dogs and one for small dogs would be good. Also, grassed. There are several nice parks in Helena Valley that could be used.
Cat laws to be enacted. Too many birds and wildlife being killed in the night time.
Loose dogs and cats are a significant issue in our area. There appears to be very little management and containment.
Animal management. More on site inspection of dog numbers per household. Sometimes it's like living beside a dog pound. Cats just seem to roam at their leisure, poo in your garden and eat the small birds. Cats need to be kept in enclosures, with Ranger checks regularly (Instil harsh penalties).
Animal management. Take responsibility for stopping of barking dogs. Do not push actions onto neighbours to record data. Do all the work the ranger should be doing.
Living in Swan View (Fordham Dr) we are surrounded by dog parks, Peace Park, Brown Park, and dog open spaces just north of Brown Park - with no area or park designated for people just to go out to a park without being attacked by dogs, which are left to run in said parks. I have personally contacted the shire - no response via email / phone - to consider an area where people can go to just enjoy a park in close proximity without being attacked or feared by imposing dogs.
Control / management of cats in the area.
Stray dogs everywhere in the East Ward. Out on the roads early in the morning or late in the afternoon - you can never get hold of a ranger, given up trying.
8. Brown park needs updating - sproting rooms, canteen so can cook chips, water fountains at the bottom oval. Fenced play ground, dogs need to be controlled, should be a on leash park. More trees.
Ensure that proper control is required for pets and that fencing is adequate to contain animals
Stricter rules around cat ownership. Dogs off a leash should be muzzled.
Enforcement of owner control of dogs and cats to preserve native wild life
Grants for people building cat enclosures would be great. These are already becoming more popular, but the costs involved do put a lot of people off.
Keep the cats in doors or in pens
More effort to manage barking dogs
At certain times stricter control of noisy or neglected dogs barking continuously for no apparent reason
Enforce a local law on cat and dog ownership. This will also support wildlife conservation.
Uncontrolled Barking Dogs non stop everyday. dogs and cats unleashed - running around in the parks. Chasing the Wildlife .Owners failing to pick up after their dogs. More dog patrols with fines for failing to do the right thing.
Cats to be kept indoors . This law should have been  in force years ago .
When I was living there, the ranger who was managing this was attrocious. I have never experienced this level of incompetence anywhere else I have lived
More stringent rules and these being enforced by the council regarding the cats out killing our native wildlife.
Get dogs off sporting facility grounds, or minimum make on-lead required. The owners do not pick up pooh, and the dogs are not kept under control.
Have dedicated enclosed do areas for off lead.
Cat control needs to be inforced. We are surrounded by native bush land and cats are everywhere. Cat enclosures should be a must for all cat owners. Some councils/shires are making headway in this area, but ours has been very silent on issue. Not good enough.
Increase number of and effective powers of the Rangers
People walking dogs around the area not using leads. There are no dog parks in older areas that are fenced so people can let their animals off.
Change the cat ownership laws so that cats must be contained on owners property at all times.
Consider cat free zones in fauna buffers
Control cats
Seems to be a lack of education in relation to many dog owners allowing the dogs to run free on ovals, walking trails when they should be on leashes at all times which causes unwanted interactions with uncontrolled dogs.etc, etc, and very few noticeable patrols by Rangers..Maybe have special areas where dogs can exercise off leads..
Police the dogs that are let off lead in on-lead areas.  Especially Broz Park.  Also, law needs to be changed so that cats are not allowed to roam and need to be sterilised (not sure if this is under local govt control).
More cat traps available to use
Better signs on sporting facilities grounds ie brown park to keep the dogs off when sporting activities are taking place
Increase in fines for people who don’t pick up dog poo
Cats need to be kept on owners property. Huge problem with cats attacking native wildlife. Really sad and bad. Same rules as for dogs please.
Mount helena locals being held more responsible for there fencing standards with so many dogs roaming the streets.
More dog off leash facilities. Brown Park is great unless there are sports playing.
Enforce cats to be contained and stop killing wildlife
To many off leach dogs in parks
Ensure cats are restricted to owners' properties.
Address the ongoing concern with animal in particular dog noise, most of the day, and certainly at night
Dog attacks ignored by rangers when friends own the aggressive dog .
Act on complaints with competence and diligence
I would like to see better equipped, fully fenced dog parks. Most dog exercise areas are directly beside major roads/highway, with only partial fencing and are not safe for dogs. To the best of my knowledge, the only fully fenced dog area is at the corner of Stoneville & Riley Rds, but approx. 25% of it is taken up with children's play area and dog exclusion zone around that play area. There isn't even a seat in the "dog zone" of this park, no agility equipment or anything to give dogs any enrichment. Most owners I've spoken to weren't even aware of the dog water tap hidden by the fence. With such an amazing kids' play area at Jacoby Park, why can't this one fenced park be dedicated to dogs? Parents using the park with children are often hostile when dog owners try to share the space, take over the whole space for children's parties etc.
I do appreciate that the park is lit at night time, which has helped me to avoid families not willing to share the space with my dog.
Incentivise installation of pet cat enclosures.
Actively seek and destroy stray cats in bushland.
Enact pet cat containment laws. Increase fines for stray pets.
Implement a free or well subsidised cat sterilisation service for ratepayers and RENTERS.
more rangers and support for rangers
In my niebourhood the dogs bark and howl it is not peace full mount helena
Dogs on leads.  Cat not allowed to roam.
There is a number of dogs and cats that wonder the streets and making noises in particular dogs.  More control is required.
Constant patrols of troublesome suburbs such as Mt Helena for roaming dogs and cats. Signage situated about the community encouraging responsible pet ownership. A system that is quicker to acknowledge and respond to roaming animal reports. Tougher penalties on pet owners, especially repeat offenders. It is a severe problem and it never changes. Please implement a system that makes owners ACCOUNTABLE.
Cats are a major issue, should be register and kept inside at all times, trapping outdoor cats. Needs strong leadership here, lets see if the shire has the guts to implement this. Too many native animals are taken by cats.
Barking dogs are an issue too, shire is too soft on this issue.
Better controls for roaming domestic pets. Stronger effect from SoM for repeat offenders. Support/advice for residents experiencing effects of roaming animals or owning a repeat roaming pet.
With the influx of new residents since the mass exodus of 2021, when the flight paths were redirected and up to 300 planes per day were channelled over Parkerville at low altitude, the number of CONSTANTLY barking dogs has correspondingly increased. Reporting excessive barking, or in fact, any type of intrusive, disruptive noise that is in contravention of council regulations is an exercise in utter futility and results in no intervention by rangers, and no resolution to the problems of inconsiderately noisy neighbours. Improve the noise reporting process and then actually do something to resolve the issue. Angry, frustrated residents cause harm to each other, properties, and uncontrolled pets.
Cats are allowed to run rampant with no consequences but if a dog is out for 20 minutes you can bet the Facebook police will be on to it and a ranger will be on the case but cats killing millions of native animals no one cares! Education for cat owners to keep cats on their property I think is really important, luckily I still have bandicoots around my property but with irresponsible cat owners letting their cats run rampant to kill native wildlife it won’t last long. I think a letter drop telling people the local laws about cat ownership and their rights to trap cats and take them to the rangers would be beneficial
An increase in the number of fully fenced dog exercise areas (not replacing the existing open areas) would be advantageous. Ensuring all dog areas have water facilities (the Chidlow ovals have nothing). Specific animal access lakes / creeks etc would be great.
more policing of dog owners cleaning up after animals in public places
To many animals have free range, causing deaths to native wildlife.
I would like the Shire to review and change the current laws regarding domestic cats in the hills area.
More use of fox baiting in council owned land. Cat and dog control have both been good, but we regularly capture foxes on our cameras and  together with the land clearing it's making it hard for the local Quenda population to survive.
The cats in our area have taken baby bandicoots and birds are becoming scarce in our area. Responsible pet owners need to keep their animals in their own yards.i am sick of the cat fights and my garden being used as a toilet. The laws concerning cats need to be a lot tighter.
Better response to neighbours when people own more dogs than should be the case; when they roam outside of property fences. Or when dogs are barking. A lot.
Help with cat trapping on properties.
Cats can not roam outside in such an environmentally important area
Actively develop a system for feral cat/animal management, strengthen laws/fines around domestic cat wandering around shire area/native bush land, stronger protections for native flora/fauna
Minimise how many animals are allowed eg 1 cat and 1 dog. Also cats should not be allowed outside the house.
We have a major problem with rabbits in Mahogany Creek.
Cats need to be confined at all times.
Many stray dogs in Mt Helena. My daughter is too scared to walk her dog.
Would like to know that there are consequences for allowing dogs to roam.  I have been in areas where dogs have causes a lot of damage, including attacks on humans
Keep CATS from roaming the streets, they are killers
Licensing of cats as well as dogs. Local law requiring cats to be kept indoors at night.
Actually fine people. I've got a dog but it appears most aren't able to read a sign that says leash. Also dogs that just bark away until late hours. Cats that roam free.
Removing cats from the streets. Cats should not be allowed to wander off the registered property and should be in enclosed yards, just the same as dog owners
Cat owners need to be disciplined when their cats are free to roam at night killing our native wildlife
Cats should not be allowed to roam free.
Not allow cats to be allowed in the hills unless caged the number of wild life creatures that are attacked and killed shocking and cats in particular are a menace …my neighbour has dogs  and a cat ….the dogs bark when they’re not there  and the cat is over in our  backyard and at times of day or night ……sick of dogs wondering around and getting out …..irresponsible pet owners ….i love animals and would love another dog but not practical for us to have one as it would be home and bored all day
My dog has been attacked by an off-leash dog on the Heritage Trail.  We've reported wandering dogs to the Rangers. This morning the dog was back on the track. We need more policing of the rules the Shire has set.
Manage cat ownership. Cats must be in an enclosure at all times.
Take action to eliminate dangerous and noisy dogs.
Indoor cat legislation. Seriously, this is taking too long. We live surrounded by bush land so we can’t afford to let cats wander freely through it snacking on the wildlife. This is SO EASY. Enforce fines and it will pay for itself.
Roaming cats are a huge problem in the Shire and nothing is ever seriously done about it. My parents have caught and trapped a cat, handed it over the Rangers on 3 separate occasions and the cat is still roaming their back yard! There needs to be much harsher penalties for repeat offenders.
Additional Rangers needed to respond to the continued issue of animals not being kept on a private property. Change the Regulation(11?) For Cats, to be kept on a owners property.
Limiting the number of dogs or cats in a household
Monitoring the number of cats & dogs in a household.
Monitoring strays or roaming cats and dogs
Nuisance dog barking is the scourge of our community.
Cat laws to prevent cats roaming at night killing native and other small animals
Improvement with ranger services when there is a concern in the community, especially if it is a known issue and has been brought before the shire many of times. Also more education around leashing dogs in public spaces.
Roaming cats at night are killing wildlife. It would be good to have some sort of regulation on cat ownership whether it specify indoor during certain hours.
Control and laws on domestic cats
Protect local wildlife from Cats, by placing a bell on any cat in the area, introducing cat reduction of feral cats, sterilisation cats. licenses and tags, etc.
Make Cat owners keep them enclosed.  Have more rangers available to deal with wandering dogs and cats
People need to be more in control of their dogs when off lead.
It would be good to have someone be able to move big boomer Roos on from one’s yard .
They are visiting too often and stay around too long .they’re intimidating and destroy vegetation .
Introduce cat containment laws and enforce cat control. If unable due to State Law, push for updated State Laws to enforce cat enclosures and keeping cats on property not wandering into neighbours property to kill wildlife.
A more friendly place to bring dogs for locals and visitors
Fenced off lead dog parks that don't contain a playground.
Cats outside keep killing the native wildlife
Pest control, rats and invasive birds.
Cats should be kept in doors or secured in their owners property at all times for the sake of the environment and wildlife.
Cat management is non existent.
I've trapped the same cat 3 times and taken it to the Rangers.
The fines are paid and the cat returns to live outside and continue killing native animals.
Repeat offenders need real consequences to truly curb the problem.
Enforce cats to be enclosed in homes in catios to protect wildlife
Provide fenced large and separate small dog exercise areas
Education for owners shutting up there dogs and keeping their cats inside and shire rangers dealing with any issues consistently
Dogs management is fine. Cats however - the amount of cats running wild killing wildlife is insane. In our street alone are 4 cats which are killing birds and bandicoots. A mandate for people to have a outdoor playpen or keep indoors. We need to manage our dogs to be on our property etc, why is this not enforced for cats??? Cats pose a far greater threat to wildlife
Cats should be confined indoors and sterilised.
Cats found/ trapped outside their property should incur large fines.
A full ban on Cats in the shire
Dog Parks to be put in.
Not so much with dogs but definitely cats wandering around, roaming free throughout the day and night, marking their territory and potentially harming wildlife.
Multiple reporting of dogs out and about with council who reluctant to fine owners who are repeat offenders.  Zero management of cat owners who let their cats roam free putting wildlife at risk.
There are a wide range of issues but one which keeps repeating ware wandering dogs.  Animal control is becoming a major issue in Mount Helena and a public safety problem.  Pit Bull, heavy breed dogs and others are frequently wandering the streets and entering private yards and many residents comment on the FB page that they have ceased walking or walking their dogs on leashes for fear of attack.  In the last 3 days, 6 different dogs have been reported.  It is only a matter of time before a child is attacked.
Cats in the area are hunting the Quendas.  Possibly provide cat traps?
all written in first box
Some type of restriction on cat ownersto keep there pets confined
Cats in the area are an inconceivably massive danger to the local native wildlife, use some of the budget for stray feral cat trapping and euthanasia and please educate the ignorant cat owners about the massive deaths that their free roaming pets are causing every day and night that they are allowed out and about to kill.
Please put up signs to show that certain areas are dogs off leash as there are a lot of users of the reserve around us who shout about putting dogs on lead even though they are not near them and the dogs are under control. Approach Road and East of that area, is it a DEA can it be designated? 
Lorikeets are becoming a serious problem in our area as well, who is responsible for managing their growing menacing population?
Cat containment, to protect the cat itself and our delicate and diminishing biodiversity.
Fox control - does bating still occur.  We have dreadful problems with foxes on our bush property in Mount Helena. 
I know of several active fox dens that could be targeted.
Rules for people to keep their cats inside at night time.
More secure (fenced) off lead dog exercise areas.
Insure people know cat are to be inside at night.
I'd like to see policy development with regard to the control of cats, similar to that imposed on the owners of dogs.
This one is more personal.
Barking and wandering dogs and cats out at night.
I acknowledge that our rangers do the right thing as and when required, but the frustrations of happy dogs and dead wildlife are ever present.
Enforce the rules. The number of dogs and cats that are allowed to wander around terrorizing little kids, biting locals and killing wildlife is appalling. My friend wound up in hospital due to Mundaring Shire's negligence and inaction on this issue.
If an animal is captured for being a nuisance and given to the ranger/pound. Don't just give the animal back to the owners. A cat in my area has been captured twice and surrendered to the ranger/pound and it keeps coming back to its owners - yet the owners keep letting the cat out and it terrorises indoor cats through windows. The cat will now not go anywhere near a cat trap to be trapped again.
letting dogs run wild when walking
needing better cat control by keeping them in their own yard
More robust penalties for owner who refuse to pickup their dog dropping and those that allow their cat to roam an destroy wildlife
More fenced dog exercise areas
Cat curfews are needed
cat control measures
Roaming cats, better laws to make them stay on their own property - stop attacking native wildlife,
More rangers available on the weekend to collect dogs and cats that have escaped their yards. Better cat management to help save our native birds, cats should be required to be in a cat run in the shire of Mundaring and of course dogs should be kept in their yards.
Enclosed dog park
Control of cats so that they are not allowed outside an owner's property unless restrained.
Greater controls of feral cats.
Have Rangers on call over the weekend and doing drive throughs
The Shire is failing to step up to the issue of cats, which they are charged to do. The Shire needs to take strong leadership of this issue as there are SO many pet cats roaming freely and killing local wildlife. Another issue is why is Darlington oval used as a dog park when children play footy and cricket etc there, constantly coming into contact with faeces from dogs because the owners are too busy socializing to notice their dog has defacated so it’s not picked up. There are other parks in Darlington that could be used as a dog park.
Management of dogs that get put outside during the day and just sit there and bark continuously
There are so many dogs that are allowed to continually bark.  More needs to be done to ensure pet owners are more responsible for barking dogs.
Better laws for wild roaming cats and barking dogs
Develop a strict cat management strategy to protect native wildlife
Stop cats and dogs roaming outside.
Enforcement of laws regarding Cats as well as Dogs, including registration
Dogs need to be leashed in public and you need to implement hefty fines for those who think the laws don't apply to them
Keeping dogs and cats on owner properties - more accountability. Rebates for catios to keep cats on property. Require that dogs be kept on leash if near bushland - or owners to keep dogs under control and not chase wildlife. A cat curfew - although more research needs to be done on this as a viable option.
Stop free range cats.
Recent dealings with council saw zero change to some major dogs issues with a care free attitude and lack of following through correctly. Rules were constantly bent, communication was poor. If there are rules, stick to them and follow through with consequences and do it quickly not over months and months.
Control of barking dogs.
Mandate Laws to contain cats to cat enclosures
Enforce existing dogs laws for roaming dogs
Designate an exercise area for small dogs
Dogs off lead
Proper dog facilities and areas for exercise, not ovals that are taken over for sport, not unfenced areas like springside park that doesn't get mowed properly. Places to train dogs, and seperate big and little ones.
Rangers that can be called to deal with aggressive dogs running loose, cats killing local wildlife that we need access to traps for. Foxes and rabbits are also getting more of a problem
Leave the dog off leash area as it is in Brown Park  Fencing off a small area will lead to issues. Like Caversham where some owners throw their dogs in and do not take responsibility and dog attacks can occur. Open space is good
More areas where dogs can run free
as I have a small dog unable to take them to any of the parks or places are leashes are not worn by dogs and they run free these people should be told to put a lead on or fined makes it harder for people like us to take our dogs to the park
Do more about irresponsible pet owners. Our dog was attacked at a local park by an off lead dog. Bruce the ranger tried to help as much as he could, but his hands were tied by the shires pathetic rules.
Noise from neighboring dogs and feral / house cats out at night and day roaming into other properties.
96. Have scenic dog friendly parks where dogs are allowed off lead to socialise and exercise with owners, away from traffic and bikes. Example: Maylands river side near Garratt Rd.
Would like a dog park on Helena Valley Rd next to Helena Valley Lifestyle Village. There is an area of wasteland that would be ideal. Think about it. Wouldn't cost much. Just fencing it off and putting in a few benches under shelter and a few bins for poo bags.
Cats to be kept inside or in cat runs - not allowed to wander around.
Ranger assistance can’t get a cat cage, no ranger follow up so guess I’ll safe the bandicoots myself and buy cat cages to lend out at no charge, also more native plant hand outs since we can’t get them from natural sources, would also be great to purchase a permit to collect firewood from local Forrest
Cat control
Wild and domestic cat management.
17. More dog control and stricter responses to dog attacks / complaints.
Bring in laws to stop cats entering people's property and killing wildlife.
Once again, address the concerns with dog noise
Control dogs barking at night
Less dogs in Darlington
Clamp down on barking dogs, cats not allowed outside their owner's property, local road improvement/modifications (eg speed humps) to prevent speeding and hooning.
More ranger presence at dog parks for aggressive dogs. Also more information about how the shire would like to deal with local wildlife (possums etc)
Need a co-ordinated pro-active approach in dealing with feral animals and weeds. Stricter controls on dog or cat ownership.
More policing, particularly of free roaming cats.
Playgrounds, parks and reserves. Such an important aspect of the community and often how elderly people can integrate with society, eg. at the dog parks. It costs nothing and a community builds up. Need more dog parks and off lead areas too.
 We live in Mt Helena and the amount of noise from dogs barking is extremely frustrating. This seriously needs to be addressed. I've called to complain before and each time I have received no response from the Shire of Mundaring and nothing changes.
Maybe a dedicated dog park, fully fenced
Fenced in park for dogs with a separate area for small dogs.
Enclosing smaller parks/reserves with some sort of proper fencing so it can be off lead dog areas
We do need a dog park that is fenced located near recreation area like the white man park one.
No suitable dog parks in the area. Green dog park is tiny and the woodchips are not ideal. Boya Community Centre is also not practical, dogs chase balls so having an off-lead dog area and sporting field is not the best idea. There are so many other parks and given how many properties own dogs in the area and that properties are getting smaller, it would be good if the shire could look at a decent sized fenced off dog park area.
No cats should be allowed outside at all in Mundaring.
Construct a fully enclosed dog park, similar to High Wycombe.
12. Make cats to be contained on owners land. No cats to be allowed out to hunt for the endangered small Bandicoots at night.
Rangers ringing and bullying us over our dog, eg., neighbour with B + B complained all the time. Our dog was an inside dog, yes she did bark but the neighbour kept lying saying it barked 24/7. Just the constant harassment only because that neighbour is bringing money to the Shire quote what a staff member told us. We've been here 26 years paying rates being good people. 
Stop cats from roaming, killing birds and small animals.
The council needs to return to the idea of catching lost dogs, emptying bins and sweeping roads. There's far too much involvement in other areas that are a waste of rates.
The council needs to keep in mind that they work for the rate payer's to deliver what they want. The Fogo bins is a perfect example. Some streets don't have rubbish collection but the council is pushing something that's not needed
The LED signs is another example of not delivering what the community wants.
Grow balls and put restrictions in place to stop cats roaming. Encourage responsible cat ownership.
*Stronger regulations to keep cats confined to owners property.
It's very dangerous, as an older athlete, trying to manoeuvre around dogs. I tore a hamstring. We (my children) have all trod in dog poo when training. Need to create a separate dog exercise area (like at Dianella Reserve).

Efforts to promote and adopt sustainable practices to manage climate change

Promote environmentally sustainable practices, including waste reduction, recycling programs, and green infrastructure projects.
Implement measures to address climate change and enhance the area's resilience to environmental challenges.
Climate change
The natural environment
Don’t shut down the Lake because it’s a silly 34deg Celsius. Or 40, and there’s nowhere to refresh.
We need FOGO and an on demand greenwaste verge collection and more assistance with fire and storm prep and aftermath. Better communication on these topics as well
Housing: Off grid tiny homes must have a speedy approval process. There is a lot of space and not enough housing. Also, as in NSW, people are going to do this with or without your permission so best to be one step ahead.
Consider this, if there is no affordable accommodation low income positions will not be filled leaving the town like Broome, with no services! 
- Improve waste recycling
- Strict rules around mass developments and residential block sizes
Weed management/ eradication  - greater spend/enhancement - very severe threat to natural vegetation
Do not approve developments that require removal of large established indigenous trees- develop a very clear policy and stick to it
A policy to green suburbs where trees are rarely seen. Encouraging plants on verges. Careful use of Roundup. Many houses in Helena Valley (newer areas) have almost no space for gardens and there Is great use of blue metal, gravel and paving, which radiates heat. Why black roofs.
Community power & water resources - group solar schemes / H2O schemes.
Underground power - where possible to enhance community safety - lobby Western Power & co-fund areas to underground power
Better sustainable practices.
Planting of more trees, especially in this current problem with climate change.
Sustainability and actions to mitigate climate change. Provide an example to residents / businesses etc., that these issues represent a need to act for all.
Recognise and develop 'green' areas in built up areas.
Sustainable practices. Push for 100% renewable energy - whenever, wherever possible. EVs for all shire vehicles. Enable convenient charging stations.
Better liaison with Indigenous people re bushfire management / burning off regimes etc.
Sustainability / Climate Change. Become nett zero by 2030 or before.
Incentivise and promote sustainable practices within the shire.
Sustainable practices - Ban plastics, be proactive.
All projects to have the lens of climate impact over them.
Lead by example. Ban the building of west facing big window houses with black roofs. Encourage solar and electric vehicle usage. Fund school projects to raise awareness in kids. Discourage 'Satterley' type subdivisions totally alien to hills values. Plant trees in the town of Mundaring. Calculate embodied carbon at planning stages.
Sustainability. Stop using TBL Greenwashing - It's 30 years old. Transition to other more honest approaches. Ecophilosophies  - best in ecocentrism and aspects of that.
Throwing soft plastics into landfill is not good practice, yet we don't have an alternative.
Sustainable. Encourage residents to reduce buying environmentally unfriendly packaging. Ensure rubbish is reduced - encourage FOGO.
Sustainable practices. Ie. Signage fiasco with neon signs completely inappropriate yet not a single councillor opposed them.
More solar for lighting and power.
The sooner we have a fully functional FOGO system the better. Maybe the council can run some composting sessions with residents. Also, how to use other forms, eg., bokashi and worm farms.
Meaningful measures to address climate change.
Sustainable practice. Commit to a renewable energy hub for the area. Greater recycling participation - able to accept recycling of a wider range of products.
FOGO bins. Less reliance on cars. Subsidies to make sustainable choices in the home. Update building regulations to require sustainable minimum standards.
FOGO. More recycling capabilities for other materials not done here or in WA - Jobs.
Keeping up with ever changing police on climate change.
I don't claim to be an expert on my other two priorities so cannot offer advise or suggestions.
Climate. More EV charging points. Council vehicle purchase EV vehicles. Better climate design and insulation on buildings when planned or renovated.
Stop canopy clearing - Concentrate on mid level clearing and educate to have low or ground plants with the taller trees. Less chance of fire reaching canopy. Slow waterways down so water has a chance to soak into the ground and give the trees a better chance.
More discussion and debate concerning prescribed burning practice. Does prescribed burning reduce property damage and losses. What is the environmental impact of spring burns.
Climate change is happening and needs to be addressed in all aspects of managing the council. For example, more solar panels on all council buildings, electric cars, encourage WFH for council workers and business throughout the shire.
Adopt more innovative ways to respond to climate change within the shire. Your head is in the sand.
Use more energy efficient vehicles and machinery, ie. electric cars and commercial vehicles.
13. Would love to see more investment in renewables. Programs that support recycling.
Waterways planting and continued management inclusive of regular attendance of removal of pests during summer (while brook dry), such as Arum Lilies which have popped up in Kadina Brook. Removal of rubbish on a regular 6 months basis.
Non-toxic weed management (moving away from Roundup), renewable energy supplies.
Increasing the tree canopy, looking into ways to cool our shire, eg. laying of roads that are not adding heat.
Educate residents on wood burning heating. Most don't realise that turning down their wood heater makes it smoke. They need to be taught that a heat mirage instead of smoke indicates it's running efficiently, massively reducing toxic particulate matter.
As much as possible needs to be done to encourage people to be less wasteful and recycle and reuse more.
13. Need to look at ways forward with climate change. How to cope with hotter, drier summers and intense storms.
Enhance recycling ability of waste collection. Community battery hub / UPP for power reliability.
13. Implementing eco-friendly building codes on all new builds / major renovations, ie. double glazing, water storage and grey water use.
13. Fire hazard reductions.
This is an ongoing issue. The shire has made progress using alternative power but this could perhaps be extended to heavily used recreational facilities.
13. Decrease reliance on fossil fuels and increase reliance on renewables. For example - transition to hybrid vehicles and eventually electric vehicles. Planting of more trees.
13. Any new development should be made to use the least energy as possible. Buildings, whether council or homes - need to be orientated to minimise energy and built using materials that are of the best 'R' value.
Sustainable practices  - Encourage / incentivise electric vehicle charging stations in townsites, shopping centres. Destination chargers at points of interest. Make Mundaring Shire somewhere EV drivers want to visit.
Offer a subsidy to support installation of rainwater tanks in peoples' homes.
Improve understanding of OUR impacts to climate change and what we can do practically to assist. And how the shire will support these efforts. ie. waste management, gardens and properties, caring for native animals / each other.
Continuing to protect and preserve the environment.
Sustainable practice starts with individuals. Promote incentives. Solar power and water tanks should be the bare minimum on ALL new housing and upgrades. Offer incentives. Industry and businesses should be adopting SP. It is not evident or promoted. Greater use of public transport - very limited in some areas. Reduce, reuse, recycle.
Sustainable practice. I have no idea what the shire is doing in this area, other than collection of batteries and refunds on drink bottles.
13. Give households a 'green waste' bin. Living in a unit makes it hard to get rid of garden waste.
Sustainable practices. Plastic use in households and facilities (shops). Reduce excess consumerism. Education surrounding climate change.
Adapt as possible to climate change.
13. Recycling bins in public spaces. Solar panels for businesses. Local prisoners from Wooroloo to pick up rubbish.
No dense urban development - Strong advocacy for the ecosystem.
I don't claim to be an expert on my other two priorities so cannot offer advice or suggestions.
13. Education of students and focus on water catchment. Focus on renewable energy etc.
13. Encourage rate payers to adopt the tree verge planting. Bring back the understory / canopy seedlings program. Encourage verge gardens. More sustainable housing development in and around town centre, encouraging people to walk into town.
Sustainable practices. I would like information about what items can and cannot be re-cycled to be far more clearly publicised and advertised.
Much / all our recycling bin material finishes up in Red Hill Tip - Advised by good authority. Is this correct?
Sustainable practices. The shire should provide free mulch for residents. A community battery to store renewable energy.
Incentives to reduce emission, eg. shire car fleet electric vehicles. Commitment to zero emissions by 2030.
Equip shire buildings with solar battery systems.
Increase education of sustainable practices and sustainable challenges. Increase lobbying related to climate change issues.
Return to the building window, so people stop clearing all their trees. Just makes Mundaring ugly and hot. Fires are, sadly, a fact of life here.
Shire storm water drainage system needs to be upgraded as climate change ie. rainfall and storms, increase the amount of water going through these systems. The water is directed through private property. Shire needs to take responsibility for the potential flooding that can now occur.
Other councils provide free local native plants, ie. City of North Perth, City of Stirling.
Promote and increase environmental responsibility programs.
Sustainable climate practices - FOGO.
Soft plastics recycling.
As a strategy to minimise water use on gardens I would like to see free mulch offered to rate payers to apply to gardens.
13. Recycling of items such as batteries, old fluoro lights etc., needs to be in a more convenient area / more obvious to the public. Such as outside the two major shopping centres (Mundaring), hence being more accessible to the everyday public, especially the elderly and less able people / public.
Better weekly recycling, compost + green waste, better process for kerbside recycling, better access to tip.
Sustainable practices. Initiate community education events maybe? Keeping events & festivals sustainably concious. Making it easier for people to be aware of the simple changes they can make for themselves & the community. 
Education about waste disposal & recycling. Green waste & compost bins.
I would like to see the Shire's initiatives go well beyond reducing their own emissions.  I would like a whole of community approach to managing climate change where we can all have a role and feel positive about the changes we are making. 
Better recycling programs - particularly managing soft plastics and hard to recycle items
Focus on recycling especially plastics and particularly the "soft plastics".  Alternatively need federal govt to ban businesses from manufacturing and wrapping things in soft plastics - ha ha sadly that's not going to happen in my lifetime!
Investigate alternatives to burning for bushfire hazard reduction - every fire adds to the particulate and CO2 load in the atmosphere.
Provide incentives and assistance for households to adopt renewable and climate friendly technology to their homes and properties.
Introduce fogo bins, introduce incentives for renewable energy, offer free/subsidised mulch from the recycling centre to facilitate the switch to waterwise gardens. Incentives for smaller cars or extra taxes on larger / SUV cars - okay i know this will be unpopular, but at least some campaigning to counter the advertising campaigns for SUVs would be responsible. Transition to renewable energy for council buildings (e.g. libraries) and make the transition and resultant energy use into a public event, to raise awareness.
More sustainable energy management for the council infrastructure e.g. more solar panels and electric cars.
Reduce litter along roads and water ways
FOGO bins
Significant tree registration to reduce removing old trees on private property
We must protect our native wildlife and vegetation.
Commission or access up to date information the relates directly to the ecosystems and community needs of the shire.
Solar rebates or other rebates that help homeowners retrofit their houses to become more energy efficient.
Shire is doing a great job providing information on sustainability for new builds.
Waste minimization, recycling, greater community awareness and support
Community batteries or subsidised home batteries.
Less concrete and cooler planning and landscaping.
Bring forward the FOGO bins
Could encompass so many things - not watering in the middle of the day at sporting grounds would be one
To help prevent rainfall decrease, plant many thousands of trees, particularly on high land. 
No small lot sub-divisions.
Ensure better re-cycling of waste.
Encourage local buying and community co-operation.
A community approach on teaching people about the issues we are facing. Lobbying for single us plastic to be recycled again. Like the failed red cycle scheme, help locals have a voice in fixing our plastic problem.
encourage/subsidise implementation of sustainable practices across the shire. Most houses have solar panels but not battery storage - investigate affordable solutions. Underground power has always been ruled out because of cost - Western Power needs to be encouraged to re-visit as a matter of urgency as current power lines, poles, pylons very vulnerable as seen recently during storm - and ageing infrastructure carries a risk of fire
Help with developments within the shire, not always being against but showing better ways of going forward.
Education, leadership and strategic planning in all areas
The shire currently does very little in waste education/climate change education.  Workshops and education targeting all ages eg specifically for seniors, families etc many of my neighbours recycle poorly and are confused what they can and what the point is.  Education needs to focus on who individuals can make a difference while sharing what the Shire is doing as well.  Suggest competitions and getting waste education to shopping centres etc
Recycling made easier - larger bins weekly pickups. Food waste bin
Progress towards net zero, build sustainable internal procedures
Better education and information on managing bushfire properties in the hills
It is good the Shire provides free green waste disposal but as people age they find it difficult to get to the tip. The introduction of green waste bins would be a boon to those who would like to manage their waste over a scheduled  longer time period. Another area is disposal  of items that must be paid for such as tyres. It is not encouraging people to dispose of these items correctly by charging such high fees as is evidenced by the amount of items ditched at the side if the road or in the bush. People should be rewarded for correct disposal of these items rather than charged for it.
Mass tree planting by every resident - as many shrubs and trees as any resident is willing to take on from Council to plant on their property each year,
Council to engage outside services to plant all verges.
Eradicate cats from all suburbs in the hills as a long term action plan to stop them destroying our wildlife. - read UWA world seminar about this.
You know what needs doing - just do it!
Adopt sustainable practices as council (can be small initiatives) and encourage community to also partake.
A recycling plant, soft plastics recycling, vegetable waste management, support for electric vehicles, and zero emissions policy. More tree planting and bush regeneration work.
Encouraging the public to adopt more sustainable practices.
Collecting general waste bins fortnightly only.
Making the town more cycling / walking friendly. Liaising with Transperth regarding a higher frequency of buses to Midland in peak hour.
Can you please consider ensuring that Rainwater tanks are a requirement with the construction of new residential properties or the offer a rebate on purchases of new rainwater tanks in existing residential properties.
cockatoo preservation and more greenery
Fuel reduction burn services are non existent, they threaten massive fines for fuel loads but provide no resources for residents to get these burns done.
Need to encourage people to use less and reward those who do with lower rubbish collection charges or charge per pick up.
Include water collection for all public buildings
Additional solar power capacity for all public facilities
Additional resources for community gardens and NRM projects
Transparent management of waste and recycling
Responsible revegetation of areas within its scope
Encouragement of residents to make more sustainable changes
promotion of mid density housing in town centres, a plan to implement renewable power hubs in town sites, provision of charging points for electric vehicles, purchase of electric vehicles for Shire use, solar power on all Shire owned buildings, even better recycling opportunities for recycling at transit stations (bigger shops, more promotion, more sorting), more green spaces and less concrete for any new developments, better town planning!
Plant more native trees and plants. Reduce grass lawns. Stop cutting hedgerows. Reduce the number of cats and dogs kept as pets.
Stronger correlation between native environmental conservation and fire requirements.
Consider how further development will affect the  environment and current lifestyle experiences of residents.
So with sustainability, I honestly don’t think street lights are necessary in so many places! In mahogany creek there are unecessary street lights all over the place… that’s one thing, but green waste bins that are common in every other shire still haven’t made it up the hill yet, I hear rumours that maybe at some point they might be coming but nothing concrete… also the reason there is so much rubbish being dumped in the bush is because renters aren’t given tip passes or told that the tip exists and they should ask for a tip pass so when I go for a hike and come across a bunch of rubbish or worse a volunteer firie breathes a bunch of the smoke it gives off in a bushfire it’s complete avoidable, force landlords in the shire to provide tip passes to renters and make property managers provide this info to tenants so they don’t feel the need to dump rubbish in the bush! This is coming from someone who rented and then bought in the shire in the last 4 years. Stop limiting tip passes to 3 visits and it might limit the amount dumped out in the bush!
Solar panels on community rooftops
Higher standards for new houses like insulation and grey water systems, it could be as simple as making white roofs mandatory.
No wood fires or at very least insist on the modernisation of existing wood fires to reduce pollution.  Very much an issue around the brown park area which sits in a dip smoke collects from 4pm to morning.  Cannot go outside or open a window during these times in winter.  Not healthy!  Main reason I am looking at moving.
No burning off .
Education for residents on how to live sustainably. ( workshops, courses etc) Leading by example with innovative ideas such as composting toilets etc
We need to reduce rubbish. Verge side pick ups allow recycling rather than everything being dumped.
Bins donot encourage recycling.
Stop supplying non-biodegradable dog poo bags in parks/ovals within the Shire. Introduce FOGO bins and more marketing around recycling hubs within the area.
Continued opposition to satterly and other housing projects that would clear remnant woodlands. Support for higher density housing initiatives on land that has already been cleared, like granny flats, in order to conserve habitat and counteract the continued land clearing.
Promote and reward sustainable practices … make Mundaring the best place from a sustainable perspective… recycling, renewable energy including off grid options.
Really easy access to recycling facilities for batteries;
Weekly recycling bin collection
Encourage homes/ streets to become off grid
Infrastructure for electric vehicles, Maintenance and development to support power distribution in adverse weather conditions. Talk to phone companies to achieve complete mobile phone cover in the hills.
This to be factored in and clear impact statements given in major developments that are planned
Renewable sources of electricity, support ev uptake with central charging stations, aggressively rejuvenate and re vegetate fractionated parks and nature areas outside of bush land - possible indigenous land management, by law building standards for home efficiency standards and exterior/roof colour management towards solar thermal retention/reflection
Climate change is an existential threat to human existence. The Shire, along with every level of government must act to do ALL within its power to minimise our negative impacts on the environment. I previously worked in Fremantle and believe that they took a far more aggressive approach to this problem. I would endorse such action.
Reduce emissions
Convert fleet to hybrid cars
Implement charging stations
Solar panels on public halls and buildings
expand recycling/reuse to a greater range of plastic containers and wrapping. reduce energy consumption by moderating indoor ambient temperatures and encourage/facilitate greater use of PV solar including community batteries.
You didn't have a comment section later, so I scrolled back to this field. You ask "Are you a manager or committee member of a community organisation, club or group located in the Shire of Mundaring?" Well, as an active member of THREE Friends groups I can't say 'yes' to this question because Friends groups have no official committees or office bearers, so we will all be missing from your data.
Promote non-fossil fuel sources of energy more, provide more education tools and initiatives for solar, wind etc
Encourage more sustainable methods, fogo or promote composting.
Advocate for more fire resources trucks, water bombers to support increasing fire risk from climate change.
solar street lighting
Plant more trees, better regulations for cat control. More Education and incentives to improve.
1. Free mulch for residents
2. Free plants to encourage a green landscape and increase the shires carbon sink
Denuding tracts of land, creating heat sinks, does not have a positive impact on climate change.
Current President is on an  environmental wavelength...... Education re sustainability/climate change for the rest of the staff is crucial.
Planting of more native vegetation to help abate the adverse effects of climate change. On larger sites the building envelope to be more environmentally friendly by not being located in the centre of a location as has been the case.
Low carbon economies and living
Fire risk reduction and preparedness
Community centres where terracycling can happen, above and beyond the 10 cent collection points (Bayswater have a great one) more incentives for solar/transitioning to EV's, more education in schools.
Greater action and discussion.
programs to help saving energy
After the Satterley battle.. I would live to see the shire bring in sustainable development options like the Witchcliffe eco village or something similar. I was around in the days of the Sommerville ecovillage plan.. I think it is time we looked at allowing multiply occupancies and eco village settings in our beautiful hills to keep the environment in tack but allow greater numbers of people to live here.
Land management, stopping removal of trees, fire mitigation but not burning of large areas all at once.  Rubbish management - effective sorting of waste at household level, then recycling as much as possible.
encourage and make re-cycling easy for everyone...
Embedding climate change considerations into governance and policy
Dark sky/light pollution policy. Alot of the Shires lighting of Shire buildings and roads creates huge amounts of light pollution (and must cost alot of money). Since I moved here 15 years ago much more light pollution - some from Perth, but also local - lights on corner of coulston and Boya belong on a freeway. The stars and night sky is an attraction of the Shire for residents and visitors and less inintrusive lighting also sustainable.
Improved recycling project eg separate bins for paper, glass, green waste and general waste.
Maybe instead of doing once a year verge collections
Allow houses to havae three skip bins a year just like other shires if you could so that families who don’t have big vehicles with tow bar or can’t afford rent vehicles can access skip bins rather than three passes
I would like to see the Fogo program in place and increased recycling teaching, some programs on setting up and managing gardens sustainably at times that work for working people. More projects for teens, and advertising of volunteer programs for the older retirees, community groups that allow mixing of generations.
Help households with planting appropriate plants requiring less water.
Reduce big business use of the aquifer/bore water.
Provide wicking beds/ native plants free as per other shires.
Stop land clearance- by business or developers
Helena River management and development- providing access to nature reserve and walk trails
Management and control fire hazards in the area- verges, vacant land
Providing future housing
Bins for green waste and compostables
Power management - community battery. EV charging facilities. Reducing waste
More areas for containers for change and signage to promote use
only allow appropriate building  that takes the increasing risk of bush fires into account as a primary design decision
Continued focus on this area including access to charging stations
Better recycling, food waste and garden waste bins for example
Unsure, I just know this should be our top priority.
Continue to care for and consider our environment
Aboriginal people leading and activating the  change
Incorporating waste management, FOGO, more recycling eg at events, parks, shopping areas?
Lead by example with renewable energy on public buildings, eg the libraries, shire depot, electric vehicles and chargepoints
**Remove the hideous, out-of-place neon signage at our parks, and replace with cockatoo bird feeders or sustainable artwork**
It is time to move from the 40 yr old TBL towards a nature centered understanding of sustainability. It's about connecting with nature. TBL/QBL is now outdated and proven again and again not to meet UN sustainability goals. Move on.
Prioritize actions over cost
Green waste verge collection to decrease burning of green waste.
Make more land unavailable for devolpment. Stop destruction of forrests. More public open spaces and nature corridoors.
Put nature first
Increased bins to manage recycling of products and green waste
Not sure
Do more spot inspections to see if people are complying with firebreaks and advertise the fact that you are doing them to make people realise they could be found out if they leave tall grass growing right up to their boundary.  Is there a way to make the requirement that 'no plant taller than 2m should be grown within 2m of the house' a bigger issue. I know of many places in the hills where people have planted very tall flammable plants within 2m of their neighbour's house. This particularly affects people who live on smaller blocks in the hills.
solar battery hubs more EV charging points better recycling
educate on Climate change mitigation
Heat stress education
promoting going all electric , including the MSC
encouraging solar passive design for housing
encouraging residents to install water tanks
protecting the environment and habitat for all creatures
Sustainable development
Community batteries, power generation and storage
Water storage promotion
Actively support community gardens
Promote tree canopy for all, not limited to large properties
Promote sustainable food production
Promote energy rating for new buildings in building code
Protect natural existing bush land, waterways
Discourage deforestation
free solar panels for all households
The shire is fortunate to have a lot of bush that through natural growth probably captures more carbon than the Shires direct activities release. However this is just fortuitous and not a credit that can really be claimed as an environmental positive for the shire. Aside from monitoring and  limiting clearing, much more regrowth activities could be carried out, (possibly by volunteers). There are a number of volunteer groups working on patches of bushlan in the shire who could do so much more with a bit of financial and machinery support from the shire.
Improved public transport.
We really need to be composting, worm farms, incentives for solar with batteries etc.
Encourage us all to use less plastic & plant drought resistant plants, that need less water.
Better,improved education regarding staff in the fire department, especially for legacy owned buildings and when dealing with the public who are elderly and unable to carry out firebreak improvements due to various reasons. Understanding of flora and fauna, environmental issues and a changing climate.
EDUCATION, encourage volunteers, encourage public transport within the Shire to minimise vehicle use.
Promote sustainable power, food, transportation, homes & education
Recognition of the need to make appropriate changes to prevent calamities such as bushfires and better improve access from properties to highways and safe shelters.
Awareness of physical and mental health for vulnerable people due to impact of climate change now and in the future. Addressing climate change issues.
More frequent public transport in Mundaring; less cars on the road.
Set aside an area of land that is less fragile/pristine and is away from houses, where people on off-road vehicles can legally ride at their own risk. Develop user guidelines that the riders themselves have had input into. .
Keep our trees, ban fireplaces to prevent illegal logging.
Cans for change centres
Encourage houses and businesses to go solar
Save tree canopy
Cool burning by First Nations people (or those trained by First Nations people) to reduce fuel loads in fire prone areas - current fuel load reduction practices harm our flora and fauna and cause dangerous smoke events.
Bring on FOGO - we've had to wait a long time for our 3rd bin!
Broaden scope of Mundaring recycling centre to save us having to go all the way out to Chidlow.
Would love to see a local plastic bag recycling initiative to replace "RedCycle"
Community education and commitment
More ev chargers, community battery support, tree planting, solar initiatives,
The Perth Hills stands to be heavily affected by climate change, particularly for the risk of devastating fires. We all have a responsibility to try and limit climate change, reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, single use plastics, promote regenerative farming etc. Assisting households to transition to solar power, better recycle a variety of plastics, encourage water wise gardens, etc.
Zoning and strategic environmental plans that are consistent with scientific/ evidence based data on sustainability and climate risk assessments including the risk of fires to the environment and hills communities.
Every project across the whole of shire needs to be seen through the lense of climate change with hotter summers and drier winters.
The ongoing need to support and protect the environment together with the mitigation needs to support very different communities within our shire; from low to high density townships, urban, peri urban to rural. Building resilience into our Hills Community.
Continued & increased support for Education programs and Practices re responsible living in the Hills environment: eg: understanding the Hills environment to support and protect the ‘Lungs of Perth’.
Control of pets, management of weeds & feral animals, firebreaks, fire management. Maintain and increase support services for the most vulnerable: young, youth and elderly across the Shire.
Appropriate housing; buildings, density, materials
Continue to fight against high density housing
Recycling that actually recycles!  With the first step being more transparency regarding the way recyclable materials are handled.
Past housing policies seems to be unsustainable for the environment. Individuals or small family groups living on large parcels of land is not sensible nor environmentally responsible. It also limits shire population and community development growth.
FOGO system. Providing rebate schemes for various initiatives such as rainwater tanks, solar power, worm farms, etc. Providing more learning opportunities for community in sustainable practices and initiatives such a tool libraries, repair cafes, etc.
More public awareness
Green waste bins
Replace street lighting on Great Eastern Highway with more energy-efficient options, which would also save energy cost.
Provide charging stations for EV
Improve coverage of public transport.
Provision of different bins eg for green waste and  compost as well as recycling and rubbish.
Preserve trees wherever possible. Place the preservation of trees and bush and wetlands and natural spaces above all else.
To encourage or support the new building applications of houses, or council facilities to be built in an eco friendly way that will use less power and energy to heat or cool them. This will make a positive change towards climate change. I think it's very important to have buildings that are designed to withstand our hot climate. Key inclusions should be double glassed windows, good high R rating insulation and using sustainable building materials when able to.
Re introduce accessibility to the TCUP programe for ratepayers; vital to address widespread clearing and climate change.
As a society we are underprepared for a changed climate. Increasing awareness and building effective adaptation strategies is essential. There is a high likelihood of increased storms, fire and heatwave etc. The shire needs to understand and articulate its role in adaptation as a priority.
Acknowledge this as a priority, allocating more funds. Educating public and shire personnel. eg Library seminars for public on what can be done. Collaboration with other Shires throughout the State/Country to share information and strategies.
Would like to see more things like public community gardens or similar ideas in place.
Climate Change and the Preservation of Native Fauna and Flora
Addressing on-time plastics, better recycling, more innovation in this area, community garden and bringing people together to better maintain community spaces, seed banks of locate plants, planting schemes for private dwellings to add more diversity to plantings,
Stop using glyphosate
Increased use of sustainable energy and integrated water and other waste reuse/recycling in all new projects.  Development of local area sustainable energy public transport to reduce private vehicle use for local shopping, school, appointments, sport etc. Transperth can't justify the costs of servicing just local trips and Uber etc is unreliable and expensive. Big advantage for youth too.
Plan for moving all power lines under ground for natural disaster prevention and to reduce costs associated with tree management. Expensive but essential work.
Please don't increase street lighting in residential areas - there's not enough people on the streets and no one wants a street light glaring through their bedroom window!
Equitable decision making for development . Not weighted for developer against community. To ensure all the development plan is out for review before the development commences not allowing it to be developed piecemeal n advertising it in stages
Strong waste management services with accessible recycling schemes.  New builds required to have envionmental standards applied like water catchment and solar passive design principles.  Green canopy to be a priority through conservation on existing trees and new planting to minimise radiant heat from roads and concrete.
Smoke pollution is a major health problem. Wood burners should be phased out over a period of time.
Climate change/sustainable practices - public education and events on how individuals + communities can action + help. Composting bulk of residents food + green waste. Shaded spaces more trees returned + planted. Haven't seen enough. 
Stop being so car-centric!  Encourage people to walk or cycle and help them by removing the anti-social over-powered vehicles such as unlicensed dirt bikes and bikes with speed limiters disabled.
A sustainable community garden located on the land next to the railway line, road underpassing great Eastern highway towards bellvues RSL.
Green waste bins for the swanview, bellvue area's for shire of mundaring.
Achieving 'Sustainability' across economic, environmental, cultural, social and heritage objectives requires an 'agile' development framework - not dependent on rigid rules and inflexible processes.
Encourage solar and solar batteries.

City of Swan also had native plants for landowners which encouraged water wise gardening
These initiatives would be great community builders as you could run free water wise garden seminars.
A community garden space would be great too, especially if there was a park for kids nearby.

Conservation and environmental management

Fox removal will need to be high on the list.
Weed removal or spraying needs to be a priority on council land such as , parks, verges and most importantaly creek lines and waterways
Continuing with planting regeneration of local native plants in these weedy areas will reduce the fire hazard.
Make the green space next to coles an inviting community area. 
Education on native fauna and flora, keeping CATS and DOGS from killing our native animals, STOP speeding TRUCKS, CARS from our local streets, Educate NEW people to the area the importance of NOT KILLING OUR Native Animals.
Weed control in reserves - on the bridle track in darlington some areas are getting overwhelmed with a weedy creeper, it is killing the trees. Works were done a few years ago on one side to remove it, but weeds have grown again.
Environmental management along with controlled burning - some prescribed burns result in big weed infestations. As these are planned it would be good to coordinate land management to occur after burns, at the moment the burns often result in weeds getting more of a foothold than pre-burn.
More enforcement of dogs on leads on bridle track in Darlington - I often see Quenda, but also lots of dogs off leads. And trapping in reserves by Shire for wandering cats.
Planting more verge trees along footpaths.
Minimising habitat loss for native animals. Stronger bylaws to ensure cats are sterilised and confined indoors. Removal of invasive plants from public spaces.
Weed management, especially Watsonia and weedy wattles on public and private property.
Die back control and education, assisting residents with dieback treatment.
Stricter laws re tree and understory removal.
Strict laws regarding cats in the shire - MUST be registered and contained indoors or in cat runs!!
Assistance with fox and rabbit eradication.
Strict environmental building guidelines with in Shire for all new building projects.
Just need to keep working with DFES and DBCA. Use the national parks as a 'feature' of Mundaring to attract more visitors.
Educating residents in HOW to live in the hills districts. Provide information and specific procedures about HOW to manage their properties for fuel loads, weed control, pet management, preventing their household garbage from spilling on collection days and littering verges and bushland.Too many new residents appear to believe that hills living is all about using leaf-blowers on a daily basis, using MASSIVE large 4WDs as commuter transport and errand runners, and letting their cats and dogs run amok. Existing information is too vague.
Eradication of Watsonia.
Stop cyclists making new cycle paths through bushland areas.
Leave trees on building blocks. We need them to fight climate change.
Further discourage rubbish dumping in bushland.
Further encourage bushland weeding groups.
More funding to control weeds and trimming branches and removing dead trees on verges which are a huge fire hazard and on trails. More burning off to reduce hazards,listing and protection of old growth trees important for black cockatoo breeding.In short more emphasis on preservation of natural environment and less on parks and ovals being pristine.A more innovative approach to tourism to natural environment as seen in Tasmania to help with funding and business opportunities.
Planning should not pass projects that cause excessive environmental damage - e.g. complete removal of vegetation. The impact of removing all the trees is felt by other residents - loss of windbreaks, impact on wildlife. Loss of windbreaks means faster moving fires (trees cut down the wind speed). Street verges should be conserved. It is not enough just to say the right things on the website, without following through. A number of threatened species rely on sites in the shire.
Planting more natives in median strips to green the landscape more, plant native trees rather than European trees, large tree protection for building plans.  There should also be more restrictions on the types of housing/ building approvals, ie should be more solar passive initiatives to educate and encouage new builds to be self-sustaining, cooler, cheaper to run, etc
Significant bush areas could be better protected, managed.
Have rangers actually caring about the area and not revenue raising. Support the endangered animals in our area.
Conservation. Stop people chopping mature trees down unnecessarily. Make it illegal. Every day I hear a chainsaw in my neighbourhood. The rare and endangered Carnaby Cockatoos and Red Tail Cockatoos feed on them. 
Firstly, put a stop to suburbanising the hills. Stop putting dollars first. And start thinking about our precious environment. That if it's destroyed we will never get it back. Think smart for the future. Regeneration of all the trees destroyed in areas bulldozed for housing on tiny blocks - keep the hills the hills. 
Plant more trees and stop destroying the homes of Red tail Cockatoos and all the other wildlife that's getting pushed out of its own habitat. We must start sharing the space kindly - not thinking we can own everything. The earth is here to share.
25. Living in Swan View there isn't much 'greenery' compared to the parks closer to Mundaring. An example is the 'Dog Park' on Balfour Rd - could some more trees be planted.
My reason for a low mark on Lake Leschenaultia and environmental management is that there are a lot of weeds, such as blackberry, taking a hold around the lake and getting worse. Needs sorting - ask for volunteers.
The shire tends to just prune vegetation that obstructs drivers' views of oncoming traffic, instead of uprooting for a more permanent solution.
Get the community (schools, various groups) involved in preserving, upkeep etc., of certain areas. For example, Glen Forrest superblock. The school was heavily involved in the initial stages. Very neglected at the moment.
Conservation and environment. Reduce ability to split blocks to smaller sizes.
Conservation. Focus and collaborate to eliminate rabbits, foxes, borer, dieback, firebugs, litterers, vandals. Community education, bounties, rewards, penalties, volunteers.
Conservation / Environment Management - No specific comments.
The 'Hills' environment must be protected at all costs. That means very responsible subdivisions and further builds. More restrictions (yes, more) should be in place. And stop the wholesale 'controlled' burns of large areas, cooking the wildlife. Arson is the problem (see above).
14. I do not have any particular suggestions, but to continue your good work in preserving our environment, as the weather is getting hotter / drier.
Conservation / Environment. Protect what is left and manage weed sustainably. Why did you stop the tree canopy program.
Carefully manage housing development so that it has minimum (del??) impact on the rural aspects of the shire.
Have a balance between green space and fire mitigation.
Some areas need close attention, especially areas important for wildlife. Put more effort in stopping destroying habitat.
Improve Coppin Rd Tip. Ie. Open more days, empty clothing bins more regularly, have containers for change open same hours as the tip. Expand the recycling facilities.
14. Fire breaks and dead fall control in bush areas to cut down on fire fuel build up, eg. Black cockatoo reserve.
More burning of bush to protect the town site and around.
14. While we understand that you are wanting to remove introduced species from lakes etc., and mostly appreciate the reasons why, there was a family of 5 geese at our local lake, which were very friendly and were there for about 4 years before one person complained they were pooing on her driveway (she was feeding them there) then they were brutally removed - killing 2 in the process. Still very unhappy about that.
More fire reduction for bushland, specifically Wooroloo Regional Park. To my knowledge this has had no attention for the last 20 years. A catastrophe waiting to happen.
Maintain ambience etc. of the hills. Need to have a community feel and slower pace of life. No to high density.
Conservation. Shire has to have clear plans to make sure these are addressed.
Mundaring's advantage lies in its natural beauty. Therefore, all projects and shire directions must be informed by Conservation and Environmental Management.
More weed control to remove Tagasaste from Nan McMillan Reserve using goats, no pesticide.
I'd like to think that we leave the world a better place than when we entered it.
Conserve current reserves rated 'Conservation' by including them in a permanent register and making sure they are numbered and protected.
Looking after national parks within the shire. Organise volunteer rubbish pickups.
Trimming trees overhanging my house.
Have very strong conservation policies for all existing and new homes and businesses, that are enforced with correction orders to re-establish native bushland, for example. The natural environment must be a top priority in all areas.
The public need to take more responsibility for non native or introduced weeds in their own property. This is a huge job and needs to be tackled by everybody, so that WA native plants can be showcased.
#1 - Covers 2 areas.
Weed management. Need more education and action on controlling weeds like Fountain Grass. Weed control on residential verges.
Stop clearing of land for developments.
More maintenance of large, natural parks. Remove more leaves and litter (fire risks). Utilise more delicate machines for small problems.
Maintenance of conservation estates and reserves to protect flora and fauna. Weed control, decreases fuel load for fires and increases connection to nature and tourism in the shire.
Please put in a community garden around Stoneville.
Conservation and environment. How can the council best manage the tension between development needs (urban) and conservation, especially of John Forrest Reserve and its ecosystem. How does the council best manage sustainable practices in light of competing views, eg. culling mobs of kangaroos vs no culling, to maximise sustainability.
Conservation and environment. We're accountable for not destroying native growth but the shire can approve subdivisions with no idea of topography of land or what's going in the area.
More planting of native endemic species in degraded bush areas - removal where possible of foreign, sometimes invasive, species.
Conservation and management - Reference point.
Stop cutting down trees, expand the recycling centre, take control of development in the shire and don't let developers just dictate what they want. No more 'controlled' burns.
Our shire, like many others, waste time and resources on things over which it has little or no control, eg., opinions on nuclear energy, change of dates for special occasions (Australia Day, Anzac Day etc.). Stick to public services - roads, facilities etc.
Encouraging, even mandating, private property owners and developers to repair old or large trees and natural bush.
Conservation is very important and weed clearing and revegetation gives benefit to everyone who lives in the shire. Maybe more signs giving info about projects would help educate people. Householders should be encouraged to keep their property, gardens and verges clear of weeds to assist native vegetation and reduce fire risk.
14. Dilemma between bushfire mitigation and protecting trees and bushland.
The shire is blessed with having a beautiful natural environment. This should be promoted - that said, there is no hub - or connect - that would entice people to visit Mundaring. Also, there is no capitalising on significant days, ie. Christmas - No Christmas lights, no festive spirit - no Celebration of Australia Day. Also, the lake is an absolute gem - it would be great to have a café / some sort of food / drink service.
More stringent policies regarding recycling. It is difficult to encourage the community to recycle when they witness staff at waste centres (particularly Chidlow) dumping recycling into the landfill area.
14. Not sure if the shire has many conservation projects. Our community groups appear to create and manage our local projects. Perhaps funding, acknowledging and advertising existing projects to encourage others with ideas.
Burn off the CALM block opposite our house, which has never been burned off.
Continue work on environmental sustainability.
Shire bush areas, including verges and fire access tracks, cleared without 'buck' passing to other Government Departments.
Enforcing households to clear leaves / branches and fire hazards and shire to clear roads and verges - check and fine if needed.
Conservation and environment. Maintain the treasure we have on the doorstep of the city.
Stop developing and clearing forested areas, wildlife corridors. More wildlife education and protection. Ban on householders cutting down mature trees on their properties. More street trees.
The shire plants inappropriate trees in my subdivision, which they pay a contractor to constantly water, instead of more practical native species, ie. 'Torquata Gums' or similar.
14. Much improvement required in the serious assessment of these issues and more consideration given to the vulnerable areas of the shire (eg. flood plain, river environs, forests), especially with regard to increasing rapidity of climate change.
Spend a weekend in Kalamunda and take notes.
Conservation. Again, I would like to know what is and has been done by the shire in this area.
Conservation. More staff and land owner education.
Conservation. Maintain parks / reserves / national parks in good condition. Avoid unnecessary development (eg. tourist attractions) in national parks, so natural vegetation is not disturbed.
Conservation. The fuel load on verges and public access areas need to be assessed and managed as a high priority by the shire.
Please help us control the feral rabbits. They are causing massive land degradation and affecting our Quenda population (which are already endangered).
Cool burning of verges on busy roads, particularly where large trees cause build up of combustible matter.
Environment can always be improved.
Stop further development of small properties, eg., North Parkerville proposed development.
Protect and maintain bush areas - firebreaks, removal of introduced species.
Be more proactive in prohibiting housing development by unsympathetic private developers.
Need to work with local  shire, State and Federal Government from the ground up, to ensure wildlife corridors provide an unbroken chain between residential and reserves and national parks. Look at the bigger picture.
Conservation. This also affects planning and development approaches and decisions. Beware careless decisions in the clamour to achieve subdivisions (ie. more rates). Take note of the impact of clearing habitats, quiet places as the iconic species are lost, eg. Blue Wrens. More money, labour and attention needed.
More affordable housing options while maintaining the natural vegetation and trees.
Lobbying / advocacy for better hazard reduction burning by DBCA. Better management of weeds and feral species (foxes and cats). Better care for Helena River. More resources to manage bush reserves.
More investment into conservation of reserves and large land holders. Train the local community in revegetation.
19. Follow up on fire break inspections. Ver poor performance. Not fire breaks on properties at the last fire. A grader had to be brought in to create one from Johnson Rd to Richardson.
Conservation and environmental management. Better understand priority fire emergencies. Protect forests from illegal firewood providers.
Working with First Nations people on conservation and environment. Replanting and revegetation.
Preserving and planting trees is important. Smaller blocks no longer get free verge plants.
14. Revegetate / rehabilitate degraded land, support ecosystem regeneration in native bushland. Prevent further clearing of natural bushland for any kind of development.
Preserve hills lifestyle.
Responsible development to retain natural bushland and hills lifestyle.
Conservation and environment management must continue as a priority in support of biodiversity.
There needs to be multiple recycle bins everywhere, eg. glass, paper, 10c containers. More rubbish bins everywhere.
Create as much awareness of recycling and provide as much as possible to reduce waste.
More staff to maintain conservation areas and heritage trail for bush fire management.
The shire should be a leader in conservation and environment, given the makeup within its boundaries. Improved weed management, protection of water ways. Promoting and practicing indigenous land management. Promoting bush wellness, education on caring for the natural environment and not as something to fear, cut down, clear, burn indiscriminately.
Renewable energy sources - needs investment and future proofing. Reduce the amount of destruction of trees. Invest in safe areas for wildlife and regeneration of damaged areas.
Conservation and environment management. Protection for state / local parks. Good toilets and road access. Conserve the tree canopy / native species and prevent the spread of invasive plants, ie. Watsonia and septic systems. Management of wildlife reserves. Water management and incentives - home storage etc., power alternatives.
Stop using Glyphosate and other poisons. Find other options - many countries have banned the use of this poison. There are many lawsuits around the world ongoing on Glyphosate alone.
Increase weed management in bushlands. Free native plants to residential. Bar all Z stroke blowers in shire.
Think about Priority #1.
I live in the hills to enjoy bushland, animals, birds, etc. Invasive plants need to be eradicated, bush maintained in natural, as possible, state.
14. Control new housing developments and conserve existing bushland.
Tree conservation and wildlife protection. Keep the treescape environment that we love and live here for. Not turn us into a suburban roof / fence space.
14. I recognise that there have been improvements in Mundaring in this area but consider that there is room for improvement. With machine handling, vehicle wash downs, no doubt - worker education, contractor selection.
Natural water courses don't seem to be managed very well.
14. Before areas are being marked for subscribed burns evaluate the vegetation, wildlife, etc. As an example, don't burn if there are birds breeding, spring time wildflower season.
Conservation and land management. This is a high priority for me. I believe council is doing a great job on it and I can't think of anything that would improve it.
Better protection from urban development. No high density housing, blocks < 5 acres. Retain adequate corridors for wildlife. Maximise the tree canopy.
No high density housing. Save trees.
More parks and more trees please. A nice fenced dog yard please. We are not all able to walk our dogs on the lead as we get older.
14 and 20. Stop North Stoneville township development.
Conservation and environmental management. Listen to the science - preservation of Cockatoo (endangered species) habitat. Limit land clearing for housing development. Actively replant / rehabilitate.
Conservation. The shire needs to follow its own policies and guidelines about conservation and environmental management on road verges and parks.
Unless you are aware of what the shire's 'communication channels' are you can easily feel quite out of the picture. Perhaps residents can be informed of their existence in the rates pack.
14. Weed management along verges and roadsides, public spaces, reserves, requires major attention. Eastern States Wattles are seeding themselves at an enormous rate. These are more of a bushfire risk than WA vegetation; taking over our bush. Public education of same is needed, eg. letterbox; electronic billboards (inc. photos). Website good. Volunteer groups alone are unable to manage this completely. It requires assistance from local government as well.
Stop infill development and subdivision. Articulate and plan Mundaring as a high conservation rural / residential area. Prioritise conservation.
14. Conservation + environment development. The uniqeness of this areas environment must be retained as a core value.
14. Conservation and environmental management - clearing bush areas, inspecting verges regularly so as to prevent bushfires every year. Ensuring rotting power poles and overgrown bushland not privately owned are inspected promptly. Checking storm drainage to reduce flooding on roads.
Bigger rubbish bins.
Health of trees in the Shire.  There has been a significant decline of Marriage trees in the area and Dieback seems to be spreading.  support for land owners in the area to manage the health of their trees on their property is insufficient.  The natural environment is one of the major reasons people live in the hills and the Shire does not seem to be prioritising the health of the forests in the area.

The TCUP program was a great initiative but this has reduced in accessibility in recent years
Weed eradication.
Extended recycling facilities (we must get soft plastics collected and recycled!)
More protection for our natural areas from inappropriate development, with emphasis on encouraging and protecting native species, e.g. big black cockatoos as well as our less visible creatures such as tiny lizards, etc.
Reduction of fire hazards
More fire hazard reduction.
Ensure that planning assessments are done with bias to employees and past employees and properly address all local health laws.
Control verge weeds in swan view
Stronger protection of remnant native vegetation. Rejection of additional land developments from rural into residential housing. Support of community battery backup power supplies and solar power. Stronger protection of black cockatoo nesting hollow trees. Return the provision of native plant tube stock for residents on less than 5 acres.
Recogise that there is a place for trees, however don't limit or restrict the removal of dead trees (habitat tree policy) when it is within 20m of the property.
Having 2 different views 1) the council policies and 2) the DFES view on keeping the area around the house open and safe, causes confusion to what can and can't be removed.
There needs to be more consideration that there will be bigger disasters in the future and there are a lot of homes that will not be safe.
In regards to the local wildlife, bring in experts to seek advice on how to tackle the issue of wildlife habitats and deaths
Assist residents in revegetating.their blocks. More than just handing out seedlings but workshops helping residents to grow these seedlings. I'm sure a lot end up dying due to a lack of water and the minimal soil. Some plants they want to remove such as flinders wattle they should over to replace with a like local native rather than just say to remove
Fire risk mgmt
households  should  be more accountable for  their verge tidyness.
More access to waste transfer station.
Facilities to dump all waste for free, no limited tip passes!
I cannot provide a way and means to this end, but to have more community engagement for conservation and environmental management facilitated by the Shire would be awesome.  Given the vast beautiful natural landscape and historical context of Mundaring Shire, what better way to get people together to experience it's wonders and build community spirit and belonging?
Increase attention to conservation and specially managing the environment.
Boya Quarry weed control and restoration. Would be great opportunity for some heritage trails.
Community clean ups
Fire season clean up prevention work
Community gardens and planting drives
Local wildlife conservation (keep domestic animals from becoming predators)
Get people to use owl safe poison for rodents.
Get rid of the rabbit population that is rapidly growing.
Educate people to respect the native wildlife & do everything to protect them
weed control in reserves and verges
Helena river needs urgent attention.  It once flowed and now its a trickle from the new estate that is collecting all the water from it for its huge man mad lakes.
We need street trees in every street, not just 1 every 50 metres
Reducing dry fuel on council roadside verges and liaising with city of swan of the same for adjoining boundary roadside verges, reducing treetop canopies that overhang  busier roads in the area to minimise falling branches during bad windy weather events.
Better cat and feral animal control
maintenance of parks and wetlands. stopping more housing infill
While the Shire is doing a lot they could be doing more.  The shire don't seem to be  oing much about Dieback either in education or action.  Even getting syringes to control on your property is difficult and the shire only have limited numbers.  Education could be run and  more supplies enabling action by local landowners.  More controls should be put in place on reserves and for new developments to encourage prevention and further spread eg businesses and services who travel in bush eg fire brigade stations should have truck wash down bays etc
Treat environment issues as a value NOT as a climate change religion
not sure, just that is very important
When constructing any new buildings, especially in town centre, ensure the environment is not heavily damaged, keep the trees and green areas, in fact create more green areas as far as possible.
Improvements are required in verge and open area maintenance.
All public parking areas need SHADE and plenty of it.  We have a hot
There also needs to be a change in the building of houses and the real need for homes to have enough room for children to play .  Not crowded into tiny blocks without trees or vegetation.
Public profile of what’s being done already is not generally known outside the groups volunteering in Bushcare activities. There is still a notion that it’s the shires responsibility to take care of the natural environment,challenges,safety & upkeep. Education of best bushland practices still very much needed. The paddocks and former orchard land are seen as areas to be exploited and not to be transformed into improving native animal habitat which in turn attracts visitors to the shire and boosts local economy.
Increased tree planting and designated bushland
Prevent dense housing and smaller blocks to preserve the forest and allow tree growth for a cooler canopy
Plant roots and tree roots will also help stop mudslides in rain seasons
Promote water tanks and solar with battery energy
Preserve the natural environment with clearly designated walking paths
Greater native plantings to improve aesthetic appeal and habitat for native animals
Bush regeneration and tree planting.
be more diligent regarding housing development and conservation of bushland, flora and fauna
Encouraging water  tanks, less plastic, etc.
Cease subdivision approvals, recognise the fragility of the local environment. Get someone who understands how to manage the waterways without killing them. Get someone who understand that not all trees on the verge need to be protected at all cost. Lots of them need to be removed for safety reasons. Start re - vegetation program with emphasis on fire retardant plants. Have KPIs that make Shire employees responsible for their environmental blunders.Make protecting remaining wildlife a priority.
More landowner involvement. Education re invasive weeds and how to prevent/manage them without poisonous chemicals.
Please seriously consider the impact on wildlife when considering any development
Lets keep reserves and look after them keeping them in pristine condition making sure any endangered flora and Fauna be protected.
Remove invasive trees from Shire land especially road verges
Balancing development with protection of remaining vegetation. Limiting development to existing cleared areas only, supporting/instigating revegetation projects
Simply put shire conservation is a joke.
cockatoo preservation
better recycling
more greenery in public spaces
Putting a halt to high density housing in the Hills environment
Improve green spaces (weed control) and feral animal control (cat, rabbit and fox)
Additional plantings each winter in degraded area
Co designed with local Elders approaches to fire management
Additional resources dedicated to encouraging community NRM projects
Educate on the toxicity of wood burnt heating...how to do it properly to reduce pollution. Educate on the unessesary burning of piles of wet leaves and their resulting toxicity especially on windless winter days.
Provide greater protection to reserves and public open spaces. More resources and funding support to volunteer organisations.
see responses in item #1 - sustainable practice and climate change goes hand in hand with conservation and environmental management
Fred Jacoby Parks Old oak tree that has just come down in the storm,  alot of people hope the shire does something decent to that site. Be it the wood turned into something or the stump.
Preserving our forest environment is essential.
At the end of the day its why we all want to live here
No more housing plans in certain country areas protect wildlife
More appropriate town planning that takes into account protection of water courses and the natural environment, a larger proportion of the budget for environmental work, building requirements that actually protect natural environment and take climate change into account, fire mitigation that takes biodiversity seriously,
Better fire breaks, tree pruning and burn back of nature reserves to prevent bushfires
Protect trees and bush areas. Stop unecessary building.
Allow water through the lower Helena division, dam to keep the trees vegetation and wildlife alive through the summer months
restrict high density urban development, weed control, programs to restrict habitat destruction of native species.
Stop land clearing and removal of trees, we live in a treed shire and there is constant destruction, lived here 56 years and the shire has been woeful in protecting the environment, local developments in Helena Valley are a case in point, wholesale destruction of ecosystems and habitat. 
Reintroduce tree canopy programme or similar
No unnecessary clearing or development in pristine environments that are of benefit to native habitat. Ensure good weed control. Ensure adequate water for habitat. Ensure a low fire risk.
Bandicoot Sign in my street as cars fly down there and kill quite a few. I have requested one and they have said yes, but none has been erected.
 Free roaming cat control at night in particular. Awareness education to cat owners/public about devastation they can cause. Awareness education on why not to feed native animals and birds.
Any development should be consistent with maintaining a semi  rural
Attending to areas managed by the Shire prior to bushfire season
Reduce clearing of development sites. Better planning of foot paths and cycleways into town area which is not along the hwy. Would have been a nicer place to live if cycleways had been planned and public open space along the water ways into the town area to promote connection and shady areas to walk and ride and animal corridors were maintained. Great consideration needs to be placed on maintaining tree canopy.
The care taken of the Helena River is a Joke, with it used as rubbish tip....
Stop the use of glysophate and invest in alternatives such as steam weed management
Always a need to improve in this area, more trees planted, more management of invasive plants like watsonias etc. It is a sin that these plants are allowed to increase over the years without any intervention.
Weed control on road verges and reserves . Also more fire mitigation on road verges prior to summer
More release of water resources for our Helena River. Not good enough to let out water to just keep 1 km of vegetation alive while the rest of the river system dries out with paperbark trees dying and river gums. No point pulling out weeds if they can’t be established with native flora with the right water provided.
Better treatment of dieback, council and western power did works along the roadside, and subsequently several grass trees have died. It would be better if when disturbing soil near grass trees phosphite was also sprayed in the area to counteract the effects of die back.
Adopt a town planning scheme that acknowledges that environmental management is important to the Shire and this is what makes the Shire of Mundaring a good place to live. Stop letting owners cut down mature trees on a whim, actually enforce penalties. Re-examine national bushfire codes to ensure that new developments don't mean the wholesale clearing of trees from developments with 0.2 hectares, unless its cleared pastureland.
Increase clearing of overhanging branches over power lines.
Increase controlled burning of local bush areas next to houses
Better management of recycling and waste
Prevent land clearing where possible
Rezoning blocks to bigger sizes to maintain the trees. We moved here for the environment and half acre blocks or smaller of cleared land is not acceptable.
Oppose city developments in a rural setting
Not sure about major projects ... maybe more communication & signage educating us to what we have and the impact of our actions.
Retention of existing bush and trees, no more subdivision if that means cutting trees and bush, even if few, weeding of road sides and reserves, informing local residents of importance of local flora/fauna and education via schools and other means.
No sub divusions
More native plants from the Shire and watering of plants over summer.
Reduce building envelopes so that land owners cannot clear their entire block of native trees in order to build structures.
Bring back TCUP or something similar to encourage planting of new trees and other native species.
Provide assistance to homeowners to install nesting boxes for local fauna such as black cockatoos, possums, etc.
Protecting our forests within the Shire, stopping illegal logging, taking of firewood.  Control of weeds. This includes waste management, recycling, renewing where there has been logging, encouraging land owners to plant more trees etc
Consistent and targetted weed control, especially of invasive woody weeds, on local roads, bridle path and parks.
Doing an ok job. More effort needed for the environment . Keep the good work going. don't stop
weed reduction program education in regards to best conservation practices
the hills area is an absolute tinder box of dried green waste, there is no plans to make this a safe environment and clean it up, fires in the community rage out of control as there is too much load just sitting there and no one seems to be responsible for this
More support for Friends Groups
Extension of the seedling program
Cool mosaic burns
better Weed management
I believe that we need to start cherishing our trees, vegetation and wildlife. Perhaps some trees could be registered
Control of weeds/invasive plants in reserves, the heritage trail, and verges, including weedy wattles (esp. Acacia iteaphyla), watsonia, verbascum vigatum, tagasaste, brachychiton, blackberry, and many others.
Helping more with managing the trees and bush properties. Providing education on how to do this effectively
BY seeking to regulate so that developers retain large trees ( our tree canopy in the Perth area is the lowest of any city in Australia) and by ensuring that in every new development there is parkland or public open space included in the planning.
STOP people clearing old growth trees. They purchase a property, clear the trees for a better view. More education....needed and some regulations. We are beautiful area because of all the trees and shrub lands and biodiversity.
I believe the shire could highlight further the unique flora and fauna and how accessible it is in the community. I have families of kangaroos, bandicoots, ring tailed possums not mention the birdlife and endemic flora on my doorstep. As a tourist this would capture anyone’s attention by highlighting the bush trails, cycle tracks. Where is the accomodation for tourists?
More trees
Community is not consulted on development issues until things are already well underway and unable to be impacted effectively by community wishes. We also feel we get a token voice, when state govt can override all our views re: devt anyhow.
We treasure the unique landscape we have, and it doesn't feel as though council feel the same way.
And because I can't fit it anywhere else.... What's with those utterly ridiculous LED lights signs?!!!! What a complete eyesore and disruption to the natural environment.
Many hillsfolk enjoy night walks to see our native wildlife on a summer night. Those signs are a disgrace.
Shire parks and reserves are reasonably well managed however private land holders are allowed, and often due to fire concerns encouraged, to clear and degrade the natural environment. There needs to be controls on what clearing can be done by private land holders and a more balanced approach to fire risk with respect to vegetation.
Important to retain where possible some of the large trees and vegetation for the wildlife
Environmental weed control
Community support for voluntary effort
Preservation of trees in already developed areas
More care of our existing natural environment, - nature reserves, regional/national parks, side of roads etc...a better promotion of ecological care and understanding. People live and/or visit the hills for the beautiful environments and I don't see enough being done to care for those environments and promote responsible, sustainable approaches. How are we not just maintaining, but improving the natural wonders? For instance, the beautiful, natural environment of Greenmount hill has been really impacted by the goat bike farm that has been built there. I'm not saying don't put the goat farm there, but if you do, look for ways you can care and contribute to the surrounding landscape from an ecological perspective. There is no infrastructure to suppport the farm...no bins so cyclists just throw their waste into the bush, it's been really sad watching it suffer such negative environmental impact.  There is also such a problem with the watsonias taking over the native landscape...I would love to see money being put towards finding ways to properly eradicate these terrible weeds, and restoring the native ecosystem.
Removal of excess fuel in bushland areas.
More attention to Dieback, introduced weed species and improved education  and track signage regarding protecting the local forests and native flora and fauna. Ensuring that housing blocks are not completely stripped of trees. Sensible rules for addressing building in a fire area.
water recycling system grant to save water
It is nice to see a new road sign warning of turtles at Stoneville roundabout.  More eyecatching signage (see Moreton Shire Council Qld) would be beneficial.  Educational displays at community events, shopping areas, social media  to improve awareness.  Wildlife and habitat information and education updates at shopping areas also beneficial.
I guess the main thing is not to destroy or forests and nature reserves as clearing Never seems to get the correct balance of vegetation back to encourage our native animals and birds
More conservation of existing bushland, please.
(Is hard to pour so much energy into removing non-local-native wattyls when there are so many visible along the highway & in smaller blocks).
Recognise the important for keeping the bush
Large habitat trees on private properties are being cut down which undermines water table for neighbours and reduces nesting for vulnerable birds and habitat for forest animals. Need more stringent housing policies.
No more subdivisions. Changes to decrease the amount of land that is cleared for building development. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. I’m 30 years old and grew up in the shire of Mundaring. 20 years ago it was an actual village in Mundaring, but now it’s closer to ending up like Midland (overcrowded).
Black cockatoo crisis- we need to save them!
Less lighting, in the hills for the nightlife not ‘city light life’
Return the seedling program to less than 5000sqm properties.
Footpath required entire length of ryecroft road from Hubert street to glen Forrest drive.
Bus top that previously had shelter should have them replaced. They were removed due to ‘numbers’ however consideration to local facilities was overlooked. The DCP house located on Hubert street is one of them. These children frequently, daily and regularly utilize the Ryecroft road bus stop, along with the surrounding school children and teenagers.
Each year one bus stop is considered and may be an option for a shelter to be erected - can this be revisited?
See pr virus answer
Stop the development of the historic Purple Fields in Darlington into another damn housing estate.
Save the Lavender Fields in Darlington
Weed control. It’s not long until it’s unmanageable
Stop selling out to developers and calling it progress. Listen to the community when they oppose “development”, we need to retain every bit of the natural environment we still have, that’s why people move here!! If you want to live in a housing estate you can go literally anywhere else in Perth.
Helena River nature reserve
Make it difficult / unappealing for developers to build inappropriate projects that negatively impact our environment & wildlife eg North Stoneville
I wish I had time to respond properly.
Better environmental education, maybe a conservation consultant that can be called out to assist individuals with how they can help/manage/better the environment on their property, to encourage wildlife to flourish, balancing natural habitat without increasing fire risk.
After moving here from the Kalamunda Shire I would be unhappy to see Mundaring go down the same path. We are blessed with the environment we have and should fihht to maintain and improve it. High density development may bring more revenue but makes a much less desirable place to reside.
Weed reduction feral animals and iliegal logging
More native trees.  increase the tree canopy further. start a major  nesting box program for native animals and birds. " A box in every tree"
More significant control of non-natives particularly rabbits and foxes but also address the increasing lorikeet population
Secure our nature and the Perth Hills lifestyle as an Rural area. Consider to support all residents with information about Flora and Fauna, develop new methods of pest control. Find a balance for all of this without going into etreme climachange views.
Effective and informed indigenous fire management practices need to be engaged and implemented. The modern day fire management process is offensively expensive and only serves as a reactive measure whilst driving costs to the public skywards.
Proactive measures implemented over the six seasons(indigenous) should be awarded to indigenous fire technicians annually.
Management of weeds/introduced species. Improve creek lines to reduce erosion and impact of weeds and sediment run off
More internal resources to work with the community to help co create a nature positive outcome at large for future generations.
One our our shire's most important assets is the environment we enjoy here... Preservation of trees and vegetation within residential and rural areas - seeking a better balance between bushfire management and clearing of trees and bushlands.  Better control and prevention (possibly penalties) for landowners unnecessarily clearing land without consent.
Weed management and education of land owners about weed management. I have seen new weeds that I have never seen within the shire, coming in with stockfeed in a neighbours property. These will likely spread to neighbouring properties quite rapidly and I am disappointed that the property owner seems indifferent to the problems they are causing.
Set aside large areas of natural bushland to be saved from future development , stop urban sprawl in the hills. Save our birds and animals from extinction. Do something now.
Aboriginal people leading and activating the change
limit development, preserve what's left of the natural environment like the tree canopy and habitat for wildlife, plant natives and provide water, eg cockatoo bird baths a la City of Vincent and others.
Keep doing what is currently done to preserve our forest environment
Control of feral foxes
Control of weeds, pests (foxes and feral cats) within shire and parks areas, liaise with DPAW in relation to control of foxes etc in national parks. Someone has to be responsible because at the moment noone is.
More protection of the natural enviroment. Less tree clearing for homes. More tree replacements
Verge trees growing on council land and owned by council must be maintained and pruned by the council.
Better regulate illegal clearing on private property, better management of shire reserves including improving fire management practices that are science-informed and avoiding mulching and chipping roadsides.
Not sure
We have some good small volunteer groups but they need more support. They also need guidance on what are good and bad practices. There are huge pikes of dead wood along rail trail and superblock tracks that will increase linear fire spread. I see volunteers doing work the Shire should do. The Shire doesn't stay on top of its own fire break management while strongly enforcing it on residents. The conservation and onground teams are disconnected when doing groundwork, such as considering dieback spread in earthworks. I'd love to see educational and interpretive work that enhances our natural areas  and ties in the area's history, eg Superblock has a series of good panels but they've been empty for more than 12 years!
consequences for clearing native veg on private property
consideration of clearing native veg in the context of the greater forest system and greater nuance in bushfire protection clearing (ie. small acreage bush blocks providing corridors between reserves shouldn't have wholesale clearing within 50m of the house asset - maybe keep the canopy and understorey and enforce different asset protection measures like roof sprinklers for 'at risk' blocks).
stronger action on roaming cats (feral and pet).
greater education around the ecological consequences of burning bushland as a private property mitigation strategy - frequency of burning and the importance of not burning the whole lot in one go.
Planting trees and less development in existing forested areas
Lorikeets, feral cats, nesting boxes for Cockatoos.
Resist urban development within this fire-prone shire.
protection of local flora and fauna
Not allowing habitat destruction
planting more appropriate trees to increase the canopy - especially street trees
creating and maintaining wildlife corridors
follow the science
weeds are out of control, including in bushblocks after burning.  Dont disturb ecosystems if you dont do follow up weed control.  Habitat trees seem to be vulnerable after burn offs.  many fall or are cut down.
Stop cutting trees down. Better burn offs instead.
1. Introduced Wattle removal from verges.
2. Better incentives and funding for staff on landcare team.
3. Weed and fuel load management for Coppin road, Matthieson rd and Mayo rd tip.
Far too many mature trees get cut down almost daily in my suburb. I can hear chainsaws pretty well every day. I appreciate some trees need pruning for safety reasons but most seem to be cut down to improve homeowners views and amenity. If a $ value were to be placed on existing trees, that approval from the shire was required prior to removal, then the householder could make a decision about the need to remove the tree and what it would cost him to, say, fund a shire operated regrowth programme to ultimately replace the carbon and wild life attributes of those trees removed, in time.
Be very careful with burning and enlist all new technologies and approaches
Ensure maintenance of bush remnants, improve corridors and prevent high density housing. The natural environment that surrounds us provides the setting that makes this place wonderful to be in.
By all accounts, the Shire has seen fit to let/enforce total tree/vegetation clearing for home building. There was a time when a tree couldn't be removed but now, through ridiculous fire regulations, it is acceptable to destroy everything in the name of fire safety.
With this sort of policy, the Shire contributes to the climate change fiasco.
I can't access the trailer in my backyard due to a fallen tree across the firebreak; it's been weeks since it was reported and nothing has happened.
Increase the number of Simon Cherriman's Bird Boxes for the black cockatoos.  The hollows our iconic residents nest in take 200 years to grow - and they have to compete with European Honeybees! 
The more birds we have, the more we can guarantee tourists will see them.
continue with the generous support already offered to local "friends of" groups etc
When we report illegal dumping please take note and do something about it. Dumped asbestos, rubbish and building waste are ruining our beautiful bushland.
Given global heating, modify controlled burns, minimise bushfire risk, support wildlife survival in a hotter, dryer, world.
Bird and fauna protection  - especially our iconic cockatoos - more nesting areas and protection of their habitat.
Protection of key bushland.
No more use of toxic glysophate for weed management.
No large new developments that remove habitats for local animals, especially trees for black cockatoos. More protection for the trees and habitats for all native species.
Review the burn off policies. Look at new research showing other options might be better.
Keep the natural hills feel.
I’d love to see more green energy being used where possible.
But I do feel strongly about how new suburbs, and additions to existing suburbs are developed. the first thing most of these places do is log and clear the whole section of land. I understand that the current model of affordable housing is usually packed closer together and on a smaller block. But it does seem to me like most of the companies building in the area are not overly concerned with preserving anything that exists on where they’re developing. The hills has typically been a forested region, and I’d argue it’s a big part of its “soul” and big part of the draw to live here. I would love to see the developments try to preserve more of the area they are developing or seek to replant trees and plants elsewhere.
We have various natural drains and creeks that are not well maintained, in that they clog up with leaves and other debris, they're eroding, the banks are overgrown. This can have a negative impact on peoples' properties.
Control the population of:
invasive plants
Stronger policies/penalties regarding removal/destruction of trees on private property, degradation of private land and waterways. Rules should not just apply to locally native species. Penalties should be commensurate with damage and revegetation should be required.

Formulate a policy with input from affected parties (residents, cyclists. walkers, horse riders, etc), and off-road vehicle users to try and find a solution to the ever increasing influx of locally owned and "foreign" off-road vehicles invading the shire and degrading the bush land and trails.
More educational sessions and videos/ pamphlets etc. Connecting to available companies recycling soft plastic.
Encouraging the recycling of computers and other electronic devices
The tree canopy program is good but would be better if more trees were available to people prepared to plant them
The Shire has multiple documents stating it values conservation and environment. Yet there seems to be two factions among Shire employees. There are those who care for the environment, for example, those who are involved in the provision of native seedlings to the community each May. Then there are those who chainsaw mature trees with no consultation with the community. Exchanging seedlings for mature trees is unbalanced and guarantees a damaged environment and conservation unsustainability.
The Shire is quick to impose conservation and management restrictions on rate payers, yet does not hold itself to the same standards. A particularly problematic example is the poor management of road verges. The Shire adopts one of two approaches to these wildlife corridors, either aggressively attack the verges to sterilise them and reduce their biodiversity, or ignore the verges altogether so they become an unsightly and impenetrable wall of vegetation and a fire hazard comprised of dead wood.
Please 'manage' the environments for which the Shire is responsible. This includes all verges, not just those in built up areas.
Weed removal along shire owned land/verges.
Get some gonads & put an embargo on tree removal without Shire approval. I am totally sick of sea change idiots coming here because they love the trees & two years latter when asked what happen to the trees "OH I COULDN'T STAND THE LEAVES SO I CUT THEM DOWN". The bloke over the road cut down by my reckoning a 100 to 150 year old Marri (red gum) to get his new caravan in then found he still couldn't so it remains parked where it was & one Marri cut up for this years fire wood.
More respect for trees / nature / native animals / the environment when approving new building sites (blocks are subdivided and trees are removed from the building envelope and around it, which unfortunately often means close to all trees being removed from the plot)
Two percent of the annual budget or more is spent protecting, maintaining and advertising the Shires recreation areas.
Protection of existing natural bush and reserves, tree planting, feral animal control, weed control, cockatoo habitat etc
Stop Satterley’s intense proposed urban plan.
Create a workable plan as to what we must preserve , which a regular review as to it’s progress or non progress.
See first priority answer!
Greater focus on land care generally across the Shire
Clear strategy and practices, even if they cost more or are more difficult in the short term
The Shire is doing an outstanding role in this field, and I would like to see them continue to the next level.
Eradication of pests such as rainbow lorikeets before they take hold and force out native parrots; prevention and treatment of dieback; removal of weeds; increase in wildlife watering stations and artificial habitat boxes (and preservation of large trees, including stag trees, which form natural habitat); education about the harm and illegality of feeding wildlife.
A review of burn off policies and their effectiveness
Significant tree register. Ensuring mature trees remain on land being developed. Revisiting bushfire management principles in line with Indigenous bushfire management protocols. Preserving healthy riparian areas along all tributaries. Viewing mature trees and bushland as assets along with flora and fauna. Creating safe roads for fauna. Ensuring that residents are aware of the impact of hills on the way that noise spreads.
More public awareness on long term sustainability plans
Protecting our gorgeous native plants and wildlife and limit the amount of burning that’s happening which reduces mid storey and fauna species reliant on the mid storey for survival.
Ensure existing bushland is preserved as much as possible, wildlife have safe pathways between developments and across roads, new home builds can balance fire safety with protection of old growth trees.
We need fox and cat control.
Balance the need for fire safety with preserving bush and canopy around residences. The current rules are too focused on the former.
Place restrictions of the removal of mature trees on private properties.
An increase in staffing numbers to both actively manage the shire held reserve system,  and to engage the potential volunteer network in a timely and strategic manner
Ensure housing developments meet responsible standards with designs in line with new models. Eliminate the influence of powerful people to develop land that simply meets their financial benefit.
Improve wildlife conservation - e.g. cat management, ensure no dogs off leash in bushland, road safety for wildlife - e.g. City of Swan innovations.
Continue with eradication of pest both plant and animal while protecting our natural environment from development.
Conserve trees where possible, especially mature trees.
Environment conservation is important but must blend with some careful development - otherwise the state will over rule.
Make sure people do not cut all their trees down, thus killing off aged trees.
Weed control
Tree protection / pp like Kalamunda to slow canopy loss - enhance green corridors & improving tree retention.
Bring back the free tree/plants to plant. Lots of old trees have fallen down in storms. The highway verge is also looking very bare and barren and is littered with rubbish.
More equity for some programs. For example, I am trying to rehabilitate a creek area and plant out my property with natives, after doing a lot of weed eradication for the betterment of the environment (which I inherited when I bought the property), and yet, I am not eligible for the seedlings for landcare program because I am not in the right zoning/land size. Mostly I’ve just bought these myself now.

Efforts to conserve and enhance Lake Leschenaultia

Lake Leschenaultia is a gem in the locality, needs to be promoted. It is kept clean and readily able to be visited. It has so much to offer with a rich history dating back to our early days of steam engine travel, supply water to Chidlow Station and marshalling yards. Much more needs to be done, utilising history with school and camping visits, talks and walks on wild life, bird life, whereabouts have long gone jetty and pumping station. With visitor numbers up, cafe may be viable, maybe a light tractor / train trips to build on the past. Play ground equipment, maybe exercise, body building course, seems to me the possibilities are endless. Just a bit of imagination and apart from train tractor, not a lot of money to be spent. Rangers must have knowledge, some learned people in the community may be coerced into talks on animals, bird life, who knows.
Open the lake.
The lakes should be opened to the public all year round.
Lake Leschenaultia - Bring back the café / kiosk - a (major) tourist essential.
However it suits the shire.
Lake Leschenaultia has no café any longer. Also needs 'No parking' signs between lake entrance and Whitlam St corner, needs lighting also.
Lake Leschenaultia is the only natural free swimming place for people in Mundaring. Development and upkeep has been good, but not available in very hot weather due to the policy of closing it on extreme fire days. Please keep the lake open and let people do their own fire assessment.
Lake Leschenaultia. A second access point for visitors and fire evacuation safety - Open more in summer / fire danger. 'Bring your dog' day or dedicated zoning.
Lake Leschenaultia. Suggest $5 entry fee at peak times. Wild life (ducks) need protecting. Ranger to patrol at peak times. Canoes to be kept out of water rushes. Perhaps you could have a 'Friends of the Lake' group. I have been at the lake since about 1948 - steam train days. The lake does not need enhancing - public needs education.
Lake Leschenaultia needs another entry and exit road so the lake can be open on hot days.
Lake Leschenaultia. Vehicle access, fire risk, mitigation management. Services - café, additional BBQs, reliable opening times, parking.
Improve Lake Leschenaultia access and egress and avoid closing on hot days.
The lake needs another exit route so it can actually remain open at all times. More BBQs on the west side - having only one is an absolute joke. The café closure - just another example of the shire not managing things properly.
Conservation of understory vegetation (essential for smaller fauna). A tree policy for development applications, similar to Kalamunda. Greater education and public information about native fauna, especially the endangered animals, eg. Support black cockatoos / bandicoots.
Open Lake Leschenaultia. Do more with fire management. Have a shop open 7 days and privately run. It will drive business and community to the area. *Open Lake Leschenaultia shop and more emergency plan to keep open in fire preventative and fire boms. This will grow public knowledge of the area.
29. Very limited bus service from Chidlow to Mundaring.
Ensure the lake and surrounds are managed properly to ensure people will be able to enjoy such a beautiful spot.
15. I think there should be more of the gates open on extreme fire days. People love to come here to cool off. It's very disappointing when the lake is closed.
15. Ongoing work to keep upgrading / improving facilities, especially camping.
15. We definitely need a 2nd road from the lake during fire season, so people can go to the lake in summer and swim and it doesn't have to be closed down.
Lake Leschenaultia - exit points created for fire so the lake can be utilised on hot days. Re-open kiosk restaurant and café. This is an icon of the lake, along with the kids playground.
15. A legitimate plan for the Lake to be open on hot days. Emergency roads to be built. More than 1 exit road. Big issue among locals.
The lake needs another exit road created so the lake can be available on hot days, instead of being closed. If you are going to close it then make it cheaper to access the Mt Helena Pool. Also, a path accessible for wheelchairs would be great around the whole lake.
Lake Leschenaultia - exit points for fire management. Kiosk and restaurant, café always a lake icon. Playground for kids.
Access to the lake, as it's mostly closed and therefore can not be used by the locals, only the camp people are allowed to use it.
Design something artistic with natural local materials for the Centre of Mundaring. Not another characterless concrete monolith eg. A series of pavilions. Use some good architects and artists to make Mundaring unique and 'hillsy'.
Stop closing the lake. If more roads and gates are needed for emergency evacuation - build them. At least have a go at addressing the problem.
Lake Leschenaultia - Access and availability during summer season.
There needs to be a sustainable strategy for Lake Leschenaultia. There are too many people visiting and it's getting trashed. Put a fee on cars entering from out of town and a limit of cars allowed.
Access improvement to Lake Leschenaultia during summer.
Lake Leschenaultia café is sadly not operating - surely this would be maintained during school holidays and weekends as a service to the community.
Love what's been done to Lake Leschenaultia over the years. Dredging the reeds on shore lines needed again. Some white sand covering rough shore, up the back right hand side of the shore in front of the trees.
Reliable public access to Lake Leschenaultia. Please open up a second exit route from Lake Leschenaultia so it doesn't  need to be closed on extreme fire days.
Very disappointing with such a beautiful venue and when we can visit on a very hot day it is closed. Surely you can make it so that it is safe in an emergency - and also, the sad fact that the kiosk is always closed.
More camping and better café. Why isn't it open for breakfast, coffee. More events at the Lake. Chalets for more visitors. Maybe a restaurant.
100% access to Lake Leschenaultia. This is the jewel of the shire and should be bringing a lot more visitors year round. Closing the lake every time it gets hot is killing small business and forces people to use more A/C and be sedentary. Put in a second access road or ditch the current policy. Current practice is the shire's greatest failing.
15. Help needed to improve day visitors, re parking and open times - longer.
15. Lake Leschenaultia. Love that access to the lake has become less restrictive this year. Is there a possibility of another access (or egress) road for a safe exit. 8(Comment). Mundaring Arena excellent. Harry Riseborough Rec grounds - why can't the kids train on pitches in February and March. 
15. Second access into / out of the Lake. Better signage re: Dangers of swimming when temperature has exceeded ?? temperature. Currently faded and not in prime areas. A café that is open would be good too.
Roads, trees, verge and drainage management. Litter.
Lake Leschenaultia and surrounds is much valued by all. Latest upgrades have been great but a quality, reliable Reflections Café operator is sorely needed. A few years ago it was so good (when operated by the shire) then it went downhill rapidly - and now it's not open at all.
Lake Leschenaultia - An iconic hills beauty whose top priority should be preservation of the myriad of native animals and wildlife that grow / reside there, and use as a recreational lake for humans second. I and my family, parents and grandparents have been enjoying the wildlife, serenity and lake for 80+ years and we are starting to see it abused by people leaving rubbish (on public holidays in particular). We've seen ducks pick up rubbish (not food) for nests and to eat. Bring back a vehicle fee to maintain the area, but no more changes please. I live locally and swim in the lake regularly. No more signs, no more paths please.
Lake Leschenaultia. More disability access, more availability, café services, improved playground facilities.
Lake Leschenaultia is probably the shire's biggest tourism draw and yet it's shut when needed the most. Not something you don't know, but something that needs to change.
Please don't close Lake Leschenaultia on hot days.
Lake Leschenaultia is a jewel. Leave it alone! Aloow access in hot conditions. I do not understand what the risk is to public and surrounding area when the fire danger is high.
Whilst i don't want to see the lake made too commercial the cafe being closed as often as it is is a detractor
Allow caravans into the lake area
This is a fabulous asset within the Shire - I was recently there (along with hundreds of other visitors on a hot day) and the only BBQ was out of order.  We had taken meat to cook, but brought it home.  A consideration could be additional BBQs in the picnic area across the lake opposite the kiosk.
Better food facilities on site -
I believe non- shire residents should pay for access to the lake
Again, modern, clean facilities for walkers and families. No camping.
this is a wonderful facility but would be great to have a kiosk
Seriously you guys have dropped the ball with listening to the community on this one! It’s a tourism destination that you could make a lot of money from. Open another exit. Start charging a gold donation on car entry. Give passes to locals. And find a good owner for the cafe that can cook more than a hot dog. Put on more education there for fauna/flora management bringing more people and giving knowledge on what your trying to do. Make the camping site more appealing and start enticing schools, scouts etc to come camp with education also involved.
Improved access in and out, especially exiting onto Rosedale Road.
Being a bit selfish here but it's 3km from my back door & I'm a keen although old & amateur MTB'er - so would love more green & blue trails 😁 The die-hards can have the Camel farm ha ha!
Access after hours is desperately needed. Mornings are unavailable to residents. Perhaps access by keys or keypad pin available by subscription and agreement of Shire conditions.
The new playground at the lake is good, the WOOD CHIPS were the worst idea ever, they kill children's feet. Good to see cost over safety was chosen. The booking out of gazebos is terrible, all these old people ruining the vibe, and the place is looking less like a park and more like a concrete concentration camp, the fact that there is still no shop is insane, and the community is pissed.
Second entrance/exit to aid needing to close the lake in summer
There needs to be a priority in making a second egress from the lake so the lake can be made available all year round. During fire danger days where there is a risk to the public, the lake can be closed in sections to reduce the risk to the shire and people. IE during TFB close the Western carpark and close the walking trails. This will allow quick egress from the lake if there was to be an incident.
To have more open hours, a second/other exit points to meet the safety requirements for longer open hours on hot days
Better parking facilities, public toilets, waste management and access to the water
More activities in the lake similar to the slides at Hillary and better road access
We need another exit point so the lake is not closed all the time in hot weather. This is a priority for locals who are not able to use this important community facility due to the fear that too many tourists may come and create a hazard in the event of a fire.
improving swimming area and access to water. more shelter.
Cafe(even just on weekends)
Would like to see a 2nd road into lake leschenaultia so that it could remain open during extreme heat
Allow access when it is hot
Let it be open all year round! Open the second road out to make this happen. It's a travesty that these closures have been allowed to happen, causing disappointment and heartache - especially for those who have travelled from afar. It's an embarrassment to the Shire of Mundaring.
Development so that the lake is open on hot days
Make the required changes to allow 24 / 7 / 365 access to the lake, including road access from the northern end of Rosedale Rd if required, Laguna Vista & Sertorio Rd could be joined with minimal work.
I don't understand why the lake gets shut on total fire ban days. I am sure there is some strange reason, but it is not very well known.
Additional entry/ exit for the Lake so it can remain open on more often
Develop plans so that it does not need to close on high fire danger days
Keep it open to allow the Cafe to be viable. No business could be viable under the present closure arrangements
weeding of Veldt and wild oats as well as Sydney wattle
no more tree cutting around the lake, some tree planting instead
discussing with DBCA to properly look after their side of the lake as weeds are multiplying, threatening local species
Lake Leschenaultia has the potential to be a major tourist attraction but the shire seems to be ignoring it and doing the bare minimum rather than upgrading facilities
First… guaranteed cafe
Second…. The lake open so if extra exits are needed make them
Third …. Keep Canoe hire open not on and off. No continuity
It is great to see how well the Lake is being looked after, with improvements to picnic areas, much less car parking on Rosedale Road,  etc...
While the closing down of the Lake during the summer because of fire danger can be annoying for visitors, it means people living to the west of the lake on Rosedale Road and beyond can be assured of an easy way out if needed.
Would be good to see the Lake exit onto Rosedale Road better managed as visitors do forget to stop at times when leaving the Lake. A stop sign would be great.
When re-assessing the Lake road access, can you make sure the residents to the West of the Lake can participate?
work to ensure it can be kept opened. no matter the weather..
allow for a more user friendly  lake  where pats can join in under supervision
Open the lake when it’s hot!!!
Solve the problem of the need to close the lake when its most needed in summer
Build a jetty
1- Open up the bloody cafe. Absolute joke that you have closed that when so many people use it.
2- Put more BBQs on the western side of the lake and extend the carpark. So much more required on that side.
3- Put in another entry/exit up the western end for ease of access/egress. Could almost put a third one in on the eastern end as well for safer access/egress during bushfire season.
What is the point of spending all this money in this area when we are rarely able to access Lake Leschenaultia. Everytime I have thought about going the lake is closed
sort out this fire hazard system. not good. I want to visit more often.
Develop/improve access to support lake staying open in extreme/catastrophic weather
This place could be great! Get that bloody kiosk up and running again. So many people go there not realising it’s closed. Make it easy for people to just turn up without having to pack everything to take with them. Work groups are looking to do their team building exercises there, charge them for catering and to use the space for guest speakers etc.
Once a vibrant place with a cafe that served great value and quality breakfasts and other food, now one can only presume if it’s warm enough to swim, it is closed, and with that problem how can any cafe, or other business survive there. The closures need to be scrapped, small businesses such as cafe, mountain bike hire, evening food markets and weekend special events need to enhance this wonderful resource. End the practice of preventing the shire’s paying residents from using it.
Keep the lake open more, on extreme days it's shut when there are no fires in the shire boundaries.
Hard to lease the Cafe when it could be closed in busy times
The lake needs another access road so it can stay open during summer not always be closed.
As rate payers up herectbis is like our beach but it keeps getting closed .
Also need more shade over the playground areas.
Kiosk could be run by shire if not allow coffee vans and food vans to be there.
The removal of the grass means that there is nowhere to sit. The influx of non Shire visitors should bring benefit but the cafe does not function and the reduced amenities and grass means it is a horrible place to visit - was my favourite. Maybe issue all ratepayers a free entry pass and charge non Shire visitors ? Have the cafe functional - Australia Day weekend - packed and no cafe, just an ice cream van. Use the lake as a vehicle to springboard to other local events and business ?
Replace mulch with grass
Keep open the cafe and canoe hire
Keep the lake open for swimming to locals who pay for it with rates on extreme fire danger ratings to walk/ swim
Allow to be open on extreme fire rating days and a kiosk that is open
Planning to avoid lake having to be closed on hot days
Reducing closures, reopening cafe
Full-time kiosk and stop closing the lake every time there’s a fire ban. Hold events at the lake.
Secondary access set up.
Mobile food truck being able to operate.
Clear the lake of sea weeds to make swimming safer.
Improvements on emergency roads etc to make the lake safe to be open more often on high fire danger days, so that it is closed less often
I understand that some days it is far too dangerous but it has been closed really frequently
Continued improvement of Lake Leschenaultia and closures due to fire alerts.
The pump track is in disrepair and needs to be redeveloped
The lake needs to be open all year round, including on extreme fire days.  I am very disappointed with it being shut down and you advertising that the pools are open instead.
Better access to the lake during extreme weather conditions. It is laughable that it is always closed.
Open on hot days to allow the public a place to cool off. Permanent  cafe/ food/brewery location.
Make it more of a destination to spend the day at
Make sure it isn't ruined by too much development.
Please allow Lake Leshianaultia to stay open on warm/ hot days. Its our local swimming place! There are more than one exit. Make those available in case of fire risk. Also alow folk to take own responsibility.  Why have we become such a nanny state/ society? Its never been an issue in all the years ive lived up this way. Why suddenly now?
And if not, give locals a decent explanation.  Saying its because there is only one exit, just isnt true
Allow people to access, reinstate a ranger to combat fire rating danger days
Develop a fire management plan to enable the lake to be open due the summer. This would encourage interest in reopening the cafe. It could then be promoted as a breakfast/lunch venue. Also concerts or entertainment.There are several possible roads that could be upgraded to allow other escape routes if there is a fire threat.
Figure out a fire safety plan so the lake can be enjoyed by everyone during summer
just open the lake would be a  start improve access in and out
Make The Lake so it can be accessed and used by people. not shut down due to poor design issues in Higher Fire danger periods
Extra access in and out to allow the Lake to stay open in very hot weather
Improve and add multiple public exits to ensure it is open more
Please keep the lake open for LOCALS only on high fire rating days!!!!!
If you insist on promoting the lake as a desirable tourist destination, you need to come up with a plan to keep it open in summer rather than making a decision the afternoon before. Throwing families plans into disarray. Remember back in the nineties when the miniature train was running and families planned days out at the lake, why can't we do that anymore?
Fix the lake so it can be used all year round.
2 exits for lake leschanaultia...more police to get off their ass and actually attend these idiots that ruin parks the heratige trail on there motorbikes ..we all know where they live..they have been reported many times to the police....THERE ANSWER..EMAIL CRIMESTOPPERS..LMFAO..WE EVEN HAD PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE..
Lake Leschenaultia has so many opportunities.  Unfortunately the appearance of the Lake has deteriorated over the past year and looks unkept. It is an amazing attraction for the locals and tourists which needs urgent attention to the landscaping and gardening (dead grass is not welcoming) as well as conserving the native fauna and flora. Getting the balance right is important.  The cafe was a very popular spot during summer when it was operating, and I would love to see this open again.  Ideally two entries would be ideal in the future so that during high temperatures the public will have access to the Lake.   On a positive note, I am impressed with the new bicycle and walk trail to the Lake. 

I believe a majority of the residents have chosen the Hills lifestyle due to the Shire’s outstanding conservation and environmental management.  This is another area I would rate very highly for the Shire to continue working on over the next 10 years.
Keep it open. Lived here all my life and always used the lake. Now all of a sudden on really hot days when you want a swim it is shut!!!!!
Beurokrace gone mad !!!!!
Fire safety plans that enables the lake to be used even in high fire danger periods. Multiple entries/exits etc. Why spend so much money on making it nice and promoting it for tourism only to keep it closed!
It is ridiculous that some form of Cafe isn't operating at Lake Leschenaultia.  Particularly say Friday to Sunday, at least.
As previously said, open the lake in summer!
Needs to stay open in summer, especially week days! A few locals wanting to cool off and it's shut most hot days!
Leave open all year round. Make it more friendly add a extra entrance. Have lived here 35 years and the lake has always been there, just the past few years can't be bothered as it's always closed on days when you want to cool down.
Decent management cafe, this is a wasted resource, more parking, keep the lake open on hot days
Needs to be open more. As a local and with 2 kids under 5 it is one of the only places I can take my boys for a cool down and walk.
Access for ratepayers year round .
Charge a small entry fee for non-shire residents. Give residents a pass with their rates
Open all the time grassed areas better access in and out
It needs to be open more by adding in another exit.
More clear posting on socials about of the water has been tested and now frequently
Stop closing the lake when the fire danger is extreme, especially if you leave it open for campers. Ridiculous.
Maybe concentrate efforts on making the risk lower, like multiple exits or something.
The Lake needs to be open ALL the time! If emergency access is the problem, then something needs to be done about it. It's an extremely LOVED place and a place we want to be available for our children and future generations. We want someone to take on the Cafe but this can only happen if it's open.
Love the new playground. The camping is great and it's great to have the SUPs and canoes.
Keeping the lake open in summer and having food/cafe available
Facilities such as the cafe to be open every day. more shaded seating and more bbqs.
Pump track enhanced. Small/child friendly dirt jumps.
Needs to be open every day
More opportunity for small businesses to establish new ventures at the lake.
Second road access to Lake Leschenaultia, so more days open to public.
PLEASE take away the concrete from Lake Leschenaultia and NO more signs. Lake Leschenaultia's integrity has been spoilt by building a massive undercover area on a massive concrete slab, way too many signs on don'ts. It's ridiculous. It was not needed. The bike tracks are great and it was better with a coffee shop but the council has ruined the look and beauty of the lake by adding an enormous amount of signs on what you can't do. Terrible planning and no foresight into keeping the magic of the Lake.
Lake leschenaultia
The garden beds with mulch are a fire risk.
The new playground is uncomfortable.
Thé café is STILL closed
You tape off all gazebos and make people pay?
And it’s never open! At least open the lake to locals.
15. R-open the café, shade for new playground, open the lake earlier in the summer, 0700, for swimming. Only close the lake when there is a movement ban, same as the tip. Containers for change bins.
Conservation to Lake Leschenaultia - More prevention for the dieback issue there. Maybe some programs run for kids on school holidays where they can learn about the bush and all things environmental around the lake.
The closure of Lake Leschenaultia at the President's whim, despite being raised at council that local residents are not happy. Closed on days that there is no need for it to be.

Waste management

Stop the FOGO bins, most people have chooks or a vegie garden and compost.
Bigger trucks for bins. Slowing people down around streets in cars
Waste management is good but access to Matheson Rd is only available 4 days. Can it be longer.
Waste management. Provide a more up to date bin selection. Greens bin. Recycling weekly pick up.
Action when requested, eg. Removal of tyres that have been dumped in Jancyk (sp?) St. Request removal of 11 tyres - 9 months later 4 removed and 7 left in situ. Well done - Not.
More free rubbish drops, instead of just 3 per year.
Excluding green waste as it is very good already.
Some people are dumping large BBQs on the road.
Waste management. System is great but more emphasis on recycling and utilising mulch to assist and prevent moisture .
Keep the curbside rubbish collection.
Incentives for ratepayers  who sort their rubbish. And more emphasis from the shire to lead the way in this area. We Do Not Need More Bins, Just leadership from the shire in this area. Ie composting workshops,
A third bin for greens only.
Larger waste bins for residents. Cuurent are way too small. Weekly recycle collection (bin).
asbestos cleanup in chidlow
Better green waste collection and prohibition of burning wet and dry leaf tree and garden litter.
I would like the option of a green waste bin for food scraps and garden waste. This is a top priority to me.
Implement the 3rd bin for green waste
Clean up rubbish behind Hills Fresh down to the shire offices.
Sustainable practices. I would appreciate a large rubbish bin. Community gardens.
Waste management - Recycling. Larger general waste bin, biodegradable bags and collections for veg waste. Green bins.
Concerted, visible shire priority to improve sustainable practices. Green waste bins.
I think this is tied in with waste management. A more comprehensive recycling pick up system to deal with hard and soft plastics.
More support for renewable energy sources such as solar in residential and commercial buildings.
Powerlines underground. (Understand this is not necessarily a local shire issue but pressure from local shire to make this happen would go a long way.)
Handling of waste management and open space .
Waste mgt
More lighting behind Brown Park, eg. Tennis courts. Have more access to the council picking up unwanted articles, instead of having to wait for yearly pickup.
16. I would like to see roadside (verge) pickup twice a year instead of once annually. Plus, home owners who leave waste on roadside any time should be fined because it is an eye-sore.
Waste management - Bigger green bins and try out red bins like suburbs in Perth. More availability to recycling facilities.
Rollout of green waste bins has taken too long. These need to be prioritised.
During a period of time no one would take our rubbish on the day they were supposed to. Rang and enquired and all she said was I had to leave it out and wait for the next pickup, and the bins were out there for over 2 weeks.
Instead of street verge clearance, perhaps 2 / 3 bins per year as street cleaners are messy (follow Bayswater Shire).  Waste management - Bins not enough for big block green waste.
My main gripe here, after recently moving to Swan View, is lack of capacity to get rubbish removed - very small green bins. I believe one green waste and a separate general waste collection per year would be better.
Waste management. Greater, more creative recycling and packaging regulations, ie. Phasing out of mixed materials in packaging, reduced packaging and removal of non recyclable packaging.
Waste Management. Transfer stations need to be kept better and utilised more often by rate payers. Rates are high and very little is provided for the high cost.
I would like to see two green waste verge pickups a year. One before winter and one in summer. The Sept / Oct one is at a good time.
Continue to provide affordable waste management services.
I have a 1/3 acre block and have lots of tree trimmings etc., to clear all the time. I can put small twigs in my bin but it's a long time to wait for one green pickup per year. I can't get to the tip as I'm over 75 and have no trailer. More than one pickup per year for goods that are not vegetation.
Three bin system would be great.
Better recycling programme etc. Containers for change facility is not very efficient.
Waste management - Increase in kerbside pickups (from 1 per year).
Waste management. The household wheelie bins are tiny. Need to be a bit bigger.
Larger bins, especially weekly bins. The size is ridiculous for families. Most families can't close the lids, so rubbish blows onto the road and into our gardens.
Upcoming changes to bins will be problematic. General waste should be weekly with yellow and green bins alternating. Please consider additional recycling runs at Christmas time. Would be nice to have a sewer.
Same as #1. Business for waste / recycling encouraged here. Leaders in state.
Rubbish services - Proposed change not adequate for large household general waste. Red bin useless for the amount of green waste and we have no food waste as it goes to the chooks and dogs.
To educate and promote responsible recycling and green waste disposal.
Waste management: Bigger general waste bins.
In the bush the waste dumped is terrible. Local people dumping large amounts of rubbish anywhere in the bush, especially near the Coppin Rd Tip.
16. Continue to improve and promote the most up to date practices to minimise waste generation and maximise recycling.
Provide green waste bin. Green waste, recycle bin and rubbish bin.
Free skip bins to rate payers, as are available in the Shire of Kalamunda, would be great.
Waste management. Better access to waste transfer stations and tips. Open them to the public 7 days a week. More tip passes for general waste.
Drains need keeping clear, overgrowing. Don't wait for floods. Too late.
Rather than verge collection bulk bins are a cleaner option, like the City of Belmont. 4 bins per financial year. Waste rates are very good, cheaper than other councils, and they provide a great service.
Need more kerbside collections. 1 a year is ridiculous. Or free skip hire, like other shires.
Bigger bin, or more frequent recycling. Simple.
There needs to be better waste management. We need recycling every week. People in the community should be encouraged to compost food scraps etc. Possible opportunity for educative workshop on composting for gardens.
Waste management. Add a bin for collection of disposal of kitchen waste.
Become more progressive with waste management, eg. More tip passes, better recycling ability.
(1) Place 10c recycle bins at all public venues. (2) Start a plastic recycle scheme. (3) Community compost.
Help people get better access to rubbish dump when they are not able to take green stuff there and they do not have the ability to take it themselves and cannot pay someone to do it for them.
Provide better bin size (smaller than surrounding council). Not everyone uses tips - provide a discount to opt out or reduce tip pass. Better bin access in reserves, etc.
Waste management. Clearer communication on what is recyclable. Support to manage fallen trees (eg. Access to wood chippers).
We don't have a choice with our tip pass. I went through the process 5 days ago and still haven't received my confirmation digital tip pass. My concern is for the community who are not tech savvy.
Waste management. More info on verge collections. Weekly recycling pick ups. Access to free mulch. 
Need more bulk rubbish collections - say twice a year - to prevent people from dumping their rubbish on vacant blocks.
More recycle bins and compost bins.
Waste. Must get back to bigger general waste bin. Also, should have green waste bin, like most other shires, for fire risk.
More information of what can or cannot be recycled. Aging population and we cannot get to the tip.
Waste. Introduce more targeted bulk waste services - such as other shires - where you book a skip or mattress pick up. 2 green waste pick ups, green waste food composting bins on kerbside for your household.
It is unacceptable that we (in Parkerville and surrounds) are in the State Electoral Seat of 'Kalamunda'. Total joke, but the results in the bulk of funding going to Kalamunda and surrounds, rather than Mundaring and surrounds.
We need better waste management. Food waste - green waste bins for more residential areas (not everyone has big properties).
Have more street clean ups for all the rubbish that people throw out.
Better idea for rate payers to dispose of their rubbish. This is why so many people dump rubbish, as they do not have rubbish tip free access all year round. 3 passes are insufficient, considering the cost we pay.
Waste management. There is a lot of confusion about what does and doesn't get recycled in the Shire of Mundaring. This needs to be clarified and an explanation of what steps are being taken locally to address the inability to recycle certain plastics, food waste, etc.
Waste management. 3 bin system, including green waste, would be useful.
Provide a green waste bin, if not, provide a 'standard' size general waste bin.
Waste management. Current service is very good. A third organic matter bin would be good.
Larger bins or an extra green waste bin, without being charged.
Waste management. Garden waste bin introduced. Be more informative about recycling. Be more progressive, sustainable and informative.
Waste management. More transparency in regards to recycling, eg. yellow bin.
Waste management. Talk and listen to your people. Reducing waste collection to once / fortnight and giving Wooroloo residents red food bins is not helpful because almost every single house already manages their own food scraps via compost / chooks, etc. We are semi-rural and need weekly collection.
Provide more access to rubbish removal. Open the tip every day. Provide skip bins - as other shires do (6 x year). Have more verge pick ups.
Verge pickup twice a year.
Verges - in Mahogany Creek there is nothing done with verges. You need a verge crew as the road sides are terrible - just drive along Jacoby St, the bush is taking over the road in places - and this is all one shire. Open drains need to be looked at as flooding and washing driveways away. Check out Swan Rd and Draper St. The flooding on the corner affects phone pits and they are constantly flooded and our services cut out.
Continue excellent waste management facilities.
Waste management at Redhill should be free for rate payers or, alternatively, make a Mundaring Recycling Centre. We are entitled to 3 loads - make it transferable to Red Hill (Allow the pass to be transferable).
Waste management. Make FOGO bins optional. Many people do not want them.
16. Better waste management with an extra bin to recycle. Pick up times - seem to change without notice.
I'd like to see more regular bulk waste collections as not all residents have vehicles that can take waste to the tip.
Waste management. Since September 2023 we have been restricted to three passes for waste (green) to the tip annually. This is inadequate for our 1/2 acre block. A green waste bin should be provided in lieu.
Green bins for garden waste (green) waste. Waste management: especially where people haven't got the means of getting rid of big items, green waste / branches, etc. Need a better recycling system which is accessible, including being able to recycle all types of plastic, especially lids, etc.
16. Waste management has improved but also standardised, due to the scale of the problem or issue. Better management at the actual rubbish tips. For instance, more guidance given to people unloading green waste, show people where to park and unload their stuff.
A. Provide green waste bins. B. Provide greater access during an emergency and natural disaster to tip facilities - machine and manpower, perhaps ex-shire workers on a roster basis. As the climate is changing fast. 
Recycling should be collected every week to encourage recycling.
16. More openness about recycling, ie. At Coppin Rd Tip I drop off plastic 1 and 2 but all bins are mixed and no-one can tell me what happens. Does it all go to landfill? Also, soft plastic collection has to come back.
Cleaning green waste from bush areas.
Waste management - Access to greens clean up truck for those who don't have access to a trailer, help, to clean up. Fallen trees out back of property / yard, greens waste that can be loaded and taken away or council take. Maybe skip bins to fill.
16. No limits in bringing waste. 3 x year is not acceptable. People should have unlimited access. This way no waste in nature and on roads / tracks.
Ensure recycling goes to recycling facilities - not just buried at the local tips.
Waste management. Find effective methods of waste management and be transparent.
Cost of rates - They are an absolute joke.
Quality of bins. Additional green waste bin. Soft plastics? Nowhere, apart from using general waste.
Waste. It would be really appreciated if Mundaring Shire supplied the residents with a green waste bin.
Waste management. Make tip access more equitable for those of us who can't afford a ute or 4WD with a trailer. Look at how other shires manage to offer year round verge pickups and / or skip bins for residents. Improve tip opening days so there is at least one tip open for all waste types on a given day.
Waste management. Make it cheap to dispose of waste, so people do not dispose of it out bush or on the side of roads.
We need green waste bins to help with pruning and garden care. Also, at least 2 verge collections.
More information on what to do with climate change, lead by example more education in school.
Introduce FOGO on demand mattress collection more to on demand skip bin rater than verge collection for hard waste.
Better rubbish tip management
Please do not bring in FOGO bins, specifically picking up rubbish bins fortnightly. Most people in the hills already compost. And I would like my child's dirty nappies to be removed weekly please.
Adopt the one of each (green and household waste) once a year skip bins system like Kalamunda shire. It helps people clean up when it suits them and stops the rubbish going everywhere like it does with verge collection program.
Stop the rubbish that is being dumped in the bushland
It has taken the Shire of Mundaring a long time to introduce the FOGO bins - most other local governments have had these bins for many years (I was a former employee of DWER so am aware of what other local governments have been doing for the environment).  In general, I think the Shire of Mundaring is lagging behind other local governments - whether this is due to budget I don't know.  This is only one component of looking after our environment.  I also do a lot of walking along the trails in the Shire of Mundaring and the amount of dog waste left by other walkers is disgusting despite dog waste bags being available - perhaps an education campaign would be a consideration though I doubt it would have any affect - I think people don't care.  Just look at the illegal dumping of waste too especially in the public drinking water areas.
More verge collections or skip bins provided on a regular basis
Two bins provided and one is so small bad under provided. Could look at Fogo system . Curbside collective once a year is very under done especially as block sizes are larger in most of our areas.
GREEN BIN FORTNIGHTLY COLLECTION (we live in a an area that has so much plant growth and fuel for bushfires)
There should also be compost kitchen bins provided with bio bags
Far more education about home waste management ie what is supposed to go into yellow bins (WA is VERY behind in waste management compared to eastern states!)
Having a recycle plant for all types of waste.
Bigger rubbish bins. My family recycle as much as we can, however the little bin is just not enough for a bigger family.
Also, an extra rubbish pick up at Christmas is a necessity and something a lot of shires do
Better recycling options
Full size regular bin and additional council bulk refuse pickup, not everyone has access to a ute or trailer to take refuse to the tip or can afford to purchase a garden bag service.
Both recycle and waste bins need to be emptied weekly. We are only issued a small waste bin to encourage recycling, but that bin fills up just as fast.
Deposit points for people to dispose of batteries, electronics, soft plastic and such easily and locally.
Education programs to teach people with entrenched patterns of behaviour how to properly dispose of their waste.
Promote the use of recycled materials in purchasing those products. It is no good recycling stuff if no-one buys the end products.
Set up a community recycling centre where people with time on their hands (seniors, teenagers and children during holidays) can get involved in the hands on taking apart of things to separate the various recyclable components from the unusable waste. White goods, clothing, furniture, toys, and other things. This would require permanent staff to manage it and coordinate the volunteers. Local schools could get involved with some classes coming on a weekly basis. This can teach kids the cost of their lifestyle to the planet. Seniors groups could also get involved with certain groups attending once a month or fortnight and simply sitting down and taking things apart, under supervision. This could be something like a Mens Shed set up.
Recycling should be able to be accessed without a tip pass, after all it shouldn't matter where it comes from as long as it isn't dumped in bushland. Tyres should be free to drop off as these are often dumped in bushland and burned.
The green bin size is too small.
I dont need a food waste bin as I have chooks who eat all of that but in this age of online shopping the package waste to dispose of is huge.
Charge waste on a per use base, not flat rate. We rarely fill our bin completely each fortnight yet still pay the same as others who overfill it almost each week. There currently is little to no incentive for reducing household waste. Requires consultation and collaboration with neighboring shires to avoid waste trafficking.
Green waste bins in addition to general waste and recyclable waste.
Better management of Food and Green waste.  Verge clearances are out - Must provide Skips  to manage Green Waste - There are many large blocks with plenty of trees etc, Shire provides  one verge clearance limited in size. Free Access to Coppin Waste is of no value if you have no means of getting your wastes there.  I am struggling to see any value in the Rates I am paying. Service wise  - Bayswater Shire is far superior and mundaring should take a leaf out of their book.
Cater to the diverse needs of customers, not to the desired services of the administration
Embrace the food waste processes that several other shires have brought in.
I would prefer a skip bin system be initiated rather than the roadside pickup.  Other shires in Perth offer a skip bin x 2 per year to residents.
Access to waste management facilities has become too restricted and staff at facilities are often unapproachable/unhelpful.
I believe there is an increasing in illegal dumping of rubbish in the shire area due to this.
Proposed food waste bin and reduction in general waste. This needs to be reconsidered.
More tip passes would be nice. Rates are high so I don't see why we cant get them. Some people like myself do not like to put stuff out the front for verge collections as it makes your house look bad and people go through it and make a mess.
Be able to use the tip more,  Don't charge for extra rubbish dumps then rubbish wont be dumped around the place.
Implementing FOGO bins.
Weekly recycling bin collection.
Providing easier access to other "speciality" recycling items such as batteries/light globes/ink cartridges at  community & sporting facilities.
Repair shed program implemented within the town.
With the introdaction of the FOGO system, the council must not reduce general waste collection to fortnightky. The council only provides a small general waste bin, and so if it is only colelcted fortnightly, people will use the FOGO bin for general waste!
This is a very shortsighted and stupid decision by Council.
The Copin Rd waste transfer station also needs to open later than 4:00pm on weekends and public holidays (this is normal in every other place that I have ever lived i.e., 6:00pm). 
It would also be a great service if Council was to sell mulched green waste to residents
Maybe looking into ways that plastics could be recycled more and
 turned into water diversion, bollards and paving for public areas. I don't know what technology is around buy surely something could be done to reduce the plastic problem and reduce the amount of landfill.
1 green waste bins emptied weekly _ I believe this is happening later this year
2 recycling of UHT milk cartons
Greenwaste collection in mid November in support of fire readiness for residents.
Consider moving to skip bins as opposed to bulk collection. Alternatively, move bulk collection to later in the year so not so impeded by poor weather.
Introduction of Greenwaste bins.
need to have a green waste bin like other councils and be able to turn it into mulch and buy it back.  And have a once a year bin supply when you want instead of a once a year curbside collection (like Kalamunda and Swan shire)
Better bulk waste collection arrangements and 3 bin system
Listen and respect actual needs of community instead of imposing ideology.  Proposed "red bin" redundant for many who compost.  Existing Green bin cycle is minimum need for many.  Shire consistently decreasing service and increasing cost to ratepayers. (e.g. reduced tipping allowance); and cost of "green" / "sustainability" measures imposed on community.  Cost of rates becoming a barrier to affordability.
Bigger bins for green waste, weekly collection for Recycle bins,
Sepretae landfill bin and green/food waste
Much improved, less bureaucratic and more flexible, larger recycling shop (like Albany or Walliston
a comprehensive recycling centre
Not everyone is able to take stuff to the tip. Give us a skip once a year or at least two road side pick ups
again, no fogo. 3 bin system. green, general and recycling
again, no fogo. 3 bin system. green, general and recycling.
get rid of the idea of a fogo bin. Give residents 3 full-size bins, green waste, general waste, and recycling. These small bins are absolutely terrible for families. take some notice of shire of Swan, at least they give a normal sized general waste bin and an oversized recycling bin. This makes more sense than what Mundaring does. Mundaring DOES NOT LISTEN TO ITS OWN RESIDENTS!
Ones I have taken old battery's to drop with my small truck they sent me back saying trucks not aloud fact is that I was there instead of checking my content and quantity not the transportation in my opinion was wrong. yes, my address is 335 Well Loop Chidlow
Larger bins, unlimited tip access. Weekly recycling.
More Tip passes per annum. Free open tip days once a month. This would contribute greatly to stopping people dumping rubbish.
Have 2 verge collections.
Bigger green bin needed
Put in place an opt-in arrangement for FOGO bins. Many people live on large blocks and do no require this service (have own trailers etc.) and would refer their general waste to be collected every week.
Coppin Road and free green waste arrangements are excellent in this regard.
Carry on ascurrently
More than 3 entries to the transfer station for general waste
Bigger general waste bin
Stop reducing the number of times the tip can be access, too many illegal dumps in the local bush.
Keep the weekly general waste bin. Abolish the fortnightly collection.
Better recycling practices, e.g. provide bins/verge collection for green waste like other councils (Council of Joondalup). Green waste disposal initiatives. Green waste can be used for other purposes rather than going into landfill. Examples can be found in councils of NSW.
I reported 1 gutters full of leaves etc  Nothing done
                2 bushes growing over the kerb  Nothing done
I don't like having to pay for a second bin, as the half size ones are not big enough to service my household, especially as there is no 3rd greens or organic bin like in other shires.
A bin should be provided for garden waste.
For example fires could be greatly reduced if we had a bin to put leaves and twigs in. At the moment the leave litter is raked up into piles and then burnt. Causing smoke and pollution unnecessary
An additional green waste and hard waste collection per year would be helpful. As a renter, I don't have a tip pass to use throughout the year. Perhaps just make the tip passes valid for the property address, rather than the property owner, so they can be used by tenants.
Like to see green waste bin
More information about using the tip and waste in general, shire info in general, emails, or fridge magnet calendars etc.
Introduction of green waste bins with extra being provided during bushfire preparation
Tip shops and recycling centres based on Hobart’s centres. Would produce an income stream and jobs plus reduce landfill
Correct sorting of hard waste collections
More public rubbish and butt out bins
Get a green waste bin for each household and bigger general waste bin allocation
DO NOT give us a foment bin……we do not need it.
DO Not make regular bins smaller.
Institute a compostibles waste collection bin service and return of compost to ratepayers.
Larger domestic waste bins.
Access to tips for green waste without passes. Skip bin access instead of verge pickup, like Belmont council.
Bring us larger rubbish bins and keep the skinny bins because they were a good height. Also if they got yellow wheels on the recycling bin so you can see what type of bin it is if the lid falls off
Tips should revert to providing free mulch for green waste.
Why are the issues of roads and tree management not included in these lists?
Having moved to the Shire of Mundaring from the country I find that waste management is no better but costs twice as much as that in country towns. I also read in the local paper more than 18 months ago, when we had one, that Council had adopted the 3 bin system but have heard nothing since.
the need for bigger household green waste bins
I know we are small fish, but it would be good to know that as much as possible of our waste was being recycled.
Issue larger household waste bin, keep recycling bin and introduce a green waste bin.
To introduce soft plastic collection.
Red rubbish bin should be emptied weekly.
YOUR plan to reduce waste by making this service fortnightly will only create a public health hazard.
More consultation should have been sought from residents.
Shire of swan has free waste management site that operates for 7 days a wk for free for its residents. While with Shire of Mundaring we only have 3 slots for 12 months for our waste transfer yet we pay the same amount of money for shire rates . Other shires have 3 bins per household red bin yellow bin and green bin while our shire has only 2 yellow and green . Our yellow bin is collected once in 2 wks while other shires collect their yellow bins every wk . Our shire is lagging far behind in comparison to other shires . We also want Swanview not to be listed as low density suburb
1, larger  bins for greenery.
2. White goods pick up
Need a third bin for green waste
for years the the access to waste transfer station has been reduced but rates increase. When I moved to this shire we could access the transfer station 5 times a year now it is only 3. This would be ok if all people owned a trailer and a ute to carry large loads but by being able to access the station 5 times a year smaller loads can be carried in a normal sedan.
Recycling glass bin
All other shires provide a 250l bin. You seem only to cater for the privileged up the hill who live on massive lots  and can afford to drive their trailer to the tip regularly and can recycle/compost as they have the space.
More tip passes ie 5 per year
recycling for soft plastics
charge only  for amount of times  bins are  put out so citizens who correctly recycle are rewarded.
We need greater opportunities to recycle more products. Grant to existing businesses converting plastic to other uses, adapting green waste bins, especially transitioning to FOGO bins, develop a bin that doesn't blow over in an easterly
Scrap the food wastage bin that is to be introduced, and reduce the size of the recycling bin but pick up weekly
Many residents keep chickens and do not want/need the organic waste bins or the reduction in the weekly waste collection. Residents should have a say in this.
Regular rubbish pick up along Great Eastern Highway. Community service group maybe?
The 170 litre garbage bins should be changed ti 240 litre. Access to transfer stations is costly once the three free ones are used. So you get people dumping rubbish and you wonder why.
Free tip again to stop dumped rubbish, large size green bin. Compost bin will not help with the wast of mid to large families.
My household, as well as my neighbours, are currently finding a small green bin has  insufficient capacity to hold general waste for a week. As a family of four members, we struggle constantly with this problem and in many occasions, brought rubbish to my parents' house for disposal in their bin (which is a regular size). This is a constant headache for us. As much as we are supportive of categorising waste for the environment, it is unrealistic to say as a family of four with pets, the waste can totally be compartmentionised, this resulting in smaller general waste. Simply untrue! To add to our woes, the green bin is now going to be collected only fortnightly! The contents inside will definitely make a stink and we will be forced to put excess waste outside the bin. What a nightmare! If you are listening to our concerns, upsize the small green bin to a regular one and empty it weekly. Mundaring Shire collects one of the highest rates and it should provide the basic services. Most Shires also collect bulk verge waste at least twice a year but not Mundaring. It seems like funds have been used to develop Mundaring town and beautify it, but not much has been done to Swan View, which to this day still looks like a sad place to live in. We can't even find a place to BBQ unless we drive to Darlington (which has 2 electric BBQs), Glen Forrest or Mundaring. Please don't forget about the other lower social economic towns you are managing. They need an uplift in their areas too.
introducing FOGO. We live in one of the greenest shires and we don't have a bin for green waste. This is specially required for new developments with smaller blocks.
Provide green waste bins or have a way of households being able to have green waste removed, not everybody has a ute or trailer to take waste to Mundaring or Chidlow.. Have more available areas to deliver waste. Other roadside pick-ups other than 1 pick-up per year.
Have Coppin road open more days
Please allow return of green waste and woodchips back to rate payers at a reduced cost. Delivered would even be better. I want to return water to the ground to reduce evaporation and protect soil.
Widen the range of acceptable recyclables, and get your collective finger out on the rollout of FOGO bins.
-Free skip bins instead of curb side collection, similar to Belmont shire.
-Bigger general waste bin, same size as the recycling bin
-Implement 3rd wheelie bin for green waste

Note: Mundaring shire rates are double what I pay in Belmont whit a lot less services provided.
Have more readily accessible recycling opportunities for residents AND make sure items actually get recycled
The implementation of the new food and organics bin will cause problems with rubbish dumped around the shire because now our general waste bin is only picked up once a fortnight. All of the people I have spoken to fill the general waste each week so now will have nowhere to put the excess rubbish. I suggest picking up the general waste each week as it is currently or making the amount of tip visits unlimited.
Open Coppin Rd Xfer Stn 7 days a week.
Don't close Coppin Rd Xfer for public hols, Green Waste overload or  total fire bans.
Redesign Coppin Rd Xfer to separate green waste, general waste and Bev Container traffic so that temp closing the Bev Container building does not pile up traffic into queues due to the holdup of Bev Container vehicles.
Maintain what we have
Bigger bins, a green waste bin, more regular recycling pick ups, Mundaring tip open more days of week.
Coming from the Pilbara where waste transfer stations are free to attend, it baffles me why ratepayers would be limited to the number of visits to the waste stations, especially for greenwaste?
Surely this would contribute to bush dumping & general hoarding of junk in people's yards as they cannot get rid of waste quickly and easily as it arises.
Provision of green waste bins, food scrap for composting
provide a green waste bin, maybe not all properties require them (such as people residing on rural properties) but dont forget the residents at the bottom part of the shire, midvale, swan view etc these people cant just have a bonfire during winter & clear all their green waste.....
Change of bin sizes general waste is to small. Management of large trees on council land
Should offer more frequent bulk collections
Should collect recycling weekly to encourage that behaviour - we often have to throw recycling in general rubbish because the recycling bin is full and we don’t have the capacity to store an infinitely growing pile of recycling.
just cost affect-if wast management
The implementation of our red bins for green waste to bring us in line with other councils.
Not sure about the FOBO bin and pick up of the general waste every two weeks only. It should be based on individual basis as many people have their own composting solutions in place
Opportunity for recycling of food waste to reduce landfill eg. Fogo bins
Improve recycling facilities, extend quality education around what can be recycled, explore local uses of newly recycled products and what can be traded/utilised within the shire region, local streets/verge rubbish collection, employ some system that disincentivises the roadside dumping of rubbish
Any reduction in the amount of waste allowed per property is untenable for a family
Larger Green bins , back to what we used to have .
A second verge side collection preferable one that’s able to be arrange by the rate player as they do  be in the Sean Shire
The regular bin collection needs to be updated for better sorting of rubbish and recycling & we should have at least 3 bins-again like other shires!
A massive overhaul of the bin system is needed, the council tip pass is not an appropriate system to have in place for a massive shortfall of how the bins are managed.i shouldn’t have to stack up rubbish around my home to go for a tip run every so often to make up for the fact the bins are too small and not collected often enough. If we are to only have a small rubbish bin then the recycling should be collected weekly instead of fortnightly, like every other area I have ever lived in. A green waste bin collected fortnightly should be included as well, not everyone has approriate transport to the community centres. The bin system punishes those on lower incomes who don’t have the means to visit these centres on the limited days and hours they are open, or don’t have an approriate vehicle to haul everything away.
FOGO bins to reduce the amount of green waste going to landfill.
These days when recycling and proper disposal of waste should be encouraged why does Coppin Road disposal site have such restricted opening hours?
The introduction of a food waste bin can’t come soon enough. Plus a second verge collection is needed. Not everyone has the means or ability to take waste to the tip. More recycling options needed. It would be great to have a community recycling centre like Perth City Farm where you can take just about anything. Plus residents need to be informed about bin collection days and times more effectively to stop the easterly winds blowing over bins left out overnight and spreading rubbish everywhere.
A second 'Green Waste' pickup. Maybe during autumn for better preparation for fire control.
It would be good to have a bin for garden waste.
Looking forward to the fogo bins - I hope there is enough publicity so people can use them as intended. Would be great to get more than one bulk collection a year.
biodegradable bins for food scraps and animal waste
More options for verge collections. Tip passes are great but many don’t own trailers or to walls on their cars. Skip bins would be a great addition, like that of the vines. You can book a skip/verge collection for when you need it, rather than at a set time.
Bigger waste bins. Same as recycling bins
Bigger size general waste bins. Same as recycling bins
Our green waste bins are too small for our property sizes where we have green waste, esspecailly after storms, as well as general waste.
Full sized green bins, the same as our recycle bins would be ideal.
Reasonable access to rubbish disposal at no additional cost the the very high rates we pay.
compost programs recycling programs
Weekly rubbish collection
Better communication- not months for a response or constant follow up
Volunteer recognition
More mums and bubs activities
*We pay the highest rates yet offer the least*
Better customer service within the shire that is focussed on working with taxpayer. Despite paying almost $4k for rates, we only get one verge collection. Biannually would be more appropriate for the hills. Summer produces a lot of branches etc, but the next collection isn’t until Aug/sep
move of change to bin system needs to be rethinked
more opportunity to recycle
Reasonable sized rubbish bins to replace the small bins we have
Communicating when the tip is closed. A number of times we have loaded up the trailer to go to the tip & the tip has been closed. Recently just for green waste which was fair enough with all the storm damage.  But in the past because of fire hazard... the gate was closed & the sign said to go to the other tip, when we got there it was closed too.  I don't know how difficult it would be to put a notice on the web site if you know in advance whether it will be closed on certain days.
Forgot bins, another verge collection, the Shire having electrical/other waste drop off days, for waste that can be recycled but usually goes into general waste stream. I like the battery, bottle caps and fluoro light recycling in library, it would be good if this could expand when other waste items have stream for recycling. And feel free to do those bin inspections of recycling bins that some councils do (happy sticker for compliance, warning for non-compliance). I see people put lots of non-recyclables into yellow tipped bin, it's not ignorance, it's laziness and causes increased recycling costs because of extra sorting required etc.
I'd like to see more council clean ups. one per year isn't enough. Otherwise some more tip passes for general waste. we've already used all our tip passes for the year.
Three tip passes are not enough.
The opportunity for the option to hire one skip bin a year would be great on top of the yearly verge collection would be really helpful for people like myself who are super busy with sports and hobbies that doesnt leave many free weekends to attned the tip with my trailer.
More Drop points for recyclables
Better service for verge collection
circular economy that gives back, e.g. residents can get free mulch or compost
recyle of soft plastics
Bigger General waste bins for home address
I am very concerned about my family's ability to reduce our waste, especially in the move towards green bins.
I would like the Shire to consider eliminating the verge side collection in favour of skip bins 2x year.
Three bins is a ridiculous idea. We all have steep driveways and dragging two bins up and down each week is going to be hard for elderly residents. Also how do you propose we manage food waste in a bin without it becoming rancid before it is collected. Are the bins going to be replaced weekly as to stop the smell? Also we need more than once verge collection a year. Suggest we have skip bins we can order as needed for free much like the Kalamunda shire
Supply green waste bins for households
Bigger green bins needed!
Supply households with green waste bin.
We need a better waste management system, a small general waste bin doesn’t suit everyone and not everyone is able to utilise the tip passes, which seems like a waste of money for whoever is paying rates.
Fogo or bigger bins!
Getting fogo bins in the area!
Seems the kerbside street collection now is all crush and dump. Used to separate different types of waste and deal with it, but last 4 or 5 have just been crushed and all into the one truck. No effort to take metal for recycling etc. Seems to just be the cheapest way.
I no longer put anything out that can be recycled as I know it will not be. Trying to take it to appropriate facilities myself. Makes the kerb collection a waste of space.
Bin collections are too adhoc. Sometimes they empty your bin completely and sometimes it’s left half full. Perhaps the small sized  general waste bins are part of the problem since you need to jam everything in. In addition, every year we all know when the public holidays fall, however it seems too complicated to still empty your bins on these weeks. Better staffing and resources are required
Give us dates on the three bin system.
Constantly having to fill general waste with garden waste is not good enough.
Keep the tip going!
Encourage reusing, recycling especially electronic and hazardous waste
I was shocked to find out that Mundaring Shire does not recycle wheelie bins.  Yes - you have a large tip at Red Hill and recycling costs more.  I wonder what other improvements you could make to recycling and waste management....
General waste bins need to accommodate individual household & property size, could be sized according to rates. Ie higher rates = larger bin? Or households can opt to pay for larger bin.
The FOGO system should be implemented alongside current disposal service at a bare minimum, not instead of. Also a Greenwaste bin would be preferred over the FOGO, as many property owners in this shire already do their part in composting. The shire will see rubbish bins overflowing (even more so than currently with the already small bin size). Be prepared to be cleaning streets of rubbish constantly since wildlife will be making a mess of bin day.
The container for change program in the coppin road transfer station doesnt work. Long queues, and what a random location. Just invest in a bottle machine at woolies and/or coles which refunds you the 10c. Gives people a chance to just drop it off when they shop anyway. Not hoard a trailer load of bottles and then drop off on a saturday
We need to have more green waste collections per year to help reduce fire risk. The current system is also over crowded with recent storm debris and no capacity for similar events. It needs to be bigger, and more efficient to deal with climate change and the increase in similar storm events.
Allow more, not less access to Mundaring tip in relation to passes. Also provide larger waste bins for pick up.
not having to pay to for extra general waist bins they need to be increased to the size of the recycle bins, and rate payers should have to pay to dump any type of rubbish at the tip if on a trailer.
Green Bins.  More than waste management.  There is a need for this to help landowners to remove leaves and green waste that could pile up and cause a fire.  Hiring gardening people and contractors is very very expensive.  I hire Jim's Mowing as he has insurance to whipper snip all the Council land outside my house as it is my responsibility and pay for it too!
bring the waste contracts back under the shire control
We need a bin for green waste to help everyone keep on top of litter that makes our block more of a fire risk. Not everyone has a trailer. Nor do people want to spend their weekends queueing at the tip. And just the fact of having the green bin would encourage people to do more regular fire clean up around their property.
Better recycling
Have a green waste recycle bin
Better recycling facilties- more accesable
Continuation of verge collection at least annually and preferably twice yearly
More tip passes with rates. Better tip facilities and opening times. Larger bins. One small size general rubbish bin does not suit all households.
I understand that the Shire wants to limit waste, however, perhaps some consideration needs to be given to the number of people living in each house in the current environment of multi generational living.  1 tiny bin per house is ridiculous!
Red top bins
Give 4 tip passes for over the edge again, send out a bloomin stamp card aswell. I cant remember if I've been once or 3 times by the end of the year.
2 cubic metres PER YEAR of bulk green waste collection is a JOKE.
The City of Bayswater (from where we moved) delivers and collect three skip bins (3 cubic metres each) per household. Four times the volume. And Bayswater spends less of their budget (12%) on waste management compared to 14% in Mundaring.
We don't need to spend $2 million on FOGO, this isn't the CBD. Everyone who is interested in FOGO can just compost their waste. You all seem very happy to waste our money on things we don't need and ignore the services that we do. We don't even HAVE street lights on our street (nor do most streets in Darlington) yet somehow we need to spend $2m on street light upgrades?
Increase the expectations on recycling standards so that there is less landfill. Would bundling and separating paper and cardboard support this? Should glass and plastic be separated? 
The Hills is a place that attracts nature lovers. Let's do more to care for country.
Green waste bins and separate glass bins for residences
Allow tip users to take usable scrap steel and other usable materials off the tip facility
Green waste bins
10c bins should be located at ALL sporting venues, shopping centers.

Green bins for garden materials.
Weekly General waste bins and larger like most councils!
Please don’t bring in the FOGO bins. Fish guts sitting in a bin for 2 weeks is ridiculous.
Take an even greater stand with all shires and rates payers in the hills and Avon area to ensure Perth rubbish isn't dumped in a water catchment area servicing so much of our state.
A third bin for garden refuse, kitchen scraps for those who don’t have chooks. Most of us have larger properties and it would help with fire prevention if we had a regular pickup as not everyone has a Ute or a trailer.
Providing green waste bins
Having a green waste bin in addition to the household waste bin and recycling bin. Having two verge collections per year would see a substantial difference to reducing dumping that is ongoing around the community. It would also make a great difference to households getting bushfire ready and ready for winter weather too.
larger general waste bins and no asoption of the fogo system
We pay our rates and should be able to drop off waste as required. If something like a clothes sorer breaks at home it Lou Ed around the yard waiting for me to have enough rubbish to make it worthwhile using a valuable trip out of three available on the annual pass. Instead I should be able to just drive there and drop something off more often instead of making our own homes forecrisks and unsightly
more plastic recycling
green bin (general wast bin) size is very small for a week garbage of waste, it would be great and appreciated if it gets into the size of Yellow bin.
More emphasis and practical work to try and recycle much more than we are currently.
Green waste bins, free green pickups, recycle bins weekly
Waste management (in so far as the council has control of how this works) and environmental concerns are probably the most significant issues currently. Council's role would be predominantly in education, efficient services and cost cutting through re-use of resources and reduction of waste management requirements
The size of the rubbish bins is ridiculous. Make them bigger. With a family visiting or living here its nearly not big enough.
More tip passes needed
More than 3 visits a year to the tip would probably lessen illegal rubbish dumping.
introduce three bin system
Broader options for yellow bin recycling. Replacement of tall green bins as they are more likely to tip over in strong winds
The bins in a family area are too small for general waste.  Not everyone has animals, home composting etc.  A lot of our general waste is stored at home and taken to the tip when it gets too much. The tip is difficult to navigate and no assistance is given to unload items,  I had people watch me struggling to carry and no one helps.
We need 3 bins like other councils. Green waste only, general, and recycling.   Another thing is to look at the removal of verge collections and allocate 3 or 4 skips per year per household.  This way the council is collecting skips at various times of the year, not everyone all at once, and some households may not even need a skip.  This would cut down on extensive operation of verge collection, discourage "verge shoppers" from other suburbs who come here in verge collection time and make everything a mess.
Bigger bins or the third bin
Green waste bins would be a huge help!
The waste management could be improved by supplying a bin for green waste.  This would assist anyone who is unable to go to the tip.  It would also allow people to ensure properties are clear of combustible rubbish on their land.
Tips should be accessible and unlimited for all residents
Specific areas set aside so wood (one example) can be dropped off and other residents encouraged to reuse what they can.
The Coppin Rd tip shop is sadly just a token effort and a HUGE open area would allow more recycling (Balcatta tip is amazing)
Shire should be actively promoting recycling to reduce as much waste as possible
In the last few years, changes to waste management services have put many residents at a disadvantage. Tip passes and verge collections have been lessened, new green bins are only half the size. Recycling should be weekly, not fortnightly.
Replace the large green bins like other shires.
Provide more passes for the local tip and provide a bin for garden waste
I would like to see more being done about the issue of recycling and littering. I very often see rubbish sticking out of people's recycling bins and I find it wrong that people are just using them as another general waste bin. I think the introduction of the FOGO bin system will be a good and bad thing. The good things will be that people can put their green waste and food waste in there and it will get used for compost. However I can see that it will create more opportunities for people to do the wrong thing in the way that they will put rubbish in the FOGO bin. Especially so when the general wast bins are set to be collected fortnightly. The high cost of using the tips I think is causing people to just dump their rubbish in the bush or on the side of a verge or even put it in their recycling bin. So more needs to be done to tackle this issue overall. It would also be good to see an online reporting system put in place similar to the one that the City of Swan has on it's website for people to report illegal dumping of rubbish or littering.
Better bulk rubbish collection. Larger waste bins.
Other shires have bins that can be booked throughout the year as opposed to verge side collections that can bring undesirable people to the area.
There is currently, apart from provision of labelled bins, little or no incentive for residents to reduce their waste. Water and power are charged based on use but the options for this in the waste area do not appear to be considered. We all pay the same fee regardless of the frequency of use. There are mechanisms and technologies which could be implemented to encourage reduced waste disposal such as charges for bin lifts separate from the provision of the waste collection service (IE the truck going past one's property). I'd be happy to pay a fee knowing that the truck will come past my property, and another for the actual lift. Technologies applied on collection trucks to recognise contamination of recycling exist and are used across Perth. These could be readily applied to actual stoppage and lifts of any bins. Fees for bins lifts could be identified and residents credited at end of year for bins not collected.
Reducing waste will be particularly important in relation to the forth coming operations of the  of the Waste to Energy facilities and their combustion of "residual" wastes. Valuable resources currently being disposed to landfill need to be diverted and recovered from this and the coming combustion processes.
The Shire needs to work closely with recycling service providers to improve recycling and recovery efforts across the Shire. And education of the community in the region on the changes to waste disposal and the introduction of FOGO is essential.
Composting FOGO bins, but to begin with I think the general public need more information on how to simply recycle properly and what can and can't be recycled... we should have stickers on bins clear and simple, more advertising and media. This isn't necessarily the shires fault however with a lot of the public having a general low knowledge on how to actually use their bins, this is the reason our general waste system, recycling system and planet is currently broken.
Providing extra bins and or emptying both bins 
Large families need bins emptied weekly or unlimited tip pass
Are we able to look at Skip bins like other councils offer? instead of verge collections? Not a huge priority here but limited on my interest in other issues.
Green waste bins
Green waste (leaves), monthly collection of very large bags for each household
Green waste bins
Upgrade garbage and recycling collection trucks to hybrid vehicles. Planting native species along roadside to reduce truck noise from highway. Install 'smart' traffic light system.
Do something about the rubbish that is continually dumped on the Great Eastern Highway and other places.  Start a campaign to the public to stop littering our bushland.
Introduce green waste bin.
Bin big enough for families.
Waste management. Easier access to tips. Increased access to disposal of paint, oil etc. Forget about disposal of green waste in bins.
Waste management. Proposed plans need to be revisited.
Green waste bins.
Industrial waste collections on rural properties to be cleaned up, especially when zoned rural. Act immediately to complaints from ratepayers. It took us 11 years to get our neighbours property acted upon. Now they are back collecting industrial waste.
Bin sizing is too small. Not enough choice for cardboard, plastic, garden waste or food waste. Well behind other shires, such as Subiaco.
Recycle improvements and bins for green waste.
More regular pick up of green waste, free mulch access, clearing of drains.
No FOGO boxes or bins. Make it optional. There is no need - I compost and have a worm farm. Garden clippings are collected by my 'garden bag' man. This will put a local out of work.
13. Renew, recycle, preserve waste. Sustainable practices.
Waste management, eg. wine bottles, plastics. Love the bottles / cans program and the Mundaring Tip.
Waste. Why do we have small bins. We are a family of 4 - 2 kids, 2 adults. We need 2 bins. If the recycling came once a week with a green bit, this could work.
More tip facilities included in rates, without rate increases.
Big bins for trees and other sold things for the areas to mention like Kalamunda Shire has 2 or 3 big bins for trees and other wh I te goods to be thrown in.
#2. Roadside pickups. It was an unfortunate oversight that the issue was NOT canvassed in your survey - because people have definite ideas that they want, or do not want, roadside pickups. In Darlington it is my observation that most people like roadside pickups and are not much enamoured of the other choices randomly floated. 'From Trash to Treasure' rings the right bells for so many people who prefer not to live in a completely throw away culture and can happily share what they don't want with others. Artisans especially, enjoy combing through objects for Sculpture in the Park, etc. Once the items are placed on the roadside and gone through there is not much left for pickup anyway. And then there is this: because there will be significant work for the household to separate their trash in a new way , into yet another bin, for the good of the environment, it would seem churlish and unreasonable to take the joy away from people who want to retain the roadside pickups because, in this, they also like to believe they are 'helping the environment'.
Help & educate people to recycle better. More green waste kerb days to manage shrubs etc
Waste disposal, including human waste. The area around the shops & Swan View high school is a rubbish tip with only one random bin near the bus stop and no public toilets despite most of the shops being food outlets. Males pee in the park & near the dumpsters which often reek. It’s disgusting
Bulk waste collections could be increased also so our streetscapes aren’t constantly being littered with household junk.
Being a fairly low socioeconomic area, not everyone has transport or trailers so can’t visit the tip. Renters aren’t usually given the tip pass anyway by landlords.
I’m hoping my rates can be spent on providing some dignity to a suburb that has the potential to be lovely with a few basic human needs in place.
The green waste at the tip could be mulched or composted and free to the community
 Reduce the foul smell in Helena Valley and let the residents know how the council is achieving this.
A proper sized general waste bin,green waste bin  add the extra tip pass that was taken off last year.  Skip bins instead of kerb side collection as it is encouraging undesirable people into the community.
Love that the fogo bins are coming out, I wish there were similar subsidies for landowners like in Fremantle- rebates for worm farms to encourage composting. 
City of Swan had reusable nappy subsidy/free reusable nappies  (would greatly reduce landfill with nappies)
Removal if asbestos fencing
New compost bin initiative should be optional, reducing general waste to once a fortnight, this is somewhat out of touch for rural residents, particularly those with familes of 4 or more. Most rural properties compost or use food waste for chooks. We have very little food waste in our general waste bin, and it is full every week.

Public health management (noise, pests, pool safety, food inspections etc)

Aircraft noise - increasing, even on Xmas Day. Clayton St - traffic congestion.
The noise pollution from ground traffic through the Jane Brook valley has grown exponentially since 2018 and that traffic island is simply another source of noise, with squealing tyres, screeching brakes, and the thumping crash and rattle that trucks make when their wheels hit the kerb.
No comment.
Noise. Parkerville Tavern is way too noisy. This is a residential area, not Northbridge, or a concert venue. They need to turn it down.
A comparison between City of Swan and Shire of Mundaring shows Mundaring has a long way to improve to even get close.
Control of pests and noise is important for our health and well being.
Foxes and rabbits are everywhere - along with feral cats and non-feral cats. This gives native wildlife no chance.
Management of feral animals (rabbits) is poor. The shire need to properly fund an effective culling program to protect our native animals environment. 
If you are needing to ask me this why, and what are you paying wages for.
Change laws to create a buffer zone between rural and residential in regards to livestock and roosters.
17. Easier and more streamlined approach for dog barking complaints. Eradication of rabbits and foxes in the area.
I understand vandalism is a difficult thing to target but I think more prevention needs to be put in place. Maybe lock park toilets after a certain time (ie. 7pm). There is never soap. Coming off the back of Covid surely we've learned the importance of washing hands to avoid spreading germs. This applies with toilets too.
Traffic noise is getting worse. The area I am most concerned with is the noise pollution in Parkerville. The pub noise on a Sunday, and especially New Years Eve, sees me having to hide in my residential house. Sometimes levels are OK but regularly they are not.
Public Health. In the last several years I have noticed the increase of cats, rabbits, foxes in the area. I have also noticed the discharge of firearms at night and rev heads disturbing the serenity of living in the hills.
17. Noise has greatly increased since the installation of speed cushions in 2013. They are not wide enough to accommodate wheels on both sides of trucks, trailers etc., which creates noise. There has been a sharp increase in the number of trucks using Bullarra Rd, some of which speed over cushions, which creates a loud bang. Perhaps extending cushions across the full width of the road might help to reduce the noise. Also, those who wish to speed still do.
Noisy cars of neighbours up and down street. Many cars on properties. Rats, due to neighbours treating rental properties as farms re: ducks, dogs, chooks - smells equals rats.
Public health. Ensure developers eradicate rats prior to clearing of land, instead of driving rats into already established housing in Midvale and Swan View.
17.Public health management - training for Shire staff in collaborative resource management, response to concerns/advocating for ratepayers. Noise restrictions during events and regular pest inspections of Shire property (e.g., termites on verges/parks)
Improve air quality in Helena Valley. Continual monitoring of talloman processing is required
Build a noise mitigating wall on the north side as we enter Mundaring approx from the 60 kms sign to Old Loose Box entry fence
Replace the cyclone fence behind the cement buffer wall. The noise traffic has increased to a very disturbing level.
More policing of noise pollution at night particularly as many of Mundaring's residents have very early starts in the mornings and need to go to bed early.
feral cats, foxes etc.  and dangerous dogs.
Improve resident awareness and rebates for NOT using rodenticides
Get rid of Feral animals! such as cats
Shut down house parties with amplified music after midnight.
Uphold the regulations and ensure residents adhere to them.
Manage noise. Road noise is unacceptable.
Information regarding management of pests in built up areas. Shire contribution and what are residents able to access for support.
The lack of maintenance of water easements creates a hub for mosquitoes and rats.
Airport noise - its hard to understand that Sydney airport has a noise curfew yet planes in Perth are allowed to fly at midnight on daily basis right near my house and makes a loud noise. Trucks have noise curfew imposed on brakes yet planes don't have the requirement.
Outlaw blower vacc's and whipper snippers!
Too many bloody pigeons
Healthy Food outlet management software that there are greater proportion of food available for optimal community health.
Reduce ultra processed food outlets and don't approve anymore.
Noisy vehicles are the most intrusive problems. Perhaps a camera network which includes noise levels with visual surveilance
Establish a pest eradication policy that is clearly communicated with all residents. My neighbour breeds wild rats in her shed - I know this is against health regulations and we are constantly fighting the battle to keep them out of our property as a result.
We have informed the shire of our neighbours who have gone against council policy on more than one issue, effecting our comfort on a daily basis, and they have blatantly ignored our concerns and gone against their own policy.
There a number of open drains in and around Mt Helena. Some remain wet and promote mosquitos. And because they are hard to get too, they are generally overgrown and look unsightly. In addition they are a good place for snakes.
Be more proactive
Lobby were necessary or pursue avenues to control truck noise on Gt Eastern Highway especially overnight.  Pressure for a 3 lane highway in certain areas.
Do not amend the banning of roosters for the area. There's nothing worse than being woken at 3 or 4 in the morning with incessant crowing.
Please do something about reducing the noise from the Mundaring Hotel on weekend nights.  Lyrics can be distinctly heard a kilometre away.
Byfield Road is an accident waiting to happen, vehicles frequently coming around a blind corner at 90kmh in a 50 zone.
Its also part of the access between great eastern hwy and toodyay road, which attracts every car club in Perth to speed through and make excessive noise at all hours.
Power poles very close to the road.
Id suggest installing roundabouts to slow down traffic. Also Consider a road modification to make travelling through between major roads less convenient.
 More people will die here if it remains unchanged.
There is an increase in the number of drag style driving in the area. Each day either loud cars or bikes are heard through the evening doing burnouts and antisocial driving practices. ( as an owner of a hotrod we ensure still to keep to road rules & consider the community)
Loud music is becoming more and more acceptable, the peace and serenity of the hills is regularly distorted on our street by bass and loud music, sometimes throughout the day.
A letter drop on basic neighbourly behaviour would be great.
Noise pollution from highway train and plane flight paths can be noisy not sure how can help
Educate, encourage and reward participation in reducing noise , pests, etc
Support to manage difficult neighbours who do not abide by rules
Control of trucks using exhaust brakes through the Mundaring Shire.
The use of exhaust brakes should be banned between 17:00 -07:00hrs as the excessive noise from some operators makes living in the Shire of Mundaring unpalatable.
Being woken up at all hours of the night and early morning is a health hazard and requires urgent action from the Mundaring Shire to make the hills area a better place to live.
Hoon control needs to be addressed. It's out of control.
We've had so many issues with our neighbours since they moved in. Dogs barking (our 4 year old son can't even play in his own front yard without dogs barkingat him), cars parked everywhere (including in national park areas on total fire ban days), rubbish, noise, threats, abuse, caravan permanently parked next to our fence with windows looking into our yard etc etc etc
We've reported this stuff frequently to the shire (as we've had no luck going directly to the neighbours) and the shire, as usual, are too gutless to help.
We have been complaining about a truck yard operating around the clock in a residential area for years and very little has been done about it. I don’t know what section that fits into but it’s impacting the lives of us and everyone else in the vicinity
Safe riding areas for respectful horse riders.
Follow up of residents who keep livestock (goats etc.) in their back yard in residential areas. The shire is unable, or unwilling, to enforce health standards in the community.
Visual, noise and rubbish pollution in the general Helena Valley area with emphasis on the vicinity with border of the Swan Shire. The entire area has now become essentially a light industrial region and the gloss of the locality has diminished. How did planners let this occur
*Highway noise, particularly at night and truck exhaust pollution are unsettling. 

Education, preparation and prevention of fires, storms, flooding and other natural disasters

Clear management of fire risk, eg. Haphazard Lake Leschenaultia closures. Also need better verge weed and dead tree management.
Reducing the fire risk in Helena Valley. Specifically the planting of Riverside Park between the Helena River and properties on Lakeside Dr and Darwinia Cres. Nobody asked for this and the trees and bushes planted here have substantially increased fire risk to our properties. Even your fire safety person agrees. There was minimal fire risk before you did this and I have the photos to prove it. Before it was flood plain and green grass all year. Talk about a local government completely out of touch. Happy to discuss before I go to Media [identifying information removed]
Compulsory Bushfire preparedness education. People need to know and take seriously that they live in a Bushfire Zone, what to do and be prepared in same manner as someone who lives in a cyclone, hurricane zone, etc.
Fines for lack of fuel reduction on properties.
More support for local Bushfire Ready groups. Use the Parkerville group led by [name removed] as a model. Maybe some monetary incentive/rates offset to actively belong to local Bushfire Ready groups.
Have a basic bushfire ready kits available for purchase at Shire
Rates reduction or some monetary support for those who install sprinklers on roof, etc.
Strong laws about bushfire safe new buildings
Develop housing sympathetic to hills bushland. Special attention to the hazards of bushfires with planning permission and zoning.
Hazard Reduction from bushfires
Protection from fire. Trees overhanging roads to be trimmed. Fuel loads to be reduced.
Better response to natural disasters.
Fire and storm management, clearing of vegetation, protection of power supplies
Mitigate bush fire risk as much as practical.
Better response to natural disasters, eg the recent storm, opening the tip for extra days instead of trying to co-ordinate a verge collection for green waste (considering we are in bushfire season).
We have to pay a gardener to maintain our verge to keep our property fire resistant and looking nice.
Bush fire. High risk area - manage and educate.
Scheme water to areas north of existing in Parkerville / Stoneville / Mt Helena.
Hard to do, but regular clearance of trees over power lines.
Fire evacuation training and support. And support for weather and seasonal changes that impact Perth Hills.
Make people more aware of fire risk and natural disasters. More funding to the fire service.
More and more disasters will come our way, train the kids at school.
18. Present approach is uncontrolled and haphazard - need a systematic approach from the shire, eg. Post Parkerville 2008, 2014, 2024. Owners allowed to regrow trees to same density and expect a different outcome - This is insanity in planning.
With climate change and living in an area prone to natural disasters because of ++ vegetation / forest / trees etc., it's essential the public are regularly informed and updated and given whatever education and support required. Will only become more of a problem in the future.
18. Still not enough education and enforcement of mandatory property preparation requirements for fire season - firebreaks, property care, pruning, operation of machinery during total fire bans. It feels unsafe.
Local emergency groups become more aware of people within the community who need help when disaster happens (list of people). Registration.
Natural disasters. Remind the people every year. Look around, nobody cleans around their houses or properties. Grass, rubbish, gutters, trees. Our bush areas - dead trees. No fire breaks, rubbish.
More accessible information regarding prevention of fire and storm damage.
Better use of underground power cables.
More control and authority over people being responsible for their property - Cutting back trees, removing fire fuel (shrubs, grass, etc.) Instigate a fine system for those who put other peoples' property and lives at risk.
There needs to be more information about bush fire safety, especially in our public schools. There needs to be ongoing educational meetings about basic survival and what to do. Refresher meetings should be held with parents at school annually, with an informed plan of what happens if children are at school.
Natural disaster relief / emergency management is a dual responsibility of the shire and, given the flora and fauna in our area, needs to be a key priority for the shire, especially given recent bushfires and events.
18. Bushfire management and prevention in the Perth Hills should be a huge priority for the shire and all residents.
Which projects would be effective in helping the community understand how household practices impact disasters, especially in terms of fire risk and how does one educate the community via various stakeholder platforms
Bushfire prevention by shire of its own land areas, not put responsibility onto landowner 100%.
The shire to enforce Western Power, with the assistance of federal, state and local funding, to put all power lines underground to prevent power blackout and fires in the whole of the MDG.
18. Maybe a booklet on plans of what to do in a natural disaster eg. fire, floods, earthquake.
Encouraging, even subsidising, new planting on private and commercial land and incentivising environmentally friendly development, eg. Passive houses. Area 4. Liaising and working together with local schools to engage local kids in environmental conservation.
Public forums and leaflets regarding natural disasters (mainly fires) need to be held / distributed on an annual basis.
Fire management. Need to have sufficient access to equipment to help prevent fires spreading. Also, help with prevention.
18. Fire hazard reduction / education for households.
18. Maintain controlled burn off program. Maintain and, importantly, enforce controls on private and industrial fires.
Need to conduct more prescribed burning prior to summer. More education to residents who don't clean up yards, which become a fire risk.
Particularly for new arrivals.
We need education on natural disasters. What to do. Where to go. How to stay safe.
More needs to be done on fire prevention, not just burning off. Particularly on verges and crown land.
Natural disasters. Wind and fire. Staff to be on the lookout for flood areas. Suspect trees - landowners better educated on risks. Fire: Nothing to stop a major fire coming from Kalamunda to Mundaring and vice versa. No CALM management for disaster occurring.
Natural disasters. Educate kids at school. Be proactive regarding trees near streets. Clean up by shire - all pavements.
More and better education and information for residents regarding prevention of fire and storm damage.
18. Educate children about how prevention of fires can be achieved.
Considering Swan View is adjacent to a national park, more awareness on bushfires and evacuation need to be made known to local residents.
18. Check areas for poor standard, ie. Large trees over roads and footpaths.
New people coming into the area should be made aware of how to maintain property and the bushfire risks and what to do in case of fire.
Natural disaster education and prevention. Reduce debris loading on road reserves / verges as per recent Stoneville Rd clean up.
18. Fire is the main concern in the shire. However, storms and earthquake preparedness would be helpful too. Plus, an evacuation centre for animals. Many people won't leave their animals.
18 (Part of (26) above). Fire and adverse weather events (like Jan 2024) will become routine as the climate warms. We need to be better prepared as a shire. Improve incident management skills as well as preparedness at an overall level.
I have only lived here part time for 10 weeks, but after running through my perceptions on each of these 41 points I must tell you that nothing stands out as needing improvement (from my limited stand point) so far. Every one of my contacts with shire staff have been exemplary of professionalism, efficiency and friendliness. Given that I am (or will be) living full time in Boya I get to see the rest of the shire very little so far. But the impression I have at this time is of a peaceful, relatively diverse, thoughtful community of intelligent people who think of each other and who are considerate and moderate in their views, while open to, and seeking, what is best for everyone. I have lived in Fremantle for the past 30 years and I have been so very pleasantly surprised and grateful for everything I have experienced here since the end of November 2023 - except for the heat - (meh - not your fault) and constant visceral fear and threat of bushfires. So... My priority is bushfire management - but how?
Reduce fire hazards on public footpaths and road drains / verges.
18. More flexibility regarding firebreaks. More education regarding disasters other than fires. Prep for storms, power / phone / water loss etc.
Promotion of bush fire ready preparedness. Better communication with rate payer groups and their networks during emergency responses. More verge and bush clearance / fire preparation - help to residents - verge pickup of green waste.
As above.
Improve financial management instead of paying for useless surveys such as this.
Following recent bushfire (Dec 2023) we feel that the shire could identify high risk zones with respect to exposed / at risk power lines. These need to be documented and raised to Western Power for action. Lives are at risk. There are no excuses.
Better management of parks (??) control, ? grazing by animals. Any new residents need to be educated about fire prevention, including rental properties.
Natural disaster. The fire prevention services do an amazing, hard and dangerous job. They should be supported.
To clean up a huge fire hazard - Barlee Park. It is a disgrace. Beautiful signs but dangerous fire hazard. Fallen trees. Houses will be lost should a fire occur. Only one way in and out the same way with vehicles.
Invest in underground power to prevent bush fires and major power outages.
Natural disaster prevention. Clean up verges to avoid fires occurring so easily.
Community engagement
Assistance with clearing Greenwaste on both private property and verges.
I think the shire are doing a good job on this already with what they have- but would like to see more controlled burns happening in the cooler months to mitigate summer bushfire risk
We spend a lot of time and effort focussed on response, and in particular fire management.  There are other risks and I would like the shire to focus on impact to the community rather than what caused the impact.  The recent storms were a great example - lots of impact, but because it wasn't a fire the communication and support available for people was not as available.
We need to be building the resilience of out communities for all types of emergencies.  Education is the key - once again not just fire education.  We need to acknowledge the skills and expertise in our community and leverage these for resilience.  The community led programs and support that popped up during Covid was an example of great community action and needs to be fostered more
Plans for each local area to have a declared muster point for people to go to in the event of a disaster. This might be an oval, where toilets and showers, maybe a kitchen, already exist and where temporary accommodation such as tents and caravans can be taken. These muster points (or evacuation centres) can then be advertised among the community, details sent out with rates notices, advising people where their local muster point is, and where their Plan B point is. The Shire could set up a couple of emergency trailers ready to be taken to these points. Trailers with a generator for recharging phones, bottled water for drinking, torches, some basic first aid gear, whatever, can be located very quickly where they are needed and restocked from a central Shire depot.
Verges major fire hazard
Burning off more frequently in Shire managed reserves. My understanding is some areas have been delayed due to lack of resources and expense to contract it out. Given the increasing prevalence of bushfire, it should be in the Shire's interest to prioritise fire mitigation. Perhaps consider the indigenous method of burnoffs as well. Perhaps a review of cost efficiency in hiring additional staff versus private contracting. As a result of the recent storm, a tree is now blocking the fire break in Noblewood Reserve and there is significant branch debris. There is also significant debris in the public bushland area surrounding Noblewood. It's appreciated that resources can only stretch so far, but if residents are expected to clear their property after the storm ASAP, surely the Shire should be expected to do the same?
Alot of people moving into the area from areas that do not usually suffer from fires etc, who do not know how to protect or maintain their properties.
Improved communication/consultation with the community on how to prepare for and cope with increasing natural disasters particularly bushfires.
We live in a fire disaster area. Both shire and residents have responsibility for managing that area. Attention needs to be on ‘fuel on the ground’ in the shire. Keeping our shire safe from over growth.
A great amount of fire risk is posed by people not taking care of their properties. Increase education, and introduce a subsidy for people to undertake fire control/mitigation on their property, ease up on felling of trees that threaten housing and infrastructure during fires
With fires and fire bans, people who move up here from down the hill don't really know where or how to check for fire bans and what you can or cannot do during them. Having the powerlines not underground is a major issue, we would have less bushfires if they were and then if a storm comes like the one recently people would still have power probably. If things cannot be prevented then the goal should be making the impact smaller.
Residents need to be better informed about how to prepare their properties and what to do in the event of a bushfire.
Burning off in densely wooded areas.
Better management of fire risk in reserves adjacent to property
Advertising of how to complete safe 'burn offs' on your own property to help make the community safer from potential fires.
By the way there is no such thing as a Natural disaster rather natural hazards which become disasters due to lack of preparedness through poor planning, preparedness , resilience and mitigation.
The Shire needs to work on building community resilience with a whole of community approach to address preparedness rather than focusing on response.  Resilience is built with people being prepared so a significant increase in preparedness all hazard education.  Focus on risk and the core of climate change as extreme weather events will continue and we need to be prepared eg storms, fires, heat etc. The current method of education does NOT work and it needs to be community led wherever possible - workshops etc
education, advise on how to act. in emergency.
Same as previous
More back burning during winter
Education - how to protect and prevent
Greater awareness/compulsory (somehow)  for ALL residents to understand what they need to do around their home for fire ready.  Many homes do have fire ready plans and clear what is required.  However, a neighbour on either side do nothing about keeping fire fuel load down. Or ever clear their blocks. Perhaps a fine or inspections every couple of years. 
The homes that have fire ready plans, cleared etc. be given compensation on their rates. Kind regards Lyn
Continue to deliver the fire preparedness message.
New residents in the shire to undergo a basic information session/course to prepare them for living in the Hills
Better seasonal preparations for bushfires ie, fuel load reduction as a requirement for all property owners with severe fines imposed should their property and surrounds not be cleared.
Ensure shire fire brigades have resources required to prevent and manage bush fires
Up north residents are issued with a card each year outlining the what the best practices are in preparing for cyclones. Like gphaving no loose objects around.  It gives places for evacuates to go.  It advises to fuel up cars, store enough water and canned foods for 3 days.  It says have a radio & batteries and torches.   It gives phone numbers to all for help, radio stations all give updates throughout any threat.  There are 3 stages of cyclone that is well known, a watch, a watch & act and lockdown.  It works.  Something like that?
More education/preparation and assistance to residents who need it. Generators etc
Increase control of vegetation close to private homes and roadways to alleviate damage and/or loss of private property when Shire responsible areas are subject to bushfires.
Requires a minimum setback from roadways (4 M) and private dwellings (&gt;20 M)
Improve fire management of local areas by working with the relevant agencies to reduce the fuel loads, risks as much as possible. The shire and agencies promote bush fire plans as a strategy but the fuel loads in some areas is just out of control.
Educate residents and place a requirement/expectation/obligation on then to attend and act on their property. Perhaps insurance companies can come to the party and offer discounts for those who complete the requirements of council? (They offer discounts on cars if they are locked and in a garage.)
An information pack needs to be put out to all residents on what to do in case of an emergency. Unfortunately many people who move to the hills have no idea what to do and make no effort to find out. They expect help to arrive straight away. ie complaining about power being out for 1- 5 days. Be prepared and buy a generator. Have a fire fighting capability. A fir vehicle is not going to be able to come to every house.
Firebreaks!!!! Road verge burning!!!!
More education about disasters
Bushfire breaks of local reserves need to be maintained more regularly
More individual property inspection (fire brakes there are fire brakes I that I can see from the roads that are not done or don’t exist and properties that have too much leaf litter and have don for a few years) and education on fire management on inspection of property.
It costs and costs the property oner but that is part of living in the hills
The shire needs to take responsibility for maintaing it's land near private property. Land owners are threatened whit a $5K fine for not maintaining fire breaks, yet on the other side of the fence, the shire can have huge fuel loads that threaten lives and property! This hypocrisy must end.
Dealing with the massive fuel loads on shire land adjoining private property
Bush fire threat is one of the major disadvantages of living in the Mundaring shire.  I dont really know what the shire can do to really adress this, but just enforcing firebreaks and slowly updating building standards really doesnt seem enough
Greater capacity for fuel-reduction/prescribed burns
Danger from fire is a constant challenge. The public need to be coax into doing the right thing eg fire breaks and obeying warnings.
Improve reduction of bush fire risk. This is the number one people don’t want to live in the hills. Clean road verge and power line areas.  Land owners are required to maintain fire breaks. The verge is public land. Support land owners who demonstrate they are fire aware and prepared
bushfire prevention management and responsible development planning
Not using $5000 fines as first choice for firebreak quality issues (no, it wasn't me).
You'd catch more folks with honey than vinegar.
That is, be more merciful & reasonable.
General improvements upgrades community planning
What to do in a bush fire kit sent to new residence. Land mgmt requirements. possible locations for retreat in the event of an emergency.
prepper plans.
who knows, a solar flare could wipeout comes. how would communications be handled?
Fix your firebreaks and clean up your verges in Darlington. Please.
Burning off more bush to reduce fuel loads and fire risk
I feel that more events will be happening in years to come, similar to the severe storm which came through in January; it would be good to know what we should have been doing and the support in the area for any natural disasters that may come through (this may already be out there).
More education and awareness is needed for new householders to the shire and to limit condenced housing to prevent destruction due to natural disasters.
Free bush fire safety appraisals? Including how safe would your house be? What are some simple things you can do to make it safer, plus inclusion of preservation techniques for natural bushland on your property and ways to protect flora/fauna habitat.
more distribution of information
some support for those who are unable to care for themeselves
Maybe better management of fuel loading in the surrounding  areas
Educating people of the importance of being fire ready, maintaining roads and access points for affective evacuations. Help for property owners to find services to help with clean ups and the reduction of fuel on the ground, firebreaks etc.
consultation with local aboriginal groups regarding cultural burning for bush fires.
Heat stress mitigation - educate and inform residents on what to do and where to go during heat waves.
educate and assist residents to build or upgrade housing to mitigate the threats of climate change, ie insulation, building safe housing, solar passive design etc
Educate and inform residents on moving to renewables and away from oil and gas options - such as solar,   batteries, going all electric, water tanks, electric or hybrid vehicles
Protecting the environment by protecting habitat of all local species and creating and maintaining corridors for wildlife, planting more trees to improve canopy and reduce heat
Continue the good work with local fire brigades
Provide information to all new owners regarding bushfire prevention (I regularly see neighbours using machinery and open air bbq on a total fire ban day,… and it is difficult to get the message across), maybe enforce penalties?
Advocate with telcos regarding electronique communication . Many places do not have effective mobile reception in the area.
Educate the community on fire and storm preparations
Create courses and classes for such and charge
Fire - landscape flammability at a landholder level. 
Reducing weeds/weedy wattles. 
Burning off effectively.
Communication of where, what and how
Have a better warning system, not sure how but don’t be reliant on radio coverage
Residents need to realise that private property is their responsibility not Shire
Bushfire mitigation and reducing fuel on properties. There are houses around us that haven't burnt off once in the 5 years we have been here.
Work with the community one to one to offer advice at an individual level /or offer it so as to get better prepared for disaster scenarios. They are becoming increasingly frequent
Better service and education around all aspects.
Trees pose a common risk - whose responsibility? … where? … perhaps more “shared” responsibility for mitigation measures between shire and residents - almost as a promotional/motivational approach.
Total fire bans - often ignored/not understood.
“One stop” point of info around different warning systems, collated and posted for convenience by the shire. Weather warnings, fire risk ratings, fire mitigation notices - all presented and linked in one place.
Information around designated evac’ centres, plans, etc. I have sat on numerous LEMCS and DEMCs and watched shires and agencies table their plans and documents - but with limited communication with their communities about any such information.
Public education forums/program (perhaps a series) regarding a range of topics with input from specific agencies and services. Eg: what constitutes a good fire defence system for a residence?… how is animal welfare planned for?… traffic control systems, police powers and issues in emergency management,… electrical supply, hazards, compromise, etc,… heightened health risk and mitigation for the elderly in various emergency situations,… aerial safety and rules,… driving safety (smoke, leaf litter, fallen structures, flooding,)… the list is endless and would negate so many of the issues that are reported by emergency services regularly during EM events.
For a shire to actually take the lead and facilitate presentations, speakers, on line resources, supporting articles in various forums, workshops and so on, would constitute a significant display of meaningful leadership - appreciated by agencies and residents alike.
Evacuation meeting points.
Regular up dates
improve fire mitigation on shire land clean up verges and ease restrictions on property owners to allow prescribed control burning to achieve litter levels. Becoming very difficult to comply with laws.
We haven’t had fires so far, but I think more firebreaks in the bush areas would be worthwhile.
Communication of what is being done, when & why in relation to controlled burns. Work in conjunction with DBCA to present a united front on preventative activities. The preventative management strategy is unclear and appears ad hoc.
Education - get involved with local street bushfire coordinator groups to communicate clear messages
Unfortunately it takes a big bush fire to happen before council does anything about bushfire prevention.
Shire needs to trim or remove trees from powerlines.
People need more education on how to protect their properties from fire. I'm surprised more houses aren't burnt down!
Underground power needs to be made a priority for the entire area. In summer the majority of fires are started by downed power lines and in winter storms cause trees to take down more. With climate change making fire risk even greater, disaster level fires will become more frequent. In the long run it is safer and less costly to change the entire Mundaring Shire to underground power, then to keep trying to recover from one disaster after another, and that's not accounting for loss of life that could occur.
As a ratepaying Shire resident I would be happy to contribute to some of the costs, the rest covered by the Shire, spread over a number of years as has successfully been done in other Perth councils i.e. Manning.
Cleaning of roadsides to reduce the build up of fuel loads and overgrown growth
We have had some major fires in the last ten years, so maybe the shire could look in their own backyard. The heritage trail and verges are so overgrown. It is a fire just waiting to happen
This has to be meaningful and evidence-based (eg there is increasing evidence that prescribed burning, especially on a large scale (as opposed to small, low intensity mosaic burns), causes risks to health and harm to the environment, without materially reducing the risk of bushfires).
provide more education about how to prevent natural disasters and plans to react.
Improved fire mitigation in Binbrook park
In relation to fires. The correspondence needs to be at least once a year in letterboxes as to fire loads, how to better manage trees around powerlines to prevent disaster and then who has responsibility for what (us and the shire) when trees go into power lines, what to do when there is an energency eg evacuation routes, communication channels
Shire take responsibility for cleaning up verges and public land - owners work hard to keep their properties safe but public and shire owned land is left uncared for, no fire breaks, overgrown, etc and puts us all at risk.
Fire management, especially maintaining reasonable access to roads out of the area.
Upgrade and provide more support to bushfire brigades to ensure facilities are current standard and they are supported in fulfilling their volunteer role.
Bushfire prevention. For rate payers unable to manage by themselves - Clearing roof gutters, removing and disposing of fallen trees, uprooted shrubs and broken branches.
Natural disaster education and pre4vention. Even with our history of bushfire a lot of residents are complacent, using equipment in fire bans, not maintaining properties.
Continue bushfire prevention / response
Sustainable energy, underground power lines to avoid consequences of natural disasters. Economically better in the long term.
Better firebreak preparation in Spring. In forest areas close to homes. (Grass must be mowed or burned in good time).
We have people come along and tell us about fire mitigation and t cut down trees and the like, but we don't have regular verge mows and cleanup of alley ways. Plus Wooroloo looks run down and tired. There are younger families moving into this area as it is often more affordable.

Emergency response and relief for fires, storms, flooding and other natural disasters

Bushfire danger warnings are pathetic. If it’s windy in the morning and hot in the afternoon, some AI algorithm will trigger a false warning. Then we had very dangerous days, with places like chittering on fire and no warning issued.
Emergency management and response. Assist households with backup facilities - Power, communication. Clean up after storm damage, fire damage, eg., communal backup generators, removing fallen trees.
Was disappointed to see that after fires and storms recently when residents lost power for extended time that the shire didn't have a process to deal with spoiled food. A knee jerk response from the shire when contacted was that there had been additional bins had placed at both transfer stations.
Would like to see part of the "Bushfire and Storm Emergency Procedures" that consideration be taken into account that not all residents have access to trailers/Utes etc. to take spoilt food, fallen trees, building materials to the tip. Part of the plan should be that there will be additional Waste Service Collection to mitigate Vermon, flies, illegal dumping etc. I for one would not be averse to paying an additional charge for this - although my belief is that once a fire/storm/flood etc is declared "Natural Disaster" that there would be funding that the Shire/ratepayers are eligible for.
We get a LOT of power and services shortages. It would be amazing to have a building (like our Wooroloo town hall), in each area that was set up "off-grid" with facilities to assist the community in an emergency. We could have a rainwater tank and solar power with batteries so that there was always one "drop in" place where people could go to stay safely cool or warm, and get a drink and sit and talk to locals when our services are out. Our property was 45'c and without power (and with the Lake often shut), it can be difficult to get through days without power (we lose most water access when our water pumps don't work). I think an off-grid community centre building would make residents feel safer and more cohesive as a community.
Emergency relief and response. Proposed escape pathways, for the micro areas, increased green waste removal or prescribed burning.
Help people with fallen trees after thunderstorm came through January 2024.
Emergency relief in natural disasters, eg. Earthquake, storms, fire. Extra rubbish and green pick up from storms and loss of power - food spoilt.
More maintenance to prevent power outages.
19. Increase the number of people involved.
Better response in emergency management. Recent storm is a great example.
After a storm check ALL streets within your shire. Tue 16th storm - tree fell the full width of the road. 8th day of being there, our neighbour used a bobcat to clear it. Fire death trap. My husband had to clear eight trees the other side to allow escape.
The recent storm brought down a number of trees on the golf course and branches were scattered everywhere. We all thought the shire would attend to clear them but we had to do it ourselves. The trees on the golf course remain there.
Better co-ordination and funding for volunteer fire brigade and SES.
Monitor and control fuel loads within the shire boundaries, including private land.
Emergency response. Fund the development of the next Parkerville Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade facility. Current one is no longer fit for purpose.
Paths for school children, to safely access Parkerville PS. It's a death trap.
Electricity / power security. Stop the constant power outages.
The shire should work for the residents, not for the shire. Do we need as many staff as the shire have working for them.
Emergency response management and relief. Over reliance on volunteers in a huge risk fire area. I would like to see the shire enforce fire breaks and better management of fuel load on all properties, including 1/2 acre blocks. This is needed urgently.
Post storm 2024 many trees near footpaths, road verges still remain. Adding to fuel load for bush pre-season.
19. I would like more information please.
Recent fires and storms show how important this area is. Shire already delivering well in this area.
More management of trees close to power lines so not falling etc. Ensure residents on private land manage big trees (25 Carawatha Rd) or help them by making a tree chopping management scheme / subsidy. Add to rates if too expensive.
19.Better liaison with WAPOL and other Emergency Services. The recent Parkerville fire highlighted inconsistencies with allowing residents access and allowing volunteer firefighters access to do their job.
Education and preparation for all emergencies.
Our area is beautiful but can become hell very quickly. Bush fires, trees falling, strong winds. People need help as soon as.
Not sure what is in place as an emergency. I go to 'Place to meet as emergency relief / evac centre'.
As above.
Every house and building should be 'Fire ready'. Either sprinklers on roof, fire fighting equipment. Every house should have their own water tank - accessible.
Storm damage. Verge trees not being picked up. Fire hazard and home for snakes. CEO decision to not pick up is completely despicable. The storm was horrendous on many levels. I have been advised I will receive no help, even though I explained I live alone and do not have a tow ball or trailer. And then we are told the tip at Coppin Rd is full and green waste can only go to Chidlow. Crap. I am very frustrated.
Emergency management. Increase funding and assistance for volunteer fire and SES services.
19. More people are needed in a major emergency as the recent storm. Why not ask Woorolloo Prison if their (sec??) 95 prisoners can help with verge clean ups. In this day and age it is ridiculous that scheme water is not mandatory. The water table is lower  and if you have no power you cannot get water at all.
Emergency management. We almost lost our house 3 weeks ago from a lightning storm fire. The volleys and fire response team need all the support they can get. Hands Down.
19. Additional funds for fire brigade service. Closer availability of aerial fire service on high and extreme bush fire days. Aerial resources based in the shire, rather than at Jandakot.
keep it up.
There will be more fires in the future thanks to warmer weather - Get ready for more emergency management.
19. Encouraging more volunteers in SES and fire fighters. More community involvement.
19. Emergency response. I still worry excessively about the exit capabilities from Stoneville Rd. One way out at a controlled intersection. You need to approach Main Roads for another exit for that area.
Emergency response to the recent storm was a failure by the shire in area cleanup. Green waste needed to be disposed of. Existing piles should have been mulched when the tip was closed, not when people needed it. 
Emergency management response and relief. ie. Bushfires / strong wind, storm events / power outages. Communication  (like text messages from  DFES) / staff on the ground - appropriate skills and knowledge. Boya Oval - Centre to deploy persons and animals.
As above.
To be on standby - extra manpower and machines - a wide ranging 'Action Plan' (like during war time).
Emergency management response - Compulsory back burning. Clearing of waste from roads.
More education around emergencies - Fires in particular.
More help to clean up after storms - Pick up green waste off verges everywhere - not just in the Township of Mundaring.
Waste management. Provide pick up of 'containers for change', or waste facilities open on more days, hot day.
Emergency management. The shire's volunteer firefighters know what is needed to protect the shire. The DFES / Shire personnel, who are in the shire hierarchy, need to follow the advice of these firefighters.
19.Keep improving emergency response as there will be more storms and fires.
Keeping verges clear of 
Website/communication - waste management
Emergency information - good lead up / enough time to broadcast. Website is clunky and information is impossible to locate.
19. Emergency management. - I am concerned about fires in summer and so fast reaction time and facillity to extinghuish fires is essential.
The Shire should review its response to the recent storm. I have not seen any additional Shire assistance in removing significant green waste and a patrol of the area to assess green waste on Shire land, presenting a fire risk.
Continued improvement required given our surroundings
A recent one off storm passed through Stoneville Mundaring and surrounds. This resulted in a lot of branches falling all over the shire. Yes the shire has cleaned up the roads but there is still a lot of branches down on the roadside which is a bush fire hazard plus no help from the shire to assist residents removing branches from their properties. A roadside collection should be arranged rather than some residents having to make numerous trips to the transfer station (tip)
just always needs to be a prority
When new families move into the shire are they need to know all the rules and regulations.
actually address concerns and issues when identified by residence instead of just using existing policies that down work as an answer. the last fire in Parkerville was a great example of a residence expressing their concerns and being met with a firm no from council because there was a ridiculous policy in place that was not effective.
Bushfire mitigation
Make people aware that there is emergency management available
Purchase EV fire blankets.  Upgrade facilities  and expand locations for people and animals temporary relocation during emergency
Help out when their is a fire or storm damage, don't leave pensioners or people with disabilities to do it themselves, which most of the time they can't
Return back to the practice of verge and walking trail slashing. Remove canker sore trees from the verges and replace with fire retardant vegetation. Assist people with cleanups after a big storm or a bushfire.Unblock secondary roads that are currently blocked with rocks to ensure that there are more drive through roads for people to get out. Have a list of older and or disabled people to assist with evacuation.
Work with Western Power on better power supply
(Removing more trees from power supplies and putting more underground)
I think it's great already, but given where we live and the inherent dangers here (bushfires, primarily) improvement is always good!
Better communication, clear directions, more education as to where people can go to receive assistance etc in an emergency.
Better equipped shire fire services
Preparing households (not just sending a leaflet) but doing door knocks (by volunteers?) to high risk areas asking re their readiness or what they might need to become read?
Notification of weather threats before danger occurs, eg fire, storm , flood what to do when it occurs, where to stay when it happens, plans to accommodate people when weather has settled.
Not many changes really
I just think we should give as much support and have as many vehicles available as possible when the time arrives we need them especially summer season
Ensure adequate funding for relevant emergency response groups such as for bush-fires etc
Develop a way to assist personnel reduce risk of fires by reducing fuel loads. As a pensioner I asked for assistance to burn off approx 1.5 acres of my property, was quoted $1300 by local brigade. So burn was not conducted, leaving possible out of control fire area.
We need to be more enforcing with the cleaning up of properties within the shire so far as having less of a fire risk. Some of the properties around the shire have not cleaned up thier respective properties for years, no fire breaks etc. This also goes for the amount of trees impacting on our electricity lack of supply.
The Shire's reaction to the January storms was poor. Touting an already free green waste drop at the transfer stations as being a service to residents was poor. Closing the green waste access because of lack of space was poor. Shire needs to establish emergency green waste drop areas when storms occur. Curbside mulching on a limited scale would have helped. Skip bins could have been provided for food waste for power outages. In my opinion the Shire reacted poorly to what the community required.
Verges need to be cleaned after the 16 Jan storm. Some large branches are far to close to the road (Seaborne RD). Residents can not be expected to clear all verges.
ensure emergency personnel are adequately recompensed for their time and effort.
Clearly fire management is going to be critical in the future - so attention to continue to be given to this
Help with relief.
Mobile network availability during power outages and fires
Scrap any idea of high development housing in the bush without any adequate escape routes or I will be selling up for sure
Amazing and fast response to fires
I have recently moved to Mundaring from 'the flatlands'. Within three weeks of arriving, we experienced a major storm cell which shut down our electricity supply and consequently all communications. I was without power for well over 50 hours. I live on my own. It would have been a good move for the local community (Shire?) to check on those of us who are vulnerable. Around that same time, I did have a visit from a gentleman searching for the missing man who suffered from dementia. That shows what can be done.
- response plan which includes what the shire commits to prior, during and post an emergency/disaster.
- maintenance program for verge trees and access routes to prevent and aid in emergencies.
we in Stoneville are not going to get any help with cleaning up after the storm. We are OK to gather stuff but some of us have massive collection issues. They have apparently bee refused
In the event of a natural disaster like our recent storms would love for money that the Shire was able to access for this event from the government to have been used to bring in private contractors or other shire clean up crews to help with the overwhelming amount of tree waste. Also ensure that our local tip is able to operate in an ongoing capacity (do acknowledge it was opened extra at the time), we are still wanting to get rid of green waste, from this event, that we have had to pick up but the tip is now closed as it is full. I unfortunately wasn't on a road that the Shire kindly helped by picking up their verge green waste, guess you have to know someone to have had that happen but instead my Neighbours and I cut up trees on road edges and then had to remove ourselves at our own cost even though this wasn't our land and in fact was advised by shire workers we had no right to place on the roadside.
Compassion to our situation would have gone a long way.
Communication during any fire or disaster.Power backup for phone towers as proven in recent power outage.
Bushfire prevention, back burning, access in and out of suburbs.
Controlled burning
Expand the fire fighting equipment for volunteer brigades. Give rebates to residents that install water tanks.
During the recent storms the shire advised people NOT to put any green waste on their verge as the Shire would not be picking it up. This was an unexpected storm, which caused a huge amount of damage and the shire should be helping residents clean up. The Shire isn't even cleaning up the trees and branches on the verges. We had a huge branch from a Shire tree come down and destroy our front fence and it was up to us to clear it and pay for repairs. Residents have done more to clean up the storm damage than the Shire
More education and volunteer drives
What is not needed is the development in north Stoneville. If I wanted high density living I would of moved to canningvale
Pick up of green waste on verge after a storm etc. Clear guidelines as to what help is available
push to get a decent mobile phone network seeing as everybody insists we rely on it
More funding for volunteer bush fire brigades.
Shire could also advocate for better mobile phone towers/infrastructure in the case of extended power failure such as after the recent storms.
More research regarding costs/benefits of burning, more investment into general emergency management eg storm damage, examining evacuation of public facilities more and the town/village centres in bushfire and investing in community education - particularly getting neighbours together to plan for emergencies.
Better resourcing and response times to events. Nearly one month on after the major storm there have been NO visits from council to clear the fallen trees and branches on council verges in my area. The fire risk posed by this is huge.
a strategy for response and relief - recent storm damage and the amount of material that fell on road verges (and has been irresponsibly piled on road sides by the public) has highlighted that the Shire is not dynamic in response to an emergency. It is a huge liability to have so much fuel in fire season. This is both a failure to provide consequences for public leaving material on road verges and in the Shires response to remove and reduce fuel.
After the last big storm I’ve had no communication from the shire regarding there clean up efforts
More support
A fail proof emergency notification system like the old fashioned siren for a bushfire or other emergency. Having been without phone or internet for 6 days during the power cut and for 17 days, so far, with our phone and internet cut off due a tree that has fallen on the council verge and brought down the copper wires we rely on neighbors physically calling on us to advise of current emergencies. That can't be acceptable in this day and age.
Help in cleaning up after unprecedented storms and fires which are becoming all too predictable.
Structures in place to assist residents during extreme weather situations and also during fire season. During the recent storm it would have been nice to have more leadership from the shire. To know what services are available, the damage on our community and repairs being made.
reduce the amount of weed growth on verges to reduce fire risk, collect storm damage from street verge to reduce fire risks, offer financial support after storms as tree loppers are expensive but necessary, ask the shire residents if ok and what they need after major storms
Support for volunteers in fire brigades and ses
Resource Volunteer fire stations appropriately. Bulk of stations need extensive renovation to include basic requirements such as changing areas for male and female members.
Build a major incident control centre as per the recommendations of the Wooroloo fire report
The recent power outage is an example of an area that needs attention. Alternative sources of emergency power are needed as well as backup power.
The number of fallen trees that are down have not been cleaned up or attended to. This is particularly bad near the Kooabura Outdoor Cinema.
Put a career fire station in Mundaring.
One of the largest contributing factors in regards to the effective management of any emergency incident is early intervention. As amazing as our volunteers are, the volunteer model can’t offer as fast a response as a career Firestation. It seems irresponsible to not have one. If your family member was trapped in a burning car, you don’t have very long. If Fire station locations were determined by a sound risk management matrix rather than political reasons there would be no doubt Mundaring would have one. The amount of infrastructure and property lost and possibly lives is not acceptable.
Green waste clean up following storms and maintaining verges
People at all levels who are involved in the support of volunteer fire stations need to actively listen to the firefighters at those stations, and then provide the support requested by those firefighters. There is too much passive aggression from personnel outside the fire stations which interferes with the running of stations and ultimately endangers the community.
Given the disconnect between the Shire and some fire brigades, it would be worthwhile for the Shire/DFES to genuinely attempt to connect with the brigades (not merely for appearances, but to listen to what the firefighters are saying, and no more passive aggression).
Better access to tip for storm damage collection and more verge collections when natural disasters occur.
I have been in most f the major fire emergencies in the Shire for last 30 plus years. Personally I have seen very little from shire in this area.
In saying that I have not had the need to v
Call apon these services
Mane an ambulance center in chidlow to take pressure off on Mundaring
This goes hand in hand with the first point as with climate change the likelihood of natural disasters is going to increase. The recent storm highlighted how ill prepared the council and community is for extended power outages and it is unacceptable that should impact communications when it is so heavily relied upon to spread emergency information, particularly for bushfires in summer. Underground power should be prioritised as well as improving the reliability of the communications network.
Help fire-fighters and prevention
Cleaning up and damaged tree removal after a major storm like the one we had recently
Provide more resources , hold community meetings to engage with the public, to advise them.
Confirm we do not have a climate emergency, but things are changing.
Actually have emergency plans, procedures and response plans for fire, storm flood.
Support volunteer bush fire brigades
Do more to reduce fuel, have a year round prepardness program of verge cleaning/tidying for reducing fuel loads, improve fire breaks in bush, reserves
Imrpove phone and internet services
If an emergency occurs like the January storm dont ignore all the residents and ratepayers. Obvious the Shire does not have Emergency Response plans. Support residents, not ignore. Where was the verge green waste pick up??? Should have been announced the next day one would be organised!!! Telling everyone to use 6x4 trailers to take everything to the tip is a joke. Not everyone has a trailer, or towbar.
Closing the tip for mulching should have been a tip off about the volume of debris. Then closures for movement bans.
All the storm debris in peoples homes, verges, the bush, is now just bush fire fuel and the shire doesnt even care. Do they see it as saving money? Ratepayers see it as s fire hazard.
Increasingly, there will need to be better responses to emergencies, such as fires.  The debris left on the roadsides after the last storm are an accident waiting to happen, not to mention the fire hazzard it creates.  Council has the manpower and equipment to remedy, but apparently not the desire.
Improvement of old or outdated facilities such as the Wooroloo fire station to achieve a more sustainable attraction and retention of volunteers
Road improvements, fire management, the car park from coles to Woolworths.
Care for the elderly,
Reaching out to check etc on everyone,
Actual kindness from front line people!
16 January 2024: Super-cell Storm is an excellent example of how out of touch the MDG Shire is - they completelyt FAILED in their Duty of care to the MDG Community:
1.   Street Clearance of Fallen Trees
2.   Shire Reserve Trees and Verges still to be removed from fences, and in general made safe - lets hope the MDG Shire is not insured by Allianz who is refusing to make safe damaged Native Trees.
3.  No Roadside Pickup of debris from the Super-cell Storm
Offer assistance in clean up to residence
Better preparation for power outages and more staff for response
As far as I am aware the Shire is responsible for the maintenance of the road side verges.  Having a large storm come through this area on the 16th Jan there are many trees and branches just lying around.  Residents are not permitted to cut back or trim these trees but they are not tidied up by the Shire.  It is fire season and from what you can see when driving around there is a massive amount of dead trees that need to be taken away.
I would like to see after a storm that they could provide a GREEN road side pickup for damaged tress and general garden mess left for people to clean up. Not everyone, especially the elderly, do not have, or access to a a trailer or means of getting the above mentioned to the tip. Therefore many branches are left on the road side causing a fire hazard.Thankyou
Roads and footpaths are getting to be a problem with none, more verge collections not just one a year, more cameras to catch these hoons on unlicenced bikes apart from the that the shire is doing a good job could have been a bit quicker on the recent storm trees still on properties from the verge just a quick thank you to the lovely staff at mathieson road gayl and Jules they both lovely people they deserve some recognition for there service
26. Clearing of debris after storms / high winds etc.
The Fire rating text is awesome, but if you use social media for rolling out important information other platforms should be considered, such as Reddit.
I would like to see an improvement in Telstra coverage in the area. When the storm hit the area. We had no mobile or internet reception for 3 days.  We are also still currently on ADSL2 and outside of the 5G signal.

Managing responsible growth and development

The Shire needs to embrace development in the Hills area, such as the Satterley development along Stoneville/Roland Roads.  We need to provide more high density, smaller allotments, with green belts, to bring more people into our Shire, which will increase the amount of rates collected and then the Shire can increasingly put money towards developments such as increased lighting, footpaths, bicycle trails that go right through to Toodyay Road, including the new development along Stoneville Road, so that more people can get on bicycles into the Town Centre for their shopping. This takes cars off the roads and increases riders' safety. The (sensitive information removed) , has completely [sensitive information removed] for development.  Can't xxx understand, that to increase the number of blocks and housing opportunities, including social housing, you bring in a greater diversity of peoples, cultures, young people, and you then enrich our community. As it is, we are all an older group of people (I believe over 50% of Shire residents are over the age of 55-60).  Don't give me the baloney about bushfire in this region.  I live in Mount Helena on 7 acres and I live with the threat of bushfire on a daily basis.  I prepare for this.  In the past I have lived in Chidlow, Hovea, Parkerville and now Mount Helena and I have always lived with the threat of bushfire.  I have a bushfire plan.  So, it saddens me that this Shire is anti-development.  I would love to see some of the exciting projects such as those developed down in Fremantle, White Gum Valley, Econests down in Rosa Glen, or is it Rosa Brook, sustainable projects encouraging climate sensitive architecture and design, using renewables, off-grid.  They are fabulous projects that are designed for the future.  Adventurous.  Affordable for young people.  No, NOT THIS SHIRE!!  Back in the dark ages. 'We don't want to lose our Hills lifestyle'. No forward thinking, a transport service that is abominable, no bike paths (I ride along Stoneville Road and Alice Road - the traffic is 80kph - bloody dangerous. Everyone up here has cars.  Not just one, but three.  We need to get hold of the PTA and get reasonable bus services, not just a couple in the morning and a couple in the evening.  The bridle path (you need a cross-country bike to ride this route). But, where else?  Congratulations to the pathway down to Lake Leschenaultia.  What a beauty.  For kids too.  And I believe it was the community that urged the Shire to get this organised.  It's so well used.  Lots of kids, grown-ups, serious riders going on to tackle the tracks around the Lake. Can this Shire not be forward thinking in getting these types of projects underway.  So much opportunity!  But obviously too poor to be able to afford this stuff.  Well, the answer is staring you in the face!!  Paige, you need to be forward-thinking, adventurous, the environment is warming, look at the development in other Shires and Cities, do the research, re-invent yourself as a more progressive Shire.  More development. Increased rates, more money, more opportunity.  Encourage more development, more high density development for people like me (old lady) who, one day, would really like to live on a small allotment with a community centre and community garden attached, with bike paths and footpaths  and lighting, so I can interact with a diversity of people, young and old - when was the last time you saw a First Nations person up here?  Or a community of Middle Eastern people, or the rarity of an Asian or Indian family?  We need a rich diversity of people who will come with more development. This Shire is so short-sighted.  And, don't get me started on Great Eastern Highway!!  What the f--k?  Somehow, create a bypass around our beautiful little commercial and shopping centre. Sustainable practice is about getting people out of cars, walking to the library, to the men's shed, to the sculpture park, to the bridle trail - not being blasted by another huge semi roaring down the highway.  Plant beautiful deciduous plane trees down the centre, decrease the amount of bitumen, simple, do-able. There's so many possibilities.
Stop impacting country by building development
Back all efforts to stop over development of the hills area. Maintain what makes this area so special - the environment.
Less development in Helena Valley.
Continued support for saving Perth hills from suburban style developments.
Would be great to see the weir used for sailing, rowing, etc. It would be a great drawcard.
Responsible growth. Not just additional housing but also facilities tied to development. A good example is facilities for younger people, as in Darlington.
Be cautious when approving or considering developers' requests.
We need a continued safeguard against inappropriate residential development. No to high density living.
20. Any growth is done with environment and safety issues taken into account, not to mention housing for all walks of life.
Growth is addressed above. Not all growth is good. It must fit in with existing guidelines. Mundaring Shire should not be the next 'gotta live in' place.
Stop thinking of the $ value and more about quality of life and why people live in the shire - land grabbing developers.
Growth / Development. Appropriate zoning for housing - no small blocks like Ellenbrook. Acreages with fire evacuation roads, easy access, water tanks, fire breaks with fire dampening materials. Save Perth Hills.
Prevent urban spread by minimising sub-division by not allowing small blocks.
Growth and development will keep people happy.
Ensuring developers looking for easy profits from virgin land don't get a foothold in the hills - when it's gone it's gone.
Responsible growth. The housing crisis may lead to quick, irresponsible fixes without taking established trees into account. Mundaring Shire must focus on maintaining and retaining our tree canopy.
Responsible growth. More coherent plan for housing expansion, ie Stoneville fiasco being a case in point.
20. Growth has to happen to create job and business opportunities, but it has to happen in the right places, not way out bush.
Responsible growth. Balancing population growth with hills lifestyle and community safety, eg. Fires, floods and climate change.
Stop Satterley from developing.
More burning off of reserves close to houses.
20. We have been in Helena Valley Estate for 12 years and have watched the area go from a pretty, serene area to a clutch of new developments of wall to wall grey houses - and more coming. Blocks seem to be getting smaller to cram more houses in. Losing its charm very quickly due to greedy developers.
To re-enforce the shire's ongoing attraction and cater for future growth, policies aimed at responsible growth and development are essential.
During growth and development projects use green technology where we can.
Carefully consider growth and development in the area, to preserve places for wildlife and to maintain development in keeping with the area - no small block developments.
20. Develop the shire based on best practices learned from all other similar areas of the world.
More sustainable sub-divisions (not tiny blocks). Minimum 1/4 acre for families to come to the area.
Good track record - Save Perth Hills a recent example. Need to ensure that the hills lifestyle is preserved.
No to intensive housing developments.
Planning and development proposals need to consult local community and neighbours fully before approval.
More of.
Save our lake - Helena Valley and community objections to high density development without adequate infrastructure are a concern.
Encourage responsible development of vacant land. Possible rezoning to encourage investment and sustainable population growth. Protect hills living via encouragement of large plots and smaller sustainable homes, ie. 2-300m2, homes on 2000m2 blocks. Possibly via reduced rates / priority approvals.
Growth and development. We need more housing and developments. We need more access to shops and supermarkets and general facilities.
Continue to stop the Satterley plans - thank you. Keep the shire rural - not a suburban, hot, sterile, concrete and depressing place. That necessitates human population control via planning and development approvals.
People like to know what's going on. We get to know more in our rates newsletter.
The shire needs to grow and develop but at the same time maintain the balance of the reasons we live here. A difficult and delicate ask.
With responsible growth and development all issues will be covered.
Always focusing on people's housing and facilities as part of development plans.
Consider appropriate housing density for fire safety, ie. ability to evacuate residents in a fast and safe manner with multiple exits available.
Object to dangerous fire prone developments.
Growth and development. Encourage higher density living, social housing, promote development, allow the Stoneville development so we can increase numbers of young and old people into our shire for more revenue. Don't stonewall development, encourage exciting, sustainable development.
Ease up on the days we cannot burn off on. Makes it impossible to keep the block clear of build up.
Responsible growth and development. Stopping these unsafe and unwanted housing developments around Stoneville and Parkerville. We love the hills for the space, the trees, the wildlife and the serenity.
Conserving our beautiful forest areas from development.
Fix up the local roads. Make the building and planning approval process more harmonious. Fire vs Environment vs Planning - No unity.
Don't allow over population and developments, new housing etc. We can't cope now and infrastructure is not capable.
As above - With conservation and environment management comes responsible growth and development.
Shire, to its credit, has to date been good in responsible growth and development. Still require development, especially housing, but in a substantial way.
Responsible growth. To continue to listen to the community about large developments being destructive to local wildlife and putting added pressure to infrastructure.
Lack of housing is a big issue. There are many blocks in all of the towns that are 1 acre and above. Allowing these to be divided would provide opportunities for small towns to grow without needing to invest in infrastructure. The days of horse and carts and farmlets has passed. Let's move on.
Stop the NIMBY mentality. Development is required for growth, without it we stagnate and go backwards.
20. We need higher density living in the townsite (only) of Mundaring for seniors and first home owners. Mult-story building or townhouses done tastefully with central access to transport and shops. Young people can't afford to live in the hills. Older people have to move from the hills because they can't manage a large property.
Responsible growth could include the re-vamp of the library - so Mundaring Library was akin to Boya Library.
More rigorous evaluation of new housing developments.
20. Perth Hills can't sustain high density living, eg. Proposed Stoneville Estate (Satterley). The infrastructure - roads, schools, would need to be greatly improved.
The shire does need to allow growth but needs to balance the bush / hills lifestyle. I think it's currently a good mix, with room to grow.
Continue as is.
The shire have a responsibility to maintain the bush environment and take great care in developing a sustainable plan for growth. Residents want the 'country feel' to remain.
20. Development happens, but it is the rate and type of development that people object to. Mundaring Shire can progress, but let it be that the development does not impact on those who already live here and in a style that complements, or similar, to what is already there.
No new subdivisions.
No to North Stoneville. More unit / duplexes near Mundaring town site.
Spend a weekend in Kalamunda and take notes.
Responsible growth. Retain as much natural habitat as possible so flora / fauna habitat is maintained. Avoid over clearing for development.
Responsible growth. No high density housing, in keeping with semi rural nature of the shire and reduce the risk of 'fire trap' development.
Channel growth to sustain environmentally friendly development.
Responsible growth. Infrastructure is to determine the degree and pace development takes place.
The shire does not act responsibly regarding growth and development. Too many poor decisions are made regarding housing developments, road access and closures. There is no forward planning. The traffic is not managed well. Fallen trees are not dealt with.
Some growth is warranted. Small blocks and high density is not.
Aim to retain a village type atmosphere when considering / implementing new facilities / major builds.
Responsible growth. We should not be developing the Helena River flood plain and wetlands for housing. The Helena Valley Urban Expansion Plan is a disgrace in our drying climate.
More thought put into long term planning of integrated facilities and transport while keeping the environment in mind.
Responsible growth. Maintain hills lifestyle, ie. No North Stoneville or similar developments.
Growth and development - Infill, not growth.
20 and 21. If there are going to be housing developments they need to be good sized blocks. I think you are getting plenty of opinions on this one already.
Responsible growth. I would like our bush areas to be more accessible. I want the shire to lobby state government departments to improve access and facilities. Also, appropriate housing densities.
Development in terms of housing is necessary anywhere but Mundaring must consider small developments rather than very large ones that will change everything rather dramatically (Stoneville). Responsible growth must include items 13 and 14.
Develop the financial means to offset future costs. Example - Plant trees on council land for future harvest.
Stop high density housing. All new development needs renewable energy and water as priority. Minimum sized blocks through hills to maintain lifestyle.
Make the process streamlined and easy timewise. Encourage responsible development.
More proactive and regular reviews of planning schemes. Stop approving inner city / suburb size blocks. Increase information storing - don't rely on website info only. Support / preserve Black Cockatoos environment. 
Need areas for the elderly to have a small property in the bush environment. Not everyone wants acreage but development needs to be well managed and contained to small pockets. Variety of development. No more church groups building monstrosities.
20. large scale housing developments put existing residents at risk during fire and storm season.
Responsible growth and development - Not allowing new residential to be built without proper consideration for native wild life and fire emergency situations.
Avoid dense development without tree canopies (like City of Swan, which is a disaster to see, let alone to live in). Ensure sufficient road access is included in housing developments.
Responsible growth. Like the majority of hills residents we live here for the space, quiet and community connections and beauty of the bush. So no housing developments should ever be considered in the hills areas.
Stop development - Too many houses, too small blocks. Make blocks larger, 1/2 acre or more, so more trees can be planted. Too much pollution in Midland area.
Responsible growth and management - ?
Allowing sub division on treeless blocks to allow families' members to stay in the area.
Responsible growth. Can the shire tell future developers that blocks facing Helena Valley Rd need to be a decent size, say 600m2 - 700m2, and not the 314m2 to 466m2 that have been allowed on the ne estate Orchid Heights.
Responsible growth. Only allow development if affordable housing is provided, including Australian trees being planted, not introduced. This allows local flora and fauna homes, food and shelter.
Responsible growth. Council is not proactive in developing alternative housing in village centres. No assistance has been given by council to develop a project in North Stoneville which would create growth stimulus and assist our struggling businesses.
Further subdivision to wanted rural / rural residential aspects.
Stop major developments that do not adhere to bushfire safety
Same as last question.
More houses to pay for rates
Retain the rural residential development in the Perth hills
Stop the Satterly Parkerville/Stoneville development.
Ensure residential zoning excludes the operation of hobby farms that there is proper control of turkey gobblers roosters chickens sheep and other animals and not to the detriment of adjacent properties.
We must ensure the uniqueness of the hills. It can’t become suburbia. Not only is this not against the overall way of life but terrible for bushfire prevention and safety.
Meeting housing development needs whilst creating and preserving the amenity. Smaller blocks.
Creating opportunities to draw and encourage innovative ideas and business growth.
Consult more one size doesn’t fit all our council area has rural pockets, housing estates, parks and reserves. The green waste bin is a classic a lot of us don’t need it due to our property type. We don’t need a new shire , library and rise building either where was the consultation. Rise is not performing anymore use to be so good when smaller hills community supports. Should have stopped the closure of John Forrest tavern we need to keep our unique, point of difference . Locals come before visitors.
Best thing shite has done is to NOT support Stoneville development . Keep development away from large green spaces our roads are congested enough with Parkerville development, church, business interests do not come before residents. We need more aged care services . We don’t need neon signs in parks! Like the new president finally got rid of the cycle of councillors rotating and keeping decision making in house. Just need a few ratepayer groups to stop doing the same. I’m a 3rd generation hills person seen a lot in last 50yrs up here not sure we value and appreciate what we have if we don’t do it right now will lose our unique way of living in a lovely setting.
In my opinion, the rampant population growth via immigration is unsustainable and detrimental to our country, right to the local government level.
With over 500,000 people (net) moving to Australia in the last 12 months, the damage done to our environment, per capita share of GDP, dilution of the labour market, loss of community and identity, etc., that comes with this mandate by the Federal Government is not worth the poor aggregate growth that it creates.
The Shire of Mundaring can do its bit to say no to this exploitation of our land and incumbent population by limiting the redevelopment of family homes into high-density, soulless units and villas.  Focus its efforts on the quality of community and community life over endless over-development and trying to backfill infrastructure and deal with the social discordance that endless suburbanisation-for-profit delivers.
We need to have planned development in the area. Listening to possible stakeholders eg Main Roads, housing needs, DFES, etc
ensuring we aren't overloading local roads and infrastructure with too high a density housing
Keeping the Hills as a country feel shire with city style borders rather than allowing city style living and opinions influence the lifestyle that people choose to live here for. Keep the blocks large. Continue to allow horses, sheep, chickens. People move to the hills for the rural lifestyle and then try to boycott animals.
Improvement into number of sub-divisions approved without proper planning and consultation urban sprawl. More condition for developers such as maintaining existing green spaces and improving road access,
I would like to see Council fairly distribute development to all suburbs within the shire.
We bought in the Hills for space, more relaxed & friendly environment, less traffic. Please let it stay that way in the development plans.
It would be good to see the development of a variety of block sizes being approved so that people wishing to downsize can stay in the shire.
to go with previous answers
Ensuring new housing estates are constructed in line with demand and community expectations.
People live in the hills because they like space and a more nature focussed lifestyle.  Please don't develop further into the hills like you have in Parkerville.  Minimise and plan sub-divisions and the impact they have on the current land owners and community.
If you improve this area it will encourage businesses to come to our area and stop present ones from closing their doors
More opportunities for , sub divisions to encourage growth within Wooroloo
This shire has a different risk profile to other shires. The North Stoneville development should never have been allowed. There are similar in the wings waiting on a precedent to be set. Urban and regional planning need to be applied diligently with our pressure or involvement with vested financial interests. This is also needs to account for the unique flora and fauna which is under immense survival pressure
With the new estates being built around the Helena Valley/ Boya/ Bushmead areas, consider the future housing/population density in regard to the current services present in the immediate area and how they can be improved to accommodate the increasing demand.
Some suggestions:
More frequent buses/ more bus stops.
Consider how the estates will impact homeowners in the area- e.g. increased traffic around the area and how you will accommodate this.
More variety of units or small housing for smaller families or retired people.  Protect older tracts of bush land for animals and biodiversity.
Growth of rural residential zones should be organic to ensure safe and sustainable development to occur that is environmentally responsible.
Foothills can be developed by allowing more subdivision as the area is supported by infrastructure - sewerage and transport.
Mundaring Town Centre to developed at a higher density to provide housing choice.
Zoning reviewed to allow tourism and cottage industry on rural and rural residential properties.
Mundaring has long been lacking accommodation suitable for singles, couples and retirees. There are residents who are struggling for various reasons, to maintain the 2000sm block which is the norm in most villages. There is little choice for these residents in Mundaring. Several projects which would assist in solving this problem, have been before Council for approval.
 Most have been rejected by a small number of vocal local residents who oppose these projects as they are perceived to be destroying the habit for wildlife, creating bushfire prone communities and often threatening their rural lifestyle. The campaigns are high profile and aggressive and do not recognize the need for alternative housing in Mundaring.
This lack of growth of our villages is impacting our businesses in Mundaring. Folk are shopping in Midland and Kalamunda where there is more choice. More choice will not arrive in Mundaring without population growth.
Mundaring Council needs to be encouraging to those who present projects which will assist both residents and businesses.
Limit unit accommodation and commercial encroachment
Continue to block/advocate against the North Stoneville Development.
Continue support towards no high density housing in the hills.
Ensure that there is no North Stoneville or Parkerville housing developments unless they are for big blocks with less housing density, to retain hills' character and bushfire safety.
Cease indiscriminate approval of subdivisions until there is enough infrastructure in place to support increased population.
Attract and support businesses within the Hills area.
I've said it all in my last answer to the climate change/sustainable practices.  So just ditto this answer into here.  Please encourage development.  Do not FEAR!  This will bring more money into the Shire.  Take it along an exciting sustainable route, innovative development, road development, streetscapes, and developments to be aesthetically planned and developed by sensitive and creative planners.  Do not be BORING.  Be progressive with your development. Rise up out of the dark ages.
Continue to advocate for community development that reflects the hills lifestyle e.g. preventing North Stoneville development.
The region needs to be developed with an eye on what we are doing in the future to attract people to the area
The Council needs to be more open to development approval of land suitable for multiple age-group living.  There is a perception that current council is anti-development of land catering for varying lot sizes.
Continue to restrict high density housing in the hills precinct.
No more development in Parkerville
the removal of old buildings like the mount helena church its borded up of no use to any body
Reduce land used for new buildings. Repurpose old buildings. Control building permits more strictly.
Develop like we did in the 60;s, clear just the house envelope, retain ecosystems before it's all gone, stop cow-tailing to developers for a quick buck.
Limiting development especially in fire prone areas
To improve the shire, we need to increase its population which will provide economic stimulation.  I believe the shire has an anti-development mindset that focuses too much on preserving our plentiful natural resources and too little on developing areas so more people can enjoy these natural resources.  My main concern here is that we continue to develop land for the building of homes and roads.
No approval of developments where there is a serious fire danger, e.g. Stoneville
Not allowing Satterley Real Estate company chop the local land into tiny blocks for money!
Ensure residential blocks are kept large.
Develop concept plans for small lot sizes in the existing village centres but ensure that planning takes place that also addresses the current heritage values of the town centres. Ensure that a bush buffer is always  maintained between the Shire's villages.
Prevent all high density housing in the area
Focus on sustainable development that supports conservation. Ad hoc development in Mundaring townsite needs to addressed in the long term (very fragmented and not appealing… also dangerous due to traffic on GEHwy).  Better systems to make trails safer from use of off road motorbikes.
Keep resisting high density development please
What is driving the rates so high?
Is this to cover the core services that the shire should provide?
Better consultation opportunities with the community regarding these developments. Have a stall at the shipping precincts etc to get community feedback on developments n
We need improved restaurants and food services, and it is hard to find good takeaway, any strategy to get places like the loosebox back?
not allowing anymore developments that use wooded or bush areas, especially no more dense development. no subdivisions of small acreage if that means a sea of roof. keeping any old tree on any exisiting development with heavy fines for trees cut.
No more Satterley projects
Sensitive and appropriate development is needed in our region.  We move to the hills for a lifestyle and development needs to be in keeping with providing safe, sustainable and appropriate risk minimising buildings and subdivisions.  I don't want to end up living in a high density area - our facilities (public transport, medical support, employment, roads etc) do not support a big influx of people.
Whilst Glen Forrest is an amazing place to live I do not see any major initiatives to improve the community. The electronic signage in train park is not a form of communication and engagement. Find better ways of engagement.
We are worried that the Slatterlley project might be pursed again, and that too much development is going on in the hills
Don't let the hills turn into a horrible urban sprawl
Development done in a safe and sensible manner. We need additional houses or industrial / commercial premises to provide much needed additional rate revenue, but this has to be done in a sensible way.
Appropriate building and business approvals to match the surrounding hills environment.
revision of the town planning scheme and policies to restrict urban development into bush land and high risk fire prone locations. stop isolated urban development which are high cost service areas and where public transport is nonviable to will not be provided at all.
Create development that is sustainable but also accessible for young families
 We had 3 playground/parks within walking distance when we lived in South Guildford. Now we have no playgrounds within walking distance and the one closest is too dangerous to walk to with a dog, pram and small boy.
I don't think we need more housing up here but development to make it a better place to live and enjoy being up here rather than increasing the population
Development is necessary but it needs to be sympathetic to the glorious area that is the Hills nature.
The rate of population increase needs to be balanced with infrastructure. Better / more schooling options for example. More accessible childcare centres, GPs and health nurses are needed. If housing development is approved then infrastructure needs to keep pace with the number of new families moving to the area.
Ensure access to services and traffic management for major developments like North Stoneville.
It appears a constant “No” to any new developments yet shire rates continue to climb. We have very little rate income from business, unlike that of our neighbours, the Shire of Swan. The community as a whole is opposed to change, and that comes with these being “old” suburbs and the shire needs to find a way to show rate payers that change isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
A careful, community-based approach to housing development.
Protecting hills lifestyle by not allowing large, urban style developments.
North Stoneville should happen
residents and most councillors are anti development in the hills, but there needs to be some development to be sustainable.
Modernise the area for the future
We need to use developments to meet needs to reduce burden for the Shire to provide these
Keep the hills under-developed. The main part of its charm is that there is very little high density housing (blocks under 700 sqm).
It is difficult to achieve the balance between providing development and doing this in a sustainable And responsible way. Our area is rabidly growing and there needs to be facilities for people who want to stay in the hills. More unit accommodation near the Mundaring centre or built in areas like Sawyers Valley, Glen Forrest, Mahogany Creek where there is access to public transport.  Thank you
Maintaining hills atmosphere while encouraging small business and economic development.
I would like more access for a variety of people to live in the hills (perhaps smaller dwellings) without compromising fire safety, which I know is difficult!
Please see previous comments. You can’t have environmental protection without responsible development
Rezone North Stoneville (and similar) as rural
Development in a manner that builds and maintains community. Not building wealth for the developers who will be long gone when the issues arise in the future.
Avoid urban sprawl,
Make sure the areas of the Mundaring Shire remain separate e.g. that there is some vacant land kept between Stoneville and Mundaring
Develop some blocks that are smaller than the standard half acre but are bigger than tends to be available on the subdivisions. Quarter acre would be nice.
Improved infill developments coupled with increased local services and infrastructure to support the growth.
Small change to minimum block size would be beneficial
The number of people residing in Swan View has reached its limit.
Morrison road from Roe hwy all the way up to top of Swan View in extremely congested during peak times.
Allowing easier use of vacant land. E.g. Why can’t you build a shed on a seperate block that you own which adjoins your residence; why can’t you use a sea container as a shed or for storage space on a half acre block. Planning needs to keep up with cost of living challenges for residents. Not everyone who lives in mundaring is rich.
Avoid making areas like suburbia and increasing houses with reduced land size
Development of town centres and new subdivisions
Accept responsibility for verges / shire land / property.
Enhance what is already here
More places for eating out, restaurants and bars
Years ago a plan was knocked back which entailed denser areas in the middle of larger blocks.  However I see this has been implemented on the old firing range , leaving a corridor for wildlife.  I am not sure if it is the shire of Mundaring at all.  However it is a much better plan than universal half acre blocks.  More development on this model would be better.
Continue developing amenities and infrastructure without significantly impacting on environment and sense of the place.
This could cover a lot of the other choices we have, such as: Education, lifelong learning opportunities which would in turn create jobs that hopefully lead to economic developments taking place within the Shire of Mundaring, encompassing all of our smaller suburbs North, South, East and West of Mundaring, but then of course this all comes under costing where Tourism and Destination Marketing could lead.
I'd like to see them consider individual property developments in the scheme of the surrounding area a bit more. I think they are doing a good job with large developments but need to push back harder on state government pressures. I'd like to see better tree protection laws so individual properties have less ability to remove large amounts of vegetation or large trees unnecessarily, and look at that from a township perspective for overall impact, not just property by property (same for building developments)
Following on from my second point, ensure housing developments are sustainable and responsible as well as non-housing developments such as roads, religious facilities, private projects, etc.
If the Shire wants to show Responsible growth and development then it seriously needs to look at the Logistics for the safety of access in and out incase of fires when looking into new building developments.
I just picked this generic one because in my experience you do very well. I’ve had interactions with council on pool inspections, planning, noise & animal/land management and found the services to be reliable, very helpful and timely. Boya library is an excellent resource too (I think that still Mundaring shire?). Other things are less important to me currently.
More 5 & 10 acre subdivisions to maintain the community and landscape but allow more homes in the area
Satterlys development needs to be stopped.  This is gone on way too long.  The community has spoken and not been listened to,  they do not want it in this area.
Embrace more housing within the shire through easier subdivisons
Responsible funding management
Be responsible to the people already in the shire and listen to their concerns. Make sure that new housing developments are in keeping with the surrounding areas,(ie No high density housing areas) and make sure that it does not put pressure on surrounding services and areas.
Please consider the unique hills lifestyle that residents have chosen when considering future development and its effect on the hills lifestyle values.
Stop the new North Stoneville Satterley group suburb from going ahead for good. All that land needs to be left alone for good.
Controlling subdivision on a local level as well as larger commercial subdivisions.
Subdivision in sustainable way to increase population so more services can be provided
A growth and development plan that is environmentally sensitive and designed by the Shire's planners. I would like councillors to have less say about planning decisions.
Good infrastructure for future development - roads, sewage, water supply, footpaths & roadways
The very small block sizes in new Helena Valley developments is concerning as moving to the Shire of Mundaring meant having room to move, not everyone jammed in tiny houses all together.
Development of high density housing in the 'CBD' while vigorously protecting the outer bushland and rural landscape living
Make new housing areas, easy to navigate in and to be able to get out quickly, if there is a fire or disaster!
Planning for infrastructure before new houses are planned and continuing on a path that suits the Hills lifestyle independent of Big land developers.
Things that create opportunities for employment - all ages
Promote sustainable growth and development - develop circular economy
The BAL assessment is important for fire management BUT it is not necessary to completely clear land of trees. Between Hartung Rd and Walker St has been completely deforested as well as The Gill Lane / Coppin Rd development …. and that is just within Mundaring. Surely the shire should have more control over the clear fell policy of land developers. We are disappointed that the Council has “pulled” the North Parkeville development from the council meeting tonight. This is a vital topic being that the developers have changed their high density plan to 5 acre blocks which is encouraging and much more sustainable. It is important that this is accomplished and so that a strong message is sent regarding the Satterley Stoneville development.
More housing will always be required but it needs to be done with consideration of the environment. Townships such as Mt Helena for example can be expanded but there needs to be a limitation on the size they can eventually grow to. No just plonking a development somewhere without any consideration of the surroundings.
Housing is always needed but huge cookie cutter estates are an environmental and social disaster for an area such as the Hills. Coupled with a lack of infrastructure only sympathetic sized blocks should be available in the more rural areas. Around Mundaring centre, more innovative solutions for affordable housing can be employed - council should look to other countries - Europe where housing is more dense to find sensible and sympathetic options for affordable housing
None, we come here to enjoy a semi rural Community lifestyle and bit by bit the Shire is allowing this to be eroded away through subdivision. Soon it will be just the suburbs, but up the hill…
STOP BUSINESS DICTATING WHERE THE TOWN GROWTH SHOULD BE. As it is you have let the opportunity of having a friendly viable town centre destroyed by multi national money grabbing company's divide the current town centre by letting the town be divided by G E Hwy.  Beyond them to the North is basically deep gully country. Look south for future building.
There is no way the hwy is going to be moved & don,t even think or use the 1/2 baked idea of the orange route its wanton destruction for WHAT?
Confirm the maximum capacity of the Wastewater treatment plant does it have 100 or 1000 households available?
Support inner CBD housing up to four floors.
Support the design and construction of the Perth-Adelade highway.
Protection of natural environment, sustainable housing, energy efficient housing, shared batteries etc
Creating a community culture shift that sees our village hubs to become more vibrant spaces with greater density housing options and commercial spaces to allow for activated green belts between each ‘village’  for recreation, wildlife and more rural style living.  Shifting to a solution focused approach that identifies and promotes development  opportunities and positions the Shire as open to innovative, sustainable development opportunities.
To not allow land outside of the main town centres to be subdivided into lots smaller than 5 acres
Reviews and action following reviews to ensure zoning across the Shire  is consistent with growth and development that is safe and environmentally sustainable.
Stronger focus on ensuring land is properly zoned for consistency with climate, environmental evidence about sustainable development and with the community’s expectations.
Build /encourage more environmentally friendly higher density homes.
Protect black cockatoo habitats at all cost. Too much damage has been done to their homes.
Continue to fight against greedy developers destroying the environment.
Stop spending money you haven't got and then putting my rates up to cover your shortfall. It's called a BUDGET
Using Helena Valley to fund the Shire budget to make the suburb of Mundaring only more and more elite and beautiful, while cramming houses in on small tiny blocks in HV has taken away from the attraction of living here and turned it into a cash cow that will become overpopulated while Mundaring residents continue to enjoy large blocks and space. Not very responsible.
The Eastern Corridor is where development will be focused next. North and South is reaching maximum distance, west is ocean, East is whats left.
Need to grow and develop the area with out loosing the uniqueness of the hills environment and lifestyle.
Keep the bush, no big surburban city housing estates.
Develop bush fire and storm emergency plans to support residents
Actually do something with verges to ensure communities are proud of area
Improve and develop spaces for visitors and residents like play areas, skate parks, sport facilities, seniors and teen spaces.
Listen to residents and ratepaters
Be prepared to assist instead of deliberately ignore residents like after the January 2024 storms
There will be increasing pressure in Perth for subdivision.  We cannot avoid, but we can be active in developing intelligent planning considering the benefits and limitations of living up here.  Minimum block sizes need to be maintained and young people encouraged here.  Currently, the provisions for young families are poor.  Better information about the costs of hills life needs to be made available to avoid poor planning and design.  Solar passive designs as a singular example should be encouraged, along with water tanks and better waste management.
Not sure, but there seems to be a need for additional commercial growth in Mundaring
Lobbying to prevent Stoneville North development, which is not sustainable for many reasons (increased traffic, fire danger etc)
Include the whole of the Shire, in Swan View I feel we are forgotten as we aren't in the town site & nearer another council.
Growth is not inline with community needs or wants. Waste money on projects to support a few business people. Poorly managed projects
Focus on increased development with the Mundaring town centre needs to be reviewed as goes against why people choose to live in the area
No small.lot development, as access (Great Eastern hwy and Toodyay rd are limited in what they can carry) Also there are obvious increases in bushfire risk, water and sewerage limitations
Great work on not supporting North stoneville. Continue to be slow and sensible development that is fitting with the community. There is a reason people choose this shire and want to ensure it is not developed
The town looks like garbage.
Earlier and proactive dissemination of information on planned developments so that these can be adequately assessed by communities.
Support progression of the east link project to remove heavy vehicle traffic via Great Easter Highway.
Ensure any future property developments implement appropriate supporting infrastructure such as roads to provide safe and efficient evacuation options should a fire or similar emergency occur.
Preservation and enhancement of the fast fading 'character' of the Darlington area, rather than trying to 'suburbanise' and install a 'one size fits all' plan.
Complete projects in a timely fashion and inform us. Removal of dead overhanging trees.
Stop, ban any high density development.
Continue to oppose inappropriate development, eg. North Stoneville.
Cease all future housing development that would result in loss of habitat.
the importance of preserving the lifestyle and heritage of our area must be a priority eg preservation of buildings and local history groups, preservation of our village lifestyle, preservation of zoning that does not create high density living, preservation of current less urban ways of living including low level lighting.
No more development of fire prone regions.
Stop council waste on frivolous projects that don't benefit ratepayers.
Cease pushing the Stoneville North Development. This is a disaster in the making, from both the traffic and fire hazard perspective.
This is more about the north Stoneville development- and that’s to permanently rezone the area so satterley cannot destroy the area with an excess of development by making the housing lots into acreage.
Carry out central precinct development ASAP.
Development to align with aesthetics of the hills. Support local development appropriate to the township, ie. Not allowing development of multi story housing for seniors, or any beyond town house two story.
Endeavour to provide more over 55s accommodation in the Mundaring area. Hilltop Grove is a good example of the type of development that is needed in the shire.

Planning and building approvals

Planning and building approvals. Streamline building permits and make process less onerous. Explore alternative focusing options especially senior & low cost housing.
Streamline building licencing to minimise delays in approvals for new and renovation buildings.
Remove Red tape on Subdivisions of the properties and restrictions.
Work with the Insurance Council Australia to ensure that properties in Mundaring don't become uninsurable
Planning and building approvals are slow to make a decision. Slow to advise, take action and acknowledge queries - if at all.
Ensure climate change, population pressures, emerging risks are considered and addressed in planning. Consult and collaborate with the community.
Planning and Building Approvals - To be less red tape. More communication on planning.
Planning and building approval. More due diligence to oversee construction of housing aligned with local history and avoidance of subsections.
Listen to community needs and address them.
Approvals for more housing and subdividing.
Building approvals are ridiculous, with bylaws that can't be met. Ask the staff - some rules are just 'stupid'.
To remove unreasonable constraints regarding building approvals.
Better planning for fire safety, environment culture and safety. SP34 should not be allowed.
Streamline the planning and approval process and make the rules clear and easy to follow.
Planning and building approvals. Consider introducing online information and applications for approvals.
Tell the truth. Do not pass false information.
Business approvals. How can subdivision be approved at 2000sm and my 16 acres, less than 4klms away, isn't able to be cut in half. Rezone some areas. Rezoning required from RR4 to RR2 in areas.
Less red tape. More flexible rules.
A lot of the blocks are large but we are restricted on how much can be built on them. Would be good if we could build more on a block to accommodate tiny homes or granny flats, to be able to accommodate adult children, given the rental crisis and home ownership affordability.
The planning approvals process is cumbersome and lengthy. Every effort should be made to streamline it to bring it in line with present conditions.
Planning and approvals for housing. We are not in support of big development of houses or subdivision into more than two. It's a great place of space. We don't want roofs so close, like down the hill. *We would love to see more Christmas decorations in the Mundaring Centre.
Need to control growth. Keep it.... Too much growth will take away the very thing we live here for.
More effort for planning communities required, instead of wasting bureaucratic effort on small garden features.
As above. The housing crisis we have in Perth should prioritise approvals for multi dwellings on our big blocks.
Too many restrictions on planning and building approvals. Stricter rules for bee keeping than other councils, when properties are generally bigger.
Being quicker with approvals. More lenient with sheds being able to be built first.
Refuse - not accept planning applications for development in not zoned areas. Residential zoning should be for residents, not accepting applications that do not meet the impact on residents.
Remove red tape please. Increase the amount an owner builder can build without jumping through hoops. Remove the need for planning approval for small property improvements. 
A public Australia Day service.
Consistent building approvals.
Enforce electrical sewage requirements over crowding at caravan park, remove all pets, dogs and cats.
Planning. Part of attracting people to the hills to utilise the trails would be more encouragement to the area by having suitable accommodation. This means planning and building approvals to suit.
Planning and building. The building section is excellent. Planning is hopeless. There is no communication between any sections of the Shire of Mundaring, which I found frustrating when building a new house on our property.
Assisting will housing shortage.
Less approval processes to build small buildings like sheds and granny flats and double dipping on payments to shire as none of their business.
Planning and Building. We would like to see this process streamlined and less costly. Needing 3 permits just to put up a carport seems ridiculous.
Planning and building approvals. (1) Takes way too long for anything to be approved. (2) The rules and regulations to build are ridiculous. Trees should be allowed to be taken down near houses, etc. (3) Allow people to live in sheds.
Building approvals. More attention paid to the 'aesthetics' of new homes and buildings. So we don't have what one would consider the back of the house facing the street - so we don't look at plumbing and clothes lines. Implement some form of landscaping / vegetation to put in place and no rubbish.
Stop sprawling metropolis.
Planning strategy needs to change to accommodate more housing.
Advise on individual subdivision approvals process.
Just speed up and streamline all your processes.
Better monitoring of building sites ie Robinson Estate in Bellevue.
More transparency and quicker decision making
Consistent approvals denials of works submitted .. ok for some .. not ok for others
Speed up the approvals process for building. Too pedantic and unimaginative.
More consultation with neighbours when someone is building extensions or grany flats or sheds next to a there house.
The impact on the street view ext
I have lived in the Shire for 20+ years.  During that time I have built and subdivided land.  Most times the Shire was very good in telling me what I couldn't do, but never provided advice about what I could do.    I feel it's been a negative experience to date.
allowing more than a single primary dwelling on rural residential properties to help with housing crisis rather than ancillary reduced to 80sqm
The Planning Department only contacts some immediate neighbours of planned development applications and does not inform local ratepayers of any proposed developments who are likely to be impacted by the proposed development. The Planning Department appears to support developers before/over residents and ratepayers.
The process for planning and building approvals could do with attention to improving delayed decisions, decisions which are appropriate to the current environment, e.g.increasing bushfire risk etc.
Let’s not make it impossible for people to get approvals. All things should be considered with common sense rather than blanket processes that just waste money.
Be more flexible and faster
Social housing / affordable housing to assist in the housing crisis we are suffering.
Mundaring shire has a reputation of being 'difficult' when it comes to building approvals. The process should be streamlined and it should take less time for an approval to be processed.
Planning for smaller group subdivisions, but no less than half an acres on them.
to work together with previous answer
a complete overhaul of the shires entire processes in this department. I never hear of anyone whatsoever saying they have had a good experience with the Shire on this.
Quicker turnaround time for applications, revisit application process/rules for outhouses/sheds/shipping containers etc
Information is too hard to find and understand when found, the process is clumsy and outdated, most other shires have streamlined the online process.
Be more flexible. Introduce more options for waste management.
More timely response to applications
I would like to see consultation for expansion of building / housing developments.
Planning and building approvals take to long
Planning strategy
Mundaring town Centre
Densification of existing villages with existing Infrastructure
Take the applications out of the in tray and act upon them
Building Applications
I there is too much control regarding Building approvals and far too much money involved. This is a bush relaxed area and I think people should be able to build alternate buildings such as "Shipping container building" for example. The mind boggled with what could be achieved. I think certain blocks should be able to subdivide to a resonable size for retirees to be able to handle.
We need to protect the hills from high density development.. and un necessary clearing ... hills feel is what we are here for and  is why people buy houses here
Allow sub-dividing near town centre for infill housing, particularly aimed at local seniors who want to stay in the area but struggle to maintain larger 1 acre blocks and firebreaks.
We want Swanview suburb not to be listed as low density suburb. We have some big yards that we can utilise by sub dividing and build other properties
In a few years (seeing as the entitled ones up the hill lot don’t want development) areas like Bushmead and Helena Valley are going to be overcrowded slums. There is already huge pressure on infrastructure with little forethought being given to building more roads to cope.
Clearer and easier requirements. Recognition of how ancillary dwellings can help ease housing shortages
The process needs massive overhaul, approval timelines are too long & very tedious.
The Hills are a major target for state government to develop additional housing areas. Access to information should be open to all residents in area. e.g. I needed to know who owned land near me, was unable to access details.
Council should revisit land subdivision rules in the Darlington area.
These things need to be managed responsibly but there should be some flexibility, on a case to case basis.
Fast approval of buildings and outbuildings and less restrictive regulations on construction
More information online for general public use
Ensuring there is enough parking and disabled parking for future developments. Also access for deliveries to future developments. These to points I have found the shire dose very poorly.
The whole shopping centre precinct is a disaster. Needs flattening and starting again. Poor parking, lack of vision entering/exiting, traffic congestion...the list goes on
Planning approvals should assess the impact on the area of the projects they approve.
Focus on working with home owners to achieve their goals.
Faster approvals for planning, building and sub-divisions.
Make it easier to build granny flats or incorporate tiny houses onto our block
The shires random pocketed subdivisions are inappropriate for such a high fire risk area. The demands on each individual build for clearances and BAL requirements are short sighted and superfluous. The result is turning our shire into any ugly hodge podge of buildings and big vegitation clearances without forethought as to a safer, better overall housing and environmental approach.
Relaxed requirements, less red tape.
Reduce red tape
Eliminate need for building approval for patio's, sheds etc to save costs and time for both residents and shire.
Revert Nortth Stoneville to Rural to prevent another round of the debacle that is SP34 The shire has done this north parkerville now apply the same rules to north stoneville
Don't let the shire become a built up suburb,  no more fast food outlets.
Make the process easier for home extensions and additional buildings eg granny flats to ease the housing burden and permit locals to make their home their ideal place to live
see previous
Shire have done a good job opposing North Stoneville but need to make it easier for local residents to subdivide smaller blocks to promote infill and community
Limit sub divisions in Mount Helena as area is filling up fast and I'd like my kids to share same area and space as I have done without crowds or with out moving out further east.
Planning/housing side of things I'd like shire to take into account the problems when a new house is erected in an older area or impacts it causes for existing residents as I have a new house next to myself with a white roof and the sun glare is extreme into my kitchen and living room also in my carport..  plus raising of blocks or sand slabs cutting of huge amount of trees for houses. Privacy of existing houses is compromised by new builds
allow second dwelling to be of a decent size upto 180sqm when your property is over 40 acres due to the current cost of land and housing
fast track and reduce costs for subdivision approvals so more young people can afford to purchase in the area
Far past time the shire allowed subdivision of Helena Valley 1000plus sqm lots so that older residents can stay in their homes
Swan Shire have already done this
On Lakeside Dr in Helena Valley many lots of 1000sqm plus should be rezoned. There is no longer any excuse given the shortage of housing in Perth and the need to keep elderly people in their family homes
Stop North Stoneville development
More public consultation in relation to building approval and then communicating why the approval was granted. Less churches more residential dwellings.
More development opportunity of large blocks to accommodate more housing within the shire especially those who have current infrastructure in place to allow subdivisions
Allowing property owners to built granny flats to rent out and help renting demand
Stop any new churches or not for profit organisations from building structures in the shire for example the ridiculous thing that is being build on Seaborne road up near GE hwy
The Mundaring Shire is famous for the slow responses to applications and approvals.
Room for improvement should be reviewed.
Allow subdivision of 1ha blocks
Less time taken to get an approval.
Remove the unnecessary red tape involved in a simple exercise as building a fence, shed, carport, patio etc.
To get approval for any small scale building is a nightmare. The red tape of regulations is ridiculous and expensive.
The Shire grants permission to large scale property developers for inappropriate developments with negative environmental and social consequences and no thought about traffic repercussions.
Within the confines of local government to facilitate planning and building approvals suitaable to the Hills Lifestyle
Reduce the ever increasing red tape
The housing crisis has impacted many people, including residents in the hills.  if the building codes and approvals were altered in consideration for granny flats, modular homes, caravans on properties etc this would help towards the housing crisis.  For example, I now have 3 adults and 4 children occupying a 4 bedroom home becuase we were told the family residing with us could not stay in the caravan in the yard.  We looked at a granny flat / flat pack home but there was absolutely no room for agreement with the council for such structures, even if they are literally "plug and play" connect to power and water, the units are not fixed and can be moved at any time.  People are on septic tanks mostly so it is not as if the additional people in a home are putting pressure onto the sewerage systems as they are not mains.
North Stoneville needs to be rezoned to a rural area.  All future developments need to be sustainable for the area and maintain The Hills lifestyle. 

Properties need to be self-sufficient. ie, water tanks, septic systems and building to the BAL specifications on their property / acreage.
Expediting planning permission & approvals
Process is ridiculous and outdated, should all be online, no paperwork.
Red tape.

I have purchased a property with an old shed that was registered as an ancillary dwelling/granny flat. It's old, no one can live in it and I just want to remove the ancillary dwelling registraion and use it as a shed.

To just call it a shed again, I need site plans, location of effluent system, setbacks etc, elevation photos, a floor plan. I am literally just removing its classification as a dwelling and I need to jump through 20 hoops and spends money on plans, photos, pay for a new title search, pay for planning approval.

It is an absolute waste of time, the shire should already know all the planning of the property as it sits today, I just want to call it a bloody shed, no one in their right mind would live in this thing.
After several weeks I am still waiting for approval for a small home improvement (&lt;$20k)
Reduction of the time taken for approvals
Make it easier to build things on our own property. Make customers feel welcome when attending the office.
Shire councillors should attend properties to access impact on neighbours before accepting an application. Particularly if it is not in the area they reside. They should not vote at meetings on decisions unless they have visited and consulted neighbours before.
Make it easier to deal with the Shire eg building approvals, subdivisions, remove red tape, remove bottlenecks, improve internal processes, think of the service you provide as a Shire from the ratepayers perspective - have any of the council members or staff had to go through the process for a particular service that every day rate payers go through or are they fast tracked through the system? Test out your current processes, through the lens of a ratepayer, to see where things can be improved.
Allow for more subdivisions.  Ie. Smaller plots to be subdivided so families who can't afford to buy a home of their own can share with older family members to ensure they can stay in their home in later life but family are close by if needed.   Allow more than one additional building on properties.

Access to housing that meets your needs

Less power outages. More aerial bundled cable.
Engage with Telstra / NBN to get better communication in the shire. Hard to establish a business if you have poor or no communication.
Address housing affordability issues by collaborating with developers and implementing policies that encourage the construction of affordable housing options.
Making rates at a more affordable price. I'd be interested to know where everyone's money goes. There are potholes around Swan View / roads that could be attended to.
Rates are expensive. 
Higher water pressure for Swan View. Currently very poor.
Underground power.
Forget about a new council centre and library. Reduce rates.
Too much focus on the area of Mundaring with very little (seen) care for the residents down the hill. We all pay rates.
Discount on rater if paid in full.
Stop forcing rate payers to go electronic. Some of us are not computer or tech savvy.
Keep rates to an affordable level and increase value for money.
Work with NBN to improve ADSL speed - 1100m run to my house = slow speed (18 - 20 Mbps max) and frequent drop outs. I work from home, so this is a big problem.
Communicate with ratepayers and show support for the ratepayers - after all, we pay your wage.
Power cuts. Work with Western Power to make supply more resilient to weather fluctuations. Constant power cuts.
Lower rates. Many houses in the shire are not on public utilities - though we get charged as if we were.
Listening to rate payers when they have concerns of properties not being kept to a standard. Address those that pose as a fire and health risk. Hoarding, rats and vermin and dumping of waste.
Internet. Every day our internet dies. I am sick of waiting for an NBN fibre cable that gets further and further from being 'available'.
Provide subsidised tradespeople for minor repairs to things like tap-washers, power points, blocked drains, motion sensor security lights, picture hooks. They would need tools and know-how.
rates paid - extreme for services that we actually get compared to other Shires => Boya library excellent service, Mundaring sports centre excellent!
Appropriate localised total fire bans - local area contest.
Better & cleaner information.
Where industrial noise, ie. trucks, affects residential areas.
Avoid high density housing.
Remove arbitrary 'temporary' granny flat requirements.
More subdivisions of suitable smaller blocks (+1000m2 range, not under 800m2 up to 4000m2)
I live on top of a hill and still cannot get reliable telecommunications. or internet, still on copper. Better coverage of the shire would be life changing for business and our kids.
Look at the cost of Rates. Are we getting bang for buck.
More low cost housing for pensioners and low income families.
Build more dwellings for single people. Better public transport.
Encourage smaller blocks for long term residents who don't want to leave but require less work on smaller holdings.
More housing options for those downsizing who wish to remain in the area.
Housing. Council promoting eco-friendly housing improvements, ie grey water usage, deep sewerage rollout, promotion of light coloured roofing (metal versus tile) - encouraging eco-friendly systems eg. Heat pumps.
Shire to work to get more affordable housing for low income families and homeless.
People can't afford the rent any more. If people want to put  abuilding on their block let them.
Some more appropriate housing for seniors who would like to downsize but stay living in the same area.
Housing. Need to encourage first home buyers and unit development for seniors.
22. I think we need more affordable housing in the shire east of Greenmount.
More housing approvals.
Emergency housing for homeless and domestic violence.
Allow more flexible housing arrangements, such as granny flats, 2nd dwellings and 'tiny houses', to make more accommodation options available.
22. Housing, especially for seniors. There is not enough of it. Developments like 1425 Jacoby St and 10 Greenmount Rise are badly needed. We don't want to move away. Please encourage such developments.
Housing. Development of 1/2 - 1 acre blocks with smaller houses for retirees, to make available more 4 x 2 family homes. Plus, ability to have multi-generational housing on existing blocks of land.
There is a dire lack of affordable and available housing. Wastage of money spent on things that don't make a lot of difference, instead of like giving people somewhere to live, the choice to develop their blocks. Huge wastage on multi-purpose facility. Too much expenditure on library services, eg. amount of books purchased per month.
Affordable housing is in need everywhere and we cannot simply rely on private investment. I have been moved on from accommodation because of redevelopment, property being sold. Too many sub-standard dwellings.
Housing for seniors who wish to downsize but stay in the hills area.
21. Lack of approval in spending rate payers money. The shire needs to do less in the community, things that are not in your jurisdiction.
Housing. Partnerships to develop appropriate housing for couples and singles who want to 'age in place'. More aged care homes and apartments.
For families with multi generations we must be allowed to add granny flats.
Maybe the shires in Perth should start to build affordable housing or put more shelters for the homeless.
More affordable housing in the area will greatly benefit the shire and local community.
Allow / encourage greater diversity of housing which suits all the community needs, not just driven by developers or vocal minorities.
Do not encourage complete clearing of treed blocks. We need to keep our major asset.
Need more small dwelling housing suitable for seniors or pensioners.
22. Commit to providing more social housing throughout the shire, given the current lack and massive demand for this service.
22. Create planning pathways that work, for Tiny Homes, Granny Flats and caravans, to help with the dreadful accommodation shortages in the Hills.
22. Encourage more housing for the elderly, eg. Building of units in or near the town centre.
Housing. We would like to see deep sewerage in our area. We would like to be able to subdivide our 1800 sqm block.
Housing. Ensure the density of house allows for space. Trees, more open space within streets, not just one large open space like Movida has. Very poorly designed - No trees, only one open space.
Half acre blocks in town centers such as Mt Helena must be made available to subdivide to smaller lots. We must play our part to help solve the housing crisis. The large lots we sit on are a wasted opportunity.
This is not Shire of Mundaring specific, but all local governments need to step up their game in this are.
Mote consistency in approvals
Better housing options for seniors. Older people want to stay in the area but don’t want to manage large properties.
It would be great if there were some small pockets of higher density/smaller housing in each suburb. E.g. Glen forrest could have a an area of perhaps 10-15 units. Almost all housing here are family homes on big blocks, and while this does preserve the hills atmosphere that we all move here for, a small number of smaller houses would mean a more diverse population could enjoy the hills life, and bring a bit more life to the hills. It could be a good option for single people, younger people, elderly who no longer need or want a huge home and garden, lower income people....
Even better would be if the development of units used an eco-village type model, as you see in other parts of perth, such as the city of Fremantle. It would really breathe new life into the Shire, while remaining small enough not to change the essence of the hills!
Lower rate of housing loan
Rezoning of land near town centres allowing subdivision. There is still large parcels of land in close proximity to the town cetre zoned special rural.
we need access to smaller blocks or houses on smaller blocks, e.g. 700sqm-1/4 acre to enable us to stay in the hills when our bigger blocks become to much for us. At the moment there are very few options.
Don't know how much the Shire can do about this but lack of social/affordable housing is the biggest problem currently facing our society.
affordable environmentally sustainable housing
Larger blocks of land such as 5 acres should be be released for subdivision into half acres or one acre blocks  for  older Australians to buy and live  in a bush setting with space around them,  not all squashed up close to each other, as is happening now.
more housing in the town centre for ageing residents
More smaller blocks for seniors to stay in area- big blocks too hard to maintain
As we are generally increasing our aged citizens in the area we need to allow them to stay in their homes but the services provided cannot cover the half acre or so properties they own and live in.   Smaller sized blocks for such people to manage would keep them in the are that they love and feel they belong in.......otherwise they have to shift out of the area.
More housing available (rentals)
Don’t approve more housing estate unless your willing to provide better services to Helena Valley
As a senior icing on five acres there isn’t a lot of choices when it comes to downsizing to something a bit smaller
Pro active approach from Council to build and own housing for rent ( patient capital)
Smaller lot subdivisions, especially within say 3 to 4 kilometers from services.
The Shire needs a larger rate base to enable better sevices.
There are few to no options for housing for single parents.
More cost effective housing for lower income persons
Our rates are going up dramatically and there is nothing to show for ir
Allowing residents to have longer times in temporary housing such as sheds or caravans if developing land purchased. OR allowing already constructed residence to home people in caravans or simple removable housing. People are living in cars & the street it’s a no brainer.
Many more properties for renting , poor choice
Allow people to live on their block while building as its impossible to get or afford to rent in the current market.!!!
More social housing options needed for different needs (disability, aged etc).
Resonisble Housing, ie Block sizes & House sizes
There is potential to subdivide properties closer to the town centre to create more affordable housing.
Less taxes
Land to build houses that is more reasonably priced
I would like to see more housing for the lower income of our community, which should include seniors on pensions, disabled people, and also for people without a large income to maintain the large houses we have in the area.
some of the housing in the area is tragic
much more affordable rental accommodation is needed
Urgent need to commence a more proactive housing program in the Shire,that complies with fire safety conditions, including ancillary dwellings. Housing and other building application approvals way too slow, allow more subdivisions of many of the 5 acre lots that are not utilised by the owners, but current subdivisions not allowed, making many acres of overgrown grass, weeds, creating further fire hazards.  There are numerous issues for the shire to address, the Great Eastern Highway through the middle of the town is another major issue, though this is probably a Federal issue.
With the present shortage of housing in WA relax the rules concerning allowing caravans to be used on a more permanent basis
Probably require more small lots and unit type developement
Need more smaller blocks like Kalamunda.
New subdivisions and ope ing up land
Allow those with Granny flats that may have different allowances on certificate of title to rent out to those in need of housing
Enables both low cost housing and housing for down sizers
North Stoneville subdivision.
Ensure housing is respectful of the Hills culture with minimal block size  being 1800 square metres  to keep integrity of hills environment. No built up "suburbs" Careful consideration of layout when integrating smaller blocks for the aging community.
We need affordable housing in the Mundaring area for seniors and young people.  Dense housing in the close areas where shopping and transport is available.  Clusters of units in all the villages are needed for young and old.
Access for affordable housing for young people.
Permanent housing for all homeless and unemployed.
Use of technology to build affordable homes quickly to address current rental and housing crisis.
Approval of tiny houses in community to increase housing options and affordability for both new homeowners and current home owners struggling to pay mortgages with rising interest rates.
Allow homeowners to have tiny homes or caravans on their properties, charge extra rates on each one.
Implement a modest medium-density approach within the Mundaring town centre, permitting structures of up to five stories, smaller land parcels, townhouses, and mixed-use developments. This aligns with the principles of T5 zoning outlined in the Transect zoning approach: https://www.planetizen.com/definition/transect
Increased/medium density around the town and key transport links, but retain rural/natural feel of the area.
More flexibility is urgently needed to allow for new options such as 'Tiny Houses'. These are currently classed as caravans and as such there are restrictions on the use and maximum length of stay.
Rural and Rural Residential zones in particular should be able to have a Tiny Home in addition to the main dwelling which is able to be permanently inhabited (providing health requirements such as effluent disposal and water supply are met).
Allowing subdividing of larger blocks
shire to review their current dwelling ,out building regulation requirements for properties of 40 acres and below can have unresticted size building
Working with Dept of Housing to make rentals more available for young family’s. Local shuttle service to assist kids get to school, elderly to and from the shopping precinct.
reduce costs for developers. And release more land for subdivision.
allow alternative housing solutions, such as tiny homes or expandable container homes in line with other shires and states such as Esperance & NSW
Build homes for older people. Rent at low cost.
Consideration for ageing in place options (within the Shire) for older folks
Not allowing over development. EG: the proposed sub division on Stoneville road by a company that doesn't give a crap about the area.....just the money.
More housing suitable for young adults, low income, small family located in or very close to population centres, e.g. the vacant land close to Craig and Jacoby street and mixed business with residential, 3 to 5 storey housing (as outlined in the "2018 Activity Centre Plan". )
6 years and counting!
Develop more land, approve more subdivision, vulnerable people cannot afford to buy or rent in the shire. Housing is in crisis.
Listen to the community
No more under sized housing developments. Keep the 800sqm + size blocks. These 180sqm - 450sqm are not environmentally friendly and  not enough space for trees etc and family’s. If people want small blocks they should live closer to perth or a housing farm estate. People moved to the Mundaring area for the space. We don’t want to turn into just another shitty high density housing estate where houses touch and there is no room to plant trees and kids to run etc.  We need to remain unique among Perths suburbs. For eg large blocks, 800 - 2500sqm, large parks, lots of trees and wild life.
- Helena valley needs a pub. Family friendly pub  e.g. a country club type style or something like Henley brook or bailies.
- Keep out the chain stores / shops etc they are just cheap and tacky.
-  Hopefully no commercial rubbish comes our way for eg. Petrol stations, fast food joints etc. Keep these in the main centres like midland or Mundaring town etc.
- Helena valley shops IGA etc that whole building needs a clean and paint.
- The brick walls into Helena estate bros park side need to be re-done as they falling over.
- Broz park play ground needs finished. Good job so far though.
- They need to hurry up and finish the Scott street bridge. I’m in construction and that is a joke. Even my 5 year old says they are slow.
Thats it for now. thanks for your time.
And yea did I mention a pub. =)
Public housing is needed. It's appalling how much owners can charge in rent. This must change. People need affordable safe places to live.
In our current housing crisis with the number of available houses to buy or rent for people needing a place to live being very low I think more needs to be done to address the issue. I have seen a large number of houses that are quite obviously completely empty and no one lives in them so it just amazes me how this can be possible. I don't understand how there can be houses just sitting there empty and nothing being done about it to make them a place to live for someone who is in desperate need. For example I think that the following houses are empty... 6 and 16 Myles Road, Swan View. 2 Lucas Road, Swan View. 28 Ellesmere Road, Swan View. 18 Talbot Road, Swan View. 19 Amherst Road, Swan View. 30 Wooloomooloo Road, Greenmount. There could be more but these all look like there is no one living there. It would be good for an online reporting system to be put in place for this or for any other matter so that people can easily report these things to the council.
As the Shire of Mundaring is a rural/semi-rural community it would be a good place for public housing if it's done innovatively and sustainably. Access to jobs may be an issue, but this could facilitate small business growth within the Shire.
Allowing bigger buildings(more than 80sqm) to be built on existing properties for family members
All shires should investigate ways of increasing public and private housing expedite building permits and subdivisions. Maybe explore small prebuilt housing on public or Shire land or around areas like RSL halls etc
as a tradie would like to see mundaring grow in size with more houses being built and getting more people up in the hills
Where sub-divisions occur retain trees etc., rather than clear felling of vegetation, not in keeping with the area.
Better water pressure. Maintain higher water pressure as more housing develops.
Encouraging incentives for tidy gardens - people seem to neglect which looks poor on other home owners looking after footpaths + estate gardens. Stop footpath parking/continually juggling dogs/prams in Helena Valley.
Pay per use. I don't use 99% of facilities, being a single male, but I pay for it in my rates, which is unfair, I feel.
A new housing development on Victor Rd, Darlington has begun without opportunity for local residents to voice their concerns. The road is already hazardous and street verges with adjoining bushland are neglected. Increased fire risks and traffic hazards may result if dots are not joined, eg. planning roads and fire / environment management
The housing density and lifestyle in Swan View is vastly different to the majority of towns in the Shire of Mundaring and has vastly different needs to say large rural properties. Swan View should either be treated like typical Suburban areas or have it form part of a different Shire or Council.
Better internet services for areas north of Parkerville / Stoneville / Mt Helena.
Internet and power. We still don't have NBN and power is only underground in new subdivisions.
Improve water pressure throughout the Shire.
Too much expenditure on government jobs. Encourage housing so there is more local business. Markets do not cut it. Investigate water sports at Mundaring Weir. Give the people a reason to visit and spend their time in the shire.
Need smaller lot subdivision to encourage first home buyers.
Need promotion of unit development close to services so that retirees can downsize and stay in the area.
Need to promote build to rent accomodation - reduced rates, special zoning,
Deliver better value for money for rates paid.
Better value for rates (seems to be only rubbish collection). Take care of verges perhaps.
Cost of rates. Having owned a house in the Shire of Kalamunda and Mundaring I believe the rates are high. A lot of the services are put into the hills people and bushfire management etc. Down in Swan View any services are scarce.
Reducing shire rates is the priority. 
Achievable by sticking to core functions.
Reduce rates
Reduce rates by reducing wages for council staff starting at the top.
Maximum terms of service,,(3)
No ideological alignments. Service to the 50th percentile.
Must demonstrate some form of social and business acumen
Council rates not consistent with services provided, woeful and wasteful spending on non essential projects
Council rates for services provided are beyond woeful. Excessive and wasteful spend on capital works projects such as practice cricket nets need serious explanation to rate payers. The shire is severely out of touch needs major overhaul.
Find a way to STOP increasing our annual rates. It is just not sustainable. Every year it goes up - it is now at a very high level and we don't see anything more for it.
Lower rates and taxes.
cutting rates and taxes.  Make it expensive to move into but low ongoing cost. Stop developments and keep a low population.
Just sort the rates out please, or give Helena valley to the City of swan. we would save at least 1k every year and get a big bin, they are a joke too.
The rates... They are out of control and they need to be brought back in line with neighbouring council's.
Plus we get nothing in return for these over the top rates.
The rates process need to be re-evaluted/changed.  The rates in the shire are extremely high with little to show by way on value for money.  More transparency needs to be communicated to rate payers on how rates are calculated with specific details for upcoming projects.
Reduction of rates in Helena Valley
Lower the land rates. They are one of the most expensive shires…
RATES. My rates are currently $3,382 and have increased over the last 10 years by 9% per year on average. Well above inflation. I do not get value for money from the Shire on Mundaring. The Shire must stop these annual increases.
Council rates
A meaningful rate reduction for pensioners
Shire needs to focus on rates rubbish roads and community safety and not push items and agendas that don’t relate to these.
I would like to think that our local government is thinking about me.
This year my rates went up by 10%, for no other reason than the assumed rental value of my property had increased by that much. how is that looking after me? Particularly in a cost of living crisis.
My plan has always to live in my current house until I die. At this rate I won't be able to.
Budget allocation - the rates are very high and there seems to be an overfocus on kids and youth.
Reduction of expenditure to stop increasing rates.  Year after year cost have been going up and yet the Shire continues on focusing on increasing services instead of just keeping the services at a sustainable level.  Thus our rate go up up up.  The Shire leadership looks at how they are comparing to other metropolitan shires and not at how they can reduce cost and maintain what we have.  Mundaring is a great shire but I think most rate payers would rather have a cut in rates than better services.  You see are the questions in this survey are geared to increasing rates rather than decreasing rates.  Stop population growth by letting it become more expensive to buy into.  Maybe have a purchase tax that would help reduce the running cost of our shire.  We don't want to grow the shire, we want to keep our unique way of life.
Stop wasting the money I pay you for my shire to manage waste, verges ranger services, lighting toilets and safety etc, by getting involved in politics or telling me how to vote for whatever, trying to please the unpleaseable. Keep costs down by stopping renaming anything and doing the job you are paid to do alone will make this a better shire without telling me how to suc eggs :p
Improving mobile coverage.

Preserving and promoting local history and heritage

[name removed] is single handedly doing a great job at gathering historic photos and stories. I hope he is paid by the shire. We need more interactive boards at local sports to tell of the history and aboriginal significance of the place, trees and plants. We just lost our 150 year old oak tree - please replace it with another one (Jacoby Park).
Firstly, the re-naming of the "Heritage Trail" to "Wrights Track" (or something similar/relevant) and signage telling people of the rail line history at various entry points, The Engineer/Architect responsible for building it for the people/government was  James William Wright.
Related to the construction of the line, the location of the Mill that Wright had built to facilitate the milling of all the sleepers required for the railway line out to Chidlows Well, and its history at the site of the Mill, the area now named Mount Helena. Cheers!
Preserve older buildings that may have historical significance. A ticket for access to Coppin Rd Waste Transfer Station.
Looking after our history and preserving it for the future.
More recognition and education of the history within the shire, places of recognition, indigenous and settlers.
However it suites the shire.
Local history needs to be preserved, not bulldozed and then a plaque saying blah, blah, was here once.
Continue with excellent support for 'Lost Mundaring' and Historical Society.
Preserving local history. Too many heritage and character buildings have been lost, particularly in Greenmount. They disappear without community consultation. Lost, gone forever. Example (1) Land space / size of Blackboy Hill (2) Katharine Susannah Prichard Library, Old tennis courts and Greenmount Hall. (3) The old army house, cnr of Innamincka Rd and Woolowra Rd (4) The Greenmount Liquor Store (5) Easement access maintenance so Greenmount residents can walk between roads / streets (6) Seating at the Greenmount National Park. Lookout would be good.
Keep the history alive for future generations.
Continue to maintain and protect the history and heritage.
Make local history more well known.
Our heritage must be protected. It is who we are. Future generations will thank us for preserving buildings and traditions which we, at the moment, take for granted.
Speaks for itself.
Keep history alive.
Consult local history society.
Local History Association is making progress. Storage and display of collections needs continued support and promotion.
Preserve our history. Gather the stories from our older generation before it's too late. Invest in 'Oral histories'. Use the resources that you have.
Preserving more history and heritage in all the areas.
More recognition of Indigenous culture of the area and preservation of aspects of the early settlements with regard to farms, vineyards, homes, etc.
Protect the WW2 campsite areas and promote it to tourists. Do whatever it takes to protect one of the last remaining WW2 camp sites. Stop the housing building approvals and promote it to tourists by communicating with the WW2 Camps Group in Chidlow (volunteers) who loved the idea when we spoke about it at a meeting for the Chidlow Progress Association. It'll mean more money from tourism coming in.
Repair the one bedroom stone cottage built by the Allen Brothers in1906 in the common area between Needham and Mago Rd. It has been vandalised by the Ice junkies who live in Wooroloo. I have seen it go from needing windows and a door to being smashed by junkies.
Local history preservation. Even though I'm in Chidlow I am a fifth generation descendent of an original Sawyers Valley settler. I want my grandchildren to know where they come from. Be as proud as I am.
Protect older buildings so people don't buy and knock down.
Maintain and empathise with local history and heritage. Good example - the historical plaques scattered through Morgan John Morgan Park in Glen Forrest.
Further to 11 above - The shire does not seem interested in the type / style of street light fittings in historical precincts. The same type of fittings are used in roads and streets and in village precinct areas.
The new townsite development. Ensure local history and heritage is preserved.
Preserving heritage. Greenmount store was demolished without any consultation or far warning. This could happen elsewhere in the shire with even more significant buildings.
Placards for historical houses, to share the history of the older buildings.
Preserving our beautiful community is imperative - so much of the historical buildings and infrastructure has already been lost. We can't have any more.
Make Blackboy Hill ANZAC Memorial site heritage listed (Greenmount) Innamincka Rd.
I feel there is room for the Shire to promote our European history again to locals and visitors alike. But how to ensure people will read / see it?
Preserving local history and heritage. Council continues to ignore heritage issues. It has taken almost 15 years for council to place Heritage Strategy in the council budget in 2022 / 23. To date little progress has been made. A number of important heritage sites and places have been lost to the community through council neglect.
History. Consult the history groups so more is done and information is available for future generations, particularly on the 'arts' side and the uniqueness of what we have in the shire.
Preserve local history and heritage. Keep heritage trail and parks up to standard. Doing a great job already - keep it up.
Better planning around heritage sites and training of officers to deal with development approvals in an informed way
Darlington has had and does have some beautiful buildings which are just allowed to be knocked down for some modern 'architecturally designed' tin shed.
I don't really know where one would start with this but i do know that local history and heritage must be preserved. Once it's gone it's lost for ever. You only have to look at what has happened in Perth over the years.
Wholistic approach to conserving and retaining Heritage places through
a consultative body with the expertise to review these places and make recommendations to buyers and residents to retain the history of their place. Documentation and signage would assist this process.
Do not engulf historical buildings, i.e. The Station Master's House, or the the visitor's centre, on GEH, with any new buildings.
Use the old tree stump, near the War Memorial,  by carving something meaningful from the remains.
In fact, any of the trees or stumps in Mundaring could be carved into interesting things, thus drawing people up into the hills to enjoy along with the 'bush orchestra'
Council needs to adopt promptly the recommendations of the recently completed Heritage Strategy including the feedback from the community.
Staff need to refer development decisions which may have historic elements to the organization recognized as the local authority on heritage matters- Mundaring & Hills Historical Soc which is paid a grant to preserve the Shire's heritage by way of offering advice to staff & council. A number of historic buildings and places have been lost to the Shire as a result of not consulting with MHHS as to the significance of the site or the structure.
Council needs to integrate Business & Tourism with Heritage. At the moment only the private sector is a the player in this field.
Keep our old heritage sites and restore it to keep for all to tell a story
Have a section in Boya Library dedicated to local history.
Besides the Swan View tunnel and Blackboy Hill not much other local history is acknowledged and recognised in the West Ward.  We have a great historical society working wonders in our area, Midland and Districts Historical Society, I would like to see the Shire of Mundaring support them more and work with them to acknowledge the local history of the West Ward.
Shire is doing well in this area, can always improve to make knowledge of areas better
Preserve heritage buildings
We will see if the heritage committee can make some changes?
Actually start caring about the preservation of our local heritage. Develop a heritage strategy for the Shire; make better use of the local historical society and establish heritage zones around the existing villages.
Keeping motorbikes, cars and quad bikes off our Heritage Trail and Kep track. It's destroying the tracks and forest areas and is dangerous, noisy and unnecessary. Needs policing.
Keep our history and heritage by stopping high rise development
Give due attention to the local history and heritage. Darlington was decimated by a decision to concrete too much around the Darlington Primary School and it still looks horrible. Also, there was a clear lack of community consultation when an approval was given for a local business that many were not happy with the approval in a very historic part of Darlington. Was kept exceptionally quiet and approved before most knew what was happening.
Develop a formal placemaking strategy centred on enhancing quality urban design and architectural aesthetics that honour Mundaring's heritage while fostering a unique identity for our area. Prioritise traditional architectural styles and utilising locally-sourced materials to establish a strong sense of place and character.
Such an important part of the community esp for the younger generations.
Setting up an heritage advisory body from the community  to help preserve and enhance Shire heritage of buildings, infrastructure and landscape along with a signage policy to enhance consistency across the Shire. This area has been neglected and would enhance the tourism aspect especially a uniform signage policy.
No major changes but the ongoing preservation of the settler history and the preservation of relevant buildings and structures.
Heritage trail education of Railway
Increase signage at important sites. Eg station platforms, storage sheds, gangers cottages, signal towers, sites of derailment...
With photos, where possible or links to online photos.
History of Shire/local areas taught in primary schools including Noongar History of land use and changes over time
Maintaining and keeping buildings that have been around the shire of Mundaring.
Making sure that any new local development does not destroy what is currently there.
Think about what approvals you make that respect the history of Mundaring …
Would love to see our local history and heritage celebrated and known by our community
The old train station platform on Swan Road is an area that could have a lot of potential till redevelopment, cafe or coffee van options, children's play areas, picnic areas.  There are stunning views from parts of that reserve and it is an area inundated with recreation walkers and families during the weekends so seems like a wasted opportunity and yet another area in the Swan View locale that is a let down from the shire if Mundaring.
give more importance to the history of this area and keep old infrastructure.
Historical places need listing and advertising so people can come and see and take an interest in the shire
Currently the main information about local history is provided through the Historical Society; which does a fabulous job but is predominantly run by volunteers. Library services also contribute significantly to the dissemination of information.
It would be  good to see an increased focus on preservation and enhancement of the history and knowledge  of the region though greater visibility of Shire activities in this area.
Include benches at Blackboy Hill ANZAC Memorial in Greenmount and the 'Museum' that was promised by a shire president many years ago, so the next generation of children know the history of all soldiers who trained on that site and went to war.
Doing something with our Sam Drucker building. Restoring it. It's a lot of history and it's falling to the ground - and the corner block is not being maintained.

Community buildings, halls and toilets

Bike path’s & rules for people to see and read, too many silly people on non motorised bikes
Improve Mundaring Library. Too small and crowded.
Facility and funding for groups outside of team sports. Regular maintenance including small things like leaky taps, nails protruding from floorboards and investment in cctv and alarms as well as air conditioning for community halls
Preserving local history and heritage. Glen Forrest Octagonal Hall upkeep. Unsightly barriers have been in place for years and nothing done to repair the stone wall fence.
Keep small community halls etc., and offer to communities before pulling them down. Example - Mahogany Creek Hall.
Mahogany Creek public toilet. Toilets and signage to toilets along Railway Trail.
Improve the facilities in the local halls, eg. Provide adequate heating and cooling systems for the current climate.
Community buildings etc. Looking forward to the building of our new Mundaring Community Centre with shared facilities for all ages, including a new library and performance arts centre / community hub.
Maintain and provide community halls etc., for rate payers. *Keep the rates down by reducing other activities.
Community Halls need aircon, better or new tables and chairs. Fit for purpose kitchens in older halls.
Toilet upgrade in public areas.
Make sure we keep up to date with the halls and buildings maintenance. Enough of the banks and businesses are closing.
Need more public toilets.
I belong to Midland Poultry Club (Brock Pavilion). We have meetings, including women, and have no toilet. We had a new member (a woman) who asked where the toilet was and I had to tell her - around the corner, in the dark or behind that bush.
Second 24. The opulent shire office compares unfavourably to the much loved but badly neglected community halls - with so much potential. The Mahogany Creek Hall is a shining example of how these halls serve the community once refurbished. 
A really decent library with more input from readers, rather than woke librarians choosing new age climate change clap trap.
Buildings need to be well maintained. Some shire buildings are looking a bit run down.
Public toilets in Darlington are terrible. There is only one toilet, which is always messy and doesn't have toilet paper, hand soap or a hand dryer. This needs to be rectified ASAP and makes me wonder what my rates are paying for.
The public toilets in the Mt Helena play area are shocking. The toilet seats are broken, no soap to wash hands.
Have a fairly nice area near the fire shed but no public toilets. Not enough seating areas, and where there is some seating, no table.
There need to be public toilets at Morrison Rd Swanview park
Some of the old town halls need an upgrade of facilities to encourage use by the community.
Up grade the toilets
Have more of these central to our down hill communities instead of concentrating only on mundaring and uphill.
We have nothing much here except the brown park complex and there are no public toilets in the area at all.
The parks are minimal and our bush at the top along Blanchard road is getting smaller.   We also need a gated / fenced dog exercise area.
Preserve what bush we have left up there and add more parks to the area for families with children.
There is not enough public toilets along the heritage trail, from glen Forrest to Mundaring there is none and same with mt Helena to swan view
We need more accessible public spaces with small spaces to hold small group community gatherings
Maintain old halls/ buildings
Public toilet maanagement needs to provide clean and accessible toilets at ever park at all times.
Upkeep of old buildings
A full-featured and proper sized library in Mundaring
Accessibility for all Shire building assets (leased or nonleased)
More focus on Nature Based playgrounds rather than plastic
Solar panels and Aircondiitoning for some Shire buildings
Develop an interesting, sustainable building design for the Multi-function Community Space. Something that draws people to Mundaring.  That space is so unique it could be a huge jewel in the crown for Mundaring
The toilets closet to the skate park are In Terrible condition.
Hand soap or hand sanitiser provided in the public toilets, especially near the sculpture park as well as at the toilets at the Mundaring Station Masters House, as these are the toilets required to be used if visiting the library.
The 1 public toilet in Darlington is always blocked and we could have another on the other side of the oval
Eg Darlington Scouts hall, such a beautiful location,  could be utilised much more, but doesn't have basic services such as mobile reception and the ability to connect to the internet.    This is firstly a safety concern with no mobile reception in an emergency and also affects and limits what activities and events can be held there.
Installation of air-conditioning/heating in all community halls/facilities.
We recently had a participant collapse from heat stroke at an evening event at Darlington main Hall. It is incredibly hot in summer and freezing in winter. This makes the hall unsafe to use in extreme weather, particularly for young children and the elderly. Other halls also suffer from this.
Regular Maintenance and improvement of property that the Shire owns, heating, cooling, equipment upkeep. Also repurposing so community groups can access and use existing buildings owned within the Shire for meetings and activities at low or no cost.
Mundaring library building is too small and has no public toilet on site.
Better consideration for smaller groups wanting to help the community
Toilets at the park are always gross
Maintenance and improvements
Public toilets in Mount Helena and Chidlow need upgrading and regular cleaning
The library is too far away.
Hall toilets not suitable for wheelchair access.
Toilets at public parks.
New toilets

Playgrounds, parks and reserves

Wooroloo has not had any development since the time I moved in which is now almost 20 years. The playground equipment is old and in direct sun. the toilets there are ok but there is no community space. I guess the school ground can be used if required but it's not the same. 
Facilities at Brown Park are a disgrace. Lawns not sprayed, no trees. Noticed all the trees planted outside Swan View High on Weld Rd have been stolen or taken away.
More seating around townsite and in parks .
Mt Helena skate park. We had $120,000 in the budget. What has happened to this $$$. The community needs this $$ to apply for a grant - Why? Has this been taken from the community of Mt Helena.
Shade cloth over the new playground next to Mahogany Creek Tennis Courts.
New parks
I would like to see a playground with water sprinklers similar to Rainbow Park in Ellenbrook.
Parkerville is neglected in comparison to other suburbs. In particular, the park opposite the shop and near the tavern is a disgrace. Terrible bushfire hazard and no attempt to improve or beautify. Compared against Darlington, Glen Forrest and even Mt Helena.
Someone please fix the BBQ at Chidlow park. (Opposite the tavern) One of the two has been out of action since way before Christmas.
The parking in sculpture park for markets is badly managed as cars are parked on walk/bike track
The parks in the older areas and paths leading to them have a small amount of lighting and some none. Which is dangerous
Continue managing local parks / recreation areas - especially Fred Jacoby Park.
more investment to keep and grow national parks, reserves, and forest areas, avoiding removing trees for land development.
Remove electronic sign from all parks in the Shire.
While parks are good in general, a major problem with the Sculpture Park children's playground is the totally unfenced drop of about 3m above the swings and climbing frames.
Maintaining parks
Can you please remove the electronic sign in the Glen Forrest Park. We signed a petition to have it removed - but tax payers / rate payers should not have to pay for it. Please also stop the Stoneville development.
Parks and communal areas.
Upgrades to Brown Park in Swan View with new and upgraded Bruce Douglas Pavilion, upgraded lighting on ovals and upgrade turf.
major upgrade and re-development of Brown Park facilities
Toilets at pioneer park need some love
More toilets around Darlington playground
The queens land between Dodington Place and Vista really needs a clean up. Very utilised walking trail needs gravel put on the path as lots of hazards walking through there. Lots of fallen old trees, the park has potential for more, ie. Basket ball courts, or fenced area for toddlers. It's a well used area, just not a lot to offer.
The parks around here are great but once it gets hot you can't use them. Put up shade sails over all of them in the hotter months and take them down in the cooler months. Also, have a fenced off area in the Sculpture Park for 0 - 2 year olds with smaller play equipment. It should be a park for all ages.
We have limited open space areas that are secure and safe for the children and dogs in the hills area. The parks are not really up to scratch for kids to play, people to gather and dogs to be exercised.
The same with playgrounds and parks, etc.
Continue to develop / replace parks and facilities.
Modernise and more public facilities.
Playgrounds. Oval lighting throughout the shire. Renew playgrounds with better equipment.
Playgrounds are laughable. Go look through the Swan Shire to see how a playground is done.
A water play park - splash pad at Sculpture Park, for families who don't have a pool or not able to travel far.
Reserves and parks are lacking good quality care. Dead branches / tree limbs left where they lay for a long period of time. To me, that is a big fire hazard. Weeds in amongst garden beds and near walk trails are not well controlled.
Improve the grass to lawns by reticulating and make the children's playground at the end of Gardenia Gardens more child friendly, instead of spending money on Lakeside Gardens and doing nothing at our park.
More nature focused playgrounds. More BBQs and toilet areas, including showers and change room. A water play area.
Better playgrounds.
More playgrounds for young children with shade.
25. Would be wonderful to have a water playground attached to the Sculpture Park, or the park enlarged.
Playgrounds are terrible. Helena Valley View Playground has just been worked on and it was a total waste of money. Still boring for kids and has nothing exciting. For how much we spend on rates this is unacceptable.
Upgrade Carlton Place Park, amenities for children and public. Watering, swings, BBQ etc.
Playgrounds and parks need to have more shading.
A park in Parkerville, with upgrades.
Playgrounds need more cover, especially the metal surfaces.
With two young children, local facilities that continue to support them being outside and active, with space to catch up with friends, is important.
One big skate park.
Parklands and playground maintenance and upgrade, allowing for all children of all ages to be healthy and active. Attracts young families and fosters community engagement.
Replant any lawns in local parks with native ground cover and encourage people in the community to limit spraying poisons around their homes to give animals somewhere to live (no Glyphosate).
Playgrounds, parks and reserves. In Swan View, the lower class of the Mundaring Shire, there are no new playgrounds. They are all very dated and small. This needs improvement, especially when rates are so high.
Parks and reserves. We have been in Swan View for 50 years. We have vacant land in 2 places that were to be parks. It never happened. Would have been good for families. Swan View misses out, as usual.
Park suitable for younger children that is safe.
Shire seems to only focus on set areas. Make sure all estates / committees have equal parks. Better shade / equipment / water etc. In my area one park has it all, while others have one piece of equipment.
Upgrade skate park in Mt Helena and / or open up a larger skate park that caters for kids of all ages. Toddlers on balance bikes to teenagers.
Peace Park at Old Swan View Train Station needs BBQs (gas) and amenities (toilets) and more seating and pathways. There is a beautiful view of the city and there is nothing at the park. One of the locals put a bench there.
Upgrade of playgrounds to ensure areas for all age groups. It's great for the younger children - still needs work for pre-teens and teens (Stirk Park is a great example). Getting the pump track done. Such a great thing for kids around Glen Forrest to have.
I live near Grundy Reserve. Playground is basic. Needs more trees. BBQ would be nice and a bigger under cover area.
More shade at playgrounds and facilities that encourage families to use them. NB: I am not a rate payer in the Shire of Mundaring so I don't feel I should have much of a say in what they do or how they spend their budget.
Playgrounds. There is only on major playground in the area. It is packed out every weekend. It would be great to have a variety of play areas.
Play facilities upgraded and parks for children. More shade area, BBQ facilities.
More shaded areas at parks.
Need bigger green bins.
Playgrounds and parks. This is WA. It's hot most of the year. Put shade up so playgrounds can be used all year round.
Playgrounds need to be catered so children can use in the summer. Also, more choices - maybe a water playground (like Belmont - in shade and under cover).
25. Improved playgrounds for children, particularly the installation of a water park at or near Sculpture Park.
Playground on Triandra Dr was being upgraded in May 2023 - it still has not been done. No communication to local residents, eg. a sign. Fencing left around an empty spot.
Playgrounds, parks and reserves. Just maintain what the shire currently has. Remove those rubber flooring / mattings.
Parks. Better parks, big playground in Swan View.
Swan View is not family friendly in terms of development. Lacks an amount of playgrounds / play space and the ability to update them and maintain. Dog exercise areas need to be enclosed if space will be shared close to a playground. Whole suburb looks run down overall.
Playgrounds / parks. Sun safety is a big factor in our climate. Environmentally friendly parks / playgrounds. Park variety of play areas, more nature play.
Fix all of the broken and run down play equipment. Add more swings (toddler - bucket style) to Mt Helena Park. Glen Forrest Train Park has a great setup. Add more toddler friendly playground infrastructure. Gate all playgrounds. There is basically no fence separating the Mt Helena Park from the road. Clean up the honky nuts and debris regularly.
Accessing overgrown trees that are growing too close to owners' fences and create a fire hazard for surrounding properties if there was a fire in that park. No access for emergency services to stop a fire.
Playgrounds. Shade structures. Our local park in Mahogany Creek is great but we've had several instances where the equipment is too hot from the sun.
More family / children events / activities.
25. The majority of playgrounds do not have shade, so can only be used in the mornings. Very few toddler friendly playgrounds that allow for climbing (not rope).
Playgrounds. Sun cover for children's play area at Boya Oval. Public BBQ area for family gatherings, Boya Oval area.
Playgrounds, parks and reserves are extremely poor compared to those provided by other shires, including neighbouring ones. Swan View locale is, and has been, neglected for all my years here. Finally, something getting done at Brown Park.
Parks and reserves are for all members of the community. Toilets need to be available, rubbish removed regularly. Play equipment must be shaded - all year round.
Upgrade park facilities. Water playgrounds other than pools. Nature playgrounds.
Install shade sails over the playground at Pioneer Park, Mt Helena.
Parks could have trail maps and signage to give ideas of where to walk / run / cycle.
Playgrounds and parks. Do you ever attend Greenmount / Swan View area. Eaglemont looks OK and Brown Park - others are not maintained well. Russell Rd and Innamincka Rd.
Most local townsites have a central playground, park or grassed area where picnics and gatherings can take place. Parkerville has nothing. The playgrounds, such as they are, are well away from the town centre.
Playgrounds, parks, reserves. These are very limited, or very dated, in Swan View. The closest new park is the Koala Park put in by the developer. Every green space around us is labelled dog exercise area yet very few are fenced. I now have 2 kids and have to drive to go to a suitable playground.
Playgrounds, parks and reserves. Fence off playgrounds from dog park areas (particularly Brown Park). Improve shade cloths and trees around Brown Park and playground. Watton Park needs major work to improve amenity, including lining / managing the waterway, irrigating the lawns, installing a playground targeted at very small children, with astro turf instead of sand.
Lobby for Fibre to the Premise with NBN Co. It will encourage people to move into the area and reduce the digital divide.
Playgrounds, parks etc. Playrgounds need shade!!! Shelter from the harsh sun & rain would make them far more usuable all year round.
Playgrounds: local playgound areas to be upgraded along the lines of Sulpture park with additional play equipment. E.g., tactile, water. Add bbq facilities and shade to play areas.
Not enough playgrounds and parks in the Parkerville area for families to enjoy, these should be investigated by the shire and all new subdivisions should include these.
The mowing is only down every 2-3 months and you have to wade through knee high grass/weeds to get to the playground at Fraser Park.  The mowing used to be done monthly and the area looked a lot better. now, especially in winter, the reserves and playground are basically unusable and you can't walk your dogs or let the kids play in the reserves until they get around to mowing it once again.
Parks in area are dreadful. Swan view except Brown Park are completely uncared for
make these the best in Perth, again to draw people in
Mundaring is a wonderful place to live and the council has done a wonderful job of the sculpture park.  Perhaps that area can be expanded and more facilities provided
Improve the ovals that have the main usage, a major upgrade to Brown Park's lower oval increasing the size and standard so it can be further utilised.
Build a Sculpture Park style playground and BBQ facilities at Brown Park.
Some are good, but the smaller, local ones need to be brought up to the same standard
Have some shade cover, most of the parks are in the sun by 9am
Just maintain what is in place.
Greenmount play grounds are out dated and no shade. All resources seem to get spent up-the-hill and Greenmount is forgotten. More playgrounds needed on vacant council land. City of Swan is doing a good job in this area, our shire is not.
There are a lot of waterways/creeks in Greenmount area that are left to be overgrown and ugly. There's can be planted up with natives and beautiful spaces created. Improvement needed.
Harry Riseborough Oval. The amenities at HR are not up to scratch. Darlington Oval clubhouse. Mundaring Oval clubhouse. These rooms are, newly renovated, well looked after and maintained, while Harry Riseborough is totally inadequate.
I would like to see more modern Playgrounds and parks around the older areas not just looking after new estates.
Can more trees be planted in Broz Park.  A couple of benches are not even in shade.  Trees planted along Lakeside Drive would be good to make it into more of avenue.
would like a enclosed dog park in the area
Look after the smaller parks, make more child friendly.
More parks or spaces for family's and children to meet and enjoy.
Sculpture park is great but needs shade over the play equipment. The plastic ground gets boiling hot in summer and little alternative on a hot day.
This is the only playground that caters for different ages without travelling further out of mundaring. There are so many young family's that would love more options and meeting spaces.
Pioneer Park could be updated, similar issue with shade on hot days, zero sun protection
Would be nice if reserves were looked after more. Never see anyone mowing grass down especially over summer when snakes are active. Very unsettling walking a dog through long grass in summer
More playgrounds
As per first point, an all-abilities playground that is inclusive for young children/teens with mobility issues. Shaded playgrounds.
spend some money in the other suburbs.
Greenmount has a park that has been forgotten about
Shade sails at playgrounds. Both in Stoneville have no shade and are often unusable.
Shade!! I love taking my kid to the park, but the play equipment gets so hot sitting in direct sunlight. Sunshades over the play equipment would be amazing, and allow for more play time. If there were a few local parks with a solid shelter over the top would allow play during winter too.
But most importantly it'd keep the temp of the play equipment down, reduce sun risk to kids, and allow for longer periods of play during the year.
Stop spraying poisons in children’s playgrounds
Upgrade old parks,
Increase shade area
More safe walking tracks within parks
Toilet facilities, BBQ, wheel chair access paths and playground and equipment
Dog parks separate
Exercise areas and equipments for adults and seniors separate
Need more green spaces, dog exercise area, nature based play areas
As a swan view rate payer we see improvements in other suburbs and parts of swan view managed by another shire but Mundaring seems to spend more on localities closer to the Mundaring centre.
Swan View needs to be part of Shire of Swan
There's practically nothing in Wooroloo. The reserve housing the awful bikes ramps, BBQ, playground and toilets looks like a dump most of the time.  Hard to expect residents to do their bit under these circumstances.
Mount Helena should have their playground expanded to make the town a "destination playground" town for young families. This will bring people to the area and create space for more commercial businesses.
The toilets in Mount Helena and Chidlow are atrocious and should be renovated without delay.
Our parks are terrible. No grass just weeds. Very poorly kept, go and look at city of gosnells !
The smaller parks not in the suburb of Mundaring are not looked after effectively. They are poorly maintained and have weeds, double gees etc through the grass areas which does not allow children, adults or there pet dogs to be able to use the parks. 
Dog exercise areas are not fenced. Elderly residents trying to allow their dogs to have a run are likely to have the dog run away because the area is open to the roads.
Make them more attractive.
Solid covering for parts of playgrounds (protection from the sun).
Sculpture Play Park
Currently the slides and good number of play equipment at the playground(Sculpture Park) is unusable during the summer due to
NO SHADE over these slides etc.,consequently equipment extremely HOT, children cannot. use.
Shade Sails desperately needed.
New interactive playgrounds Wooroloo has one 24 years old and boring as
From what I see the others in the shire are also dated
Bassendean brabham swan have amazing playgrounds
National parks in the mundaring shire should be free for people who pay Mundaring shire rates or at least at a discounted rate.
More train stuff at trin park
Broz Park
-Reticulation (water the lawn), weed management and mowing around newly installed infrastructure.
-Additional shade sail above nest swing
-Upgrade the skate park at Broz Park
Newly installed flying fox is a FAIL! The launch end needs to be more elevated, if tax payers dollars art to be spent at least make it fun for the kids, the ride hardly works! my kids age 6y & 9y reckon its boring and wont use it, I totally agree with them. Most other flying foxes have a much higher elevation. The installer should be held accountable and plan rectification work.
Speaking of Darlington specifically, the playground is very aged and there could be more activation of Darlington Oval.
Create better play areas for children of all ages, create a water area for animals (eg dogs)
Redevelopment of sculpture park already planned will address this
Consistent slashing/mowing of known bushlands and water easements.
Parks are outdated and new parks/playgrounds aren't maintained to the initial level of quality.
Blackboy hill gardens desperately need attention.
The playground on Churchill Drive needs an upgrade urgently.
There are very few services in the Helena Valley area. Residents tend to access Swan and Kalamunda services.
Keep improving local parks, let aim to be the Kings park of the hills, trails, signs, lighting, facilities, watering station.
Mini Train that goes from Chidlow down to Swan view tunnel each day, bring people up and explore all the old pubs and towns along the way.
Make John Forest park amazing and a summer resort style, natural swimming pools, water falls and nature playgrounds.
Need more updated equipment down the hill
Some more nature playgrounds or water-based play areas.
Would also be good to see FOGO to make up for our miniature bin.
play areas out dated, hot, no shelter, and grassed areas covered in prickles unable to walk dogs in the allocated areas due to this
Playgrounds that children actually want to play in. Move ahead with the times.
More reticulation of parks and dog excercise areas, currently they’re just massive areas of mowed dead weeds, a massively under-utilised and terrible looking area. There is plenty of them they are just poorly managed and therefore not fit for purpose and go under utilised by the public
- shade over playgrounds.
- update and new play equipment.
- drinking water at ALL playgrounds and parks (people and dogs)
More shade, upgrade play equipments, more things for kids to do, a purpose build gym for kids/ youth.
Complete playground works in a timely manner
Water lawns to ensure grass areas are green year round
Have a weed management program to remove prickles in grass at parks
Pest management program to remove ants
Shade cloth over playgrounds
The greenmount end of the shire seems to be forgotten about in terms of verge management. In comparison to other shires we are way behind in waste management/fogo bins/glass bins/green waste management.
Parks and recreational areas are outdated and the whole shire of Mundaring looks like it is stuck in the 1950s.
There is a lack in workshops for the youth who could benefit from learning more about our local environment or even fire safety etc.
Nothing that the shire is actively doing is well advertised via social media nor is it engaging.
Some parks need a major upgrade. For example the park located opposite Fisher Road in Darlington is bland, minimal trees & could do with an inspiring upgrade.
The Glen Forrest park near the shops has had a wonderful upgrade! Thank you!
just better facilities and better management, 2 of the three parks in walking distance are a bit sad and Lloyd Penn is good but probably need more frequent cleaning/maintenance.
We have a playground on Triandra Drive which is still not finished. There is also a block of land next to it which needs to be grassed and family friendly.
Updates to older parks and car parking facilities at current park areas
Updated parks, parks with the inclusion of basketball courts (which is already happening in some existing parks and is fantastic) and always more trees.
Making sure youth are consulted and whole park plan developed rather then plonking bits and pieces throughout
Water playground/splash mats throughout the shire
Better maintenance of playgrounds and adequate shading and family facilities to support them
We really appreciate the work that has been done to Broz park.  It's amazing! We also are impressed by the work begun around the Helena River in Helena Valley to get rid of introduced weed trees & replace with native species.
more family friendly picnic friendly bbq facilities
The improvement to Mahogany Creek park is great but it needs grassed areas
More irrigated grassed areas and nice deciduous trees rather than stupid natives!! We have enough of these around so need to become  more like the southern highlands in NSW with beautiful english trees in our streetscapes and parks
I have been to few parks around and some of them need more shade or plants around.
I would love to see an addition to some of the parks to accomodate some of the smaller children.  Sculpture park is great but my one year old is too small for most of the equipment.  it would be great for it to be more inclusive for everyone....not just children 5 and up
Parks in Helena Valley incomplete and no shade, the nature playground is unsafe and lacks community vibes.
Projects - Brown Park!? Seriously, the way this project has been managed makes me question if I should sell my house and move to a better area. We live very close to the park and was never consulted or informed of what's happening or of any project milestones. One year we're told 30k goes to planning, the next year a second set of cricket nets go up.
Changes - provide bigger leash free spaces for our dogs that don't have prickles or meat ants attacking us all the time.
Improvements - better grassed areas where we can sit and enjoy the open spaces (it would be great to not have to throw the dogs in the car and drive down to Lilac Hill to enjoy a nice space where we can sit on nice grass and the dogs can run free too).
It's great that you've put up more leash free signs but some of these places are so small the only dog that can truely stretch their legs is a chihuahua.
We drive to other city councils to enjoy their leash free dog spaces(not just Lilac Hill, we go all over the city) why can't the shire of Mundaring produce spaces to be proud of so people from other city councils want to drive here.
Yes, the kids have grown up and now the dogs are the kids ;)
Looking at other areas other than Mundaring. How about chidlow? Playground is absolutely shocking
Focus on money being spent. I.e not wasted on a shaded picnic table near the playground at Boya oval, but shading playgrounds so children can play all hours of the day.  Or suitable trees planted around playgrounds to shade them (unlike the trees planted around Grundy Park for example which are very slow growing. All through Helena valley there are no many non native trees planted. They loose there leaves in winter blocking street drains. Birds unable to use the habitat. Each year a plant drive is offer only to residents over a certain size.
Proper Management of Parks and Faciliities - closure of Toilet Blocks overnight - improved lighting - CCTV - More Rubbish Bins in Public Parks (in appropriate places)
Valley Views playground in Helena Valley; it barely gets used because it is so underwhelming…
The parks, roads and paths around Darlington stop concentrating on just mundaring
Remove the NEON sign from the Glen Forrest train park - what an eyesore and totally out of context with the environment.
No one was consulted and how much of our money was wasted on this ridiculous unit? Everybody hates it - it needs to go. Despite heavily subscribed Petions to the Shire its still there - why?
More places to take young children
I believe some playgrounds need updating and improving
There seems to little thought to the younger kids - toddlers etc, with suitable little stuff - swings, smaller climbing things - more nature play and less rope type items, which are difficult for little kids
I would like to see development of the local 'park' areas with seating in shade and safe pathways for seniors and young children
Build more
I have an overweight DS21 adult daughter. The Sculpture Park playground in 'supposed to be' inclusive. But the disability swing, which was too small anyway for adults with disabilities, is absent and not replaced. The rest of playground equipment that our daughter can use is usually full of 'normal' children. Could some additional items (the large round swing as well as a larger disabled adult swing seat) be added with signs that disabled people have priority to use these?
More modern playgrounds. More bbq/picnic areas.
The shire needs to drop the land rates as they are one of the most expensive compared to other shires
The park on Ensighn Drive in swan view we were told 10 years ago there was gong to be a playground put in and there is nothing been done really.
We have to ring up to get it mowed all the time.
No reticulation so its a horrible park over summer.
No seating .
No Barbecue to bring every one together.
No play ground equipment.
One of the locals even made a monkey bar for the kids to play on but it was taken away.
There is a lot of land for sale around it that just doesn't sell as the park lets the area down.
Very poor when you consider what a park looks like in Ellenbrook or even in swan View under the City Of Swan
I think you get my drift.
Regular mowing and tending to park facilities.
Has tended to be intermittent at best !
More shade for a number of them, more trees
Upgrade old playgrounds to make them welcoming for children
More parks with shade and large grassed areas for dogs and children
Upgrading current parks and playgrounds to suit both younger and older children. Putting in skate parks or something else for teens
They are poorly managed. The ‘new’ refurbished Broz Park only has shade over part of the playground. The toilets are pretty ordinary, very little shaded seating for multiple groups of adults. Not much ‘maintained’ grass in any of the parks/playgrounds surrounding Helena Valley. Often, just a small strip and the rest is dirt eg top of estate next to lifestyle village, the ‘nature’ playground in the estate opposite, Broz Park, the park in the IGA estate - none with great or significant green space suitable for a game of footy or soccer or a picnic etc.
Maintenance of local parks
Some exercise equipment
Council to conduct majority of work on upkeep of facilities instead of farming out work to contractors.  The council contractors mow the reserve near my property on one side of the creek line, and have only three times in the past 30 years cleaned the reserve on my side of the creek. I & neighbours, mow and maintain the area to reduce fire hazards and weed management.  The only three occasions when the area has been attended and cleaned, it was by council employees.
Better playgrounds
Checking to make sure these areas are safe to use, things like broken glass or bottles and used condoms, to name but a few, removed from sandpits surrounding playground equipment.(Checking more often to make sure
these public areas are safe for the public to use.)
A designated area in parks for dogs, to cut down on people being attacked by dogs.
With signs stating that fact.
Increase seating area as the elderly can't always sit down on the grass one bench at a playground really isn't enough.
Parkerville is the only surrounding suburb that does not have a central playground on the railway heritage trail reserve for the local community to attend and is very much needed for the local kids and families to access.
We need more water play areas for the kids. Either add to Bilgoman or up in Mundaring. Have to travel to Maylands for a water play park.
Parkerville needs a park like Mount Helena has - a hub of the suburb
Love how mt Helena has Pioneer Park the  pub and  Whites Mill and Grind - such a vibrant community hub, - Parky is missing that
It would be nice to have more drink fountains on the boundaries of the John Forrest National Park - maybe at Pechey Road carpark, Swan Road carpark. It would also be nice to have a drink fountain with a dog water bowl near the cricket club rooms at Brown Park. I understand a dog water bowl fountain was installed near the playground (closest to Salisbury road), which seems like a strange place to put it, as the community of neighbourhood dogs usually congregate near the cricket club rooms, and play on both ovals.
I have to go to shire of Swan for a decent playground. There is nothing within walking distance here in Greenmount. Brown Park needs an overhaul now.
The playgrounds around Swan View are minimal and are of poor quality
Water playground,
Some more access to water
The park in mahogany creek needs grass
Train park and Darlington park needs revamps.
Parks in some areas are not maintained
Parks need a refresh and new equipment to keep it interesting for all ages under 10. More decent sized pump tracks are needed (think the beehive playground in Dayton as their pump track size is excellent). Some small toddler friendly areas and a water playground would be ideal.
A seal bike path that goes for atleast 1km would be amazing to help teach kids to ride their bikes off training wheels, even a section of a heritage trail to be sealed
A slide to the mt Helena pool would increase the attraction to go even more with kids.
These need to continue to be improved and focus on improve the quality of grass in these areas. Removing weeds and prickles to make the areas.more appealing. They are some very unattractive playgrounds in the shire.
Continue to maintain
A splash or water park (small) free splash kid play area would be amazing for our community. This summer has been difficult with 40°+ and lake shut.
Mount Helena pool has saved this summer, but more options for very small kids would encourage hills people to do things locally. As it is a large drive to any of the water activity around other areas
Playgrounds for younger children, playgrounds in suburbs, waterpark
None close to Helena Valley, there needs to be a proper park where people can walk, we need to drive to Hyde park for a walk....
There isn’t any really toddler areas something for the smaller children would be lovelY one of those joint kid and adult swings so you can swing with your child would be so amazing
RE Helena Valley Playgrounds -
Top priority; more shade
Better lighting to help prevent vandals
Updated equipment
Speak with local families prior to completing upgrades to understand what they would like
As per my first preference
Mount Helena playground upgrade. A destination playground would be a huge draw card and help increase business for local tavern and cafe
The shire only has one good playground, being sculpture park and even that is now starting to become dated. I would love to see the Darlington playground receive an upgrade without taking away from the amazing community spirit demonstrated in the park each day.
Less use of chemicals and pesticides for weed management, explore less harmful alternatives for weed management. Stop using glyphosate
More access to facilities at parks for parents
Upkeep and improvement of existing ones
Brown Park needs a skate park where local kids can go and play (the skate park at Swan Active is too far away for residents at the eastern end of Swan View).
I am disappointed with a lot of the park areas now. Apparently a lot have gone to contract and they seem to want to get out of them as quickly as possible. Very untidy. I worked in Parks and Gardens for 15 years but left in 2004 (retired).
Draper St Park shows on maps but nothing there that can locate this place exists. It is just thick bush.
Shade at playgrounds.
Burkinshaw Park in Glen Forrest needs fencing, proper parking and bush regeneration around the perimete. The park is used by so many sporting groups and rate payers and has no (normal) lighting for night time unless there is a sporting event on. Rate payers would like to enjoy in the evenings but is too dark.
Shade cover over playground Boya Oval, and increase in equipment.
Reinvigorate the Mundaring Sculpture Park and play area. It's great though, keep going.
I would like to see more ranger activity at John Forrest National Park, particularly at the top of Morrison Road. Cars are parked up and down the streets and not in the designated areas. People using the park, leaving rubbish everywhere. This area is a hazard to locals and residents and needs to be addressed.
Park area along Balmain Rd would make a footpath easy to wind in and out of trees.
More use made of tiered area in sculpture park for outdoor entertainment
Brown Park!?
The playgrounds, parks and reserves are a major drawcard for the area. I'd like to see continued focus on maintaining these spaces.
Adopt a tenure blind approach to working with community groups on preservation of reserves and trails.

Streetscapes, trees and verges

Increase verge pickups to twice yearly. Elderly have difficulty accessing refuse site without trailers or they have mobility health issues.
Verges and street appeal needs improvement.
Remove trees and other obstructions close to infrastructure to limit down time. Allow property owners to prune / remove more dangerous trees, etc. 
Clean up all the bush on shire land, including verges and heritage trails.
Bushland across the road of 'Greenmount Rise' of 19 houses to be cut and removed before summer season arrives.
Verge clean more other council areas.
Care of verges along Clayton Rd. Footpath ends at Leawood Cres and then no clear area to walk. Bushes up to road. Have to dodge traffic.
New kerbing around streets.
More work on verge clean up needed. 
I believe that the road verges and shire properties are not well maintained especially the regrowth in Parkerville after the fire a few years ago.
I believe the park facilities need upgrading eg. toilets, playground equipment.
I also would like to see more housing on small blocks for seniors.
Clean up verges. More planting of native vegetation on high way.
Verges along roads need to be maintained of tall grasses for fire risk. Ratepayers who refuse to do firebreaks before the November deadline to be red flagged and if not done before November, fined.
Stopping poison spraying on verges etc. Investigate other methods to control weeds - Like steam for one. Remove the invasive Sydney Wattles to improve fire safety - reward rate payers for doing so.
Verge tidy eg trees wires
Lots of trees seem to have branches hard up against power lines in the Darlington / Greenmount area.
The shire taking some responsibility for verges that are overgrown with weeds, fuel for fires and very unattractive to look at
I don’t want footpaths just the shire keeping the verges tidy we do ours as do some people living in our street  ….by the way three questions not nearly enough
In our area we have very badly neglected shire verges. More maintenance crews needed.
The main thing is to keep verges clean and tidy. We are elderly with a big verge on two roads they are a fine risk and should be cared for on a monthly basis not yearly.
Midvale, Swan View streetscapes appear 'run down, unkempt and scary' eg. verge maintainence, bus stops, kerbs, roads condition, general landscaping, mowing and pruning activities (these are highly visual sign posts of a community's self-esteem and what regard the Shire holds them in).  PS- i first lived here in 1993 and much improvement has happened since then but is still feels low self esteem, slightly scary area to live in or travel through.
Verges and roundabout on McDowell Loop need to be cleaned up and maintained, especially during the fire season.
Clean up the streets overgrown grasses on walkways makes the place looks run down get onto people leaving the front off there houses overgrown not trimming trees on there property that over hang power lines
Street trees need to be pruned near power lines and verges could be a lot tidier.
Verges. I live on a corner lot, look after 2 verges. Planting costs in adding natives, water cost is large. Time cost is largest. Morally the verge belongs to all. Technically the shire owns it. I have had no help - labour, or funds, to keep the verge looking great. Nor material such as mulch. It crosses my mind to take away my efforts and spend, including plantings, mulch and water AND save money and time and let the verge fend for itself. Since 2010 five figures in thousands spent. Plus time, which costs me more.
The weeds & general messy verges with poor footpaths and their maintenance within swan view its very difficult getting around if you have a mobility issue and also extremely untidy to look at. you just need to look at one side of morrison rd where it is swan shire to see how much neater and better presented
26. Ban permanent verge storage parking. Caravans permanently parked / stored on verges. Why has this practice been approved. Trashes streetscape. Dangerous blindly entering road from property. Contact me - 45 Buckingham Rd.
Park Rd, Midvale. Need to grow more grass and plants outside the verges.
Cleaning verges promptly and frequently. Is shire able to remove dead verge trees - cause of Parkerville fire (falling on power lines).
Clean and tidy road verge and median strip on Gt Eastern Hwy, especially near townsite.
Streetscape, trees + verges. Keep undergrowth. Replanting and watering in summer of trees and shrubs on the railway pentage trail in Greenmount adjacent to Coongan Ave. Upkeep of verges that aren't maintained by residents use of electric vehicles by councils.
Taking more responsibility for upkeep of verges. Making clearing up after storms a priority as fallen trees / branches add to the fire risk.
Trim back the street trees all the way up and down Rosedale Rd, all the way to Karakamia and Keenan Rd / Cookes Brook. That's also a major fire hazard and will cause more power outages, which is bad for the shire.
There is so much rubbish on the streets and side of highway, yet they do nothing about it. Impose massive fines, send the prisoners to work, clean up the place. The only suburbs where anything gets done is Mundaring and suburbs closer to Mundaring. Also,, the trees need pruning as they make a mess and are sometimes dangerous. My roof, gutters, downpipes, driveway, and everything is clogged because they do nothing about cleaning up.
Better education to the community about the various ways to manage their verges. Have Coppin open for an additional day and increase / or abolish limited visits for household goods. Provide other options of collection. This may go towards the reduction in dumpage.
More care of street removal (promptly) of downed trees.
Streetscapes, especially town centre. Get rid of the heavy haulage. I know it's difficult but it's stifling streetside living /cafes / restaurants / want to spend $ and time in town.
Streetscape in Mt Helena is a disgrace. Long, overgrown vegetation to verges.
Trees and verges. We all love them but some owners / tenants don't keep their trees safe (ie. Trimmed when necessary) and allow them to overshadow neighbours etc.
Upgrading side roads.
Midland needs a facelift. Most of the streetscapes and verges look very poor, especially coming into Midland along GEH. The footpaths and verges mostly appear not to be maintained at all and should be improved as they are very old and look  shabby. New paving and native plants would be nice. This area definitely needs improvement.
More time on maintenance of verges. Clearing vegetation and weeds of overhanging - leaning trees.
Maintaining trees and verge. Also, local reserves and parks.
Areas are very shabby- long grass fallen branches. This particularly applies to road verges
(1) Replanting of road areas that have died. (2) Improving local shopping precinct, especially eradicating pigeons and poo.
Making sure lane ways are cleaned. Going back to regular inspections on peoples properties, as some around here are putting other neighbours at risk during bushfire seaon. Over hanging trees on roads.
The shire needs to take responsibility for its road and verge network. Trees and shrubs are their responsibility. Their recent response to the massive storm was abysmal.
The fuel left on verges. This should be addressed.
You need clean up after storm. We need allowed cut the trees because when storm will come have a big problem again.
However it suits the shire.
Crown land tree and grass management.
Higher density in Mundaring CBD. Up to investors - yeah - but who wants to invest in a town that's split by trucks.
Continue to mow grass verge and trees on Balfour Rd. From park area…. Past the child care centre. Only complaint. PS I have rung the shire on a couple of occasions and after my call contractors do mowing. They should continue cutting, mowing without me calling the shire office.
Mundaring streetscape is OK but Sawyers Valley really needs to be cleaned up.
Cleaning up road verges - cutting grass.
Streetscapes, trees, verges - Tidy verge weeds and clutter. Plant verge trees for shade (deciduous). Additional footpaths and crossovers.
Streetscapes. Beautification of the whole area is a factor of embarrassment for the residents of Swan View, especially on the main artery of Talbot Rd. Shame on you.
Maintain trees on property boundaries so that falling branches don't cause damage to private property. There is no compensation available from the shire, which results in increased property insurance for landowners.
The verges are overgrown by tree branches in most areas and not really maintained to a good level. Home owners and the shire need to be more onto this upkeep and tidiness.
From the aspect of the street verges, understandable water conservation has virtually made them non events. More verge trees, once established, would help considerably - both shade and appearance.
Cleaning up of long grass and dead trees, so less of a fire risk. Assessing trees on the verge close to power lines and pruning. Park is overgrown in our street and attended to very rarely to keep the grass mown.
Clearing verges close to built up areas of years of leaves, branches etc. Have a campaign of clearing build ups. Extreme fire hazard.
Verge median strips cleaned. Trim bushes / trees on verge of ALL roads for better view when driving and fire prevention.
Check trees on verge. I have a lot of rubbish blown in and branches falling.
26. Take responsibility for shire land, ie. Streetscapes and verges. Mow, neaten, prune trees etc. Nil responsibility taken now - areas looked poor and unloved.
We are next to a walkway, which is always a bit messy and overgrown.
Clearing verges / access paths / drains every 3 - 6 months.
Would like more street treescapes, footpaths on busier roads.
26. Perhaps more thought into species of street trees as a lot of paving , particularly around Lakeside Dr, is lifting from tree roots and is a dangerous trip hazard. Also, our street tree roots have gone into our sewerage pipe and we're going to need expensive repairs soon. We asked if the tree could be removed a few years ago and were told 'No'.
Again, I know verges are a problem so what about road traffic control, local fire volunteers and home owners looking after their adjoining verge.
Some trees along the Bridle Trail are very dangerous and about to fall and cause damage. Verges in the area very rarely get attended to and are overgrown and unsightly.
26. Fire escape risk and emergency vehicle access. Need all trees removed from at least 5m from road edge in shire. Priority roads, Throssell Rd, Darlington Rd, Coulston Rd and Scott Rd, near the new bridge.(Swan View road verges are a major fire risk from Malone Rd to Curve Rd - has been for several years of Watsonia growth on west side).
Get up to date to control and maintain bush areas. Some area's verges are pristine, others never touched.
26. The shire is on to residents to maintain their properties but does not look after the verges. Double standards.
Streetscape and verges. Tidy verges where scrub is overgrown.
Plant more trees in Helena Valley Estate.
26. Verges are a big problem, with fallen trees, leaf litter. Also, walking trails - more burnoffs needed.
Better kept verges and trees to create an appealing streetscape and attract new people to the area.
Investment in streetscapes / verges via joint initiatives with home owners. ie. Tree and shrub planting of verges via low maintenance planting.
Tree trimming in council areas of local streets. Mowing and watering of verges (council areas).
Plant more street trees, offer residents a shared care plan (watering, planting).
Clean up the verges outside the town site.
During the weather event of the 16th January the council verge along Kilburn Rd created an unsafe environment due to unmaintained verge and overhead high voltage lines.
More trees to be planted on shire verges.
There doesn't seem to be much of an emphasis placed on the eastern or western entrance to the CBD of Mundaring. The streetscape is underwhelming. I know that the shire has about 1500 klms of verges but any assistance with fire mitigation would be helpful.
Streetscapes. Get the shire to take responsibility for their verges and bush areas in public open spaces. They're a fire hazard and the shire is 100% to blame if a bushfire starts.
As you drive into Parkerville make it more landscaped and our streets and verges tidy. It's a fire hazard at the moment. Making the old part of Parkerville street verges neater and roads safer.
Streetscape lacks throughout Perth Hills. Most noticeable at Xmas time. More should be done to create a picturesque area which will feed into priority area 3.
26. Streetscapes and verges - Midvale. Residential areas in Midvale (streets / verges) are not being maintained (garbage on streets, overgrown verges, etc.) and certain roads and areas are vey unpleasant. This has a very negative effect on the value of property.
Revegetation of more trees / large shrubs will improve street outlook and keep weeds to a minimum
Clear vegetation from verges to improve line of sight at road junctions. Clear drains of vegetation and leaves.
My sister came from SA and couldn't believe how much Mundaring town centre has gone downhill. I was embarrassed. Everything needs cleaning, painting. Doing up to a country look, not city look. No hills type, beautiful country sign welcoming people to Mundaring. (I wish I'd won the $200 million. Would have spent heaps on the look of Mundaring. So sad and disappointed on how it deteriorating).
More trimming and grooming.
The median strips and verges, particularly along GEH, are a disgrace. Mundaring is the eastern gateway to the metropolitan area and the current approaches should be an embarrassment to the shire. Overgrown with weeds (wild oat), scruffy.
Streetscape, trees and verges.
More time spent on verges. For example, tidying up trees would help the local birds.
Trees and verges. No-one seems to like trees in this area. So many have removed all of them and they don't have a street tree. More shire directives, as Swan Shire do, so many bare verges - more trees.
Better verge rehabilitation and planting of native trees and services to protect and encourage wildlife.
Appropriate streetscape trees. Shire needs to carefully determine street tree choices. Where I am rubbish trees (Chinese Tallow) invasive root systems, London Plain Trees, Lace Bark Elms - all inappropriate. So many WA native trees to choose from - for shade, insect and bird habitat and food. Active encouragement of verge planting and, where appropriate, a program developed, supplied and rewarded to each household for appropriate tree to be planted on house land (remembering we are now the most treeless, hottest city in Australia). 
Clean up and maintain fire hazards of trees and weeds / grasses on verges and street scapes.
Better verge maintenance.
We are a 'green, rural area'. There should be trees everywhere. Block holders who clear their slots should be held more accountable.
Road verges are overgrown and trees have been allowed to grow far too close to road edges. I agree it is a huge undertaking to address this but it needs to begin somewhere.
Enforce weeding of verges. Planting natives.
Clear weeds and trees for more visibility along verges and drainways. Lots of long grass during winter. Keep it a bit lower, prevent fire etc.
Plant more trees, encourage people to plant waterwise verges.
Streetscapes. More cleaning by the shire. The shire should be vigilant, not wait for someone to request a work order then have to wait for months for the work to be done.
How about cleaning verges and streets that just aren't near the town centre.
Streetscapes. Allow residents to chop down trees on their verges to maintain. Shire should clean reserves of rubbish, weeds and other waste.
Verges are disgusting.
The town of Sawyers Valley really needs cleaning up. It is an eyesore and parts of it need bulldozing, especially where the second hand store is. It really is dirty and untidy.
Removing tree debris from verges, checking for fallen trees or sick tree removal.
Verges need to be maintained. Only time we see anything done is for the Billy Cart Festival. Overhanging trees everywhere. Trucks on wrong side of the road to miss.
More street sweeping and keeping roads / verges clean and tidy.
Roads / verges being kept clean.
More greenery.
Verges need to be manicured and not overgrown. Fire and rubbish hazards. Improve street lighting.
If there is a blank space plant trees, shrubs, to encourage wildlife back to these areas. Organisations like Trillion Trees do a great job.
More tidying of verges and cutting down dead trees and maintaining footpaths, especially for disability access.
Verges need to be maintained regularly and cleared before the summer / fire season. Tall grass poses a fire and snake threat. Mundaring entrance should have sculpture and trees reflective of the environment.
We have letters, as residents, to keep our grass / weeds short and yet many verges in the hills are left to grow wild. They look messy and have many years of tree matter on the ground.
Mundaring needs to be better showcased as a 'tidy' town. Better town planning and clean. This entails also educating residents on how to maintain their properties.
Streetscapes. Beyond hacking trees on certain streets coming close to the powerlines, please attend to beautification of streets and verges. How does the Shire of Kalamunda manage to create verges / avenues of roses, water features, etc., and the Shire of Mundaring (with our ridiculously high rates) can't offer anything comparable. Most of the streets in Darlington have no interest to them.
Streetscape in the towns need to be cleaned up. The verges are terrible - overgrown with long, dry grass. Havens for dangerous snakes. Brunswick Junction, in the SW, is a revelation of pride in streetscape tidiness.
A little maintenance on the verges would be nice. Very hard to see as you turn onto Roland Rd because of bushes, trees, etc.
Verges in some areas are overgrown and neglected.
Clearing of broken trees and branches on verges brought down by weather (not by burning verges).
Streetscapes - More trees please, on verges around Swan View and Brown Park.
26. Make the streets clear of debris and ensure trees are not close to power / Telstra lines. By clearing the verges it would stop bush fires from cigarette butts.
Cameron Rd is shocking, with trees and branches on the side of the road and the intersection of Cameron Rd and Stoneville Rd is so dangerous - just waiting for an accident to happen. When you are turning off Cameron onto Stoneville Rd
Mowing, cleaning away rubbish and general tidying of verges.
Clean up verges (fire safety). 
Streetscapes. Here this shire is abysmal at streetscapes. 'We have enough trees' - not so. The shire is becoming concreted and hard landscapes. The heat is getting hotter. There is inadequate streetscaping and attention to verges throughout the shire. Mostly they are unsightly and dangerous. being weedy are hazards.
Streetscapes. Most of the areas in the Shire of Mundaring have verges overgrown, rubbish blowing arounds and generally look messy.
Keeping sightlines clear of foliage is sporadic rather than routine. I have personally experienced many very near miss crashes due to restricted driving sightlines caused by ongoing lack of road intersection verge and roundabout trimming / clearing. I am a road designer and a good 25% of the shire roads do not comply with A. Standards.
Encourage / incentivise residents to manage verges and streetscapes.
Clean drains of leaf litter.
Plant more trees. Manage the fire risk. More native vegetation in parks, verges and reserves. Create more native animal corridors.
Verge management. Cnr Marloo and Radborn Sts - Restricted views along Marloo. Unsafe corner. Several email requests / photos in past years - unsuccessful.
Streetscapes. Verges need attention, tidied and dried long grass removed. 
Need verges tidied up more regularly - fire hazard.
Streetscapes kept tidier - for fire risk.
Verges need cleaning up. Trees need pruning or cutting back. Too many fire hazards. *Please ask the shire who okayed the closure of Robinson St, Bellevue.
26. Upkeep of verges by the shire could be better.
26. All verges need to be free from trees, shrubs and any regrowth, to make it safe to exit driveways by car and make verges, areas safe to walk along.
Clear trees and clean verges that are close to power poles and phone lines to prevent damage to property and lives (especially tree limbs overhanging over the road). Several incidents where huge limbs have fallen over the road, missing cars and humans.
In areas that have had bushfires, after a given amount of time the regrowth needs to be trimmed / addressed.
Maintain trees on council verge. Cut them back and stop tagging homeowners trees just to get more money. Maintain grasses on streets so we can see around corners. Clear out culverts regularly - ours hasn't been done in 10 years.
26. Look after your verges and reserves. Manage the fire risk better than you currently do.
Streetscapes, trees and verges. Inconsistent management of verges results in a fire hazard as weeds profligate on shire property.
Frequent reminders via various media outlets during Spring and Summer to keep verges managed for weed reduction and line of site traffic issues.
The attitude of the shire regarding verges is piss poor. They say they don't have the manpower or facilities to maintain verges so it's up to the rate payer to do it. Bullshit.
26. Make sure of safety along verges. Regular pickup of fallen branches. Streetscapes catch the eye when well maintained - regular check for trees that could be a danger.
Better management of verges, ie. don't let them die. Better consideration of appropriate trees for streetscaping / more objective (being a Gum Tree doesn't automatically make it the best streetscape). Consider deciduous / exotic, least flammable trees. Advocate for below ground power lines. 
For all - Our home is right on the boundary of the shire. Midland is closer for everything so I can really only comment on what I have circled.
Not mentioned, but can we put in a plug for the shire to install a dump point for people camping and / or passing through. You would be surprised how many caravanners judge a local town by this one amenity (and we always spend time in other towns after using their facilities).
Tidy up major road verges to all the suburbs in the shire. Helena Valley Estate, around the shopping centre is OK. Why not other areas.
Streetscapes. We are in the foothills / hills - more trees, better footpaths.
26. Clean up verges and maintain them correctly. Get community members involved in, for example, clearing up forests. Take inflammable materials, wood away - Community members can use what they cleaned up for firewood. Less pests / white ants this way and better control in many ways.
Road verges need maintaining - Currently it is very limited what gets cleaned up. Roads that intersect others need to be cleared of vegetation so vision is clear and safe.
Verges. Road verges are a disgrace (massive fire hazards). Overhanging Redgum Tree branches over our roads are vey unsafe. Need pruning back or removal. Fire hazard inspections are not good enough. Rangers need to get out of cars and do front and rear inspections on suspect properties.
Keep improving the level of trees along road verges and traffic island.
Streetscapes. (1) We pay enough in land rates for the shire to look after the verges. (2) I know someone who cleared their verge and the shire was going to fine them. It's neat and tidy and well maintained. Doing a better job than the shire.
Verges. The shire imposes demands on rate payers to maintain native vegetation. Yet the shire refuses to maintain verges, leaving them as fire traps, or obliterating the verges, destroying wildlife.
Streetscape. Please keep 'natural' - no over kill or too much signage - as what has happened with the bus stops and shelters. Keep the natural character of the hills and don't turn it into over organised, sterile suburbia.
Shopping favouritism towards e.g., bed + breakast also we have as we found out after 2014 fire there is a section that belongs to the Shire. But the neighbour has pretty much claimed it, and it is either blocked with cars or mulch. So emergency vehicles can't access to help save our property.
Verges need to be mowed and whipped snipped they do not adhere to the fire break laws
Eradication invasive species. Maintained roads & footpaths. Removal of dead/dangerous trees
Better maintenance of verges.
Shire to do it's job in cutting back their side of the fire breaks and whipper snipping street corners.
We hardly ever see the shire in our street pruning trees
The tree on our verge is low hanging and is often hit by small trucks and the waste trucks sending honky nuts all over the road making it dangerous for pedestrians
We live on a street that has units and the tenants are always dumping rubbish and old furniture on the verge and it sits there for months looking like an eyesore. Why is nothing done about this?
There are some verges on secondary roads that require a removal of the high loads on leaf and grass material.
Some secondary roads need to be re-classified as the level of vehicles on them is high considering the level of traffic that are on them.
Need to keep the trees out of power lines. Cutting out of overgrown & dead material for fire safety.
Maintain verges better. Too many roadside verges with fire hazard material left unmanaged every year. While the Shire is strict on private landowners managing fire risk on their land the shire does not do the same with the road and trail verges.
The whole town centre and major roads leading into it need a makeover. It all looks a bit shabby. Road verges in fire prone areas are also very overgrown and in need of much more regular attention.
All the trees growing on the verges need to be cut down and replaced with footpaths and street lighting this would reduce bush fires ,prevent trees falling on electricity cables and make it safer to walk using footpaths
Clear all vegetation from verges as they are overgrown, unsightly and are damaging home owners fencing. Replant with low growing bird and bee attracting natives. All power should be underground. How often does the hills have to burn down with trees causing sparks or lose power due to fires?
Stoo expecting residents to maintain shire property
Incentives to plant street trees and green verges
I would like the shore to be responsible for the verge outside the home boundary line. This property does NOT belong to the home owner so therefore is NOT their responsibility
There are so many shire trees that overhang powerlines it is ridiculous.  Western Power put so many constrictions on private owners but the shire has massive trees overhanging powerlines - where is their responsibility in the event of a major fire and houses lost due to these trees coming down on powerlines?
Would be lovely to see plantings done in Mundaring centre that are fire retardant and native to show case what type of gardens will flourish and be sustainable in this bush location. Would be an educational project for the community and people looking to move to the area.
There needs to be far better management of verges including mowing, removing debris and tree management. The verges around Darlington are appalling and this not only detracts from the general aesthetics of the area, it also impacts property values.
The Mundaring shire is a beautiful area that is very let down by the lack of maintenance by council.
Make it more local vegetation in Mundaring, make it a beautiful entrance into the metro area with local plantings through the Main Street!!
The verges are shocking, and the trees on the verges are dangerous
The council needs to clean their streetscapes, trees and verges as the residents are required to do. I spend a lot of time and money keeping my property clear of dangerous overgrowth, fallen limbs, etc, but right next door I have a totally overgrown and dangerous road reserve.
My 12 years lived here the shire verges in my street have never been done.
The trees on our verge are VERY badly in need of a good pruning as they are becoming dangerously close to our house. The sticks and nuts from the trees surround the bus stop which is a danger to the public. I love trees but these ones need some TLC.
Trees require pruning in our street! We have a bus stop out the front that is over grown by the three trees that becoming dangerous to the public.
Seems to a lack of maintenance in relation to overgrowth of vegetation, dead trees, abundant leaf litter on road verges. which constitutes a fire hazard and apathy towards council land in relation to private (unfenced) dwellings that have council frontages which they encourage home owners to address with little to no support other than issuing notices to clean up properties that have council frontages...
Verges need cleaning up in Glen Forrest. Verge street trees should be compulsory to help cool down the suburb. I live in Hudson St & the last time street trees were offered, many neighbours said no. It should be mandatory that every house has at least one street tree. Verges adjacent to the train park and village centre are often overgrown with grass, this is a snake hazard and looks messy. Council should be doing more regular mowing of main street verges to improve the overall standard of the suburb. Council should encourage and help facilitate native verge planting for residents, eliminate lawn / weed verges.
Both of the last two serious bushfires started in the Parkerville area due to trees falling on powerlines.
The removal of so many trees so as to prevent further bushfire started by sparks from powerlines would be an immensely expensive and probably unpopular initiative. However to do nothing will be to risk more bushfires in the future.
If the Shire will not ensure trees cannot fall on powerlines in these ultra high risk areas, then funding should be lobbied from the State or Federal government to sink powerlines in strategic areas.
Keeping roadside verges clear of vegetation
More trees and bushes on road reserves.  Better pruning of native trees
The shire needs to maintain shire land. None of the shire bushland, reserves, verges are fire ready. Get rid of trees anywhere near electrical wire & poles. Street sweeping is a waste of time. You need to remove vegetation, reduce grasses and fuel on verges & reserves. Cut down trees on your land that are pushed up against fence lines and impacting on private property owners
Cleaning up of verges
Clean up of overgrown verges , trees and blocked drains
Pruning of trees that overhang the road should  be a priority
I find if we ring up and complain it gets done otherwise it doesn’t.
I am often worried about overhanging branches dropping onto my car as I am driving.
Many of our streetscapes outside the urban areas are weedy and flammable and unattractive. Incentives should be given as well as workshops to guide residents in our to enhance the verges with local plants suitable to the site. Council does not have the resources to carry out this task on this land which is Crown land but can give approval to landowners to maintain their verges.
In urban areas it is more difficult to maintain local plants but this should still be encouraged.
Streetscapes are continuing to be influenced by BAL requirements and as a result, landscaping is giving way to hard surfaces such as concrete, brick paving and bitumen. Alternative solutions need to be sourced, if Mundaring is to retain it's bushy forested environment.
Cull and trim verges
Prevent older trees from being culled
Plant trees on verges
Make footpaths safe for everyone
Create safe footpaths toward bus stations
Cross over of Great Eastern Highway in Mundaring is dangerous
Can there be a bridge?
Streetscape, verges and footpaths
Complete a general tidy up of the Town and control and maintain the Roadside ,footpaths and intersections where you are unable to see signpost and street names
Clean up the verges which is owned by the shire
It would be absolutely amazing if we could have our verges kept tidy
The growth is allowed to unacceptable levels
Get people to clean up the area in n the house’s Victoria rd midvale drive down that road some really nice houses there there are quite a few who need to clean up the front off the houses
I know it's a major task, but get those trees on the verges trimmed or removed. They're such a fire risk, and a storm risk - as the recent storms showed us.
More trees and natural streetscape
footpaths and street scaping
Considering one of the biggest risks of living in the Shire of Mundaring is bush fires, there should be more opportunity for green waste to be collected (particularly large amounts, such as leaf litter, fallen branches and trees). The once-per year verge collection for green waste is quite insufficient. The verges themselves are often not managed as the fire hazard they can be.
you need to clean up the area we pay rates and verges and debris left along footpaths and verges is very poor If the streetscape verges etc were kept beautiful and there is no excuse for the mess that's around especially after the storms recently, If it looked great the price of houses would increase and the suburbs would increase in value.
The shire really needs to clean it up Where is the money going.
 thanks for the opportunity to say something.
furthermore having a street sweeper out after the storm damage was a waste of time - laughable actually when you look at the mess around
Tidy verges in built up areas
Strategic tree pruning and reduction burning of rural verges through time  to create areas of lower fuel loads to help in bushfire situations.
please consider planting more street trees where possible in the suburbs
Better clean up of fire risk verges.
Swan View verges, roads are really managed by Mundaring shire.
Rarely cleaned when contacting the council they are not interested.
Clear verges, install more footpaths and access to built up areas
Keeping roadside drains clear of debris buildup.
Management of overgrown vegetation/grass along verges to mitigate fire risks.
Planting trees on verge in new developments
Tidy up and widen the verges for safety of our children and older residents
Some of the side streets and to be honest even the highway have terrible verge overgrowth.  Some owners of property are elderly and unable to maintain them themselves - visibility to pull out of driveways is hindered and therefore dangerous and just makes the place in some cases look unkept.
the shire could use steam to remove the weeds along the verges other shires use steam to
Maintenance of streets, verges and roads so we don’t flood and homes aren’t in dager from verges not being maintained.
Trees on our verge were painted with a pink dot 2 years ago and are dangerous but nothing has been done about them
Have never seen shire clear near where we reside.
Darlington doesn’t have a pretty community area. Very run down around the Darlington Hall and hive and real estate buildings, No flowers no seats not attractive when compared to Kalamunda rose gardens and lawns. Needs a good face lift. Very drab.
More clearing of verges and more trees cut back if they are within the 'clear zone' for the particular speed limit.
tidy the verges and roads, they're always a mess, full of weeds. there should be bike paths all over and not just near the estates, the roads are too narrow to share with bike riders
Remove the pathetic tiny trees from central strip and replace with real shade trees that can be pruned to meet the large trucks passing (centre concrete/wire fenced central main highway strip centre of Village.)
We need planters with glorious flowers along the main street scape and also shade trees on the footpath sides to create a beautiful entrance to Mundaring.  Not the bare, sunbaked unwelcoming vista we currently have with ' miserable' examples of trees on the concrete median strip. 
Take a look around the State from Albany etc and see the large containers of beautiful overflowing flowers / shade 'real'  trees beautifying the streetscapes. let's see if Mundaring can do better.
Be nice to keep a tidy area, let the sweeper truck out more and council to keep tidy verge.
total dumb decision to put golden ash trees on Riverdale Road
Clean up verges to help prevent fire spread. Latest Parkerville Fire started with power lines down from tree on verge. This will happen from time to time. Fire spread along verge through grass before entering properties.  The spread would have been slower if the verge was clean of this material
Weed control
Cutting down trees on verges especially along powerlines, not just trimming the trees.
The recent storm should have been a huge wake up call to keep powerlines free of trees. Even when the power was restored the wires were woven through overhanging trees & branches!
Keeping roadsides & verges cleared of trees too close to the road.
I have been in contact with Shire years ago regarding a tree overhanging my fence line - it ended up damaging my fence in the recent storm. I had to clear it along with all the other trees and shrubs it destroyed down.
Yes we are in the hills - "tree change" but we are surrounded by plenty of beautiful tress and and have spaces to grow new ones, but for safety the Shire needs to clear the ones which are of danger to homes, powerlines and drivers.
Trees too close to roads, roots causing unevenness in roads, debris falling onto roads which is causing an accident hazard, especially when the local birdlife drop tre nuts onto the road surfaces causing vehicular braking difficulty.
Just clean up the verges of weeds and tall grass which is a constant eyesore, regular whippersnipping would go a long way to resolving this continual issue.
Whilst on this subject, I dont believe the council maintenance has given any time at all to the street scape around Viewway, Forrest Road, Curve road and surrounding area's. Curve road alone needs immediate attention with african grass growing prolifically which is an invasive weed that kills off all native plants, a concern I suspect if its allowed to continue into John Forest National Park.
Do something with them
they are terrible.
We would like to see more upkeep of Verges in the 'minor' streets and not so much concentration on the 'major' roads such as Morrison & Talbot roads. We would also like to have a 'Speed hump' or 'chicane' installed in Talbot road to slow traffic down after they leave the roundabout on the corner of Morrison & Talbot roads.
Street trees need a huge amount of clearing, then mulched onto the verges, regular slashing, spaying weeds and removal of un-native plants, and cut out the dead wood and sick trees.
The results
 Lower risk during a fire and fire starting from passing cars,
 Lower risk of power outages in high wind events  and
Give the town a sense of clean, trim and will empower home owners the care and clean  up their own yards.
Planting street trees  with colour and needing little maintenance as seen in the Mundaring shopping centre by previous insightful councillor charged with selecting suitable trees when the centre was being established,
Make people responsible for clearing waste and vegetation living in the hills is not an excuse to leave it to nature
The more greenery the better it is good for the environment and keeps the street much cooler.
council needs to take responsibility for the overgrown trees on the verges that cause damage to the electrical supply
A lot more street trees in some of the older village areas eg Mundaring Townsite - often very hot/ exposed heat sinks eg Hartung st behind Aldi,  Main highway through town - lots of opportunity for more street trees.  Main roads need to be told not asked
Need for kerbing, footpaths and lighting and verges kept tidy.
Keep verges on residential public roads in good condition.
Maintenance of road verges to reduce appalling damage to power lines and loss of nhomes
Shire should be more responsible for their verges, pathways and tracks. With snakes being out and about in our shire cleared, mowed or whippersnipped paths ARE a MUST.
streetscaping revegetation to minimise weed encroachment
The drains on the verge fill up with dirt and leaves and aren't cleared regularly, my driveway has been washed away when there is heavy rain and the Shire has not fixed my drive way after being contacted twice last year.
Actually maintain them
Verges wildly overgrown and scruffy - pulls down the whole value of the neighbourhoods and poses a fire and snake risk - not acceptable. We live in Noblewood and the roadside along Stoneville Road is disgraceful- all the way through to Mundaring Town Centre.
Trees, reserve and verge maintenance is poor and with bush fire management so important for residents, it's dangerous & disappointed to see shire managed areas so overgrown.
More attention should be given to the verges on some of the minor roads. Storm water drains should be cleared and maintained.
- Street sweeping (there is a continual build up of lots of leaf litter - creates fire hazards).
- maintenance program to manage verge growth and dangerous trees (removal service).
- suggest shire also offer free mulch to residents following the verge and tree maintenance
I have put in a Customer Action Request for Old Farm Lane, between Erin Dale and Hollett Road, to have trees removed from the edge of the road and the road widened. There has been no contact from the Shire since.
Clearing of waste from the verges and roads. Not everyone has the ability to be able to do this. Health and age being a factor. As the hills has just gone through a major storm and power outage naturally you would think the shire would be there to help. NO THEY ARE NOT. No notification via emails or post. We live in a bush fire zone so some sort of communication from the shire would mean a lot.
improving the way streets appear may create more pride in the properties where people reside  increasing their awareness of community and good practice for reducing fire loads
Tree prunning of verges especially where they are making footpaths very dangerous to use because of fallen branches and other debris. More footpaths for safer walking. Footpath sweeping.
We really need a dedicated tree management team monitoring the trees on the street verges to reduce the fire risk to this large area
Please consider reducing the amount of weeds/grass growth along Helena valley road and the surrounding areas…

Scott street is also an area which needs assistance particularly along the areas near bus stops near the Scott street shops.
The Shire need to manage green waste, ensure trees are not overgrown.
Get more proactive on tree trimming around power lines on the shires land. The recent power outages have shown its poor performance on tree management on power line corridors.
Allow the shire loader at the tips to load mulch instead of having to do it the manual way
Fire mitigation on road verges, regular street sweeping, mowing of verges and tree pruning program with residents notified when its their street/suburbs turn.
Education on residents being able to "verge revive."
*What can and can't be planted,
*Access to plant stock would be great to see the shire reinvigorate seedlings for Landcare to: Verge rehabilitation
Would like to see the entrance into Mundaring streetscape improved and maintained - so much paving not enough trees/plants
Trimming and removing trees from blind corners of roads.
Manage roadside verges better. Offer a mulching service where people. Allow people to leave trees in the verge and the shire will mulch it and leave the mulch for the household to use even as a once off
Higher priority on communication concerning residents responsibilities on maintaining verges and council efforts to maintain fire safety.
Annual inspections of verges and notices to residents if verges are unkempt or present a fire hazard including trees in proximity to power lines.
The verges in Glen Forrest are totally neglected and always look terrible. They are always a fire and snake risk and only ever get attended to when someone makes a complaint
Ceasing spraying verge with pesticides. Killing weeds through steam or solarising or ideally maintaining grass like the shire of swan.
More trees and flowers to beautify our streets.
Shire needs to better maintain verges, lack of green waste bulk clean up after recent storm a prime example
The trench and stormwater drains in the area of Kintore Road, Spring Road are full of leaves for most of the year. It would be good if the could be cleared regularly, removing, or reducing a fire hazard.
Verges are untidy and left overgrown. Walking on footpaths that you have to duck under vegetation or around weeds or leaf matter blocking path flow.
Set  better example by maintaining verges, footpaths council property better.
If the foothills could have half the shade of Mt Lawley, we'd have a much more liveable shire
Improvement of general street appeal and lighting
- Cleaner verges and less overgrowth that blocks intersections and footpaths
- more footpaths in general throughout the streets
- more verge side collection opportunities
Some front verges look bad.  Grass too long and not kept.
We live in the hills because of the trees and the bush, the narrow wonky streets with as little street light as possible, the ruggedness thereof, please please do not make it look like down on the flats. I truly feel this is something that often happens without enough consultation
I think ya need to look at trimming or removing more trees from verges infrastructure of houses etc in Wundowie/Wooroloo and other suburbs that are in or under/around power lines as its just a fire disaster ready to happen if not now in the future.Anything ya can do to prevent bushfire caused by powerlines I'd say is a benefit to the shire and its residents.As ya did a awesome job removing tree along the roadside between Chidlow and Wooroloo for drivers safety I guess.
Get rid of the weeds and maintain the verges
More regular clean up verges (rubbish, fallen branches etc), improve footpaths (eg Darlington Road).
Clean the place up! And …. sort trees out that are overhanging powerlines. If we have to trim our trees, why can’t the shire?
Clear verges on bends more frequently
Encourage residents to maintain their verges and front yards to make local neighbourhoods a more pleasant place to live.
You could offer a discount on shire rates to residents who make the their neighbourhood a better place to live by keeping their property presentable.
Send in a photo of your maintained verge and get cash back each year.
Trees on council verges that are not native to this area and which present an extreme fire risk should be removed
By maintaining trees and undergrowth .
Verges are often left with very tall grass all through summer posing an unacceptable fire risk - it also looks scruffy. I accept that the shire is too big to maintain all verges, however the focus should be in higher residential areas where any verge fires can directly impact property.
Clean them up
Verges need cleaning up and maintenance of trees around power lines aswell as cleaned up of low shrubs
Stop fucking mulching everything and actually work on streetscapes.
Accept responsibility
Trees on verges need to be maintained better. When the last storm came thru it took a 5 minute ride home THREE HOURS as trees were all over the road NO matter which road you took. WHOLE TREES not just large branches. If trees were maintained better wouldn’t damage peoples fences when the branches drop regardless whether there is a storm or not. Also might look at less flammable trees to plant.
I still don't have clean verges, footpaths, kerbing, street lights. It's just overgrown bush and weeds. It detracts from the beauty of the bushland setting. Let's make everyone proud by cleaning up!
nicer streets. so much spare land around mens shed and police station. do something. develop it.  so ugly and boring. nothing like Kalamunda.
The Bellevue RSA carpark fencing for the business that has commercial tyres stored could have been done better.   Hardly enhances the street view.  The vacant lot adjacent to the RSA should be better maintained.   Long grass in summer a fire risk to locals
street verges to be established and better maintained
Remove excessive growth on verges - this is a safety hazard during a fire
Maintaining all the verges and pathways in the shire
The fact that large trees overhang power cabling, crippling the whole mundaring area for a week with power and then leaving the greenwaste on the verges for local residents to clean up was rather poor. There are a lot of requirements on residents on how to maintain firebreaks, fuel load etc, but at the same time the verges look abysmal in a lot of areas that arent the Mundaring CBD.
Regular maint on verges. Keep the streets looking tidy
Maintenance of overhanging trees, especially over roads. Maintenance of verges, particularly where visibility is obstructed.
Verges in many locations are overgrown with weeds/grasses and dead bushes branches fallen and hanging over road curbs.... Trees on road side with dangerous leans and overhanging branches.
Do more to get rid of weeds on verges, especially in areas very close to state forest.
Definite clean up / weed removal on verges, clean up of drains.  Lots of eyesore areas need sprucing up!
Clean up of shire verges is a constant requirement.  I was excited when the major roadworks were taking place on Great Eastern Highway a couple of years ago as I thought it would be a great opportunity for the Shire to be creative with the landscaping on the central island. This was not done, and I think there is no appeal as you drive up Great Eastern Hwy, toward the town centre of Mundaring. The old nursery, and the caravan park on the left hand as you drive into Mundaring is particularly off-putting.  A row of a particular type of tree in the middle island of Great Eastern Hwy, all the way from Darlington to Mundaring would be beautiful!
Shire needs to cut down, trim a lot of verge side trees as a lot are looking very dangerous and around a lot of aerial power lines.
While clean up and verge management has been brilliant following the recent storm, I would like to see more general cleaning up of verges - particularly at intersections where there are blind spots caused by tall grass or thick shrubs.
To tidy and make streetscapes, verges look more presentable and fire safe. Mundaring Shire is the gateway to Perth from the Eastern states and our presentation on the roads is awful and trees on shire verges need a major overhaul.
Clear all verges that have large weed growth along them that are vulnerable to bush fires
Rural roads need cleaning up
More vigilance and maintenance
Scheduled and executed routine maintenance.
There is too much overgrown grass, bushes etc on verges, there also needs to be a tidier entrance to the Village of Mundaring. A lot of rubbish actually on the hghway which even when reported does not get collected, and many dead trees which add to also a danger if blown on to the highway. Some people should not be allowed to keep so many boxes outside their property, surely a fire hazard and unsightly.
Clean up verges hanging branches over roads that are on the verges, not leaving it up to the owner to maintain
install underground drainage then fix the verges
Given the hilly area provision of more walkways and verges need to be provided
Better manage non endemic plant pieces
Need more green grass and trees on verges
Keeping Shire verges mowed & fire hazards reduced.
Overgrown trees trimmed.
Rubbish removed from verge areas
Verges are often overgrown and not maintained. Not all residents are able to, for a number of reasons, maintain their verges. Especially those on rural properties with large road fronts and on busy roads.
Road side drainage along Marnie Rd consistently becomes blocked and then causes flooding during heavy rainfall. Storm water drains can’t handle the volume and last year this caused houses across from the cricket nets to become flooded and this cascaded through to the train park area.
Clearing vegetation for visibility
Neat clean sreets with trees that are not butchered to accommodate powerlines but burnt regularly to control fire risk and visualky remind residents & visitors of ever present fire risks. In Winter & edge seasons the recovering growth is in keeping with the Hills Beauty.
The roads are badly eroded, tree branches hang so low that small trucks have difficulty passing through, visibility at intersections and driveways is poor due to overgrown verges. We trim our own verge but many residents are unable to.
Trim verge trees away from power lines as per Western Power recommendations.
Keep roadside drains and culverts free of leaf litter and sediment especially prior to the commencement of rain season in Autumn
In Swan View it would be nice to see some streetscaping done, the area really needs a facelift and modernisation.
Ensure all trees and vegetation on council verges are cut back and kept away from power lines and other major infrastructure areas.
We don't want to go another week without power if council maintenance can avoid unnecessary power cuts.
Better management of overgrown verges.
IE: trimming of large overgrown trees.
Better burning off practices
Attention to minor roads, drain management and tree risk in parkerville that could pose a possible fire risk ie December 2023 bushfire
Verge management to reduce fire risk and enhance the entrance to our city from the eastern states.
Maintenance for safety of people using verges and to reduce fire load on verges. Also to improve the appearance and appeal of the shire.
Increased tree planting & tree watering program & improved verge mowing & maintenance
Plant more street trees and gardens
From the bottom of Greenmount hill along the highway is in complete disrepair with nothing welcoming tourists and visitors to the gateway to the hills.
No verge plantings or street scapes to promote the hills area and sadly the only effort that has been made is to the townsite of Mundaring even though there are so many other areas along the highway.
Various other hills councils have definitely achieved this such as Kalamunda and Armadale, also smaller councils such as Bassendean have achieved welcoming street scapes
Rubbish and long grass cleanup along our verges in bushland areas
Better maintenance of verges along major roads in the shire used by both locals and tourists
Nothing is ever done in this department
Verge upkeep - especially summer grass control in residential areas, verge tree lopping away from powerlines- less unnecessary street sweeping that occurs now.
Manage trees on verges. Trim them away from powerlines!
The rubbish on the sides of the roads in Chidlow is awful please do something about it.
Look after your own verges. We pay enough in rates to cover this.I know someone who cleaned up their verge and you threatened to fine them. So you can have that job and make sure you do it properly to prevent fire risk. That really ticked me off. They left it extremely neat and tidy and got all debris from under the power lines which once again was your job!!!
Inspect every street regularly and provide written communication /reports to the local residents with solutions
Clean up of fuel loads on roadside
There are a lot of areas falling under council land that is poorly maintained.  Coming from some side streets into the main roads, eg Stoneville, you can't see very well with the grasses / weeds etc and can cause accidents.   The foot paths are not all even and some need repair.
Not just the main entrances , other streets . Redunca close is terrible verge
Maintenance of verges to reduce fire risk
plant more trees! and plants!
Visit Singapore for inspiration of what's possible!
Verge clean up by shire to prevent fire
Verges are not maintained
Need to maintain trees around powerlines a whole lot better than they currently do
Would be nice if the clean up big branches on the road verge
Clean up the ever growing leaf litter along the fence lines
Lots of trees everywhere
Help maintain verges as part of fire safety strategies
The shire consistently and sometimes aggressively advises residents what they can and can not do on the verge yet makes no effort to maintain residential verges to a fire safe standard with many an eye sore
So many verges are overgrown and dry, gum nuts covering entire pathways.
We still don’t have kurbing or paths on our street. Still work to be done
All car parks should have trees to the north of the car bays, to ensure that their shade can benefit the drivers and their passengers.
New buildings with car parks should be designed to allow space for trees that can shade the car parks. This is not the case with Boya library. Trees have been planted, but not where they shade the car bays closest to the entrance.
There are some lovely mature trees in the car park of the Bilgoman pool. Perhaps they are wild trees, but they have grown on the south sides of the rows of parking bays, ensuring that their shade falls on the spaces between the parking bays. So of no benefit to patrons.
It really ruins a visit to the pool if you have to load your kids into a stinking hot car, to go home.
Clean up and reduce the trees and scrub on verges, trees hanging over roads.
The shire relies on it's pockets of bushland to comprise green spaces. But local roads and neighborhoods could have more assistance with street tree planting and greening, and beautification of small local parks and gardens. Especially important as individual residents are dropping the ball on private gardens. Public green spaces are very important. The green block on my street in Tunnel Road hasn't seen improvements in the 25 years I've lived here. It's dry and barren. I'd like to see the shire incentivise local businesses to green verges as public service. A good example - Darling Ridge shops are wonderful - across the road the swan View tavern is appalling, especially having added the dry exposed suite of motels with no trees. How was this approved?  I don't think this would have gone ahead in Mundaring. Our ward is neglected.
Getting the verges cleared up as around the suburb it looks unkempt
Fix the roads and verges, Stirling Cres for a start, Abernathy Rd off great eastern hwy
 clean up/clear build up of leaves, bark, weeds, dead foliage that is bushfire fuel on street verges.  In Darlington alone there have been a few small fires started from possums dropping onto electrical wires and falling dead into piles of fuel. Especially in the middle of the night could very quickly turn into a disaster.
Cleaning up street verges would also create a look of bushfire preparedness which is a crucial consciousness in the Hills (and is generally very low)
I think the Shire can lead by example with this project.
Also FOOTPATHS are in bad repair in many suburbs and also many streets are without any. As someone who has done a lot of walking in Darlington they can be quite dangerous and I know of incidents of the elderly tripping.
Simply clean up the verges from time to time.  For example my property verge is full of leaves blocking drains and branches.  I do my best to burn this off in winter but have been reminded I'm not allowed to burn the council verge area.
Streetscapes. Verges especially, and in the winter where the weeds grow tall and make visibility bad.
More verge collections. Not everyone has a trailer to get waste to the tip. Horrified after recent storm that the council didn't do a verge collection to help its rate payers with storm damage.
Trim trees overhanging roads. Mow verges.
Increase level of maintenance of street scapes and verges
-A structured approach to verge maintenance. Appears ad hoc currently.
-Noxious weed control.
-Mowing, slashing.
Street scapes - sealed roads / streets - drainage of streets - better lighting of streets - fire preparation
Actually trim street trees on the verge, not just clip and run. Consult with property owner BEFORE a contractor just does a 'pretend trim' and scoots off.
Need verge trimmed or cut down on Lurkin and Rycrust Rds 2 of them 
Verges around Swan View and Greenmount are overall very neglected.
 Increase control of verge vegetation to improve safety at intersections.
Council looking after road verges, residents get warning and spoken to about their trees and long grass but council areas are full of dead grass and hazards
 A more people oriented streetscape, street art + selection of restaurants, cafes + bars.

Footpaths, trails and cycleways

Footpaths that are designed for low vision and elders on shop riders, that they can access without hindrance. Footpaths kept clean of debris and  a stable surface.
Provide footpaths
Increase the number of pedestrian crossing
More footpaths.
The Parkerville area needs better footpaths and traffic hazards that ACTUALLY slow speeding vehicles to ensure adherence to 50 or 60 km/h through residential roads, particularly heavy trucks and 4x4s, which are more dangerous because of their weight. The hugely expensive traffic island at the bottom of the valley on Seaborne/Byfield Road has done little to slow trucks and heavy vehicles and simply provides motorbike riders and hoons with something to slalom round.
Paths and streetscapes. I live on Markham Way, close to several schools. We have no paths for the kids to walk to school. The area looks old and lower class. The parks are very average. A new skate park would be amazing. The Brown Park facilities and grounds are old and outdated. I have lived in the area for 25 years and it hasn't changed since then.
As mentioned in previous comments. Pathed verges in cal de sac's
Put in foot paths!! Investigate Traylen Rd!! Desperately needs footpaths it's dangerous for families to walk on,
Connect Helena Valley to the Kadina Trail with good paths.
Footpaths in our part of Mt Helena - virtually none.
Footpaths. No footpaths. Need cycleways on narrow roads.
Foot traffic in Swan View is mainly road use. More footpaths and the cleaning of all verges to make our suburb - flat landers from Swan View - look like we have a shire that actually cares.
Foot paths swept
Rhine Way - Footpath on south side and stop parking within 10 metres of corners or cross walks.
Footpaths. There are almost none in Parkerville. Urgently need to link Parkerville and Stoneville with a shared path along the north side of Richardson Rd.
Footpaths. Been here for 30 years  - no paths. Just gravel on the side of road.
Fixing raised curbs and paving throughout the town centre and maintain footpaths in all areas.  Fixing of dangerous NEW path from bus stop on Bentley Street Stoneville as had a fall first time I sued it, injured both knees, reported and still unusable.
The foot path that ends the on west end of Keane street needs to extend all the way to the heritage trail please. Thank you 🙂👍
More cycleways that are paved. We should be able to use new ebikes and scooters to access other townships and shops.
Better access and walking paths in our local parks / reserves.
27. Footpaths need to be wider so they can fit 3 people or pram + scooter. Especially Swan view Rd & Innaminnka Rd from highway to Greemount School.
Engage with MTB groups to develop more trails in the right places 😉 & environmentally friendly.
Upgrade Chidlow footpaths
Road gutters still the same last 50 years
Trail resurfacing in some parts between Darlington and Mundaring Sculpture park
Rehabilitation & further development of more mountain bike trails in the Shire.  Advocating with Water Corp to overcome restricted access to many areas of reserves to allow trails. In conjunction with DBCA rehabilitate trails we do have ( Devenish Plantation, Mundaring Loop, Forsyths Mill, Hills Discovery Centre).
Greater focus on Share the Trail initiatives along the Railway Heritage Trail, ie better signage , but not physical barriers like chicaines.
The Pump Track in Darlington has eventually got some surrounding trees planted this year (yay!), but still needs more investment to create an attractive landscaped amenity. (Take a look at Dwellingup as a fantastic example).
It seems like Darlington is a poor relation compared to Glenn Forest that gets a lot of attention.
Cycle track between Mundaring to Brooking Rd needs improvement - it's shocking, worst in the area. Needs an upgrade. # of high profile riders / and public users ride on these tracks.
Stop people parking on footpath every night all around this area hard for people in wheelchairs. 
10. Regular checks of pathways, because raised cement can be a risk for falling for anyone.
Pathways extending further north on Roland Rd to connect existing paths / cycleways to Mundaring Christian College (MCC) and McDowell Loop in general.
Footpaths, trail and cycleways. We live in Churchill Dr since November 1969 and have never had a footpath, despite repeated requests. People constantly cut the corner of our property to access the bus stop and shops.
Better maintenance of the Heritage Trail, especially between Scott St and Glen Forrest. There are currently dangerous ruts and washouts from last winter's rain and water run off.
Verges require regular care.
Public walkway maintenance.
Improving cycle ways and paths.
Upgrade footpaths in Bellevue
foot paths in chidlow
More footpaths, especially on major roads where school children are getting on / off buses. Examples, Seabourne Rd to the Highway.
With regards to Darlington, the shire should check and maintain the footpaths. So many thick grassy weeds grow on the edge of footpaths (Darlington Rd), impeding passage. Mostly this is 'African Love Grass' clumps.
No footpath from Glen Dower St up to Gt Eastern Hwy. Residents are forced to walk on the road (Seaborne St). Dangerous and unacceptable.
Stop turning our walk tracks into bicycle speed tracks. Families with kids would walk into John Forrest National Park once. Ban them.
Far more paths or even road edges on local roads, as people are useless in the hills as to the 'walk to see the cars' rule for safety of seeing the cars coming.
Footpaths/lightning improvements. Footpaths near Parkerville Primary School + other areas.
Increase access to facilities for exercise, eg. cycleways. Reduce availability of liquor licenced outlets. Increase of traffic speed reduction measures.
Reducing pub music volume, create foot paths to walk on so we don't have to walk on the road.
Footpaths, trails, cycleway. Once again, we are blessed through our heritage with long gone railways. We have lots of klms of great historical tracks, including tunnels amazing built up track way, and tremendous cuttings, some through solid rock. There is a cutting between Mt Helena and Sawyers Valley where you can see where they drilled through solid granite to blast away through, when you think of how that was done a zillion years ago. You can still trace where logs were carted to the mills at Mt Helena and sand was carted from the old and pits to the east of Eastern Hills High School, for the construction of Mundaring Weir. The trails are well used, especially early mornings. Some effort could be made to control trail / motor bikes destroying track surfaces. When rains come there will be some unsafe surfaces, once again, we can promote more and better usage - schools, bike clubs, fitness clubs, cross country events, walking events for us oldies, large horse populations in the areas, a large amount of people walk their dogs, maybe the local vets could be coerced into some activity, some of the track already have watering points, tables and trestle seats, and information plaques displayed in place, and not a lot of money to be spent. Does the shire wish to endorse such activity. Could not some prizes for events, local business and sporting clubs. Do we employ such an activity type person. An officer who could apply organise and run with endless imagination. Who knows.
Improve footpaths and verges - to make it look like someone loves the place.
The gravel on the Heritage Trail is so deep in places that I can't ride safely. My 70 year old father in law had a bad accident because of that gravel. Please inspect between Glen Forrest Train Park and Darlington Oval.
Signage is becoming very worn and needs to be updated with also more public access to theses zones. The bridal trail could do with some good signage as in the National park.
The Mahogany Creek hall has been revamped recently which is great but the facilities are pretty small and there are no footpaths along most of the roads except for the bridle trail. We use the Mahogany Creek hall for some things but it would be great for my wife and daughter to walk there without being in the traffic along the roads leading to it as we don’t live next to the bridle trail and can’t just cross the road to get to it. Also the Glen Forrest oval is the next closest for us and the toilet facilities are ancient and always gross. The same with M.J Morgan park (the train park) the facilities haven’t really been done up except for the LED sign (which I don’t care that much about unlike everyone else in the shire apparently!) but the sculpture park in Mundaring had a really nice renovation done recently, Darlington gets really nice facilities, it’d be good to see some of that investment put into the smaller suburbs.
Footpaths in Darlington. We need to make the shire bush fire ready.
Better walkability / accessibility around the shire. Footpaths in Stoneville are terrible. Crossing lights in Mundaring change too quickly - elderly and mobility impaired struggle. Walking around Mundaring shopping area is awful. Parking appalling. Planning has been fragmented and no vision.
- Better footpaths, development of more pathways and access for walking and cycling
- Better promotion of trails and accessible family activities
- More water based activities/splash pads/children and youth water features/fountains.
Rhine Way - No footpath - gopher has to go on the road.
Would absolutely love to see a footpath on Balmain Rd. It's a busy road with two schools nearby and winding along, giving traffic little advanced visibility of pedestrians.
Footpaths / Paths - Many are cracked, broken and dangerous. Verges - many are overgrown with dry grass - fire hazard. Dead trees on verges - risk of falling over , taking out power lines, injuring people / property.
More footpaths.
Put in footpaths in my location, with correct, working drainage.
Footpaths need to be cleaned of their debris.
(1) Better and more footpaths for pedestrians in Parkerville. With 3 schools in the area the footpaths need to be safe. Footpath to highway for pedestrians who walk into Parkerville from the highway. (2) Fuel load reductions of verges.
Footpaths. Non-existent in some areas. Danerous to walk on roads.
Ensure walking & bike trails maintained & safe.
Footpaths that are interlinked for access to community facilities
Council needs to keep our footpaths, trees clear from walking paths. Need to keep the place tidy, over grown weeds, trees wtc etc
Footpaths on all streets not just the major ones there is nowhere to walk safely as there are many blind corners and gravel verges covered in honky nuts and branches/leaves are dangerous you can’t see snakes, and in some places the ditches used as side drains make it even harder to walk. Reducing the enjoyment of the area.

Also all dog parks should have fencing around them and availability to water and bins.
Better footpaths, esp on areas with less traffic (Clayton rd)
Improve road, parking and footpath surfaces
More footpaths, and the ones we have to be made safe, especially around the shopping centre - all the paths.
Shared walk/cycle bridges over the GE Hwy linking one side of the Hwy to the other. That way all trails, Parks, shopping & cafe precincts could be easily accessible from either side of the GE Hwy in a safe and user friendly manner for all residents and visitors to the area.
Most / some of our streets in Darlington feel unsafe to walk on as there are no footpaths. Cars, kids, dog walkers and the elderly all sharing the roads.
Footpath to Parkerville Primary.
Rhine Way - Tree on verge (2 per house). The east wind blows the bins over - no wind barrier.
Footpaths in high traffic areas to local attractions and facilities, ie. Coppin Rd is dangerous on the blind corner, no easy access to trail.
Bike paths. Increase exercise participation via bike paths, walking paths.
Cleaning up laneways in old areas.
Disability access. Safer road crossings (refuge islands large enough for a bicycle length). Footpaths that don't keep crossing major roads (eg. Stoneville Rd and Seaborne St).
More footpaths close to primary and high schools are needed. Pedestrian friendly residential streets, use traffic calming devices on trouble roads.
The same with the walk trails and footpaths, etc.
More footpaths.
More footpaths. Crossing GEH in Mundaring is still a risk for many people.
Footpaths need repair - some are very dangerous and uneven.
As we are very fire conscious I feel more burn offs are required along road verges and rubbish cleaned up and burnt under trees as a good fire prevention in the summer.
Track or path (does not need to be concrete) along Sexton St, Mt Helena / Sawyers Valley.
Footpaths require weed spraying and cleaning on a regular basis.
Footpaths along Clayton and Approach Roads. All residential areas should have adequate footpaths for families and the disabled, with sufficient gutters.
Having a good look at the shopping centres and parking. Parking is getting too small for the amount of people living in the area now.
Responsible growth. I believe that speaks for itself and just needs to be ongoing. Ah well, for what it's worth, just the ramblings of an old man, who, at 79, still rides a bike around these trails 5 mornings a week - must be nuts.
As a cyclist I love to ride our shared footpaths. I know the shire does a good job cleaning the paved areas but some need more cleaning to make bike riding safer.
Inspection of footpaths should be done on a regular basis as a lot are uneven and often covered in honky nuts and rubbish. Slabs are often raised, causing a hazard to walkers.
Planning and design of safe cycle and walking trails.
Clear vegetation from road signs to make them visible. Clear vegetation from road corners so vehicles have clear vision.
Trails and cycleways are a great way to explore the district.
There are no cycle paths in Swan View Region. Too dangerous on the roads.
Our pathways need to be everywhere and safely installed, ie sharper kerbs, not slow sloping ones that cars can drive over and hurt people. (I was hit by a car walking on a pathway - if the kerb had been better it may have diverted the car away from me. Safety rails on sharp corners to protect pedestrians).
More lighting for safety reasons.
Decent footpaths in Darlington. We actually have a school that was allowed to set up in a residential lot and to get past in you need to walk on the road. Sick of walking in drains and off roads.
Public footpaths on main traffic routes through the village. Pedestrians sharing the roads too often. Footpaths would act as a traffic calming measure in 50km zones.
Terrible footpaths, trails, cycleways for children and people to use.
Footpaths are poor or lack of. Children walking to school around sharp bends have to walk on the road.
Continuing to improve local sports facilities.
27. Lack of footpaths on roads, hard to get anywhere with little ones on bikes, scooters or prams.
More cycleways on road.
Desperately need more footpaths so children can safely walk to school bus stops, eg., along Stoneville Rd, past Bently St, through to Anketell Rd.
Bike paths everywhere to encourage bike use rather than more cars and trucks.
Footpaths around the school areas (Parkerville and MCC) for children's safety, so they don't have to walk on the road. Children also love to use scooters on footpaths, and families walking dogs.
Maintain foot trails and cycleways. Extend and build more footpaths and cycleways.
Make walking to school safer for local children. A proper footpath to Parkerville PS - along Carawatha. Extend the path from Windoo to the school ground. And a path along Parker Rd (I walk daily with my pram and children on the road - it needs to be safer).
Footpaths. Extend footpath along Phillips Rd to Coppin Rd, for safety and convenience.
There are no safe cycle ways or access to them in our immediate area. Our own street doesn't even have a footpath and 1/2 of our street is more than 50 years old.
Creation of walk pathways and road verge maintenance in order for residents and visitors to walk around the suburb in safety. Increased health benefits and use of public transport for all ages.
More footpaths between Sawyers Valley and Mt Helena, to keep pedestrians and school users from walking on the road. A speed limit on bridle trails to slow down pushbikes when they are passing walkers.
Work with West Cycle to develop mountain bike and cycle trails. Develop a loop around the heritage, but next to it, connecting all the towns. Midland to Mt Helena, John Forrest, back to Midland.
Better paths for kids to use to and from school, with lighting, etc. Hills have keen cyclists with no room on the roads for cars and bikes.
So much of our area is inaccessible. We live on Richardson Rd and there are no safe places for my children to ride their bikes anywhere. I'd like to see more footpaths, trails and safe places to cycle around Parkerville and throughout the hills.
Electric scooters and bikes speeding and using walking paths - no bells, etc., to warn people when coming behind. Gravel on footpath, corner of Rhine Way / Amherst Rd. Aged and school children walk on this path - slippery. Electric bikes and scooters riding across gravel.
Unfortunately shires now are expected to look after kids before and after school, provide entertainment, etc. These should be parent or State Government issues.
Cycleways - Chidlow has a wonderful cycleway - all the way to the lake - which is never open. Get the café going again. Make the tip free, so much dumping around here.
For example, my street has no footpath plus broken edges of the bitumen. Such streets should have a 30kph speed limit as they are multiple use streets.
Cycleways, to keep bikes off narrow roads.
Some streets have no footpaths.
Whilst there are some wonderful trails near me they are in the Shire of Swan. Would be great to develop in Helena Valley.
Footpaths. We live within 1km of Parkerville Primary School and have no clear path to walk to school.
More footpaths to keep students off the road so they can ride safely to school and home.
More cycleways would be great.
Footpaths. In Hovea there are no footpaths so it makes it difficult for kids / teenagers to ride their bikes to get to friends / activities.
Footpaths. Shire to clean sides of roads with sweeper more often, so we can walk out. There are not a lot of footpaths in Mt Helena.
Footpaths. Keep clear and tidy.
Shared footpaths along major roads, eg. Strettle and Jacoby Roads in Mahogany Creek to Mundaring area. Also, lighting in the area. Kangaroos are a problem on road and properties.
Footpaths. Ensure all paths to school are safe and accessible, eg. Sexton Rd has no path.
A proper footpath along Walker St in Mundaring to Mundaring Christian College from Stoneville Rd is a necessity. It was promised in 2015. The road has lots of traffic during school drop off and pick up… to 2 local schools…. It is very dangerous.
Improve safety on roads for cycling, which is very popular in the hills.
27. More footpaths and cycleways to walk / cycle to the town centre.
Lack of footpaths behind shops and streets in local Mundaring. Lack of street lighting.
More cycleways. Some don't connect to anywhere. Maintain cycleways and paths that do exist. Trim back verges, eg., both sides of Ridge Hill Rd.
More bike trails in JFNP. Better policing of motor cycles on Heritage Trail.
Install footpaths for pedestrian use. Traylen Rd - no path, no lights - well used road. Even a few hundred metres each year.
In Mt Helena it would be great to have a paved footpath that connected west from Alice Rd, along Keane St and across Sexton St, to allow access to the bridal path / railway track safely from this end.
Cycle paths through all commonly used roads.
Access to trails around Helena / Bushmead Estate. Need a footpath from street to trail so bikes, prams and old people on mobile scooters can access without getting bogged in sand.
There are no cycle paths along the western end of Helena Valley Rd or Katherine St / Clayton Rd.
27. Maintenance and improvement on existing footpaths and expansion / repair of Heritage Trail area.
Footpath and cycleways. Being able to ride / walk safely on a connected network of cycle paths or footpaths to and around and between the main centres. Riding on verges is slippery and gravelly. Riding on the roads is dangerous.
More walkways on side of roads.
The main highway is a disgrace. Untidy, dangerous and upgraded on the cheap. Footpaths go nowhere and are now all unkempt.
Why is there no footpath on the Mundaring side of Talbot Rd. There is a footpath on the western side, put in by Swan Shire, but with such a busy road we definitely need a path on the eastern side.
Footpaths, trails and cycleways. There is a lack of the aforementioned. As the suburb has many active lifestyle activities, there is a real need for better paths for walking / cycling etc.
Many streets don't have footpaths. It would be nice to have these installed.
Do more maintenance on the footpaths, roads, etc.
Footpaths and cycle paths.
More walks / trails.
Most fire breaks are overgrown and neglected.
Continue to improve local natural areas.
There are many community places that are not accessible via a footpath, eg. Parkerville PS, Mundaring CHS. And also, many paths that need maintenance.
Footpaths are terrible. Not enough of them within the shire. Kids walking on the road to get to bus stops for school. It's like the streets that the councillors live on are perfect, everyone else - too bad.
Better public footpaths and transport.
Footpath and cycleways in areas of Swan View. There are areas where there are none available.
Continue to maintain and improve trails and cycleways.
Need cycleways suitable for adult tricycles (3 wheel bikes).
I live in Helena Valley, where footpaths within the estates are generally good and maintained to a satisfactory condition. However, from the roundabout near Helena Valley Rise Estate to Midland Rd a footpath and cycleway is non-existent and the bridge across the river has no pedestrian access on a very busy roadway.
More footpaths, particularly to bus stops. Some park walkways need attention. Some streets have no footpath either side of the road.
The shire will not record, or even take, calls regarding accidents on shared pathways. They simply refer you to the Police Department in respect to a collision between a pedestrian and a cyclist.
27. More sealed paths please. Good job to date, bit more please.
Footpaths and cycleways. Cycleways needed in Boya, Helena Valley. - Scott St. Helena Valley Rd, Ridge Hill Rd, Glen Forrest, Darlington.
Develop trails, footpaths and cycleways. No real effort seems to go into what we have. Check out Collie.
Trails. I would continue with the great work and make a more homogenized styling of the walking areas. I would also upgrade the facilities at John Forrest National Park as the main area is looking pretty drab.
Our footpaths are cycle ways as well - they are not even wide enough for 2 people to walk on. *Stop the red bins as it will put more traffic on our roads, more pollution and cost to our budget with more land fill. Waste of our money.
More footpaths where they are needed - especially leading to Parkerville PS. Maintain / fix footpaths at shopping centre.
All over the shire are areas where you can not help but walk on the roads, especially near schools and coming into Mundaring from Sawyers Valley.
Footpaths installed along Seaborne St, Parkerville - from Glendower Rd to Gt Eastern Hwy.
Cycle paths. Engagement with cyclists on what to do, ie. Where are the facilities on the trail from JFNP to Mt Helena. Need facilities, ie. food available / drink and bike maintenance station.
Installation of footpaths in streets that do not have any.
Walking is not easy on most tracks.
Footpaths on major roads, ie Seaborne.
The footpaths around the hills are generally good - but there is no walking access to Parkerville Oval. Seaborne St is a very busy road to walk on. I have approached the shire and been told it is not even on the 10 year plan.
Footpaths, trails and cycleways are non existent here. We are in desperate need for them. Every country town has trail and cycleways, why not here.
Again, we like walking, but not safe due to no footpaths. Talking about footpaths - the alley way from Hanley St is disgusting. It's always covered in dog shit and something should be done about it.
More footpaths - Greenmount area.
There are no footpaths (or bus service) from the Boya Community Library to Darlington. The bridal path is not safe to walk on because some cyclists go too fast and show little or no consideration to walkers.
The footpaths in Helena Valley are very poor in many areas, with the concrete slabs lifted and uneven. I have had 2 falls caused by uneven footpaths.
Safer footpaths for families and kids to use, to avoid them being in vehicle pathways.
Improve roads.
Not enough
I live on a busy main street in Mount Helena and I walk my dogs everyday.  I have to manage the speeding traffic and sticks leaves and honky nuts with my dogs to get to the walk trail.  Would love a footpath.
Frequented footpaths to be brown bitumen sealed (such as Coppin Rd north of Great eastern hwy. ( The walk trails on the old train tracks are fine) and more foot paths and tracks in built up areas to make walking easier.
More footpaths needed in Darlington. Hillsden Road could use a footpath. People walk up and down all day on the road and it can be dangerous.
The foopaths need repairing, the pink paint they spray on the problem areas just fades and do nothing.  Trees along the footpath need trimming so that you don't have to have the kids ride on the road on the way to school.  Also the amount of cars that park across the footpaths so that you have to use the road to walk around them are a problem. The reserve near Balmain road is basically a carpark these days especially when school is in.
A cycleway for the whole length of Stoneville Road please.
Footpaths should span the entire length of major roads. It is incredibly dangerous for children to walk/ride bikes in Parkerville.
In Wooroloo it is almost impossible to walk along the side of the roads in some areas. I really could not walk out my front gate and go for a walk without having to walk on the roads which would be dangerous. They don't need to be fancy or paved, but more dirt walking/cycling paths would be amazing!
There is no footpath/ cycle path along Sexton. 
Would also be nice and encourage more people walking if there were footpaths along streets alike Anthony.  It is a beautiful area, but discourages parents taking kids out for walks and meeting neighbours.
Need more Cycleways or roads improved for safety mundaring shire is very spread out and it’s unsafe for anyone to use a bicycle to travel to school or work and public transport is very bad so every family has an extra car for travel creating more road congestion and worse for the environment. The Mundaring shire should be promoting the environment make roads safer for bike riders my children and family friends are all afraid to ride there bikes to go visit each other so we have to drive them everywhere
Increase maintenance of trails and footpaths within the area
Better drainage and footpaths on major roads such as Seaborne Street.
More places where pedestrians can safely walk without being run over by overenthusiastic cyclists
Many footpaths are overgrown and dirt paths are washed out, need more maintenance
More footpaths and access required to better connect Mahogany Creek and Mudaring residents.
Footpaths through Boya, especially along Clayton Rd,
Scott street/GEH intersection
Scott street/Helena Valley rd intersection
Shade sails Boya oval playground and Broz Park
Cycle paths for roads you are not supposed to over take on.
Footpaths for prams and wheelchairs
More markers on footpaths and trails
The footpath and bridge next to my property is in poor condition. The path surface is unsafe to walk on due to loose gravel on the slope.
More pavements on side roads
Improving cycling paths within a 5km radius of schools to support safe cycling and walking for students, particularly on fast roads like Darlington Rd.
Liaison with DBCA to improve cycle and pedestrian connectivity into John Forrest National Park from adjacent suburbs, particularly Glen Forrest and Darlington.
There are so many cyclists in the foothills on the weekends, and it would be good to see them have dedicated cycleways.  Also, there is no footpath on Helena Valley Road, between Tamala Grove and Midland Road.  It would be good to have one especially with the new housing developments along that road.
A footpath along Stoneville Road, north of Bentley Street is needed as the speed is 80km and walking alongside the road is scarey and dangerous
more paved footpaths in Darlington
Swan view road footpath widened
Footpaths that are main school walking routes widened
More cycleways are needed.
Overhead walk bridges along the GE Hwy linking one side to the other. And traffic lights at Scott St and other major on/off points along the GE Hwy. The Hwy carries more and more traffic with each passing year.
Busy narrow roads need foot paths for the safety of children and adults.
Coppin Road in Parkerville needs a footpath from Hwy to Heritage trail off Riley Rd. Parkerville Primary school still doesn’t have decent footpath along Parker Rd. It doesn’t encourage locals to walk on roads where traffic occurs at high speeds. Footpaths near Steiner and Mundaring Christian HS??
We need a coherent policy on concrete footpaths. Too many footpaths begin and end nowhere. An example of this is along Great Eastern Hwy between Mahogany Inn and the Stock Feeders. What's the point of having this footpath if there are no footpaths leading to or from it. These footpaths were installed by Main Roads. The Shire should install complimentary footpaths on Holmesdale, Strettle, Brooking Jacoby etc to link up with these paths for those that don't wish to or can't use walk trails or roads. Seniors or those with prams should be able to safely use a circuit around their suburb. Good footpaths are essential in Mundaring because of loose gravel being unsuitable for safe walking. Sometimes it's the small things like footpaths that are what makes a suburb livable as well as the big ticket items like environmental concerns.
footpath development and realignment and more cycle path to get these cyclists off the roads which haven't been developed to include them in the space of the road provided.
ridge hill road needs cycle ways as there are more housing in development in this area.
Richardson road footpath needs better path alignment, part of the path goes into people's property's and should be along the road way.
old York roads footpath is completely dilapidated and incomplete and has been for over 15years.
not to mention the lack of drainage in these areas or the lack of drainage maintenance.
The shire needs to get out in the suburbs and stop looking out their office windows and spending money just in Mundaring whilst the other suburbs lay to waste.
Not sure
Stoneville lacks pathway/footpaths for safe cycling/walking on Stoneville Road verge. Limited access for families living further out who wish to access Heritage trail via bike/on foot.
Better marking of walking and cycling trails - and more of these trails!
More footpaths and filling in drains is some areas.  Better maintenance
of the paths we do have.
More/improved cycleways would be amazing. Also keeping them clear - often they're covered in honkey nuts, which can be a bit treacherous. I'm thinking specifically of Stoneville Road, it'd be amazing to be able to safely use that cycleway.
We need more footpaths I live in Mount ehelena and couldn't walk my new born baby as there is not footpaths out of my street and our roads are that rough it shook my baby terribly
Improving and extending on trails and cycleways.
Shared path on Traylen Road.
Improved cycleways on Stoneville Road.
Hey, I've said all this before about trails and cycleways.  The Shire needs to develop pronto some cycle paths that lead into our shopping/community facilities.  We love riding around in this Shire, along the bridle paths, down to Swan View, back up through the park.  And now Lake Leschenaultia (fabulous).  Go go go - more please.  Along Stoneville Road, right through to Toodyay Road, lots of cyclists would use these paths.  Just check out the number who are using the bridle path and enjoying a coffee at the cafe in Mount Helena on a Sunday morning.  Another cycle path down to Mundaring Weir would be terrific!  As it is, it's difficult to ride through to Kalamunda without getting skittled.  The roads are narrow and can't accommodate fast traffic and bikes.  Such a shame.  We often ride on down to East Perth and double back on the cycle paths to Garrett Road Bridge and further on to Guildford.  So we would really appreciate something along those lines up here in the Hills.  So many people are now getting eBikes (not so hard to get up the hills).  We are off to New Zealand to ride through the Central Otago district shortly - why can't our Shire develop some great long-distant bike trails for the tourism aspect.  Think about it.  We've ridden right through to Wundowie, but the track got so rough (horses I think) that we ended up on the road on the way home to Parky.  Amongst all the 80kph traffic.  Yikes!!
Build foot paths alon he highway.
Make sure everyone who ants tocycle or run or wait ever can easily access where they want to go.
Improved signage warning cyclist to give way and respect walkers on trails and cycleways, especially the heritage track.
Where I have lived for the past 54 years (Traylen Road Stoneville) there are no footpaths and not much streetlighting. When I go walking by myself or with my dog I have to walk on the road.
heritage trail needs uodating. this has only been updated once in 20 years..
Safe footpaths throughout mount Helena. There are not clear enough or wide enough verges for public to safely walk along the busier rds
Adding in more foot paths that connect to each other. Great Eastern Hwy would be good to have some decent access.
Upgrade local footpaths
Beautify streetscapes
Improve the repairing time frame
Safe bike lanes on interconnecting major backroads, e.g. Couston Rd, Ryecroft Rd, Riley Rd, Stoneville Rd, Seaborne Rd, Hardey Rd, etc.
Complete the foot path along great Eastern Hwy to Bilgoman road. Keep left signs for the heritage trail.
Written request for paths in Swan Road/Stirling Close 10++ years ago and promised to be in the budget the following year. Still waiting.
Include the youth to help make/create/plan a MTB track and trails.
same as before, not enough or only on half a road
More and better cycleways that are fully connected
There is still no pavement along Helena Valley from Scott St to Military Rd &gt;30 years after it was promised as part of the original Ceder Wood Development, yet there are now new pavements in part of Darlington that will never be walked..................
Fix them put more in and make sure they are adequately done in the first place
Our trails are excellent but footpaths are non-existent in most areas of the shire.  Again, I believe an anti-development mindset has led to this. The lack of footpaths and street infrastructure (except for in the town centres) means it is not a very family friendly community to raise children.  We live on Bushlands Road in Hovea.  Every day we have dozens of people walking up and down our street.  If footpaths were installed, it would make it far safer for these pedestrians and also encourage the younger generation to explore and experience the neighbourhood.
Cleared trail / path (doesn't have to be sealed) along Stoneville Road from Toodyay Rd to GE Hwy so residents from Gidge & Stoneville can ride safely along Stoneville Road (80km) to get to Mundaring facilities.
Better access in shopping centre
Need footpaths, many areas have a footpath starting and ceasing at a random location without continuation.
Extend footpaths to cover all residential zoned areas. There are glaring safety issues in many areas where footpaths are not provided. For example western end of Pitterson Rd, Darlington, Hardey Rd Glen Forrest and Gill St, Mundaring where pedestrians are required to fight for space with vehicle traffic.
We have lived in Churchill since November 1969 and have never had a Footpath! Over the years we have made several requests to no avail. People constantly cut across the corner of our property to access the Bus Stop and local shops, which can at times cause us 'grief'.
The  new bus stop surface near the corner of Keane and Alice [Mt Helena] is wonderful and makes life so much easier and safer to get off the bus. I would love it if the same surface was provided for the bus stop opposite it. At the moment , the surface is about 3cm below the new curb and it is awkward to get my trolley on the bus at times as the wheels get caught by the curb, and the gravel is loose. I've become spoilt by the new deluxe stop!
More footpaths. Too many goons on road and on bush tracks
Bailey leading towards Great Eastern needs footpaths - so many kids walk there to catch buses and cars ARE FLYING on Bailey and Strettle.  Constant burnouts on that intersection as well - high time we had speed bumps there (Strettle Bailey intersection) as well.
And whoever is responsible for cleaning on the sides of the highway should be made accountable- drainage is clogged, asking for a fire/flood damage.
As a family with young children planning to move down in a few years for school, we're keen to see a quality network of road-separated paths to allow children to ride safely to schools. What we have seen so far is good but no doubt there are some spots for improvement where kids are riding on the edge of roads/gravel.
In Glen Forrest, very few streets have a footpath.
Footpath on northern side of Jacoby Street from Craven Road to Gugeri Street. The only access to Mundaring business centre is down the gravel track between Phillips Road and Jacobty Street. This can be a hazard for Seniors as the surface is loose and uneven. Also area is very active with cyclists travelling at speed. The trail is not suitable for people with medical aids.
Increased access for people with disabilities
Footpaths on all roads to make safer for kids and families to get around - many local roads don’t have them outside of the estates
Have no footpaths and often have to walk on the verg which is not maintained, can see around corners  when walking or driving. Often where there is a footpath it is in bad repair, in fact a tripping hazard. Especially when walking you need to concentrate , glade I'm not in a wheelchair , a walker with a disability, a pram, or visualdisability. And as i age falling over .
It would be good if we could have cyclists off the road. It's dangerous and frustrating! At the same time, it would be nice to be able to push the pram or ride a bike on the side of the road
more paths
Foot paths along pierce st, people walk up and down st including dowell and Stevenson but cars cut the corner and speed down st, people have nearly been hit.
It needs a foot path.
Provide footpaths in high density areas such as Swan View hills. It is unsafe for people to be walking on some of these roads because verges are not accessible to pedestrians due to obstacles placed by property owners eg boulders, trees, plants.
Cycleways need to be improved to allow for older cyclists to cycle safely.
More footpaths on roads where there is a bus route. Walking on these road are very dangerous competing with buses.
Our shire is a destination for mountain bikeing, yet only has the Goat Farm facility…. Put more money into improving local roads, footpaths and trails
Put cycle paths on roads, particularly skinny hilly roads, to allow free passage of vehicles past weekend warriors thinking they’re Lance Armstrong.
A footpath all along stoneville road for safer travel for children on bikes, people who go for walks and mobility scooters/ wheel chairs. A road that is 80 ks and the foot paths stop half way down stoneville road. I frequently see a person on a mobility scooter holding up traffic as this person uses the road and at times can be very unsafe. The same goes for kids on bikes. Why stop the paths half way. Is the safety of the other half not important.
More/ better footpaths, better curbing and rainwater drainage, nicer street appeal and designated cycling paths.
Footpath continued/extended along Sexton Road, connecting Railway Rd, Sawyers Valley to the Heritage trail between Riley Rd and Keane St, Mount Helena. Thus providing safer access to the local primary schools.
better cycle networks to make cycling a safe option for commuting and getting around. Also better connected footpaths to make walking a realistic option that connects with public transport. For example there are no pedestrian crossings/bridges/underpasses to cross Great Eastern Highway between Buningyong Road/Miller Street and Mundaring, which means pedestrians/bus users have to dash across Great Eastern Highway
Footpaths support kids walking and riding to school (parkerville primary)  - eg along Parker Rd, seaborne st and Brooking rd. Currently no safe way for kids to do this.
Footpaths for kids of Parkerville Primary.  Seaborne and and Brooking are the main thoroughfare and far too dangerous.
Widening parts of the heritage trail between Darlington and glen forrest to allow bikes and walkers to pass safely.
Current growth plan without improved management for footpaths with cycleways , due to increased traffic require better safety and to encourage our hills life that differentiates us from the suburbs
Footpaths and footpath maintenance program
Would like to an annual budget amount set aside and included in advertisements/communications/mailouts/Facebook etc. to residents the areas that are included/ear marked for footpath installation, maintenance. These footpaths need to be not the horrible grey concrete or rolled gravel but material/colors but a colored to match the environment.
More footpaths needed on many roads. Footpaths that are disability accessible. Many are extremely dangerous for people with physical disabilities.
See my previous suggestion regarding managing pet waste or rubbish.
better facilities for walking and pushbike riding activities
It would be ideal if the heritage trail could be a sealed shared pathway between mahogany creek and mundaring:)
We need more sealed footpaths. it would be ideal if the heritage trail could be a sealed shared pathway.
Not all roads have foot paths
I am a walker and many of my routes have no footpaths. Dodging other vehicles, buses, cars and trucks is sometimes a precarious pursuit.
There are hardly any footpaths outside of the township areas. My kids have to walk along a road with an 80km limit and no where to get off the road when cars and trucks come as its bush all the way up to the edges of the road
Only metro Shire I know that still has so many streets without pathways
Develop network of cycle ways in our town centres, radiating as far as possible into the outer areas so that we can become less reliant on our cars for short journeys. The roads are typically narrow with rough edges and the verges are typically uncleared and unkempt so not safe or suitable for cycling or walking to school, local shop etc.
Cycle paths connecting to major routes
More SAFE cycleways
Finish the footpath from Helena valley road to midland road. How long do we have to wait or for a developer to pay for it.
More cycleways - Get push bikes off the roads
create a network of official mountain bike tracks, which are competitive to Kalamunda’s
Upgrade pathways
Encourage more cycling
Put footpaths in places where our children walk. Helena Valley Road is a prime example. Given the increase in the number homes in the area, it is appalling not to have footpaths for our kids
Footpaths are needed on some roads and some footpaths on existing roads need finishing.
Cyclists on the heritage trail can travel at speeds of +50kph. Sooner or later a pedestrian or child is going to be hit, injured and possibly killed. Their speeds need to be controlled.
Introduce a 'Tour De Hills' cycle path.
Cyclists flock to our hills to experience the challenges of its terrain, but cause hazards to traffic and pedestrians.
The winding roads of Rycroft, Glen, Victor and Clayton are very popular with cyclists. However, these are often narrow roads with limited visibility and opportunity to overtake. It is very dangerous.
Introduction of many-km bike lane or sealed circuit which runs alongside these roads or traverses similar terrain could be a means of allowing cyclists and motorists safe travel.
This would be a draw card for cycling enthusiasm and spur tourism, future events and festivals.
Increase footpaths so locals can walk more without having to drive everywhere
Provide a footpath in our street for starters
Better management of existing facilities...fixing broken/ littered pathways. doesn't get cleaned out regularly.
Footpaths in the surrounding streets of Parkerville Primary School would make it easier for kids to walk/ride to school.
The parking at the primary school could use some work too,
More designated walkways/cycleways within the whole of shire for easy walking (not dirt tracks) especially Greenmount Hill desperately needs a walkway/cycleway.
There are still. o footpaths in my entire area - it is very difficult for most residents to walk around or cycle.
Firstly you can grade my driveway which is on your land. You need a 4 wheel drive to get up the driveway, 1260 Sawyers Road :)

Apart from that just the upkeep of the Heritage Trail and various bush tracks/firebreaks. It is wonderful to have access to the bush for running and riding.
Laneway end of Royston Place/Marquis Street always a trip and safety hazard due to it not being maintained.
There is little connectivity between hubs (townsites and services) for people who don't want to use their car. Roads, such as Stoneville Rd are dangerous for cycling and walking along, yet are the main means by which anyone could travel between Gidgegannup/Stoneville/Mundaring
More foot path access extended along Stoneville Road.
More footpaths
If footpaths are not going to be developed in certain Shire suburbs then clean up the verges to make it safe to walk on instead of nearly getting run over because you have to walk on the road as there are no proper walkways
Would love to see major cycling artery along somewhere like Morrison Rd (or a nearby less trafficked road) to connect the train station to surrounding suburbs to the east by bike. Currently it’s either use the road, or take the roundabout route of the Heritage Trail.
The footpath along Stoneville Road between Riley road and Hartung street is dangerous.
There are severe cracks and misalignment on the path. It’s dangerous.
The vegetation along this road is overgrown along this path and needs to be constantly maintained
More footpaths & cycle ways connecting Mund with Stoneville &Mt Helena
No foot paths in my street with busy and at times high speed road traffic. Speed management and speed reduction would assist in making walking safer.
Improved local footpath network will not only allow for community connectivity but also contribute significantly to pedestrian safety. We do not have one truely safe way to cross the highway. The only control for the ENTIRE shire is a pedestrian crossing controlled by traffic light (not a hard barrier) in Mundaring!!! GEH is not unique, highways are in every local government, however this Shire is yet to find a solution to a problem that has been always there. 
It is also a joke the footpath network that was provided with the highway upgrades recently. To use the footpath you need to cross the highway possibly every 100m!!! (WTF) and parts of the footpath are missing!!!! REALLY!
Make the community accessible!
I'm unable to locate the path at the bottom of Iron road that goes through to the bridal trail?
Richardson road needs a footpath along it's entire length between Stoneville and Parkerville. Kilburn road Parkerville also needs a path- it's too narrow for kids riding bikes etc, especially near the Orchard.
Footpaths around Mundaring primary school along Stevens street are dangerous as they are uneven, narrow and cracked. It would be nice to have more footpaths in rural areas especially along main roads such as parts of stoneville road out of the residential area. Even gravel verge foot paths would be better than nothing along busy roads such as anketell road.
Would love more bike paths on main roads to make riding safe.
More footpaths and separate bike trails from pedestrians
Improved foot paths
Footpaths kept free of plants and more footpaths so it is safer to move around.
Love some footpaths around Darlingron on the busy roads for students walking to the bus
A sealed footpath along Walker street.
Wider and safer footpaths along the hills of Swan View for our children to walk and ride safely.
Stoneville is extremely dangerous for our children and residents to move along the roads. There are minimal footpaths and extremely dsngeroudly positioned bus stops. The council has failed to cater for the change in demographic over the past ten years. The growing population of young families has definitely been missed
More foot paths and cycleways to get those pesky road bike off the road.
Eg weir rd
Sealed footpaths down Swan Road and Pechey Road in Swan View.
Too many people speed down these roads, and as there are no footpaths, you run the risk of getting hit by a car if walking/cycling (especially with children) on either of these roads.
Improve footpaths in Greenmount. Our roads are windy, it’s dangerous to walk on the road
Footpaths maintenance for safety
Access to railway heritage tracks for older bicycle riders and child riders - and not just mountain bike or similar riders.
Footpath from Seaborne st to front of Parkerville Primary school. To encourage safer walking/cycling of students to school. Rear access of school is too steep for cycling and pushing pram.
Pathways and cycle paths along busy roads like ridgehill road. Reduced speed limits and road speed limiting devices
Cycle Paths to connect Helena Valley Rd to Midland Rd and beyond so people can safeley access other areas. Mundaring has to be the worst shire I have been to for cycle path's or PSP's
In my immediate area, there are busy roads with no pedestrian access. Blackboy hill needs street parking and pedestrian access on site side.The closure of Roe Highway access via Morrison Rd is going to increase traffic through back roads that are dangerous for pedestrians to cross as it is.
Main arterials entry way into Mundaring Centre are not safe or accessible by means other than car / motorbike
Improved maintenace
Footpaths are necessary. You shouldn't have to walk on the road into oncoming traffic which is dangerous, especially if your pushing a pram with a child/children. There are footpaths in some areas but they were funded by main roads or developers. The Shire needs to step up and start constructing concrete footpaths. Most footpaths in the Shire don't have any logic to them. You can be walking on a footpath on Great Eastern Hwy and all of a sudden it just stops and you have to walk on gravel or honkey nuts. Footpaths should form a circuit where you can do a loop without having to walk on the road. The population of the shire is ageing and proper footpaths are needed for older folk to be able to get some exercise or to the shops or to public transport. All these new bus stops for the disabled. How do they get to the bus stop or away from it without footpaths. Elderly and someone in a wheelchair cannot be expected to use slippery gravel walk trails.
Need to be able to be used by all abilities
More footpaths - No footpaths exist on Bus Routes.
                         - You have to walk on the road because verge is too overgrown
                        - Need to increase budget
Footpaths available around suburbs with parks. Mahogany creek.
The swan view area of the Shire of mundaring seems to be the neglected area.  Its an area with great potential, large block sizes, spectacular views from many homes, handy location to main roads and reasonable access to coty driving or using public transport.  But many streets have no footpaths and the area lacks street appeal.  You go to Mundaring and see a beautifully presented main hub but this seems to wain as you retreat further down the hill.
More cycle paths not on roads
The paths around Darlington and Glen forrest are dangerous and need to sorted as a matter of urgency
Need more footpath on Richardson Rd, & vista dr.
1st priority is parkerville primary school, NEEDS access via Parker Rd.
Paths/cycleway all the way down Lilydale Road
Sealed pathways safe for kids to ride without being right on a busy roadway.
Sealed trails in sections would be great
Better patrols of off road bikes using the heritage trail as these seems to be bad especially on sat and Sun afternoons and evenings.
More pathways along difficult to navigate roads (i.e. roads with large ditches for drainage and minimal space to get off the road with oncoming traffic). This would assist families in walking and riding to and from various activities, such as school, more easily.
I would love to see a footpath / track extended up along Stoneville Road.
Alice rd mt helena is dangerous. Many people walk and cycle along it and there is no protection from the traffic, and the 80 speed limit needs changing.
More foot paths, as a local who has lived in the hills since birth. It is dangerous for some people to have to walk thru bush or side of road. The Mundaring shire area doesn’t have enough paths on the end of the road for people to walk safely.
Safe concrete path along Traylen Road. Major access road with public and school buses travelling on it.  There's also a blind bend.  Residents have been requesting a safer path for nearly 30 years.  Yet we still only have a slippery gravel verge to walk on
So many areas need attention trip hazards
A good footpath to Midland that would allow to commute to the city.
Since upgrading Brooking Rd North from Great Eastern Highway, there is no footpath on either side!! Finding our way from the bus stop at night up Brooking Rd without lighting is outright dangerous and will prevent people from using public transport. Brooking Road is a particular bad example as speeding is common along this part of the road.
Footpath down Nicholl Street
Greater focus on installing footpaths would be appreciated - to encourage walking. In many places where you would expect footpaths, the road is the only place to walk.
Footpaths and lighting along passageway roads to improve safety of both pedestrians and drivers. Eg. Allestree road in Darlington. Many people use this road but there is no pathway for pedestrians and cars are at higher speeds due to the extensive slope of road.
There is barely any foot paths in the hills it be great to see more have it after for walking
Finish the foot path from the centre of Parkerville to the oval.
We have an amazing facility in the heritage trail. Increasing the network of trails to allow for greater community use for all forms of recreation will improve the community amenity, livability and potential for expanded tourism and local business opportunities.
Safer use of bicycles by improving road designs. Many parts of Sawyers Valley have no footpaths - this needs development.
Keeping the footpaths around Swan View clear of debris and to remove the weeds, bushes, trees that are growing in the curb of the road.  It looks terrible and will cause problems if they are left to grow.
Suggestions repair to walking path asphalt surfacing. In my local area the footpaths are not suitable for kids on bikes and people with disabilities due to holes in asphalt, width of the path and tree roots buckling the asphalt. This creates a hazardous situation for the pedestrian due to the proximity to the road in certain locations.
Waste bins on the trails
Continue to develop and improve cycle and mountain bike tracks and trails.
More pedestrian/bike footpaths in Mount Helena . Path finished or continued on Cook Street both west of Princess Rd and east after Chidlow Street. Path continued along Keane Street from Alice Rd to start of Heritage Trail. At the same intersection path north along Alice Rd to Cook Street. Path continued along Packer Street to Cook Street. All these streets are used by school students to  get to both schools in the area. Along with pedestrians, dog walkers and bike riders.
Upgrading the Railway Walk Trail (dangerous - uneven, washed out, etc.).
Better footpaths in Stoneville.
Walking trail in Swan View, thank you for the car park. More conveniences, more people will use the outdoors.
More cycle tracks.
Footpaths are needed on some of the busy roads in Darlington. Some of these roads (like Lukin Ave) are used by pedestrians but can be quite dangerous.
Foot paths and walkways in national parks
footpaths and street upgrades
*Provision of bicycle lanes and pathways. 

Local roads

More repairs on local roads.
Ridgehill Rd and Helena Valley roads need lower speed limits and proper cycle and foot paths (particularly Ridgehill Rd). Cyclists are a danger and children need to access Helena Valley PS safely from the new Bushmead Estate. Traffic along this road regularly exceeds the speed limit.
Keep road and access up to date. More community activities.
Older roads need to be replaced. Many are in poor condition.
Speeding at the bends, which can cause accidents. Turns on Noel Street at the bend.  Signs to slow down at the bends and turns.
Upgrade of Nelson Rd, Darlington, as shoulders are very poor.
Local roads signage for seniors speed signs.
Improve the shocking condititons of some local roads.
More solid surfaces and less loose pea gravel
Spend time and money repairing roads.
That's your job to work. Isn't that why you make high incomes. How about finishing Scott Rd Bridge within a timely manner. The lack of work being done and the long delays only further reflect the poor image of Mundaring Shire.
Traffic congestion in Helena Valley. Lloyd St Bridge. Scott St Bridge. Helena Valley Rd intersections, Military Rd, Midland Rd, Scott St.
Taking major traffic out of the area by rerouting Gt Eastern Hwy. One main multi story car park and revegetation of existing car parks.
Traffic management on GEH between shops, needs a permanent camera.
Develop Mundaring town centre with a view to eventual operation of the Orange Route.
Bike friendly roads
The smell that comes from Stirling Cres, towards Helena Valley. Would be great if you could do something.
Bituminise Elizabeth Ave gravel. If not, grade road regularly.
Roadside drainage systems need regular maintenance. Most roadside drainage is now overgrown with large bushes and plants. All outer edges of Chidlow are completely ignored and yet we still pay for it in shire rates. Drains in streets get blocked constantly on outer edges of Chidlow and they never get cut back, cleaned and cleared nicely, like the Lake. It's a major fire hazard.
Have road sweep machine done more often. Keep road clean from trees and leaves.
Close in open drain between GEH and Nicoll Street on McGlew Road
Hurry up and finish that damn Scott St Bridge.
Fix Glen Rd, between Meslin Cres + Victor Rd.
Redirection of traffic along Helena Valley Rd and Ridge Hill Rd - becoming a rat race.
I am for development but …. It is hard enough to get on to GEH in peak hour now. The roads are not designed for this amount of cars. Problems by the Stiner School, Seabourne, Stoneville, Lights on GEH, and it's going to just get worse. I know this isn't your area but it still needs to be addressed fast.
Eliminate Scott St (black spot) turn off on Gt Eastern Hwy. Constant speeding, accidents, road rage, pedestrian injuries.
Complete Brooking Rd.
Better roads are needed as well as heavy transport speed regulations.
Roland Rd needs major repairs. The road is very dangerous and has potholes.
Speed cameras on GEH.
20. More attention needed for access roads large enough to cope with infill of divided properties. Safe access to Gt Eastern Hwy - lights at the Stoneville Rd are inadequate at busy hours. Escape roads when fires are endangering lives.
Speed indicators on residential streets that have consistent issues with speeding vehicles in areas which should be 40 / 50 kph.
Sort out Military Rd issues with the City of Swan.
Roads and signage
Improvement to roads, more main road access. Scott Street and Marriot, Clayton Road are all majorly busy now which impacts those of us that live on any one of them.
The absolute joke of Scott Street bridge has majorly impacted on most of us living in the area.
Great Eastern Highway through Mundaring township Street is embarrassing.
Innaminka road needs work
Road traffic management in conjunction with Main Roads. Current infrastructure not able to cope with exising demand. Many new developments in process will just exacerbate the problem.
fix roads
Would love to see Xmas decorations in the town road centre as lots of eastern states people arrive to Perth this way (Mandurah and Wanneroo Shire have excellent dec).
Make 'Orange Route' a realisation. Has been planned for more than 20 years and it is still just a plan. Count how many trucks pass GEH daily.
GEH verge (snakes, garbage, dangerous ignition fuel build up of leaves, branches, etc, ugly, unfriendly).
Stop the speeding along Phillips Rd. Speed bumps. More 50km speed signs please.
Fix poor roads in Darlington.
Top marks to maintenance man and sidekick. Magee Place road fixed at last.
Better lights, especially Sawyers Valley Rd. And security cameras around main roads.
We live on an unsealed, single lane road, which some locals use as a rally track. At the end of our street is a four way junction with no signage. An accident will happen if not addressed.
Continual road maintenance and installation of kerb and guttering on major roads in Glen Forrest. Vehicles are creating ruts on sides of narrow roads, which are made worse when washed out during rain / storms.
Design a 'better', maybe double lane or passing lanes on Morrison Rd. At the very least assist in constructing bus bays so the traffic is free flowing.
Fix the damaged water mains & internet cables that the cleanup crew hits every time they clean up the drains along Hummerston street. Also clean up the drains annually not every 5yrs. Lucky I couldn't get FTTN internet & don't use the cable. Also cut down the dead & dying trees that have potential to fall on power lines.
Maintaining spoon drains
Need to seal Werribee Service Road access roads onto Werribee Rd
Visibility when turning on to a number of streets in Mt Helena is very poor. Unless in a 4WD it is impossible to see if there is any oncoming traffic due to vegetation/dead branches on verges.
A number of trees fell across Prosperity rd , in the storm. Still waiting for these to be cleaned up. Completely hides on coming traffic. Very dangerous
Cars and motor bikes speeding Buckingham Rd, Swan View.
Pechey Rd is unsafe for pedestrians and motorists
Stop big haulage trucks from using Chidlow St, Mt Helena. Road not for heavy vehicles. They travel from Keane St to Cook St to get to Toodyay Rd.
New proposed child care centre in Mount Helena is in a traffic congestion area has this been planned and assessed parking or road impacts around the area all scenarios been looked at . no I doubt it just build it let residents deal with after problems
Dangerous spot / intersection on Bushmead Rd / Military Rd. A crosswalk / lollipop for Helena Valley PS, to prevent more accidents.
Local roads (potholes etc) For example, Stirling Cres.
Re-surface roads. Put in fog lines during times of smoke for emergency evacuation.
Road surfaces in Hovea are generally poor.
Improve road safety by installing more speed humps.
Overseeing building sites and their care of rubbish and provision of landscaping.
Unsealed roads to be graded more often. They are often dangerous and damage cars.
Maintain roads, not just patch. Some areas in my street have worn away to the pea gravel underneath.
Roads need resurfacing.
Better lighting - on side roads. And upgrading potholes on footpaths and roads.
Roads and access in Darlington.  Fix the roads and open access roads for two point evacuation for bush fires. Some roads in Darlington emergency vehicles cannot get down. Example, Hubert St, off Likin Ave. A death trap with only one exit. Pease fix this.
Roads - Kerbing and maintenance and lighting.
From the Gt Eastern Hwy Bypass to Kalamunda Rd lights, Abernethy Rd is a damn disgrace. Also, Stirling Cres, from Bushmead Rd to the Gt Eastern Hwy Bypass. And when are you going to open up the road coming from Midland Central S/C to the Gt Eastern Hwy Bypass. It's true - WA stand for Wait a While.
The roads around us are very rough and full of potholes. Sexton, Throssell, Forrest, Helena Tce, Kirkstall in Sawyers Valley.
Manage drainage of roads. Keep drains free from leaf matter so water can actually flow.
28. Bunninyong Rd was 'improved' 18 months ago, ie. One small stretch resurfaced. It remains one of the worst roads - full of bumps and insecure edges.
Local roads. Roads of a rural nature be widened. Middle lane line to the more dangerous roads, ie. Prosperity Rd speeding, tree roots under road, etc.
The roads around my street have a lot of potholes that are patched but after winter are just as bad.
Living on Coulston Rd in Boya I would like some footpaths installed. As new families with smaller school age children have to walk to the bus footpaths are a necessity.
Repair roads so they withstand the trucks that go through our shire, especially in the winter months. They come and fix the pothole and in a week it's back. Nothing like a blown tyre.
Local roads and speeding is a big issue. School run parents being the biggest offenders. Speed signs, increase use of speed awareness.
Fix local roads and basic infrastructure. Spend money here, not on a huge solar system for the shire, which doesn't work during blackouts.
28. Better care and upkeep of bumpy and cracked road surfaces.
Improvements to Sealy, Smith and Tillbrook Streets, Glen Forrest. We have seen many road improvements in recent years but these seem to have been neglected.
Roads that have multiple estates need to stop putting roundabouts in. This doesn't solve the problem. Upgrade the roads, in particular, Helena Valley Rd.
Don't need any dentists in Mundaring - roads will rattle teeth out. Have a look just to the left of the shire offices on Perth side. If I peed in the hollow there it would cause a huge flood problem. If it rains it's all underwater. Shit drainage.
More surveys of local roads to improve the quality and patching of potholes.
More money to improve roads.
Clear at least one meter either side of bitumen, of vegetation. Clear overhanging tree branches.
28. Road conditions are poor at best. Our street was opened up to through traffic with no consideration for speed limiting devices and the impact it would have on our enjoyment and wellbeing where we live. Public safety was also not considered. We still have no footpaths to utilise our street safely as a pedestrian. *No consultation.
Roads school buses use are narrow and there are limited useful safe areas for children to wait for school buses.
Some local roads have potholes and are very narrow. Often no footpaths. Very dangerous.
Bunningong Rd is a high traffic road and tree roots have made the bitumen extremely bumpy. Our own street has constantly occurring potholes and it is a low traffic cul-de-sac. Better signage in 50kph areas as people tailgate constantly, thinking it's a 60kph zone.
Maintain road surfaces more frequently and clear verges to improve visibility.
Heavy traffic and speeding on Byfield Rd.
Road planning is supremely poor in the Mundaring Shire. With population growth the roads are not adequate. Stoneville Rd is a shocker near the GEH (Fire risk and escape is a huge risk).
Local roads are becoming very rough and the edges are breaking away.
Upgrade Scott St, GWH intersection. Clear verge vegetation near roundabouts. Improve roads in other areas, not just Darlington.
Fixing local roads - major attention needed.
All shire roads that are not to Main Roads standards of 6.6 metres with no open drains. Open drains converted to cycle tracks to take cyclists off thoroughfares.
28. Open up Gladstone Ave to Salisbury Rd with 2 stop signs - take away ridiculous slowing down devices as they do not work and too many accidents. Speed humps on Amherst, close to junction - short pine poles needed to stop electric bikes and scooters riding across gravel. (*16) Rubbish bins and yearly pickup at units on the bend in Rhine Way are disgusting - broken, not recycled and smelly. Health issue. Left out on path for days.
Local roads. Systematic improvement and widening of roads instead of annual patch-ups (eg. along Bailup Rd).
Local roads all need major attention.
Street lighting (residential) and roads need to be upgraded.
You guys are doing a great job in my opinion. Thank you.
Just need to be on top of road and stormwater conditions due to climate change and heavy rains. My street often gets washed away as the open drains are not well located. I have had to sand bag myself. Repairs end up costing more money.
Sealing and keeping roads safe.
Better roads. Wider roads to include cyclists.
Local roads. Kerbing in our area has been significantly damaged. I have emailed to advise (a couple of years ago) and nothing has been done to correct this.
Improving roads that are used as main routes for heavy vehicles and buses eg., Kevin St, Stoneville.
Glen Road upgrade.
Local roads are also good. Stirling Rd, Greenmount (off Old York Rd) would benefit from traffic management, ie. slowing traffic, as it can be dangerous.
Roads - Local. Review black spots and issues regularly. Not sure on how reporting and safety issue are dealt with. Check signage.
A bit more maintenance, pothole filling, edges renewed.
Gravel roads updated to bitumen, ie. William Rd, Mt Helena finished off. It's so busy. Finish off Prosperity Rd as well.
Our roads need a bit of attention, especially east bound, between Travellers Rest Motel and Sawyers Valley.
Road upgrades - All old and rutted.
Local roads. Access road to Lake Leschenaultia, being a very popular and very sought after destination, is in dire need of upgrading.
Local roads. Finish kerbing jobs, complete resurfacing of Old Northam Rd in its entirety. Verge growth management. Bus stops and shelters on Old Northam Rd.
Morrison Rd is very busy. Buses bank traffic up and they cannot pass. A pull to the side, like other areas use and do, would help solve that problem. #4. Bigger bins - or a green waste bin.
Local roads are in poor condition. Some are still only gravel yet the people who live on them still pay the same amount of rates. Potholes are given a band aid fix.
More road maintenance is needed, especially fixing potholes, as these damage vehicle suspension and ultimately cost residents more in car maintenance, especially with the economy the way it is at the moment.
Replacement, repairing (such as kerbing) of roads.
Roading - Potholes / speeding in 50 areas.
Trying to get out of local roads onto highways is getting harder to do with so much traffic. *Also, what do we actually get in Mahogany Creek for our votes. In the 20+ years I have been living here there is nothing the shire has done (the Hall is not even run by the shire as they wanted to demolish it).
Maintenance of road surfaces, kerbs. Some Hills roads are the worst I've driven on in the western world. Shire should be ashamed of themselves. Neglected for many years.
Local roads. Storm water directed away from private dwellings.
Reseal the roads that were forgotten because they are not used continuously by the general public visiting the area.
Roads along Stoneville are not fixed properly - full of potholes.
Local roads need more attention, especially rural / edges of shire boundaries. It's like residents are forgotten.
Large trucks on roads built for local traffic.
Roads. In this instance Library Lane. This road has become very busy, mainly because of the 24 hr car wash, Hills Fresh and drivers using it as a 'cut through' to the Gt Eastern Hwy and the fuel station. This needs to be looked at and redesigned. In  fact, the car wash should be relocated to the trade centre.
Upgrade smaller side streets.
Speeding on Viveash Rd, between Morrison Rd and Tunnel Rd, is a concern and, for some reason, the traffic flow on Viveash Rd has increased substantially. Need some form of traffic control.
Reseal Moray Rd / Hoplin Place and install kerbs to control road runoff.
Seaborne Rd has so many potholes - this is a thoroughfare for the school runs to MCC and Steiner Schools. It's beyond patching.
Fixing potholes and drainage on local roads.
Some local roads are crumbling and dangerous. Need to get onto Main Roads and get some roads fixed.
Speeding trucks and cars at Stoneville lights and town area. More needs doing. Flashing '60' speed signs on entry both ends of Mundaring. Speed camera permanent at Stoneville lights, corner Gt Eastern Hwy.
Reducing congestion in suburban streets.
Local roads. Funding needs to be made a priority. Roads are in terrible condition in most older areas. Too much priority is given to new roads and infrastructure developments.
Local roads. (1) Prosperity Rd needs to be widened ASAP - dangerous. (2) Williams Rd is gravel - Needs to be bitumen. So much traffic uses these roads. Dangerous.
Improve drainage in low areas and kerb streets to try and prevent water from roads destroying driveways.
As the area develops the roads are inadequate in Helena Valley to deal with increased traffic. Scott St Bridge has gone on forever and is very disruptive to already congested traffic.
Local roads - slow down signage, fauna saignage, ensure Shire staff members are educated in road rules/not obstructing neighbouring properties driveway access - adequate parking signage on Jacoby, Nichol, Craig St - consider parking permits or more parking for council workers taking over Jacoby Street.
Glen Road South, Darlinton, upgrade. I know the Shire has plans to unpgrade this road but the date has been pushed out. The edges of the road are in very poor condition causing many drivers to have tyre blowouts and damaged rims. Also cyclists are very noisy shouting as they ride along this road on early mornings and especially on weekend. 
Good roads improve safety to all traffic and pedestrians. Shire should be mindful of the financial burden rates have on householders, perhaps a reduction of services would be a worthy goal to reduce this burden.
Improve roads especially where development planned to go ahead, before not after.
Resurface and repair potholes
Proper maintenance of roads.  More markings for popular cycle routes. Scott Street Bridge.  Timely & well executed road repairs
Fix all the pot holes. Don’t just put a bit of mud in them and hope it sticks
It is your job.
There are a number of local roads along the old railway corridor that have higher then expected vehicle use and in places are not equipped for the traffic. An example would be Breeze Rd; the link between Lillydale and Mayo roads, and Harper Rd needs widening and cleaning up along the verge.
Fix them up quicker
The roads are very dangerous especially when bikes horses and  light trucks are involved it’s only a matter of time before someone is killed. The shire should embrace our wonderful scenery and build roads to suit and then can promote to the wider community for bike riding events and competitions and attract tourists to the area which would help local businesses and improve road safety
We would like to see Jordan road extended through to Liberton road and sealed. At present the track it is used by a lot of people and it can be very dangerous when driving as it is only one lane wide. Also, it would give people along the road a safer exit in case of fire.
Many small streets that are no through roads have not been resurfaced in over 15-20years. Numerous potholes are filled each year but the road itself is in need of full repair.
Push for Eastlink WA project, keep heavy traffic out of mundaring
Some are very unsafe
Windy roads, I want more signage, police presence
As I live in Darlington on a street with no street lighting I would like to see an upgrade to this.
keep roads in good repair - implement program to gradually improve - maybe add kerbs where possible to restrict erosion of gravel verges.
The maintenance of roads needs to be greatly improved. Many of the roads around Darlington and the wider Mundaring shire are in very poor condition (pot holes, cracks, and severly damaged shoulders).
Despite repeated requests to council to have repairs undertaken on my street, nothing has been done
It seems only the main roads get fixed up, there are still some roads that are dirt roads. I know the street I love on has never been fixed and I have fallen on it when I was a kid riding my bike and it tore my leg up because of how bumpy and uneven it is. At this point it's just rocks being held together by a thin layer of tar and is not smooth at all. The only roads maintained, as I said are the main roads it seems.
Fixing potholes and decaying bitumen.
The Orange Route. EastLink WA. This needs to be a priority for safety on GE highway. Too many trucks moving through the centre of Mundaring.
More cycle/pedestrian paths. Potholes and curbing.
Walk Bridges over the GE Hwy. Traffic lights at Scott St.
Sight lines/line of sight at intersections are obscured by flora. (Lion St, Gt Eastern highway, Whim Close is a good example of how not to do an intersection.
Hidden intersections in high speed, 80kmh to 110kmh, environment.
Hungry strips to widen narrower roads.
Undertaking cutting for frequent right turn intersections.
Foliage in front of signage
Speed indicator signs like entry to Sawyers Valley to increase awareness.
William road mount helena gracel section sealed
Improved surface maintenance
Better maintenance of our local roads.
Continue the repair and maintenance program on the local roads to attract more visitors and keep them safe.
Upgrade some of the smaller roads
Because more people using the same route due to Main Streets used by our local community shut down thanks to metro net.
Local roads are lacking maintenance and verges are overgrown
general upkeep of all roads to suitable standards
Great Eastern Highway between Bilgoman Road and Hardy Road should be a 60 zone.  It is dangerous for residents from Hovea to cross the road as the oncoming traffic is too fast to navigate across the road.  Parents from Helena College and students off the bus also struggle to cross the road.
Park Road needs line in the middle as cars drive in the middle of the road.  A sign on Park Road with 50KM should also be installed as there are many kangaroos that crossing.
stoneville rd from riley rd to the roundabout at mundaring is like a racetrack e.g very loud motorcycles , cars.i have lived on stoneville rd for 22 years ,some sort of traffic calming should be implemented before there is a serious accident.

Resurfacing of roads used extensively by the public. Speed reduction on roads around Hovea, Park Rd and Oxley Rd. Used by way too many extremely fast cars and motor bikes.
Brooking Road (North end) is appalling - narrow, different surfaces and states of repair, gravel washes out at side of roadway in some sections leaving a dangerous pit, no footpaths, 80km race track that no one seems to wish to address speeding on.  Would be nice if the outer major streets (this is a direct route to the Parky Pub and Parky residents) were given the same attention that some of the minor streets closer to town have been given.
Rhine way in Swan View should be closed off from Amherst Rd due to the people that live In all the units on the bend. Open Salisbury with speed bumps. It will also keep the school children safe when they deserve to run across the road!
Repairs to the roads quickly
Pot holes on the roads some roads still gravel
More great Eastern Highway from Bilgoman road to Mundaring. The "upgrades" have been done incorrectly and have caused multiple accidents, injuries and deaths. The barriers are a hindrance and an eyesore.
Parkerville has a lot of old tired roads especially north side where I live and now we have Kit Chambers development going ahead at the end of Hidden Valley road, the road is already not wide enough especially when a truck is coming the other way, it is very dangerous with the development trucks and school buses and current traffic are flowing
Improve by widening some local roads verges eg Short st accident waiting to happen.
Verge vegetation clean up and upgrading surface of the roads
Slowing traffic on great eastern hwy - it’s so dangerous with a lot of road rage, bullying and intimidation- drivers in the right hand lane speeding and tail gating while trucks in the left land mean there are regular crashes and it’s a death trap. Please please do something about the goon driving in the hills.
Way too many pot holes
Scott street bridge, need I say more...... Why is it taking so long? I could imagine the cost blow out, contractor should be shot.
Local roads are very poorly maintained.  The quality of our roads has not improved commensurate with the increase in our rates over the past 12 years that we have been in the community.
Slow points for several main distributor roads with 60kmh limits are needed. Seaborne and Stoneville Rds are regularly travelled at high speeds, both from tourists (car/motorcycle) and locals. Lack of pedestrian crossings and footpaths, and street lighting in some areas make for accident waiting to happen.
Poor surfaces and surface disruptions by tree roots
When "upgrading" roads (e.g. widening Old Northam Rd through Chidlow) putting an extra bit of paving on the sides is unsafe. The overlap is lumpy and can be felt in a motor vehicle - I would not like to be one of the many cyclists who use the road. Also, Rosedale Rd from Thomas St to Lake Leschenaultia is not fit for purpose for the number of motor vehicles using it to get to the Lake.
Many local residential roads have ancient or incomplete bitumen, more rough patches than original bitumen or were never completed. For example, end of Shepherd St Glen Forrest, end of Hawter Rd Glen Forrest are full of rough and broken patches and Quarry Court Glen Forrest where the Shire only ever completed 2/3 of the asphalt and forgot the other third. Combined with no footpath on Quarry Court this uncompleted section is a death trap as pedestrians have to compete with vehicles for limited space.
Either winding road or trimming of vegetation along Hidden Valley Road and installing street lighting at the intersection of Roland Road and Hidden Valley Road
Make them wider, keep corner brush cleared as hard to see over in small cars at junctions. And get main roads to mark all t junctions
minimal care and attention is currently being given to roads - change the 'box ticking' activities to ones that are actually needed - be efficient in applying resources and check outcomes.
Surface upgrade for Jacoby Street from Coppin Road to Gugeri Street as the surface is very uneven.
Sealing of gravel roads in residential areas (Brindle Road)
Some roads could do with a complete re-do, instead of temporary fixes
There are kilometres of roads with TREES growing in the table drains that are more than 100mm diameter - DBCA advise that a Eucalypt that diameter is at least 20 years old - THAT is how long since maintenance has been done in these areas!  Far too busy with blocking off roads, so that there can be a Farmers Market or such in MDG town!  What about the rest of us ???
Traffic through Mundaring and down the highway is dangerous with the large road trains often speeding, going through red lights and dangers for children.
Roadworks take too long to complete and inadequate planning to mitigate delays caused eg Scot Street bridge repair. Also several road repairs have taken place at the same time in the same area causing much frustration for locals.
Read my first list of issues that need addressing.
The Scott Street bridge has been the most poorly handled project that I have witnessed. Clayton Road after nearly a year still isn't finished, this is a reflection of the Mundaring Shire and its council. The Rates are fare to high with nothing to show for, the bins are ridiculously small, and there is a power outage every other day due to trees. The Darlington ovel is disgraceful and the kids are expected to play football amongst the septic water from the club room and dog shit, what is clearly visible is that all the money is spent on Mundaring.
Council land requiring shrubs, bushes and other vegetation to be cut back in order for clear view when driving out into main roads
Widening of so.e of the older roads or reduced speed limits.
The Clayton st bridge upgrade is a joke and should of been pushed though quickly. Weeks went by with no progress, Mean while with have other option but to sit in traffic jams.
Many road are in need of upgrades & dangerous intersections need to be changed. Community consultation would help with this.
Widening and verge reduction on Hidden Valley Road,Parkerville.
Potholes need fixing; numerous ‘dirt tracks’ that get are used constantly by cars need bitumising
Improve road conditions and footpath/ pedestrian access
Speed hums or something to slow people down. Lionel road is a racecourse
Road resurfacing in areas of Mount Helena and continuous maintenance of street drainage for winter rains
reduce some speed limits
Fix the general condition of roads and verges.
Our area is disgraceful.
Sealing William Rd between Samual and Bunning
This road is used very often and the gravel always has huge pot holes, please seal it
Also removing bushes for visibility at corners especially turning onto Stoneville Rd from Prosperity Rd, it is very hard to see if it's clear in certain areas
Road surfaces, drainage
Roundabout at intersection of Scott St and Helena Valley Road
Extension of footpath heading up Hillsden Road
More speed bumps along feeding roads into Darlington
The bridge replacement in Boya has become a totally unacceptable inconvenience for far too long. The shire should have stepped in and project managed the company that swindled their way into the project with nonsense planning and projections, with the unnamed construction crew that are pretty much invisible. It makes me incredibly cross that it has gone for so long and been so poorly managed and time constraints have blown out unacceptably.
Viveash Road need repairs
Maintain road verges and road surface
Similar to the pedestrian risks, vehicle entry and exit from my property is dangerous due to high speed traffic and visibility issues. I am certain this is a common issue for all residents along my road.  
Speed control and reduction improvements are required as a priority.
Fix pot holes and verges in Sawyer's valley
Footpaths - none at the moment
Road surface is quite rough - needs resurfacing and kerbing installed.
Underground drainage - open drains at present - time to progress
to 2024/ or are we still in 1950s.
Too many roads are affected by tree roots, work needs to be done to rectify when possible.
Some roads are so uncomfortably bouncy they need to be driven far below the speed limit
Reseal/resurface roads where the tar surface is becoming cracked, worn, or potholed.
Post more speed signs to indicate the speed limit.
Trim vegetation on edges of intersections so visibility is improved
A number of roads in mt Helena are too narrow for 2 vehicles pass each other safely.
Since the storm Prosperity Rd has multiple trees down, which fell across the road; these have made the road even narrower. Extremely dangerous!
Clean up Stoneville road.
Morrison Road desperately needs resurfacing. The railway crossing on Morrison Road needs to be put under the road. It causes a lot of congestion to get into and out of the area.
More inspections of local roads and streets and a faster response time to fix them, things like potholes,  repairing them when they're small instead of waiting until they're bigger and then they become a problem to the public  causing damage to people's vehicles .
Whoever is responsible for the close to 1 year timeframe for the Boya bridge replacement needs to answer some questions. I think the contractor should also be banned from tendering for more work for 10 years. It is a ridiculous amount of time to replace a bridge that could be fabricated off-site.
Swan Road in Swan View either needs to be closed on one end, or widened with a footpath installed either way. The bend where Swan Road becomes Salisbury Road, and intersects with Stirling Close. There is a bump on the edge of the road if headed South, and if you steer to avoid the bump, you are on the wrong side of the road.
Roads need to be widend especially in the shop/village area, big cars take up nearly all the road and it is tight turning. Other roads on the community are poorly upgraded.
Great Eastern Highway,, Major heavy trucks coming down the hill 24/7,, they are allowed to make as much noise as they want. There are no signs or traffic inspectors in order to stop waking people up at 3 and 4 am. The truck drivers speed down the hill and use their air breaks, which are very loud, rather than come down in low gear. Also, we have complained a million times re speeding on residential streets, and dangerous blind spots,, they don't care, and just ignore us, yet suburbs closer to Mundaring, have 50 km per hour signs everywhere. Not right
Speed calming devices on our roads
Don’t work during school pick up and drop off crazy busy
Fix the school lights on Roland road once and for all not  every few months
fix the gravel road on Williams rd. Needs to be bitumen and widened as does prosperity
Our local road is in a poor state
Improve roads that are NOT in the immediate township, ratepayers live in those areas as well.
Repairing roads
Re seal roads
Main roads needs to do from Mundaring to Sawyer's valley
In certain conditions (night with rain) Riley Road is extremely dangerous - there needs to be adequate reflectors on the sides and centre of the road to provide visibility of the road area, before someone drives into a tree. Seriously you cannot distinguish the road surface boundaries under these conditions. It needs reflectors.
Roads need to be signposted, corners clear on verge to see on coming traffic, roads need patching, roads need to be widened to accommodate 2 way traffic instead of single lane 70/80 kmh roads
Better roads.
The bridge on the Scott St is a major bummer for a lot of people from Darlington with kids in Mazenod. 80min one way to get to school with public transport..
Divert the trucks from the highway. We'll never have a safe town centre with them.
Upgrade of Morrison Road, Swan View, east of the rail crossing to Talbot Road and return to dual vehicle lanes (2 lanes each direction) as was the case prior to changes made by Mundaring Shire many years ago. If dual carriage not appropriate, then Bus pull in bays urgently need to be installed for driver and pedestrian safety.
Pedestrian underpass of GEH (not crosswalk/lights).
Redirection of heavy haulage off GEH onto Toodyay Rd.
More nightlife.
Seal the gazetted road between Mt Helena / Amaroo to Lake Leschenaultia (Neptune St). Seal the gazetted road between Darlington and Glen Forrest (Marnie Rd).
Road verged,s reenstate.when needed.
Roland rd speed needs to be reduced.
Local rds speeds to be assessed. Less rd crashes
Maybe cameras in some public areas
It's about time someone had the balls to make priority decisions to carry out what has to be done and quick, and not have to wait years. It's an eye sore to see potholes all over the roads.
Given the steep slopes in the area, public access walkways need to be maintained.
Re-open Bellevue Rd. Too much traffic in local area. Install speed bumps.

Access to public and shared transport

Develop comprehensive transportation plans that address traffic congestion, improve public transit options, and enhance overall mobility.
Better public transport and better routes (more often and more direct).
Public and shared transport - Public transport within the shire is scarce and those that exist are not available when required, or are too costly (ie. getting from Stoneville to Parkerville after school for work and Uber costing a minimum $30).
Public transport.
Another street sweeper or two.
Public transport around Mundaring to be regular and more often. 1 hr 20 min to get to Midland.
Liaise with Transport to improve access to bus stops (footpaths). Improve safety of crossing points on GEH. Relocate the bus stop at Hardey Rd / GEH east bound (move stop westward approx. 50 metres).
More movements of public transport to city.
29. Until we have more economic infrastructure people have to travel and have not got an option of public transport due to limitations of availability.
More weekend bus transport that goes past Mundaring.
Our public transport up here is appalling. Heading towards less of a carbon footprint - uni students have to move to the city or drive. If they need family support or their part time jobs are in the shire they are screwed. Also, if you have a medical reason and can't drive and don't qualify for funding (Epilepsy is one) you cannot count on public transport.
More frequent buses to be used to go and come from the shopping centre in Midland.
Transport in area (Public). *Has sadly declined to rock bottom over last 25 years.
Sawyers Valley has only one bus 320 operating, with huge intervals.
Transport. Living in an aged care facility it is important to have access to public transport. I note the multi-story car park being built at Midland Station. I hope Midland Station is not closing down. The elderly cannot walk that far to the next station.
More buses.
More buses.
Transport to Stoneville, Parkerville, Sawyers Valley, Wooroloo is terrible.
Public transport. Metronet to Mundaring would be a positive outcome.
Public transport. Consider people with disabilities, ageing, young mothers etc., so that services run regularly and there are lots.
Increase public transport to Helena valley Rd, so people in the various estates have a more frequent bus service.
29.Bus services are all but non existent away from GEH. Need wider routing - smaller buses and more than 2 per day. Open it up to private companies.
Despite contacting PTA and requesting that bus timetables and travel planner 331 show up an hour waiting time before connecting - sometimes it's the same bus or catching another in a few minutes. The demise of the bus service through Parkerville, as they opened up for new houses, wasn't good planning. Not having a service at all on  Sunday and PH.
No service after Bentley St, Stoneville. Kids walking on side of Stoneville Rd. Cars doing 80 clicks. Not even a footpath, bushy and gravel. Dangerous.
Bus service to Mundaring other than having to go to GEH.
Public transport could be improved by running a 3rd bus up through to Mundaring so more kids have access to a safe mode of transport.
Public and shared transport. Seek improved public transport to hills suburbs.
Sealing and cover for bus stops. More frequent buses. One bus each way is not ideal for elderly people and kids.
Transport is not clear enough where you can catch and change not frequent.
Public / shared transport not easily accessible - limited times, terrible choice of routes.
Public transport. The school bus home for local Darlington in the afternoon is not until 4:20pm. Too long to wait. Bus infrequency makes it difficult to use, usually have to drive into the city.
Reconsider bus routes - access for walkers and mobility aids on buses. Press for railway extension to hills.
Access to more public transport. Like a train shuttle.
Hard to understand bus routines. I see 2 buses at once early in the morning, then none for a long time. Afternoon buses are not very frequent.
Desperately need more regular transport from Parkerville, Stoneville, Mt Helena to Mundaring, that links to Midland Station. Currently there is no useable transport to Midland Station for university students of disabled people.
29. I choose to limit my use of public and shared transport as, again, I have been subjected to poor behaviour and bad language from others.
A better public transport system.
Public transport. More buses to and from Mt Helena at more times of the day, not just work times.
A more regular and often bus service to enable transportation to and from Mundaring more than once a day.
More regular community bus services (circuit) within the shire, eg. From Parkerville, Hovea or Mt Helena to Mundaring.
As more of us age we need safe and reliable public transport. It helps climate change as well.
More buses to stations and schools and more under cover bus shelters for rain and sun. High school buses need more than 1 each morning and after school as many students do before and after school activities.
Lobby for better public transport services.
More and on time bus connections.
Lived here for 25+ years and poorly scheduled bus services. Cannot take any public transport that gets me to work on time.
In Hovea there is limited public transport. The bus service only goes to the highway, not in the suburb.
Public transport. We're a bit left out here in Stoneville.
More public transport into Parkerville.
Public transport is terrible. Buses travel higgledy-piggledy through areas on and off Gt Eastern Hwy and hardly anyone gets on. Just drive the bus down the highway and people can walk to their individual houses.
Transport to Airport from here is impossible. New dedicated Uber / taxi for that.
Darlington desperately needs a better bus service. Fortunately I still have my driver's licence, but for those without it, they are faced with expensive alternatives, especially single persons.
Better public transport servicing areas more frequently and wider routes.
Need a better public transport service for those from Darlington / Glen Forrest to go into Midland. A shuttle service through Thomas Rd to Mundaring, especially for the elderly who don't drive.
Public transport. Connecting buses and rail timetables.
Great lack of seats and shelters at bus stops in Greenmount area.
Bus stop refurbish. Responding to emails would be good. Shire officers getting involved, listening to concerns of the constituents.
Improved transport - public, eg. Buses.
Stop exorbitant pay and conditions for management. It's a lot of 'extras' that they don't need to have, like the perks they get, eg. Using shire cars and fuel cards for personal usage to go away on weekends.
29. Improved bus links to access, especially, Midland Rail and hence Perth City. Major changes are required to decrease use of private cars. Bus stops need to be within easy walking distance of homes.
We need a change that allows our kids to catch the 322 bus, not the private bus, to Helena College, before and after school.
Public transport. More bus routes, more regular and better access to bus points.
Public transport. Improve weekend services.
Bus service is very poor and infrequent so, currently, cars are everyone's choice.
Public and shared transport. Try to get an Uber at 5am to the airport. More bus stops / or train / or tram.
Public transport. Need for more frequent bus service.
Improve areas to public transport frequency and coverage.
Public and shared transport. Need more buses to go to and from Midland during the day. Clearer signage and shaded stops for commuters.
There needs to be at least some public transport available to people on the outskirts of the shire.
More frequent public transport from the hills to connect with the Midland train service.
29. Kids use public transport for school. Riley Rd to Seaborne Rd is a drama with concertina buses but smaller buses are standing room only to Mundaring Christian College.
Public transport is non-existent in my area and I have to drive to the town centre (6km) to catch a bus - then it's one every hour and virtually none on weekends. In the 30 years I have lived here more and more houses have been built but no services.
Public transport frequency increased to the hills in general, but specifically, to Parkerville in the evenings / late afternoon.
Public transport to and from every high school and primary school to go to, and through, major hubs, eg. Mundaring, down Gt Eastern Hwy to Midland. There is only one bus 722 for Eastern Hills shared with MCC and it is so crowded and unsafe. Either use 2 buses or get an extended bus. Also, my teens can't get to work on a Sunday from Darlington to Mundaring because the bus times are few and far between.
Review public transport accessibility, especially for young team. Community benefit vs profit. *Wean out self-serving public servants / councillors.
Transport is difficult if you can no longer drive.
Better coverage of bus services.
More buses down Helena Valley Rd, particularly for the elderly. *Cleaning of verges coming into our city down Gt Eastern Hwy - Greenmount.
Public transport. My local bus 322 is not very frequent. The changes at Midland Station and car park and road closures is terribly managed, and with little public consultation taken into consideration. Would be nice if they extended the train line along existing freight tracks and not close Robinson Rd.
Have a more frequent bus service.
This is a tough one to fix.
A few examples to point out how bad the situation is.
My son works at Dome in Mundaring, and when his shift ends, there is no bus service anymore (we are talking 8pm, not stupid o'clock). Trying to get an Uber or Taxi is near impossible in Mundaring also.
On another point, my kids attend Helena College, which has a very expensive private bus service which does very well as there are no PTA busses servicing the school at suitable times before and after school. The bus number 322 services the school, but not at the right times to get the and to get back. So I am stuck paying $10 a day per kid to get to school, which is unacceptable.
The buses don't come that often. If I miss the 7:30 bus then I have to wait until 8:30. It's very stressful. With there being no parking available at Midland station this is affecting many people.
the 320 does not come to Sawyers Valley often enough.  It needs to be more regular.  Usually stops at Mundaring. 
There is a school bustop on Anthony.  I don't understand why this cannot be a public bus stop.
We have minimal public transport. Only one Uber driver and the rest are taxis. There are like 4 buses a day that come through Parkerville and suburbs nearby and they're all really early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Otherwise it's just to Mundaring and then good luck getting home after that, it's inconvenient.
If there was more public transport even if there was a bus that regularly just stayed in the hills and went through into Mundaring people would take that to get into Mundaring to meet up with people or light shopping rather than drive and it would be better for the environment. Having more shared transport would decrease the need for cars as much, helping people use less fuel and also help the environment.
We have very poor public and shared transport within the Shire. It would be great to advocate with State and federal government for more funding in the area.
Its difficult to get an uber or taxi afterhours in Mundaring. Could the shire encourage more local service?
Bus frequency is also poor, espcially on weekends.
Mini bus services in and out of Mundaring as a hub to surrounding suburbs.
See my previous reply!
A shuttle bus service running from Mundaring to Midland Train Station to allow people to arrive at work in the city by 8am.
Shuttle service from Midland Rail system
There is a need for a better bus time table in the Wooroloo area , especially on week ends .. currently Sunday services are disgraceful.
Not public transport
More availability for public transport within small towns.
Train line
More bus services servicing more areas
We need better transport in the hills the great eastern highway is getting very busy and dangerous. More public transport would take some pressure off the road
Our kids need a better stable transport system. Many towns gave only 1 bud a day. Obtaining jobs is simply impossible if they are without a vehicle.
More frequent services
2km walks to the highway via Brooking Road or Seabourne St with no footpaths, no lights is just not safe or practical with prams, children, the elderly or even perfectly fit persons.
Shuttle buses between towns would be great to enjoy a meal, drink, pop to the library or to the doctor
It is probably because it is so little used, but I would like to see the bus run a bit more frequently. I realize that the low population makes this fairly unlikely.
It would be nice if we could somehow entice the likes of Uber type services here - there is no real option unless you live on a bus route to get out and have a meal and a couple of glasses of wine on a weekend and support local business.  Hills Uber Guy wants $30 each way to do a 2.5km trip to our local for 2 people.  Normal Uber will get a bit peeved if they have come from midland to do a drop 3km in to town.  Even a circular bus that did the main streets to the main venues would be nice even if it was just a couple of times a month.  I will not drink and drive but I also want to support local and especially in the quieter months.
More services, although that's probably a State issue. SoM could appeal for more services.
Increase access to public transport to/from Mount Helena, Chidlow, Woorooloo
Public Transport is close to non existent for residents of Mt Helena & Chidlow, in particular. The available hours of use are so minimal. I believe a Shuttle service between the towns ie Chidlow, Mt Helena, Stoneville, Parkerville being made available maybe one per hour between 6 & 10am and then from 2 to 7pm would be of huge benefit to many. I understand this would have to be financially viable and therefore have a cost but again if could be finance assisted for residents. As an example, I have teenagers who are students at Mundaring Christian College thanks to academic scholarships. For them to attend without the scholarships would’ve been financially impossible for me to fund. To transport them to & from school my two options are drive them myself or use the school bus service - which again is financially impossible for me. There is no public school bus between Mt Helena & Parkerville during the required hours. Particularly now in these financially difficult times, the State Govt has announced free public transport to schools for students, but once again, those of us in Mt Helena, Chidlow, Sawyers Valley etc will not benefit as there are no such busses available.
More regular services at present it can take two separate bus journeys well over an hour to complete a 30 minute car ride.
More busses
I’m not sure if it’s possible but I’d like to see a rail line running down the hill to Midland again.
Public transport is not very good.  More buses daily, perhaps using smaller buses enabling them to negotiate the local roads.
Bus shelters for the disabled and elderly
More bus services in Chidlow
Unsure if the shire can influence this directly- better public transport like to midland and city
More bus services to and from Perth.
improve safety
Better routes for school buses. My grandchildren have an hour and ten mins on bus to MCC which takes 20 mins driving  time.
Availability to taxi/ Uber in the hills
We need more buses covering more streets, once an hour is not good enough
make better services available for those in the area to get too and from midland train station.
More buses more often.
More frequesnt bus services from Midland. Better cycleways.
More busses and easier access ie More bus stops in Mt Helena
We hear time and time again about north Stoneville how on earth can this even happen when the infrastructure is just not there ie Public and shared transport. One step out side of Mundaring no public transport at all. Plus not enough community health either. Shopping, parking etc just doesn't exist.
Bus Services- a more regular service.
Much more frequent buses from the Sawyers Valley townsite, Mt Helena etc. When Midland TAFE courses don't run and redirect to Joondalup or South Metro, we are unable to make classes, even if we leave on the first bus. It also makes for a 12hr+ day.
Still same public bus network from when I was a child, still an issue for teenagers etc
Better accessibility to train stations - easier quicker access
Public transport in a wide area such ad Mundaring shire is difficult to improve, however the current reliance on personal cars etc limits options and increases parking congestion.
Public bus services are not available or the frequency does not enable good utilisation or alternatives to using private transport.
More frequent local buses between Chidlow/Mt Helena and surrounding areas -  Mundaring - Midland. More shelters from sun rain etc.   Easy and economical access to transport for seniors (especially home dwellers who may no longer be ablevto drive), disabled and youth/unemployed.
Get more extending to the whole of the shire
Better functional public transport
All the rural villages are
Dieting as there is no transport/shuttle bus at weekends. Young people can not get to work and typically that is a weekend requirement.
I was told no one used the bus at wooroloo at the weekend - that’s because it didn’t go to places where people can work!!
You can’t even get to Mundaring industrial area. Or get a connecting bus to Midland . The bus service is truely terrible. I am from the uk originally and even there the villages had a couple of buses a day at the weekend.
You need the service. You need to shout about it. Use it or lose it was what I was told when I phoned up about it. Well people will only use it if it connects to the right place at the right time. Ie at work times.
More bus routs that lead to Mundaring rather than Midland.
Buses that go to mundaring, rather than midland.
More frequent bus services. Tertiary education timetables are very different to school hours including half days, late starts and students  waste hours waiting for connections in Midland and Mundaring as the current 328, 320 services are mainly early morning or late afternoon and too far apart.
More frequent bus services during peak times
More transport options to the city / coast / local attractions
There are currently zero public transport services in Stoneville. Bus routes need to be added to this area and serviced regularly. All age categories are in need of public transport as a means of cost effective transport to and from the Mundaring town centre at least.
More streamlined transport routes: in bus links to high wycome, Kalamunda, midland and bayswater
Significantly greater access to public transport, ridesharing and taxi services.
cBetter bus system, I was away from the area for 20 years and came back to find same bus times (and lack off) still happening.
Buses, that connect with the first and last trains out of midland.... potentially, limited stops, e.g. express from Mundaring, to Mahogany Creek, to Glen Forrest, to Bilgoman pool (Darlington)....
It is ridiculous we have trains and buses everywhere else in the city suburbs to connect to trains, but Mundaring????
More regular busses would be great, currently not a bad frequency in peak times, but timings often don't work with the trains to make it as easy as it could be to connect to Midland for train
Better bus service from the outer suburbs - more frequent
There’s no buses to Helena Valley
Bus services are very limited in Parkerville
More buses to Midland/down the hill
Public transport should be a major pillar of focus. I have stated that my number one concern is footpaths and access around the shire and GEH. I see children and elderly running across the highway all the time trying to access bus stops. The bus network needs to be more extensive with stops on all streets (not Mundaring Centre) and on both sides of the highway. We shouldn't be having to run across the highway. If you can't make it safe to cross GEH by foot at least make it a priority to have a transport network that has stops on both sides of the highway.
More buses and bus stops to midland and between suburbs.
Safe way for children to cross Great Eastern Highway to access bus stops.
Need addition more frequent bus services to the hills and from the hills to long to wait between services
Shelters at bus stops
Access for public transport on weekends to Mundaring and return
Public transport is a challenge for young people living in the hills. I'm not sure what can be done at the local government level, but it does need attention. Young people get frustrated and move away due to lack of transport options. I understand the low population density is a problem, and I don't have any suggestions on how to solve it, but I think that improved public transport would support the whole community including local businesses.
There are no buses along the highway after Sawyers Valley that can accommodate the residents of Stonehouse Loop and surrounding streets
More public transport frequency in the shire. A bus every hour or so does not make it useable
Public transport is non existent where I live in Stoneville
improve services in the hills area. My children want to travel from suburb to suburb to use parks and skateparks but rely on me. This takes away their independence and growth.
More Bus stops more public transport information. And help for youth travelling on public transport
Buses are infrequent and do not allow me to get to the city/station timely.
Work with state government to provide frequent and reliable public transport to tourist areas, such as the main entrance to John Forrest National Park and Lake Leschenaultia. It is, for example, very easy to travel from Sydney to the Blue Mountains and Adelaide to many parts of the Adelaide Hills by public transport. But it is very difficult for visitors to Perth (or locals without vehicles) to experience the Perth Hills without a hire car, which is a very great shame.
Partner with Transperth to offer additional bus services between Midland and Mundaring.  Use incentives to establish ride share/uber style business to operate from Mundaring as a hub to provide transport to and from Mundaring public transport terminus and areas within Shire that do not have any easily accessible public transport options.
More busses so that those - young and old- can travel from Parkerville down the hill.
The shire needs to respond to emails and questions.
More public transport is required.  There was more regular public transport services previously, now most people have to drive.  This is putting more traffic on roads, more accidents likely, and increasing pollution.  As people age, public transport is required, so that they are able to go out, meet others, and in doing so stay healthier.
Bus along Roland Road would be good.
Local taxi service
There's effectively no practical public transport available. Perhaps, given the shire seems intent on wasting our rates on unnecessary services, they could provide a small shuttle bus service between each of the population centres and the central Mundaring several times a day.
Bus services run further north, more bus services in outer areas of Shire
More access to public transport for areas not directly on the highway
Additional public transport
Rail station in Koongamia? More frequent buses.
Public transport is not used because the service provided is totally inadequate so more frequent and wider ranging services are needed. This is a state responsibility, and our needs are not being met.

Economic development and job creation

Invest in the development and maintenance of essential infrastructure, such as roads, public transportation, parks, and recreational facilities.
Prioritize projects that enhance the overall connectivity and accessibility of the area.
Support local businesses and attract new industries to stimulate economic growth.
Facilitate the creation of job opportunities for residents through targeted economic development initiatives.
Foster collaboration with neighboring local government areas, non-profit organizations, and private sector entities to leverage resources and expertise.
More jobs, prospects for all ages who want paid work, not just to certain areas. 
Make it easier for owners to operate Bed and Breakfast.
Support local businesses with promotions and advertisements.
Expand area for business opportunities. Assist businesses. Communication with business.
Ability to open small local and family owned businesses in towns ie Mount Helena, Chidlow, Parkerville etc, instead of only allowing the big end of town businesses, thus creating local employment for our youth and building on our local community uniqueness.
Needs new business opportunities in mundaring. Cafes, restaurants, shops to attract visitors and employment opportunities.
Not sure but nurturing small businesses and bring more life into the town centre, day and night could be a great thing.
Increase the employment opportunities for locals
Create more business in Mundaring.
encourage small business from home - be more focused on entrepreneurial possibilities to help small income families.
We need more people in the shire of mundaring to bring more prosperity
Encourage more business growth in the town centre.
Without additional economic drivers in the district revenue generated for the local government will continue to be problematic. The shire should pursue industrial or commercial opportunities to stimulate some investment in the industrial area.
30. It's important that youth have opportunities to work and learn a trade without leaving their home environment.
Amount of local business doesn't reflect the growing population and community.
Economic development. Need to increase the reputation base so that residents can find work in the area.
30. I think that we need more industry in the shire so that local kids have a path to local work.
Need to improve job opportunities.
Promote more development in the hills.
The shire should be expanding its services to create job opportunities.
Economic development. No industrial grade power in the shire. No land set aside for medium to heavy industry. Light industry allocations are almost full.
Permit well designed building developments of up to 3 storeys, to cater for a greater range of professional businesses. We should be looking to keep younger people in the shire through diversity of opportunity, rather than watch them drift away.
Jobs aimed at engaging with youth.
30. Improving sectors to facilitate transition to the future.
Economic development. Stimulus for local business to employ more staff. 
Promote and support local small business.
Economic development + job creation. Lack of jobs outside or retail or food + beverage. 
Anything that is sustainable within the shire and or close proximity
Town planning supporting business, retail and dining. This will also positively impact tourism opportunities.
Promote and help startups for business within the Shire
Attract more business to create more job opportunities.
Encourage more residents and the economic development will follow organically.
More shops and approvals
More businesses local
Less big franchise chains
Upgrade old business areas
Increase business areas
While I appreciate concern for our beautiful environment, that cannot be our only focus.  It is simply not sustainable for communities to survive, let alone thrive, when the goal is to stay hidden and not attract more business and revenue into our shire.  This doesn't just mean the centre of Mundaring either!  This means our entire shire.  What about Stoneville, Mt Helena, Parkerville, Chidlow, Wooroloo etc?  These areas seem to be vastly overlooked and the majority of the focus is in Mundaring and Darlington.
The process of job application.
Jobs are internally advertised and the general public does get a chance to get through.
The main town needs support to building owners to maintain the buildings that are in great need of repair which is evident in winter months when there is wet weather- the shops were inaccessible in some rainy weather and dangerous to older people
Encourage the development of small businesses. Economic activity is essential for a healthy community.
revitalization of all community settings in mundaring shire need to be addressed, all the communities have lots to offer but no incentive for people to visit the area and create growth
Jobs to retain the youth to work in the area
Business that offers young people the chance to stay in the area.
Micro business hubs - that is, not on the scale of larger industrial hubs like Midvale, rather smaller areas that provide key services locally - eg. health, other professional services, vehicle repairs, trades, light manufacturing, etc.
More business opportunities and reasons for people not to go to midland for their needs
With rising cost of living pressures it would be good to maintain/support small businesses and competition in the area.
As a general statement, we have to travel "down the hill" to experience a "night-life" Not nightclubs but areas/places that adults can visit to be sociable.
If the shire is creating jobs, what are they and where are they advertised?  This is not clear and needs to be.
allow for small pop up style shops and infrastructure to support startup buisness. Kind of like a fixed markets
We need good planning around economic development and job creation - long term plans and goals that also have capacity to respond to change
Have more open surveys, after the first 3 questions i realised this was horribly guided, like holding someones hand prompting the results you want.

Extremely valid topics are covered but needs to be more openly commentable, give a mission statement for each topic and let members comment openly on what they agree or disagree with, the neutral tick box was helpful still.
Get out of the way and make it easier for private enterprise to establish and flourish.
Encourage revitalization of perhaps 90% of the businesses facing the highway through Mundaring. It looks very dreary, not inviting at all. When tourists are driving through there is nothing that would encourage them to stop. This is where a long term plan could be effective in sensible development rather than what has happened to date. Planning of Mundaring centre has be like somebody had a nightmare, woke up, put it on paper and that became the plan. We need to start at the beginning again, I know we can't knock down everything that is there but we need a decent long term plan in place, not just 5 or 10 years.
Need to attract some large employers.
a major shake up in relation to business premise zoning & parking facilities, well beyond just facilitating fast food businesses.  Create a proper business park, much larger than what exists.  Plus much better cost affordable commercial offices with parking. (ie not retail rates).
Sustainable businesses, adequate parking and realistic rent for businesses to survive and generate employment locally
Time for the hills to grow as Perth expands. Responsible housing developments with proper access. Relook at Zoning of inner Perth suburbs such as Greenmount, Swan View etc.
Offer incentives for businesses to set up and employ local
Focus on attracting more businesses to Mundaring to reduce the need to travel to Midland. Promote new business development by offering financial support for the first few years, ie. Reduce rates, rebates, etc.
Prioritise property strategy to create larger alternative income streams

Development and activation of your local town centre

Another issue is the local shop. it is not run at its optimum and often ecks out a living selling just beer and alcohol. It seems like there is no heart in Wooroloo, people just live there.
*Shops and street frontage in Mundaring are dilapidated and uninviting.
*Better response to the removal of graffiti is needed. 
The town centre needs support / activation. More outdoor spaces, divert the Gt Eastern Hwy underground for 1 km under the town site, that would have a huge impact. 
Local toen centre activation. Town centre is disjoined with carparks and a major road running down the centre.
More destinations for non get-time activities.
Activate town centre with bars, restaurants.
A designated caravan parking area - Mundaring is the first stop / last stop going East or West. People like to stop for a coffee or shop after arriving or leaving. Probably the former. There is one but not clearly marked.
More shops - so they don't need to go to Midland so often. Enlarge the shopping centre.
Make the town centre more of a village. It's quite ugly - no public seating in a nice environment. Lose car spaces and create green space near the shops. Nothing radical - minor improvements to maintain village feel.
Parking around the town centre - parking around shops is no longer suitable for the plethora of 4WD / SUB type vehicles. Not the shire's fault, but needs looking at.
Mundaring could be a beautiful little town. We need to make it like a country town. Different types of road signs, lights, painting of shops to suit a hills country town. Not the boring stuff that's in most towns. 
High rise in the town centre and maintain the larger blocks going out.
Upgrade facilities in the town to modern facilities - run down.
Enhancement of all town centres
Parking, especially in town.
Carry out central precinct development ASAP.
Greening up. As in vegetation. Sculpture Park and the ovals are really nice. A bit more please.
As above. Mundaring Town is a disaster. Bitumen and concrete abound. Not at all planned, just 'put' there.
Local town centre development. Lots more trees / shrubs planted around the townsite. How about getting rid of that awful railing separating our town and planting trees in the median strip - maybe a safe underpass crossing.
Local town centre. Redirect trucks from Mundaring. Redevelopment of new shopping building, ie. Gt Eastern Highway buildings.
Design and access to Mundaring Shopping Centre precinct is a disgrace. It needs a whole new approach. Seems to have developed during horse and buggy era. Not suitable for modern era access.
With community input, develop and publicise a long term vision or plan for the town centre.
The villages are very important to the local communities and need the support to enhance what's there.
Development of town centres is necessary to support residents and cater for future growth. Most of the other 38 priorities are subservient to the three above. Get the basics in place and the rest will follow.
More for the young to do within the shire. It hasn't changed much in 30 years. We have the Sculpture Park in Mundaring but not much else.
The town centre is charming and well looked after. However, parking is always a problem. When the power was restored after the storm it was impossible to find a parking space. It took me 3 trips home again to achieve parking.
Entry and access to Mundaring shops in an absolute nightmare, ie. entry at GEH and Stoneville Rd - Trees in car park taking up room, no provision for larger cars, trailers for customers from rural areas of our shire.
31. Better egress for pedestrians in the town centre. Car parks at Coles and Hills Fresh are both dangerous.
Town centre development and activation. Much like point 2. We need access to better / more facilities. The Mundaring shops are run down and failing to keep up with the growing population. They also need way more parking.
Local town centre development. The surrounding areas have grossly outgrown this facility.
Local town centre has so much potential. It could be beautiful. Friends no longer want to stay or come up here for the day because the shops are old and not kept up. Nothing warm and welcoming. Horrible fence in the middle of the main road. Not country or the hills at all. Changed the whole look of the street.
Making the centre more attractive for the people of the hills. Like seating, trees to sit under.
The town centre has made limited progress and goes backwards with each change of leadership. The shire town centre is getting antiquated and is unappealing for visitors to the area, rather just somewhere to pass through.
Mundaring Shire is a beautiful place and there is potential to grow it into an area resembling the hills outside Adelaide. This would include promotion as well as idea in #3.
More development of the town centre and reduction in Gt Eastern Hwy traffic (especially trucks).
Town centre needs to be re-activated. Since Truffle Festival and Theo Pizza / Loose Box left there isn't the desire to visit the town centre for visitors.
Town centre development - revitalise Greenmount in terms of improving focal points in the suburb, with cafes, bars, shops and other attractions, instead of spending all the money on Mundaring town centre.
Spend a weekend in Kalamunda and take notes.
To push for the Gt Eastern Hwy to be re-routed around Mundaring townsite. There is increasing heavy haulage coming through the townsite.
Ties in with (1) above. Through the planning process the shire should expedite approval processes to accommodate small businesses wanting to establish a presence in shire towns and villages.
The shire needs to encourage and incentivise private business to develop in the town centre. The shire doesn't need to build anything, just make it easy for others. Whole countries have been successful doing this.
Local town centre development / activation. Not much to do in Darlington. Nest was nice a s a little shop to 'pop' into. More like this, but not big business. Myer Corps are not sustainable, nor ethical.
It would be great to improve the car parks and general flow of traffic in and around the Coles car parks. Maybe more exits out to roads and not just a couple of exits.
Local town development, access in and out of shopping area is a nightmare and dangerous. We should have a lot more availability considering the town is growing so fast but development is years behind.
Where is the vision to show what Mundaring Townsite will look like in 50 years. Do you want to live here.
Build a shopping complex with more shops and businesses. A public swimming pool.
The town centre? Where is it? The Shire admin building? It needs to be determined exactly what is the town centre.
Town development, although I don't want Mundaring to lose its hobby farm / rural - I guess we need to have a vibrant town centre.
My visitors usually say Glen Forrest is much the same (with the exception of the wonderful improvements to the park). Inject more life and interest. It's a bit boring. Encourage pop up businesses. Create interest and fun.
It would be nice to see more development of local town centres. More parks and playgrounds. More community projects.
Encourage a 'village' type environment in the town centre. Get rid of the trucks rumbling through the town centre. Copy Kalamunda.
Keep Mundaring beautiful.
Town Centre. More could be done to improve the 'Village' aspect of the shire, in a way similar to Hahndorf, South Australia (for example).
Allow the Mundaring Weir area to be used for swimming and water sports.
Development of a new community centre.
Local town centre. Looking a bit dated. Parking around Coles etc., is always hit and miss - literally.
Get the centre planned redevelopment under way quickly.
I am hoping the multi use building on Jacoby St will go ahead in the not too distant future.
Build the new Mundaring Community ASAP. Old library is useless. Get new programs happening for all ages. *(96)Mundaring needs to come out of its shell. Get out there and get involved in communities.
The town centre in Mundaring central has commenced but progress is slow and, as yet, no guarantee of State or Federal funding for the project. Minor projects for alternative housing are required now.
Consult and engage real town planning for town centre. Move away from the highway. Want a model - Northam. Off the highway, preserve heritage, vibrant shopping, commercial area.
Please improve the Mundaring shops, particularly that old, dark arcade that nobody walks down. And improve the parking outside coles. It is way too tight.
A lot of Mundaring and surrounds are lacking in culture. There is very little good restaurants and cafes within a 40min radius.
The planned community centre in Mundaring is way too much for the community needs and should be considerably scaled down.
A thriving main street and town are the heart of a good community.  Shopping centres have their place, but small business-friendly streets, malls and events bring people together, add variety and richness to our towns, and provide a broad basis for locals and tourists alike to get more out of our commercial centres.
People need a reason to be drawn into the areas regularly
Just wanting more communication on plans for town centre and effect these plans may have on residents that live nearby and more on when this is likely to begin.
It would be great for Council to encourage another cafe or small bar in the local centre in Darlington.
Parking in the shopping area needs to be increased and improved with larger bays to accommodate the bigger vehicles most of us drive. The footpaths are uneven, and in many places a tripping hazard for people.  Public facilities such as toilets are poorly maintained and not easily found.  Street scaping to improve the look of the town centre.
Chidlow is in desperate need of a facelift to the main centre and local shops. The walk path into the lake was a waste of money, could have been better spent on the poor condition of the road to the lake.
The fact that swan view and Bellevue is in the Mundaring shire is insane, we are losing all our taxes to shitholes like brown park, WHAT AN ABSOLUTE WASTE OF MONEY....
Move highway so as to NOT go through the centre (as described in the Eastern Corridor Plan dating back to 1971)
A extreme lack of services - shopping centres /schools/ petrol stations in Helena Valley despite the Shire keeping on approving housing subdivisions bringing more people into the area. Very poor road access at Military/Bushmead/Helena Valley and no on/off ramp access to Roe. Not enough tip passes and not providing a printed tip pass and only providing small waste bins. Huge rate fees for very little.
I believe some limited development of the Darlington center is a good idea. If we had a small supermarket many residents would be able to get essentials locally and so reduce vehicle emissions and traffic congestion.
Town centre to include residential living with innovative planning designs that safeguard worthy vegetation and promotes sustainable living practices.
The Shire needs to keep pushing for the Orange Route to remove heavy haulage vehicles out of the Mundaring Townsite and off Greenmount Hill. This proposal has been going on before I moved to Mundaring 25 years ago and it's still at the Feasibility stage.  The Shire needs to keep pushing hard for the Orange Route to be implemented without further delay. Until this is resolved there is no point in putting forward plans to redevelop the Town Centre.
Redevelopment of the town centre to encourage a village feeling.
More availability for local towns within the Shire to start small cottage businesses.
I know the main street of Mundaring is a highway, but we live here, and it's very boring! There are sign-holders on the new pedestrian island in the middle of town that aren't utilised, and driving through town, you wouldn't know what was coming up that you could stop and visit (i.e. festivals and markets, etc)
Focus on establishing/improving on a local town centre for Helena Valley.
more shops
I like the ideas proposed
Due to the highway running through it - I think it would be nice to create a town centre
If Mundaring shire is to grow the town centre needs to grow to accommodate more cars that transport people to the shopping precinct.
Access to parking at shopping centres is always congested.
Somehow get the individual communities to pull together more. More events etc. at each community centre.
Enhancements and continual upkeep of the village shopping areas would encourage visitors to come. There needs to be signage on the highway encouraging people to take a break in places like Mount Helena and Chidlow.
The eastern part of the shire lacks focus on developing e public spaces. It is half hearted at best.
I think the town centre is in danger of becoming overcrowded as we go forward. Parking, access to supermarkets, congestion around the Main Street and so on, are already an issue. I have no ideas about how to improve these things! I just think that, in ten years time, as the area continues to expand and attract more people, we need to consider the impact on local shops, etc, and the extra traffic that will flow through the city.
Implement the plan for developing Mundaring village.
Parking in Mundaring is poor.  Cars are getting damaged everyday from the lack of design of the parking spaces.
I think the local town shopping centre needs a much better and user friendly car park.
The town centre project already underway will address this. A pedestrian bridge or underpass on GE hwy would be an excellent addition
economic development and  assistance to encourage activation and facilitate the redevelopment of the local centre zones within Darlington
Allocate more space for additional shopping facilities to come to Mundaring.  The town in massively negatively impacted by the GEH that runs through the town, I am not a town planner, but perhaps focusing the shops on the railway line side of the town where there may be more room for expansion?
Mundaring centre and several townships lack anything which marks them as being part of Mundaring.  There doesnt seem to be any overall plan or identity.  Shire buildings are equally patchy with some good developments (eg Boya library), but many are tired and uninviting
Upgrade town centre as buildings look outdated. Develop traffic management plans to remove congestion in shopping area. This may include development out side of current area. Follow examples from Kalamunda
Improve Mundaring town centre. More street appeal. Ideally GEH underground and have a town square (carfree)
I have property in other areas and I do not resent paying their rates as their councils are investing in good town development, clear community culture and style, facilities and events to build both for the residents and to attract visitors. The Mundaring shire should look at the sorts of events, design and amenities provided by other shires which have a similar “tourist” potential - whether they be coastal or rural.
Build the new community centre & library in Mundaring
Undertaking the Mundaring multi purpose building project
Encourage more local town services that negate the need to travel distances to major centers like Midland etc - specifically, retail, medical & dental, transport which tend to be focused on the bigger towns.
It would be nice if the town centre included a central hub, like a pedestrian square with outdoor seating / dining, surrounded by cafes, restaurants, bars, maybe a stage for local bands. Make our town more of a venue. There are some great facilities already there, like Hemingway and sweetafy, but they’re scattered in odd locations.
Provide public space in Mundaring centre, currently very little to attract visitors to the town other than natural attractions in surrounding area
Stop wasting money on concept plans for ugly new hub developments etc, neither option for Mundaring Hub was attractive or appealing and will undoubtedly cost well in excess of planned budgeted cost.
The car park at mundaring Coles is the world's worst car park. I suggest turning some of this into a town hub pedestrian-only area with coffee shops, restaurants, seating areas, lawn and shady trees. The car park could be re configured and some removed all together to make way for this. The multi storey parking could be more accessible and fully utilised instead.
Improving walkability & shade in town, encouraging new parking options around shops, more smaller housing options in Mundaring itself, developing the new library and visitors centre with plenty of space to sit and enjoy the area in the shade (meet friends, work and relax). More events in and around the new town centre areas.
The road through mundaring needs to be more appealing. The back of woolworths backing onto the geh makes it look derelict.
Move forward and plan, with community group inputs and then build.
Is this the right category for parking issues within the town centre?  It's absolutely terrible ie bays are far too small in length and width, the distance between rows is not suitable considering the large vehicles, speed humps are required for those who speed and create hazards for pedestrians.
Accessing Midland is now soo bad we go up to shop in Kalamunda
build a centralised facility to encompass a library, arts centre, coffee shop/cafe, child minding facility, adult learning centre, seniors centre
Redevelopment and activation. Connectivity from both sides of the highway. Greener planted pubic spaces near building areas. Parking reconfiguration at shopping centre. Remove 90deg parking outside dominos for parallel bays and landscaped avenue.
Parking need’s addressing in town centre. People park on footpaths damaging then and obstructing gophers and pedestrians.
Signs are ignored in Craig Street. The signs are constantly been hit, not aware of any fines. The Shires education policy is not working.
Increasing residents' and visitors' use of local amenities will facilitate local people coming together and making connections with one another, which is a great way to build community.
Mundaring as a destination would be great for the community
The Great eastern hwy needs to be redirected or heavy traffic needs to be redirected around our town centre. It’s not a pleasant township to visit and local businesses are struggling
Town centre development should be encouraged with a long term plan developed to accommodate both business and housing. In the past there doesn't seem to have been any long term vision. Mundaring will always be hampered by the Great Eastern Highway going through the middle of it so better access to either side needs to be considered. An alternative to the pedestrian crossing needs to be sought as trucks stopping and starting is not good for their economy or the air quality.
The promotion and encouragement of quality bars and restaurants would enhance the local area and attract more visitors. Council should assist start ups to allow business to thrive
Multi Purpose Function Centre to be designed on the requirements of the interest groups.
Reduce the number of trucks & semi trailers passing thru the townsite centre, by supporting the PANH.
Install a drop point for caravan users at the Mundaring Recreation area.
Sort out the parking in the village centre. Around Coles, back of gt eastern and Woolworths.
Given that this development is happening in Mundaring township; ensure that what we get is relevant to the unique Hills community: supporting social inclusion and strong sense of place.
Please no proliferation of LED signage through our parks and public open spaces.
Again enhance and support our natural environment not detract from it.
Improve parking flow for Woolworths, Coles shopping areas.  Move Anazac memorial to grassed park between Coles and Stoneville Rd to create additional parking and allow redesign of parking areas for traffic flow.  Soften and green utilitarian appearance of main street with planter boxes and continue aesthetic through to secondary streets within town centre to create a cohesive inviting environment.
Build an inclusive , modern  facility that can for multiple community activities.
The  large sporting complex building off Mundaring Weir Rd is too expensive for smaller local community groups to afford to use.
Mundaring for example is extremely ordinary and has very little to attract people from down the hill to visit.
The markets are great, the trail, the Munda Biddi, local cafes such as Cafe Mojo, and the Arts centre for example.
But when businesses like Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonalds and Red Dot were allowed into Mundaring, the slippery slope to tacky had begun. Mundaring is unattractive as a town. It will hopefully improve if the future plans for the centre come to fruition.
Current development plans in mundaring township for community
Family friendly restaurants with grassed areas, more variety of shops, activities for disabled and seniors. Free events..yoga in the park.
Mundaring town centre is boring, lacks variety of shops and eateries.
Monthly bus activities for elderly and those with special needs.
Local taxi service
Too much planned development in the town centre (residential and retail). This is not what people move to the hills
Adhere to precinct/locality plans as previously submitted by communities. These have been largely ignored and need to be updated.
The Mundaring shopping centre car parks are atrocious. There's not much room and the signage isn't great.
A shame to lose Red Dot...now people will go down towards Midland and spend money there instead.
Our town centres need life, colour - activation. 


Encourage families/tourists back to John Forrest National park
Tourism would be a lot easier if you address the issues with the lake.
I have always believed that the town centre does not live up to its full potential. Businesses seem to come and go, and there is nothing to really draw people there instead of Midland and beyond.
Mundaring has the tourist/business potential of some regional tourism destinations and should take a leaf from their playbook. We have the drawcards such as the weir, heritage trails and lake, but there needs to be more reason to bring people up here for a day out. Places like Esperance, Bridgetown, Cowaramup and so on have dressed up their little towns to make people want to stop in on their way through. I believe Mundaring could be something similar.
Make our National Park a desirable place to send tourists to - John Forrest. Stop charging / Same as Lake Leschenaultia.
Make Mundaring an attraction and tourist destination. Attract city dwellers to experience the hills.
Start investing in community infrastructure that attracts locals and visitors who, in turn, will support local business. At the moment there is very little to offer visitors. I wouldn't put Sculpture Park as a tourist attraction. It's not what the shire provides that brings people, it's what the local business offer, eg. Parkerville Tavern, Mundaring Hotel and, recently, the re-opened Mahogany Inn. That said, these primarily offer F&B. If the shire wants to attract visitors then invest in 'attractions' that are well maintained, eg. parks with good facilities that are accessible to all.
For years the shire has been talking about tourism focus - just not happening. We used to have festivals and the tourism was to be a focus.
We have lived in the shire for nearly 37 years and have noticed a decline in events and activities held in the Mundaring Shire (excluding markets, etc). The places tourists visit are in decline, such as Mundaring Weir, Lake Leschenaultia and John Forrest Park, with facilities being removed and upkeep diminished.
Invite more tourism to the area develop more money to our community
Keep the young youth at our home area
Develop community together
More infrastructure which would support tourism (eg Lake Leschenaultia development continued and other areas developed with tourism potential.
If you want to attract tourists then give them something to see or do.  There are only so many times tourists can visit the weir.
Events/festivals that encourage tourism, highlight how special the hills area is and why it should be protected and cherished.
Perhaps a "Hills garden festival" combined with open gardens, Harvest festival to celebrate local produce? Honey festival celebrating all things honey (there is a lot produced locally),
promote area as clean green area encourage development tourism increase vistors to area
Utilising the national parks that are in the shire and promoting them for improving visitation to the area. tourism use and for community pride. They're not well promoted, signed, accessible, facilities (eg toilets and refreshments)
The Shire of Mundaring needs to recognise that supporting the history of the shire can bring positive tourism benefits as the history is really all the Shire of Mundaring has going for it. History and Heritage is really undervalued by the Shire of Mundaring.
Marketing - Whatever happened to the marketing group that was responsible for the Swan Valley marketing. We need to set Mundaring apart from just another suburb.
John Forrest National Park is one of the best kept secrets in Perth - think there are opportunities for eco tourism.
Better enhancement of parks so that they are utilised as a tourism destination. For example, promoting trails on the shire website, creating ‘walk the hills’ events each month (ie during spring you could create a monthly calendar of trails and feature flora that is in bloom during that month).
Mundaring could be an amazing tourist spot. There are so many lovely places in the shire but the town site is unpleasant. Poor public toilets, no 'centre' to the town, no community seating area. Poor parking, pavements are dilapidated. Stop everyone driving in and out of every exit / entry.
Swan View Tunnel needs to have an upgrade to promote the history. Inside could be monitors (TV) that show videos of old steam trains and photos of the construction days. This has the potential to be a major tourist attraction.
Would be nice to see Mundaring as a place to visit. Like the Swan Valley or something. Tourism is the way to ensure the future and success of the shire.
I never see Mundaring marketing themselves as a tourist destination. A place that people who live in the flats could come up and stay for the weekend and enjoy the hills lifestyle.
Provide caravan park with camping facilities, on-site cabins, campers' kitchen, etc.
Caravan park for short stays.
Tourism. There is more to our shire than the lake. The Weir Museum needs to re-open and encourage local school visits. Food trails, free camping and more dump points. A total overhaul really.
As above. Create this and it will bring economy to every town, like the Munda Biddi and Bibbulmum Track.
We have no caravan friendly parking in Mundaring shops. We have so many artists, healers and home businesses that should be promoted (along with local markets and events) at all the Airbnb and accommodation places. We need an App - What's on in Mundaring.
Too many empty shopfronts on GEH, plus parking is very challenging on roadside and in front of Coles. It'd be great to refresh this area.
Making the town site more appealing would be good. Art and culture areas, as well as restaurants and shops, would likely attract more visitors. (I wanted to tick the Festivals / Arts / Culture as well).
More improved parks for younger children.
More support for arts and the artists. Allow opening of studios year round.
Jobs, jobs, jobs.
Tourism. Support local business to encourage tourism. Support primary producers within tourism.
Tourism. We do not have an answer to why visit Mundaring.
Adventure Playground (see Victoria), Ziplines (RAC Karri Valley vs Lake Leschenaultia)…. Not much to do around here apart from trails. Apart from Parky, no real attractions in terms of microbreweries, affordable accommodation and attractions. It will market itself. (I have a BComm in Marketing and Tourism).
Better website for things to do around Mundaring Shire.
Promote the area as a tourist destination with appropriate facilities.
Tourism. Since moving to the hills one year ago I have been surprised by the amazing trails for walking / running / biking. I must have been under a rock living in the flat lands to not know, or perhaps a branding campaign could be run.
Allow more flexibility for tourist focused businesses from home, as well as within the town. Too many regulations are stopping growth and creativity. It will be too late soon - a shame with so much we could be offering.
As above Area #1.
Improving ads and tourism facilities.
I am not sure whether Mundaring Shire works in partnership with DBCA and the Water Board to promote our unique environment to visitors and locals alike.
I think people within Mundaring are aware of how wonderful our area is, but marketing to the general WA population would bring in more business and visitors to discover this fabulous area.
Caravan parking and dump points to improve access to caravans. People travel through the town and dont stop.
To market the Shires walk trails that provide information about the history of the Shire.
Make Mundaring a destination to increase tourism as an economic driver. Encourage festivals, events (cultural and sport) to come to Mundaring to attract day visitation.
Allow tourism activities on properties by changing planning/zoning table. EG Open Studios
zig zag road
More festivals and events to promote the Mundaring Shire to non-residents.
More places to go - visitors to ho
Provide parking Bays for Caravans in shoppings centres and Hartung Street,(At present caravans are blocking access and parking on roadways)
Promote the Mundaring area for Wildflowers close to Perth,
Promote Mundaring Weir as major Tourist erea
Promote our Magnificent Jarrah Forrest
Get Mundaring and its surrounds more out there with 'what to do do in Mundaring and surrounds. Through advertising.
Bring back a train down the old path - though that is rather impossible, I know.  But it would be such fun and put Mundaring on the map.
RV friendly centre close to Mundaring for parking, water and dump point. More camping options in and around the hills area with allocated camping bays and basic services. Make tourism a bigger priority. Let  Mundaring town become a family destination instead of just a shopping destination.
Stop asking for everything to be "community led".  Give local businesses more freedom to advertise in public places and recognise that the endless red tape disempowers and discourages community participation.  Try being "customer focused" like all of the other government entities are now doing.  Ask yourself:  "How can we make things easy to use, and easy to comply with."  Just hosting "get togethers" where you hear from people - and then put all of the burden back on our shoulders to make everything happen is not working.  We are a willing community - but have not seen progress in this area for the last 2 decades.  In fact, it's gotten much harder as every year passes.
Mundaring Shire what a gem but no draw cards to make this a destination for a day or weekender.
No accommodation
No decent cafes, restaurants, specialty stores.
People just drive through
What about camping areas?
4wd tracks?
Motorbike parks?
Redevelop the main road, allow street side dining.
Get free taxi/bus services out to the weir areas. Out door cinemas can't be accessed by the youth with no licences.
Rejuvenate the golf club
Bring back or create annual events dedicate one per township. Celebrate their claim to fame.
Plan events in conjunction with outer shires of York, northam, Toodyay etc have rolling itineraries.
I hardly ever see anything advertising events in the Shire
Marketing of the Perth Hills is combined with other Hills locations. Mundaring has so much to offer for day trips and longer stays. Increased tourism would support a thriving town centre.
It's not exactly a marketing issue but is tourism related. I would like to see camping and caravan facilities in places like Mount Helena along with encouragement for travellers to get off the highway and spend a few days visiting (and spending) throughout the Shire.
Promoting the use of natural areas for hiking, mountain biking, horse back riding, etc.. so much more possibilities up here to bring in tourists dollars. We should be a destination area for those down the hill.
Keep pushing how good we have it in the hills.
more diversity in what is available
Keep building on and advertising our destination locations, and supporting local business
To highlight the real history of the area to draw the public to the area to see the history here
Make the area more tourist friendly
The hills should be an easy place for people who live in the city to holiday and there are so few places to stay that are close to facilities!
In the town centre travellers overnight stay, toilet access (perhaps a key deposit for the toilets near Sculpture Park) and a dump point.
As a traveller, these things encourage travellers to shop in town.
It would also encourage tourism
Accommodation for tourists be it caravan park, motels, more places to stay once tourists come to Mundaring.
We look pretty poor against Kalamunda but have almost as much going for us. Put more effort into events, tourism ventures and marketing us as a destination. Hopefully the new town centre development will help with this, like Zig Zag Centre in Kalamunda, but it's not the only method.
Promoting local businesses and the local arts community more widely.
More tourism draws.
Minimise traffic on GEH to encourage development along the highway.
More advertising of things to do, places to go
Invest in our Tourist Centre to provide an up-to-date and well-resourced facility that is more easily accessible than what it is. Again, listen to a wider range of people, not just those who regularly lobby for particular small groups. The same groups are routinely rewarded.
One idea is to create a one-of-a-kind water park, featuring attractions such as a wave pool, slides, and interactive water features. This would not only provide entertainment for families but also attract visitors from all areas looking for unique experiences inland.
Additionally, a rock climbing center could serve as a thrilling recreational option for both locals and tourists, drawing outdoor enthusiasts and adventure seekers to our area.
Furthermore, establishing a bike and skate park that rivals the best in the region would capitalize on our existing reputation as a destination for hikers, climbers, and cyclists. By transforming Mundaring into an activity hub, we can create a compelling reason for families to relocate here and for tourists to visit repeatedly.
Promotion / festivals for local business - will promote and reactivate Mundaring as a destination hotspot.

Access to education, training and life-long learning opportunities

Collaborate with local educational institutions and organizations to enhance learning opportunities.
Strengthen law enforcement and emergency services to ensure the safety and well-being of residents.
More information for kids and teens on life issues such and
  Sex and information about it
  More social gatherings such as Blie light dishes that are ran by the council or the police
Maybe the communication boards for the none verbal people
More art and crafts for th all ages
Create a learning center like TAFE/ uni branch open to all young and old with recognized diploma at the end.
More efficient public transport: frequent mini buses to commute between townships and the train linep
Training for youth, ie apprenticeships.
Job skills, for our youth early learning
TAFE campus, more apprenticeship and traineeships.
Organisations like Atwork or skill hire.
I use the Adult Learning Centre and find this a great resource. Please continue to support it.
More options for schooling, the approval lines also need to change I believe applications of attendance should be rate payers first living in shire over people living in city of swan like swan view etc. able to jump the highway for better schooling when we pay for these in our rates.
Community Gardens and promotion of them. These are an education source for those who want to grow more foid and public access to try different foods. Builds community connection and readily links to a market or fair when produce needs to be moved.
Same as #1.
Serious financial support should be offered for under privileged schools, such as Midvale Primary. Implementation of foreign languages programs, computer literacy and certified programs for children with special needs should benefit from some financial input from the Shire of Mundaring.
Government grants to locals.
Not clear what is actually available in our areas.
Training - As above. Youth training opportunities. Invest more money in our youth, not just people with a disability, seniors.
Education. In the past short courses, eg. woodwork, were offered in high schools at night time. It would be great to see this make a comeback.
Park runs.
From a personal perspective I would like to see better arts facilities, focusing on opportunities and promotion.
Education. I hate to say it, but provide courses so people can manage their finances and expenses. Promote life skills, such as grow your own food, basic home repairs and maintenance. How to talk without being offended.
As a pensioner I would like the opportunity of more learning.
Grants / more availability and advertising of learning opportunities, eg. from libraries.
No adult education in the shire at all. Currently I have to send my daughter to Bassendean to finish high school as she is over 18.
New Learning Centre, demolish present Hub and current Craig rd expensive limited classes,
The shire needs another high school.  Some students are travelling too far to Eastern Hills and many parents are choosing (or trying to afford) private schools.
Opportunities for learning outside of work hours
Opertunities for learning
More education on bush fire plans and weed and pest management like free workshops
More environmental education for children and families on conservation and biodiversity protections. Children need to learn this to protect it in the future.
More activities for the elderly, more to do
Most folks are unaware of the community adult education Mundaring Shire offers, and which our family uses and greatly enjoys.  A ew more courses would be nice. Some are too booked out and inaccessible.
After secondary school there is a massive gap in education services up the hill for school leavers or mature students wishing to have better education.
There is no TAFE , college or university ( that’s why everyone has to leave ) . A good education facility would encourage growth in families remaining in the area and bring in wealth as well as helping local facilities all grow.
The only prospect for my kids in touching distance is working in an abbortoir or prison. They can’t even get to a job at the weekend as no public transport. Young people have no chance once you are beyond Mundaring itself.
Education in all his different ways should be FOR FREE available for any person in the shire. It would be necessary to support clubs, groups and individuals to built up a network what could offer this, founds to realise this could be given from the Shire for courses or support of people in need.
Facilities to run course on a range of topics /arts/ any thing really to keep minds active and people engaged in learning something new
Another public highschool. Possibilities of providing adult learning facilities
- activities for homeschoolers
- learning opportunities for adults outside of school hours
Improvements public schools
The local library does a great job.
for example - We are new to the area and would like to attend education sessions on fire planning and property management to reduce fire risk; volunteer opportunities; landscaping for the local environment
(as we are new to the area these services may be available but I have not coe across them yet in spite of much google searching!)
Opportunity to do tafe or higher learning in the hills.

Library services

This goes hand in hand with the library service at Boya. I've been to a number of lectures, book openings and the like . They are really interesting and enjoyable. Please keep it up. Well done by those who arrange these get togethers.
We needa bigger and better equipped library with educational groups
Library services. I would like to see Saturday library hours extended at both Mundaring and Boya. 12pm close is not in alignment with community needs. People are busy and many, for study and recreation reasons, would like access to the library all day on Saturdays. 
Library - Mundaring Library urgently needs upgrading and expanding.
New library in Mundaring, with public toilets. Mobile library service. Better technology section. Incorporate the toy library.
Library. I use the App 'Libby' and have a library card with Mundaring to get free audio books. Get more audio books.
Our library in Mundaring is old - outdated and all the books are sticky. We need more books and a 2 story, larger library.
Library services are good but can be improved. The library in Mundaring is completely inadequate.  New / larger Mundaring Library is needed ASAP. We need something like Boya.
Continue purchasing and retaining actual books, magazines etc., instead of increasing electronic resources.
Better selection of books and magazine, more copies of new releases.
The library services provided in the shire are excellent and every effort should be made to adequately fund and facilitate their continued improvement.
Library services. Mundaring Library requires an upgrade.
This is 2024. Librarians in Mundaring branch could attempt to put on a friendlier face than they might have in 1924.
Libraries are all right but need a big range of some books and magazines.
Library services. Continue to provide funding for this valuable service.
Desperately need a good library in Mundaring.
A long awaited purpose built library in Mundaring.
Library services. Keep books in libraries. Proactive programs during school holidays to engage school age children. Reading groups, etc.
New building in Mundaring
Refer to previous answer.
By providing, maintaining and enlarging quality reading and learning material at the Shire's libraries. Encouraging all, specially young people, to keep on learning by reading.
Bigger library with more books, better internet access
Fix the Mundaring library - too small
An improved library in Mundaring.  The current library was outdated 25 years ago,when we first came to,live here.
I believe there is a new library planned.  Maybe it will happen before I move elsewhere
Fast tracking the development and construction of new facility for mundaring library.
Maybe a bigger library
New library for Mundaring
I think this will be covered by the new building which will improve facilities for everyone. Much as I think Rhyme time is a brilliant and necessary service for children, I do appreciate it when I'm at the library, and I need to concentrate on what I'm doing, and rhyme time is not on!
More activities
Mundaring Library is old and to small.  The roof leaks and the conditions for the staff are poor.  There needs to be a new library built sooner rather than later.
More homeschooling resources and activities
More resources for librarys eg more staff. Librarys are critical for our community
need more books and learning programmes such as computer skill and art skill learning times.
The Shire of Mundaring town centre does not have a comprehensive library such as the one at Boya. Mundaring Town Centre needs a new library.
The residents have been long overdue an upgrade of the Mundaring Library.  The facilities available at the Boya Library should be duplicated in the Mundaring as a priority.  A lot of the surrounding suburbs in Mundaring do not want to go down the hill and more access should be made in the Mundaring township.
The Council needs to get on board with investing in infrastructure for general community use and not short-change the community with short-sighted planning as was done with Boya Community Centre (already too small, too well-used). The Mundaring Arena is great for sports, but not for much else and the ramp access is an eyesore and a risk with it's length and narrowness - so not good for spaces for the community which people want. There seems to be a reluctance to long-term vision when planning current things. Also, there is too much listening to squeaky wheels in the community who can also be well-organised and who are rewarded with infrastructure or services for a small group. The Shire needs to listen to front-line staff and services.
We need a large and up-to-date library in the Mundaring Town Centre, not a dumbed-down version that will be out-of-date by the time it is built. We need Boya to be enlarged to it's original concept. There are not enough meeting rooms/hall spaces.
New Mundaring library
Mundaring library needs repairs to the building and new shelving
Functional library building
update library services, programs for children and homeschoolers. look at other libraries and see what they do

Council's leadership

Change of Culture
Shire most unhelpful and on occassions obstructive when Rate Payers make application for subdivision, etc.  Shire demands requiring all types of environmental reports etc etc prior to granted subdivision (which we all 'tree hugging' residents agree with)only afterwards to see new purchasers, when building, to 'plonk' their development NOT in the building envelopes, further,  to see the trees and vegetation (again demanded by Shire that must be retained)flattened etc all done with no objection from the same Shire that previously made life difficult by planning and environment  demands.  The Shire doesn't follow through with ' sustainability', clearly.
As an aside, reported response to a Rate Payers Contractor when Contractor  asked why the Shire Officers are unhelpful and make Land Holders life difficult, was told that ,"we ( shire officers,) don't care about the Rate Payers, wasn't their job to be helpful!! 
Think this just about sums up the perceived attitude/culture of Shire Officers towards their 'employers', we the Rate Payers..a reputation Mundaring Shire holds in the community.
Council leadership. Stick to maintenance of rates, roads and rubbish. Local governments are to listen to and support people in their district. Do not support [sensitive information removed] aka, woke agendas and ideologies. You work for the citizens, not yourselves or corporations.
Accepting different views, open to different views in regards to future / health. Give people / businesses options. Listen to people with different opinions and value them. Shire rates are too high for services provided.
Change of leadership
Create a new position of "Town Architect" on the Shire's executive leadership team. Grant them robust authority to oversee adherence to a well-defined vision for the town centre when approving new construction.
This list implies that health, economic development, cultural heritage and disability or elder care services are separate things. Given that they are provided by seperate organisations wouldn't the councils primary role be as a coordinator, for cross-pollination and efficiency of service providors.
Pro-active leadership from the shire with regards to climate change and how it impacts our local tourism.
Show leadership in procurement and practices to show benefit in sustainable practices.
Change of leadership
The current structure of Regional Council membership limits the full potential to establish true waste to resource recovery.
More local focused programs within the Mundaring Shire scope of management would, in the long term, provide an increased local benefit that would grow over time to result in reduced costs for both the Shire and rate payer
Leadership across the whole admin and operations. Efficiency and sustainability targets shared by all.
Change of leadership
Need more council involvement in maintaining a neat and pleasant neighbourhood in Midvale.
Council need to research proposed projects, not rely on paid staff for advice.
Darlington Rate Payers need to be over ruled, they are out dated and have too much power.  Many residents disagree with their views but are scared to stand up to be heard.  There are more and more families in Darlington that would love the benefits of SOME street lighting and more so foot paths.  as a resident of a narrow winding road with open drains, i cant walk to the park with my kids safely.  if a car comes we need to jump in the drainway, so we DRIVE to the park, which is 500mtres away from my house, because its safer.  This isnt really an acceptable solution.
Manage projects better. Scott St Bridge replacement has been a shambles. Taken a very long time and only half way. Workers only seem to actually do anything  1 - 2 times per week. This has caused a lot of inconvenience for rate payers.
The council need to stop listening to the loudest voice and make hard decisions that are in the best interest of the community and not what gets the most votes.
Start living within the budget. Stop employing woke personnel.
Some councillors with a genuine interest in the affairs of the Shire of Mundaring and the betterment of the community, instead of their own, should take the helm
Council's leadership. Work for the people living in the shire, not for themselves. They get elected to listen to the rate payers, however, this doesn't seem to happen. Councillors aren't in office to 'help themselves'.
The shire is like a ship with no rudder and all this 'Welcome to Country' stuff. Don't keep welcoming me to my own country.
Better quality council members.
Educate the so called leaders to listen. They don't know all.
Council leadership. This is where it all starts. Without quality leadership any of the priorities and directions the shire decides to adopt will not be achieved.
Council leadership.
Council employees at all levels should remember that they are public servants.
Council leadership. Leadership development of council members to allow them to think beyond their current term in office and the next election. What could the year 2050 look like for a thriving shire and what needs to be done now for us to get there.
Frankly, we rarely see a councillor and I feel council make decisions on issues that the loud voices in the community whinge about. Councillors should spend fun, quality time in the community to talk to the wider population.
I have lived here for nearly 10 years now and have never heard from a councillor, etc. I think they need more of a profile around the town.
Leadership appears to take no interest in Midvale. We rarely see any council workers, apart from rubbish collection. The area is run down.
The new council seems strong and motivated. Seem interested in checking out requests.
Council leadership. This survey is a good initiative but after elections councillors disappear. More support for councillors to become more well known and explain what their views are on issues within the Mundaring Shire.
The shire needs to remove 'dead wood' in managerial positions and replace with honest community based decisions.
What are the forward plans for our area.
Stop wasting money on the farce that is 'Climate change' and start investing outside of Mundaring proper and the 'leafy green' areas. Help your whole community. Stop buying new cars every few months for councillors. Save money and reduce rates.
I have lived in this shire for 40 years and not one prospective councillor has ever knocked on my door. There is very little leadership in Mundaring Shire Council. I have voted in every council election since living here.
Reduce the number of shire employees. Only look after the things the shire is responsible for. Roads, rubbish, parks, libraries, residential buildings. Not all the other rubbish that only the minority want. Result - good rates.
Stop pocketing funds and looking after their mates and things that they benefit from. Those who have money get their own way.
Council management - Do not pass the buck to State Govt - [business name removed].
Council's Leadership. More online communication of decisions made. Clear decision, more access to the new town's plan.
Change council and shire culture. You service rate payers. We are your boss. Sack arrogant councillors and shire employees and get a customer focus.
Same old, same old (Boys Club). Same people year in, year out - not very dynamic. Spend too much in the wrong areas. Forgotten they are meant to be a service. Not very helpful, they are meant to serve rate payers, not themselves.
If the leadership of admin + leader on council are doing a great job it flows doen. Training and development of this cohort.
Council leadership is poor. They do not consult community and are out of touch with what community consultation is like. Staff have been in their jobs way too long and need to be better performance managed. For example putting LED signs into community areas without consulting local rate payers groups. The Shire needs to look to the likes of City of Vincent in order to become forward thinking.
Staff members are consistently rude and disrespectful top rate payers throughout the Shire.
Fiscal responsibility
Who are they these days need more visibility. Declaration of conflicts of interest in public domain. Use to know all our local council in the good days they were active in the community out and about. Social media, publications not the way to get recognition and consult.
Financial management
Prompt response to changes and identified projects! without inflated cost to the community.
Elected members are dictated to by antiquated executives with no interest other than self interest
We are reasonably new to the area and haven't seen much at all.  Its important that our council leadership are known and are familiar faces, not just sitting in an office at the Shire Offices.
Need to listen and consult your rate payers more
Some council worried more about there beliefs than the communities
Council staff listening to councillors and constituents, not telling them how things have to be or have always been.
Do we really need so many voices on council?
Doesn't it facilitate factions, and are we electing people who are more interested in building kudos or resume add, than community.
I would like to see a set term available for the elected council. And a mandatory break of 4 years before re-election. Council funds not be used for campaigns of sitting members. Where is the incentive to pay your fees in full?
shire need to be investigated in depth for what money is being spent where
Sick of short-term thinking. Sick of councillors putting their egos ahead of empowering and enabling staff.
emphasise efficiency throughout the admin staff in particular - needs an adjustment in culture - senior staff have been in their comfort zone for far too long and see no reason to change - replace them all.
Get people who want to contribute to the real issues and not ignore or reverse decisions on building approvals. Show real knowledge of climate change and real commitment to the community
Some staff need to accept they they do not 'run the show' and in fact are there to serve the community through direction from Council.  Just had a period under the last CEO where new councillors often appeared to have been bullied into not getting out and about in the community and doing what they were elected to do.  Hope new CEO has a different attitude and is less of a control freak
Only thing I ever hear about the Shire is banging on about the environment, are we good for anything else?
The shire should not squander ratepayers money on socialist political ideologies nor engage in divisive racial issues such as regoconising a particular race or culture! I would prefer that money went toward something worthy like recognising those who have done something beneficial for the community.
more transparency in the funding and lobbing, elected officials need to be solely for serving their members and not their own pockets.  Poor organisation and greed when it comes to rates it disgusting.
Not waste money on superfluous things such as $50,000 electric signs. Use money more wisely and reduce rates.
Or spend money on safer things like underground power lines.
I believe that it is high time that the Shire returned to providing the services that benefit ALL ratepayers - is roads , waste disposal, parks and reserves etc , rather than some of the current "Services" .
Replace long term staff who tend to believe they have the right to make decisions for residents.
I'm hoping that will come with time. Historically it would appear that we go through cycles.
Need more vibrancy , energetic and innovative people - better leadership
The push for climate change policies has gone too far. Focus on providing us with good roadways, parks, decent bins and leave the political crap for the state and federal governments.
The shire feels lazy, more public events and attracting tourist. Good for community and business.
Less self-serving bureaucracy and busy-work, and more openness and accountability.
Most Councillors etc start with high ideals by quickly joint the local admiration society thereby achieving nothing & reinforcing the code of silence.
We are supposedly in the digital age so why not send out an automated report to all rate payers about council meetings decisions what ever. Even though they probably don,t want it but, stiff at least they were informed even though they are too lazy to read it.
Any way who is our Mayor let alone any one else we know more about the Kalamunda shire as we read the Echo news (local paper) every Saturday.
Speak up for local issues/interests rather than just go along with state govt political manoeuvres
To see the Councillors more often so we can express our views. My partner wouldn't know how to contact our Councillors or who they are. I only know through working at the Shire.
There are many priorities that need to be addressed - our recreational facilities are aging and in need of replacement, we have a changing community demographic, need to look at more active economic development, promotion of a clear identity for the Shire to encourage external investment - all of these need strong, informed and cohesive council leadership which inspires trust in our community and promotes open communication and consultation with our community.
U spend too much of our taxpayers money fixing curbs and useless pathways for example the lane to lake leschanaultia that no-one uses..we weren't consulted..and take way too long..U have council matainence workings sitting in there trucks doing no work with cones out blocking roads..U have your shire maintenance crews sitting behind parks and in one way streets..trying not to be detected whilst taking naps in the trucks..and I love how the go to Matheson's tip everyday and sit out of site until it's time to knock off...I've seen this many times and that is well known by our community..U guys have the laziest work crew I have ever witnessed...time to GPS track your vehicles and trucks..because I as a taxpayer and many others in this shire have had enough..also make another entrance for the lake ..it's been on the agenda since I came here which was years ago..U guys sit on your thumbs meeting after meeting..put our tax paying money to good use .ffs it's not hard..and to say to patrons it's too dangerous  because a fire might happen. Why do U let a full park of people camping and caravanning ..if a fire happens do U think they would be quick enough to exit all at the same time...honestly U people are so stupid .and we pay your wage
Reduce the size of the Shire admin
Reduce Shire staffing, costs and rates.
Clean out of balance of dead wood representatives only interested in maintaining a poor status quo
Get trucks of great eastern highway
Council leadership - No idea of issues or decisions being made.
Council leadership. Set goals and track how they are being realised. Communicate this.
Leadership communication. Listening to community concerns and stop procrastination on matters that are brought up at AGM. 
Get back to shire basics. Roads , waste management,  emergency services and building and land management. Why on earth are you getting involved with first nation peoples issues and the like. You are a third tier of government. There are plenty of organisation's catering for your woke agenda.
Work on reducing rates.

Advocacy and lobbying on community's behalf to influence decisions and support local causes

Lobby the State government to obtain more appropriate funding to maintain the natural environment (the existing rates can't cover the work that must be done to retain and protect the environment).
Lobby government to increase bus services.
Lobby the government to provide better bus services, especially to areas like outer Sawyers, Chidlow etc. Also, more frequent services to Midland.
Lobby TRANSWA for more public transport.
Perhaps a mini bus for extra services between Mt Helena and Mundaring to access services such as Medical and shopping.
Encourage the State/Federal government to get on with the Perth-Adelaide National Highway. Thereby reducing heavy vehicles in the Mundaring town center.
Increase lobbying of State government for funding and any required infrastructure changes.
Stop listening to NIMBYs and do what's right for the whole community and people who want to live in the Shire but can't because of those NIMBYs.
Advocacy/lobbying to State Government on high school funding in Shire of Mundaring. Access to public high schools, particularly in Boya is poor with no capacity for long-term growth.
Sustainability. More promotion of the need for all levels of government to address climate change. I would like the shire to take on an advocacy and lobbying role.
Canvas for new ideas.
Advocacy and lobbying. List advocacy projects and record lobbying actions completed / done (with results) - communicate this.
Active advocacy to attract funding to improve tourism infrastructure and sporting infrastructure so we can host cultural and sporting events to boost visitation and economic development.
I'd love to be proud of our Shire; by living in a gutsy, ethical shire that stood up and spoke out about things that really matter. For example: refugees and asylum seekers, indigenous Australians, climate change, nuclear power.
For example: How awesome would it be if we provided housing, support and employment for some refugee families; made our Shire a nuclear free zone; promoted changing the date of Australia Day; hosted an alternative festival to celebrate our nation and multi cultural society,
Environmental concerns.
Western Power
 Lobby for undeerground power distribution.
Lobby for more funding / grants and get a better survey than this one so you can properly measure importance.

How the community is consulted on local issues

Be seen to be consulting - a presence. Listen to groups and their ideas, not just staff pre-conceived ideas. Be bold, be brave. Community members may know best…. *Deal with, make fire safe, both verges and reserves in Darlington / Glen Forest. Many are a huge fire danger.
Actual and real community consultation and implementation of the community wants and needs - not what the Planning Officers want. 
The shire (the entity) needs to consult with stakeholders a lot better. Some departments treat their stakeholders as a nuisance rather than partners in the delivery of a service or function. Emergency Services vs Fire Brigade are a classic example.
More information from the council on what's happening in the area and the council's intentions in the area.
Consultation important. Local government becomes too autocratic in approach and forget who makes the area.
Listen to the community, not just tell us what's good for us.
Don't get to hear about consultation on any projects other than the newspaper, which we no longer get. Email updates would be good.
This is the only consultation I've ever come across.
Direct consultation with stakeholders, ie. Nearby properties, when facilities are being built or changed, ie. Changing the location of the cricket practice nets from the MIDDLE of Brown Park to directly OPPOSITE residences with NO direct consultation.
Consultation. No updates on Scott St Bridge through the whole lengthy project. No consultation on upcoming Water Corporation works and traffic congestion. Not enough consultation on Helena Valley Development Plan. Ongoing and updated information should be provided other than following it up via council website.
Proper consultation with the community - No more push poll practices to move community towards desire of development.
More consultation to the rate payers before spending money in Darlington, Mundaring, Chidlow, Glen Forrest, Parkerville, Stoneville, John Forrest, Hovea, Greenmount. Spend more money in outlying areas of the shire, like Beechina and Wooroloo.
Consultation. Listen to people and remove unwanted electronic signs put up in parks.
Consultation and Communication to the people living in Desert Ash Pl, Helena Valley was non existent in the council decision to remove the beautiful Plane Trees on the whim of a few residents who didn't like the leaf drop in the fall. This decision diminished the most beautiful street in the state to just an ordinary street. A number of people living in this streets were appalled and disgusted by this decision, without any consultation or communication as to their intentions.
More updates and consultations on what the shire is doing.
When the community is consulted on a project actually listen to feedback and be open with communication.
Stop wasting rate payers money on self indulgence in the administration area, ie. car parks.
Consultation. This is the first survey we've had in 9 years. Remember that Swan Valley is a part of the Shire of Mundaring. Seek feedback on platforms and groups that younger people actually use, such as the Perth Hills Chat Forum on Facebook.
I’ve written to the council regarding the rubbish issues & need for public toilets but a polite thanks for your concern but NO we won’t do anything about it is all the response I’ve had.
Correction, they did shift the one random bin from the opposite side of the park to the bus stop.
Consider how to expand your reach when consulting on significant projects. I often find out about the consultation period after the event.
For example, I didn't even know you had a monthly enewsletter and we no longer get the echo delivered to us to know there was still a one page update in there.
Consult don't inform
More consultation
Consult with all parts of the community, not just a few noisy or well-connected individuals. Make decisions in the interests of all, not just a few.
Remove the dictatorial attitude of senior executives
I'm the winger that likes to BBQ with charcoal - so would like to see a discussion on how we can define safe BBQ'ing [enclosed smokers / spark arrested wood-fired pizza ovens / within 10m of garden hose / cleared back-yard etc]  & allow on low & high days - happy to agree that "extreme" & "catastrophic" =&gt; total-fire-ban days.
Likewise a proper discussion about why / when Lake Leschenaultia is closed might be helpful - to be honest I go in through the back gates so haven't checked / actually been aware that it night have been closed but have seen the comments on FB... 🫣
Greater consultation prior to initiative's taking place. In particular with the local residents.
Improved feedback to locals on initiatives outcomes.
Using local newspapers to have a regular standing  " Mundaring Shire News Bulletin"  that communicates proposed initiatives etc.
Respect and listen to the needs of the community.
Stop ‘passing the buck’ when ratepayers want some action. This Shire is the worst at actually doing what the ratepayers ask for.
Reception seems to be trained to also block ratepayer requests.
More consultation and communication with the community on all issues. This survey is a great start
appears things just get done to the area , not with  consult
Like the no dogs signs in the parks where people have been bringing their dogs to well before the sign which showed no sensitivity to what the community was doing & enjoying previously/
Properly canvassing opinion of the community as to what we need e.g. the aquatics centre is closed half of the summer but we did get a garish illuminated sign in the park and then got told to get used to it.
Proper engagement where community are involved and empowered rather than standard tick the box engagement.
Hold the occasional meeting in the location impacted by any decisions.
With proper notification people who do not have access to emails or social media can attend and have a say
stop relying on ratepayer associations. Many residents are not in these. Do postal drops or like this survey
Ask the community what they want and how they want it then provide it to them.
The Glen Forrest community spoke out for many years about the recreational facilities we wanted at the park for our children & young people, so much so that residents even installed facilities at the park ourselves. The shire removed all and never heard our pleas to have our older children considered in design plans.
Eventually we were given what we asked but not without years of efforts and without many arguments.
Unfortunately, relationships between residents and the shire have suffered as a result.
We are still waiting for items that we have been promised, but most reside have given up.
There are many areas of spending within the shire that are questionable and that have increased our rates an unacceptable amount. Huge expenditures have been made in areas such as street lights, and unwanted bridges, without any consultation, yet shire residents have to foot the bill. This is unacceptable. Considering residents have to pay for rates, when huge amounts are spent, there should be more consultation at the very least.
Determine how to consult with younger population to gain ideas for improvement. Young couples and families will be the future of the area yet don't necessarily want further dev in cultural and art work.
Ensure that engagement occurs prior to making changes. Use technology to communicate as no one reads the Echo
Consultation with community members. Actually take notice of rate payer’s requests and needs and implement rate payer’s requests instead of completely ignoring.
Transparency and community consultation on projects. For example, LED billboards and speed signage had been implemented at great cost with no consultation.
I feel that community consultation may not be as genuine as it is possibly promoted or even perceived from within the shire organisation.
I am a building professional working in the locality of many years.  I feel there is a focus on just getting the job done as easily as possible and without due consideration for the building users input, needs or preferences (I understand there are operation issues related to delivery projects but believe there is room for improvement).
I was recently considering involvement in a building redevelopment but when I read the info package on the project, there was 29 pages of contractual terms and conditions and less that 2 pages devoted to the actual project description and brief.
Listen to the community remove councillors and staff from their ivory tower
Use experts when your own knowledge base is limited.
A simple example is the Lake Lesh. It is beyond laughable how it is managed. Council meetings that have the voices of the public heard seem to be just another opportunity for the shire to ignore them
Actively seek community views
Actually talk to people
More community consultation. No sudden decisions made like those horrible electronic signs in the Sculpture Park, etc.
Same with the  closing of Lake Leshianaultia.  It all happened without seeming consultation or proper explanation.
Also re new developments.  Its seems like the money from companies like Satteleys, was higher priority than the opinions of those who live here. Why has it been such a battle for locals to be heard in their " save the Perth hills" views.
The Shire spends money on unnecessary projects, it needs to cut this back and consult more on where the money is spent.
Consultation with rate payers regarding any future improvement to roads, growth or other aspects that will impact on the community. It is only through consultation with the Mundaring Shire rate payers & businesses that a good understanding of needs will be discovered. If you are not doing this on a regular basis, issues affecting the community can be easily overlooked and it is not just yup to council to determine alone the needs of the community.

How the community is informed about what's happening in the local area

More 'push' communication is required. The Shire will likely have an email address for most rate-payers. This should be used to communicate in a better way.
Construction of the balance of  William Road.This road was listed to be constructed in the Shire's  General Sealing Programme dated May 2006.
18 years later It is still a gavel road!.
[name removed] advised In writing in 2008 that the road needed to be constructed immediately. and, also in writing in 2008 that the Shire would undertake the construction of the road. 16 years later the road is still not constructed!!.
In 2018 [name removed] advised council ,in a  report of employees [sensitive information removed] of the residents concerns about road safety and dust  in relation to the gravel road section of William Road between Samuel Street and Bunning Road.
6 years later  residents are still concerned!! nothing has happened
Shire Officers [sensitive information removed] and refuse to answer any questions related to this matter.
I recently received approval to subdivide one additional block on  this section of the road. Shire Officers ignored all previous commitments and advised WAPC to impose the design and 100% of the cost  of construction of the road  as a condition of my subdivision of one additional block. I will not be proceeding with the subdivision under those terms. I have lived on the road for 44 years.
Shire Officers simply do not answer legitimate and relevant questions and [sensitive information removed].  This matter should be investigated.
Letter drops to inform the community of activities within the shire, ie. Asbestos cleanups etc. Follow ups on progress and completion, etc.
Better communication with the community, not ad hoc, as it is now.
Effective communication in what is happening in the shire from our leaders and what they are improving and changing (transparency), especially when it comes to resources from rates etc.
Communicate and talk to long time residents on past history of local areas.
Better communication of council decisions and projects / issues coming before Council.
Community to be be made aware of lol policy changes and only local issues to be addressed
Better communication with residents.
Communication / Consultation - We only ever get one pamphlet each year discussing shire plans, ie. with our very exorbitant shire rate notices.
Publicise shire targets and progress. Provide incentives for residents to be actively engaged. Regular updates of target's progress.
Advise residents on decisions made by council prior to implementation.
Communication. There seems to be a lack of communication when the shire spends money. Example: The erection of several outdoor screens.
I believe there is a lack of communication from the shire as to the development of the shire areas. There should be some form of communication to the residents on a regular basis. The noise level of the planes are increasing in my area, which is a negative.
Up your communication. It is beyond comprehension how those signs were erected, at great expense, with the majority of us not hearing a thing. Never again. No more spending of tens of thousands of our money on stupid signs with no input from everyone.
Better accountability on how money is spent at the shire.
Information of what happens at council meetings.
Communication to residents on a monthly basis. Communication via SMS as of line systems fail with power failure - no phone, no internet, no mobile phone. Only SMS if lucky.
Learn how to communicate.
Need to advertise more on social media of their plans.
Communication is good but can always be reviewed and improved.
Scott St Bridge. When is this ever going to be finished. Lack of communication about this project is a good example of improving information to local residents.
I would like the local newspaper delivered please. Being aged people we do not have access to info and would love to have local info please.
I was not aware of a monthly newsletter.
The shire is run like a secret service. Don't even know who the Mayor is. Why do we have to attend shire meetings to find out what is going on.
Improve communication with council officers, eg. Direct contact with relevant department on specific matters.
Communication on projects within the area - current and future.
Haven't seen a local newspaper, haven't seen where to sign up to monthly enewsletter. Facebook posts I've seen are generally to do with fire warnings.
Though planned road closure is not always through shire. Informing by website of major closures would be nice, eg. The bridge on Scott St is terrible for school and children found out through word of mouth.
Communication with rate payers needs to be improved, eg. Stating local improvements in a newsletter or community internet forum. Also, upcoming social events and 'Clean Up Australia' areas.
More of.
They must accept the fact that not everyone has email, mobiles or computers and deserve to receive information by post. We, the elderly, pay our rates and are not lesser people because we choose not to have these items.
Be proactive on services.
Communication could be heaps better. Quicker response times and kinder voices.
Communication not adequate. More printed info is needed - in libraries and other local places.
More police.
Communication. Better communication with residents. Provide info rather than expecting us to go and find the info - NOT electronic signage that has minimal scope.
Unless I get a senior newspaper I don't know or hear of what is happening in the shire.
I often don't hear about events until after they have occurred. The Six Seasons newsletter is great. I'd like to see more info in the shopping centre at Mundaring. Maybe you could relocate the signage tower thing from John Morgan Park.
Public forums to be held annually to inform residents of the shire's priorities / plans for the upcoming year.
Appears to be  lack of communication between council and rate payers, especially those not on the internet.
Communication - No delivery of local paper.
Communication. Let us know what you spend our rates on. Focus on all age groups and not just on sports.
I did not realise there is a monthly enewsletter from the shire. I think emails about upcoming events, projects etc., is a great idea that will go a long way to solving the community communication problem.
Communication. Please look at the City of Canning and Town of Victoria Park as a comparison of websites and local activities and events.
Local papers are not delivered in our area, ie. Community papers. I get a monthly newsletter from COS but not Mundaring.
Communication. More can be understood in person. Emails do not have the same impact - or phone calls. Being more hands on. Really taking an interest and working together to resolve the issues at hand.
A proper local newspaper for the Shire of Mundaring. The 'Hills Gazette' is very sadly missed, especially by the elderly. Nice for community identity and cohesiveness. The current shire communication channels cannot compare. 
More up to date and direct communication is needed. Example is the recent storm that left residents without power for 6 plus days. Shire reps or axillary services should be utilised to letter drop and door knock to ensure people were OK.
Communication about what is happening in the Shire of Mundaring.
Communication. SM website is much better but still difficult to find things. Do you mean SM to rate payers. Or no mobile phone and internet when no power. Why none Jan 16.
Communication. More information about shire meetings and their outcomes and impacts on our community.
Treat the residents with respect, visiting and listening to their concerns - not a letter left under rocks on driveways.
Needs to be letter drops on important issues as a lot of elderly people don't use or do not have access to the internet.
More time spent on giving answers.
As above.
No quarterly update through communication, newsletters.
Communication is critical.
Communication. More written communication is needed to inform one of what is happening within the shire. The annual literature with the rates notice tells one nothing. Notices from the library tell us nothing.
Sign pollution is ridiculous in Darlington, and probably the same throughout the entire shire. At one point there were 17 dog and horse signs around the Darlington Oval. That was recently somewhat rectified. Thank you, Shane Purdy - and most of the time there is a vehicle parked under every single one of them. Are they ALL necessary. There are still 2 signs on the Heritage Trail for years now, telling users it is best to share space with skateboarders of all things. Are they necessary. I am totally supportive of the History Groups Aboriginal Walk Trail and Six Seasons Gardens, but their plans include 94 signs. Please require a review. I understand the shire is redesigning signs. Hopefully a Sign Review is part of this process.
Everyone assumes that you have access to the internet but where I live access is poor. We don't have a computer and staring at a small screen is not on. Most seniors prefer a hard copy, which is easier to read.
Communication. Same as above. There is no complaint with shire customer service when you ring.
Communication. Regular emails to residents of the shire updating us of changes / upgrades to the area.
We have never received a newsletter from the Shire. We never receive any local newspapers any more either.
38. Some website communication needs improvement, making it more intuitive, eg., unscheduled pool closures and access to new 'e' tip pass is poor. It is a convoluted process to eventually find that it is called a CRC entry pass (not helpful) and it's  not easily accessible to action the pass.
38. I don't do electronic communication. Don't know what the answer is there.
More regular communication of plans, visions, etc. would help feel like we have a voice in the community we live in.
Innovative ways of informing residents of all ages
Try communicating
I don't believe we are properly informed of what the shires goals are moving forward and who is involved in making these decisions.
Australia Day no one in our street new if we should put our bins out for collection or not. There was no post on the Shire Facebook page.
We rely on unofficial Facebook groups to keep each other informed.
Needs to have a larger profile (perhaps newsletter) informing the rate payers /public on projects that are using ratepayer funds ,areas of concern ,
By communicating better.  I have answered Unsure to many questions because I know almost nothing about what the Shire actually does.  Maybe this is because we live on the western fringe, other side of John Forrest National Park, and feel a bit like the forgotten people.  I'm much better informed about City of Stirling than I am about 'my' Shire.
The communications need to be improved and consistent
Basically, an email should be sent after Council meetings to all ratepayers to advise what is going on
As for Consultation
In the recent severe storm which did so much damage to the hills area and Eastwards to Kalgoorlie, my internet connection failed. I was able to make telephone calls but had no access to Western power website, FESA or any other website. Had we had a serious fire situation Darlington residents or at least those near Pine Terrace would have been totally without access to important websites. This is an appalling situation in this day and age.
Go on Facebook, communite better, use technology
I actually dont know what the shire is doing. Find a simple way to communicate whats happening and whats planned.
I have been a resident of the shire for just over 2 years and the only way I seem to find out about things that are happenning is by word of mouth from other people or if I go looking on the shire website. I am unaware of the shire's social media activities or even if they have any. New residents should be advised of shire communications practices and how and where they can be found.
Be more innovative in how information is spread with community.
The shire needs to assist people when asking for help with an issue. numerous times the staff will say the problem is not part of their remit. Other shires will have an avenue for the community to raise a problem and if the shire does not handle it they forward it onto the correct agency for them not just fob them off.
Better communication with the public on upcoming changes
website to upload photos reporting a problem in my are didn't work.
The changes in the rubbish collection  wasn't communicated well and/or no feedback was asked for.
I’m not sure whether the Shire communicates, with the community, their plans for development and improvements for the local area. If they are communicating these issues, I’m not receiving the news. I would find a monthly newsletter via email to be the best way to communicate with me, it would ensure that I am made aware of any news without me having to go searching for it.
I hate the sign in the park that I believe was placed for communication but half the time it is not working. I walk past it every day and especially after rain it stops working and not for one or two days, for months what a waste of money. Then when it is working the same adds are run not generally information about what is happening in the area. I think we have about 4 adds that just run over and over and the reading of these are not always easy due to the back ground colour and font.
Speaks for itself
I live in a lifestyle village and we don’t seem to get much information re Shire in here no literature only when visiting library at Boya and not everyone goes to library
I don't hear about a lot of the activities or actions taken by the Shire.
Better user friendly website
Very rarely do we hear what is occurring in the shire
An emailed newsletter might be an idea.
As an aside, I despair at the lack of waste bins for dog poo or waste on the old railway walking tracks around our area, no doggy bags or bins at strategic points on the tracks.
Communication with residents is always a problem, some don't like the LED notice boards in the parks or a lot of people still don't use social media so how do you communicate with them? 
In the recent storm it was even harder to communicate as people had no power for days so couldn't charge their phones - it is a big issue.
I know nothing about the shire.  I rent so do not see a lot of communications
The Darlington Review is a monthly free of charge magazine and is the only way any info from the Shire is received. The Shire needs to let ratepayers know what decisions are being made by the Council beforehand. An example is the introduction of the 3 x waste bins. Only found out about the new system after the decision had be made.
Forgotten who are the local councillors as you never hear from them.
Send us via emails, your minutes of meetings...
more better communication with people in shire - what is the shire actually doing - get some info out there
Just That. 
Communication is key in all aspects.
Less information is being provided. for example, last year's bin collection dates were confusing on the public holidays. not everyone receives the local paper or goes online to find the information. it used to be simple, the information was given in the flyer that we put on the fridge. now, it's just a single piece folded with very little worth reading. it doesn't even have magnets to stick on the fridge!! our rates keep going up, but there seems to be less coming towards the western ward..
It would be great if residents (who can't make it to meetings etc.) were better informed about the decisions that occur. For example, recently a lot of trees were felled at the corner of Riley and Stoneville Rd heritage trail junction. But regardless of the Shires good intentions here the community had didn't understand why so many trees were being cut down.
The Bushfire alerts and daily text messages are good.
Would be good to receive text alerts to check the shire website for announcements etc.
I shouldn't have to be "on social media" to find out about a change in open days at Coppin Road. Found a message board sign after driving past Coppin Road and arriving at Mathieson Road. Thanks for the fuel burn.
After having a small fire flare up on my property 4days after I had burnt off a small pile of leaves (all done legally and within aloud burning times) I then received a letter from the shire informing me that I had received a formal warning but not being fined for the fire due to first occurrence. Such a terrible way to communicate with a resident. Nothing within the letter gave me any additional information to help prevent such an occurrence just a letter telling me off. Such an incident was a pure accident however it could’ve been an opportunity for the shire to engage with me in a meaningful manner.
Also considering I know that these types of accidents are common according to the local firefighters. It even happens to them.
Communicate the reasons for particular decisions
Bring the life of council into the lives of residents and regular visitors and businesses by actively engaging with them through a range of media. Ensuring more people are aware of issues and how they're handled will encourage more residents to engage (because its easy and its right under their noses).
Never her about anything local
Consult with and listen to ratepayer feedback.
Could communicate with residents better regarding what is going on in the area and new developments.
Our community is a diverse group of people, so we need multiple communication channels in order to effectively keep people informed of changes. There have been times where changes have not been effectively communicated. It feels like reliance is placed on online self service, which is good, but that can't be the only method.
Lake Leschenaultia!
Disability access and inclusion in areas outside of the Mundaring town site.
Have a notice board of /announcements/changes. Not everyone have time to research the shire website for news. Have positive changes and events that affect the wellbeing of the community.
Fire communications improved
As per precious comments
A forward thinking and innovative council requires extensive engagement with the community, not to lead projects but support them as community groups require. Being active through social media, local news or some other forum would help provide the community with oversight
No idea what the council is up to... there is no more local paper/junk mail delivery.
Many of the answers on this survey for me were "Unsure" simply because a great deal of what the council is doing for the community is completely opaque to me - I've no doubt they're doing plenty but that isn't reaching me.
to include the outlying suburbs not just the town site
It follows consultation.
I’ve no idea how you communicate with residents
Perhaps very brief monthly newsletter ( by email) with very brief summaries of key activities, decisions etc. Detail can be followed up if individuals desire. This will allow residents to keep informed.
Communication. I don't use Facebook or other social media other than Twitter. Perhaps more could be done to communicate with residents via email (eg newsletter as PDF file).

Information and assistance to access Shire grants, subsidies and rebates

Cost of children’s sports needs to be more realistic re insurance costs to be subsidised by shire
Subsidies and easier approval process for people wanting to grow own vegetables, have chickens, a goat or a cow (non-commercial purpose)
More grants for heritage buildings.
As listed in previous comments - some commutty based seminars re: water wise plants, subsides for native plants. Discussions about composting, subsidies for worm farms.
Small business grants and incentives for employers that take on local staff.
Stop spending money on [sensitive information removed].
Stop wasting money on useless decisions.
Rebates for shire rate payers/ business owners, that implement sustainable practices, for example solar panels.
Provide more rebates or subsidies for household and business to reduce / minimise energy, water, waste.
Public funds. The money you spend belongs to the rate payers of the shire and must be spent where they direct, not anywhere from others outside the shire.
Provision for performing arts service.
Look at the Tourist  options like the "glenelg train" of South Australia. A grant should be looked at as to what the Midland rail yard could product to bring in tourist into Mundaring.
Build on recent excellent investment at Goat Farm/JFNP/Kalamunda to create a linked trail network allowing for longer distance opportunities.
More rebates and subsidies for seniors or those on pensions.
Any subsidies and rebates to seniors and elderly pensioners in the community would be highly appreciated, to relieve the living pressures in today's tough times.
As a gardener myself, I would love to be able to apply for grants - Not have to go through registered groups. Small projects, like improving verge appeal in Mt Helena.
Rebates for those who recycle everything - worm farms, compost bins, etc.
Lower rates.
A lot could be done with shire grants to fix existing breaking walls in the shire.
Have more community involvement.
Innovative solutions to offset living costs. Communication of opportunities for families, tax payers. Reduction / subsidies for families.
grants based at developing grassed root sports and keeping sport local, rather than down the hill.
Local newsletters
community engagement at events
host and organise more events to activate key spaces and provide arts grants to community and businesses as incentives to get involved
More rebates for water wise, sustainable energy and waste management initiatives
Provide more services for the rates.  Reduction in rates is my pipedream.
Need to lower or put on hold shire rates
More funding for individuals in the community and not for profit geoups
My wife and I run a small business (Stone's Throw Yoga, next to the council office) and I'm not aware of any grants that may be available to small business owners. Maybe we're not eligible for any (which is fine if so), or maybe I'm just not hearing about them? I don't know :)
Someway to bring rates down slightly
Help us to collectively better the community by financially supporting more initiatives. Also, rebates because cost of living is just forever on the rise
With the cost of living spiralling out of all control, I would like to see more rebates available for seniors.
Lowering rates eg pensioners
cost of loving rates drop
More information on what is available to properties within the shire
Scrap the green waste bin. No one wants to be forced to pay for something we don't use. Majority have compost or burn off. We know it's just a money making scheme. Stop trying to milk us. Rates are already high as it is and it feels like we get nothing back looking around our neighbourhood. For those that do want to use it, the option is theirs to pay extra.
Stop wasting money on stupid led signs. Who ever passed that should be shot.
Why do rates keep going up and we get nothing back for it? It's just take, take, take.
Subsides solar in some way for homes to battle the power outages
A very expensive shire to live with nothing much to offer with high council rates. Need to reduce rates or stop increasing rates.
I didn't realise these exist.  So that is a problem
Cheaper rates would be a start
Rebate for cloth nappies like other councils offer
Grants for small business to encourage growth and create more jobs.

Embracing change, innovation and technology

Embrace technological advancements to improve local government services and communication with residents.
Technology - New developments in reducing fires spreading without time wasted. 'Forest Guard' - solar powered devices that monitor and send messages of outbreaks to the authorities, acting sooner, saving trees, homes, lives.
Growth and technology, and investment opportunities. To strengthen our local economy.
Embrace the technology that's out there and use it where it can make a difference.
More attractions and modern technological advances. Mundaring Village vs Claremont Quarter? We're a larger, richer shire, we should have better facilities.
Embrace change. Overhaul website to embrace above goals and implement easy communication and education. Proactively coach community on how to manage climate change effects as they emerge.
Embracing change, innovation and technology will help the world.
All new ideas are sorted and which ones can we do. Please note 'Space race', 'Atomic power' OK but train time to Mundaring is important and the land is already there.
Again digital newsletter?
Change / Innovation. Avoid sticking with 'How it's always been done' and looking at policies such as building applications in a case by case way, rather than blanket rules.
Shire residents need to be much more progressive in every way. People live in the past. Visit metro suburbs and shires to see what they do. Solar passive, better waste services, celebrating change, building and industry is too reserved. Use rainwater, build ecosystem areas for new habitats, breeding programs, recycled road base, invest in suburbs (not Mundaring) to build jobs, entrepreneurs, etc. Residents in this shire are old. Google it. 
It's important all shires and communities continue to embrace change, innovation and technology. It's the only way to continue to move forward in a sustainable, holistic way.
New technology with early warning systems. Prioritise water and reusable water. Invest tech to reduce feral animal numbers - support wildlife. 
Stay connected with other shire / councils  - use of upcoming technology, including AI in data collection / management.
I am not aware, but hoping the Shire is embracing electric vehicles within its fleet.
Employ more people skilled in renewables, modern building techniques,
and efficient use of resources.
The Shire of Mundaring is trying to roll out paperless and this has failed.  Removal of tip passess created a large issue as their IT system failed.
that says it all really
Improving technology.
Asset management.
Rates online is a good start, but should put more effort into bringing all services online and and website more user friendly.
Preparing for electric vehicles. 
Influence connection to fibre optics
Notification when services such as tip close.
Make Mundaring look like Kalamunda. More development especially in Parkerville. Parkerville is so under developed.  Kalamunda has nicer businesses and has way more happening. Kalamunda has a really nice Italian restaurant. Mundaring has nothing. Just a grumpy Asian take away. the town centre is dead at night. it could be more like Kalamunda. the street planning is ugly and poor. it needs more resturants and places to eat and more businesses.  Be like Kalamunda and have apartments and townhouses. North Stoneville needs to happen.  there needs to be more business and shops and people. Kalamunda is a role model shire. Copy Kalamunda.
Make everything online!
is there possibility of community involvement in localised power generation that could bring ongoing funding to the local community. ie Denmark have there own wind turbine.
Gym style facilities incorporated into an extended swimming pool area? Can be public/private enterprise perhaps.
The Shire needs to have the capacity to do innovative things, bring the community along when there are changes and needs to use the latest technologies to get the job of running the Shire done (including digital technologies and cybersecurity)
Better website, online presence and communication
Replacing powerlines to underground with the option of community buy in
Improve the ability to access rates online  - see current balance etc, bin services if you need to modify what bins you have or need. If bins are missed for collection.
Website accessibility/efficiency, rate notifications and tip passes… could all be automated better and more efficient. Not using both tech and then still requiring paper evidence (or vice versa) to complete a task.

Customer Service

Listen to the rate payers - facilities the shire want to close, like swimming pools, to stay open. Stop wokeism - it's ruining the country.
Need better mobile phone reception in Stoneville, it’s very much non existent. It’s very much needed - mainly for calling emergency services.
Senior and customer facing staff, eg rangers etc need to realise they are PUBLIC SERVANTS or people on power trips. Seldom had good dealings with shire; High handed actions without notice or consultation producing terrible results. Currently spraying poison into local waterway after clearing it and destroying habitat for waterfowl. And of course no notice and left a terrible mess. And damaged my retaining wall. That is usual course of events. Lower customer service staff generally OK, but rangers need training in dealing with people and respecting customers. If they were my staff I would have sacked them.
Opportunities like this survey to provide feedback is appreciated to raise concerns with poor reception for mobile phones and power disruptions at night.
Improve communication with rate payers, answer phones and respond,
Simply reply to emails, trust is difficult to establish when emails are ignored by shire staff.
More services for the older generation. Getting someone to answer the phone, virtually impossible. You have to visit the shire offices to get an answer. Communication 0 / 10.
Better community services.
Phone contact. Some staff are extremely polite and helpful but there are others who are a bit abrupt and you feel like you are bothering them.
Advertising and council / shire employee training of how to identify and avoid participating in coercive control and other domestic violence behaviours.
There are very few services in the Helena Valley area. Residents tend to access Swan and Kalamunda services.
Customer service. There is a general consensus amongst the community that customer service at the shire is not 'with a smile'. There seems to be an anti-help rise, culture if you visit the shire at the offices, enquire at the counter. I don't like the move to paying rates online. Likewise tip. 
When informed of a problem in the street re verges - listen and at least investigate the area. Look after their customers, don't ignore.
Assist residents (all).
I find the staff at the front desk quite rude and not prepared to help.
Customer service. I emailed the shire on 2 October 2023 about signage in our area. Got a response on the 4 October to say that signs were to be installed. Nothing has happened. I emailed again on 8 January 2024 and have had no response.
Messages left for building / infrastructure being returned. 3 times I called about a kerb issue, no response. Details being checked - building approval was granted to a different address, causing delays and extra costs. The above 3 items are the only times I have been in contact with the council. Each time they fell short. Not good consultation and customer service. 
Customer service. If you say the shire will do something, then do it. Simple. Enhance the Gateway to the West landscape.
Similar to prior comment
Commitment to service instead of managing customers
Try not to be combative the minute someone asks a question at the shire office, there are so many people that feel as though they have made it us & them!
Local government need to acknowledge they are public servants, not a self managed autocracy
Educate to the staff at the Shire of Mundaring, that the rate payers in the Shire are not their enemy, or simply Muppets to be taken advantage of, and nothing more than an inconvenience to the Shire of Mundaring staff. The only exception I have found when dealing with the shot of Mundaring is the pool inspector who was actually a very nice and helpful person.
Following through with action in a timely manner and/or keeping residents updated regarding why delays are happening.
leaves a lot to be desired
Council seems poorly run and one department doesn’t know what the other is doing. They cite being busy as a reason for poor performance. Lots of bureaucracy and little common sense
Teach your staff to talk nicely to their customers, especially a particular lady in the engineering department
Emails are never acknowledged or responded to. Why? We pay rates. Why don't the office staff care? How can the Shire just ignore communications - where is the Office Manager who oversees these things?
All my call to the Mundaring Shire Office or a Specific Department have gone to a message bank and are mostly not returned.....................
Many things could be done online
Better customer service not just a basic response maybe include the why when responding
Customer service at the main admin especially from one of the ladies is unacceptable rude and [name removed].i believe you would know who this is and I won’t be the only person who comments on this
Need to be more responsive in communication and follow up on outcomes to ensure it has been resolved
Service from the Shire Office is not always good