Increase verge pickups to twice yearly. Elderly have difficulty accessing refuse site without trailers or they have mobility health issues. |
Verges and street appeal needs improvement. |
Remove trees and other obstructions close to infrastructure to limit down time. Allow property owners to prune / remove more dangerous trees, etc. |
Clean up all the bush on shire land, including verges and heritage trails. |
Bushland across the road of 'Greenmount Rise' of 19 houses to be cut and removed before summer season arrives. |
Verge clean more other council areas. |
Care of verges along Clayton Rd. Footpath ends at Leawood Cres and then no clear area to walk. Bushes up to road. Have to dodge traffic. |
New kerbing around streets. |
More work on verge clean up needed. |
I believe that the road verges and shire properties are not well maintained especially the regrowth in Parkerville after the fire a few years ago. I believe the park facilities need upgrading eg. toilets, playground equipment. I also would like to see more housing on small blocks for seniors. |
Clean up verges. More planting of native vegetation on high way. |
Verges along roads need to be maintained of tall grasses for fire risk. Ratepayers who refuse to do firebreaks before the November deadline to be red flagged and if not done before November, fined. |
Stopping poison spraying on verges etc. Investigate other methods to control weeds - Like steam for one. Remove the invasive Sydney Wattles to improve fire safety - reward rate payers for doing so. |
Verge tidy eg trees wires |
Lots of trees seem to have branches hard up against power lines in the Darlington / Greenmount area. |
The shire taking some responsibility for verges that are overgrown with weeds, fuel for fires and very unattractive to look at I don’t want footpaths just the shire keeping the verges tidy we do ours as do some people living in our street ….by the way three questions not nearly enough |
In our area we have very badly neglected shire verges. More maintenance crews needed. |
The main thing is to keep verges clean and tidy. We are elderly with a big verge on two roads they are a fine risk and should be cared for on a monthly basis not yearly. |
Midvale, Swan View streetscapes appear 'run down, unkempt and scary' eg. verge maintainence, bus stops, kerbs, roads condition, general landscaping, mowing and pruning activities (these are highly visual sign posts of a community's self-esteem and what regard the Shire holds them in). PS- i first lived here in 1993 and much improvement has happened since then but is still feels low self esteem, slightly scary area to live in or travel through. |
Verges and roundabout on McDowell Loop need to be cleaned up and maintained, especially during the fire season. |
Clean up the streets overgrown grasses on walkways makes the place looks run down get onto people leaving the front off there houses overgrown not trimming trees on there property that over hang power lines |
Street trees need to be pruned near power lines and verges could be a lot tidier. |
Verges. I live on a corner lot, look after 2 verges. Planting costs in adding natives, water cost is large. Time cost is largest. Morally the verge belongs to all. Technically the shire owns it. I have had no help - labour, or funds, to keep the verge looking great. Nor material such as mulch. It crosses my mind to take away my efforts and spend, including plantings, mulch and water AND save money and time and let the verge fend for itself. Since 2010 five figures in thousands spent. Plus time, which costs me more. |
The weeds & general messy verges with poor footpaths and their maintenance within swan view its very difficult getting around if you have a mobility issue and also extremely untidy to look at. you just need to look at one side of morrison rd where it is swan shire to see how much neater and better presented |
26. Ban permanent verge storage parking. Caravans permanently parked / stored on verges. Why has this practice been approved. Trashes streetscape. Dangerous blindly entering road from property. Contact me - 45 Buckingham Rd. |
Park Rd, Midvale. Need to grow more grass and plants outside the verges. |
Cleaning verges promptly and frequently. Is shire able to remove dead verge trees - cause of Parkerville fire (falling on power lines). |
Clean and tidy road verge and median strip on Gt Eastern Hwy, especially near townsite. |
Streetscape, trees + verges. Keep undergrowth. Replanting and watering in summer of trees and shrubs on the railway pentage trail in Greenmount adjacent to Coongan Ave. Upkeep of verges that aren't maintained by residents use of electric vehicles by councils. |
Taking more responsibility for upkeep of verges. Making clearing up after storms a priority as fallen trees / branches add to the fire risk. |
Trim back the street trees all the way up and down Rosedale Rd, all the way to Karakamia and Keenan Rd / Cookes Brook. That's also a major fire hazard and will cause more power outages, which is bad for the shire. |
There is so much rubbish on the streets and side of highway, yet they do nothing about it. Impose massive fines, send the prisoners to work, clean up the place. The only suburbs where anything gets done is Mundaring and suburbs closer to Mundaring. Also,, the trees need pruning as they make a mess and are sometimes dangerous. My roof, gutters, downpipes, driveway, and everything is clogged because they do nothing about cleaning up. |
Better education to the community about the various ways to manage their verges. Have Coppin open for an additional day and increase / or abolish limited visits for household goods. Provide other options of collection. This may go towards the reduction in dumpage. |
More care of street removal (promptly) of downed trees. |
Streetscapes, especially town centre. Get rid of the heavy haulage. I know it's difficult but it's stifling streetside living /cafes / restaurants / want to spend $ and time in town. |
Streetscape in Mt Helena is a disgrace. Long, overgrown vegetation to verges. |
Trees and verges. We all love them but some owners / tenants don't keep their trees safe (ie. Trimmed when necessary) and allow them to overshadow neighbours etc. |
Upgrading side roads. |
Midland needs a facelift. Most of the streetscapes and verges look very poor, especially coming into Midland along GEH. The footpaths and verges mostly appear not to be maintained at all and should be improved as they are very old and look shabby. New paving and native plants would be nice. This area definitely needs improvement. |
More time on maintenance of verges. Clearing vegetation and weeds of overhanging - leaning trees. |
Verges. |
Maintaining trees and verge. Also, local reserves and parks. |
Areas are very shabby- long grass fallen branches. This particularly applies to road verges |
(1) Replanting of road areas that have died. (2) Improving local shopping precinct, especially eradicating pigeons and poo. |
Making sure lane ways are cleaned. Going back to regular inspections on peoples properties, as some around here are putting other neighbours at risk during bushfire seaon. Over hanging trees on roads. |
The shire needs to take responsibility for its road and verge network. Trees and shrubs are their responsibility. Their recent response to the massive storm was abysmal. |
The fuel left on verges. This should be addressed. |
You need clean up after storm. We need allowed cut the trees because when storm will come have a big problem again. |
However it suits the shire. |
Crown land tree and grass management. |
Higher density in Mundaring CBD. Up to investors - yeah - but who wants to invest in a town that's split by trucks. |
Continue to mow grass verge and trees on Balfour Rd. From park area…. Past the child care centre. Only complaint. PS I have rung the shire on a couple of occasions and after my call contractors do mowing. They should continue cutting, mowing without me calling the shire office. |
Mundaring streetscape is OK but Sawyers Valley really needs to be cleaned up. |
Cleaning up road verges - cutting grass. |
Streetscapes, trees, verges - Tidy verge weeds and clutter. Plant verge trees for shade (deciduous). Additional footpaths and crossovers. |
Streetscapes. Beautification of the whole area is a factor of embarrassment for the residents of Swan View, especially on the main artery of Talbot Rd. Shame on you. |
Maintain trees on property boundaries so that falling branches don't cause damage to private property. There is no compensation available from the shire, which results in increased property insurance for landowners. |
The verges are overgrown by tree branches in most areas and not really maintained to a good level. Home owners and the shire need to be more onto this upkeep and tidiness. |
From the aspect of the street verges, understandable water conservation has virtually made them non events. More verge trees, once established, would help considerably - both shade and appearance. |
Cleaning up of long grass and dead trees, so less of a fire risk. Assessing trees on the verge close to power lines and pruning. Park is overgrown in our street and attended to very rarely to keep the grass mown. |
Clearing verges close to built up areas of years of leaves, branches etc. Have a campaign of clearing build ups. Extreme fire hazard. |
Verge median strips cleaned. Trim bushes / trees on verge of ALL roads for better view when driving and fire prevention. |
Check trees on verge. I have a lot of rubbish blown in and branches falling. |
26. Take responsibility for shire land, ie. Streetscapes and verges. Mow, neaten, prune trees etc. Nil responsibility taken now - areas looked poor and unloved. |
We are next to a walkway, which is always a bit messy and overgrown. |
Clearing verges / access paths / drains every 3 - 6 months. |
Would like more street treescapes, footpaths on busier roads. |
26. Perhaps more thought into species of street trees as a lot of paving , particularly around Lakeside Dr, is lifting from tree roots and is a dangerous trip hazard. Also, our street tree roots have gone into our sewerage pipe and we're going to need expensive repairs soon. We asked if the tree could be removed a few years ago and were told 'No'. |
Again, I know verges are a problem so what about road traffic control, local fire volunteers and home owners looking after their adjoining verge. |
Some trees along the Bridle Trail are very dangerous and about to fall and cause damage. Verges in the area very rarely get attended to and are overgrown and unsightly. |
26. Fire escape risk and emergency vehicle access. Need all trees removed from at least 5m from road edge in shire. Priority roads, Throssell Rd, Darlington Rd, Coulston Rd and Scott Rd, near the new bridge.(Swan View road verges are a major fire risk from Malone Rd to Curve Rd - has been for several years of Watsonia growth on west side). |
Get up to date to control and maintain bush areas. Some area's verges are pristine, others never touched. |
26. The shire is on to residents to maintain their properties but does not look after the verges. Double standards. |
Streetscape and verges. Tidy verges where scrub is overgrown. |
Plant more trees in Helena Valley Estate. |
26. Verges are a big problem, with fallen trees, leaf litter. Also, walking trails - more burnoffs needed. |
Better kept verges and trees to create an appealing streetscape and attract new people to the area. |
Investment in streetscapes / verges via joint initiatives with home owners. ie. Tree and shrub planting of verges via low maintenance planting. |
Tree trimming in council areas of local streets. Mowing and watering of verges (council areas). |
Plant more street trees, offer residents a shared care plan (watering, planting). |
Clean up the verges outside the town site. |
During the weather event of the 16th January the council verge along Kilburn Rd created an unsafe environment due to unmaintained verge and overhead high voltage lines. |
More trees to be planted on shire verges. |
There doesn't seem to be much of an emphasis placed on the eastern or western entrance to the CBD of Mundaring. The streetscape is underwhelming. I know that the shire has about 1500 klms of verges but any assistance with fire mitigation would be helpful. |
Streetscapes. Get the shire to take responsibility for their verges and bush areas in public open spaces. They're a fire hazard and the shire is 100% to blame if a bushfire starts. |
As you drive into Parkerville make it more landscaped and our streets and verges tidy. It's a fire hazard at the moment. Making the old part of Parkerville street verges neater and roads safer. |
Streetscape lacks throughout Perth Hills. Most noticeable at Xmas time. More should be done to create a picturesque area which will feed into priority area 3. |
26. Streetscapes and verges - Midvale. Residential areas in Midvale (streets / verges) are not being maintained (garbage on streets, overgrown verges, etc.) and certain roads and areas are vey unpleasant. This has a very negative effect on the value of property. |
Revegetation of more trees / large shrubs will improve street outlook and keep weeds to a minimum |
Clear vegetation from verges to improve line of sight at road junctions. Clear drains of vegetation and leaves. |
My sister came from SA and couldn't believe how much Mundaring town centre has gone downhill. I was embarrassed. Everything needs cleaning, painting. Doing up to a country look, not city look. No hills type, beautiful country sign welcoming people to Mundaring. (I wish I'd won the $200 million. Would have spent heaps on the look of Mundaring. So sad and disappointed on how it deteriorating). |
More trimming and grooming. |
The median strips and verges, particularly along GEH, are a disgrace. Mundaring is the eastern gateway to the metropolitan area and the current approaches should be an embarrassment to the shire. Overgrown with weeds (wild oat), scruffy. |
Streetscape, trees and verges. |
More time spent on verges. For example, tidying up trees would help the local birds. |
Trees and verges. No-one seems to like trees in this area. So many have removed all of them and they don't have a street tree. More shire directives, as Swan Shire do, so many bare verges - more trees. |
Better verge rehabilitation and planting of native trees and services to protect and encourage wildlife. |
Appropriate streetscape trees. Shire needs to carefully determine street tree choices. Where I am rubbish trees (Chinese Tallow) invasive root systems, London Plain Trees, Lace Bark Elms - all inappropriate. So many WA native trees to choose from - for shade, insect and bird habitat and food. Active encouragement of verge planting and, where appropriate, a program developed, supplied and rewarded to each household for appropriate tree to be planted on house land (remembering we are now the most treeless, hottest city in Australia). |
Clean up and maintain fire hazards of trees and weeds / grasses on verges and street scapes. |
Better verge maintenance. |
We are a 'green, rural area'. There should be trees everywhere. Block holders who clear their slots should be held more accountable. |
Road verges are overgrown and trees have been allowed to grow far too close to road edges. I agree it is a huge undertaking to address this but it needs to begin somewhere. |
Enforce weeding of verges. Planting natives. |
Clear weeds and trees for more visibility along verges and drainways. Lots of long grass during winter. Keep it a bit lower, prevent fire etc. |
Plant more trees, encourage people to plant waterwise verges. |
Streetscapes. More cleaning by the shire. The shire should be vigilant, not wait for someone to request a work order then have to wait for months for the work to be done. |
How about cleaning verges and streets that just aren't near the town centre. |
Streetscapes. Allow residents to chop down trees on their verges to maintain. Shire should clean reserves of rubbish, weeds and other waste. |
Verges are disgusting. |
The town of Sawyers Valley really needs cleaning up. It is an eyesore and parts of it need bulldozing, especially where the second hand store is. It really is dirty and untidy. |
Removing tree debris from verges, checking for fallen trees or sick tree removal. |
Verges need to be maintained. Only time we see anything done is for the Billy Cart Festival. Overhanging trees everywhere. Trucks on wrong side of the road to miss. |
More street sweeping and keeping roads / verges clean and tidy. |
Roads / verges being kept clean. |
More greenery. |
Verges need to be manicured and not overgrown. Fire and rubbish hazards. Improve street lighting. |
If there is a blank space plant trees, shrubs, to encourage wildlife back to these areas. Organisations like Trillion Trees do a great job. |
More tidying of verges and cutting down dead trees and maintaining footpaths, especially for disability access. |
Verges need to be maintained regularly and cleared before the summer / fire season. Tall grass poses a fire and snake threat. Mundaring entrance should have sculpture and trees reflective of the environment. |
We have letters, as residents, to keep our grass / weeds short and yet many verges in the hills are left to grow wild. They look messy and have many years of tree matter on the ground. |
Mundaring needs to be better showcased as a 'tidy' town. Better town planning and clean. This entails also educating residents on how to maintain their properties. |
Streetscapes. Beyond hacking trees on certain streets coming close to the powerlines, please attend to beautification of streets and verges. How does the Shire of Kalamunda manage to create verges / avenues of roses, water features, etc., and the Shire of Mundaring (with our ridiculously high rates) can't offer anything comparable. Most of the streets in Darlington have no interest to them. |
Streetscape in the towns need to be cleaned up. The verges are terrible - overgrown with long, dry grass. Havens for dangerous snakes. Brunswick Junction, in the SW, is a revelation of pride in streetscape tidiness. |
A little maintenance on the verges would be nice. Very hard to see as you turn onto Roland Rd because of bushes, trees, etc. |
Verges in some areas are overgrown and neglected. |
Clearing of broken trees and branches on verges brought down by weather (not by burning verges). |
Streetscapes - More trees please, on verges around Swan View and Brown Park. |
26. Make the streets clear of debris and ensure trees are not close to power / Telstra lines. By clearing the verges it would stop bush fires from cigarette butts. |
Cameron Rd is shocking, with trees and branches on the side of the road and the intersection of Cameron Rd and Stoneville Rd is so dangerous - just waiting for an accident to happen. When you are turning off Cameron onto Stoneville Rd |
Mowing, cleaning away rubbish and general tidying of verges. |
Clean up verges (fire safety). |
Streetscapes. Here this shire is abysmal at streetscapes. 'We have enough trees' - not so. The shire is becoming concreted and hard landscapes. The heat is getting hotter. There is inadequate streetscaping and attention to verges throughout the shire. Mostly they are unsightly and dangerous. being weedy are hazards. |
Streetscapes. Most of the areas in the Shire of Mundaring have verges overgrown, rubbish blowing arounds and generally look messy. |
Keeping sightlines clear of foliage is sporadic rather than routine. I have personally experienced many very near miss crashes due to restricted driving sightlines caused by ongoing lack of road intersection verge and roundabout trimming / clearing. I am a road designer and a good 25% of the shire roads do not comply with A. Standards. |
Encourage / incentivise residents to manage verges and streetscapes. |
Clean drains of leaf litter. |
Plant more trees. Manage the fire risk. More native vegetation in parks, verges and reserves. Create more native animal corridors. |
Verge management. Cnr Marloo and Radborn Sts - Restricted views along Marloo. Unsafe corner. Several email requests / photos in past years - unsuccessful. |
Streetscapes. Verges need attention, tidied and dried long grass removed. |
Need verges tidied up more regularly - fire hazard. |
Streetscapes kept tidier - for fire risk. |
Verges need cleaning up. Trees need pruning or cutting back. Too many fire hazards. *Please ask the shire who okayed the closure of Robinson St, Bellevue. |
26. Upkeep of verges by the shire could be better. |
26. All verges need to be free from trees, shrubs and any regrowth, to make it safe to exit driveways by car and make verges, areas safe to walk along. |
Clear trees and clean verges that are close to power poles and phone lines to prevent damage to property and lives (especially tree limbs overhanging over the road). Several incidents where huge limbs have fallen over the road, missing cars and humans. |
In areas that have had bushfires, after a given amount of time the regrowth needs to be trimmed / addressed. |
Maintain trees on council verge. Cut them back and stop tagging homeowners trees just to get more money. Maintain grasses on streets so we can see around corners. Clear out culverts regularly - ours hasn't been done in 10 years. |
26. Look after your verges and reserves. Manage the fire risk better than you currently do. |
Streetscapes, trees and verges. Inconsistent management of verges results in a fire hazard as weeds profligate on shire property. |
Frequent reminders via various media outlets during Spring and Summer to keep verges managed for weed reduction and line of site traffic issues. |
The attitude of the shire regarding verges is piss poor. They say they don't have the manpower or facilities to maintain verges so it's up to the rate payer to do it. Bullshit. |
26. Make sure of safety along verges. Regular pickup of fallen branches. Streetscapes catch the eye when well maintained - regular check for trees that could be a danger. |
Better management of verges, ie. don't let them die. Better consideration of appropriate trees for streetscaping / more objective (being a Gum Tree doesn't automatically make it the best streetscape). Consider deciduous / exotic, least flammable trees. Advocate for below ground power lines. |
For all - Our home is right on the boundary of the shire. Midland is closer for everything so I can really only comment on what I have circled. |
Not mentioned, but can we put in a plug for the shire to install a dump point for people camping and / or passing through. You would be surprised how many caravanners judge a local town by this one amenity (and we always spend time in other towns after using their facilities). |
Tidy up major road verges to all the suburbs in the shire. Helena Valley Estate, around the shopping centre is OK. Why not other areas. |
Streetscapes. We are in the foothills / hills - more trees, better footpaths. |
26. Clean up verges and maintain them correctly. Get community members involved in, for example, clearing up forests. Take inflammable materials, wood away - Community members can use what they cleaned up for firewood. Less pests / white ants this way and better control in many ways. |
Road verges need maintaining - Currently it is very limited what gets cleaned up. Roads that intersect others need to be cleared of vegetation so vision is clear and safe. |
Verges. Road verges are a disgrace (massive fire hazards). Overhanging Redgum Tree branches over our roads are vey unsafe. Need pruning back or removal. Fire hazard inspections are not good enough. Rangers need to get out of cars and do front and rear inspections on suspect properties. |
Keep improving the level of trees along road verges and traffic island. |
Streetscapes. (1) We pay enough in land rates for the shire to look after the verges. (2) I know someone who cleared their verge and the shire was going to fine them. It's neat and tidy and well maintained. Doing a better job than the shire. |
Verges. The shire imposes demands on rate payers to maintain native vegetation. Yet the shire refuses to maintain verges, leaving them as fire traps, or obliterating the verges, destroying wildlife. |
Streetscape. Please keep 'natural' - no over kill or too much signage - as what has happened with the bus stops and shelters. Keep the natural character of the hills and don't turn it into over organised, sterile suburbia. |
Shopping favouritism towards e.g., bed + breakast also we have as we found out after 2014 fire there is a section that belongs to the Shire. But the neighbour has pretty much claimed it, and it is either blocked with cars or mulch. So emergency vehicles can't access to help save our property. |
Verges need to be mowed and whipped snipped they do not adhere to the fire break laws |
Eradication invasive species. Maintained roads & footpaths. Removal of dead/dangerous trees |
Better maintenance of verges. |
Shire to do it's job in cutting back their side of the fire breaks and whipper snipping street corners. |
We hardly ever see the shire in our street pruning trees The tree on our verge is low hanging and is often hit by small trucks and the waste trucks sending honky nuts all over the road making it dangerous for pedestrians We live on a street that has units and the tenants are always dumping rubbish and old furniture on the verge and it sits there for months looking like an eyesore. Why is nothing done about this? |
There are some verges on secondary roads that require a removal of the high loads on leaf and grass material. Some secondary roads need to be re-classified as the level of vehicles on them is high considering the level of traffic that are on them. |
Need to keep the trees out of power lines. Cutting out of overgrown & dead material for fire safety. |
Maintain verges better. Too many roadside verges with fire hazard material left unmanaged every year. While the Shire is strict on private landowners managing fire risk on their land the shire does not do the same with the road and trail verges. |
The whole town centre and major roads leading into it need a makeover. It all looks a bit shabby. Road verges in fire prone areas are also very overgrown and in need of much more regular attention. |
All the trees growing on the verges need to be cut down and replaced with footpaths and street lighting this would reduce bush fires ,prevent trees falling on electricity cables and make it safer to walk using footpaths |
Clear all vegetation from verges as they are overgrown, unsightly and are damaging home owners fencing. Replant with low growing bird and bee attracting natives. All power should be underground. How often does the hills have to burn down with trees causing sparks or lose power due to fires? |
Stoo expecting residents to maintain shire property |
Incentives to plant street trees and green verges |
I would like the shore to be responsible for the verge outside the home boundary line. This property does NOT belong to the home owner so therefore is NOT their responsibility |
There are so many shire trees that overhang powerlines it is ridiculous. Western Power put so many constrictions on private owners but the shire has massive trees overhanging powerlines - where is their responsibility in the event of a major fire and houses lost due to these trees coming down on powerlines? |
Would be lovely to see plantings done in Mundaring centre that are fire retardant and native to show case what type of gardens will flourish and be sustainable in this bush location. Would be an educational project for the community and people looking to move to the area. |
There needs to be far better management of verges including mowing, removing debris and tree management. The verges around Darlington are appalling and this not only detracts from the general aesthetics of the area, it also impacts property values. The Mundaring shire is a beautiful area that is very let down by the lack of maintenance by council. |
Make it more local vegetation in Mundaring, make it a beautiful entrance into the metro area with local plantings through the Main Street!! |
The verges are shocking, and the trees on the verges are dangerous |
The council needs to clean their streetscapes, trees and verges as the residents are required to do. I spend a lot of time and money keeping my property clear of dangerous overgrowth, fallen limbs, etc, but right next door I have a totally overgrown and dangerous road reserve. |
My 12 years lived here the shire verges in my street have never been done. |
The trees on our verge are VERY badly in need of a good pruning as they are becoming dangerously close to our house. The sticks and nuts from the trees surround the bus stop which is a danger to the public. I love trees but these ones need some TLC. |
Trees require pruning in our street! We have a bus stop out the front that is over grown by the three trees that becoming dangerous to the public. |
Seems to a lack of maintenance in relation to overgrowth of vegetation, dead trees, abundant leaf litter on road verges. which constitutes a fire hazard and apathy towards council land in relation to private (unfenced) dwellings that have council frontages which they encourage home owners to address with little to no support other than issuing notices to clean up properties that have council frontages... |
Verges need cleaning up in Glen Forrest. Verge street trees should be compulsory to help cool down the suburb. I live in Hudson St & the last time street trees were offered, many neighbours said no. It should be mandatory that every house has at least one street tree. Verges adjacent to the train park and village centre are often overgrown with grass, this is a snake hazard and looks messy. Council should be doing more regular mowing of main street verges to improve the overall standard of the suburb. Council should encourage and help facilitate native verge planting for residents, eliminate lawn / weed verges. |
Both of the last two serious bushfires started in the Parkerville area due to trees falling on powerlines. The removal of so many trees so as to prevent further bushfire started by sparks from powerlines would be an immensely expensive and probably unpopular initiative. However to do nothing will be to risk more bushfires in the future. If the Shire will not ensure trees cannot fall on powerlines in these ultra high risk areas, then funding should be lobbied from the State or Federal government to sink powerlines in strategic areas. |
Keeping roadside verges clear of vegetation |
More trees and bushes on road reserves. Better pruning of native trees |
The shire needs to maintain shire land. None of the shire bushland, reserves, verges are fire ready. Get rid of trees anywhere near electrical wire & poles. Street sweeping is a waste of time. You need to remove vegetation, reduce grasses and fuel on verges & reserves. Cut down trees on your land that are pushed up against fence lines and impacting on private property owners |
Cleaning up of verges |
Clean up of overgrown verges , trees and blocked drains |
Pruning of trees that overhang the road should be a priority I find if we ring up and complain it gets done otherwise it doesn’t. I am often worried about overhanging branches dropping onto my car as I am driving. |
Many of our streetscapes outside the urban areas are weedy and flammable and unattractive. Incentives should be given as well as workshops to guide residents in our to enhance the verges with local plants suitable to the site. Council does not have the resources to carry out this task on this land which is Crown land but can give approval to landowners to maintain their verges. In urban areas it is more difficult to maintain local plants but this should still be encouraged. Streetscapes are continuing to be influenced by BAL requirements and as a result, landscaping is giving way to hard surfaces such as concrete, brick paving and bitumen. Alternative solutions need to be sourced, if Mundaring is to retain it's bushy forested environment. |
Cull and trim verges |
Prevent older trees from being culled Plant trees on verges Make footpaths safe for everyone Create safe footpaths toward bus stations Cross over of Great Eastern Highway in Mundaring is dangerous Can there be a bridge? |
Streetscape, verges and footpaths |
Complete a general tidy up of the Town and control and maintain the Roadside ,footpaths and intersections where you are unable to see signpost and street names |
Clean up the verges which is owned by the shire |
It would be absolutely amazing if we could have our verges kept tidy The growth is allowed to unacceptable levels |
Get people to clean up the area in n the house’s Victoria rd midvale drive down that road some really nice houses there there are quite a few who need to clean up the front off the houses |
I know it's a major task, but get those trees on the verges trimmed or removed. They're such a fire risk, and a storm risk - as the recent storms showed us. |
More trees and natural streetscape |
footpaths and street scaping |
Considering one of the biggest risks of living in the Shire of Mundaring is bush fires, there should be more opportunity for green waste to be collected (particularly large amounts, such as leaf litter, fallen branches and trees). The once-per year verge collection for green waste is quite insufficient. The verges themselves are often not managed as the fire hazard they can be. |
you need to clean up the area we pay rates and verges and debris left along footpaths and verges is very poor If the streetscape verges etc were kept beautiful and there is no excuse for the mess that's around especially after the storms recently, If it looked great the price of houses would increase and the suburbs would increase in value. The shire really needs to clean it up Where is the money going. thanks for the opportunity to say something. furthermore having a street sweeper out after the storm damage was a waste of time - laughable actually when you look at the mess around |
Tidy verges in built up areas Strategic tree pruning and reduction burning of rural verges through time to create areas of lower fuel loads to help in bushfire situations. |
please consider planting more street trees where possible in the suburbs |
Better clean up of fire risk verges. |
Swan View verges, roads are really managed by Mundaring shire. Rarely cleaned when contacting the council they are not interested. |
Clear verges, install more footpaths and access to built up areas |
Keeping roadside drains clear of debris buildup. |
Management of overgrown vegetation/grass along verges to mitigate fire risks. |
Planting trees on verge in new developments |
Tidy up and widen the verges for safety of our children and older residents |
Some of the side streets and to be honest even the highway have terrible verge overgrowth. Some owners of property are elderly and unable to maintain them themselves - visibility to pull out of driveways is hindered and therefore dangerous and just makes the place in some cases look unkept. |
the shire could use steam to remove the weeds along the verges other shires use steam to |
Maintenance of streets, verges and roads so we don’t flood and homes aren’t in dager from verges not being maintained. |
Trees on our verge were painted with a pink dot 2 years ago and are dangerous but nothing has been done about them |
Have never seen shire clear near where we reside. |
Darlington doesn’t have a pretty community area. Very run down around the Darlington Hall and hive and real estate buildings, No flowers no seats not attractive when compared to Kalamunda rose gardens and lawns. Needs a good face lift. Very drab. |
More clearing of verges and more trees cut back if they are within the 'clear zone' for the particular speed limit. |
tidy the verges and roads, they're always a mess, full of weeds. there should be bike paths all over and not just near the estates, the roads are too narrow to share with bike riders |
Remove the pathetic tiny trees from central strip and replace with real shade trees that can be pruned to meet the large trucks passing (centre concrete/wire fenced central main highway strip centre of Village.) We need planters with glorious flowers along the main street scape and also shade trees on the footpath sides to create a beautiful entrance to Mundaring. Not the bare, sunbaked unwelcoming vista we currently have with ' miserable' examples of trees on the concrete median strip. Take a look around the State from Albany etc and see the large containers of beautiful overflowing flowers / shade 'real' trees beautifying the streetscapes. let's see if Mundaring can do better. |
Be nice to keep a tidy area, let the sweeper truck out more and council to keep tidy verge. |
total dumb decision to put golden ash trees on Riverdale Road |
Clean up verges to help prevent fire spread. Latest Parkerville Fire started with power lines down from tree on verge. This will happen from time to time. Fire spread along verge through grass before entering properties. The spread would have been slower if the verge was clean of this material |
Weed control |
Cutting down trees on verges especially along powerlines, not just trimming the trees. The recent storm should have been a huge wake up call to keep powerlines free of trees. Even when the power was restored the wires were woven through overhanging trees & branches! Keeping roadsides & verges cleared of trees too close to the road. I have been in contact with Shire years ago regarding a tree overhanging my fence line - it ended up damaging my fence in the recent storm. I had to clear it along with all the other trees and shrubs it destroyed down. Yes we are in the hills - "tree change" but we are surrounded by plenty of beautiful tress and and have spaces to grow new ones, but for safety the Shire needs to clear the ones which are of danger to homes, powerlines and drivers. |
Trees too close to roads, roots causing unevenness in roads, debris falling onto roads which is causing an accident hazard, especially when the local birdlife drop tre nuts onto the road surfaces causing vehicular braking difficulty. |
Just clean up the verges of weeds and tall grass which is a constant eyesore, regular whippersnipping would go a long way to resolving this continual issue. Whilst on this subject, I dont believe the council maintenance has given any time at all to the street scape around Viewway, Forrest Road, Curve road and surrounding area's. Curve road alone needs immediate attention with african grass growing prolifically which is an invasive weed that kills off all native plants, a concern I suspect if its allowed to continue into John Forest National Park. |
Do something with them they are terrible. |
We would like to see more upkeep of Verges in the 'minor' streets and not so much concentration on the 'major' roads such as Morrison & Talbot roads. We would also like to have a 'Speed hump' or 'chicane' installed in Talbot road to slow traffic down after they leave the roundabout on the corner of Morrison & Talbot roads. |
Street trees need a huge amount of clearing, then mulched onto the verges, regular slashing, spaying weeds and removal of un-native plants, and cut out the dead wood and sick trees. The results Lower risk during a fire and fire starting from passing cars, Lower risk of power outages in high wind events and Give the town a sense of clean, trim and will empower home owners the care and clean up their own yards. |
Planting street trees with colour and needing little maintenance as seen in the Mundaring shopping centre by previous insightful councillor charged with selecting suitable trees when the centre was being established, |
Make people responsible for clearing waste and vegetation living in the hills is not an excuse to leave it to nature |
The more greenery the better it is good for the environment and keeps the street much cooler. |
council needs to take responsibility for the overgrown trees on the verges that cause damage to the electrical supply |
A lot more street trees in some of the older village areas eg Mundaring Townsite - often very hot/ exposed heat sinks eg Hartung st behind Aldi, Main highway through town - lots of opportunity for more street trees. Main roads need to be told not asked |
Need for kerbing, footpaths and lighting and verges kept tidy. |
Keep verges on residential public roads in good condition. |
Maintenance of road verges to reduce appalling damage to power lines and loss of nhomes |
Shire should be more responsible for their verges, pathways and tracks. With snakes being out and about in our shire cleared, mowed or whippersnipped paths ARE a MUST. |
streetscaping revegetation to minimise weed encroachment |
The drains on the verge fill up with dirt and leaves and aren't cleared regularly, my driveway has been washed away when there is heavy rain and the Shire has not fixed my drive way after being contacted twice last year. |
Actually maintain them Verges wildly overgrown and scruffy - pulls down the whole value of the neighbourhoods and poses a fire and snake risk - not acceptable. We live in Noblewood and the roadside along Stoneville Road is disgraceful- all the way through to Mundaring Town Centre. |
Trees, reserve and verge maintenance is poor and with bush fire management so important for residents, it's dangerous & disappointed to see shire managed areas so overgrown. |
More attention should be given to the verges on some of the minor roads. Storm water drains should be cleared and maintained. |
- Street sweeping (there is a continual build up of lots of leaf litter - creates fire hazards). - maintenance program to manage verge growth and dangerous trees (removal service). - suggest shire also offer free mulch to residents following the verge and tree maintenance |
I have put in a Customer Action Request for Old Farm Lane, between Erin Dale and Hollett Road, to have trees removed from the edge of the road and the road widened. There has been no contact from the Shire since. |
Clearing of waste from the verges and roads. Not everyone has the ability to be able to do this. Health and age being a factor. As the hills has just gone through a major storm and power outage naturally you would think the shire would be there to help. NO THEY ARE NOT. No notification via emails or post. We live in a bush fire zone so some sort of communication from the shire would mean a lot. |
improving the way streets appear may create more pride in the properties where people reside increasing their awareness of community and good practice for reducing fire loads |
Tree prunning of verges especially where they are making footpaths very dangerous to use because of fallen branches and other debris. More footpaths for safer walking. Footpath sweeping. |
We really need a dedicated tree management team monitoring the trees on the street verges to reduce the fire risk to this large area |
Please consider reducing the amount of weeds/grass growth along Helena valley road and the surrounding areas…
Scott street is also an area which needs assistance particularly along the areas near bus stops near the Scott street shops. |
The Shire need to manage green waste, ensure trees are not overgrown. |
Get more proactive on tree trimming around power lines on the shires land. The recent power outages have shown its poor performance on tree management on power line corridors. Allow the shire loader at the tips to load mulch instead of having to do it the manual way |
Fire mitigation on road verges, regular street sweeping, mowing of verges and tree pruning program with residents notified when its their street/suburbs turn. Education on residents being able to "verge revive." *What can and can't be planted, *Access to plant stock would be great to see the shire reinvigorate seedlings for Landcare to: Verge rehabilitation Would like to see the entrance into Mundaring streetscape improved and maintained - so much paving not enough trees/plants |
Trimming and removing trees from blind corners of roads. |
Manage roadside verges better. Offer a mulching service where people. Allow people to leave trees in the verge and the shire will mulch it and leave the mulch for the household to use even as a once off |
Higher priority on communication concerning residents responsibilities on maintaining verges and council efforts to maintain fire safety. Annual inspections of verges and notices to residents if verges are unkempt or present a fire hazard including trees in proximity to power lines. |
The verges in Glen Forrest are totally neglected and always look terrible. They are always a fire and snake risk and only ever get attended to when someone makes a complaint |
Ceasing spraying verge with pesticides. Killing weeds through steam or solarising or ideally maintaining grass like the shire of swan. More trees and flowers to beautify our streets. |
Shire needs to better maintain verges, lack of green waste bulk clean up after recent storm a prime example |
The trench and stormwater drains in the area of Kintore Road, Spring Road are full of leaves for most of the year. It would be good if the could be cleared regularly, removing, or reducing a fire hazard. |
Verges are untidy and left overgrown. Walking on footpaths that you have to duck under vegetation or around weeds or leaf matter blocking path flow. |
Set better example by maintaining verges, footpaths council property better. |
If the foothills could have half the shade of Mt Lawley, we'd have a much more liveable shire |
Improvement of general street appeal and lighting |
- Cleaner verges and less overgrowth that blocks intersections and footpaths - more footpaths in general throughout the streets - more verge side collection opportunities |
Some front verges look bad. Grass too long and not kept. |
We live in the hills because of the trees and the bush, the narrow wonky streets with as little street light as possible, the ruggedness thereof, please please do not make it look like down on the flats. I truly feel this is something that often happens without enough consultation |
I think ya need to look at trimming or removing more trees from verges infrastructure of houses etc in Wundowie/Wooroloo and other suburbs that are in or under/around power lines as its just a fire disaster ready to happen if not now in the future.Anything ya can do to prevent bushfire caused by powerlines I'd say is a benefit to the shire and its residents.As ya did a awesome job removing tree along the roadside between Chidlow and Wooroloo for drivers safety I guess. |
Get rid of the weeds and maintain the verges |
More regular clean up verges (rubbish, fallen branches etc), improve footpaths (eg Darlington Road). |
Clean the place up! And …. sort trees out that are overhanging powerlines. If we have to trim our trees, why can’t the shire? |
Clear verges on bends more frequently |
Encourage residents to maintain their verges and front yards to make local neighbourhoods a more pleasant place to live. You could offer a discount on shire rates to residents who make the their neighbourhood a better place to live by keeping their property presentable. Send in a photo of your maintained verge and get cash back each year. |
Trees on council verges that are not native to this area and which present an extreme fire risk should be removed |
By maintaining trees and undergrowth . |
Verges are often left with very tall grass all through summer posing an unacceptable fire risk - it also looks scruffy. I accept that the shire is too big to maintain all verges, however the focus should be in higher residential areas where any verge fires can directly impact property. |
Clean them up |
Verges need cleaning up and maintenance of trees around power lines aswell as cleaned up of low shrubs |
Stop fucking mulching everything and actually work on streetscapes. |
Accept responsibility |
Trees on verges need to be maintained better. When the last storm came thru it took a 5 minute ride home THREE HOURS as trees were all over the road NO matter which road you took. WHOLE TREES not just large branches. If trees were maintained better wouldn’t damage peoples fences when the branches drop regardless whether there is a storm or not. Also might look at less flammable trees to plant. |
I still don't have clean verges, footpaths, kerbing, street lights. It's just overgrown bush and weeds. It detracts from the beauty of the bushland setting. Let's make everyone proud by cleaning up! |
nicer streets. so much spare land around mens shed and police station. do something. develop it. so ugly and boring. nothing like Kalamunda. |
The Bellevue RSA carpark fencing for the business that has commercial tyres stored could have been done better. Hardly enhances the street view. The vacant lot adjacent to the RSA should be better maintained. Long grass in summer a fire risk to locals |
street verges to be established and better maintained |
Remove excessive growth on verges - this is a safety hazard during a fire |
Maintaining all the verges and pathways in the shire |
The fact that large trees overhang power cabling, crippling the whole mundaring area for a week with power and then leaving the greenwaste on the verges for local residents to clean up was rather poor. There are a lot of requirements on residents on how to maintain firebreaks, fuel load etc, but at the same time the verges look abysmal in a lot of areas that arent the Mundaring CBD. |
Regular maint on verges. Keep the streets looking tidy |
Maintenance of overhanging trees, especially over roads. Maintenance of verges, particularly where visibility is obstructed. |
Verges in many locations are overgrown with weeds/grasses and dead bushes branches fallen and hanging over road curbs.... Trees on road side with dangerous leans and overhanging branches. |
Do more to get rid of weeds on verges, especially in areas very close to state forest. |
Definite clean up / weed removal on verges, clean up of drains. Lots of eyesore areas need sprucing up! |
Clean up of shire verges is a constant requirement. I was excited when the major roadworks were taking place on Great Eastern Highway a couple of years ago as I thought it would be a great opportunity for the Shire to be creative with the landscaping on the central island. This was not done, and I think there is no appeal as you drive up Great Eastern Hwy, toward the town centre of Mundaring. The old nursery, and the caravan park on the left hand as you drive into Mundaring is particularly off-putting. A row of a particular type of tree in the middle island of Great Eastern Hwy, all the way from Darlington to Mundaring would be beautiful! |
Shire needs to cut down, trim a lot of verge side trees as a lot are looking very dangerous and around a lot of aerial power lines. |
While clean up and verge management has been brilliant following the recent storm, I would like to see more general cleaning up of verges - particularly at intersections where there are blind spots caused by tall grass or thick shrubs. |
To tidy and make streetscapes, verges look more presentable and fire safe. Mundaring Shire is the gateway to Perth from the Eastern states and our presentation on the roads is awful and trees on shire verges need a major overhaul. |
Clear all verges that have large weed growth along them that are vulnerable to bush fires |
Rural roads need cleaning up |
More vigilance and maintenance |
Scheduled and executed routine maintenance. |
There is too much overgrown grass, bushes etc on verges, there also needs to be a tidier entrance to the Village of Mundaring. A lot of rubbish actually on the hghway which even when reported does not get collected, and many dead trees which add to also a danger if blown on to the highway. Some people should not be allowed to keep so many boxes outside their property, surely a fire hazard and unsightly. |
Clean up verges hanging branches over roads that are on the verges, not leaving it up to the owner to maintain |
install underground drainage then fix the verges |
Given the hilly area provision of more walkways and verges need to be provided |
Better manage non endemic plant pieces |
Need more green grass and trees on verges |
Keeping Shire verges mowed & fire hazards reduced. Overgrown trees trimmed. Rubbish removed from verge areas |
Verges are often overgrown and not maintained. Not all residents are able to, for a number of reasons, maintain their verges. Especially those on rural properties with large road fronts and on busy roads. |
Road side drainage along Marnie Rd consistently becomes blocked and then causes flooding during heavy rainfall. Storm water drains can’t handle the volume and last year this caused houses across from the cricket nets to become flooded and this cascaded through to the train park area. |
Clearing vegetation for visibility |
Neat clean sreets with trees that are not butchered to accommodate powerlines but burnt regularly to control fire risk and visualky remind residents & visitors of ever present fire risks. In Winter & edge seasons the recovering growth is in keeping with the Hills Beauty. |
The roads are badly eroded, tree branches hang so low that small trucks have difficulty passing through, visibility at intersections and driveways is poor due to overgrown verges. We trim our own verge but many residents are unable to. |
Trim verge trees away from power lines as per Western Power recommendations. Keep roadside drains and culverts free of leaf litter and sediment especially prior to the commencement of rain season in Autumn |
In Swan View it would be nice to see some streetscaping done, the area really needs a facelift and modernisation. |
Ensure all trees and vegetation on council verges are cut back and kept away from power lines and other major infrastructure areas. We don't want to go another week without power if council maintenance can avoid unnecessary power cuts. |
Better management of overgrown verges. IE: trimming of large overgrown trees. Better burning off practices |
Attention to minor roads, drain management and tree risk in parkerville that could pose a possible fire risk ie December 2023 bushfire |
Verge management to reduce fire risk and enhance the entrance to our city from the eastern states. |
Maintenance for safety of people using verges and to reduce fire load on verges. Also to improve the appearance and appeal of the shire. |
Increased tree planting & tree watering program & improved verge mowing & maintenance |
Plant more street trees and gardens |
From the bottom of Greenmount hill along the highway is in complete disrepair with nothing welcoming tourists and visitors to the gateway to the hills. No verge plantings or street scapes to promote the hills area and sadly the only effort that has been made is to the townsite of Mundaring even though there are so many other areas along the highway. Various other hills councils have definitely achieved this such as Kalamunda and Armadale, also smaller councils such as Bassendean have achieved welcoming street scapes |
Rubbish and long grass cleanup along our verges in bushland areas |
Better maintenance of verges along major roads in the shire used by both locals and tourists |
Nothing is ever done in this department |
Verge upkeep - especially summer grass control in residential areas, verge tree lopping away from powerlines- less unnecessary street sweeping that occurs now. |
Manage trees on verges. Trim them away from powerlines! |
The rubbish on the sides of the roads in Chidlow is awful please do something about it. |
Look after your own verges. We pay enough in rates to cover this.I know someone who cleaned up their verge and you threatened to fine them. So you can have that job and make sure you do it properly to prevent fire risk. That really ticked me off. They left it extremely neat and tidy and got all debris from under the power lines which once again was your job!!! |
Inspect every street regularly and provide written communication /reports to the local residents with solutions |
Clean up of fuel loads on roadside |
There are a lot of areas falling under council land that is poorly maintained. Coming from some side streets into the main roads, eg Stoneville, you can't see very well with the grasses / weeds etc and can cause accidents. The foot paths are not all even and some need repair. |
Not just the main entrances , other streets . Redunca close is terrible verge |
Maintenance of verges to reduce fire risk |
plant more trees! and plants! Visit Singapore for inspiration of what's possible! |
Verge clean up by shire to prevent fire |
Verges are not maintained |
Need to maintain trees around powerlines a whole lot better than they currently do Would be nice if the clean up big branches on the road verge |
Clean up the ever growing leaf litter along the fence lines |
Lots of trees everywhere |
Help maintain verges as part of fire safety strategies |
The shire consistently and sometimes aggressively advises residents what they can and can not do on the verge yet makes no effort to maintain residential verges to a fire safe standard with many an eye sore |
So many verges are overgrown and dry, gum nuts covering entire pathways. |
We still don’t have kurbing or paths on our street. Still work to be done |
All car parks should have trees to the north of the car bays, to ensure that their shade can benefit the drivers and their passengers. New buildings with car parks should be designed to allow space for trees that can shade the car parks. This is not the case with Boya library. Trees have been planted, but not where they shade the car bays closest to the entrance. There are some lovely mature trees in the car park of the Bilgoman pool. Perhaps they are wild trees, but they have grown on the south sides of the rows of parking bays, ensuring that their shade falls on the spaces between the parking bays. So of no benefit to patrons. It really ruins a visit to the pool if you have to load your kids into a stinking hot car, to go home. |
Clean up and reduce the trees and scrub on verges, trees hanging over roads. |
The shire relies on it's pockets of bushland to comprise green spaces. But local roads and neighborhoods could have more assistance with street tree planting and greening, and beautification of small local parks and gardens. Especially important as individual residents are dropping the ball on private gardens. Public green spaces are very important. The green block on my street in Tunnel Road hasn't seen improvements in the 25 years I've lived here. It's dry and barren. I'd like to see the shire incentivise local businesses to green verges as public service. A good example - Darling Ridge shops are wonderful - across the road the swan View tavern is appalling, especially having added the dry exposed suite of motels with no trees. How was this approved? I don't think this would have gone ahead in Mundaring. Our ward is neglected. |
Getting the verges cleared up as around the suburb it looks unkempt |
Fix the roads and verges, Stirling Cres for a start, Abernathy Rd off great eastern hwy |
VERGE CLEAN-UP clean up/clear build up of leaves, bark, weeds, dead foliage that is bushfire fuel on street verges. In Darlington alone there have been a few small fires started from possums dropping onto electrical wires and falling dead into piles of fuel. Especially in the middle of the night could very quickly turn into a disaster. Cleaning up street verges would also create a look of bushfire preparedness which is a crucial consciousness in the Hills (and is generally very low) I think the Shire can lead by example with this project. Also FOOTPATHS are in bad repair in many suburbs and also many streets are without any. As someone who has done a lot of walking in Darlington they can be quite dangerous and I know of incidents of the elderly tripping. |
Simply clean up the verges from time to time. For example my property verge is full of leaves blocking drains and branches. I do my best to burn this off in winter but have been reminded I'm not allowed to burn the council verge area. |
Streetscapes. Verges especially, and in the winter where the weeds grow tall and make visibility bad. |
More verge collections. Not everyone has a trailer to get waste to the tip. Horrified after recent storm that the council didn't do a verge collection to help its rate payers with storm damage. |
Trim trees overhanging roads. Mow verges. |
Increase level of maintenance of street scapes and verges -A structured approach to verge maintenance. Appears ad hoc currently. -Noxious weed control. -Mowing, slashing. |
Street scapes - sealed roads / streets - drainage of streets - better lighting of streets - fire preparation |
Actually trim street trees on the verge, not just clip and run. Consult with property owner BEFORE a contractor just does a 'pretend trim' and scoots off. |
Need verge trimmed or cut down on Lurkin and Rycrust Rds 2 of them |
Verges around Swan View and Greenmount are overall very neglected. |
Increase control of verge vegetation to improve safety at intersections. |
Council looking after road verges, residents get warning and spoken to about their trees and long grass but council areas are full of dead grass and hazards |
A more people oriented streetscape, street art + selection of restaurants, cafes + bars. |