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About Eastern Region Family Day Care
Eastern Region Family Day Care is the natural place to learn and play for children aged from birth to 13 years old. Value is placed on care in small, mixed-age groups, allowing children to gain a sense of belonging and form meaningful relationships outside their immediate family in a home environment.
When children have fun, are in a safe and secure environment they are best able to learn and develop. Our role as educators in supporting the early years is significant as we know that during the first five years of life, children experience more rapid brain development and acquire more skills and knowledge than in any other period in their lives.
Eastern Region Family Day Care is a not-for-profit education and care service, sponsored by Shire of Mundaring.
Our qualified family day care educators
Our team of qualified educators have registered their family home to provide families with flexible education and care arrangements, engage children in play-based learning and plan individual programs according to each child’s development, well-being and interests.
Our family day care educators are located throughout the local governments of Mundaring, Swan, Kalamunda, Belmont, Bassendean and Bayswater and several in neighbouring areas.
Our coordination team
Our coordination team (Service staff) are based in Midvale and are a team with extensive experience in the early year's sector and work passionately in the service.
Our team visit and work in partnership with educators for your child to receive quality education and care. To promote best outcomes for children, families and educators, our role is to professionally support and monitor service and educator operating practices. Respectful relationships and children's rights are at the core of all decision making.
Contact our friendly staff, we would love to hear from you and welcome the opportunity to talk with you about our service, your child's settling and ongoing care in family day care.
National guidance and compliance
Eastern Region Family Day Care operates within the National Quality Framework (NQF) which guides all children's education and care services across Australia. The framework in WA is comprised of the:
- Education and Care Services National Law (WA) Act 2012
- Education and Care National Regulations 2012
- National Quality Standard
- Rating and Assessment process.
The Department of Communities approves and monitors all education and care services through the Education and Care Regulatory Unit (ECRU).
Choosing a family day care educator
Finding and choosing quality education and care that is the right fit for your family can be a daunting process. Refer to our checklist of questions to ask an educator.
When learning about the types of early childhood education and care service to choose for your child it is often through word of mouth, a website and social media recommendations.
Not surprisingly though, is that parents rely most strongly on their own judgement, which is most important.
You know your child best and any specific priorities for your family so it’s important to trust your instincts and feel ok to ask questions. It’s important to visit the family day care educator and see the learning environment and home indoors and outdoors.
Number of children in care
Educator to child ratios are nationally regulated in family day care and outlined below.
An educator may care for no more than seven children (including their own under 13 years) at any one time. Of this, a maximum of four children only can be kindy age and under.
In addition, we have a Service Policy requirement whereby only one baby under 12 months may be in care at any one care session (exceptions can apply).
Care arrangements
Family day care may cater for children:
- Aged 0-13 years
- Standard hours 7.30am to 5.30pm (some educator operating hours vary)
- Non standard hours (before 7.30am and after 5.30pm)
- Before and after school / kindy, vacation care
- Weekend
- Overnight.
Play based learning environment and experiences
Planned and spontaneous indoor and outdoor experiences for children have a play-based focus and are specific to each child and the small group.
Experiences may include dressing up, storytelling, building cubbies, messy play, painting/collage, singing and dancing, playing games, reading, cooking, water and sand play, and obstacle courses. Some educators extend children's learning and socialising in larger groups through outings to parks, libraries and our FDC facilitated play sessions.
Experiences may be initiated or led by a child whereas others will be planned and offer intentional teaching by an educator. Educators base their educational program on approved learning frameworks, this helps prepare children in all aspects of their well-being, learning and development as focuses on addressing the developmental needs, interests and experiences of each child, while taking into account individual differences.
There are two nationally approved learning frameworks which outline practices and outcomes for children:
Fees and Enrolment Information
Fees for your child's education and care are outlined in each Educator's Statement of Fees and Service Fee Guide. These are available to families when visiting an educator, all fees are pre-approved by the service. The total cost of care includes your Educator's fee and a weekly ERFDC Service Parent Levy.
Eligible families may apply for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) through Centrelink. Subsidised payments are calculated based on your family income assessment, the activity level of parents and type of childcare service. Families must provide this information through the Centrelink online account.
Please note: Full fees may be payable if care commences prior to your Child Care Subsidy assessment and approval.
Once the subsidy is confirmed, your parent fee is paid directly to your educator and the CCS balance, due to an educator, is claimed through Eastern Region Family Day Care.
Any questions regarding fees can be directed to either your educator or our office.
Eastern Region Family Day Care - Child Enrolment Information
Family Handbook and Policy Manual
Our handbook and Service Policy Manual offers more information specific to our service and your child's care.
Eastern Region Family Day Care Family Handbook
Eastern Region Family Day Care - Policy Manual
Information for prospective educators
Find out about what it takes to be a Family Day Care Educator.
More information and contact
Contact our friendly staff on (08) 9290 6822 or email
We would love to hear from you and welcome the opportunity to talk with you about our services and how Eastern Region Family Day Care may be right for you and your family.