Motorbikes and Quad Bikes (Noise and Dust)
Noise complaint
The use of motorbikes and quad bikes on private property is a common pastime on the larger lots that can be found within the Shire.
However the noise from motorbikes and quad bikes can have an adverse effect on neighbours and their use may not always be appropriate or needs to be done in a manner that minimises the impact.
The appropriateness and what conditions may need to be adhered to is largely dependent on the size of the property the riding is taking place on.
Riding on properties
Under 2 hectares
Riding of motorbikes and quad bikes is generally not seen as an acceptable land use.
Noise from any motorbikes or quad bikes must comply with assigned levels of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997. It is likely that compliance can’t be achieved.
2-5 hectares
Generally considered to be an acceptable land use and is not required to comply with the table of assigned levels, however the following conditions apply:
- The motorised bike must have an unmodified factory fitted muffler(s) and be in a standard state of tune
- Motocross jumps not be used
- The bike must not be unreasonably revved
- The bike must not be purposely ridden up and down a particular boundary
- Only bikes permanently retained at the property can be used
- No racing
- Riding is to take place between 7am-7pm Mon-Sat and 9am-7pm Sundays and public holidays
- Riding is to be for no more than two hours on any one day (intended to be as a singular time period rather than cumulative during the course of the day).
5+ hectares
Unrestricted use where the table of assigned levels are met, generally met due to greater distances from nearest dwelling. Where the assigned levels cannot be met the motorised bike the conditions for lots 2-5 hectares would apply.
Dust nuisances due to the riding of motorbikes and quad bikes can be a significant concern.
During the wetter months there is sufficient ground moisture to prevent dust lift. However during the drier months the soils can be very prone to dust creation. It is extremely unlikely that during the summer months that sufficient water could be applied to riding areas so as to be able to effectively control dust.
So it may be necessary to stop all riding during the drier months if the dust is a problem – even if the noise is controlled.
More information and contacts
Please contact Health Services about residential noise on 9290 6742 or at