Michael Trant and David Whish-Wilson in Conversation

Past Event

(For adults)

Well-loved Australian crime writers, Michael Trant and David Whish-Wilson will be chatting with Elizabeth Lewis about their latest gripping page-turners.

From the remote Western Australian landscape in Blood and Gold to the deep, dark waters of Cutler, the stage is set for a great evening of conversation.

This event is proudly brought to you by Shire of Mundaring Libraries and Dymocks Booksellers.

Bookings are essential for this free event via Eventbrite. Light refreshments will be available. We suggest you bring your own keep-cup or mug for tea, coffee or water. Please let us know if you have any accessibility requirements.

Cutler and Blood and Gold will be available for purchase and signing on the day courtesy of Dymocks Midland Gate.

About Michael Trant: Michael is a WA country boy now residing in Perth after a variety of careers ranging from farmer, marine draftsman, pastoralist and FIFO pot washer.

Michael writes with an authentic rural voice, drawing on his experiences to open readers to places and lifestyles foreign to many. He has a passion for farming, writing, and gaming, the order of which vary throughout the year. He still works on farms as a tractor driver, mainly to annoy those teachers who claimed no one would pay him to stare out a window all day. He is also the author of Ridgeview Station, Wild Dogs and No Trace.

About the Book: Blood and Gold

The exciting new rural thriller from the bestselling author of Wild Dogs and No Trace. Someone is stalking gold hunters. Now a bushman is stalking them . . .

Terry Drage is not the first amateur gold prospector to rock up to the Murchison Hotel, brag about an exciting discovery – and then vanish into thin air. But Gabe Ahern is determined he will be the last.

No one knows the land around the remote Western Australian town of Cue better than Gabe – a wild dog trapper who's in his element in the bush. Feeling responsible for his friend’s fate, he races there to join the search.

But it won’t be an easy ride. For a start the local cops seem sure Terry going missing is nothing more than a tragic accident. It’s down to Gabe to spot the sinister pattern of disappearances and deaths in recent years. Plus, the last time Gabe was in his old hometown it was under the very worst of circumstances. And now, to stop a killer, he’ll need to confront the ghosts from his past . . .

About David Whish-Wilson: David is the author of ten novels and three creative non-fiction books. He was born in Newcastle, NSW but raised in Singapore, Victoria and Western Australia. At eighteen, he left Australia to live for a decade in Europe, Africa and Asia, where he worked as a barman, actor, streetseller, petty criminal, labourer, exterminator, factory worker, gardener, clerk, travel agent, teacher and drug trial guinea pig.

David is the author of four novels in the Frank Swann crime series and two in the Lee Southern series, two of which have been shortlisted for Ned Kelly Awards. David wrote the Perth book in the NewSouth Books city series, which was shortlisted for a WA Premier’s Book Award.

He currently lives in Fremantle, WA, with his partner and three kids, and teaches creative writing at Curtin University

About the Book: Cutler

Paul Cutler is a former undercover operative, now working off the books for his handler, Malik Khalil. When Cutler is tasked with investigating the disappearance of an Australian marine scientist on a Taiwanese distant water fishing vessel, Cutler realises that the apparent murder he’s investigating points to a slew of much darker crimes. Onboard, Cutler discovers that the vessel’s crew members are kept as slaves, subject to brutal punishment and forced to work long hours with little rest. And when he learns of the recent massacre of the crew of an Indonesian fishing vessel in the same waters, he realises his quest for the truth will be meaningless if he cannot escape with his life.

Event Details

Time: 6pm to 7.45pm

Location: Boya Community Centre, 119 Scott Street, Helena Valley

Cost: Free

Category: Library

Type: Library

Audience: Adults


Organisation: Shire of Mundaring Libraries

Phone: 9290 6755

Email: gills@mundaring.wa.gov.au

Event Date(s)

  • Thursday 20th February 2025

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