Business Directory Listing for Vision Safe Pty Ltd T/A Newcastle Hats

Occupational Health and Safety

9295 0624
64 Wandera Rd Mundaring WA 6073

VISIONSafe has been committed to providing nothing less than the best in PPE safety products. In addition to our safety glasses and eyewear, sun protection, gloves and glove clips, hand and body protection, first aid kits and safety lights, our ever expanding range now includes a specialist brand of sun safe clothing and an innovative range of cylinder restraints, along with many other exciting additions to our existing lines.

Worldwide sourcing of the latest in PPE safety innovation keeps VISIONSafe at the forefront of personal safety equipment supplies. Uniqueness of product continues to be a key feature of our range. While keeping our focus on being the best in personal protective equipment since 1998, VISIONSafe is also dedicated to providing quality lifestyle products for the great outdoors.

Whether you’re getting yourself ready for a camping trip or just spending time in the backyard, we’ve got something for every outdoor enthusiast. Browse the site to discover our comprehensive range including our specialist brand of sun safe clothing, innovative first aid kits, stylish safety sunglasses and quality lighting products for your 4WDing expeditions.