Notice of Permanent Road Reserve Closure - Unconstructed Portion of Great Southern Highway, The Lakes (Closed)
Posted: 29/05/2023 Closing Date: 07/07/2023 04:30 PM
Shire of Mundaring herby gives notice to the public that a portion of the existing unconstructed road casement (the road reserve) known as Great Southern Highway, The Lakes will be permanently closed.
It has been identified that the existing, constructed position of Great Southern Highway in The Lakes deviates from the dedicated road casement, in part.
It is proposed that this portion of Great Southern Highway hachured on the drawing below, in accordance with s58 of the Land Administration Act 1997 be closed and for the closed road to be included in State Forrest 7 and Reserve 6203.
Enquires can be directed to Dee Roberts, Property Management Officer on 9290 6710. Written submissions for consideration by Shire of Mundaring regarding this proposed road reserve closure should be addressed below or emailed to to be received up to 4.30pm on Friday 7 July, 2023
“Road Reserve Closure Unconstructed Portion Great Southern Highway, The Lakes”
Chief Executive Officer,
Shire of Mundaring,
7000 Great Eastern Highway,