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Posted: 10/09/2023 Closing Date: 02/10/2023 04:00 PM
The Shire of Mundaring has received an application for ‘Child Care Premises’ at 1785 Keane Street East, Mount Helena. This proposal is to be determined by the Metro Outer Joint Development Assessment Panel (Metro Outer JDAP).
Supporting documents:
Planning Report (PDF) Development Plans (PDF) Traffic Impact Statement (PDF) Environmental Noise Assessment (PDF) Stormwater Management Plan (PDF) Wastewater Design (PDF) Site and Soil Evaluation (PDF) Bushfire Management Plan (PDF) Bushfire Evacuation Plan (PDF)
Planning Report (PDF)
Development Plans (PDF)
Traffic Impact Statement (PDF)
Environmental Noise Assessment (PDF)
Stormwater Management Plan (PDF)
Wastewater Design (PDF)
Site and Soil Evaluation (PDF)
Bushfire Management Plan (PDF)
Bushfire Evacuation Plan (PDF)
In accordance with Shire Policy, the development is considered to be significant and is open for comment from members of the public.
Submissions for this proposal can be made via:
Submit Online
Please ensure that submissions are made by 4pm, Monday 2 October 2023 as it is not mandatory for late submissions to be considered.
Following the advertising period, submissions will be incorporated into a Responsible Authority Report (RAR) and will assist the JDAP in making its decision.
Should you have any further enquiries, please contact Sushmitha Jayaram (Planning Officer) of the Shire’s Planning Services on
(08) 9290 6740 or via email: