CT - Proposed Structure Plan 81 (SP81) (Closed)

Structure Plan 81 (SP81) has been lodged for the Shire’s assessment. SP81 relates to lots 22, 72, 25 & 26 Coppin Road; 100 & 101 Grancey Avenue & portions of lots 4 & 91 Great Eastern Highway, Mundaring

  Aerial view of proposed development site

Public comment is invited on SP81, which includes:

  •  51 Residential lots (R5 i.e 2000sqm lot sizes)
  • 11,633 sqm Public Open Space (proposed and existing)
  • New roads and connections to existing road network.

 Structure Plan 81 is comprised of the following documentation:

Cover Letter (PDF)

Structure Plan Report (PDF)

Flora and Vegetation Survey (PDF)

Traffic Impact Assessment (PDF)

Local Water Management Strategy (PDF)

Bushfire Management Plan (PDF)

Engineering Servicing Report (PDF)  

Aboriginal Heritage Letter (PDF)

Conceptual Subdivision Design Plan (PDF)

 Submissions on Structure Plan 81 can be made via:


Please ensure that submissions are made by 4pm on *Friday 5 MAY 2023 as it is not mandatory for late submissions to be considered. 

Following the advertising period, submissions will be considered by Council and a recommendation will be made to the Western Australian Planning Commission.

Should you have any further enquiries, please contact Sushmitha Jayaram (Planning Officer) of the Shire’s Planning Services on (08) 9290 6740.

*Please note the date for submissions has been extended to 4pm on Friday 12 May 2023.