Request for Quotation 04.2425 for Integrated Corporate Communications Strategy (Closed)


The Shire is seeking the services of a suitably qualified consultant to, in consultation with Council Members and Shire staff, deliver an Integrated Corporate Communications Strategy (strategy) for Shire of Mundaring that supports strategic and focussed content delivery.

This Request for Quotation will be conducted in an electronic environment. The Request for Quotation is available from the Shire’s Tenderlink portal at  Respondents are required to register as a supplier on the Tenderlink site prior to accessing the document.


Quotations must be lodged via the portal. Further information regarding assistance with retrieving the Request documents or using the portal to lodge submissions can be obtained from Maria Beley (08) 9290 6637 during office hours.

Quotations close at 4.00pm on Tuesday, 20 August 2024