Tender RFT 03.2223 Supply of Gravels, Landscaping and Stone Aggregate Materials (Closed)
Posted: 13/08/2022 Closing Date: 29/08/2022 01:00 PM
The Principal is seeking to appoint a registered and authorised Contractor for the supply and delivery of various materials.
This Request for Tender will be conducted in an electronic environment. The Request for Tender document is available from the Shire’s Tenderlink portal at
https://portal.tenderlink.com/mundaring. Respondents are required to register as a supplier on the Tenderlink site prior to accessing the document.
Tenders must be lodged via the portal. Further information regarding assistance with retrieving the Request documents or using the portal to lodge Tenders can be obtained from Maria Beley (08) 9290 6637 during office hours.
All enquiries relating to the project can only be lodged and responded to through the Tenderlink portal forum.
A tender that is not successfully uploaded to the portal when tenders close will not be considered for evaluation. The Shire of Mundaring may decline to accept any or all tenders.
Canvassing of Elected Members or Shire Officers will automatically disqualify the tender.
Jonathan Throssell
Chief Executive Officer