Hills Fabric and Craft De-Stash

Past Event

Time to clear out the excess fabric, beads, machines, art and craft supplies, patterns, notions, scrapbooking supplies....the list is quite endless!

And it's a great time to stock up on supplies if you're a crafter and your supplies are running low!

The first 25 sellers to email info@perthhillsevents.com.au can hire a table, the rest must bring them with them.

Seller bookings via TryBooking for just $60 plus GST. Chairs will be provided.

VIP entry available for purchase in 2025, gold coin entry from 10am to midday, and free entry after midday.

This event is being run at the same time as the Station Masters Markets across the road, so that means the whole family can enjoy the day out. 

Event Details

Time: 9am to 2pm

Location: Mundaring Hall, Nichol Street, Mundaring

Cost: $2

Category: General, Environment, Families

Type: General

Audience: All Ages


Contact: Fleur Adams

Organisation: Perth Hills Events

Position: Creative Entrenpreneur

Phone: 0410 204 693

Email: info@perthhillsevents.com.au

Website: perthhillsevents.com

Event Date(s)

  • Sunday 9th March 2025

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