Published on Thursday, 23 November 2023 at 1:00:00 PM
Fuel loads have been reduced thanks to bushfire mitigation works at Lake Leschenaultia, Chidlow, Stoneville and along the Railway Reserve Heritage Trail.
The works were recently completed and included tree pruning, weed control, non-native species removal at the four locations, along with clearing, widening and resurfacing fire access ways at Lake Leschenaultia.
The verge works on Old Northam Road and Stoneville Road have resulted in a positive change to the fuel structure of the roadside vegetation.
This will ensure safer access and egress for both residents and emergency services personnel in the event of a fire or evacuation, and improved sightlines to increase road safety and the provision of enhanced visual amenity.
Shire President Paige McNeil said the works were funded by a $500,000 grant from the State Government’s Mitigation Activity Fund Grants Program.
“We are thankful to the State government for recognising our bushfire mitigation challenges and for providing funding so we can carry out this important work across the shire,” she said.
“Special thanks to our Fire Safety Team for their continued hard work to reduce fuel loads in these critical areas in time for summer.”
Residents urged to include verges in their fire plans
Following these works, the Shire is urging all Mundaring residents to incorporate their verge into their annual fire hazard management plans.
“Verges are a shared responsibility,” added President McNeil.
“The Shire has some 1300km of verges, so we take a strategic targeted approach to works on a rotational basis.”
“I encourage community members to incorporate their verge into their bushfire hazard management plan and to reach out to the Shire’s friendly Fire Safety Team for a chat if assistance is required.”
Verges, A Shared Responsibility
The Shire has recently released a new brochure “Verges, A Shared Responsibility”.
It is available via the Shire’s website, can be collected from the Shire’s administration building or libraries or call to have a copy mailed or emailed.
For assistance with bushfire preparedness, residents can contact the Shire’s Fire Safety Team on (08) 9290 6696 or email
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