Shire of Mundaring unveils landmark Heritage Strategy

Published on Friday, 12 July 2024 at 10:45:01 AM

Shire of Mundaring unveils landmark Heritage Strategy

Shire of Mundaring has taken a significant step towards preserving its rich cultural heritage with the unanimous adoption of its first Heritage Strategy at the July 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting. This proactive strategy marks a pivotal moment in the Shire’s commitment to safeguarding and celebrating its unique historical assets.

Shire President Paige McNeil said the strategy sets a clear direction for managing heritage within the Shire.

"Our new Heritage Strategy demonstrates our commitment to understanding and protecting our past and celebrating our rich and unique heritage,” she said.

“On behalf of Council, I extend our thanks to the Mundaring and Hills Historical Society, Darlington History Group, Midland and Districts Historical Society Inc and Lost Mundaring and Surroundings Local History Museum for their input and sustained commitment to preserving our local heritage."

The Heritage Strategy establishes a pragmatic governance framework for heritage-related matters, that formalises both recurrent funding and innovative heritage interpretation initiatives. This ground-breaking approach ensures that the Shire’s heritage is managed effectively and sustainably.

In developing this strategy, the Shire undertook broad consultation and held focused workshops with local heritage group representatives and advocates. The strategy addresses key issues raised by stakeholders and Council members, incorporates recent legislative changes and aligns with the broader direction of heritage management and community expectations in Western Australia.

The Heritage Strategy will assist the Shire in meeting key statutory responsibilities under the Heritage Act 2018, including maintaining its Local Heritage Survey.

Alongside the Heritage Strategy, the Shire is currently reviewing its local heritage survey to identify and document places of cultural heritage significance. This comprehensive document is expected to be presented to Council in the coming months. Additionally, a new Heritage Requirements for Planning Proposals Local Planning Policy has been endorsed for public advertising and will soon be open for public comment.

Community members are encouraged to visit the Shire’s website to view or download a copy of the Heritage Strategy. Details regarding current and upcoming heritage-related projects can be found through the Shire’s engagement portal:


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