Shire of Mundaring welcomes Ministerial re-think on North Stoneville Federal approval

Published on Tuesday, 24 December 2024 at 2:38:33 PM

Shire of Mundaring welcomes Minister for the Environment and Water, Tanya Plibersek’s decision to reconsider her approval for the proposed North Stoneville development in the heart of the Perth Hills. 

The environmental approval, granted on September 16 2024, under Australia’s Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC), would permit the destruction of 60,000 trees and vital habitat for endangered Black Cockatoos.

Shire of Mundaring Council wrote to the Minister, citing their deep concern for the decision, highlighting its negative impact on threatened species including the endangered Carnaby, Baudin’s and vulnerable Forest Red Tailed Black Cockatoo.

“Our Council requested a revision of this decision, as the loss of 60,000 trees would cause an irreversible impact on the environment, particularly to threatened species in the Perth Hills,” Shire President Paige McNeil said.

“Council is also concerned that the developer’s proposed offsetting measures are located in Williams, WA, far from the Shire of Mundaring”

The Shire remains committed to protecting the unique biodiversity of the Perth Hills and ensuring future development aligns with the Shire’s vision as the place for sustainable living.

The Shire will continue to engage with Minister Plibersek, advocating on behalf of the community, for the environmental approval to be reviewed promptly.

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